Academic literature on the topic 'Technical dialogues'
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Journal articles on the topic "Technical dialogues"
Stegman, Sandra Frey. "An Exploration of Reflective Dialogue between Student Teachers in Music and Their Cooperating Teachers." Journal of Research in Music Education 55, no. 1 (April 2007): 65–82.
Full textMEINWALD, CONSTANCE. "How Does Plato’s Exercise Work?" Dialogue 53, no. 3 (September 2014): 465–94.
Full textKatuka, Gloria Ashiya, Alexander R. Webber, Joseph B. Wiggins, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Brian Magerko, Tom McKlin, and Jason Freeman. "The Relationship between Co-Creative Dialogue and High School Learners' Satisfaction with their Collaborator in Computational Music Remixing." Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6, CSCW1 (March 30, 2022): 1–24.
Full textHabscheid, Stephan. "Socio-Technical Dialogue and Linguistic Interaction. Intelligent Personal Assistants (IPA) in the Private Home." Sprache und Literatur 51, no. 2 (February 7, 2023): 167–96.
Full textWade, Suzanne E., Janice R. Fauske, and Audrey Thompson. "Prospective Teachers’ Problem Solving in Online Peer-Led Dialogues." American Educational Research Journal 45, no. 2 (June 2008): 398–442.
Full textVenturelli, Silvia. "Dalla tecnica all’etica: argomentazioni peirastiche in Lachete, Carmide, Ippia minore e Protagora." Elenchos 35, no. 2 (June 1, 2014): 233–50.
Full textPozdnyakova, E. Yu, and N. N. Shpilnaya. "Interpretative Potential of Abstract and Concrete Common Nouns." SibScript 26, no. 4 (August 14, 2024): 503–14.
Full textWely, Fatima, and Abdulhussein Muhammed. "The Demons of Pre-Islamic Poets Authorization by Ibn Shahid Al-Andalusi (d. 426 A.H) in His Message Minions and Cyclones : An Analytical Study." Islamic Sciences Journal 13, no. 1 (February 16, 2023): 122–49.
Full textHetze, Katharina, Paula Maria Bögel, Andreas Emde, Sigrid Bekmeier-Feuerhahn, and Yvonne Glock. "Online stakeholder dialogue: quo vadis? – An empirical analysis in German-speaking countries." Corporate Communications: An International Journal 24, no. 2 (April 1, 2019): 248–68.
Full textKhalil Shukri Hayas and Marwa Mohamad Najeeb. "Rhetoric Of The Question, The Dialogue Of Poetic Vision, A Reading Of Samples From The Collection Of "Sukrat Al - Qamar " By Amal Al-Qasim." Morfologi: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, Bahasa, Sastra dan Budaya 2, no. 5 (August 15, 2024): 265–75.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Technical dialogues"
Boukhatem, Moncef. "Natural Language Processing Approaches for Closed-Domain Technical Dialogues." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2024.
Full textThis thesis explores various advanced methods in Natural Language Processing (NLP) to improve the interpretation and analysis of textual data, particularly in multilingual and technical dialogues. The research is centered around several key NLP tasks, including keyword extraction, syntactic tree modeling, technical question answering, cataphora resolution, and domain-specific data exploitation.A part of the work introduces novel approaches using graph-of-words (GoW) and syntactic trees to enhance keyword extraction from both technical and literary texts. These methods are compared against traditional keyword extraction techniques, demonstrating that syntax-based approaches improve performance, especially in ungrammatical and domain-specific text types.Further contributions include advances in technical question answering systems, where various semantic similarity measures and machine learning models are compared for their effectiveness in handling technical queries. The research also looks into cataphora resolution, exploring rule-based, statistical, and neural network methods, with a particular focus on resolving references in technical dialogues.Additionally, the thesis examines the role of synthetic data generation and data cleansing techniques in optimizing domain-specific NLP applications. Techniques such as reverse prompting using large language models (LLMs) are proposed to enhance the quality of synthetic data.The final ``original contribution’’ chapter introduces and evaluates emerging methods like Chain of Thoughts (CoT), Tree of Thoughts (ToT), and Retrieval-Augmented Thoughts (RAT) for improving reasoning and decision-making in complex dialogue systems
Pretalli, Michel. "Les dialogues militaires des ingénieurs italiens du XVIème siècle : transmision des savoirs et aspirations littéraires." Thesis, Besançon, 2011.
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Hawkins, Richard William. "Standards for technologies of communication policy implications of the dialogue between technical and non-technical factors /." Thesis, Online version, 1992.
Full textLeal, Neto Alberto Álvaro Vasconcelos. "Entre diálogos e reflexões: o que os egressos do curso médio-técnico em Geologia têm a dizer sobre formação humana?" Faculdade de Educação, 2018.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes ( on 2018-05-08T20:07:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese__Alberto_Alvaro_Vasconcelos_Leal_Neto.pdf: 12706104 bytes, checksum: 93d42cc86858fd551f7a076a078352be (MD5)
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A presente Tese objetiva compreender, a partir das narrativas dos egressos, a formação humana obtida durante o período em que pertenceram ao curso médio-técnico em Geologia do IFBA Campus Salvador. Para tal, através da revisão da literatura, buscamos situar dois pontos de vista em disputa acerca da formação humana desde o governo FHC (1995-2002): i) a perspectiva hegemônica, defendida pelos reformadores empresariais da educação e materializada nos escritos de Castro (2005; 2008) e Schwartzman (2011; 2016), cuja lógica está amparada na pedagogia das competências e na formação para atender as demandas do mercado de trabalho; e ii) a perspectiva contra-hegemônica, defendida por educadores e educadoras progressistas, consolidada nos escritos de Saviani (2003; 2007), Moura (2010) Ramos (2008), entre outros, fundamentada na Politecnia, na Formação Omnilateral e no Ensino Médio Integrado (EMI). Em seguida, inspirado nos pressupostos da pesquisa qualitativa, recorremos aos seguintes procedimentos metodológicos: estudo de caso único (YIN, 2010); Grupo secreto na rede social Facebook – Geologia: uma história não contada; roda de conversa (MELO; CRUZ, 2014 /entrevista grupal (GASKELL,2015); entrevistas narrativas (JOVCHELOVITCH; BAUER, 2015). A partir desses procedimentos, chegamos aos seguintes resultados da investigação: I) A maioria dos participantes escolheu o IFBA por acreditarem que o Instituto oferece uma educação pública, gratuita e de qualidade; II) A opção pela área de Geologia se deu pelos seguintes motivos: II.I) Semelhança com a Geografia; II.II) Influência da Semana das Profissões promovida pelo Instituto; II.III) Por acreditarem que o curso não era de “exatas” ou vinculados à área industrial. Além disso, verificamos III) um distanciamento entre as formulações teóricas, tanto da perspectiva hegemônica, quanto da perspectiva contra-hegemônica e IV) a compreensão dos egressos em torno das noções de formação humana, formação integrada etc. Esse distanciamento, portanto, aponta para um desconhecimento por parte dos participantes sobre o debate teórico em torno da temática, o que confirma a dificuldade em promover a integração entre formação geral e formação específica no curso médio-técnico em Geologia. Por fim, os achados e análises apontam a necessidade de formação continuada, especialmente, para os docentes vinculados às disciplinas de formação profissional, o que demonstra a necessidade de o Instituto fortalecer as políticas de formação de seus professores, técnicos, gestão e coordenação bem como estabelecer estratégias para a melhoria das práticas docentes.
ABSTRACT The goal of this Thesis is to understand the humane formation provided by IFBA’s Geology technical school graduates, campus Salvador, using their own narrative descriptions. To accomplish the task two different and polarized perspectives, dating from FHC government (1995; 2008), and related to humane formation were put together and compared: i) the hegemonic perspective, espoused by entrepreneurial education reformists, and materialized in the work of Castro (2005; 2008) and Schwartzman (2011; 2016), whose logic is based on the pedagogy of competencies, and also on a model of education focused on supplying a professional labor force in accordance to the needs of the market; and ii) a counter-hegemonic perspective, based on polytechnic, omnilateral formation and integrated formation, adopted by progressive educators, and consolidated on the works of Saviani (2003; 2007), Moura (2010), Ramos (2008) and many others. The qualitative research framework allowed the following methodological procedures to be used: single case study (YIN, 2010), social media, Facebook, secret group – Geology: a story that was never told: conversation circles (MELO; CRUZ, 2014); group interview (GASKELL, 2015); narrative interviews (JOVCHELOVITCH; BAUER, 2015). The research resulted in the following findings: I) most participants opted to study at IFBA because they believed the Institute provides a good quality, and free, education; II) They chose the Geology course for the following reasons: II.I) Similarities with Geography; II,II) Profession’s week, organized by the Institute; II.III)They believed the course did not have any similarities with classes such as Mathematics or Physics, nor it was not supposedly focused on the industrial job offers. The research also showed that III) students were distancing themselves from theoretical formulations, either from the hegemonic, as from the counter-hegemonic perspectives, and IV) The comprehension of the graduates around the notions of human formation, integrated formation, etc. The distancing from theoretical discussions points out to a lack of knowledge of the whole debate, which confirms the difficulties found in promoting the integration between general and specific formation in Geology technical school. Finally, the findings point out that the Institute needs to strengthen not only its teacher’s competencies, but also its technicians and administration and coordination staff formation policies, and also creating strategies to improve teaching practices.
RESUMEN Esta Tesis tiene el objetivo de comprender, a partir de las narrativas de los egresos, la formación humana obtenida durante el periodo en que pertenecieron al curso secundario-técnico en Geología del IFBA Campus Salvador. Para eso, a través de la revisión de literatura, buscamos situar dos puntos de vista en disputa acerca de la formación humana desde el gobierno del presidente Fernando Henrique Cardoso (1995-2002): i) la perspectiva hegemónica defendida por los reformadores empresariales de la educación y materializada en los escritos de Castro (2005; 2008) y Schwartzman (2011; 2016), cuya lógica está amparada en la pedagogía de las competencias y en la formación para atender a las demandas del mercado de trabajo; y ii) la perspectiva contra-hegemónica, defendida por educadores y educadoras progresistas, consolidada en los escritos de Saviani (2003; 2007), Moura (2010), Ramos (2008), entre otros, fundamentada en la Politecnía, la Formación Omnilateral y en la Enseñanza Secundaria Integrada (Ensino Médio Integrado - EMI). Luego, inspirado en los presupuestos de la investigación cualitativa, recurrimos a los siguientes procedimientos metodológicos: estudio de caso único (YIN, 2010), Grupo secreto en la red social Facebook - Geología: una historia no contada - rueda de conversación (MELO; CRUZ, 2014), entrevista grupal (GASKELL, 2015), entrevistas narrativas (JOVCHELOVITCH; BAUER, 2015). A partir de estos procedimientos, llegamos a los siguientes resultados de la investigación: I) La mayoría de los participantes eligió IFBA por creer que el Instituto ofrece una educación pública, gratuita y de cualidad; II) La opción por el área de Geología se dio por los siguientes motivos: II.I) Semejanza con la Geografía; II.II) Influencia de la Semana de Las Profesiones, promovida por el Instituto; II.III) Por creer que el curso no era de ciencias exactas o vinculado al área industrial. Además, averiguamos III) un alejamiento entre las formulaciones teóricas, tanto de la perspectiva hegemónica como de la perspectiva contra-hegemónica y IV) la comprensión de los egresos sobre de las nociones de formación humana, formación integrada etc. Ese alejamiento, por lo tanto, apunta hacia un desconocimiento por parte de los participantes sobre el debate teórico acerca de la temática, lo que confirma la dificultad en promover la integración entre formación general y formación específica en el curso secundario-técnico en Geología. Por fin, las descubiertas y los análisis confirman la necesidad de formación continuada, especialmente, para los docentes vinculados a las asignaturas de formación profesional, lo que demuestra la necesidad de que el Instituto fortalezca las políticas de formación de sus profesores, técnicos, gestión y coordinación, además de establecer estrategias para el mejoramiento de las prácticas docentes.
Favero, Rute Vera Maria. "Dialogar ou evadir : Eis a questão! : um estudo sobre a permanência e a evasão na educação a distância." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2006.
Full textThe present work investigates the evasion phenomenon in distance education as it has been affecting most of the courses offered under this mode. The interactions that took place throughout the course allowed us to see how important the dialogue is so that a student goes on making part of a course in distance education mode. The important role of the dialogue then, for maintening a student in a distance education course until its end was analysed based on the theories of Paulo freire and Jean Piaget. Several resources were then analysed under five categories for promoting the actors in the process to interact. The categories were: cooperation, incentive, fairness in the relation, continuous paticipation and knowlAE2e construction. All interactions were analized and labled under one or more of those five categories. The continuous participation was observed depending on the amount of interactions a given student had had in a given length of time. The course under investigation was carried out at Teleduc, being developed in June and July of 2003. The students were all teachers working at Technical Education at Technical Schools of Rio Grande do Sul. It was possible to check that the students with a more effective participation all long the course were the same students who concluded it or the ones who have remained for a longer time in the course before quiting it. The results show the need of the dialogue among teachers and students and among the students themselves, in a way that each students feels himself/herself more and more motivated for concluding a course in this diatance mode. We hope this study may contribute to other researches.
Marques, Rômulo César Barbosa. "Assistência técnica e extensão rural do Estado de Goiás: da aplicabilidade da legislação e de políticas efetivas." Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira ( on 2017-10-30T10:55:54Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Rômulo César Barbosa Marques - 2017.pdf: 2480364 bytes, checksum: 3181193310f4e4b7fd3fe0734c453eaa (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-30T10:55:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Rômulo César Barbosa Marques - 2017.pdf: 2480364 bytes, checksum: 3181193310f4e4b7fd3fe0734c453eaa (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-28
In Brazil and in Goiás there are numerous programs aimed at family agriculture, among them rural extension, with characteristics in its design and application that are problematic. This study shows that the problems are related to the lack of compliance with constitutional and legal determinations, lack of systemic concepts in the management of agricultural properties, as well as a lack of regional specialization that considers the knowledge of small rural producers and that can bring benefits to the chain Productive. What is perceived is a mistaken conception of such policies by starting from an erroneous conception of public function. And although it is a practical, enforcement and law-making observation, it has its best study, in a more detailed way, from the theoretical frameworks used, namely, Anthony Giddens, Ricardo Abramovay and Amartya Sen, with emphasis on the call Reflective modernity and development, based on economic, social, political and cultural concepts. After analyzing the policies of ATERs, we propose to present a policy currently employed in pilot projects by the state of Goiás, as a result of research and improvements for decades of activity of EMATER - GO - Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company in Goiás. Results and how they have collaborated for a productive chain on a macroscopic scale is the ultimate goal to demonstrate that a new way of carrying out technical assistance and rural extension programs can and should be urgently implemented throughout the country as a development policy under the most Different aspects. Methodologically, the present research was based mainly on bibliographical readings of works and sites that bring elements related to the theme.
No Brasil e em Goiás há inúmeros programas voltados para a agricultura familiar, entre eles a extensão rural, com características em sua concepção e aplicação que são problemáticas. Este estudo mostra que os problemas estão relacionados à ausência de cumprimento de determinações constitucionais e legais, falta de conceitos sistêmicos na gestão das propriedades agrícolas, bem como uma ausência de especialização regional que contemple os conhecimentos de pequenos produtores rurais e que podem trazer benefícios à cadeia produtiva. O que se percebe é uma concepção equivocada de tais políticas por partir de uma errada concepção de função pública. E embora seja uma constatação de ordem prática, de aplicação e constituição da lei, tem seu melhor estudo, de forma mais detalhada, a partir dos marcos teóricos utilizados, quais sejam, Anthony Giddens, Ricardo Abramovay e Amartya Sen, com destaque para a chamada modernidade reflexiva e desenvolvimento, calcada a partir de conceitos econômicos, sociais, políticos e culturais. Para tanto, após uma análise das políticas de ATERs, propomos apresentar uma política atualmente empregada em projetos piloto pelo estado de Goiás, fruto de pesquisas e melhoramentos por décadas de atividade da EMATER – GO – Empresa de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural em Goiás. Seus resultados e como têm colaborado para uma cadeia produtiva em escala macroscópica é o objetivo final, para demonstrar que uma nova forma de realizar programas de assistência técnica e extensão rural pode e deve ser implantada com urgência em todo o país como política de desenvolvimento sob os mais diversos aspectos. Metodologicamente, a presente pesquisa fundamentou-se essencialmente em leituras bibliográficas de obras e sítios que trazem elementos relacionados ao tema.
Lucciano, Mélanie. "Paene Socratico genere : figures de Socrate dans la littérature et la philosophie à Rome de Plaute à Sénèque." Thesis, Paris 4, 2013.
Full textWhen, in 343 B.C., the Romans paid tribute to wisdom, they built a statue of Pythagoras. Why was not Socrates chosen instead ? Pliny the Elder wonders. This interrogation reflects the progressive integration of the figure of the Athenian philosopher in Rome, from the second century B.C. until the work of Seneca which internalises the Socratic teaching model.At first, the exhaustive corpus of the occurrences of Socrates is gathered in a diachronic perspective. The passages are contextualized in the entire work, its genre and the purposes of every author. The Greek sources are, when possible, identified : the presence of Socrates serves then as a marker for the reading of the texts of Plato, Xenophon, but also other Socratics like Aeschines.Secondly, the texts are studied according to chronological and thematic groupings : a double reception of Socrates is then defined, between praise and contempt, which articulates around his greatness, his founding role for the Hellenistic philosophic schools, his courageous death and, on the contrary, his denunciation of rhetoric or the fact that Socratics’ theories are useless to fight against passions. The philosophic lifestyle embodied by Socrates sometimes contrasts with the one defined by the mos maiorum, or by the elegiac poets. Various interpretations of Socrates come to light, as an ancestor of Cynicism and Stoicism, as a sceptic or a transcendentalist, paving the way for a cultural transfer of the Greek philosophical works but also of their exegeses. Whether it be in an historiographic, philosophic or literary perspective, Socrates gradually becomes an exemplum, a model of life
Kang, Su-Ju. "L'action extérieure de l'Union Européenne en faveur du renforcement du regime des droits de propriété intellectuelle en Chine." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2016.
Full textDespite the improvement of China’s intellectual property rights (IPR) regime after this country’s World Trade Organization (WTO) accession in 2001, the IPR remains one of “major concerns” in Sino-European trade relation. According to European strategy for the enforcement of intellectual property rights in third countries, adopted in 2005 and renewed in 2014, China is identified by the European Commission as first priority country, in which the local authority does not take effective measures to tackle the problems caused by IPR violations. Taking into account the EU’s important political and economic concerns, his action is necessary in order to improve the IPR regime and the investment environment in China. The analysis of EU’s external action is based on the instruments used to strengthen IPR’s protection and enforcement in China. The purpose of our research is to examine the EU’s method to use the different instruments within the multilateral and bilateral fora. Two distinct but complementary axes orientate the undertaking of EU’s external action vis-à-vis China: cooperative approach, on the one hand, and the conventional approach, on the other hand. Firstly, the cooperative approach aims to bring Chinese legal system closer to higher standards in EU law. In spite of certain difficulties limiting the efficacy of EU external action, the bilateral cooperation with China can contribute to a better legal system in China. Then, the normative convergence should be able to facilitate the emergence of a common approach between the EU and China in the conventional framework. In this respect, it is important to emphasis Chinese divergent position with regard to EU’s conventional approach aiming to strengthen IPR protection and enforcement. Despite the increasing convergence of European and Chinese positions favorable toward “TRIPs-plus” protection, China seems reluctant even hostile to EU’s conventional initiatives intending to strengthen IPR enforcement measures
Books on the topic "Technical dialogues"
Mazzon, Gabriella. Historical perspectives on forms of English dialogue. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2012.
Find full textPusat Standardisasi dan Lingkungan (Indonesia). Prosiding workshop REDD+ dan LULUCF dari Bonn menuju Warsawa dan progres di dalam negeri: Workshop/dialogues on policy and technical issues on REDD+ post Durban dan Doha : Jakarta, 2 Juli 2013. Jakarta, Indonesia: Pusat Standardisasi dan Lingkungan, Kementerian Kehutanan dan Forest Carbon Partnership Facility-World Bank, 2013.
Find full text1913-, Goldschmidt Walter Rochs, ed. Anthropology and public policy: A dialogue. Washington, D.C: American Anthropological Association, 1986.
Find full textWeinberg, David M. Dialogue pour le développement: Le programme israélien d'aide à l'étranger. Westmount, Québec: Comité Canada-Israël, 1987.
Find full textWeinberg, David M. Dialogue for development: Israel's foreign assistance programme. [Toronto]: Canada-Israel Committee, 1986.
Find full textMan'kovskaya, Zoya. English language for technical colleges. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.
Full textJean-Noël, Missa, ed. Species technica: Suivi d'un, Dialogue philosophique autour de Species technica vingt ans plus tard. Paris: Vrin, 2002.
Find full textWeinberg, David M. Dialogue pour le développement: Le programme israélien d'aide à l'etranger. [Canada]: Comité Canada-Israël, 1987.
Find full textFund, International Monetary, and World Summit for Social Development (1995 : Copenhagen, Denmark), eds. Social dimensions of the IMF's policy dialogue. Washington, D.C: The Fund, 1995.
Find full textRetout, Olivier. The Europe, Asia, Latin America dialogue: Financial and technical cooperation, 1976-1989. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1991.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Technical dialogues"
Aprin, Farbod, Nils Malzahn, Francesco Lomonaco, Gregor Donabauer, Dimitri Ognibene, Udo Kruschwitz, Davinia Hernández-Leo, Giovanni Fulantelli, and H. Ulrich Hoppe. "The “Courage Companion” – An AI-Supported Environment for Training Teenagers in Handling Social Media Critically and Responsibly." In Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online, 395–406. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Full textAman, Ayah. "Covering water in times of conflict." In Water conflicts and cooperation: a media handbook, 17–22. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.
Full textPal, Samiran, Avinash Singh, Soham Datta, Sangameshwar Patil, Indrajit Bhattacharya, and Girish Palshikar. "Semantic Templates for Generating Long-Form Technical Questions." In Text, Speech, and Dialogue, 235–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textDegtyarev, Nikita, and Sergey D. Semenov. "Nuclear Sharing Arrangements: Military-Technical Aspects and Controversies." In Russian–American Nuclear Nonproliferation Dialogue, 207–31. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textSalvo, Michael J. "Dialogue and Dialogic Ethics." In The Routledge Handbook of Ethics in Technical and Professional Communication, 136–45. New York: Routledge, 2025.
Full textJeziorowski, Ana Carolina de Faria Silvestre. "Practical Reason, Technical Perception and the Judge." In Aristotle on Truth, Dialogue, Justice and Decision, 177–91. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full textMatoušek, Jindřich, Zdeněk Hanzlíček, Michal Campr, Zdeněk Krňoul, Pavel Campr, and Martin Grůber. "Web-Based System for Automatic Reading of Technical Documents for Vision Impaired Students." In Text, Speech and Dialogue, 364–71. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textMenges, Uta, Jonas Hielscher, Annalina Buckmann, Annette Kluge, M. Angela Sasse, and Imogen Verret. "Why IT Security Needs Therapy." In Computer Security. ESORICS 2021 International Workshops, 335–56. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textKath, Hannes, Bengt Lüers, Thiago S. Gouvêa, and Daniel Sonntag. "Lost in Dialogue: A Review and Categorisation of Current Dialogue System Approaches and Technical Solutions." In KI 2023: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 98–113. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Full textWark, Scott. "In “The Cloud”: Figuring and Inhabiting Media Milieus." In Figure, 41–63. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Technical dialogues"
Yi, Sue, Nicole B. Damen, and Christine A. Toh. "Back and Forth: Using Conversation Analysis to Explore Dialogues of Sharedness of Mental Models." In ASME 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.
Full textLaboy, Michelle. "Manifestos and Manifestations: Dialogues between Ways of Writing and Ways of Building." In 110th ACSA Annual Meeting Paper Proceedings. ACSA Press, 2022.
Full textVartak, Sushrut, and Gaurav Somwanshi. "Indian Farmers and Blockchain: Changing Paradigms of Equity Throughout our Sustainability Dialogues." In 8th International Visual Methods Conference, 207–14. AIJR Publisher, 2024.
Full textDougherty, Presley, Cynthia Letting, C. J. Witherell, Nicolás F. Soria Zurita, Elizabeth Starkey, and Jessica Menold. "Navigating Team Dialogues: How Team Dynamics Affect Convergent and Divergent Design Actions During Concept Generation and Selection." In ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2024.
Full textSilva, Wildemarkes, Luís Carlos C. Fonseca, Fernando Pontes Pontes, and Christiano Viana. "Explorando o potencial do ChatGPT para geração de conteúdo didático: Uma proposta para construção de histórias em quadrinhos para ensino de programação." In Computer on the Beach. Itajaí: Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 2024.
Full textHall, Simin, William McQuay, and Kenneth S. Ball. "Initial Results From an Interdisciplinary Review of Trust Research." In ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textLozovskaya, Alina, Danil Pitolin, and Semyon Bessonov. "Setting Up A Complex Model Of Speech Analysis: Pilot Study Of Late Bilingual Speech." In Dialogue. RSUH, 2022.
Full textKim, D. A., A. S. Kirichenko, YU M. Skhalyaho, S. V. SHukshov, and V. N. Krasnokutskij. "Analysis of the technical and tactical actions of highly qualified taekwondo." In Scientific dialogue: Young scientist. ЦНК МОАН, 2019.
Full textLomakina, Tatyana Yu. "Functional Model Of Pedagogical Support For Professional Self-Determination For Technical Universities Students." In Dialogue of Cultures - Culture of Dialogue: from Conflicting to Understanding. European Publisher, 2020.
Full textBeuth, J. L., C. P. Rose´, and R. Kumar. "Software Agent-Monitored Tutorials Enabling Collaborative Learning in Computer-Aided Design and Analysis." In ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textReports on the topic "Technical dialogues"
Townsend, John. Technical assistance for expanding contraceptive choice in India. Population Council, 1995.
Full textHutchinson, Paul, Adolor Aisiri, Udochisom Anaba, Elizabeth Omoluabi, Akanni Akinyemi, U. C. Ifunanya Ozoadibe, and Dele Abegunde. Behavioral sentinel surveillance survey in Nigeria: Endline technical report. Population Council, June 2023.
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