Academic literature on the topic 'Taux de neutrinos'

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Journal articles on the topic "Taux de neutrinos"


JONES, J., I. MOCIOIU, I. SARCEVIC, and M. H. RENO. "ULTRAHIGH ENERGY TAU NEUTRINOS." International Journal of Modern Physics A 20, no. 19 (July 30, 2005): 4656–63.

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We study ultrahigh energy astrophysical neutrinos and the contribution of tau neutrinos from neutrino oscillations, relative to the contribution of the other flavors. We show the effect of tau neutrino regeneration and tau energy loss as they propagate through the Earth. We consider a variety of neutrino fluxes, such as cosmogenic neutrinos and neutrinos that originate in Active Galactic Nuclei. We discuss signals of tau neutrinos in detectors such as IceCube, RICE and ANITA.
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JONES, J., I. MOCIOIU, I. SARCEVIC, and M. H. RENO. "TRACING VERY HIGH ENERGY TAU NEUTRINOS FROM COSMOLOGICAL SOURCES IN ICE." International Journal of Modern Physics A 20, no. 06 (March 10, 2005): 1204–11.

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Astrophysical sources of ultrahigh energy neutrinos yield tau neutrino fluxes due to neutrino oscillations. We study in detail the contribution of tau neutrinos with energies above 106 GeV relative to the contribution of the other flavors. We consider several different initial neutrino fluxes and include tau neutrino regeneration in transit through the Earth and energy loss of charged leptons. We discuss signals of tau neutrinos in detectors such as IceCube, RICE and ANITA.
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Wissel, Stephanie, Jaime Alvarez-Muñiz, Washington R. Carvalho, Andrés Romero-Wolf, Harm Schoorlemmer, and Enrique Zas. "A New Concept for High-Elevation Radio Detection of Tau Neutrinos." EPJ Web of Conferences 216 (2019): 04007.

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Cosmic neutrinos are expected to include a significant flux of tau neutrinos due to flavor mixing over astronomical length scales. However, the tau-neutrino content of astrophysical neutrinos is poorly constrained and a significant flux of cosmogenic tau neutrinos awaits discovery. Earth-skimming tau neutrinos undergo charged-current interactions that result in a tau lepton exiting the Earth. The tau lepton decay generates anextensive air shower and geomagnetic radio emission. To target the tau neutrinos, we present a new tau neutrino detector concept that uses phased antenna arrays placed on high elevation mountains. Simulation studies indicate that a modest array size and small number of stations can achieve competitive sensitivity, provided the receivers are at highs enough elevation.
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ATHAR, H. "ATMOSPHERIC AND GALACTIC TAU NEUTRINOS." Modern Physics Letters A 19, no. 13n16 (May 30, 2004): 1171–78.

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Neutrinos with energy greater than GeV are copiously produced in the p(A,p) interactions occurring in the earth atmosphere and in our galactic plane. A comparison of the tau and mu neutrino flux in the presence of neutrino oscillations from these two astrophysical sites is presented. It is pointed out that the galactic plane tau neutrino flux dominates over the downward going atmospheric tau neutrino flux at much lower energy value than that for the dominance of the mu neutrino flux from these two sites. Future prospects for possible observations of galactic tau neutrino flux are also briefly mentioned.
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Miloi, Mădălina Mihaela. "The DsTau Experiment: A Study for Tau-Neutrino Production." Particles 3, no. 1 (March 1, 2020): 164–68.

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For clarifying the validity of the Lepton Universality hypothesis, one of the fundamental statements of the Standard Model, the interaction cross section for all three flavors of leptons have to be known with high precision. In neutrino sector, for electron and muon neutrinos, the interaction cross section is known fairly well, but for tau neutrino only poor estimations exist. In particular, the most direct measurement by the DONuT experiment was performed with rather poor accuracy due to low statistics and an uncertainty of the tau neutrino flux. The DsTau experiment proposes to study tau-neutrino production process and thus to improve significantly the accuracy of calculations of tau neutrino flux for neutrino accelerator experiments. To study reactions providing most of tau neutrinos, the experiment uses a setup based on high resolution nuclear emulsions, capable to register short lived particle decays created in proton-nucleus interactions. The present report is an overview of the DsTau experiment together with some of the preliminary results from the pilot run.
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Kato, Tokufumi. "Tau Neutrino Appearance in Atmospheric Neutrinos." Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 221 (December 2011): 356.

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De Lellis, Giovanni, Sergey Dmitrievsky, Giuliana Galati, Artemis Lavasa, Tibor Šimko, Ioannis Tsanaktsidis, and Andrey Ustyuzhanin. "Dataset of tau neutrino interactions recorded by the OPERA experiment." EPJ Web of Conferences 245 (2020): 08013.

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We describe the dataset of very rare events recorded by the OPERA experiment. The events represent tracks of particles associated with tau neutrino interactions coming from the transformation of muon neutrinos due to a process known as neutrino oscillations. The events have been published on the CERN Open Data Portal. We describe the dataset semantics and the interactive event display visualisation tool accompanying the data release.
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GNINENKO, S. N. "ON MIXING ANGLES AND MAGNETIC MOMENT OF HEAVY TAU NEUTRINO." Modern Physics Letters A 13, no. 22 (July 20, 1998): 1791–94.

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If the magnetic moment of unstable tau neutrinos with the mass of 0(MeV) is in the region of 10-8μB≲ μντ≲ 10-6μB, it is compatible with the present experimental and cosmological bounds. We point out that if the tau neutrino has such a large magnetic moment and can oscillate into a neutrino of another flavor, the results from νe scattering experiment at LAMPF constrain the tau neutrino mixing angles to sin 2 2θeτ≲ 2 × 10-6-2 × 10-2 and sin 2 2θμτ ≲ 10-6-10-2 depending on the magnetic moment value in the allowed region.
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LIU, CHUN. "CONFRONTING HEAVY TAU NEUTRINOS WITH NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS." Modern Physics Letters A 16, no. 26 (August 30, 2001): 1699–702.

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If the tau neutrino is as heavy as 10 MeV which may have certain astrophysical implications, the neutrino mass pattern is studied so as to accommodate the new oscillation observations. It predicts that the electron neutrino has Marjorana mass around 0.05 eV. A supersymmetric model is described to realize the above scenario.
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Chandra Raju, C. v. a. v. b. "Tau and M-Neutrino and All Massive Leptons." Annals of Computational Physics and Material Science 1, no. 2 (May 9, 2024): 01–08.

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The mass eigenstates of the electron and muon neutrinos are built from the existing left -handed neutrino wave functions and these mass eigen states acquire mass through their interaction with the same Higgs field as their electrically charged partners. The above scheme requires, existence of another massive Mneutrino along -with an electrically charged massive M-Lepton to account for the tau family
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Taux de neutrinos"


Beau, Tristan. "Mesure des neutrinos solaires de la raie du béryllium dans l'expérience Borexino." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2002.

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L'expérience Borexino (BX), collaboration impliquant neuf pays, est implantée dans le laboratoire souterrain du Gran Sasso en Italie. Elle vise la mesure du flux de neutrinos solaires de la raie du béryllium à 862 keV, première mesure en temps réel à si basse énergie. Cette expérience impose des contraintes très fortes en radiopureté. Sa faisabilité technique est testée dans le prototype Counting Test Facility (CTF).
Le groupe du Collège de France est chargé du système de numérisation rapide (FADC) sur BX. Ces FADC ont été conçus au laboratoire et nous les avons finalisés début 2002. Les cartes prototypes et les premiers modèles industriels ont été implantés sur CTF à titre de test, numérisant les signaux issus des photomultiplicateurs.
Nous avons développé les logiciels d'acquisition des FADC sur CTF et BX. Pour BX, nous utilisons un algorithme interne de réduction des données basé sur l'élimination en temps réel des événements à trop basse énergie tout en conservant les événements en coïncidence. Sur CTF, nous produisons des données depuis l'été 2000 et sur BX les premiers tests ont eu lieu sans scintillateur.
L'analyse de CTF porte sur les données issues des FADC seuls et des donnés conjointes entre les FADC et l'électronique standard mise en place par l'équipe italienne. Nous montrons que les FADC permettent de reconstruire l'énergie des événements et les coïncidences avec des précisions comparables à celles de l'électronique standard. La comparaison des données issues des deux systèmes montre l'apport du FADC, sans temps mort, pour la mesure de contaminations dans le détecteur, l'analyse des signaux tardifs issus des photomultiplicateurs et la discrimination entre événements de type alpha et bêta. Plusieurs méthodes de discrimination sont également étudiées par simulations pour BX.
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Monzani, Maria Elena. "Characterization and calibration of the Borexino detector for solar and supernova neutrinos." Paris 7, 2005.

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Onillon, Anthony. "Prédiction des taux de fission des coeurs de Chooz et estimation des incertitudes associées dans le cadre de l'expérience Double Chooz." Thesis, Nantes, Ecole des Mines, 2014.

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Double Chooz est une expérience dédiée à la mesure de l'angle de mélange θ₁₃ caractérisant le phénomène d’oscillation des neutrinos. Elle consiste en l’installation de deux détecteurs identiques respectivement installés à 400 m et 1050 m des deux réacteurs à eau pressurisée de la centrale nucléaire de Chooz dans les Ardennes. Les réacteurs nucléaires sont en effet à l’origine d’un flux intense d’antineutrinos électroniques (de l’ordre de 10²¹ ⊽ₑ/s pour un réacteur de 1GWe)qui peut être détecté par réaction bêta inverse dans le liquide scintillant des détecteurs : ⊽ₑ + p −> e⁺ + n. Le paramètre θ₁₃ peut ensuite être déterminé en cherchant une réduction du nombre d’antineutrinos et une distorsion du flux mesuré dans le détecteur lointain par rapport au détecteur proche. La première phase de l’expérience pour laquelle uniquement le détecteur lointain prend des données a débuté en avril 2011. En l’absence du détecteur proche dont l’installation sera terminée en 2014, une prédiction du flux d’antineutrinos non oscillé attendu dans le détecteur lointain est nécessaire à la prédiction de θ₁₃ . Dans ce manuscrit, nous présentons le travail de simulation réalisé en vue de prédire les taux de fission des deux cœurs de Chooz à l’origine des antineutrinos émis par les réacteurs. Pour cela des simulations de cœur complet des réacteurs ont été développées à l’aide du code de simulation MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution (MURE). Les résultats de ces simulations ont permis de déterminer les taux de fission et les erreurs systématiques associées durant les périodes de prise de données et d’aboutir à la première indication d’un angle θ₁₃ non-nul en novembre 2011
The Double Chooz experiment is designed to search for a non-vanishing mixing angle θ₁₃ characterizing the ability of neutrinos to oscillate. It consists in two identical detectors located respectively at 400 m and 1050 m of the two pressurized water reactors of the Chooz nuclear plant in the French Ardennes. Indeed, nuclear reactor are huge electron antineutrino emitters (about 10²¹ ⊽ₑ/s for a 1GWe reactor). In Double Chooz, antineutrino sare detected by the inverse beta decay process in the liquid scintillator of the detectors : ⊽ₑ + p −> e⁺ + n. The θ₁₃ parameter can be investigated searching for ⊽ₑ disappearance and ⊽ₑ energy distortion in the far detector with respect to the near detector. The first phase of the experiment during which only the far detector is taking data has started in April 2011. In absence of far detector whose installation will be completed in 2014, a prediction of the non-oscillated antineutrino flux and spectrum shape expected in the far detector is mandatory to measure θ₁₃ . In this manuscript, we present the simulation work performed to predict the fission rates of both Chooz cores responsible for the reactor antineutrino flux. In this view, a complete core model has been developed with the MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution (MURE) simulation code. The results of these simulations were used to determine the fission rates and associated systematic errors since the beginning of data taking and led to the first indication for a non-zero θ₁₃ mixing angle in November 2011
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Stachurska, Juliana. "Astrophysical Tau Neutrinos in IceCube." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2020.

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Das IceCube Neutrino Observatorium am Südpol hat die Existenz eines diffusen astrophysikalischen Neutrinoflusses nachgewiesen. Die Flavor-Zusammensetzung astrophysikalischer Neutrinos trägt Informationen über Orte kosmischer Teilchenbeschleunigung und Auswirkungen potenzieller neuer Physik auf die Neutrinoausbreitung. Zur seiner Bestimmung ist die Beobachtung von Tau-Neutrinos nötig. Ab einer Energie von ~O(100 TeV) kann deren Wechselwirkung über geladene Ströme eine Doppelkaskaden-Topologie ergeben, bei der die zwei Energiedepositionen am Tau-Entstehungs- und Tau-Zerfallsvertex aufgelöst werden können. Diese wird zusammen mit den bereits bekannten Topologien Einzel-Kaskade und Spur zur Messung der Flavor-Zusammensetzung auf der Erde benutzt. In dieser Arbeit werden im Detektorvolumen von IceCube anfangende Ereignisse mit hohen Energien algorithmisch in drei Topologien klassifiziert. Im Datensatz mit einer Lebensdauer von 7.5 Jahren werden zum ersten Mal zwei Doppelkaskaden identifiziert; diese sind Kandidaten für Tau-Neutrinos. Die Eigenschaften der zwei Tau-Neutrino-Kandidaten werden in einer a-posteriori Analyse im Detail studiert. Die statistische Methode wird durch einen Log-Likelihood-Quotienten-Test mit multi-dimensionalen Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichten verbessert. Eine der Doppelkaskaden ist konsistent mit dem Szenario einer misklassifizierten Einzelkaskade, während für die zweite Doppelkaskade die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines nicht-Tau-Neutrino Szenarios auf nur 3% bestimmt wird. Die gemessene Flavor-Zusammensetzung ist konsistent mit der Annahme von astrophysikalischen Neutrinos sowie mit bisher veröffentlichen Resultaten. Die Messung ergibt einen astrophysikalischen Tau-Neutrino Fluss von dPhi / dE=3.0 (-1.8,+2.2) (E / 100TeV)^(-2.87) 10^(-18) GeV^(-1) cm^(-2) s^(-1) sr^(-1), was dem ersten positiven Ergebnis für die Tau-Normalisierung entspricht. Die Nichtexistenz eines astrophysikalischen Tau-Neutrino Flusses wird mit einer Signifikanz von 2.8 sigma abgelehnt.
The IceCube neutrino observatory at the South Pole has confirmed the existence of a diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux. The flavor composition of astrophysical neutrinos carries information on the environments at the sites of cosmic particle acceleration as well as potential imprints of new physics acting during neutrino propagation. To measure the flavor composition the observation of the long-elusive tau neutrinos is required. Starting at an energy of ~O(100 TeV) a tau neutrino charged current interaction can produce a double cascade topology, where the two energy depositions from the tau creation and the tau decay vertices are resolvable. This topology together with the well-established track and single cascade topology is used to measure the flavor composition on Earth. In this work, high-energy events starting in IceCube's detector volume are classified algorithmically into the three topologies. In the dataset with a livetime of 7.5 years, two events are classified as double cascades for the first time, yielding multi-TeV tau-neutrino candidates. The properties of the two tau-neutrino candidates are investigated in an a-posteriori analysis. The statistical method is improved by performing a log-likelihood-ratio test using multi-dimensional probability densities. One of the double cascades is consistent with being a misclassified single cascade, while the second double cascade is found to have a misclassification probability of only 3%. The measured flavor composition nu_e:nu_mu:nu_tau = 0.20:0.39:0.42 is consistent with astrophysical neutrinos and with previously published results. The astrophysical tau-neutrino flux is measured to dPhi / dE=3.0 (-1.8,+2.2) (E / 100TeV)^(-2.87) 10^(-18) GeV^(-1) cm^(-2) s^(-1) sr^(-1) with spectral index gamma=2.87 (-0.20,+0.21), yielding the first non-zero results for the tau normalization. The absence of an astrophysical tau-neutrino flux is disfavored at 2.8 sigma.
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Duan, Mingya. "Study of neutron-star and supernova matter with Skyrme functionals : response functions and new parametrizations." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.

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Les étoiles à neutrons sont des objets denses qui sont produits dans des explosions de supernova à effondrement de coeur. Pour la modélisation de la supernova et du refroidissement de l'étoile à neutrons, les taux d'absorption, d'émission et de diffusion des neutrinos jouent un rôle crucial. Dans une grande partie de ces systèmes astrophysiques, les noyaux sont complètement dissous. Dans ce cas, les taux de neutrinos peuvent être directement liés aux fonctions de réponse de la matière nucléaire, calculées aux densités, asymétries et températures correspondantes. Cette thèse développe d'abord le modèle de l'approximation des phases aléatoires (RPA) pour les fonctions de réponse avec les interactions effectives de Skyrme dans la matière nucléaire asymétrique pour des transferts d'énergie finis, et établit un lien entre le taux de diffusion des neutrinos et les fonctions de réponse. Ensuite, la dépendance en énergie et angle des taux de diffusion des neutrinos dans la matière de proto-étoile à neutrons et de supernova sont étudiés dans le cadre du modèle Skyrme-RPA. De nombreuses interactions antérieures de Skyrme prédisent que la vitesse de Fermi des neutrons dépasse la vitesse de la lumière à des densités que les étoiles à neutrons peuvent atteindre. Pour résoudre ce problème et poursuivre le calcul des taux de neutrinos pour les simulations astrophysiques à des densités élevées à l'aide de la théorie fonctionnelle de Skyrme, nous explorons ensuite la construction de nouvelles fonctionnelles de Skyrme. Les paramétrisations Sky1 et Sky2 sont obtenues en incluant des contraintes provenant de calculs microscopiques de la masse effective en plus des énergies de liaison et des rayons de charge de noyaux finis et de différentes équations d'état microscopiques de la matière de neutrons. Pour vérifier si les nouvelles paramétrisations conviennent à la description des noyaux finis et de la matière des étoiles à neutrons, nous calculons les propriétés des noyaux finis et de la matière nucléaire infinie, y compris la matière des étoiles à neutrons, et les présentons dans cette thèse. De plus, nous considérons l'interaction de Skyrme comme une fonctionnelle de la densité plutôt qu'une force à deux corps dépendant de la densité, afin d'explorer la détermination des termes dépendant du spin des nouvelles fonctionnelles de Skyrme. Les paramètres des termes dépendant du spin sont déterminés en ajustant les paramètres de Landau G_0 et G’_0 dans la matière de neutrons et dans la matière nucléaire symétrique aux résultats de la théorie microscopique de Brueckner-Hartree-Fock. Enfin, nous développons un protocole d'ajustement amélioré pour les nouvelles forces de Skyrme en ajoutant d'autres contraintes, telles que l'équation d'état de la matière nucléaire symétrique à haute densité, l'apparition d'instabilités non-physiques dans le canal de spin-0, et la différence entre les masses effectives des nucléons de spin up et de spin down dans la matière polarisée, afin d'obtenir de meilleures nouvelles fonctionnelles, Sky3s et Sky4s. Les fonctions de réponse et les taux de diffusion des neutrinos de la matière d'étoile à neutrons peuvent être calculés avec les nouvelles fonctionnelles ayant des masses effectives et paramètres de Landau réalistes
Neutron stars are dense objects that are produced in core collapse supernova explosions. For the modeling of the supernova and of the subsequent cooling of the neutron star, neutrino absorption, emission, and scattering rates play a crucial role. In a large part of these astrophysical systems, nuclei are completely dissolved. Then the neutrino rates can be directly related to the response functions of nuclear matter, computed at the relevant density, asymmetry, and temperature. This thesis develops first the random-phase approximation (RPA) model for the response functions with Skyrme effective interactions in asymmetric nuclear matter and finite energy transfer, and relates the neutrino scattering rate to the response functions. Then, the energy and angle dependence of neutrino scattering rates in proto-neutron star and supernova matter within Skyrme RPA are studied. Many previous Skyrme interactions predict that neutron Fermi velocity exceeds the speed of light at densities that neutron stars can reach. To solve this problem and continue the computation of neutrino rates for astrophysical simulations at high densities using Skyrme functional theory, we then explore the construction of the new Skyrme functionals. Sky1 and Sky2 are obtained by including constraints from microscopic calculations of the effective mass in addition to binding energies and charge radii of finite nuclei and different microscopic equations of state of pure neutron matter. To test whether they are suitable for describing finite nuclei and neutron star matter, we compute properties of finite nuclei and infinite nuclear matter, including neutron star matter, and present them in this thesis. Also, we consider the Skyrme interaction as a density-functional rather than a density-dependent two-body force to explore the determination of the spin-dependent terms of the new Skyrme functionals. The parameters of the spin-dependent terms are determined by fitting the Landau parameters G_0 and G’_0 in neutron matter and symmetric nuclear matter to the results of the microscopic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory. Finally, we develop the improved fitting protocol for the new Skyrme forces by adding other constraints, such as the equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter at high density, the onset of the spurious instability in the spin-0 channel, the splitting between the spin up and down nucleon effective masses in the polarized matter, obtaining better new functionals, Sky3s and Sky4s. The response functions and neutrino scattering rates of neutron-star matter can be computed with the new functionals having realistic effective masses and Landau parameters
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Iyer, Sharada Ramalingham. "A novel approach in the detection of muon neutrino to tau neutrino oscillation from extragalactic neutrinos." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2001.

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A novel approach is proposed for studying the ν(μ) → ν(τ) oscillation and detection of extragalactic neutrinos. Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Gamma Ray Bursters (GRB) and Topological Defects are believed to be sources of ultrahigh energy ν(μ) and νₑ. These astrophysical sources provide a long baseline of 100Mpc, or more, for possible detection of ν(μ) → ν(τ) oscillation with mixing parameter Δm² down to 10⁻¹⁷ eV², many orders of magnitude below the current accelerator experiments. The propagation characteristics of upward going muon and tau neutrinos is studied to show that high energy tau neutrinos cascade down in energy as they propagate through the Earth, producing an enhancement of the incoming tau neutrino flux in the low energy region. By contrast, high energy muon neutrinos get attenuated as they traverse the Earth. It is observed that the relative steepness of the incoming neutrino flux spectrum and the nadir angle of the Earth are two important factors that influence the enhancement and cascade of nutau flux. This effect provides a novel way to search for tau neutrino appearance by measuring the angular dependence of tau neutrino induced upward muons; and upward hadronic and electromagnetic showers. A Monte Carlo evaluation of tau survival probability and its range shows that at energies below 10⁷ - 10⁸ GeV, depending on the material, only tau decays are important. However, at higher energies the tau energy losses are significant, hence reducing the survival probability of tau. Here, tau energy loss for energies up to 10⁹ GeV have been calculated taking into consideration the decay of tau. An understanding of tau energy loss at very high energies could help with the interpretation of long tracks produced by charged particles in large underground detectors.
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Usner, Marcel. "Search for Astrophysical Tau-Neutrinos in Six Years of High-Energy Starting Events in the IceCube Detector." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2018.

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Astrophysikalische Neutrinos können in der Wechselwirkung kosmischer Strahlungsteilchen mit Materie oder Photonen nahe derer Quellen entstehen. Die auf der Erde erwartete Flavor-Zusammensetzung kann mögliche Neutrino Produktionsmechanismen einschränken. Tau-Neutrinos sind aufgrund von Flavor-Oszillationen über kosmische Distanzen zu erwarten. Das IceCube Neutrino Observatorium hat astrophysikalische Neutrinos bei Energien zwischen ~60 TeV und ~10 PeV entdeckt. Die gemessene Flavor-Zusammensetzung ist kompatibel mit ~1:1:1, wie vom Pion Produktionsszenario erwartet wird. Die Elektron- und Tau-Neutrino Anteile sind experimentell jedoch weitgehend unbestimmt. Das Ziel der in dieser Dissertation präsentierten Arbeit ist die erste Identifikation eines Tau-Neutrinos in IceCube. Die Suche basiert auf der “Doppel-Kaskaden” Ereignistopologie, die durch zwei aufeinanderfolgende Teilchenschauer aufgrund der Tau-Neutrino Wechselwirkung bzw. des Tau-Zerfalls beschrieben ist. Tau-Neutrinos werden durch die Rekonstruktion dieser Ereignistopologie identifiziert. Der Abstand zwischen beiden Kaskaden entspricht der Tau-Zerfallslänge. Tau-Neutrinos werden oberhalb einer deponierten Energie von ~200 TeV mit einer Effizienz von ~30-50% bei einer Untergrundkontamination von ~5-25% identifiziert. Die Tau-Zerfallslänge wird oberhalb der Auflösungsgrenze von ~10 m auf ~2 m genau bestimmt. In Abhängigkeit des angenommenen Neutrino-Energiespektrums werden ~1-3 identifizierbare Tau-Neutrinos und ~1 Untergrundereignis erwartet. Kein Doppel-Kaskaden Ereignis wird in sechs Jahren experimenteller Daten beobachtet. Der astrophysikalische Tau-Neutrino Fluss wird durch ein oberes Limit von 2.68x10^{-18}(E/100 TeV)^{-2.97} GeV^{-1} cm^{-2} sr^{-1} s^{-1} mit einem Konfidenzniveau von 90% beschränkt. Die gemessene Flavor-Zusammensetzung ~0.51:0.49:0 ist mit dem Pion Produktionsszenario kompatibel. Die Ergebnisse beinhalten die bislang sensitivste Suche nach hochenergetischen Tau-Neutrinos in IceCube.
Astrophysical neutrinos may be produced in interactions of cosmic rays with ambient matter or photons near their sources. The observable flavor composition on Earth can constrain possible production scenarios. The appearance of tau-neutrinos due to neutrino oscillations over cosmic baselines is a clear astrophysical signature. A diffuse flux of astrophysical neutrinos between ~60 TeV to ~10 PeV energy was discovered with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. The observed flavor composition is compatible with ~1:1:1 expected from pion production and decay at the sources, although the experimental constraints on the electron- and tau-neutrino fractions are weak. The work presented in this thesis aims to identify a tau-neutrino interaction in IceCube for the first time. The search is based on the “double cascade” event topology, which is unique to the tau-flavor and characterized by two consecutive particle showers from the charged-current interaction of a tau-neutrino with a nucleus in the ice and the subsequent decay of the tau-lepton. Tau-neutrinos are identified by reconstructing this event topology, for which the distance between both cascades is an estimator of the tau decay length. Above ~200 TeV deposited energy, the identification efficiency is between ~30-50% and the background contamination ~5-25%. The tau decay length is resolved to ~2 m above the experimental resolution limit of ~10 m. This search is expected to yield ~1-3 identifiable tau-neutrino interactions and ~1 background event, depending on the assumed neutrino energy spectrum. No double cascade event is observed in six years of detector data. The astrophysical tau-neutrino flux is constrained by an upper limit of 2.68x10^{-18}(E/100 TeV)^{-2.97} GeV^{-1} cm^{-2} sr^{-1} s^{-1} at 90% confidence level. The measured flavor composition of ~0.51:0.49:0 is compatible with the pion production scenario. The results entail the most sensitive search for highly energetic tau-neutrinos in IceCube so far.
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Roda, Marco. "Study of multiple vertices neutrino interactions in the OPERA experiment." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2016.

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OPERA is a long baseline neutrino experiment designed for tau neutrino searches in an almost pure muon neutrino beam. The detection is performed on an event-by-event basis which is possible thanks to the high spatial resolution of the detector. In fact, the set-up is able to observe very short decaying particles produced in neutrino interactions, such as tau or charmed particles. In particular, the experiment searches for events with one secondary vertex within 1 mm from the primary one. An event was recorded with an unexpected topology: instead of one secondary vertex it has two. Such an event was completely unexpected and a totally new analysis was required in order to understand its nature. The possibilities taken into account include most of the combinations of tau, charmed particle and hadron re-interaction within the lead. The new software, based on GEANT4, was set-up and successfully tested using a dedicated OPERA test beam. Thus, an ad hoc Monte Carlo generation was prepared in order to describe the properties of such a rare observation. Finally, a sample having the interesting topology was obtained and a blind procedure for the event identification could be developed. The event turned out to be very likely an tau neutrino interaction with charm production with a significance close to 3.5 sigma.
OPERA è un esperimento per lo studio di neutrini da fascio progettato per ricerca di neutrini del tau in un fascio quasi puro di neutrini muonici. La ricerca è basata su un’analisi evento per evento che è resa possibile dall’elevata risoluzione spaziale del rivelatore. Infatti, l’apparato è in grado di osservare particelle emesse durante un’interazione di neutrino che decadono entro brevi distanze. In particolare, l’esperimento ricerca eventi che presentano vertici secondari entro circa un millimetro dal vertice primario di interazione. Un evento interessante è stato osservato con una topologia inaspettata: invece un solo vertice secondario ne sono stati osservati due. Questo tipo di eventi era completamente inaspettato e una nuova analisi era necessaria per capire la natura dell’evento. Le possibilità considerate includono quasi tutte le combinazioni di tau, particelle charmate e reinterazioni adroniche nel piombo. Un nuovo algoritmo di simulazione, basato su GEANT4, è stato sviluppato e testato con successo usando i dati di uno dei test beam di OPERA. Quindi, una nuova produzione Monte Carlo è stata preparata per poter descrivere le proprietà di questo raro fenomeno. Infine, è stata preparata un’analisi per l’identificazione dell’evento osservato. L’evento è risultato essere molto probabilmente un’interazione di neutrino del tau con produzione di charm, con una significanza di quasi 3.5 sigma.
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Bechet, Sabrina. "Recherche d'un flux diffus de neutrinos tauiques d'origine cosmique dans le détecteur IceCube." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2012.

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Le détecteur IceCube est constitué d'un réseau de modules optiques digitaux (DOMs) déployés sur un volume d'1 km³ dans la glace antarctique. Les DOMs enregistrent la lumière Cerenkov émise par les particules secondaires issues des interactions des neutrinos avec la glace. Selon la répartition géographique des signaux lumineux dans la glace, on peut différencier les différentes saveurs de leptons et ainsi identifier la saveur du neutrino primaire. Les modèles astrophysiques prédisent une production dominante de neutrinos électroniques et muoniques au sein d'accélérateurs cosmiques. Cependant, lors de leur propagation dans l'univers, ces neutrinos oscillent et on s'attend à observer sur Terre le même flux des trois saveurs de neutrinos. Comme la production de neutrinos tauiques dans l'atmosphère est négligeable, ce canal est affecté d'un bruit de fond intrinsèque quasi nul.

Ce travail porte sur la détection de neutrinos tauiques d'origine cosmique. A haute énergie (E>PeV), le lepton tau, produit par le neutrino tauique, se propage sur une centaine de mètres avant de se désintégrer. Nous optimisons notre recherche pour le canal de désintégration muonique qui, s'il se produit dans le volume de détection, présente une signature unique. En effet, les différences de masse du tau et du muon induisent des différences quant à leur processus de perte d'énergie qui mènent à une différence de luminosité le long des traces du tau et du muon.

Nous avons développé une observable originale reposant sur les charges enregistrées par les différents DOMs pour caractériser la luminosité le long d'une trace afin de différencier les traces de muons de celles de taus se désintégrant en muon .Cependant, au niveau de déclenchement du détecteur, on est confronté à un bruit de fond de muons atmosphèriques un million de fois supérieur au signal. Nous avons donc mis en place une série de coupures afin de réduire ce bruit de fond et ainsi augmenter la pureté de notre échantillon.

Enfin l'application de ces coupures sur un échantillon de données réelles enregistrées durant la saison 2009-2010 et l'absence de signal détecté permettent de poser une limite supérieure sur le flux de neutrinos tauiques. Ceci constitue la première limite expérimentale pour des neutrinos tauiques d'énergies inférieures à 20 PeV.
Doctorat en Sciences

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Niederhausen, Hans. "Measurement of the High Energy Astrophysical Neutrino Flux Using Electron and Tau Neutrinos Observed in Four Years of IceCube Data." Thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2018.

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The high-energy universe is known to be violent. Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) have been observed with kinetic energies exceeding 10 20 eV. Their origin, despite decades of observations, remains elusive. A unique probe of the sources and production mechanisms of these high energy cosmic rays can be neutrinos, since they are inevitably produced when high-energy protons interact. The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, located at the geographical South Pole in Antarctica, continuously monitors a total volume of 1 km 3 of clear Antarctic ice for neutrino interactions. For this purpose, a total of 5160 optical sensors (photomultiplier tubes) have been melted deep into the glacier at depths between 1450m and 2450m. In 2013 IceCube reported one of its biggest discoveries, the observation of highly energetic neutrinos that are consistent with a possible extra-galactic origin.

In this dissertation we use IceCube data (recorded from 2012 to 2015) to study the spectral properties of this astrophysical neutrino flux with focus on electron and tau neutrino flavors. We developed a new neutrino identification and muon background rejection method using state-of-the-art machine-learning techniques, more specifically multi-class gradient boosted decision trees. In addition to enlarging the number of detected neutrino events (>10x increase over previous works), we lowered the energy threshold to below 1 TeV and thereby greatly improved upon the control and treatment of systematic uncertainties. The sample contains ~400 astrophysical electron and tau neutrinos, which increases the significance of the original discovery to beyond 8 standard deviations. We find the astrophysical neutrino flux to be well described by a single power-law consistent with expectations from Fermi-type acceleration of high-energy particles at astrophysical sources and obtain leading constraints on its properties. We further studied the possibility of additional spectral complexity, which significantly increases measurement uncertainties. No evidence for such scenarios was found. Finally we searched for a contribution from atmospheric neutrinos related to heavy meson (charm) decay in Earth's atmosphere and derive a flux upper limit of 4.8 times the benchmark pQCD flux prediction at 90% confidence level, dominated by systematic uncertainties, especially related to photon transport in the glacial ice.

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Books on the topic "Taux de neutrinos"


Dodelson, Scott. Is a massive tau neutrino just what cold dark matter needs? Batavia, IL: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 1994.

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Dodelson, Scott. Is a massive tau neutrino just what cold dark matter needs? Batavia, IL: Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 1994.

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International, Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics (2nd 1991 Toledo Spain). TAUP 91: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics, Toledo, Spain, 9-13 September 1991. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1992.

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International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics (4th 1995 Toledo, Spain). TAUP 95: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics, Toledo, Spain, 17-21 September 1995. [Amsterdam]: North-Holland, 1996.

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International, Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics (3rd 1993 Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso INFN Italy). TAUP 93: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics, Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, INFN, Italy, 19-23 September, 1993. [Amsterdam]: North-Holland, 1994.

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Grzelak, Katarzyna. Standard and Non-standard Neutrino Oscillations Involving Tau Neutrinos. Warsaw University Press, 2018.

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Tau Lepton & Its Neutrino. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2004.

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International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics (2nd 1991 Toledo, Spain). TAUP 91: Proceedings of the second International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics. North-Holland, 1992.

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Villar, J. A., A. Morales, and J. Morales. Taup 91: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2016.

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TAUP 89: Workshop on Theoretical and Phenomenological Aspects of Underground Physics, Laboratori Nazionali Gran Sasso (INFN) and Universita dell'Aquila, September 25-28, 1989. Editions Frontieres, 1989.

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Book chapters on the topic "Taux de neutrinos"


Schubert, K. R. "Measurements of the Tau-Neutrino Mass." In Neutrino Physics, 135–41. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.

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Fargion, Daniele. "Tau Neutrino Astronomy." In Beyond the Desert 2003, 831–56. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.

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Fargion, Daniele. "Ultra High Energy Neutrinos by Tau Airshowers." In Dark Matter in Astro- and Particle Physics, 677–87. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Fargion, Daniele. "Detecting Ultra High Energy Neutrinos by Upward Tau Airshowers and Gamma Flashes." In Sources and Detection of Dark Matter and Dark Energy in the Universe, 516–24. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Singirala, Shivaramakrishna, Suchismita Sahoo, and Rukmani Mohanta. "Majorana Dark Matter, Neutrino Mass, and Flavor Anomalies in $$L_{\mu }-L_{\tau }$$ Model." In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 337–42. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Sinha, Roopam, Sukannya Bhattacharya, and Rome Samanta. "Consequences of a CP-Transformed $$\mu \tau $$-Flavored Friedberg-Lee Symmetry in a Neutrino Mass Model." In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 513–19. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Biswas, Anirban, Sandhya Choubey, and Sarif Khan. "Dark Matter, Neutrino Mass and Muon ($$g-2$$) in a $$U(1)_{L_{\mu }}-L_{\tau }$$ Model." In XXII DAE High Energy Physics Symposium, 919–21. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Arora, Simran, Monal Kashav, Surender Verma, and B. C. Chauhan. "Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment and Neutrino Mass in $$U(1)_{L_\mu -L_\tau }$$ Extended Scotogenic Model." In Springer Proceedings in Physics, 713–15. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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"THE PHYSICS OF THE TAU LEPTON AND TAU NEUTRINO IN 1995." In Reflections on Experimental Science, 219–65. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 1995.

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Conference papers on the topic "Taux de neutrinos"


Mandal, Maitrayee. "The appearance of tau neutrinos in the flux of atmospheric neutrinos at Super-Kamiokande." In 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, 154. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2024.

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Lastoria, Chiara Filomena. "Exploring tau neutrino appearance measurements in KM3NeT/ORCA." In 42nd International Conference on High Energy Physics, 119. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2024.

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Yuksel, Emin. "NA65(DsTau): Study of tau neutrino production in p-A interactions." In 31st International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering, 186. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2024.

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Wissel, Stephanie, Andrew Zeolla, Cosmin Deaconu, Valentin Decoene, Kaeli Hughes, Zachary Martin, Katharine Mulrey, et al. "Targeting 100-PeV tau neutrino detection with an array of phased and high-gain reconstruction antennas." In 10th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities, 058. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2024.

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Mandal, Maitrayee. "Tau Neutrino Appearance in the Flux of Atmospheric Neutrinos at the Super-Kamiokande Experiment." In 41st International Conference on High Energy physics. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2022.

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Dutta, S. Iyer. "High Energy Tau Neutrinos." In COSMOLOGY AND ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS: Coral Gables Conference on Cosmology and Elementary Particle Physics. AIP, 2002.

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Tseng, Jie-Jun, Tsung-Wen Yeh, H. Athar, M. A. Huang, Fei-Fain Lee, and Guey-Lin Lin. "Tau leptons from Earth skimming tau neutrinos." In International Workshop on Astroparticle and High Energy Physics. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2003.

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Yaeggy Alvarez, Barbara. "3D-Reconstruction of Tau Neutrinos in LArTPC Detectors." In 3D-Reconstruction of Tau Neutrinos in LArTPC Detectors. US DOE, 2024.

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Jeong, Yu Seon, Weidong Bai, Milind Diwan, Maria Vittoria Garzelli, and Mary Hall Reno. "Prompt tau neutrinos at the LHC." In The 21st international workshop on neutrinos from accelerators. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 2020.

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CONFORTO, GIANNI. "ELECTRON TO TAU-NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS." In 4th San Miniato Topical Seminar on The Standard Model and Just Beyond. WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 1993.

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Reports on the topic "Taux de neutrinos"


Okada, Kensuke. Detecting Tau Neutrino Reactions. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2001.

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Jessop, Colin P. First Observation of tau -> 3 pi eta tau-neutrino and tau -> f1 pi tau-neutrino Decays. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2003.

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Deshpande, N., and K. Sharma. Limit on tau neutrino magnetic moment from neutrino counting. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 1990.

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Jessop, Colin P. Tau Decays into Three Charged Leptons and Two Neutrinos. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2003.

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Snyderman, N. J. Tau neutrino component to tritium beta decay. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 1995.

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Jessop, Colin P. tau-neutrino Helicity from h+- Energy Correlations. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2003.

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Jessop, Colin P. First Observation of the Decay tau- -> k- eta tau-neutrino. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2003.

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Jessop, Colin P. Determination of the Michel Parameters and the tau Neutrino Helicity in tau Decay. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2003.

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Sielaff, Jason Murray. Observation of the charged current interactions of the tau neutrino. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2002.

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Schwienhorst, Reinhard Heinrich. A New Upper Limit for the Tau Neutrino Magnetic Moment. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2000.

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