Academic literature on the topic 'Tardive Antiquity'
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Journal articles on the topic "Tardive Antiquity"
Ware, Catherine. "“Arms and the Man I Praise”: The Emperor and the Hero in Late Antiquity." Phoenix 77, no. 3-4 (September 2023): 224–42.
Full textJeanjean, Benoît. "L’élaboration du discours antihérétique dans l’Antiquité tardive." Heresis 44, no. 1 (2006): 9–36.
Full textMorony, Michael. "Economic Boundaries? Late Antiquity and Early Islam." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 47, no. 2 (2004): 166–94.
Full textTobalina Pulido, Leticia. "Étudier les dynamiques de peuplement entre l'Èbre moyen et les Pyrénées occidentales durant l’Antiquité tardive (III – VIIe siècle) avec les SIG. Première approche." SPAL. Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla, no. 31.2 (2022): 269–96.
Full textLAFRANCHI, Pierluigi, Bruno POTTIER, and Christian BOUDIGNON. "La violence politique pendant l’Antiquité tardive : remarques préliminaires [Political Violence in Late Antiquity: Some Preliminary Remarks]." Classica et Christiana 16, no. 2 (2021): 417–33.
Full textRoessli, Jean-Michel. "Assimilation chrétienne d’éléments païens." Dossier 70, no. 3 (August 31, 2015): 507–16.
Full textRomano, Carman. "Melting Eros: Erotic Attraction Magic in Carmina Anacreontea 11." Phoenix 77, no. 1-2 (March 2023): 1–13.
Full textSahner, Christian C. "“The Monasticism of My Community is Jihad”: A Debate on Asceticism, Sex, and Warfare in Early Islam." Arabica 64, no. 2 (June 13, 2017): 149–83.
Full textModéran, Y. "Maures (Antiquité tardive)." Encyclopédie berbère, no. 31 (December 30, 2010): 4712–16.
Full textMărgineanu-Cârstoiu, Monica, and Virgil Apostol. "Antiquité Tardive. Notes sur la fortification d’Argamum." CaieteARA. Arhitectură. Restaurare. Arheologie, no. 8 (2017): 59–102.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Tardive Antiquity"
Mahieu, Vincent. "Temps, espace et identités : recherches sur les coexistences religieuses dans la Rome tardo-antique (312-410)." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018.
Full textThe fourth century AD is admittedly a major turning point in the history of Western Europe. The evolution of Christianity from the status of a marginal culture within a religious group to that of a cultural and normative pole within society constitutes an important transition specific to Late Antiquity. This transition from margin to norm started from the social frameworks of time and space, acting as strong identity markers. The great amount of evidence from the "Vrbs", its position as historical capital, as its recognized status as important city for the development of Christianity, make it a specific research framework. This study, which focuses on the sharing of time and space between the victory of the Milvius Bridge (312) and the sack of Alaric (410), reconstructs the organization of the times in the city and explores the mechanisms behind the development of the calendar structure of the Church within this urban space (part 1). On the basis of a catalogue that brings up to date the "LTVR(S)", this study rebuilds the polytheistic topography and scrutinizes the material inscription of the Christian cult on the Roman territory (part 2). On the basis of these cross-sectional analyses and case studies (part 3), it also attempts at understanding the modes of religious co-existence and interaction within a society. The results point towards a sense of continuity rather than breaking. This dissertation reveals a model that favours integration and conformation strategies to the Roman dynamics in the sharing of time and space. It argues in favour of a religious cohabitation mostly peaceful led by a common identity investment focused on the "Romanitas"
Piraud-Fournet, Pauline. "Le « Palais de Trajan » dans le paysage de Bosra au VIe siècle apr. J.-C." Thesis, Paris 4, 2016.
Full textThe disciplines of comparative architecture and archaeology are combined in this study of the “Trajan’s Palace”, vast urban residence from the Late Antique Period in Bosra, southern Syria. The surveys detail the variety of the construction processes, the excavations highlight the luxuriousness of the private thermal baths, while the small finds not only provide positive dates for the various construction phases, but also evidence of decorative features no longer extant, together with the personality and lifestyle of the occupants. A comparison of the architecture with that of other edifices from the basalt region and other major cities throughout the Roman Empire supports an interpretation of the remains and, with the assistance of a digital model, the reconstruction, at least hypothetically, of the missing sections. The size and refinement of constructions, the presence of a triconchos and private bath, together with restored domes, endorse the identification of the building as an official residence. An inventory of other monuments in use or constructed at that time, public buildings, urban elements, and sanctuaries, and an analysis of its position in the city help to specify the rank of this palace and to identify its occupants. Finally, itsproximity to the largest church in Bosra, rather than a comparison with other known contemporary episcopal complexes, possibly assigning it to the Church’s heritage, sustains the hypothesis that it was the official palace of the metropolitan see. This review of the Bosra landscape highlights the diversity of the monuments and the variety of sources available to study them, while opening prospects for future investigation and study
Blanc, Nicolas. "Anthropologie et Providence dans l'Antiquité tardive : christianisme et philosophie chez Némésius d'Émèse." Thesis, Paris, EPHE, 2016.
Full textThe De natura hominis of Nemesius Emesa has principally been studied for its sources (Galen, Porphyry, Philopator) and its anthropology. However, it is one of the most important contributions of ancient Christian thought on the question of destiny, self-determination and Providence, inspiring Maximus the Confessor, John Damascene and Thomas Aquinas. Our study aims to identify Nemesius’ position and originality in patristic thought, and among the debates of ancient philosophy on these major issues. The first part presents a contextualization of the work and status questionis on the date it was written, its plan, its nature and recipients, in order to identify its unity and apologetical coherence. The second part proposes, through the translation and the Commentary of Chapters 1 and 3, to show the internal logic of the work, emphasizing the elements that introduce and prepare the treatment of Providence (the place of man in the universe, the union of soul and body, its origins and eschatology). The third and final part offers a translation and a Commentary of chapters 35 to 43, specifically devoted to fate, self-determination and Providence. From this analysis, there emerges the profile of an apologetic work that is distinguished by the quality of its philosophical approach, the transcription of the Christian idea of divine Providence through technically developed notions, and an interesting development on the permission of evil and its meaning in the divine plan
Favennec, Benoît. "Les ateliers de potiers durant l’Antiquité tardive dans les Gaules (IVe - VIe s. ap. J.-C.)." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2016.
Full textFrom the XX century, archaeologists and historians have been interested by the setting of archaeological sites, the structures and the people who specialised in the production of ceramics and tiles in Gaul. There are diverse sources : ancient texts, epigraphy, iconography as well as excavations reports, and the study of ceramics objects.Data for the IV to the VI centuries has been collated and studied during the realization of this thesis over five and a half years. A database was created to define the workshops and known productions areas, as well as those which are less well known or less well dated but which were at least partly active during the period studied. The database is composed of around 2055 records.The availability of clay and wood and the proximity of a navigable water course or a network of roads are clearly decisive factors in the setting of each workshop. However there are a number of other important factors: An active network of merchants, a positive economic and political context and sometimes regional or local legislation.The traditional artisanal structures and technics used remain unchanged between the IV-VI centuries. Overall, the evolution of the economy and the consumption of ceramics leads to a reduction in the size of these structures. Also the use of certain structures becomes more frequent. The kilns and supports for the soles, and ancillary structures, which are infrequently recorded and poorly understood, are discussed in this thesis. Certain technics and styles of fabrication and decoration become increasingly common.The density and frequency of the workshops underlines their economic and political importance and the evolution of the regions over the three centuries studied. The growth or decline of the ceramic production in some areas coincides with shifts in the centres of economic and political power in Gaul
De, Togni Stefano. "Les suburbia d'Ostie antique. Nouvelles recherches sur l'évolution urbain de la ville de la fin de la période Républicaine jusqu’à l'Antiquité tardive." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018.
Full textIn this thesis the study of the suburbs of Ostia (Rome, Italy) took place at different levels of study, from the macro scale of the entire neighborhoods to the micro scale of the single stratigraphic trench. The archaeological evidence of the porta Marina area and of the “Trastevere Ostiense” have been analyzed and filed as Topographical Units and recorded in a GIS. For each structure data were collected either through the consultation of archives, through field surveys, aerial photography, direct examinations and excavation essays. 148 artifacts from the old excavations were recorded and inserted in a data base created ad hoc. Where possible, spatial data was associated with the objects, with the positioning in the place of discovery within the GIS. The survey of the archaeological evidences of the “Trastevere Ostiense” allowed to recognize a densely built territory, with a chronology that goes from first to at least the fifth century AD. Among the types of buildings identified, the “horreum” seems to be the prevailing. The precise positioning of some excavation trenches of 1957 at the loop of the Tiber has allowed to identify a flood zone of second-third century AD reclaimed and built. At the same time, on the other side, the Via Ostiense was rebuilt further south due to erosion.The overall study of the urbanistic evolution of the suburban area of porta Marina has allowed to identify 13 main phases of life, from the first century BC until the 6th century AD, in addition to two phases of spoliation and a phase of sea erosion of the Middle Age. Among the main novelties there is the discovery of a notable construction activity dating back to the Julio-Claudian age to the Flavia age, previously almost unknown, which can be partially connected to funerary buildings. It is very probable, in the light of the new data, that there was a necropolis outside porta Marina, which was completely dismantled during the Hadrianic urban renovation and the thermal development of the maritime district. The large-scale analytical approach, also thanks to the chronological extremes derived from the excavations carried out with the Ostia Marina Project, has led to a completely renewed vision of the city's maritime sector. The presumed preservation of late Republican funerary monuments in the imperial era turned out to be a not entirely exact theory, the result of the distorted vision created with the E-42 restorations and demolitions. The stratigraphic analysis shows a partial obliteration of the funerary monuments already occurred by the end of the first century. A.D. due to the raising of the walking surfaces. The research on buildings built close to and above the Late-Republic walls made it possible to highlight that they quickly lost the defensive functions, but continued to be respected until the beginning of the second century AD. Subsequently, the eastern part functioned as an aqueduct, while the western part was demolished to build new buildings. An arch was built in place of the porta Marina door, to set the limit between town and suburb. Starting from some aerial photos, the plan of a large building, located in the eastern unexcavated portion of the porta Marina suburban area, was completed. The particular form of the complex allows to hypothesize a link to the “foro ad mare” built by Aureliano, mentioned in the Historia Augusta. The study of the late-antique phases revealed a remarkable vitality of the district throughout the IV until the beginning of the fifth century AD, while during the first half of the 5th century AD strong signs of abandonment appear. The probable effects of the earthquake of 443 AD were found, starting from the traces of collapse found in at least four buildings. Another important acquisition concerns the relationship between the city and the sea and changes in the coastline over the centuries
Pelat, Mathieu. "De la novempopulanie à la wasconie entre antiquité tardive et haut moyen-âge." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2024.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to study the transformations of southern Aquitania from Roman Novempopulana to Frankish Wasconia, between the 4th and 6th centuries. We seek to critically analyze the textual sources and certain previous historiographical constructions, sometimes a little hasty. In the 4th century, this territory was a peripheral province undergoing changes at every level. As elsewhere, it does not appear that ethnicity played a major role in its administrative reorganization, despite the possible late maintenance of a federal concilium. The Aquitano-Roman elite has played a structuring role, particularly in the countryside, where the embellishment of wealthy villae seems to indicate a reorganization in favour of the powerful. Perhaps, the same restructuring applies to towns, which were often reorganized voluntarily, with some fine urban domus (Lescar, Oloron). Moreover, southern Aquitania's defence seems to have been based on the towns' fortifications. As for the society's christianisation, it seems to have been relatively late. Even though it was not until the beginning of the 5th century that polytheism had quite begun to fade, the success of vigilantism and priscillianism has demonstrated the theological dynamism of christianity. While the arrival of the barbarians in 406-407 was probably not the apocalypse described by the clerics, it has led undoubtedly to higher levels of insecurity. The imposition of a new barbarian power (413/418-507) has also led to upheavals, despite elements of continuity. From 413, it seems that some members of the Aquitanian aristocracy, such as Paulinus of Pella, had sided with the Goths. In 418 or 419, Novempopulana was probably occupied, without validating the idea of a ‘Visigoth homeland'. In Novempopulana, as in the rest of the sors Gothica, while the romanization of the rulers was undeniable, the Visigoth people probably retained certain ethnic characteristics. For all that, Novempopulana must have been an in-between period during which, new and old elites had coexisted. A major part of the latter was undoubtedly impoverished. The staging of social domination also tended to change, abandoning elements of the prestige and comfort of the old villae from the 450's onwards, while investing in funerary epigraphy, perhaps in a context where the old social hierarchies had been blurred. From 418, it is possible that the Visigoth kings generally took over the imperial structures in their service, but the territorialization of their power was probably gradual. Despite Gregory of Tours, the Frankish victory of 507 seems to have been due more to external military and diplomatic factors than to internal opposition.Under the Merovingians, the level of Frankish control over southern Aquitania is difficult to assess. There are still few clues. Neither participation in Merovingian councils nor monetary issues allow us to settle whether control was tight or looser. However, it seems that this territory was politically fragmented. Despite the abandonment of many of the villae, a certain "continuity of occupation" remains apparent on some sites. Maybe, "valley communities" were beginning to emerge in the mountains. In 585-587, it is in Gregory of Tours's works that we discover signs of the empowerment of local elites in connection with former Frankish dukes and Visigoth Spain. Indeed, the toponym Wasconia was used to designate southern Aquitaine since the loss of Bladaste's army in 581 and Gundovald's retreat in 585; which gave rise to the first Franco-Aquitanian revolt. As for the Wascon raid of 587, we believe that it was another revolt lead by local elites, linked to senior Frankish officials as well as Queen Fredegund and the Visigoth King Leovigild
Debouchaud, Florie. "Vénus dans l’Antiquité tardive : textes et images." Thesis, Paris 10, 2019.
Full textIn this doctoral research, we are going to study the circumstances and stakes of Venus-Aphrodite’s presence in literature, art, artefacts and house’s decoration at the end of Antiquity, and the meaning of this presence in a more Christian world. After a reminder of how goddess’ status has evolved since its origins, and an observation of her situation at the end of Antiquity, the thesis will study the marine Venus theme, and Venus-Aphrodite’s part in late houses’s decoration. The thesis will show that despite Christianisation, the goddess is often evocated. She keeps her traditional attributions and even earns a new marine connotation. She is still appreciated by the elites, even the Christian ones, which can, through her figure display their classical culture and their belonging to Romanitas
Reich, Franziska. "Cadeaux et communication dans les correspondances latines d'Occident (IVe - VIe siècles)." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2018.
Full textLetters from the 4th to the 6th century A.C. show a significant number of gift-giving situations. These have never been systematically analyzed in late antique history. Interpersonal gifts might be interpretated as acts of communication, not only as objects passed over from hand to hand. In order to determine the interaction between the giver and the addressee, their choices of media and the desire of tansmitting messages throught objects, a differenciated analysis is important. With the help of well-established tools from communication studies, the work at hand presents an alternative method for approching gift-giving in Late Antiquity
Belleli, Amélie. "Les figures féminines du pouvoir dans l'Empire romain, de la fin du IVe au milieu du VIe siècle : l'impératrice, l'aristocrate, la sainte et la « Mère de Dieu » dans les textes et l’iconographie." Thesis, Limoges, 2019.
Full textDuring a period considered with inaccuracy as « transitional », between Antiquity and the Middle Ages,we observe the appearance of an increasing number of feminine figures in the highest power spheres, inthe Roman Empire. Empresses, aristocrats, saints, – all three at the same time –, these women possessinstitutional political powers, important patrimonial belongings and great wealth. All these elementsgive them a true independance. Generally reflecting a certain level of education and culture, thesewomen can play a part in the construction of buildings or the funding of the christian architecturallegacy.With the accesssion of the theodosian dynasty during the IVth century, then the Vth, a change is initiated.Women install themselves permanently on the stage where power is decided. In the case of the imperialsphere, empresses are mentionned more often alongside their spouses, bringing forth a new reality : theimperial couple and a bicephalous power.The main hypothesis consists in demonstrating that, from a historical point of view, Late Antiquity is aperiod of true evolution in a civilisation traditionally structured mentally by an obsession for manlinessand institutionally by a masculine political power. This era could be caracterise by the birth of thepolitical woman, to the point where certain authors of antiquity tend to define feminity in power as anew form of masculinity. Far from agreeing with them, this thesis will consist in asking ourselves if afeminine power can exist without being considered as a masculinization
Polosa, Marilena. "Le origini del Cristianesimo nel regno di Aksum. Legami e rapporti tra Corno d’Africa e Arabia meridionale tra IV e VIII secolo." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Full textThe research, developed within the framework of the doctorate conducted in cotutorship between Sorbonne Université in Paris and the Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology in Rome, focused on the origin of Christianity on the two shores of the southern Red Sea between the 4th and 8th centuries. If the historical and literary sources present an early evangelisation of these regions, dated to the second half of the 4th century, the archaeological and material data show that the new religion did not begin to leave transgressible traces of its presence until the 6th century. Starting from the re-examination of all the published material supplemented with new data from the recent excavations conducted by the Italian-Pontifical mission engaged, between 2017 and 2020, in the Eritrean site of Adulis, it has been possible to reconstruct a new picture of the Christianisation of these areas peripheral to the Mediterranean world that has highlighted how the southern Red Sea regions represent a true crossroads of cultures, societies, ideas and beliefs that are clearly visible both in the coexistence of the three great monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) and in the stylistic mix that animates the architectural, iconographic and decorative material evidence present in Christian cult buildings. In fact, the latter represent a perfect synthesis of the architectural models of reference of the Mediterranean basin, in particular the Syrian-Palestinian area, Egypt and North Africa, which reach these regions thanks to the extensive communication network of land and sea routes that place this area at the centre of the intricate system of connections between East and West
Books on the topic "Tardive Antiquity"
Brassous, Laurent. El espacio provincial en la península ibérica: Antigüedad tardía - alta Edad Media = L'espace provincial dans la péninsule ibérique : antiquité tardive - haut Moyen Âge = The provincial structure in the Iberian Peninsula : late antiquity - early middle ages. Madrid: Casa de Velázquez, 2019.
Find full textLehmann, Y., G. Freyburger, and J. Hirstein, eds. Antiquité tardive et humanisme: de Tertullien à Beatus Rhenanus. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2005.
Full textInstitut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (France), ed. Répertoire d'incipit de sermons latins, antiquité tardive et moyen-âge. [Paris?]: Chadwyck-Healey France, 1987.
Find full textChabal, Lucie. Forêts et sociétés en Languedoc (néolithique final, antiquité tardive): L'anthracologie, méthode et paléoécologie. Paris: Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1997.
Find full textUniversité Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux III, ed. Les nitiobroges: Recherches sur l'Agenais dans l'antiquité : âge du fer, époque gallo-romaine, antiquité tardive. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1995.
Find full textEvelyne, Patlagean, and Caseau-Chevallier, Béatrice, editor of compilation, eds. Les réseaux familiaux: Antiquité tardive et Moyen Âge : in memoriam A. Laiou et É. Patlagean. Paris: ACHCByz, 2012.
Find full textPaul-Albert, Février, Leyge François, and Association lyonnaise des sites archéologiques médiévaux., eds. Premiers temps chrétiens en Gaule méridionale: Antiquité tardive et Haut Moyen Age, IIIème-VIIIème siècles. (Lyon): Association lyonnaise de sauvetage des sites archéologiques médiévaux, 1986.
Find full textPaul-Albert, Février, Leyge François, and Association lyonnaise des sites archéologiques médiévaux., eds. Premiers temps chrétiens en Gaule méridionale: Antiquité tardive et Haut Moyen Age, IIIème-VIIIème siècles. [Lyon]: Association lyonnaise de sauvetage des sites archéologiques médiévaux, 1986.
Find full textYves, Lehmann, Freyburger Gérard, Hirstein James S, and Heim François, eds. Antiquité tardive et humanisme: De Tertullien à Beatus Rhenanus; mélanges offerts à François Heim à l'occasion de son 70e anniversaire. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Tardive Antiquity"
Barral i Altet, Xavier. "5. Noël Duval et les représentations d’architecture (Antiquité tardive et Moyen Âge)." In Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité Tardive, 43–58. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2024.
Full textNarasawa, Yumi. "Le décor sculpté entre Antiquité tardive et Haut Moyen Âge en Provence." In Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité Tardive, 255–75. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2024.
Full textCodou, Yann. "Archéologie et histoire monumentale des sièges épiscopaux de Provence, Antiquité tardive et Haut Moyen Âge : Un bilan." In Bibliothèque de l'Antiquité Tardive, 297–309. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2024.
Full textFournier, Laurent, and Édith Rivoire. "Les “fonds de cabane” de l’Antiquité tardive dans le nord de la région Centre-Val de Loire." In Les modes de construction privée de l’Antiquité tardive en région Centre-Val de Loire, 57–85. Tours: Fédération pour l’édition de la Revue archéologique du Centre de la France, 2022.
Full textChapot, Frédéric. "Langue du droit et littérature. A propos de quelques mots du vocabulaire de la propriété chez Tertullien." In Antiquité tardive et humanisme: de Tertullien à Beatus Rhenanus, 3–24. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2005.
Full textGallon-Sauvage, Anne-Laure. "Delphines Neptuno uomunt : Tertullien et les dauphins du Cirque." In Antiquité tardive et humanisme: de Tertullien à Beatus Rhenanus, 25–36. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2005.
Full textFreyburger-Galland, Marie-Laure. "Dion Cassius et les chrétiens." In Antiquité tardive et humanisme: de Tertullien à Beatus Rhenanus, 37–54. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2005.
Full textHeck, Eberhard. "Lactantius, De falsa religione Textkritisches zum 1. Buch der Diuinae institutiones." In Antiquité tardive et humanisme: de Tertullien à Beatus Rhenanus, 55–67. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2005.
Full textDiouf, Eugène. "L'Apologie d'Apulée : la rhétorique au secours d'un étranger. Alii orabunt causas melius (Virgile, En., 6, 849) "D'autres feront de meilleures plaidoiries"." In Antiquité tardive et humanisme: de Tertullien à Beatus Rhenanus, 69–99. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2005.
Full textPernot, Laurent. "Athènes, lieu de mémoire." In Antiquité tardive et humanisme: de Tertullien à Beatus Rhenanus, 101–20. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2005.
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