Academic literature on the topic 'Taoïsme – Dans la musique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Taoïsme – Dans la musique"
Kroll, Paul W., and Isabelle Robinet. "La révélation du Shangqing dans l'histoire du taoïsme." Journal of the American Oriental Society 106, no. 4 (October 1986): 847.
Full textZhang, Meng Xia, and Alain Jolibert. "Les valeurs traditionnelles des acheteurs chinois: raffinement conceptuel, mesure et application." Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 18, no. 1 (March 2003): 25–42.
Full textThomas, Léon. "L'Absolu dans deux pensées apophatiques : Basilide et le taoïsme." Revue d'histoire et de philosophie religieuses 67, no. 2 (1987): 181–91.
Full textLü, Pengzhi, and Patrick Sigwalt. "Les Textes du Lingbao Ancien dans l'Histoire du Taoïsme." T'oung Pao 91, no. 1 (June 1, 2005): 183–209.
Full textMathieu, Rémi. "La Lumière dans les ténèbres : le taoïsme originel dans la Chine antique." Rue Descartes 84, no. 1 (2015): 11.
Full textMeyer, Claude, and François Euvé. "En Chine, le confucianisme et le taoïsme au service du Parti." Études Novembre, no. 11 (October 27, 2023): 77–84.
Full textLin, Chong Hui. "Henry Bauchau et la philosophie de Lao Tseu." Études Novembre, no. 11 (October 27, 2015): 79–88.
Full textLaRochelle, Dominic. "La réception et la réinvention du taoïsme en Occident." Dossier 72, no. 3 (July 3, 2017): 419–36.
Full textWang, Richard. "Ming Princes and Daoist Ritual." T'oung Pao 95, no. 1 (2009): 51–119.
Full textLagacé, Claude. "Musique tonale et musique d’aujourd’hui." Positions 7, no. 1 (February 25, 2010): 36–39.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Taoïsme – Dans la musique"
Chen, Leyun. "La musique taoïste au Zhejiang : en relation avec la musique bouddhique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textThis study delves into the music daoist of the Zhengyi in Zhejiang, with a special emphasis on its relationship with buddhist music. The research aims to analyze and compare daoist and buddhist musical pieces in order to identify the distinctive characteristics of each, shedding light on the relations and interconnections that have established between them at a specific time and place - a perspective that has been largely overlooked in previous studies. Adding a new dimension to this research, the study also examines the developpement in the professional status of daoist musicians since the 1980s, a period characterized by a resurgence of daois music, spurred by governmental initiatives, particularly under the new Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) project. A methodology has been adopted that combines musical analysis using the Mei Dunhuang software and an ethnographic approach. This latter aspect considers the current practices in the recording and performance of Taoist concerts
Hsu, Jui-Kun. "La musique taoi͏̈ste à Tai͏̈wan : la troisième secte révélée par la musique liturgique." Paris 8, 1998.
Full textTaoism is the most widely spread religions belive in taiwan. Until now many researches have been done on the subject as well as in chinese language as in occidental and japonese languages, but very few focuses on one of the most fondamental aspects of the ritual: liturgical music. In this paper, the author first swiftly introduces taoist religion, than focuts out researches on litugical music of a sect that has been ignores until present time. Thanks to his work on the field, he introduses musical transcriptions followed by deep analysis, than he leads acomparison with musical taanscriptions of various taoist sects on the island. He demonstrates there is a third taoist sect in taiwan
Boutonnet, Olivier. "Le Taoïsme Shangqing et les Religiosités lettrées dans la Chine du VIIIe siècle." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2019.
Full textThe Taoist tradition of Highest Clarity, or Shangqing, was born in the the fourth century from a series of revelations. It rapidly became an independent school on the Maoshan with its own community and corpus. Its spiritual and scriptural heritage inspired the religious life of many scholars of medieval China. As regards this tradition’s situation in the eighth century, a period during which the imperial patronage reached its peak, there are two positions among historians: for some, Shangqing was an independent school which was also able to influence the powers that be; for the others, it did no longer exist per se because it had been absorbed into the Church of the Heavenly Master which controlled investitures and ritual. This dissertation attempts to demonstrate that although Highest Clarity no longer existed in an independent way at that time, it nevertheless remained a tangible reality, both in politics and spirituality
Gorodski, Fabio. "L'articulation dans la musique contemporaine." Paris 8, 2006.
Full textThis work seeks to present a discussion about the dispersion of the composing practices visible since the second half of the 20th century. Aiming to elucidate general questions pertaining to the writing and the appreciation of the musical fact, this dissertation explores several analytical instruments mainly underlying the idea of ‘articulation’. Understood in its broadest sense, this concept of articulation comprehends several steps of the creative process, which goes from the apprehension of basic elements by the composer (whether it is a series, a chord, an objet sonore, an abstract concept, etc. ), until the way she/he constructs a given musical discourse from those very same elements: the choice of the material itself will make possible the construction of specific formal relations according to the internal characteristics of that very same material and will therefore define a certain way of listening, motivate the creation of a ‘sense’ and frame that music in its own space
Sillamy, Jean-Claude. "La Musique dans l'ancien Orient." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1989.
Full textMamalis, Nicolas. "La musique et l'espace, l'espace de la musique." Paris 1, 1993.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to explore the relation between space and music and to study how the space has been introduced like a component of the musical composition, how it is considered and perceived by the composers and also how this notion has been differated during the last years. It is divited in four chapters. The first chapter analyses the notion of the musical material. The last three chapters trie topresent various models of space utilisation in musical works as following : 1. Works which accept space like a place of interpretation independent of the music composition. 2. Works which accept space like a component of the composition which remains independent and establishes arbitrary relations with the others musical components. 3. Wors which developpe space in relation with the other components based in algotithmics transformations
Embeoglou, Michaïl. "La notion de texture dans la musique post-sérielle /." Lille : ANRT, 1997.
Full textMillet, Yves. "Jean Grenier et l'esprit du Tao : le non-agir comme raison de l'oeuvre." Paris 1, 1999.
Full textGervasoni, Arturo. "Directionnalités dans la musique d'Ivan Fedele." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2007.
Full textMontoya, Pablo. "La musique dans l'oeuvre d'Alejo Carpentier." Paris 3, 2001.
Full textIn Alejo Carpentier's work, music feeds the long baroque phrase, structures the narrative form, generates the literary creation of characters, endlessly stimulates the imaginary of writer and critic. Music is the voice to name myth, time, modernity. It establishes significative bounds with poetry and history, and holds a preponderant place in the proposal the Cuban writer makes of the conformation of a Latin American identity. Till now, studies about different relations between music and literature, especially present in Carpentier, are generally made in a fragmented way. Our research faces them through through three essential divisions : the first two are dedicated to study the impact of Afro Cuban and European music in the poetical, narrative and journalistic work ; the last one is dedicated to a careful analysis of musical sphere in Los pasos perdidos. We intend a synthetic and explanatory study of the scattered music criticism done on Alejo Carpentier's work
Books on the topic "Taoïsme – Dans la musique"
Oui à la musique: La musique dans la Bible et dans l'Église. St.-Légier: Emmaüs, 1986.
Find full text1953-, Pineau marcel, ed. Histoire de la musique, la musique dans l'histoire. [Paris]: Hatier, 1987.
Find full textpréf, Rabenoro Césaire docteur, ed. Madagascar: La musique dans l'histoire. Fontenay-sous-Bois: Anako, 2003.
Find full textFrançois-Sappey, Brigitte. La musique dans l'Allemagne romantique. [Paris]: Fayard, 2009.
Find full textFrançois-Sappey, Brigitte. La musique dans l'Allemagne romantique. [Paris]: Fayard, 2009.
Find full textRakotomalala, Mireille. Madagascar, la musique dans l'histoire. Fontenay-sous-Bois: Anako éditions, 2003.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Taoïsme – Dans la musique"
Muzelle, Alain. "Représentations de la musique dans l’écriture hoffmannienne." In E. T. A. Hoffmann, 1822–2022, 217–30. Berlin: Frank & Timme GmbH, 2023.
Full textShiloah, Amnon. "Notions D'Esthetique Dans Les Traités Arabes Sur La Musique." In Music and its Virtues in Islamic and Judaic Writings, XV:51—XV:58. London: Routledge, 2023.
Full textStockhausen, Karlheinz. "Musique dans l’espace." In Comment passe le temps, 217–44. Éditions Contrechamps, 2017.
Full textAl-shawan Castelo-Branco, Salwa. "Mutations dans la musique égyptienne." In Musique arabe, 41–49. CEDEJ - Égypte/Soudan, 1992.
Full textSchnebel, Dieter. "La forme dans les formes du temps : Compositio." In Musique visible, 66–80. Éditions Contrechamps, 2019.
Full textGuettat, Mahmoud. "La Tunisie dans les documents du Congrès du Caire." In Musique arabe, 69–86. CEDEJ - Égypte/Soudan, 1992.
Full textSchnebel, Dieter. "Musique du langage – langage de la musique dans l’œuvre d’Adorno." In Musique visible, 303–22. Éditions Contrechamps, 2019.
Full textMele, Flora. "Présence des dieux dans l’œuvre de Favart." In Musique et littérature, 103–8. Presses universitaires de Provence, 2011.
Full textKamel, Mahmûd. "Interprètes et formes musicales égyptiennes dans les enregistrements du Congrès du Caire." In Musique arabe, 105–8. CEDEJ - Égypte/Soudan, 1992.
Full textFathallah, Linda. "Instruments à cordes et à clavier dans les recommandations du Congrès du Caire." In Musique arabe, 99–103. CEDEJ - Égypte/Soudan, 1992.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Taoïsme – Dans la musique"
Froidefond, Marik. "Commentaires sur la place des études de prosodie poético-musicale dans la recherche musico-littéraire." In Littérature et musique. Fabula, 2010.
Full textGribenski, Michel. "Prosodie et poésie. Place des études sur la prosodie poético-musicale dans la recherche musico-littéraire (bilan et perspectives)." In Littérature et musique. Fabula, 2010.
Full textVanel, Edith. "L’influence de la notion de musique dans le discours critique symboliste et post-symboliste sur la littérature : compte rendu de trois études anglo-saxonnes récentes." In Littérature et musique. Fabula, 2010.
Full textCourt, Jean-Michel. "La musique mixte dans la décennie 1950 : les balbutiements de l'intermédialité." In Création, intermédialité, dispositif. Fabula, 2017.
Full textBarkataki, Siba. "Etude de la narrativisation des sons dans Présence de la mort." In Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, silence(s), bruit(s), musique(s). Fabula, 2019.
Full textLaborie, Laura. "À l’écoute des bruits de la nature dans Derborence : animisme, chaos originel et crise de l’expression." In Charles Ferdinand Ramuz, silence(s), bruit(s), musique(s). Fabula, 2019.
Full textSaldarriaga, Alejandro. "La musique dans la relation ville/campagne : Cartagena et son Palenque de San Basilio." In La Ville au pluriel. Fabula, 2007.
Full textAngot, Sophie. "L’instrument de musique dans l’œuvre de Pascal Quignard : un substitut du corps, intermédiaire entre la vie et la mort." In Figure(s) du musicien. Corps, gestes, instruments en texte. Fabula, 2016.
Full textReports on the topic "Taoïsme – Dans la musique"
Accordez votre cerveau: Le fait de profiter et de s'impliquer dans la musique favorise le vieillissement sain, le bien-être mental et les liens sociaux: Infographique. Washington, DC: Global Council on Brain Health, August 2020.
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