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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'TANNER TOOL'

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Wiles, Brenda L. "Using The National Early Warning Score As A Set Of Deliberate Cues To Detect Patient Deterioration And Enhance Clinical Judgment In Simulation." Case Western Reserve University Doctor of Nursing Practice / OhioLINK, 2016.

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Thorwaldsson, Henrik. "Development of asphalt removing tool for a tandem roller." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för maskinteknik, 2014.

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This master thesis have been done to come up with different concepts that could solve problems that is connected to vibrations in tandem rollers. The main problem is that the vibrations makes it harder to remove asphalt with the built in scraper, creating an uneven contact with the drum and the scraper. The new concepts should improve the machines ability to remove asphalt and decrease the amount of maintenance that is needed. To understand what the new tool needs to do some functional analyses have been done. To create new concepts the triz method have been used. The different concept was evaluated with a pugh matrix and swot. In the final part the focus is on how the best concept could become better. The final concept locks the scraper geometrically so it moves the same way as the drum. This makes it so it always are at the same distance to the drum.
Den här uppsatsen handlar om olika koncept som kan lösa problem som är kopplade till vibrationer från tandem vältar. Huvudproblemet som har varit i fokus är att vibrationerna från valsen försvårar möjligheten att ta bort asfalt med den inbyggda skrapan. Detta ger en ojämn kontakt mellan skrapan och valsen. De nya koncepten borde förbättra maskinen förmåga att ta bort asfalt och minska det nödvändiga underhållet. För att förstå vad det nya verktyget behöver göra har det gjort funktionsanalyser. För att genera nya koncepts har verktyget triz använts. De olika konceptet har utvärderats med en pugh matris och swot metoden. Sista delen av arbetet handlar om hur den bästa konceptet kan bli bättre. The slutgiltiga förslaget går ut på att man låser skrapa geometriskt så att den rör sig på samma sätt som valsen. Detta gör att den alltid håller sig på samma avstånd till valsen.
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Karaindros, Athanasios A. (Athanasios Andreas). "Decision support tool for the tanker second-hand market using data mining techniques." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.

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Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2005.
Leaf 78 blank.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 74-77).
This thesis proposes an innovative decision support tool intended for market leaders and those anticipating market states of "sale and purchase". This is feasible with the use of powerful data mining techniques and the construction of explanatory forecasting models. Data mining techniques seek and extract patterns from databases. These patterns can be used to reveal possible interactions between database variables and to predict values for future "sale and purchase" market states as an aid to decision-making. Possible: users of such a tool are ship brokers, ship owners, shipyards and general brokers and investors. It is crucial to mention the rising need for decisional tools especially when asset play in shipping seems to increase its proportion among other investment practices.
by Athanasios A. Karaindros.
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Newton, Annabella. "Combining two directional synthesis and tandem reactions : powerful tools for synthesis." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2010.

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Saccani, Michele. "Whole ship energy optimization: the case study of a chemical tanker." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013.

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La presente dissertazione investiga la possibilità di ottimizzare l’uso di energia a bordo di una nave per trasporto di prodotti chimici e petrolchimici. Il software sviluppato per questo studio può essere adattato a qualsiasi tipo di nave. Tale foglio di calcolo fornisce la metodologia per stimare vantaggi e miglioramenti energetici, con accuratezza direttamente proporzionale ai dati disponibili sulla configurazione del sistema energetico e sui dispositivi installati a bordo. Lo studio si basa su differenti fasi che permettono la semplificazione del lavoro; nell’introduzione sono indicati i dati necessari per svolgere un’accurata analisi ed è presentata la metodologia adottata. Inizialmente è fornita una spiegazione sul layout dell’impianto, sulle sue caratteristiche e sui principali dispositivi installati a bordo. Vengono dunque trattati separatamente i principali carichi, meccanico, elettrico e termico. In seguito si procede con una selezione delle principali fasi operative della nave: è seguito tale approccio in modo da comprendere meglio la ripartizione della richiesta di potenza a bordo della nave e il suo sfruttamento. Successivamente è svolto un controllo sul dimensionamento del sistema elettrico: ciò aiuta a comprendere se la potenza stimata dai progettisti sia assimilabile a quella effettivamente richiesta sulla nave. Si ottengono in seguito curve di carico meccanico, elettrico e termico in funzione del tempo per tutte le fasi operative considerate: tramite l’uso del software Visual Basic Application (VBA) vengono creati i profili di carico che possono essere gestiti nella successiva fase di ottimizzazione. L’ottimizzazione rappresenta il cuore di questo studio; i profili di potenza ottenuti dalla precedente fase sono gestiti in modo da conseguire un sistema che sia in grado di fornire potenza alla nave nel miglior modo possibile da un punto di vista energetico. Il sistema energetico della nave è modellato e ottimizzato mantenendo lo status quo dei dispositivi di bordo, per i quali sono considerate le configurazioni di “Load following”, “two shifts” e “minimal”. Una successiva investigazione riguarda l’installazione a bordo di un sistema di accumulo di energia termica, così da migliorare lo sfruttamento dell’energia disponibile. Infine, nella conclusione, sono messi a confronto i reali consumi della nave con i risultati ottenuti con e senza l’introduzione del sistema di accumulo termico. Attraverso la configurazione “minimal” è possibile risparmiare circa l’1,49% dell’energia totale consumata durante un anno di attività; tale risparmio è completamente gratuito poiché può essere raggiunto seguendo alcune semplici regole nella gestione dell’energia a bordo. L’introduzione di un sistema di accumulo termico incrementa il risparmio totale fino al 4,67% con un serbatoio in grado di accumulare 110000 kWh di energia termica; tuttavia, in questo caso, è necessario sostenere il costo di installazione del serbatoio. Vengono quindi dibattuti aspetti economici e ambientali in modo da spiegare e rendere chiari i vantaggi che si possono ottenere con l’applicazione di questo studio, in termini di denaro e riduzione di emissioni in atmosfera.
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Vestlund, Emelie. "Surfplattan tar plats i förskolan : En kommuns tankar och pedagogernas verklighet." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013), 2014.

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Undersökningen handlar om en kommuns arbete med implementering av surfplattor i förskoleverksamheten samt pedagogernas upplevelse av den nya tekniken i förskolan. I studien belyses pedagogernas syn på surfplattan som ett pedagogiskt verktyg. I undersökningen användes kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Valet föll sig naturligt då det är en primär metod för att få fram den information man söker. I resultatet visar det sig att kommunen inte hade någon plan på hur arbetet med surfplattor i förskolan skulle se ut. Det visar sig även att pedagogerna saknar en arbetsplan och kompetens för att använda surfplattan som ett pedagogiskt verktyg. Pedagogerna lyfter tidsbrist som en bidragande faktor till att arbetet inte utvecklas som de önskar. Slutsatserna blir att surfplattan som införskaffades för två år sedan ännu inte har blivit implementerad i den dagliga verksamheten. Enligt min undersökning saknas det både kontinuitet och arbetsplan i arbetet med surfplattan.
The study is an investigating of a municipality’s work with implementations of tablet computer in preschool, and the pedagogues’ experience of the new technique. In the study the pedagogues’ experiences of the tablet computers are illuminated. Quantitative interviews were used to receive the required information, since it is a principal method applicable for this study. The result shows that the municipality did not have any plans for how the work with the tablet computers in preschool was going to proceed. It is also obvious that the pedagogues don’t have the competence nor the work plan to use the tablet computer as a pedagogical tool. The pedagogues are mentioning lack of time as a contributory factor in the matter. The conclusion is that the tablet computer, obtained two years ago, has not been implemented in the daily work. There is a lack in both continuity and work plan when it comes to the tablet computer according to my study.
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Kaymaz, Sidar Diri Alaattin. "Use of information technology tools in source selection decision making a study on USAF's KC-X Tanker Replacement Program /." Monterey, Calif. : Naval Postgraduate School, 2008.

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"Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Business Administration from the Naval Postgraduate School, June 2008."
Advisor(s): Heath, Susan K. ; Petross, Diana F. "June 2008." "MBA professional report"--Cover. Description based on title screen as viewed on August 8, 2008. Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-152). Also available in print.
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Kaymaz, Sidar, and Alaattin Diri. "Use of information technology tools in source selection decision making: a study on USAF's KC-X Tanker Replacement Program." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2008.

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MBA Professional Report
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited
The source selection phase in government acquisitions is so complicated in nature because it involves multicriteria decision making that is supposed to respond to various requirements and subjectivity is usually inevitable in this kind of a decision making process. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate how the USAF's current source selection method (color rating method) is incompetent in showing small differences between proposed products, how this inadequacy leads to subjective decisions, and that the use of information technology tools can augment objectivity in this process. In this study, USAF's KC-X Tanker Replacement Program has been selected as the program to be used to frame the research questions. Two models with two versions built on Microsoft Excel spreadsheets using publicly available KC-X program data are used to compare the USAF's color rating method and weighted sum method, which is a multi-criteria decision making tool. It is presented that if the USAF had used the weighted sum method as its evaluation method, the winner of the KC-X program could have been different. The findings prove that the color rating method is not capable of reflecting small differences and information technology tools can help decision makers choose the best value offeror with less subjectivity.
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Sreng, Mengkoing. "Development of in-situ photoluminescence characterization tools for the study of semiconductors for photovoltaics application." Thesis, Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2019.

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Au cours des dernières décennies, le rendement des cellules photovoltaïques a été considérablement amélioré, atteignant presque la limite théorique de Shockley-Queisser. À ce stade, une compréhension profonde des propriétés des matériaux et de leur évolution au cours des processus de fabrication des cellules solaires devient de plus en plus cruciale pour améliorer encore le rendement de la conversion des cellules. Pour cette raison, ma thèse a été axée sur le développement des outils de caractérisation in-situ, qui permettent d'étudier les propriétés des matériaux en temps réel pendant les processus. Les outils ont été développés sur la base de techniques de photoluminescence, dans lesquelles l'échantillon (matériaux semi-conducteurs) est optiquement excité et émet simultanément des photons avec une énergie approximativement égale à la bande interdite des matériaux. Dans cette thèse, trois outils de caractérisation in situ seront présentés.La SSPL in-situ, basée sur la technique de photoluminescence à l'état d'équilibre, est développée pour étudier les propriétés des matériaux semi-conducteurs au cours des processus en mesurant directement l'intensité du signal PL. Après la mise à niveau du système d'acquisition optique, l'outil a été utilisé pour étudier l'évolution des propriétés de surface de silicium cristallin, passivée par l'oxyde d'aluminium (Al2O3) développé par ALD et de silicium amorphe hydrogéné (a-Si:H) développé par PECVD, sous exposition au plasma Ar/H2 dans différentes conditions. À partir de ces expériences, les différences comportement entre l’échantillon passivé par Al2O3 et l’échantillon passivé par a-Si:H ont été observées et discutées. De plus, grâce à l'expérience d'exposition au plasma à travers une fenêtre optique (MgF2), la cause de la dégradation de la passivation de surface induite par le plasma était déterminée. Enfin et surtout, la relation entre la dynamique de la dégradation induite par le plasma et les paramètres du plasma (par exemple, puissance RF appliquée, pression de la chambre et température) a également été étudiée.Pour aller plus loin, le MPL in-situ, basé sur la technique de photoluminescence modulée, est conçu pour étudier quantitativement les propriétés des matériaux semi-conducteurs. Cet outil de caractérisation utilise un laser à modulation d'intensité pour exciter l'échantillon, afin de pouvoir mesurer la durée de vie des porteurs minoritaires. Après la conceptualisation et la fabrication d'un nouveau système d'acquisition optique, l'étalonnage du système et l'optimisation des paramètres MPL ont été réalisés. En outre, une méthode de caractérisation a également été développée, de sorte que le MPL in situ est capable de mesurer la durée de vie des porteurs minoritaires à une densité de porteurs minoritaires souhaité (par exemple, 10^15 cm^-3 pour une cellule solaire à une jonction non concentrée). Après de nombreux travaux, l'outil est maintenant fonctionnel et a été utilisé pour mesurer la durée de vie des porteurs minoritaires de silicium cristallin pendant le dépôt de la couche de passivation a-Si:H, le traitement thermique et le dépôt de nitrure de silicium (a-SiNx:H). Les résultats expérimentaux montrent que la température à laquelle les processus ont été conduits joue un rôle majeur dans l'activation et la modification des propriétés de passivation de surface fournies par Al2O3.Enfin, alors que la tendance à la cellule solaire tandem augmente rapidement, un autre outil de caractérisation in-situ, appelé PLt in-situ (photoluminescence in-situ pour cellule solaire tandem), a été développé. Cet outil de caractérisation résulte d'une combinaison de technique de steady-state photoluminescence et de photoluminescence modulée. Il a été conçu pour étudier en temps réel les propriétés des deux sous-cellules, indépendamment et simultanément. Le PLt in-situ peut être un outil de caractérisation potentiel pour la recherche sur les cellules solaires tandem à haute efficacité
During the last few decades, the conversion efficiency of photovoltaic solar cell has been significantly improved, almost reaching the Shockley-Queisser theoretical limit. At this point, a profound understanding of material properties and its evolution during the solar cell fabrication processes become increasingly crucial to further improve the cell conversion efficiency. For this reason, my doctoral studies have been focused on the development of in-situ characterization tools, which allows the studies of material properties in real time during the processes. The tools were developed based on photoluminescence techniques, in which the sample (semiconductor materials) is optically excited and simultaneously emits photons with energy approximately equal to the band gap of materials. In this thesis, three in-situ characterization tools will be presented.In-situ SSPL, based on steady-state photoluminescence technique, is developed to study the properties of semiconductor materials during the processes by directly measuring the steady-state PL intensity. After the upgrade of optical acquisition system, the tool has been used extensively to study the evolution of surface properties of crystalline silicon wafer, passivated by aluminum oxide (Al2O3) grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD) and hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), under Ar/H2 plasma exposure at different conditions. From these experiments, the behavioral differences between Al2O3-passivated sample and a-Si:H-passivated sample was observed and discussed. In addition, thanks to the plasma exposure experiment through a magnesium fluoride optical window (MgF2), the root cause of plasma-induced degradation of surface passivation was pin-pointed. Last but not least, the relationship between the dynamic of plasma-induced degradation and the plasma parameters (e.g. applied RF power, chamber pressure, and temperature) was also studied.To go one step further, in-situ MPL, based on modulated photoluminescence technique, is built to quantitatively study the properties of semiconductor materials. This characterization tool employs an intensity-modulated laser to excite the sample, so the minority carrier lifetime can be measured. After the conceptualization and fabrication of a new optical acquisition system, the system calibration and the optimization of MPL parameters were conducted. Furthermore, a characterization method was also developed, so the in-situ MPL is able to measure the minority carrier lifetime at a defined minority carrier density (e.g. 1015 cm-3 for non-concentrated single junction solar cell). After a lot of work, the tool is now fully functional and has been used to measure the minority carrier lifetime of crystalline silicon wafer during the de position of a-Si:H passivation layer, the thermal treatment, and the deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon nitride (a-SiNx:H) anti-reflection coating. The experimental results show that the temperature at which the processes were conducted plays a major role in activation and modification of surface passivation properties provided by Al2O3.Finally, as the tendency toward tandem solar cell has been continuously growing, another in-situ characterization tool, known as in-situ PLt (in-situ photoluminescence for tandem solar cell), was built. This characterization tool results from a combination of steady-state photoluminescence and modulated photoluminescence technique and was designed to study in real time the properties of both sub-cells independently and simultaneously. The in-situ PLt can be a potential characterization tool for the research toward high efficiency tandem solar cell
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Furst, Kristina. ""Vi försöker att få in det i vardagen" : en kvalitativ studie om förskollärares tankar kring pedagogisk dokumentation i förskolan." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Lärarutbildningen, 2011.

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Background: Pedagogical documentation is currently used as a natural part of the educational activities under the revised curriculum for preschool. Aim: The purpose of this study is to see how preschool teachers perceive and define educational documentation in preschool. The aim is also to see what opportunities and obstacles that may arise over the pedagogical documentation. Method: The study was conducted along a qualitative approach with questionnaires in order to reach more preschool teachers and thus obtain a broader picture of the subject content. From a phenomenological approach I have taken account of the preschool teachers' experience and perception of educational documentation and designed it to my own interpretation. Results: The results show that pedagogical documentation is an important tool in preschool teachers work not only found to contain a product, but seems more like a collection of a lot of products to be brought together into a whole.
Bakgrund: Pedagogisk dokumentation ska idag användas som ett naturligt inslag i den pedagogiska verksamheten enligt den reviderade läroplanen för förskolan. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att se hur förskollärare uppfattar och definierar pedagogisk dokumentation i förskolan. Syftet är även att se vilka möjligheter och hinder som kan uppstå kring pedagogisk dokumentation. Metod: Studien har genomförts utefter en kvalitativ metod med enkäter för att nå ut till fler förskollärare och på så sätt få en bredare bild av ämnets innehåll. Utifrån en fenomenologisk ansats har jag tagit hänsyn till förskollärarnas upplevelse och uppfattning av pedagogisk dokumentation och konstruerat det till min egen tolkning. Resultat: Av resultatet framgår att pedagogisk dokumentation är ett viktigt verktyg i förskollärarna arbete som inte enbart visar sig innehålla en produkt, utan framstår mer som en samling av en hel del produkter som ska föras samman till en helhet.
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Jennifer, Fridlund. "Lärplattan som ett språkutvecklande verktyg : En sudie om pedagogernas tankar om och vilka strategier som de använder för att lärplattan ska kunna fungera som ett språkutvecklande verktyg i förskolans verksamhet." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Institutionen för pedagogiska studier, 2016.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the pedagogue´s thoughts about and which strategies the pedagogue´s use to make the digital notepad work as an language development tool in preschool´s daily activities. The study has three questions 1) Which conditions do the pedagogue´s need to be able to use digital notepads as a language development tool in preschool´s daily activities? 2) In which occasions can the digital notepad be used as a language development tool in preschool’s daily activities? 3) What advantages / disadvantages do pedagogues see when using the digital notepads as a language development tool in preschool´s activities. The study was performed in two various preschool’s in two separate municipalities in the middle of Sweden, were three preschool teachers, from each preschool where interviewed by using semi-structured interviews. The results from the interviews showed that the digital notepad under several occasions can be used as a language development tool in preschool´s activities. The respondents saw many advantages and few disadvantages when using the digital notepad as a language development tool. The digital notepad becomes and works as a language developing tool as long as the respondents, have an exploring and challening approach while using the notepad with the children. While education, learning time, pedagogue’s attitude and approach was considered important strategies/preconditions which are needed/contributed for the digital notepad to work as a language development tools in preschool’s daily activites.
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka pedagogernas tankar om och vilka strategier som pedagogerna använder för att lärplattan kunna fungera som ett språkutvecklande verktyg i förskolans verksamhet. Studien har tre frågeställningar 1) Vad behöver pedagogerna för förutsättningar för att lärplattan ska kunna användas som ett språkutvecklande verktyg i förskolans verksamhet? 2) Under vilka tillfällen kan lärplattan användas som ett språkutvecklande verktyg i förskolans verksamhet? 3) Vilka fördelar/ nackdelar ser pedagogerna med lärplattor som ett språkutvecklande verktyg i förskolans verksamhet? Studien genomfördes på två olika förskolor, i två skilda kommuner i mellersta delen av Sverige. Där tre respondenter ifrån varje förskola intervjuades med intervjuformen, semistrukturerad intervju. I resultatet framgick det att lärplattan under flera tillfällen kan användas som ett språkutvecklande verktyg i förskolans verksamhet och att respondenterna ser många fördelar och endast några få nackdelar med lärplattor som ett språkutvecklande verktyg. Lärplattan blir och fungerar som ett språkutvecklande så länge respondenterna tex är medupptäckande, utforskande och utmanande som pedagog. Även utbildning, vägledning, tid, pedagogernas inställning och förhållningssätt ansågs vara viktiga strategier/förutsättningar som behövdes finnas/tillföras för att lärplattan ska kunna användas och fungera som ett språkutvecklande verktyg i förskolans verksamhet.
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Virtanen, Linda. "”... eftersom det brukar vara lättare att lyssna på lärare än boken” : Elevers och lärares tankar om den interaktiva skrivtavlan i matematikundervisningen." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Lärarutbildningen, 2011.

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The purpose of this study was to explore students' and teachers' experiences of the new pedagogical teaching tool, interactive whiteboard, which have gained increased popularity and wide spread usage in the classrooms. An observation during a mathematical lecture was conducted as a pilot study prior to the main research method of phenomenology; based on students’ self-descriptions and interviews with two teachers, this methodological approach was used to investigate the subject matter. The interpretation, comparison and analysis of the results surrounding this new teaching method is explained by two theories, constructivism and socio-cultural perspective. The information shared by the students and teachers have been broken down into four categories: enjoyment & interest, practical, insight and no different. Students felt that enjoying and interesting lectures strengthened their knowledge, a statement also confirmed by the teachers. The data also showed that the interactive whiteboard, highly favored among students, has a positive effect on the learning outcomes, however, it seem to be limited to the pedagogical practices adopted by the teachers.
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Duran, Marcela. "Barns pedagogiska material : En kvalitativ studie om barns användning av det pedagogiska materialet som finns på fem förskolor och om sex pedagogers tankar kring placeringen av det pedagogiska materialet." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Lärarutbildningen, 2014.

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“Childs pedagogic material – A qualitative study of child’s use of pedagogic materials available at five nursery schools and about their teachers thoughts about the display of the pedagogic material” In the nursery preschool the environment and the educational materials have always had a central place. That's why it has been chosen to study and observe five preschools and interview sex teachers, in an attempt to understand the teachers thought about the choice of material and the choices of material that the children used. The reason I do this is to see what the underlying idea about the materials the children use is, and why educators choose to make certain materials visible. The purpose of this study is to examine the educational materials that are used to stimulate children´s learning and examine what determines the choice of educational materials. In the assessment of the pedagogical scenario it has been used a socio-cultural perspective and a multimodal approach that allowed to conclude that children use most of the material with exception of what is often placed high up on shelves, locked in closets or a cabinets. Educational materials that children don't see are not commonly used by the children since they don’t of interest for them. When teachers display educational materials in the children’s level and make the material available for them, it results in awaking the children’s interest in using them. At the interviews all the teachers agreed that the educational material must be made available and that on the children's level.  The educational material has to be tempting and varying nature, furthermore, the material also has to be concrete and so designed that the children could make use of them without needs of supervising guidance of an adult that explaining everything to them.
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Frantz, Maria. "Handskriftens närvaro i den digitala skolan 2021 : Attityder och tankar om handskrift kontra datorskrift bland lärare och elever på mellanstadiet i skolan 2021." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, Fakulteten för humaniora och samhällsvetenskap (from 2013), 2021.

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Denna undersökning handlar om handskriftens närvaro i den digitala skolan 2021 och vilka attityder lärare och elever har till att skriva för hand respektive att skriva på datorn samt fördelar och nackdelar med de båda skrivmetoderna. Empirin har samlats in genom observationer i klassrum och intervjuer med lärare och elever. Samtalen var digitala för ena gruppen och genom enskilda fysiska möten i den andra gruppen. Resultaten i denna undersökning gav både väntade och oväntade svar. Eleverna ansåg att de skrev längst texter på datorn tack vare rättstavningsprogrammen vilket var ett förväntat svar på frågan. Men att två tredjedelar av eleverna ansåg att de skrev en text snabbare för hand än på datorn var en oväntad vinkling. Lärarnas attityder handlade om skriftsättens olika fördelar och nackdelar. Empirin gav förväntade svar om hur bra handskrift är för det långsiktiga lärandet och de digitala hjälpmedlens möjligheter. Observationen visade att det skrivs både för hand och på datorn i skolan idag samt att skillnaden i tid mellan skrivsätten är mindre än jag hade uppfattningen om när jag började samla in empirin.
This survey is about the handwriting's presence in the digital school in 2021 and what attitudes teachers and students have to writing by hand and writing on the computer, respectively and advantages and disadvantages of both writing methods. The empirics have been collected through classroom observations and interviews with teachers and students. The conversations were digital for one group and through individual physical meetings in the other group. The results in this examination provided both expected and unexpected answers. The students felt that they wrote the longest texts on the computer thanks to the spelling programs, which was an expected answer to the question. But the fact that two-thirds of students thought they were writing a text faster by hand than on the computer was an unexpected slant. Teachers' attitudes were about the different advantages and disadvantages of the two types of writing. Empirical services provided expected answers about the quality of handwriting for long-term learning and the possibilities of digital aids. The observation showed that it is written both by hand and on the computer at school today and that the difference in time between writing methods is smaller than I had the idea of when I started collecting the empirical.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles


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An internal reference comparator array consisting of complementary metal oxide semiconductor inverters replaces the Vref generator, resistor voltage divider circuit, as well as arrays of differential comparators in a standard flash ADC. The aforementioned design also promises significant improvements in chip space, power dissipation, and speed control because the inverters' threshold voltage acts as the reference voltage. Because the inverter threshold voltage is sensitive to operating temperature/process variations, perturbations in these ADC systems are challenging, necessitating a compensation mechanism. A TIQ-dependent flash ADC with inverter threshold voltage control is presented in this study.The 5-bit flash ADC is developed and evaluated in 180nm technology using TANNER EDA via modifying the TIQ comparator as well as using Power gated, as well as a multiplexer-oriented encoder using transmission gate logic as well as the lector technique. TIQ comparator as well as Multiplexer-based encoder are used in the architecture. The 2:1 multiplexer are used in this Mux-based encoder. The Multiplexer could be built in a variety of topology, including CMOS, PTL, TGL, as well as Gate Diffusion-Input. The transistor counts in CMOS technology, which is referred to as Area in electronics, is greater, resulting in increased energy usage and latency. Although there are fewer transistors in PTL as well as GDI logics than in CMOS, output stability also isn't maintained. In order to preserve output stability, buffers must be included to the PTL setup. However, the outcomes are insufficient. In order to retain output stability, GDI technologies should use the same algorithm or make certain essential tweaks. The purpose of this report is on Transmission Gate Logic, as well as the Multiplexer was designed using a lector method. Lector is a low-power technology. Inside the 2:1 multiplexing construction, this method is used with Transmission Gate Logic. The power gating method is used to create a TIQ comparator in this research. Another low-power option is power gating technique. Power gating is done in xi a variety of ways. The injection of an extra transistors at the Vdd connector (known as header switching energy gating) or the earth (GND) connections are used in power gating technology (which is named as footer switch power gating). The second transistor is positioned at the Vdd connector to minimize power dissipation when compared to the traditional technique.
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Jian, Duan-Zuo, and 簡端佐. "A design of 8X8 multiplier circuit by Tanner Tools Pro." Thesis, 2014.

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In the paper, a new structure of 8X8 multiplier circuit is proposed by using Tanner Tools Pro. First, the logical circuit and functional diagram of the multiplier are edited in S-Edit mode. Using T-Spice, the circuit functional analysis and simulation are simulated to reveal correctly. In L-Edit mode, the circuit layout of the 8X8 multiplier is generated using auto place and route technology. Finally, the layout of mask layers are adopted to agree with design rule check. Also, the proposed 8X8 multiplier circuit is compared with the traditional one. The analyses reveal that the new circuit of the proposed multiplier simplies the complexity of the circuit, decreases the delay time of the circuit, and improve the efficiency of the multiplier.
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Chen, Ming-Yu, and 陳明佑. "An Integrated Tool for Investigating Genetic Disorder-Relevant Tandem Repeats in Human Genome." Thesis, 2003.

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Tandem repeats (TRs) are associated with human inherited diseases, and play a role in evolution and are important in regulatory processes. Experts who are researching in genetic disorders may be interested in TRs with particular limits, and they will design primer sequence for experiment later. To integrate the information about human genetic disorders, and to provide an efficient tool for observing the information about TRs and genetic disorders are the objectives of this study. The first objective is to establish a database which integrates gene information, TRs and OMIM data. Users can analyze genetic disorders efficiently with this tool. The second objective is to provide a primer design tool for identifying specific TRs. Users obtain interesting primers from specific disease features and experiment the patient's sample for verifying the suspect. This tool is designed with a user-friendly interface and integrated information for experts to analyze genetic disorders, such as the primer design. In this work, we have identified TRs in the complete human genome from the publicly available sequences and mapped to the genes located in. According to the relationship of genes and genetic disorders recorded by OMIM, the TRs which potentially relevant to the genetic disorders will be shown.
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LUO, XIAO-XIAN, and 羅孝賢. "Tandem toll boothsrformance analysis:a case study in Taiwan area." Thesis, 1987.

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Neves, Bruna Filipa Brito. "New tools based on mass spectrometry approaches for the identification of nitrated complex lipids." Master's thesis, 2020.

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Over the last years, the interest in products resulting from endogenous nitration reactions has increased, namely in nitro-fatty acids (NO2-FAs) that are considered as important signaling molecules. Although NO2-FA were detected in vivo as free species or adducted to proteins, esterified forms were only recently reported as nitrated phospholipid (NO2-PLs) and nitrated triacylglycerides (NO2-FA-TAG), together with the occurrence of lipoxidation adducts of NO2-PLs. The free, esterified and nucleophilic-adducted NO2-FA, generated in in vitro mimetic systems and in vivo, were detected using mass spectrometry (MS)-based approaches, coupled or not to liquid chromatography, with the identification of their typical fragmentation pattern and characteristic reporter ions under tandem MS (MS/MS) conditions. However, recent studies on the structural characterization of NO2-PLs allowed to suggest that both the information can vary depending on the type of mass spectrometer and the dissociation technique used to induce the fragmentation. This is a key issue since it can hinder the identification of these nitrated and nitroxidized derivatives in biological samples. Thus, an understanding of what analytical parameters are best to obtain the most useful information is a key issue for the identification of these modified PLs species. In this way, the aims of this work are (a) the identification of typical fragmentation patterns using different MS instrumental platforms to improve the accurate detection of the nitrated and nitroxidized derivatives of complex lipids obtained from in vitro biomimetic models systems, and (b) the development of lipidomic strategies to improve their identification in complex biological samples using the optimized high-throughput MS-based methodologies. To accomplish our goal, we first evaluate the influence of the normalized collision energy (NCE), under higher-energy collisional dissociation (HCD)- MS/MS conditions in Q-Exactive Orbitrap, in the fragmentation pattern to identify the most suitable acquisition conditions and reporter ions to detect nitrated PLs. This will contribute to identify and quantify these species in biological samples. Nitrated and nitroxidized PLs species were synthesized through an in vitro mimetic system of nitration with nitronium tetrafluoroborate (NO2BF4), which was used to nitrate phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) standards. The results showed that the intensity of the typical NL of nitrous acid (HNO2, 47 Da) diminishes with increasing NCE, becoming non-detectable for a higher NCE. However, fragment ions corresponding to the carboxylate anions of the modified fatty acyl chain were identified as potential reporter ions to detect nitrated PLs when using the HCD-MS/MS in lipidomics analysis. This methodology was applied in the analysis of cell lipid extracts treated with nitrated PC, which allowed the detection of NO2-PC and the validation of the developed methodology. The results obtained in this chapter revealed that the relative abundance of reporter ions of nitrated and nitroxidized PLs is significantly affected by the NCE applied. which in fact determines what fragment ions are observed, being a key factor for the successful of the detection of these nitrated PLs in biological samples. As the fragmentation fingerprinting of nitrated PLs obtained under HCDMS/MS conditions revealed to be dissimilar to the one previously reported under collision-induced dissociation (CID)-MS/MS, we evaluated the potential differences on the relative abundance of the typical reporter ions and fragmentation pattern of nitroso and nitro derivatives of different classes of PLs. These species were generated in vitro and their characterization was performed using MS/MS approaches based on two different ion activation methods: CID in a LXQ-Linear Trap (LIT) and HCD in a Q-Exactive Orbitrap. The results presented in this chapter revealed that the major differences between MS/MS spectra from CID-LXQ-LIT and HCD-Orbitrap are related with different relative abundance, and consequently distinct intensity, of specific reporter ions of nitrated PLs. Nitrated and nitroxidized triacylglycerides generated in vitro were also characterized by HCD-MS/MS in a Q-Exactive Orbitrap. Its fragmentation pattern included the typical NL of HNO2 with a high relative abundance, revealing to be more similar with the fragmentation pattern of nitrated PLs obtained in CID-LXQ-LIT. Overall, the results gathered in this thesis provide new insights into the nitrated and nitroxidized derivatives of esterified NO2-FA in PLs and TAG, and the identification of their fragmentation fingerprinting based on advanced HCDMS and MS/MS approaches. This information can be successfully used for targeted analysis of nitrated and nitroxidized lipids in biological samples, in different circumstances, namely in health and/or in disease conditions contributing to determine the biological properties and in vivo signaling actions of these nitrated molecules.
Nos últimos anos, o interesse em produtos que resultam de reações de nitração a nível endógeno tem crescido, nomeadamente os ácidos gordos nitrados (NO2-FA), os quais têm sido considerados importantes moléculas de sinalização. Os NO2-FA têm sido reportados in vivo, quer na sua forma livre quer na forma de aductos com proteínas, e mais recentemente foram detetados em fosfolípidos (NO2-PLs) e triglicerídeos nitrados (NO2-FA-TAG). Também já foram reportados aductos de NO2-PLs com proteínas. Os NO2-FA livres, esterificados ou na forma de aductos com proteínas têm sido detetados in vitro e in vivo usando abordagens baseadas em espetrometria de massa (MS), com ou sem separação por cromatografia líquida. Estas identificações têm sido possíveis através da deteção do seu padrão de fragmentação típico e pela presença de iões diagnóstico característicos em condições de espetrometria de massa tandem (MS/MS). No entanto, estudos recentes sobre a caracterização estrutural de NO2-PLs sugeriram que estas informações podem variar dependendo do tipo de espectrómetro de massa e da técnica de dissociação utilizada para induzir a sua fragmentação em MS/MS. Esta é uma questão importante, podendo dificultar a identificação destes derivados nitrados e nitroxidados em amostras biológicas. Assim, o conhecimento dos melhores parâmetros para obter a informação mais útil em MS é crucial para a sua identificação. Deste modo, os objetivos deste trabalho são (a) identificar os padrões de fragmentação típicos em MS usando diferentes plataformas instrumentais, de modo a contribuir para uma melhor identificação dos derivados nitrados e nitroxidados de lípidos complexos obtidos a partir de modelos biomiméticos in vitro, e (b) desenvolver estratégias lipidómicas para melhorar a sua identificação em amostras biológicas complexas utilizando as metodologias baseadas em MS/MS. Para alcançarmos os objetivos propostos, avaliamos o efeito da energia de colisão (NCE) em condições de MS/MS, utilizando dissociação induzida por colisão de alta energia (HCD) numa Q-Exactive Orbitrap, no padrão de fragmentação para identificar as condições de aquisição e os iões diagnóstico que melhor permitem detetar os PLs nitrados e, assim, permitir a sua identificação e quantificação em amostras biológicas. Os fosfolípidos nitratos e nitroxidados foram sintetizados através de um sistema mimético de nitração in vitro com tetrafluoroborato de nitrónio (NO2BF4), que foi usado para nitrar moléculas padrão de fosfatidilcolina (PC) e fosfatidiletanolamine (PE). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a intensidade da perda neutra (NL) característica de ácido nitroso (HNO2, 47 Da) diminui com o aumento da NCE, tornando-se indetetável com uma NCE mais elevada. Contudo, os iões fragmento correspondentes aos aniões carboxilato dos ácidos gordos modificados, observados em espectros de MS/MS adquiridos na QExactive Orbitrap, foram identificados como potenciais iões diagnóstico que permitem identificar fosfolípidos nitrados através de uma análise lipidómica por HCD-MS/MS. Esta metodologia foi aplicada na análise de extratos lipídicos de células co-cultivadas com PC nitrada, para a validação dos resultados obtidos na caracterização de NO2-PL em modelos biomiméticos. Os resultados obtidos neste capítulo demonstraram que a NCE usada influência significativamente a abundância relativa de iões diagnóstico dos PLs nitrados e nitroxidados determinando, assim, quais os iões fragmento observados sendo por isso um fator chave para o sucesso da identificação destes PLs nitrados em amostras biológicas. Uma vez que o perfil de fragmentação dos PLs nitrados obtido em HCD-MS/MS demonstrou ser diferente do anteriormente reportado para a dissociação induzida por colisão (CID) em espectrómetros de massa do tipo Trapa Linear (LXQ-LIT), avaliamos as potencias diferenças na abundância relativa dos iões diagnóstico característicos e no padrão de fragmentação dos derivados nitroso e nitro de diferentes classes de PLs. Estas espécies foram obtidas após nitração in vitro e a sua caracterização foi realizada por MS/MS utilizando dois métodos diferentes de ativação de iões em MS/MS: CID em LXQ-LIT e HCD em Q-Exactive Orbitrap. Os resultados deste capítulo revelaram que as principais diferenças entre os espectros de MS/MS adquiridos em CID-LXQLIT e HCD-Orbitrap estão relacionadas com uma abundância relativa diferente e, consequentemente, uma intensidade distinta dos iões diagnóstico característicos dos PLs nitrados. Os triglicerídeos nitrados e nitroxidados foram também caracterizados por HCD-MS/MS em Q-Exactive Orbitrap. O seu padrão de fragmentação incluí a presença de iões produto formados pela NL de HNO2 com uma elevada abundância relativa, demonstrando ser semelhante ao padrão de fragmentação dos NO2-PLs obtido em CID-LXQ-LIT. No geral, os resultados obtidos nesta tese fornecem novos conhecimentos sobre a identificação do padrão de fragmentação característico de derivados nitrados e nitroxidados dos NO2-FA esterificados com PLs e TAG utilizando abordagens baseadas em HCD-MS e MS/MS. Esta informação pode ser utilizada com sucesso na análise direcionada de lípidos nitrados e nitroxidados em amostras biológicas, em diferentes contextos, nomeadamente na saúde ou associado a doenças, e assim contribuir para determinar as propriedades biológicas e função sinalizadora in vivo destas moléculas nitradas.
Mestrado em Bioquímica
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Zeng, Yingxu. "Exploring the capabilities of gas chromatography and liquid chromatography single and tandem mass spectrometry for discriminating and characterizing marine oils by using chemometric tools." Master's thesis, 2010.

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Assessing the capabilities of instrumental techniques for discriminating marine oils and studying the positional distribution of fatty acids on the backbone of triacylglycerols (TAG) are of vital importance from commercial, nutritional, biochemical and technological points of view. This represents a great challenge for analysts due to the wide variety of fatty acids and the complexity of naturally occurring TAG species. In this thesis, the potential of gas chromatography (GC) for discriminating full fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles of marine oils (cod liver, salmon, seal and whale oils) is evaluated by means of principal component analysis (PCA). The FAME profiles from plant oils such as rapeseed, linseed and soy oils and seven different brands of omega-3 (ω-3) fatty acids supplements are also used in the discrimination process. The results from the PCA plots can reliably distinguish between plant, ω-3 fatty acids supplements, fish and marine mammal oils. By removing the contribution of the ω-3 fatty acids supplements and plant oils, it is possible to discriminate within every type of fish and marine animal oils. GC offers a rapid, simple and convenient means of discriminating marine oils from different species, brands and grades. The thesis also studies the feasibility of fingerprinting and discriminating marine oils based on their TAG profiles using liquid chromatography electrospray single and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS and LC-ESI-MS2) in conjunction with chemometric tools. Four kinds of profiles, including total ion chromatogram (TIC) and mass spectral profiles derived from LC-ESI-MS and LC-ESI-MS2 experiments, are examined prior to data pretreatment by component detection algorithm (CODA) to reduce the noise and background. These profiles are subsequently subjected to PCA to evaluate their performance for discriminating marine oils and plant oils. The results show that the TIC profiles derived from both LC-ESI-MS and LC-ESI-MS2 experiments turn out to be inadequate for discrimination of complex marine oils. Although the classification results are remarkably improved by using single mass spectral profiles derived from LC-ESI-MS experiments, the differentiation among seal oils of different species and qualities is not achieved. In comparison, the use of tandem mass spectral profiles from LC-ESI-MS2 experiment is demonstrated to be the best strategy for discrimination of marine oils which enables the differentiation not only between marine oils and plant oils but also among the seal oils of different species and qualities. The tandem mass spectral profiles could preferably represent the characteristics of TAG patterns, and could be used as an alternative approach for fingerprinting and detecting of adulteration of marine oils. The final aspect studied in the present thesis is the structural characterization of TAG by using LC-ESI-MS2 for identifying the positional distribution of fatty acids on the glycerol backbone in cod liver oil. A computational algorithm is developed to characterize rapidly and interpret automatically the mass spectra of the various detected TAG species. Three different solvent mixtures are used to dissolve the sample prior to the instrumental analysis. The discrepancies between the results indicate that the choice of the solvent system influences the identification of the TAG species. The results obtained by the proposed LC-ESI-MS2 approach are in agreement with those from the well established lipase method. LC-ESI-MS2 provides a suitable and powerful strategy for the structural characterization of TAG in cod liver oil.
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