Academic literature on the topic 'Tanin de mimosa'
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Journal articles on the topic "Tanin de mimosa"
Deschamps, A. M. "Évaluation de la dégradation de deux types de tanin condensé par des bactéries isolées d'écorces en décomposition." Canadian Journal of Microbiology 31, no. 5 (May 1, 1985): 499–502.
Full textJannah, Nabila Tsarwatul, Tri Winarni Agustini, and Apri Dwi Anggo. "Penerapan Ekstrak Putri Malu (Mimosa pudica L.) sebagai Penghambat Melanosis pada Udang selama Penyimpanan Dingin." Jurnal Pascapanen dan Bioteknologi Kelautan dan Perikanan 13, no. 2 (December 30, 2018): 131.
Full textKasmudjiastuti, Emiliana, Sri Sutyasmi, and Titik Purwati Widowati. "Pemanfaatan tanin dari kulit kayu tingi (Ceriops tagal) sebagai bahan penyamak nabati: pengaruh penambahan alum dan mimosa." Majalah Kulit, Karet, dan Plastik 31, no. 1 (June 26, 2015): 45.
Full textKarunita Ika Astuti, Fitriyanti, and Nur Huda. "UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIDIARE EKSTRAK ETANOL 96% HERBA PUTRI MALU (Mimosa pudica L.) TERHADAP MENCIT JANTAN YANG DIINDUKSI Oleum ricini." Borneo Journal of Pharmascientech 4, no. 1 (April 1, 2020): 42–50.
Full textRamadhan, Yanuar Bekti, Aida Nur Sabrina, and Endang Kwartiningsih. "Biosorption of Chromium from Textile Wastewater Using Mimosa pudica Tannin Gel." Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering 5, no. 1 (August 9, 2021): 51.
Full textSouza, Diná Garcia de, Débora Baiocchi Princivalli Campos, João Gilberto Mesa Ucella Filho, João Paulo Silva Gomes, and Tatiane Kelly Barbosa Azêvedo. "QUANTIFICAÇÃO DE TANINOS PRESENTES NA CASCA DA Mimosa caealpiniifolia Benth. E SUA UTILIZAÇÃO NO TRATAMENTO DE EFLUENTES." Nativa 7, no. 6 (November 11, 2019): 789.
Full textIbrahim, Shehu Lurwanu, and Abubeker Hassen. "Characterization, Density and In Vitro Controlled Release Properties of Mimosa (Acacia mearnsii) Tannin Encapsulated in Palm and Sunflower Oils." Animals 11, no. 10 (October 9, 2021): 2919.
Full textIbrahim, Shehu Lurwanu, and Abubeker Hassen. "Effects of Graded Levels of Mimosa (Acacia mearnsii) Tannin Purified with Organic Solvents on Gas, Methane, and In Vitro Organic Matter Digestibility of Eragrostis curvula Hay." Animals 12, no. 5 (February 23, 2022): 562.
Full textAbdullah, Ummi Hani, A. Pizzi, K. Rode, L. Delmotte, X. Zhou, and H. R. Mansouri. "Mimosa tannin resins for impregnated paper overlays." European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 71, no. 2 (December 6, 2012): 153–62.
Full textJouali, Abdelhadi, Anas Salhi, Abdelkahhar Aguedach, El Kbir Lhadi, Mohammed El Krati, and Soufiane Tahiri. "Photo-catalytic degradation of polyphenolic tannins in continuous-flow reactor using titanium dioxide immobilized on a cellulosic material." Water Science and Technology 82, no. 7 (September 2, 2020): 1454–66.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Tanin de mimosa"
Chen, Xinyi. "Polyuréthanes à base de tannins et de glucides sans isocyanate (NIPU) pour adhésifs, mousses et finitions." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2021.
Full textThis research was focus on bioresources, including tannin, lignin, soybean protein, humins, to prepare bio-based wood adhesives and foams. There are four main parts, including two kinds of wood adhesives preparation by using bio-resources, i.e., bio-sourced NIPU wood adhesives and bio-based (tannin, SPI, and lignin) wood adhesives without toxic formaldehyde; two kinds of tannin-foam products, i.e., typical tannin-furanic foam and non-isocyanate polyurethane foams. (1) Commercial humins, soybean protein isolation (SPI), and mimosa tannin have been utilized to prepare wood adhesives, based on the formulation of non-isocyanate polyurethanes (NIPU). The basic properties of the adhesives were determined. Techniques such as MALDI-ToF and FTIR were used to detect the products obtained and for analyzing the reaction mechanisms involved. Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) was utilized to investigate the thermal behavior of the adhesives. Finally, the laboratory plywood or particleboard were prepared for evaluating the bonding performances of adhesives. (2) A novel biomass-based wood adhesive was prepared with commercial mimosa tannin extract and glycerol diglycidyl ether (GOE) by convenient mechanical mixing. GOE served as the crosslinker of the tannin without any aldehyde addition yielding hardened threedimensional networks. Oifferent weight ratios of tannin/GOE were investigated by several techniques to determine their influence on final properties. Two kinds of lignin-based adhesives were prepared, i.e., ( i ) glyoxal modified lignin and dialdehyde starch cross-linked by urea; ( ii ) periodate oxidation by two-steps. The molecular species formed and the reactions mechanism involved were determined by FT-IR, 13C NMR and MALDI-ToF mass spectrometry. The adhesives based on this reaction were tested by bonding laboratory plywood or particleboard, by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and thermomechanical analysis (TMA). (3) A tannin-based non-isocyanate polyurethane (NIPU) rigid foam was obtained. Citric acid and glutaraldehyde mixture served as a blowing and crosslinker agent used to provide foaming energy and cross-link the tannin-based resin to prepare the NIPU foams. The reaction mechanism of the tannin-based NIPU foams were investigated by FT-IR, MALDI-TOF, and 13C NMR. Additionally, tannin was also used as a natural tire-retardant to improve the final properties of glucose-based NIPU foams, including fire retardancy and compression strength. (4) A biorefinery waste, humins, and soybean protein insolate (SPI) were selected as formaldehyde substitute bio-sourced crosslinkers for two kinds of tannin-based foam formulations. As expected, the properties were improved by using these bio-sourced crosslinkers. The basic properties of series tannin foams were investigated. The morphology and structure characteristics were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Additionally, the crosslinking reaction mechanisms between tannin with the two bio-sourced crosslinkers, i.e., humins and SPI, were determined by MALDE-ToF and FTIR spectrometry. Finally, the thermal stability, mechanical properties, fire retardancy and formaldehyde emission were evaluated by the relevant techniques
Melo, dos Santos Leticia. "Enzymatic polymerisation in situ of depolymerised mimosa tannin applied to stabilisation of collagen." Thesis, University of Northampton, 2017.
Full textBinti, Abdullah Ummi Hani. "Développement de stratifiés de papiers imprégnés à base de résine de tannin de mimosa et d'alcool furfurylique." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014.
Full textResin impregnated papers have been widely used in manufacturing laminates for wood panels. Generally, paper impregnation involves melamine formaldehyde, melamine urea formaldehyde and urea formaldehyde resin. However, these materials are expensive when used in high quantity and derived from non renewable resources. Therefore, in this work we prepared tannin furanic resin impregnated paper to replace melamine formaldehyde and urea formaldehyde in the paper impregnation. Tannin furanic resin composed of two main natural materials: a) mimosa tannins which is non-toxic, environmentally friendly and relatively inexpensive to substitute the synthetic resin and b) furfuryl alcohol obtained by catalytic reduction of furfural, a natural compound obtained by the hydrolysis of sugars derived from agricultural waste. Tannins are naturally occurring phenolic compounds extracted from the bark trees that have been used industrially for many years as wood panel adhesives but no distance work have been done to study their potential in paper laminates. In this work, we studied: 1) The gel time between mimosa and pine tannin with furfuryl alcohol without the addition of formaldehyde from pH 1 to pH 11 2) The MALDI-TOF and NMR of mimosa tannin with furfuryl alcohol 3) The surface quality of the plywood overlaid with mimosa tannin- furfuryl alcohol resin 4) 10-ply high pressure laminates (HPL) were prepared with mimosa tannin- furfuryl alcohol resin. The surface quality of the HPL and the mechanical properties of plywood overlaid with this HPL were examined. 5) 10-ply high pressure laminates were prepared with mimosa tannin- furfuryl alcohol resin in the acid condition. The surface quality of the prepared HPL were compared with PF
Brito, Danilo Rodrigues Barros. "Eficiência do Tanino Condensado de Mimosa caesalpinifolia sobre nematódeos gastrintestinais e o perfil hematológico, bioquímico e proteico de caprinos." Universidade Estadual de Londrina. Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Animal, 2016.
Full textThis study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of Tannin Condensate (CT) Mimosa caesalpinifolia on gastrointestinal nematodes and the profile hematological, biochemical and protein goats. To obtain TC, leaves and stems were collected, dried in the shade for seven days and grinded. The dried powder of leaves and stems were used to obtain the acetonic extracts and performing the tests in vitro hatchability of eggs (concentrations between 0.25 and 2.8 mg/ml) and larval unsheathing (concentrations from 0.6 to 1.2 mg/ml). In the in vivo test, we used the leaf powder as a source of TC. twenty-four crossbred goats of the Boer breed, experimentally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes were used, six months old and weighing 15 ± 2.5 kg of body weight (BW), created in feedlot for 28 days and divided into four groups of six animals (group Condensed Tannin - TC (64.3 and 128.7 mg / kg / BW / day), Tannin Condensate + Polyethylene Glycol - TC + PEG (64.3 and 128.7 mg / kg / BW / day ) monepantel positive- control group (Zolvix® 5mg/kg/PV) and negative control group. stool samples were collected daily and processed to measure the elimination of nematode eggs. Cultures of stool and identification of nematode larvae were taken during the experimental period. blood samples were weekly collected to measure hematological variables (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit and total plasma protein), biochemical (alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, urea, creatinine, glucose, iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium) and protein (total protein, albumin, ceruloplasmin, transferrin, haptoglobin and α1-acid glycoprotein). At the end of the experiment parasitological necropsy was performed, recovering nematodes of abomasum, small and large intestine. In acetonic extract of M. caesapinifolia sheet, at concentrations of 1 and 2 mg/mL was observed one hatchability rate of inhibition of gastrointestinal helminth eggs caprine 81.7 and 83.2%, respectively. The acetone extract of the leaf with the stem of M. caesalpinifolia showed an inhibition rate of less than 75%. In the test with larvae, the acetone extract of M. caesalpinifolia leaves 97.3 and 99.8% inhibited the unsheathing of larvae in the concentration of 0.6 and 1.2 mg/mL, respectively. To the acetone extract of the leaf with the stem, larval unsheathing was inhibited by 94.4% at a concentration of 1.2 mg/ml. acetone extracts of the leaf and leaf stem with more Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone (PVPP) were not able to inhibit the unsheathing of the larvae. The consumption of sheets M. caesalpinifolia was not able to reduce eggs per gram of faeces artificially infected goats, but the genus Haemonchus larvae were reduced by approximately 45% for animals receiving M. caesalpinifolia leaves and with polyethylene glycol. For adult nematodes, there was a deletion of approximately 62% for H. contortus in animals fed M. caesalpinifolia. There was no effect of the plant for larvae and adult worms of Trichostrongylus and Oesophagostomum genres. The results in haematological, biochemical and protein variables showed no statistically significant difference between the groups treated with TC, TC + PEG, monepantel and negative group.
Kueny, Raphaël. "Biocomposites : composites de hautes technologies en renfort de fibres naturelles et matrice de résines naturelles." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2013.
Full textThis thesis was carried out within the LERMAB and the CETELOR and about the development of more than 98% biobased composites materials. Bast fibre type flax, hemp, kenaf and jute were selected, characterized chemically and physically. Nonwovens reinforcements are defined here as a superposition of cohesive webs products by pneumatic carding and consolidation by needling. The process we have chosen during this work allowed us to understand and to highlight the importance of the quality of the fibers on the mechanical and structural properties of the materials developed. Reinforcements made initially in a weight range from 200 to 800 g/m² in single, double or triple thicknesses have then been optimized to preserve the mechanical properties of the fibers and allow good accessibility of the impregnating resin. To limit the factors of complications, the process parameters have been limited for all fibers and composites. Fibers have been used singly or in mixtures, and impregnated by a matrix of natural tannin from mimosa and hexamine (as a hardener) or by synthetic resin of epoxy. Biocomposites with a rate of fibre mass over 50%, and density between 0.9 and 1.2 were obtained. Elasticity Modulus reach 6 GPa flexural and tensile. For strenght, averages reach 42 MPa and 75MPa respectively in tensile and bending
CALDAS, Glauco de Gouvêa. "Caracterização de plantas de sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth.), submetidas à fertilização fosfatada, Itambé-PE." Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, 2007.
Full textMade available in DSpace on 2017-04-19T16:06:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Glauco de Gouvea Caldas.pdf: 241726 bytes, checksum: c9f8b5972467dca0524ee7896c95c546 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-02-27
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq
The research aimed to evaluate the effect of phosphate fertilization on morphological components, chemical composition, and root system of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth on different seasons. The experiment was conducted at Itambé Experimental Station – IPA, with three P fertilization levels equivalent to: 0, 100, and 200 kg P2O5/ha on a randomized block design with six replicates in Block I and seven replicates on Block II. Morphological evaluations were conducted six times with 60 days intervals.Harvest of leaves and twigs up to 5 mm diameter were conducted in the months of September and November 2005 and February 2006 corresponding to the dry season and April, June and August 2005 referring to the rainy season. Soil samplings were collected before and after aerial part pruning. Phosphorus fertilization effect was observed only for branch length, with average of 189,9 cm. For the remaining variables, there was an effect of evaluation season, but no phosphorus effect, with average values of 195,3 cm; 24,6; 8,9 mm and 3,8 for height, number of sprout, branch thickness, and thorn number, respectively.There were no effects of the studied factors for graze able forage, with an average of 152 kg DM/ha/60 days. There was high variability between plant fractions, independent of theevaluation period, with better chemical composition of leaves and on the rainy season. There was no significant effect of phosphorus fertilization on root length and root mass, nodule dry mass, and litter mass before the pruning. Root length averages ranged from 431 to 655 cm before pruning and from 409 to 454 cm after pruning. Phosphorus fertilization did not affect most morphological and chemical characteristics of Sabiá plants. Aerial partpruning significantly affected nodule development.
A pesquisa visou avaliar o efeito da adubação fosfatada sobre componentes morfológicos, composição química e sistema radicular da Mimosa caesalpiniifolia Benth em diferentes estações do ano. O experimento foi realizado na Estação Experimental de Itambé-IPA sob fertilização fosfatada equivalente a 0, 100 e 200 kg P2O5/ha num delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com seis repetições no bloco I e sete repetições no bloco II. As avaliações foram realizadas seis vezes, com intervalos de 60 dias, nos meses de julho, setembro e novembro de 2004 e janeiro, março e maio de 2005. As coletas de folhas e ramos com diâmetro de até 5 mm foram realizadas nos meses de setembro e novembro de 2005 e fevereiro de 2006, correspondendo à época seca, e abril, junho e agosto de 2005, referentes à época chuvosa. Amostragens de solo foram realizadas antes e após a poda da parte aérea. Observou-se efeito da adubação fosfatada apenas para comprimento dos ramos, com média de 189,8 cm. Para as demais variáveis houve efeito do período de avaliação e não foi encontrado efeito da adubação, tendo valores médios de 195,3 cm; 24,6; 8,9 mm e 3,8 para altura, número de brotações, espessura de ramos e número de acúleos,respectivamente. Para massa de forragem pastejável não foi observado efeito dos fatores estudados, com média de 152 kg de MS/ha/60dias. Houve grande variação entre as frações da planta independentemente do período de avaliação, com composição química mais adequada das folhas e no período chuvoso. Não houve efeito significativo da adubação fosfatada sobre o comprimento e massa seca de raiz, matéria seca de nódulos e massa de liteira antes da poda. O comprimento de raiz variou de 431 a 655 cm para o período que antecede a poda e 409 a 454 cm após a poda. A adubação fosfatada não influenciou a maioria das características morfológicas e químicas das plantas de Sabiá. A poda da parte aérea da planta influenciou significativamente o desenvolvimento dos nódulos.
Junior, Vilmar Barbosa. "Tanino como macromonômero na síntese de polímeros fenólicos visando a preparação de compósitos reforçados com material de origem vegetal." Universidade de São Paulo, 2007.
Full textIn the present work, tannin (macromolecule obtained from natural source) was used as substitute of phenol in the formulation of phenolic matrix composites, due to the presence of phenolic rings in its structure. The tanninphenolic matrix composites (50% w/w of tannin) presented mechanical properties better than those of phenolic matrix composites showing that substitution of material obtained in large scale from non-renewable source (phenol) can be done by material obtained from natural source (tannin) without compromising the properties of the composite. The tanninphenolic matrix composites reinforced by different reinforcing agents (fibers and particules) were characterized by different techniques: Izod impact strength, thermogravimetry (TG), differential scanning calorymetry (DSC), infrared spectroscopy (IV), dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Izod impact strength showed an improvement of mechanical properties due to the incorporation of natural fibres (jute and coir) in the phenolic and tanninphenolic matrices and also the better reinforcement of these matrices by jute fibres, when compared to coir fibres. The barks of Acacia Mimosa (high content of tannin) were also used as reinforcing agents of the tanninphenolic matrices in the forms of fibres and particules. The presence of these reinforcing agents in the matrix led to differences in the properties of the composites, highlighted by its lower water uptake. The presence of tannins in both reinforcing agents and matrix enhanced the fiber/matrix interactions, lowering the voids that increase water uptake. The coir fibres were treated by ultrasound, in order to evaluate the influence of this treatment in the properties of the fibres and, therefore, the composites reinforced with them. Besides chemical composition, all the fibres were characterized by the following techniques: X-ray diffraction, tensile strengh, infrared spectroscopy (IV), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results revealed that the ultrasound is a promising treatment of fibres for the processing of composites, because it modifies the morphology of the surface of fibres without leading them to chemical degradation. The separation of fiber beams allows enhancement of the fiber/matrix interactions, leading to composites with lower water absorption capacity. Other treatments, such as mercerization, for example, improved the impregnation of the fibres by the pre-polymer, leading to composites with better properties, at expenses of partial degradation of lignocellullosic fibres. In the present work, composites were prepared using material obtained from renewable source, according to the purpose of this work. The obtained composites presents potential for non-structural applications, such as, internal panels of cars, for example.
Book chapters on the topic "Tanin de mimosa"
CARVALHO, T. B. "O uso da Leucena na dieta de diferentes animais: revisão." In Produção Animal e Vegetal: Inovações e Atualidades. Agron Food Academy, 2021.
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