Academic literature on the topic 'Talysh Massif'
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Journal articles on the topic "Talysh Massif"
Shiva, Alizadeh Noudeh, Rolland Yann, Rossi Magali, Bosch Delphine, Münch Philippe, Lemmolo Arthur, Bruguier Olivier, and Mohammad Rahgoshay. "Geochronological, isotopic and petrogenetic investigations of Cenozoic Volcanic rocks in the Talysh Massif, NW Iran: Insights for the Eocene magmatic flare-up." Lithos 496-497 (March 2025): 107954.
Full textMadanipour, Saeed, Mahdi Najafi, Reza Nozaem, Jaume Vergés, Ali Yassaghi, Iraj Heydari, Sedigheh Khodaparast, Zahra Soudmand, and Lotfollah Aghajari. "THE ARABIA – EURASIA COLLISION ZONE IN IRAN: TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHIC AND STRUCTURAL SYNTHESIS." Journal of Petroleum Geology 47, no. 2 (April 2024): 123–71.
Full textАгамалян, В. А., О. А. Саргсян, Т. К. Лорсабян, and А. Г. Исраелян. "ОСНОВНЫЕ ТЕКТОНИЧЕСКИЕ ЕДИНИЦЫ АРМЕНИИ." Proceedings of the YSU C: Geological and Geographical Sciences 46, no. 1 (227) (April 26, 2012): 3–12.
Full textNoudeh Shiva, Alizadeh, Rolland Yann, Rossi Magali, Bruguier Olivier, and Rahgoshay Mohammad. "Eocene high-K magmatic flare-up in a context of south dipping subduction and strike-slip tectonics: insights from the Talysh Massif, NW Iran." Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, February 2024, 106045.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Talysh Massif"
Alizadeh, Noudeh Shiva. "Evolution pétrologique des séries volcaniques du massif de Talysh (Iran du NW) à la transition Caucase-Caspienne et implications géodynamiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Chambéry, 2024.
Full textThe Cenozoic magmatism of the Central Tethyan orogenic belt, which links the tectonic zones of Iran, the South Armenian Block (lesser Caucasus), and Turkey, remains a topic of debate. This research focuses on the thick geological succession of high-K calc-alkaline shoshonitic volcanic rocks exposed in the Talysh Massif, part of the Alborz magmatic belt, northwestern Iran. The aim of this study is to investigate the relatively unstudied volcanic rocks of the Talysh Massif to better constrain the geodynamic setting of magmatism during regional convergence. A comprehensive study including new field data, mineral chemistry, bulk-rock major and trace element geochemistry, isotope composition (Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf), geochronology 40Ar-39Ar, and zircon U-Pb. We classify them as olivine, clinopyroxene-phyric basalts, clinopyroxene-phyric basalts, amphibole-phyric basalts, tephrites, trachy-andesites, and pyroclastic rocks. They contain multiple crystal populations, including phenocrysts, antecrysts, and xenocrysts: olivine, clinopyroxene, amphibole, and re-equilibrium phlogopite, along with complex oscillatory and reverse zoning, sieve textures, and resorption textures, which suggests that the magmas stalled and differentiated in the crust prior to eruption. Olivine-clinopyroxene-phyric samples in the southern part of the study area exhibit olivine phenocrysts chemically balanced with their host rock, with a slight zoning from high-Mg# cores (Mg# = 90) to rims (Mg# = 80). Furthermore, the amphiboles, biotite 40Ar-39Ar ages of basalts, and zircon U-Pb ages of pyroclastic rocks indicate that volcanic activity took place for ~ 10 Myr (between 49 and 38 Myr). Enrichment in LILE and depletion in Nb, Ta, and Ti are characteristics of the Talysh lavas, which exhibit arc geochemical features. They have isotopic compositions that vary, for 87Sr/86Sr (i) from 0.7045 to 0.7066, for ɛNd(i) from ~-2.2 to +1.7, and ɛHf(i) from -2.5 to +3.6. The rocks have radiogenic lead 206Pb/204Pb ratios from 18.51 to 19.04, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.59 to 15.63, and 208Pb/204Pb from 38.67 to 39.15. The major elements of most primitive samples (MgO > 5 wt%) are comparable to those of melts obtained from low-degree (4–9%) partial melting of a spinel-garnet lherzolite with garnet:spinel ratios of 40:60 to 20:80. The results obtained from clinopyroxene-liquid geothermobarometry indicate a variety of magma reservoirs, ranging from deep levels (79–60 km) to shallower levels (2 km). The isotopic ratios of Sr, Nd, Pb, and Hf, as well as the similar chondrite-normalized REE and primitive-mantle-normalized incompatible trace element patterns along thermobarometry estimates on olivine, clinopyroxene, and amphibole crystals, suggests that the mantle source is an enriched asthenospheric source, and that continental crust was mixed in during the differentiation process. The data are consistent with the partial melting of a garnet-bearing subduction-modified subcontinental mantle and interactions with a spinel-bearing mantle during magmatic ascent. This magmatic flare-up could have been triggered by an asthenosphere upwelling related to the onset of south-dipping subduction of the Transcaucasus basin. Asthenosphere flow and magmatic ascent were likely facilitated by trans-lithospheric strike-slip faults and block rotations highlighted by paleomagnetic data. A transition from calc-alkaline towards a more alkaline magmatic component with time, from south to north of the Talysh massif, suggests a slab steepening in response to roll-back in the Late Eocene. After this period, volcanism stopped in the South Talysh and significantly decreased in the North Talysh massif, where it evolved into an adakitic-type magmatism during the Late Miocene and Quaternary
Touitou, Dan. "Apport de la modélisation et de l'instrumentation dans l'analyse de la stabilité et de la déformation à long terme d'un massif granitique: application aux talus de grande hauteur de l'écluse à bateaux permanente du barrage des trois gorges (Chine)." Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 2002.
Full textPorokhovoï, Evgueni. "Stabilité à long terme des talus de mines à ciel ouvert dans les massifs de roches basiques et ultrabasiques." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, 1995.
Full textPorokhovoi, Eugueni. "Stabilité à long terme des talus de mines à ciel ouvert dans les massifs de roches basiques et ultabasiques." Marne-la-vallée, ENPC, 1995.
Full textArques, Sylvie. "Géodynamique, colonisation végétale et phytodiversité des talus d'éboulis dans le massif de la Grande Chartreuse (Préalpes françaises du Nord) : caractéristiques géo-écologiques et sensibilité aux changements environnementaux." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2005.
Full textRafiee, Ali. "Contribution à l'étude de la stabilité des massifs rocheux fracturés : caractérisation de la fracturation in situ, géostatistique et mécanique des milieux discrets." Phd thesis, Université Montpellier II - Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, 2008.
Full textRafiée, Ali. "Contribution à l’étude de la stabilité des massifs rocheux fracturés : caractérisation de la fracturation in situ, géostatistique et mécanique des milieux discrets." Montpellier 2, 2008.
Full textThe numerical simulation is an essential tool for a better understanding of phenomena that occur within discrete environments, in particular in the fractured rock mass. This study aims to investigate the mechanical and dynamic behaviour of rock masses using discrete models in which surveyed data for orientation and inter-fracture spacing are introduced into the model in a stochastic way. For the generation of a jointed rock mass model, algorithms based on statistical and geostatistical methods are developed. The mechanical behaviour of academic models and real masonry structures is studied using the Not Smooth Contact Dynamics (NSCD) method. The dynamic behaviour, during seismic loading, of masonry structures such as the historic monuments of Nîmes amphitheatre and Arles aqueduct are studied, in real scale, in two and three dimensions. The models of fractured rock masses generated from case studies are analyzed with two objectives: the study of the stability of rock slopes and the design of underground structures by the NSCD method, using the LMGC90 code. The stability of these models is investigated in two and three dimensions. The tests performed on these models are used to make recommendations for the installation of support systems, where necessary. They also allow the distinction of the fracture sets playing a critical role in the instability of these masses. The modelling of protection systems, such as rock bolting and cable nets, is then addressed as a possible development of our work
Touitou, Dan. "Apport de la modélisation et de l'instrumentation dans l'analyse de la stabilité et de la déformation à long terme d'un massif granitique : Application aux talus de grande hauteur de l'écluse à bateaux permanente au barrage des Trois Gorges (Chine)." Phd thesis, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, 2002.
Full textGorges mesurera environ 1 600 mètres de long, avec des pentes pouvant dépasser par endroits les 150
mètres de hauteur.
Afin de modéliser le comportement mécanique d'une section de cette imposante structure (le profil 17-
17'), une double étude a été réalisée et a permis, dans un premier temps, de déterminer les mécanismes
de rupture susceptibles d'affecter la stabilité des hautes pentes (DEGRÉS – calcul à l'équilibre limite)
puis, dans un second temps, d'évaluer la déformation des parois inclinées (FLAC – code aux différences
La complémentarité de ces deux méthodes numériques a contribué à une vision plus globale et bien plus
complète du comportement mécanique complexe du massif granitique au niveau du profil 17-17'.
Notamment, l'étude de stabilité préliminaire a permis une meilleure compréhension du rôle respectif
des grandes discontinuités et de la petite fracturation, des conditions de drainage hydraulique et du
facteur sismique dans les mécanismes de rupture potentiels détectés. Ces résultats ont été pris en
considération lors de la préparation des modèles numériques utilisés avec FLAC.
L'étude de déformabilité s'appuie sur une méthodologie structurée, caractérisée par une évolution
progressive des simulations numériques, depuis le modèle élastoplastique continu jusqu'au modèle
viscoélastoplastique discontinu avec renforcements mécaniques. La comparaison des résultats de calcul
avec une partie des données d'instrumentation – principalement les déplacements mesurés au niveau de
11 bornes topographiques installées sur les parois du profil 17-17' – a été l'élément essentiel permettant
de valider le passage d'un modèle numérique à l'autre.
Accarie, Hugues. "Dynamique sedimentaire et structurale au passage plate-forme/bassin : les facies cretaces et tertiaires du massif de la maiella (abruzzes, italie)." Paris, ENMP, 1987.
Full textSchieb, Thierry. "Facies géotechniques et état de consolidation des sédiments de la pente continentale niçoise (baie des anges)." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1992.
Full textBooks on the topic "Talysh Massif"
Mollel, Tololwa M. Rhinos for lunch and elephants for supper!: A Maasai tale. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1991.
Find full textDillon, Leo, Diane Dillon, and Verna Aardema. Who's in Rabbit's House?: A Masai Tale. Paw Prints 2009-07-10, 2009.
Find full textGreen, Thomas A. Greenwood Library of American Folktales. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 2006.
Full textGreen, Thomas A. Greenwood Library of American Folktales. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 2006.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Talysh Massif"
Street, John. "Telling Tales: The Reporting of Politics." In Mass Media, Politics and Democracy, 49–76. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2011.
Full textStreet, John. "Telling Tales: the Reporting of Politics." In Mass Media, Politics and Democracy, 36–59. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2001.
Full textBlamires, Alcuin, Karen Pratt, and C. W. Marx. "Antifeminist Tales." In Woman Defamed and Woman Defended, 130–47. Oxford University PressOxford, 1992.
Full text"Hasid and Maskil: The Hasidic Tales of an American Yiddish Journalist." In Translating a Tradition, 223–40. Boston, USA: Academic Studies Press, 2019.
Full textHolt, Frank L. "The Journey Continues." In When Money Talks, 163–84. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full text"3. Soldiers’ Tales Untold: Trauma, Narrative, and Remembering through Performance." In Remembering Mass Violence, 63–76. University of Toronto Press, 2014.
Full text"CHAPTER 3 Hasid and Maskil: The Hasidic Tales of a Cleveland Yiddish Journalist." In “A Link in the Great American Chain", 59–76. Academic Studies Press, 2023.
Full textOfficer, Charles, and Jake Page. "... And from Time to Time Its Surface Moves Around." In Tales of the Earth, 32–58. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1993.
Full textChard, Kyle, Niall Gaffney, Mihael Hategan, Kacper Kowalik, Bertram Ludäscher, Timothy McPhillips, Jarek Nabrzyski, et al. "Toward Enabling Reproducibility for Data-Intensive Research Using the Whole Tale Platform." In Parallel Computing: Technology Trends. IOS Press, 2020.
Full textJefferson, Ann. "Independence, 1922–25." In Nathalie Sarraute, 79–87. Princeton University Press, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Talysh Massif"
Harada, Takahiro, Issei Masaie, Seiichi Koshizuka, and Yoichiro Kawaguchi. "Massive particles." In ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 talks. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2008.
Full textVroeijenstijn, Koen, and Ronald D. Henderson. "Simulating massive dust inMegamind." In ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Talks. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2011.
Full textMassamba, Fidèle, Salim Mezazigh, and Daniel Levacher. "Modélisation 3D d’un pieu chargé latéralement dans un massif sableux à proximité d’un talus." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2004.
Full textMassey, Bart. "Proceedings of the Rust-Edu Workshop." In Rust Education Workshop. The Rust-Edu Organization, 2022.
Full textHudyma, N., N. Walker, and B. Chittoori. "Mapping and Characterization of Rockfall Runout Talus Deposits from Columnar Basalt Cliffs in Boise, ID." In 56th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium. ARMA, 2022.
Full textWang, Tianyang, and Aleksandr Smolin. "Efficiently Navigating Information Overload: Developing a Machine-Learning-Based Application for Summarizing Academic Videos and Extracting Key Topics." In 11th International Conference on Signal Image Processing and Multimedia. Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC), 2023.
Full textDíaz Ameneiro, Purificación. "Pateando el litoral: La construcción del territorio del turismo de masas a través de sus mapas." In Seminario Internacional de Investigación en Urbanismo. Barcelona: Curso de Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 2016.
Full textJuliansyah, M. N. "Investigating Natuna Carbonate Platform Complexities Through Integration of Multi-Geophysical Datasets From Seismic FWI PSDM Reprocessing." In Indonesian Petroleum Association - 46th Annual Convention & Exhibition 2022. Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2022.
Full textRoca Cisa, Miquel, Joan Triadó Aymerich, Jordi Arderiu, and David Perelló. "Projecte centre de coneixement urbà: EUP de Mataró - Ajuntament de Mataró: eines d’ajuda a la presa de decisions dins de l’àmbit de la gestió municipal." In International Conference Virtual City and Territory. Barcelona: Centre de Política de Sòl i Valoracions, 2009.
Full textReports on the topic "Talysh Massif"
Abdo, Nabil, Dana Abed, Bachir Ayoub, and Nizar Aouad. The IMF and Lebanon: The long road ahead – An assessment of how Lebanon’s economy may be stabilized while battling a triple crisis and recovering from a deadly blast. Oxfam, October 2020.
Full textSynchak, Bohdan. Freedom of choice and freedom of action in the Ukrainian media. Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, February 2022.
Full textSeiler, Andreas, Aina Winsvold, Mattias Olsson, Svein Morten Eilertsen, and Carolin Berndt. VILTVARNING: Test av nya tekniska åtgärder för att minska antalet viltpåkörningar på järnväg. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 2022.
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