Academic literature on the topic 'Tactiques (sports et jeux)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Tactiques (sports et jeux)"
Royet, Thomas, Nicolas Mascret, and Olivier Vors. "Analyse de l’activité d’apprenants dans un dispositif visant le développement d’apprentissage tactique en badminton." Staps N° 140, no. 2 (October 12, 2023): 75–96.
Full textRey, Jean-Pierre. "Non-respect des consignes de jeu dans l’équipe : une étude de quelques déterminants chez de jeunes joueurs." STAPS 16, no. 38 (1995): 37–48.
Full textRey, Jean-Pierre. "Vers une socio-cognition des conduites de jeu : étude des effets de la conduite managérale sur les comportements de jeunes joueurs en situation de tir." STAPS 13, no. 28 (1992): 7–26.
Full textFouquet, Gérard, and Paik Il Bong. "Jeux, sports et société coréenne." Carrefours de l'éducation 20, no. 2 (2005): 45.
Full textDelsahut, Fabrice. "Jeux sportifs et religion amérindienne." Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 42, no. 1 (January 8, 2013): 3–22.
Full textParlebas, Pierre. "Réseaux dans les jeux et les sports." L'Année sociologique 52, no. 2 (2002): 314.
Full textAmans-Passaga, Christine, and Ingrid Verscheure. "Construire des pouvoirs moteurs en volley-ball en EPS : étude didactique au cycle 3 de l’école primaire." Staps Pub. anticipées (June 1, 2023): I18–18.
Full textDugas, Éric. "Tactiques corporelles et stratégies motrices au cours de duels sportifs." Staps 90, no. 4 (2010): 25.
Full textBrousseau, Louis. "Athlètes, sports et jeux sur les monnaies antiques." Mouseion 16, no. 3 (November 2019): 389–413.
Full textRenson, Roland. "Le retour des sports et des jeux traditionnels." Museum International (Edition Francaise) 43, no. 2 (April 24, 2009): 77–81.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Tactiques (sports et jeux)"
Darnis, Florence. "Place et rôle du développement cognitif et de l'interaction sociale dans l'acte tactique en jeux et sports collectifs : facteurs cognitifs et sociocognitifs du développement de compétences tactiques au handball." Bordeaux 2, 2004.
Full textThis work aims at studying the role of the level of cognitive development and that of peer social interaction in the learning of tactics in handball. The theoretical framework unites genetic psychology, social development psychology and research into team sport didactics. A first study verifies the existence of a relationship between operative levels and tactical actions in fairly novice learners aged between 11 and 16 years old. The following study shows a favourable effect of verbal interaction on the learning of decision making in dyads. There is moreover the observation of the influence of cognitive level on progress made in the acquiring of tactical skills. Finally, a third study aims to study the effect of the degree of symmetrical or asymmetrical skills on results and reveals greater progress made by subjects working in a light asymmetrical dyadic situation. All the research carried out is in line with a socio-constructivist approach to the learning and teaching of team sports
Mortelier, Alexis. "Οbservatοire de la tactique en (e-)spοrt cοllectif." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Full textThis thesis explores game dynamics and collective performance by alternating between analyses of traditional sports, such as handball, and e-sports, such as DotA2 and OverWatch. The aim is to segment the data processing process into several stages, each providing a specific understanding. By adopting a comparative approach between sport and e-sport, this work not only distinguishes the different stages of data processing, but also offers an overview of (e-)sport analysis. The first contribution is the development of techniques for representing handball matches using dynamic graphs, and the simplification of trajectories in DotA2 using geometric indices. The second contribution focuses on the definition and calculation of performance metrics, essential for machine learning. Expected goal (xG) models for handball and commitment factors in OverWatch have been developed as targets for algorithms. The third contribution is the creation of a tactical observatory dedicated to handball, and the study of geometric configurations in DotA2 that lead to key events. These analyses deepen our understanding of the tactics that influence the course of matches
Le, Yondre François. "Vrais chômeurs et vrais sportifs : le sport face au chômage comme instrument disciplinaire ou support de tactiques identitaires : des catégories sociales en jeu." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2009.
Full textKhmelevskaia, Inna Paveau Marie-Anne Putyrskaia Olga. "Étude comparative des termes des jeux sportifs en français et en russe et composition du dictionnaire franco-russe." Créteil : Université de Paris-Val-de-Marne, 2006.
Full textThèse soutenue en co-tutelle. Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Pagination : 415 f. Bibliogr. f. 305-331.
Khmelevskaya, Inna. "Étude comparative des termes des jeux sportifs en français et en russe et composition du dictionnaire franco-russe." Paris 12, 2006.,exact,990002412460204611&vid=upec.
Full textThis research aims at creating a French-Russian dictionary of sport games' terms but also at examining of sports' terminology in linguistic and epistemological aspects. We approach this terminology which is not explored as profoundly as it deserves, as a complex and heterogeneous phenomenon, from sociolinguistic and cultural point of view, but most of all, in the context of intercultural communication. We start our research by establishing specific features of the sport games' term; we study the functioning of the term in the discourse and define the sources of the enrichment of the terminology; then we realise a comparative analysis of French and Russian terms in order to establish the equivalence necessary for the construction of the dictionary, and raise the principal questions concerning it's microstructure. Our research results in creation of the program of the French-Russian dictionary of sport games' terms
Elloumi, Ali. "Analyse socioculturelle des jeux sportifs traditionnels tunisiens." Paris 5, 2000.
Full textMellal-Bounaas, Nouara. "Les jeux traditionnels des Touaregs d'Algérie : logique interne et culture." Paris 5, 2007.
Full textTuareg traditional games, which constitute the aim of the study, are investigated on the basis of a corpus of 93 play practices collected, in majority, at the occasion of several stays in Tamanrasset, Algeria. The structural analysis of the driving situations made it possible to identify the features of the internal logic of the games: thus, we have examined the relationship of the player with the play system, the relationship with others, the relationship with space, the relationship with time and the relationship with the objects that characterize each game situation. A link appears between the internal logic of the activities and their external logic. Thus it is possible to identify several cultural characteristics through the structure of the games: the Tuareg community is conservative, resists to modernism and gives a prominent place to the woman. Moreover, pawn games in particular made it possible to better understand the logic of the sport games, but also to shed light on the space conflicts and displacements of this, basically nomad, society
Bouniol, Romain. "Droit de la concurrence et spectacle sportif : contribution à l'étude des relations entre les réglementations sportives et les règles de concurrence." Perpignan, 2013.
Full textThe sport show is an economic activity for the European law. Even if it rests on its own legal rules, it is thus submitted to the competition law. The relations between the sport rules and the competition rules are not paradoxical. They consider the peculiarity of the sport without bring however to a total exemption of the common law. The behavior of the actors of the sport show must inevitably be compatible with the competition law. At the same time physical and economic activity, the sport show presents a certain peculiarity. The relations between the sport rules and the competition rules reveal the existence of exclusive rules in the sport movement: the purely sport rules. They are imperceptible by the competition law because they represent the legal specificity of the sport show
D'Afflon, Aymeric. "Jeu et signification : pour une sémiotique générale de l'expression ludique." Paris 8, 2009.
Full textSemiotics is a young theory, no much more than one century old. Many fields of appliance are still uncovered, including games, seldom taken seriously, although they have provided major theoretical arguments for linguistics and other scientific fields. Semiotics concepts and tools prove their efficiency when applied to gaming expression, if only they are used for their pliability rather than taken as norms. In these conditions, the generative model guides the « ludologist » semiotic analysis, from the identification of perceptive, figurative and narrative syntaxes, to the axiological synthesis. The parameters of the relationship between the player and his game can be considered. The ludic text is the concrete result of strategic and passionate projections. Each game offers the experimentation of a form of life, which can give elements of explanation for individual and collective identities that are observed around gaming practices. The parameters of the relationship between the player and his game can be considered. The ludic text is the concrete result of strategic and passionate projections. Each game offers the experimentation of a form of life, which can give elements of explanation for individual and collective identities that are observed around gaming practices. The study of games, contests, and matches, shows that their authors, the players, can develop a style, even a revolting or subversive expression against this form of life. To transform or create a game is like promulgate a new way of social life. If game creators are so little known, is this because the perenniality of their work depends on its collective appropriation ? The semiotic approach, conducted here on more than one hundred and fifty games, contributes to renew, beyond typological considerations, the way of understanding gaming expression among other social languages
Dracon, Nadège. "@Modalités de prises de décision dans l'élaboration de choix tactiques chez les experts et les novices : application au rugby." Caen, 2000.
Full textBooks on the topic "Tactiques (sports et jeux)"
Gagnon, Gerard. Hockey: Jeu d'équipe : plus de 200 exercices et jeux tactiques. Montréal, Qué: Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1989.
Find full textCongrès national des sociétés savantes (116th 1991 Chambéry, France). Jeux et sports dans l'histoire. Paris: Editions du CTHS, 1992.
Find full textLegentil, Constance. Les sports et les jeux I. Ottawa, Ont: Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques, 1994.
Find full textLegentil, Constance. Les sports et les jeux II. Ottawa, Ont: Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques, 1994.
Find full textJean-Pierre, Augustin, and Dallaire Christine, eds. Jeux, sports et francophonie: L'exemple du Canada. Pessac, France: Maison des sciences de l'homme d'Aquitaine, 2007.
Find full textJ, Jusserand J. Les sports et jeux d'exercice dans l'ancienne France. Genève: Slatkine Reprints, 1986.
Find full textCongrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques (120th 1995 Aix-en-Provence, France). Jeux et sports dans l'histoire.: XIX-XXe siècles. Paris: Editions du CTHS, 1998.
Find full textCongrès national des sociétés savantes (116th 1991 Chambéry-Annecy, France). Jeux, sports et divertissements au moyen-âge et à l'âge classique. Paris: Editions du CTHS, 1993.
Find full textVanoyeke, Violaine. Jeux de main, jeux de vilain: L'histoire des expressions du sport et des Jeux olympiques. Paris: Bartillat, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Tactiques (sports et jeux)"
Harvey, Sara. "Jeux d’esprit et de conversation." In Jeux, sports et loisirs en France du xvie au xxe siècle, 207–16. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textChovaux, Olivier. "Jeux, gymnastiques, sports et loisirs au xixe siècle." In Jeux, sports et loisirs en France du xvie au xxe siècle, 127–34. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textValade, Pauline. "Jeux de joie et joie du jeu." In Jeux, sports et loisirs en France du xvie au xxe siècle, 307–18. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textVion-Dury, Juliette. "Jeux et loisirs dans Raison et sentiments et Orgueil et préjugés de Jane Austen." In Jeux, sports et loisirs en France du xvie au xxe siècle, 223–30. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textClastres, Patrick. "L’origine des sports comme enjeu national." In Jeux, sports et loisirs en France du xvie au xxe siècle, 45–62. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textVauléon, Florian. "Diderot et la logique échiquéenne." In Jeux, sports et loisirs en France du xvie au xxe siècle, 199–206. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textBoiteux, Martine. "L’homme et l’animal dans les jeux romains, xvie-xviiie siècle." In Jeux, sports et loisirs en France du xvie au xxe siècle, 287–306. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textDe Marco, Rosa. "Éloquence du corps et gymnastique de l’esprit." In Jeux, sports et loisirs en France du xvie au xxe siècle, 75–92. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textCappuccio, Antonio. "« La cupidité à poursuivre des gains immodérés et suspects »." In Jeux, sports et loisirs en France du xvie au xxe siècle, 255–72. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textSimonneau, Henri. "Tournois, joutes et pas d’armes en France au xvie siècle." In Jeux, sports et loisirs en France du xvie au xxe siècle, 277–86. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2024.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Tactiques (sports et jeux)"
Zanoaga, Teodor-Florin. "Le français des Sports. Quels enjeux pour la recherche linguistique ? Étude d’un corpus d’articles sur les Jeux olympiques de Tokyo (2021)." In Language for International Communication. University of Latvia Press, 2023.
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