Academic literature on the topic 'Systèmes informatiques – Mesures de sûreté – Offuscation (informatique)'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Systèmes informatiques – Mesures de sûreté – Offuscation (informatique)"
Badier, Hannah. "Transient obfuscation for HLS security : application to cloud security, birthmarking and hardware Trojan defense." Thesis, Brest, École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Bretagne, 2021.
Full textThe growing globalization of the semiconductor supply chain, as well as the increasing complexity and diversity of hardware design flows, have lead to a surge in security threats: risks of intellectual property theft and reselling, reverse-engineering and malicious code insertion in the form of hardware Trojans during manufacturing and at design time have been a growing research focus in the past years. However, threats during highlevel synthesis (HLS), where an algorithmic description is transformed into a lower level hardware implementation, have only recently been considered, and few solutions have been given so far. In this thesis, we focus on how to secure designs during behavioral synthesis using either a cloud-based or an internal but untrusted HLS tool. We introduce a novel design time protection method called transient obfuscation, where the high-level source code is obfuscated using key-based techniques, and deobfuscated after HLS at register-transfer level. This two-step method ensures correct design functionality and low design overhead. We propose three ways to integrate transient obfuscation in different security mechanisms. First, we show how it can be used to prevent intellectual property theft and illegal reuse in a cloud-based HLS scenario. Then, we extend this work to watermarking, by exploiting the side-effects of transient obfuscation on HLS tools to identify stolen designs. Finally, we show how this method can also be used against hardware Trojans, both by preventing insertion and by facilitating detection
Szlifierski, Nicolas. "Contrôle sûr de chaînes d'obfuscation logicielle." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2020.
Full textCode obfuscation is a software protection technique that is designed to make reverse engineering a program more challenging, in order to protect secrets, intellectual property, or to complicate detection (malware). The obfuscation is generally carried out using a set of transformations on the target program. Obfuscation is also often used in conjunction with other software protection techniques, such as watermarking or tamperproofing. These transformations are usually integrated into code transformations applied during the compilation process, such as optimisations. However, the application of obfuscation transformations requires more preconditions on the code and more precision in the application to provide an acceptable performance/safety trade-off, making traditional compilers unsuitable for obfuscation. To address these problems, this thesis presents SCOL, a language that is able to describe the process of compiling a program while considering the specific problems of obfuscation. This allows you to describe compilation chains with a high level of abstraction, while allowing a high degree of accuracy on the composition of the transformations. The language has a type system which checks the correctness of the compilation chain. That means that the composition of transformations provides the targeted level of protection and coverage
Cecchetto, Sylvain. "Analyse du flot de données pour la construction du graphe de flot de contrôle des codes obfusqués." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2021.
Full textThe increase in cyber-attacks around the world makes malicious code analysis a priority research area. This software uses various protection methods, also known as obfuscations, to bypass antivirus software and slow down the analysis process. In this context, this thesis provides a solution to build the Control Float Graph (CFG) of obfuscated binary code. We developed the BOA platform (Basic blOck Analysis) which performs a static analysis of a protected binary code. For this, we have defined a semantics based on the BINSEC tool to which we have added continuations. These allow on one hand to control the self-modifications, and on the other hand to simulate the operating system to handle system calls and interruptions. The static analysis is done by symbolically executing the binary code and calculating the values of the system states using SMT solvers. Thus, we perform a data flow analysis to build the CFG by calculating the transfer addresses. Finally, loop handling is performed by transforming a CFG into a pushdown automaton. BOA is able to compute dynamic jump addresses, to detect opaque predicates, to compute return addresses on a stack even if they have been falsified, to manage interrupt handler falsifications, to rebuild import tables on the fly, and finally, to manage self-modifications. We validated the BOA correction using the Tigress code obfuscator. Then, we tested BOA on 35 known packers and showed that in 30 cases, BOA was able to completely or partially rebuild the initially protected binary. Finally, we detected the opaque predicates protecting XTunnel, a malware used during the 2016 U.S. elections, and we partially unpacked a sample of the Emotet Trojan, which on 14/10/2020 was detected by only 7 antivirus programs out of the 63 offered by VirusTotal. This work contributes to the development of tools for static analysis of malicious code. In contrast to dynamic methods, this solution allows an analysis without executing the binary, which offers a double advantage: on the one hand, a static approach is easier to deploy, and on the other hand, since the malicious code is not executed, it cannot warn its author
Gonzalvez, Alexandre. "Affiner la déobfuscation symbolique et concrète de programmes protégés par des prédicats opaques." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2020.
Full textHigh demand exists nowadays to improve advanced obfuscation and deobfuscation techniques, with the purpose of preventing intellectual property piracy or improving defence against cyber security attacks. This thesis focuses on the improvement of the deobfuscation achieved by symbolic and concrete analysis tools of protected programs using opaque predicates. These tools rely on automated program analysis tools (dynamic symbolic execution engine) that use Satisfiability Modulo Theory solvers (SMT solvers). To understand more precisely some situations in which the predicate analysis performed by these tools fails, our aim is to be able to identify practical solutions to avoid these scenarios and test them in real cases. First results show how an Instruction Set Assembly (ISA) allows opaque predicates to appear or not. We suggest an improvement of the opaque predicates identification based on the SMT solvers behavior. We suggest a method to reshape SMT queries to reduce the effects of opaque predicates. These features are built into several automated tools such as KLEE or Angr, followed by testing them on different programs which contain opaque predicates
Mendy, Norbert Lucien. "Les attaques et la sécurité des systèmes informatiques." Paris 8, 2006.
Full textHacking activities appeared around 1980 with first personal computers and since did not stop developing. At the beginning, this practice was primarily individual and playful. Now it is mainly made up by the activities of groups, with very various motivations. Today, due to the development of electronic means of communication, data security concerns a wider public. This thesis examines initially, from a technical and sociological point of view, attacks and defense mechanisms, and proposes a new concept of the security which is not only any centered on technical solutions but also takes in consideration the social dimension of the problem
Sadde, Gérald. "Sécurité logicielle des systèmes informatiques : aspects pénaux et civils." Montpellier 1, 2003.
Full textVache, Géraldine. "Evaluation quantitative de la sécurité informatique : approche par les vulnérabilités." Toulouse, INSA, 2009.
Full textThis thesis presents a new approach for quantitative security evaluation for computer systems. The main objective of this work is to define and evaluate several quantitative measures. These measures are probabilistic and aim at quantifying the environment influence on the computer system security considering vulnerabilities. Initially, we identified the three factors that have a high influence on system state: 1) the vulnerability life cycle, 2) the attacker behaviour and 3) the administrator behaviour. We studied these three factors and their interdependencies and distinguished two main scenarios based on nature of vulnerability discovery, i. E. Malicious or non malicious. This step allowed us to identify the different states of the system considering the vulnerability exploitation process and to define four measures relating to the states of the system: vulnerable, exposed, compromised, patched and secure. To evaluate these measures, we modelled the process of system compromising by vulnerability exploitation. Afterwards, we characterized the vulnerability life cycle events quantitatively, using real data from a vulnerability database, in order to assign realistic values to the parameters of the models. The simulation of these models enabled to obtain the values of the four measures we had defined. Finally, we studied how to extend the modelling to consider several vulnerabilities. So, this approach allows the evaluation of measures quantifying the influences of several factors on the system security
Bascou, Jean-Jacques. "Contribution à la sécurité des systèmes : une méthodologie d'authentification adaptative." Toulouse 3, 1996.
Full textTrabelsi, Slim. "Services spontanés sécurisés pour l'informatique diffuse." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2008.
Full textSaadi, Rachid. "The Chameleon : un système de sécurité pour utilisateurs nomades en environnements pervasifs et collaboratifs." Lyon, INSA, 2009.
Full textWhile the trust is easy to set up between the known participants of a communication, the evaluation of trust becomes a challenge when confronted with unknown environment. It is more likely to happen that the collaboration in the mobile environment will occur between totally unknown parties. An approach to handle this situation has long been to establish some third parties that certify the identities, roles and/or rights of both participants in a collaboration. In a completely decentralized environment, this option is not sufficient. To decide upon accesses one prefer to rely only on what is presented to him by the other party and by the trust it can establish, directly by knowing the other party or indirectly, and vice-versa. Hence a mobile user must for example present a set of certificates known in advance and the visited site may use these certificates to determine the trust he can have in this user and thus potentially allow an adapted access. In this schema the mobile user must know in advance where she wants to go and what she should present as identifications. This is difficult to achieve in a global environment. Moreover, the user likes to be able to have an evaluation of the site she is visiting to allow limited access to her resources. And finally, an user does not want to bother about the management of her security at fine grain while preserving her privacy. Ideally, the process should be automatized. Our work was lead to define the Chameleon architecture. Thus the nomadic users can behave as chameleons by taking the "colors" of their environments enriching their nomadic accesses. It relies on a new T2D trust model which is characterized by support for the disposition of trust. Each nomadic user is identified by a new morph certification model called X316. The X316 allows to carry out the trust evaluation together with the roles of the participants while allowing to hide some of its elements, preserving the privacy of its users
Books on the topic "Systèmes informatiques – Mesures de sûreté – Offuscation (informatique)"
Jan, Christophe. La sécurité informatique. Paris: Eyrolles, 1989.
Find full textBauer, Friedrich Ludwig. Decrypted secrets: Methods and maxims of cryptology. Berlin: Springer, 1997.
Find full textHansteen, Peter N. M. Le livre de PF: Packet filter. Paris: Eyrolles, 2009.
Find full textPaget, François. Vers & virus: Classification, lutte anti-virale et perspectives. Paris: Dunod, 2005.
Find full textSchneier, Bruce. E-mail security: How to keep your electronic messages private. New York: Wiley, 1995.
Find full textAnthony, Maeder, and Martin-Sanchez Fernando J, eds. Health Informatics: Building a healthcare future through trusted information ; selected papers from the 20th Australian National Health Informatics Conference (HIC 2012). Amsterdam: IOS Press Inc., 2012.
Find full textJaworski, Jamie. Java sécurité. Paris: CampusPress, 2001.
Find full textStefan, Katzenbeisser, and Sadeghi Ahmad-Reza, eds. Information hiding: 11th international workshop, IH 2009, Darmstadt, Germany, June 8-10, 2009 : revised selected papers. Berlin: Springer, 2009.
Find full textGarfinkel, Simson. Practical UNIX and Internet Security. 2nd ed. Bonn: O'Reilly & Associates, 1996.
Find full textGarfinkel, Simson. Practical UNIX and Internet security. 3rd ed. Beijing: O'Reilly, 2003.
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