Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Systèmes embarqués (informatique) – Protection'
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Teglia, Yannick. "Ingénierie et robustesse des systèmes embarqués sécuritaires." Paris 6, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA066183.
Full textSchweppe, Hendrik. "Sécurité et protection de la vie privée dans les systèmes embarqués automobiles." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012ENST0062/document.
Full textElectronic equipment has become an integral part of a vehicle's network architecture, which consists of multiple buses and microcontrollers called Electronic Control Units (ECUs). These ECUs recently also connect to the outside world. Navigation and entertainment system, consumer devices, and Car2X functions are examples for this. Recent security analyses have shown severe vulnerabilities of exposed ECUs and protocols, which may make it possible for attackers to gain control over a vehicle. Given that car safety-critical systems can no longer be fully isolated from such third party devices and infotainment services, we propose a new approach to securing vehicular on-board systems that combines mechanisms at different layers of the communication stack and of the execution platforms. We describe our secure communication protocols, which are designed to provide strong cryptographic assurances together with an efficient implementation fitting the prevalent vehicular communication paradigms. They rely on hardware security modules providing secure storage and acting as root of trust. A distributed data flow tracking based approach is employed for checking code execution against a security policy describing authorized communication patterns. Binary instrumentation is used to track data flows throughout execution (taint engine) and also between control units (middleware), thus making it applicable to industrial applications. We evaluate the feasibility of our mechanisms to secure communication on the CAN bus, which is ubiquitously implemented in cars today. A proof of concept demonstrator also shows the feasibility of integrating security features into real vehicles
Elbaz, Reouven. "Mécanismes matériels pour des transferts processeur mémoire sécurisés dans les systèmes embarqués." Montpellier 2, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006MON20119.
Full textAkkar, Mehdi-laurent. "Attaques et méthodes de protections de systèmes cryptographiques embarqués." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004VERS0014.
Full textEn 1998, les attaques par consommation de courant et par injection de fautes commençaient à peine à apparaître. C'est ainsi que j'ai eu la chance de suivre,et de participer parfois, aux innovations qui ont conduit tant à mettre en oeuvre de nouvelles attaques, qu'à élaborer de nouvelles contre-mesures. Ce mémoire de thèse présente mon travail tant d'un point de vue assez théorique (modèle de consommation de la carte, protections théoriques, principes généraux de scénarios d'attaques) que pratique (vérification de la théorie, implémentations sécurisées, attaques réelles) sur les algorithmes usuels tels que le DES, l'AES ou le RSA. La plupart de ces résultats ont été publiés dans plusieurs conférences (Asiacrypt, CHES, FSE, PKC) et brevetés
Abutaha, Mohammed. "Real-Time and Portable Chaos-based Crypto-Compression Systems for Efficient Embedded Architectures." Thesis, Nantes, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017NANT4010/document.
Full textImage and video protection have gained a lot of momentum over the last decades. In this work, first we designed and realized in an efficient and secure way a pseudo-chaotic number generator (PCNG) implemented in sequential and parallel (with P-threads) versions. Based on these PCNGs, two central applications were designed, implemented and analyzed. The former application deals with the realization of a random number generator (RNG) based PCNG, and the obtained results are very promising. The latter application concerns the realization of a chaos-based stream cipher. The cryptographic analysis and the statistical study of the realized chaotic systems show their robustness against known attacks. This result is due to the proposed recursive architecture which has a strong non-linearity a technique of disturbance, and a chaotic multiplexing. The computation performance indicate their use in real time applications. Second, based on the previous chaotic system, we designed and implemented in effective manner a real time joint crypto-compression system for embedded architecture. An end-to-end selective encryption solution that protects privacy in the HEVC video content is realized. Then, a ROI encryption is performed at the CABAC bin string level for the most sensitive HEVC parameters including motion vectors and transform coefficients. The format compliant encryption of Intra Prediction Modes has been also investigated. It increases a little bit the bit rate. Subjective evaluation and objective rate-distortion-complexity tests showed that the proposed solution performs a protection of privacy in the HEVC video content with a small overhead in bit rate and coding complexity
Crenne, Jérémie. "Sécurité Haut-débit pour les Systèmes Embarqués à base de FPGAs." Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne Sud, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00655959.
Full textAugusto, Ludovic. "Conception d'un sous-système de prédiction de collisions temps réel embarqué au sein d'un nouveau système de protection des occupants d'un véhicule." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2001ECAP0746.
Full textOuaarab, Salaheddine. "Protection du contenu des mémoires externes dans les systèmes embarqués, aspect matériel." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ENST0046/document.
Full textDuring the past few years, computer systems (Cloud Computing, embedded systems...) have become ubiquitous. Most of these systems use unreliable or untrusted storage (flash, RAM...)to store code or data. The confidentiality and integrity of these data can be threaten by hardware (spying on the communication bus between the processing component and the storage component) or software attacks. These attacks can disclose sensitive information to the adversary or disturb the behavior of the system. In this thesis, in the context of embedded systems, we focused on the attacks that threaten the confidentiality and integrity of data that are transmittedover the memory bus or that are stored inside the memory. Several primitives used to protect the confidentiality and integrity of data have been proposed in the literature, including Merkle trees, a data structure that can protect the integrity of data including against replay attacks. However, these trees have a large impact on the performances and the memory footprint of the system. In this thesis, we propose a solution based on variants of Merkle trees (hollow trees) and a modified cache management mechanism to greatly reduce the impact of the verification of the integrity. The performances of this solution have been evaluated both theoretically and in practice using simulations. In addition, a proof a security equivalence with regular Merkle treesis given. Finally, this solution has been implemented in the SecBus architecture which aims at protecting the integrity and confidentiality of the content of external memories in an embedded system. A prototype of this architecture has been developed and the results of its evaluation are given
Guo, Yanli. "Confidentialité et intégrité de bases de données embarquées." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011VERS0038.
Full textAs a decentralized way for managing personal data, the Personal Data Server approach (PDS) resorts to Secure Portable Token, combining the tamper resistance of a smart card microcontroller with the mass storage capacity of NAND Flash. The data is stored, accessed and its access rights controlled using such devices. To support powerful PDS application requirements, a full-fledged DBMS engine is embedded in the SPT. This thesis addresses two problems with the confidentiality and integrity of personal data: (i) the database stored on the NAND Flash remains outside the security perimeter of the microcontroller, thus potentially suffering from attacks; (ii) the PDS approach relies on supporting servers to provide durability, availability, and global processing functionalities. Appropriate protocols must ensure that these servers cannot breach the confidentiality of the manipulated data. The proposed solutions rely on cryptography techniques, without incurring large overhead
Cotret, Pascal. "Protection des architectures hétérogènes multiprocesseurs dans les systèmes embarqués : Une approche décentralisée basée sur des pare-feux matériels." Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne Sud, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00789541.
Full textBresch, Cyril. "Approches, Stratégies, et Implémentations de Protections Mémoire dans les Systèmes Embarqués Critiques et Contraints." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020GRALT043.
Full textThis thesis deals with the memory safety issue in life-critical medical devices. Over the last few years, several vulnerabilities such as memory exploits have been identified in various Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) devices. In the worst case, such vulnerabilities allow an attacker to remotely force an application to execute malicious actions. While many countermeasures against software exploits have beenproposed so far, only a few of them seem to be suitable for medical devices. Indeed,these devices are constrained by their size, real-time performances, and safety requirements making the integration of security challenging. To address this issue,the thesis proposes two approaches. Both address the memory safety issue fromthe software design-time to its run-time on the hardware. A first approach assumesthat memory defenses can be implemented both in hardware and software. Thisapproach results in TrustFlow, a framework composed of a compiler able to generatesecure code for an extended processor that can prevent, detect, log, andself-heal critical applications from memory attacks. The second approach considersthat hardware is immutable. Following this constraint, defenses only rely uponsoftware. This second approach results in BackGuard a modified compiler that efficiently hardens embedded applications while ensuring control-flow integrity
Bertrand, Dominique. "Contribution à la robustesse des systèmes temps réel embarqués - Approches de dimensionnement du mécanisme de protection temporelle d'AUTOSAR OS." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00598305.
Full textSensaoui, Abderrahmane. "Etude et implémentation de mécanismes de protection d'exécution d'applications embarquées." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020GRALM002.
Full textLooking at the speed by which embedded systems technologies are advancing, there is no surprise the attacks' number is rising. Many applications are written quickly in a low-level language to keep up with industry pace, and they contain a variety of bugs. Bugs can be used to break into a device and to run malicious code. Reviewing code becomes more and more complex and costly due to its size. Another factor complicating code review is the use of on-the-shelf libraries. Even a detailed code review does not guarantee a bug-free application.This thesis presents an architecture to run securely untrusted applications on the same platform. We assume that the applications contain exploitable bugs, even the operating system can be exploited. We also assume that attackers can take control of In/Out hardware components (e.g., Direct Memory Access (DMA)). The device is trusted when the architecture guarantees that attackers cannot compromise the whole device and access sensitive code and data. Even when an application is compromised, our architecture guarantees a strong separation of multiple components: hardware and software. It ensures the authenticity and integrity of embedded applications and can verify their state before any sensitive operation. The architecture guarantees, for local and remote parties, that the device is running properly, and protect against software attacks.First, we study multiple attack vector and isolation and attestation architectures. We present multiple software attack vectors, and we define the security features and properties that these architectures need to ensure. We provide a detailed description of fifteen existing architectures in both academia and industry, and we compare their features. Then, we provide an in-depth study of five lightweight architectures where we give a comparison of performance, size, and how they behave against software-based attacks. From these studies, we draw our security objectives for lightweight devices: multi-layer isolation, attestation, upgradability, confidentiality, small size with a negligible run-time overhead and ease-of-use.Then, we design hybrid isolation and attestation architecture for lightweight devices. The so-called Toubkal offers multi-layered isolation; the system is composed of three layers of isolation. The first one is at the hardware level to separate In/Out components from each other. The second one is at the security monitor level; our study shows that there is a strong need to create a real separation between the security monitor and all the rest. Finally, the third layer is at the application level.However, isolation itself is not sufficient. Devices still need to ensure that the running application behaves as it was intended. For this reason, Toubkal provides attestation to be able to check the state of a device at any-time. It guarantees that a software component or data were not compromised.Finally, we prove the correctness of the security properties that Toubkal provides. We modeled Toubkal as a finite state machine and used computer-aided formal verification to prove the security properties. Then, we evaluated Toubkal's overhead. The results show that Toubkal overhead is small and fit for lightweight devices
Sallenave, Olivier. "Contribution à l'efficacité des programmes orientés objet pour processeurs embarqués." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012MON20120.
Full textNowadays, embedded systems are ubiquitous. For efficiency reasons, most constrained systems are still programmed in C and assembly. Adopting higher-level languages such as C# or Java should enhance the level of abstraction offered to programmers and reduce development time and cost for these systems. A small part of them have migrated to such languages, like smartphones and tablet computers, but they have a large amount of external memory available and do not represent the majority of embedded systems.This thesis focuses on the implementation of Java and .NET for embedded systems, and more especially on the efficient compilation of polymorphism. Polymorphism generates an overhead at run-time, such as indirections when methods are invoked (inclusion polymorphism) or code duplication in the case of generics (parametric polymorphism). Many implementation techniques have been proposed, especially for Java. However, it remains to identify which ones are applicable in the context of low-end embedded systems. We consider that whole program optimization (closed-world assumption) is well-suited in this context. Using type analysis, we observe that most part of programs is monomorph, therefore it can be compiled with no overhead with respect to C. In order to implement the remaining polymorphism, we choose the technique which is better suited for the target hardware. We also propose an appropriate implementation of run-time generics. Our results show that the negative impact of polymorphism is mostly reduced. The efficiency of the optimized code should be comparable with C, and the techniques we employ could be applicable in the context of dynamic loading (open-world assumption)
Francillon, Aurélien. "Attacking and Protecting Constrained Embedded Systems from Control Flow Attacks." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00540371.
Full textMoro, Nicolas. "Sécurisation de programmes assembleur face aux attaques visant les processeurs embarqués." Thesis, Paris 6, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA066616/document.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the security of embedded programs against fault injection attacks. Due to the spreadings of embedded systems in our common life, development of countermeasures is important.First, a fault model based on practical experiments with a pulsed electromagnetic fault injection technique has been built. The experimental results show that the injected faults were due to the corruption of the bus transfers between the Flash memory and the processor’s pipeline. Such faults enable to perform instruction replacements, instruction skips or to corrupt some data transfers from the Flash memory.Although replacing an instruction with another very specific one is very difficult to control, skipping an instruction seems much easier to perform in practice and has been observed very frequently. Furthermore many simple attacks can carried out with an instruction skip. A countermeasure that prevents such instruction skip attacks has been designed and formally verified with model-checking tool. The countermeasure replaces each instruction by a sequence of instructions. However, this countermeasure does not protect the data loads from the Flash memory. To do this, it can be combined with another assembly-level countermeasure that performs a fault detection. A first experimental test of these two countermeasures has been achieved, both on isolated instructions and complex codes from a FreeRTOS implementation. The proposed countermeasure appears to be a good complement for this detection countermeasure and allows to correct some of its flaws
Adlafi, Morwan. "Étude d’une protection pour le matériel embarqué du fantassin soumis à des projectiles de type fragment." Thesis, Lorient, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021LORIS614.
Full textThe protection of onboard electronic equipment has become a major issue in ensuring the safety of the combatant. We can cite various examples such as the protection of hydrogen cells in vehicles or in a soldier's onboard battery. It is in this context that the thesis is being carried out, studying multi-layers type of protection, solicited by fragment-type projectiles, weighing a few kilograms and at speeds of the order of 10 m/s. In order to ensure the commissioning of such protections, tests and simulations must be carried out over a wide range of stress states. The literature shows that multi-layer structures offer a good compromise between the ability to absorb impact energy and lightness. The studied sandwich is composed of a metallic layer, steel or aluminium, and a polymeric layer. The first part of this thesis is devoted to the characterisation of two sheet metals, namely a DP450 steel and AA2024-T3 aluminium alloy. A new sequenced shear test is proposed to identify the behaviour of the plate at large strains. The plane strain tension test is adapted to identify the dynamic failure of the sheets at strain rate up to 200/s. The second part is devoted to the complete identification of a new PDCPD resin called Nextene. An experimental campaign is carried out in order to identify the parameters of the SAMP behaviour law in the LS-Dyna software. In the last part of the study, structures are subjected to impacts in a catapult, using a 2.5 kilogram projectile at a speed of 10 m/s. Various combinations of sandwiches are compared, and the numerical simulation of the tests is proposed
Rahmouni, Mohamed Khaled. "Définition d’un flot de conception basé sur la simulation conjointe du matériel et du logiciel pour des systèmes destinés à la protection des réseaux électriques." Grenoble INPG, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010INPG0105.
Full textThe methods classically used at Schneider to design and validate the hardware/software relay parts can no longer fully master the complexity of modern architectures. This work aims to optimize the design flow of the relay using system simulation approaches. It is expanding the use of SystemC hardware/software simulation techniques widely used in the Systems on Chip (SoC) domain to the protection relays industry and, more generally, to the systems on board. In addition to the technological transfer for the SystemC simulation approaches and virtual prototyping for solving architecture exploration problems, this work suggests the use of virtual prototypes for ensuring quality specifications by means of automatizing the device testing phase. Furthermore, it has been possible to characterize the execution of real-time software on SystemC timed TLM platforms
Ghindici, Dorina. "Information flow analysis for embedded systems : from practical to theoretical aspects." Thesis, Lille 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008LIL10106/document.
Full textThis work aims at providing a solution to confidentiality issues in multiapplicative systems: ensuring security for an applications running on small and autonomous systems by verifying information flow properties at deployment time. Existing work on information flow does not scale to small open systems due to resources limitations and due to lack of modularity, which is essential in a dynamically evolving environment. ln order to provide a complete solution, we address both practical and theoretical aspects. We first propose a model and a tool dedicated to small open systems running Java bytecode, with support for inheritance and override. Our approach is modular, hence the verification is incremental and is performed on the target device, the only place where the security can be guaranteed. To our knowledge, it is the first information flow verifier for embedded systems. To prove its usability, we ran different experiments and we tested the tool in several contexts. Secondly, we tackle the information flow issue from a theoretical point of view. We propose a formal model, based on abstract memory graphs; an abstract memory graph is a points-to graph extended with nodes abstracting input values of primitive type and flows arising trom implicit flow. Our construction is proved correct with respect to non-interference. Contrary to most type-based approached, our abstract memory graph is build independently on any security level knowledge. Information flow is checked by labeling graphs a posteriori
Nasr, Allah Mounir. "Contrôle de flux d'information par utilisation conjointe d'analyse statique et dynamique accélérée matériellement." Thesis, CentraleSupélec, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020CSUP0007.
Full textAs embedded systems are more and more present in our lives, it is necessary to protect the personal data stored in such systems. Application developers can unintentionally introduce vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers to compromise the confidentiality or integrity of the system. One of the solutions to prevent this is to use reactive mechanisms to monitor the behavior of the system while it is running. In this thesis, we propose a generic anomaly detection approach combining hardware and software aspects, based on dynamic information flow tracking (DIFT). DIFT consists of attaching labels representing security levels to information containers, for example files, and specifying an information flow policy to describe the authorized flows. To implement such an approach, we first developed a DIFT monitor which is flexible and non-invasive for the processor, using ARM CoreSight trace components. To take into account the information flows that occur in the different layers, from the operating system to the processor instructions, we have developed different static analysis into the compiler. These analyses generate annotations, used by the DIFT monitor, that describe the dissemination of data in the system at run-time. We also developed a Linux security module to handle information flows involving files. The proposed approach can thus be used to detect different kinds of attacks
Berzati, Alexandre. "Analyse cryptographique des altérations d'algorithmes." Phd thesis, Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00614559.
Full textDavidson, Tremblay Patrick. "Protection et intégrité des systèmes embarqués réseautés." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/5896.
Full textSolet, Dimitry. "Systèmes embarqués temps réel fiables et adaptables." Thesis, Nantes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NANT4044.
Full textEmbedded systems are in charge of critical missions which imply that they should not have any failure. Thus, it is necessary to implement fault-tolerance mechanisms in order to detect faults and restore the system. In this work, we propose to implement a mechanism to detect errors that occur in the program. This mechanism is based on the implementation of a runtime verification service. The system is a system-on-chip that integrates a microcontroller and a programmable logic circuit. The program is instrumented in order to transmit, to the logic circuit, the adequate information on its execution. Monitors are synthesized on the circuit logic from properties to verify. An implementation of this mechanism is realized to monitor a real-time operating system. Finally, a fault injection campaign is used to evaluate the performance of the detection mechanism
Bimbard, Franck. "Dimensionnement temporel de systèmes embarqués : application à OSEK." Paris, CNAM, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007CNAM0573.
Full textIn this thesis, we are interested in real time dimensioning of embedded systems. We propose a set of algorithmic tools which allows developers to verify that their application will respect its real time constraints accordingly to a given monoprocessor architecture. We work in hard real time context with termination deadlines. In addition, we only consider periodic, preemptive or non-preemptive, independent and non-concrete tasks with arbitrary deadlines. The OSEK standard has been initiated in 1993 by several german companies. This standard is based on a FP/FIFO scheduling policy and protects each resource by using priority ceiling protocol. First of all we identify and measure the overheads of an OSEK kernel. We propose feasibility conditions taking previous overheads into account. These feasibility conditions can be used with tasks scheduled accordingly to FP/FIFO policy and using at most one resource. Although OSEK standard only accepts fixed priorities, we show how to implement EDF scheduling policy for tasks using no resource. Once again, we propose feasibility conditions taking into account the overheads due to the kernel and our implementation. Finally, our previous feasibility conditions are experimented on a real platform. These experimentations confirm that kernel overheads can not be neglected. It is also shown that our feasibility conditions are valid for real time dimensioning
Marquet, Kevin. "Gestion de mémoire à objets pour systèmes embarqués." Lille 1, 2007. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2007/50376-2007-Marquet.pdf.
Full textSyed, Alwi Syed Hussein. "Vérification compositionnelle pour la conception sûre de systèmes embarqués." Paris 6, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA066230.
Full textIn the aim of improving the verification of synthesizable synchronous systems, a model-checking method based on the abstraction-refinement procedure which relies on the compositional structure of the system is proposed. Having opted for the abstraction generation from verified component properties, different methods of property selection for the initial abstraction and the refinement strategies to improve the abstract model are presented and analyzed. The most straight-forward strategy is the Negation of the Counterexample Technique which refines the abstract model by eliminating exclusively the spurious counterexample provided by the model checker. The Property Selection Technique is another abstraction-refinement strategy where the available properties are ordered according to their relevance towards the global property by exploiting the dependency graphs of its variables. Furthermore, the refinement phase is assisted by a filtering mechanism that ensures the current counterexample will be eliminated. A comprehensive FSM-based technique has also been proposed to address the main problems in property based abstraction in compositional verification notably the lack of exploitable properties and the generation of a good abstraction. The techniques proposed have been tested on an experimental platform of an industrial protocol, the Controller Area Network (CAN). The experimental results demonstrate the applicability of the techniques proposed, the gains in comparison to conventional techniques and the relative effectiveness of the three strategies proposed varies according to the application context
Perito, Daniele. "Exécution sécurisée de code sur systèmes embarqués." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00639053.
Full textSaint-jean, Nicolas. "Etude et conception de systèmes multiprocesseurs auto-adaptatifs pour les systèmes embarqués." Montpellier 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008MON20207.
Full textDevic, Florian. "Securing embedded systems based on FPGA technologies." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012MON20107.
Full textEmbedded systems may contain sensitive data. They are usually exchanged in plaintext between the system on chips and the memory, but also internally. This is a weakness: an attacker can spy this exchange and retrieve information or insert malicious code. The aim of the thesis is to provide a dedicated and suitable solution for these problems by considering the entire lifecycle of the embedded system (boot, updates and execution) and all the data (FPGA bitstream, operating system kernel, critical data and code). Furthermore, it is necessary to optimize the performance of hardware security mechanisms introduced to match the expectations of embedded systems. This thesis is distinguished by offering innovative and suitable solutions for the world of FPGAs
Voiculescu, Sorin. "Fiabilité des systèmes embarqués." Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00468219.
Full textCioranesco, Jean-Michel. "Nouvelles Contre-Mesures pour la Protection de Circuits Intégrés." Thesis, Paris 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA010022/document.
Full textEmbedded security applications are diverse and at the center of all personal embedded applications. They introduced an obvious need for data confidentiality and security in general. Invasive attacks on hardware have always been part of the industrial scene. The aim of this thesis is to propose new solutions in order to protect embedded circuits against some physical attacks described above. ln a first part of the manuscript, we detail the techniques used to achieve side-channel, invasive attacks and reverse engineering. I could implement several of these attacks during my thesis research, they will be detailed extensively. ln the second part we propose different hardware countermeasures against side-channel attacks. The third part is dedicated to protection strategies against invasive attacks using active shielding and we conclude this work by proposing an innovative cryptographic shield which is faulty and dpa resistant
Piskorski, Stéphane. "Optimisation de codes multimédias pour systèmes embarqués." Paris 11, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA112215.
Full textImage processing algorithms tend to become more and more computation-power hungry, while video applications ask for greater amounts of data to process. In order to be able to sustain real-time video streams, microprocessor-based embedded systems have to be carefully tuned. This thesis focuses on studying the required optimizations on several scales. Firstly by modifying the instruction set and computation units of a processor, to improve its computation efficiency at a reasonable hardware cost, leading to interesting electrical consumption results. An applicative example is given through the implementation of a robust embedded localization algorithm based on interval analysis. Secondly by studying the best way to generate hardware modules for soft-core processors on FPGA, in order to not simply accelerate a few instructions but a complete computation bloc. Finally, at a complete treatment scale, a low-level image-processing code generation tool – IPLG – is proposed. This tool automatically generates optimally written stencil-based C code, by exploring all possible computation-loop fusions, and by applying variable rotation, loop-unrolling and data-locality improvement techniques
Ibrahim, Mohamed Ali. "Agents mobiles natifs pour systèmes embarqués." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/5336.
Full textLévy, Christophe. "Modèles acoustiques compacts pour les systèmes embarqués." Avignon, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AVIG0143.
Full textThe amount of services offered by the last generation mobile phones has significantly increased compared to previous generations. Nowadays, phones offer new kinds of facilitiessuch as organizers, phone books, e-mail/fax, and games. At the same time, the size of mobile phones has steadily reduced. Both these observations raise an important question: ?How can we use the full facilities of a mobile phone without a large keyboard??. Voice based human-to-computer interfaces supply a friendly solution to this problem but require an embedded speech recognizer. Over the last decade, the performance of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems has improved and nowadays facilites the implementation of vocal human-to-computer interfaces. Moreover, even if scientific progress could be noticed, the potential gain (in performance) remains limited by computing resources: a relatively modern computer with a lot of memory is generally required. The main problem to embed ASR in a mobile phone is the low level of resources available in this context which classically consists of a 50/100 MHz processor, a 50/100 MHz DSP, and less than 100KB of memory. This thesis focuses on embedded speech recognition in the context of limited resources
Charra, Olivier. "Conception de noyaux de systèmes embarqués reconfigurables." Grenoble 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004GRE10047.
Full textThe vision of the emergence of a global environment for the information management where most of the physical object around us will be equipped with processors, communication capabilities and interconnected through various networks forces us to redesign the computing systems. Instead of heavy, monolithic and non-evolutive systems, we must design light, flexible and reconfigurable systems. This work presents a new architecture allowing the conception and development of flexible and reconfigurable operating system kernels for embedded systems
Clavier, Christophe. "De la sécurité physique des crypto-systèmes embarqués." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007VERS0028.
Full textIn a world full of threats, the development of widespread digital applications has led to the need for a practical device containing cryptographic functions that provide the everyday needs for secure transactions, confidentiality of communications, identification of the subject or authentication for access to a particular service. Among the cryptographic embedded devices ensuring these functionalities, smart cards are certainly the most widely used. Their portability (a wallet may easily contain a dozen) and their ability to protect its data and programs against intruders, make it as the ideal ``bunker'' for key storage and the execution of cryptographic functions during mobile usage requiring a high level of security. Whilst the design of mathematically robust (or even proven secure in some models) cryptographic schemes is an obvious requirement, it is apparently insufficient in the light of the first physical attacks that were published in 1996. Taking advantage of weaknesses related to the basic implementation of security routines, these threats include side-channel analysis which obtains information about the internal state of the process, and the exploitation of induced faults allowing certain cryptanalysis to be performed which otherwise would not have been possible. This thesis presents a series of research works covering the physical security of embedded cryptosystems. Two parts of this document are dedicated to the description of some attacks and to a study of the efficiency of conceivable countermeasures. A third part deals with that particular and still mainly unexplored area which considers the applicability of physical attacks when the cryptographic function is, partly or totally, unknown by the adversary
Borde, Etienne. "Configuration et reconfiguration des systèmes temps réel répartis embarqués critiques et adaptatifs." Paris, Télécom ParisTech, 2009. https://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00563947.
Full textNowadays, more and more industrial systems rely on distributed real-time embedded software (DRES) applications. Implementing such applications requires answering to an important set of heterogeneous, or even conflicting, constraints. To satisfy these constraints, it is sometimes necessary to equip DRES with adaptation capabilities. Moreover, real-time applications often control systems of which failures can have dramatic economical -- or worst human -- consequences. In order to design such application, named critical applications, it is necessary to rely on rigorous methodologies, of which certain have already been used in industry. However, growth complexity of critical DRES applications requires proposing always new methodologies in order to answer to all of these stakes. Yet, as far as we know, existing design processes do not tackle the issue of adaptation mechanisms that require to modify deeply the software configuration. This PhD thesis work presents a new methodology that answers this problem by relying on the notion of operational mode: each possible behaviour of the system is represented by an operational mode, and a software configuration is associated to this mode. Modeling transition rules betwen these modes, it becomes possible to generate and analyze the reconfigurations of the software architecture that implement the system adaptations. The generated code respect the implementation requirements of critical systems, and relies on safe and analyzable adaptation mechanisms
Hamouche, Rédha. "Modélisation des systèmes embarqués à base de composants et d'aspects." Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004EVRY0015.
Full textThis thesis work address embedded systems design. It proposes a modelling approach that faces the complexity of theses systems, reduces their design time and covers their different and multiple application domains (Models of Computation). This approach, called ModelJ, is based on two main paradigms recently appeared in software engineeriing : the component and the aspect paradigms. The component paradigm addresses the system complexity and improves reusability where as the aspect paradigm deals with the flexibility and adaptability of system descriptions. The proposed approach defines a metamodel and a framework. The metamodel provides a set of reusable and modular abstract models for describing the embedded system in a language-independent way. The framework is the software environment that implements the defined metamodel and allows to model, develop and simulate the system
Djiken, Guy Lahlou. "La mobilité du code dans les systèmes embarqués." Thesis, Paris Est, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PESC1112/document.
Full textWith the advent of nomadism, mobile devices, virtualization and cloud computing in recent years, new problems have arisen taking into account ecological concerns, energy management, quality of service, security standards and many other aspects related to our societies. To solve these problems, we define the concept of Cloudlet as a local cloud where virtual devices and embedded applications can be virtualized. Then, we design a distributed architecture based on this architectural pattern related to cloud computing and virtualization of resources. These notions allow us to position our work among other approaches to offload mobile applications in a Cloudlet.On the other hand, a network of Cloudlets helps to secure the activity carried out on a mobile device by offloading embedded applications in a running virtual machine in the Cloudlet, and also to monitor users during their movements.These definitions guided us towards writing formal specifications via a higher order processes of algebra. They facilitate the calculation of operational semantics for different case studies based on this Cloudlet concept. These specifications foster a new vision for designing virtual devices suitable to all devices, sensors or actuators. This set of equations constitutes a formal definition relevant not only for prototyping a Cloudlet but also for constructing a timed automata system.Following the structure of our specifications, we built a model of timed automata for a network of Cloudlets. Exploiting the model checking techniques, we have established temporal properties showing that any execution of a mobile application on a mobile device could be offloaded in a Cloudlet depending on a given software architecture. This work resulted in making technical choices leading to a prototype of such a distributed architecture using an OSGi server. A first result leads us to define a software architecture for mobile applications. Secondly, we implement the principle of migration to a Cloudlet neighbor. Our tests validate our initial choices and confirm the hypotheses of our work. They allow taking measures in order to assess the cost of an offloading to a Cloudlet during runtime, as well as keeping track during user’s movements
Petreto, Andrea. "Débruitage vidéo temps réel pour systèmes embarqués." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020SORUS060.
Full textIn many applications, noisy video can be a major problem. There are denoising methods with highly effective denoising capabilities but at the cost of a very high computational complexity. Other faster methods are limited in their applications since they does not handle high levels of noise correctly. For many applications, it is however very important to preserve a good image quality in every situation with sometimes strong embedding constraints. In this work, the goal is to propose an embedded solution for live video denoising. The method needs to remain efficient with even under high level of noise. We limit our work to embedded CPU under 30W of power consumption. This work led to a new video denoising algorithm called RTE-VD: Real-Time Embedded Video Denoising. RTE-VD is composed of 3 steps: stabilization, movement compensation by dense optical flow estimation and spatio-temporal filtering. On an embedded CPU (Jetson AGX), RTE-VD runs at 30 frame per seconds on qHD videos (960x580 pixels). In order to achieve such performance, many compromises and optimizations had to be done. We compare RTE-VD to other state-of-the-art methods in both terms of denoising capabilities and processing time. We show that RTE-VD brings a new relevant tradeoff between quality and speed
Amar, Abdelkader. "Envrionnement [sic] fonctionnel distribué et dynamique pour systèmes embarqués." Lille 1, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003LIL10109.
Full textCapella, Laurent. "Conception de systèmes sur composant par partitionnement de graphes de flots conditionnels de données." Nice, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003NICE4065.
Full textThe increasing complexity of system-on-chips makes very difficult to make decisions and to find tradeoffs. Indeed, system designers have to face a growing number of technical implementation choices and have to optimize those systems in an ever-shorter time. Design costs are increasing rapidly and are directly linked to the ever-widening gap, between the growing needs for computer-aided design, and the too slowly evolving performances of commercial tools. The definition of efficient design cycles is becoming a crucial industrial issue. It implies to handle high-level design methods in order to make easier and/or more automated the decision-making at system level. Consequently, the choices of the architectural components and the partitioning of the system functions on those components constitute a major problem as soon as the first design phases start. This PhD thesis presents a method, which operates on a conditional data flow graph. This method is well suited to represent signal processing applications, without entirely neglecting the control part, which manages the scheduling of the application. It carries out the logic analysis and the application states extraction, in order to identify the specific critical states called prime states. Then, regarding the number and the complexity of those states, the method partitions them by analyzing each one, either in an incremental order, or in a global way
Miramond, Benoît. "Méthodes d'optimisation pour le partitionnement logiciel/matériel de systèmes à description multi-modèles." Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003EVRY0016.
Full textThe complexity of embedded systems, the heterogeneity of their specification and the need to design and manufacture them at the lowest cost motivate the introduction of CAD tools at the system level. This thesis deals specifically with hardware/software partitioning, i. E. Defining the architecture of the system (processors, ASICs, memory, etc. ) and assigning the computations to the processors and dedicated ICs. This problem is formulated as an optimization problem whose objective is the minimization of the global cost of the system. By using a local search method and by building an environment that enables easy integration of new models of computation and of novel architectural components, we show how to reach solutions close to the global optimum for heterogeneously specified systems (DFG, SDF, etc. ). Efficiency is achieved by starting with a fast version of simulated annealing, improving further on its speed and reducing parameter tuning to a minimum
Collet, Frédéric. "Conception d'un système embarqué pour l'aide au diagnostic dans les véhicules." Amiens, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005AMIE0503.
Full textFraboulet, Antoine. "Optimisation de la mémoire et de la consommation des systèmes multimédia embarqués." Lyon, INSA, 2001. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2001ISAL0054/these.pdf.
Full textThe development in technologies and tool for software compilation and automatic hardware synthesis now makes it possible to conceive in a joint way (Co design) the electronic systems integrated on only one silicon chip, called "System on Chip". These systems in their embedded versions must answer specific constrain s of place, speed and consumption. Moreover, the unceasingly increasing capacities of these systems make it possible today to develop complex applications like multimedia ones. These multimedia applications work, amongst other things, on images and signals of big size; they generate large memory requirements and data transfers handled by nested loops. It is thus necessary to concentrate on memory optimizations when designing such applications in the embedded world. Two means of action are generally used: the choice of a dedicated memory architecture (memory hierarchy and caches) and adequacy of the code describing the application with the generated architecture. We will develop this second axis of memory optimization and how to transform automatically the implementation code, particularly nested loops, to minimize data transfers (large consumer of energy) and memory size (large consumer of surface and energy)
Pierron, Jean-Yves. "Définition de critères de sélection de tests fonctionnels pour la validation de systèmes électroniques embarqués." Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003EVRY0004.
Full textTesting is an essential activity to ensure embedded electronic systems quality. Different works propose solutions for automatic testing generation. Nevertheless, they encounter two problems: a production of a too wide set of tests for a practical use and the problem of the formal identification of researched properties. Those two points are especially crucial in the automobile designing field, regarding to the complexity of considered systems and the time and costs of tests controls. This thesis proposes a formalization of tests selection criteria, which copes with the different industrial testing usages. Then the use of these criteria with the help of symbolic execution allows to reduce the combinatory explosion when generating selected tests. The proposed methodology allows then to obtain a structural and functionnal coverage, which fits with chosen tests criteria
Azzedine, Abedenour. "Outil d'analyse et de partitionnement-ordonnancement pour les systèmes temps réels embarqués." Lorient, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004LORIS039.
Full textThe works presented in my thesis addresses the domain of fine and coarse grain HW /SW codesign for Real-Time System On-Chip (SoC). We propose a new method for the real-time scheduling and the HW / SW partitioning of multi-rate or aperiodic tasks, which takes into account The system real time constraints and communications tasks, all while aiming to reduce the system implementation cost and the energy consumption. The large design space exploration is based on parallelism/delay trade-off curves
Ouy, Julien. "Génération de code asynchrone dans un environnement polychrone pour la production de systèmes GALS." Rennes 1, 2008. ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/techreports/theses/2008/ouy.pdf.
Full textThe purpose of this thesis is to offer a method for the correct description and the implementation of globally asynchronous locally synchronous systems (GALS). Therefore, we present an interpretation of the polychronous model of computation. More than the synchronous model, it permits to describe concurrency as well as sequentiality. Then, we observe and analyze different implementations of GALS systems to extract properties that we expect of such systems. We propose a method to synthesize systems by composition of basic processes. This composition uses two properties to ensure the equivalence between its synchronous and its asynchronous behaviours: Polyendochrony and Isochrony. Those two properties are compositional and are obtained by the basic processes from their appropriate Signal specifications. At last, we present a way to generate compiled code from poyendochronous processes already having the property of weak-endochrony. With this technique, it becomes possible to separately compile processes and then assemble them with asynchronous channels
Pagonis, Daniel. "Construire un système d'information hospitalier intégré." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994GRE19006.
Full textBerner, David. "Utilisation de méthodes formelles dans la conception conjointe de systèmes embarqués." Rennes 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006REN1S015.
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