Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Systèmes embarqués (informatique) – Esterel (langage de programmation)'
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Potop-Butucaru, Dumitru. "Optimisations pour la simulation efficace de programmes Esterel." Paris, ENMP, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002ENMP0002.
Full textEsterel is a design language for reactive embedded systems. It enjoys a full-fledged formal operational semantics, and can customarily be compiled into either explicit Finite State Machines or Digital Sequential Circuit models, thereby providing implementation codes with very distinctive flavors. While being semantically complete, the model-based techniques do not support the generation of efficient (fast and small) code for large specifications. For this reason, new compilation schemes were proposed for the generation of efficient sequential ( C) code. Consisting essentially in direct actual simulation of the language reactive features, the new approach now needs to be accommodated with similar semantic issues as the previous ones (FSM- and circuit-based). Such issues include dealing with the whole class of constructively causal programs, or performing optimization and analysis of this level. To this end, we propose here a new format/model (named GRC) for the intermediate representation of Esterel programs. The new format has formal constructive semantics, being able to represent all the Esterel programs. It describes with separate (but interdependent) structures the hierarchic state of the Esterel program and its destructured control flow. Thus, it is a good support for both (1) efficient low-cost optimizations based on static analysis that use high-level structural information and (2) low-level control flow optimizations. Finally, the format is a good starting point for efficient scheduling algorithms. Our contribution consists in the following : - The precise definition of the semantics of the full Esterel language ; - The definition of the GRC format (including the formal correspondence between its semantics and the “circuit” semantics) ; - A characterization, at GRC level, of the programs that are translated into cyclic circuits ; - The development of an optimizing GRC-based prototype C code generator. The prototype is currently able to compile the programs whose GRC representation is acyclic. Sequential code is generated in these cases by statically scheduling the acyclic GRC flowgraph. The compiler includes novel optimization algorithms, based on static analysis, and an efficient state encoding technique. The results are encouraging, as our prototype seems to compare well against existing compilers
Peraldi, Marie-Agnès. "Conception et réalisation de systèmes temps-réel par une approche synchrone." Nice, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993NICE4658.
Full textAmmous, Karim. "Compression par profilage du code Java compilé pour les systèmes embarqués." Valenciennes, 2007. http://ged.univ-valenciennes.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/a56319aa-b36f-46ed-b617-a1464a995056.
Full textThe embedded systems are characterized by reduced hardware resources. Although these resources are constantly increasing, they remain insufficient. The memory space is one of the most critical resources. The compression of the code designed for embedded systems constitutes an interesting solution to reduce the memory footprint. Our study focuses on the compression of Java code represented by Java Class format files. Our contribution consists in designing and implementing a profiler based system in order to guide the compression of Java class files. Our profiler enables us to set up, on the basis of elementary compression techniques, an efficient compression strategy which delivers the best rate of compression. This strategy takes into consideration the features of the code given in input and dependencies between compression techniques. Our approach is based on four points: 1 - the study of the input files in order to extract the necessary information for the guidance of the compression process. 2 - the analysis of compression techniques dependencies in terms of effects produced by each technique to the others. To do so, we developed two methods: one numerical, based on the estimation of performance, the other analytical in order to determine whether there are common points between the different compression methods. 3 - the statistic performance assessment which allows to choose a strategy of compression: we have identified the parameters, related to each method, that enable this assessment. 4 - the definition of heuristics in order to identify the most efficient compression path in a research space characterized by an oriented graph
Forget, Julien. "Un langage synchrone pour les systèmes embarqués critiques soumis à des contraintes temps réel multiples." Toulouse, ISAE, 2009. https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01942421.
Full textGlouche, Yann. "Une méthodologie de spécification et de validation de systèmes hétérogènes fondée sur un modèle de contrats pour la conception de systèmes embarqués." Rennes 1, 2009. https://theses.hal.science/docs/00/46/02/60/PDF/these.pdf.
Full textContract-based design is an expressive paradigm for a modular and compositional specification of programs. In this thesis, we elaborate new foundations for contract-based embedded system design by proposing a general-purpose algebra of assume/guarantee contracts based on two simple concepts: first, the assumption or guarantee of a component is defined as a filter and, second, filters enjoy the structure of a Boolean algebra. This yields a structure of contracts that is a Heyting algebra. In this framework, contracts are used to negotiate the correctness of assumptions made on the definition of a component at the point where it is used and provides guarantees to its environment. We put this algebra to work for the definition of a general purpose module system whose typing paradigm is based on the notion of contract. We illustrate this presentation with the specification of a simplified 4-stroke engine model
M'zali, Najat. "Une méthodologie pour le développement de logiciels temps-réel." Nice, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987NICE4165.
Full textSalagnac, Guillaume. "Synthèse de gestionnaires mémoire pour applications Java temps-réel embarquées." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00288426.
Full textPour résoudre le problème de la prévisibilité du temps d'exécution des opérations mémoire, nous proposons une approche fondée sur l'utilisation d'un modèle mémoire en régions. Cette technique, en groupant physiquement les objets de durées de vie similaires dans des zones gérées d'un seul bloc, offre en effet un comportement temporel prévisible. Afin de décider du placement des objets dans les différentes régions, nous proposons un algorithme d'analyse statique qui calcule une approximation des relations de connexion entre les objets. Chaque structure de données est ainsi placée dans une région distincte. L'analyse renvoie également au programmeur des informations sur le comportement mémoire du programme, de façon à le guider vers un style de programmation propice à la gestion mémoire en régions, tout en pesant le moins possible sur le développement.
Nous avons implanté un gestionnaire mémoire automatique en régions dans la machine virtuelle JITS destinée aux systèmes embarqués à faibles ressources. Les résultats expérimentaux ont montré que notre approche permet dans la plupart des cas de recycler la mémoire de façon satisfaisante, tout en présentant un comportement temporel prévisible. Le cas échéant, l'analyse statique indique au développeur quels sont les points problématiques dans le code, afin de l'aider à améliorer son programme.
Bonnet, Stéphane. "Une démarche dirigée par les modèles pour la personnalisation des applications embarquées dans les cartes à puce." Lille 1, 2005. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2005/50376-2005-Bonnet.pdf.
Full textSallenave, Olivier. "Contribution à l'efficacité des programmes orientés objet pour processeurs embarqués." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012MON20120.
Full textNowadays, embedded systems are ubiquitous. For efficiency reasons, most constrained systems are still programmed in C and assembly. Adopting higher-level languages such as C# or Java should enhance the level of abstraction offered to programmers and reduce development time and cost for these systems. A small part of them have migrated to such languages, like smartphones and tablet computers, but they have a large amount of external memory available and do not represent the majority of embedded systems.This thesis focuses on the implementation of Java and .NET for embedded systems, and more especially on the efficient compilation of polymorphism. Polymorphism generates an overhead at run-time, such as indirections when methods are invoked (inclusion polymorphism) or code duplication in the case of generics (parametric polymorphism). Many implementation techniques have been proposed, especially for Java. However, it remains to identify which ones are applicable in the context of low-end embedded systems. We consider that whole program optimization (closed-world assumption) is well-suited in this context. Using type analysis, we observe that most part of programs is monomorph, therefore it can be compiled with no overhead with respect to C. In order to implement the remaining polymorphism, we choose the technique which is better suited for the target hardware. We also propose an appropriate implementation of run-time generics. Our results show that the negative impact of polymorphism is mostly reduced. The efficiency of the optimized code should be comparable with C, and the techniques we employ could be applicable in the context of dynamic loading (open-world assumption)
Pasteur, Cédric. "Raffinement temporel et exécution parallèle dans un langage synchrone fonctionnel." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00934919.
Full textBalland, Emilie. "Conception d'un langage dédié à l'analyse et la transformation de programmes." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00435881.
Full textPlšek, Aleš. "Soleil : an integrated approach for designing and developing component-based real-time Java systems." Thesis, Lille 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009LIL10046/document.
Full textOver the last decade we witness a steady grow of complexities in real-time systems. Today, developers have to face real-time constraints in almost every software system, from embedded software to financial systems, internet services, and computer entertainment industry. To address this widespread challenge, the Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) has been proposed. However, RTSJ itself introduces many nonintuitive rules and restrictions that doom its programming model to be highly error-prone. Moreover, in contrast to the approaches for mainstream software development, the engineering technologies, tools, and frameworks for real-time systems are nowhere near as groundbreaking. The vision behind this dissertation is to ultimately close the gap between real-time programming and today's software technology. Therefore, this dissertation investigates scalable software engineering techniques for RTSJ programming. As the main contribution of this thesis, we introduce Domain Components - an approach to unified expression and manipulation of domain-specific concerns along the software development lifecycle. To validate the approach, we conduct several case studies challenging our proposal from different perspectives. First, performed benchmarks show that the overhead of the Soleil framework is minimal in comparison to manually written object-oriented applications while providing more extensive functionality. Second, considering the state-of-the-art RTSJ programming methods, we achieve better separation of functional and RTSJ concerns, thus increasing efficiency of the development process
Chandarli, Younès. "Real-time scheduling for energy haversting embedded systems." Thesis, Paris Est, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PEST1104/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we are interested in the real-time fixed-priority scheduling problem of energy-harvesting systems. An energy-harvesting system is a system that can collect the energy from the environment in order to store it in a storage device and then to use it to supply an electronic device. This technology is used in small embedded systems that are required to run autonomously for a very long lifespan. Wireless sensor networks and medical implants are typical applications of this technology. Moreover, most of these devices have to execute many recurrent tasks within a limited time. Thus, these devices are subject to real-time constraints where the correctness of the system depends not only on the correctness of the results but also on the time in which they are delivered. This thesis focuses on the preemptive fixed-task-priority real-time scheduling for such systems in monoprocessor platforms. The problematic here is to find efficient scheduling algorithms and schedulability conditions that check the schedulability of a given task set in a given energy configuration. The first result of this thesis is the proposition of the PFPasap scheduling algorithm. It is an adaptation of the classical fixed-task-priority scheduling to the energy-harvesting context. It consists of executing tasks as soon as possible whenever the energy is sufficient to execute at least one time unit and replenishes otherwise. The replenishment periods are as long as needed to execute one time unit. We prove that PFPasap is optimal but only in the case of non-concrete systems where the first release time of tasks and the initial energy storage unit level are known only at run-time and where all the tasks consume more energy than the replenishment during execution times. A sufficient and necessary schedulability condition for such systems is also proposed. Unfortunately, when we relax the assumption of tasks energy consumption profile, by considering both tasks that consume more energy than the replenishment and the ones that consume less than the replenishment, PFPasap is no longer optimal and the worst-case scenario is no longer the synchronous release of all the tasks, which makes the precedent schedulability test only necessary. To cope with this limitation, we propose to upper bound tasks worst-case response time in order to build sufficient schedulability conditions instead of exact ones. Regarding algorithms optimality, we explore different ideas in order to build an optimal algorithm for the general model of fixed-task-priority tasks by considering all types of task sets and energy consumption profiles. We show through some counter examples the difficulty of finding such an algorithm and we show that most of intuitive scheduling algorithms are not optimal. After that, we discuss the possibility of finding such an algorithm. In order to better understand the scheduling problematic of fixed-priority scheduling for energy-harvesting systems, we also try to explore the solutions of similar scheduling problematics, especially the ones that delay executions in order to guarantee some requirements. The thermal-aware scheduling is one of these problematics. It consists of executing tasks such that a maximum temperature is never exceeded. This may lead to introduce additional idle times to cool down the system in order to prevent reaching the maximum temperature. As a first step, we propose in this thesis to adapt the solutions proposed for energy-harvesting systems to the thermal-aware model. Thus, we adapt the PFPasap algorithm to respect the thermal constraints and we propose a sufficient schedulability analysis based on worst-case response time upper bounds. Finally, we present YARTISS: the simulation tool used to evaluate the theoretical results presented in this dissertation
Baklanova, Nadezhda. "Formally verified analysis of resource sharing conflicts in multithreaded Java." Toulouse 3, 2014. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/2498/.
Full textMultithreaded real-time systems become widespread nowadays. Correctness is critical for real-time applications but it is difficult to ensure by usual methods like testing. Formal verification helps to find possible errors. One kind of errors are resource sharing conflicts which lead to data corruption. A common solution is exclusive locking which can lead to unpredictable delays in execution or even deadlocks in the worst case. Program verification is often done by model checking. A popular model checking formalism for real-time programs are timed automata. It allows to verify certain timing properties in a model of a program and to find a sequence of actions which lead to an error. There exist effective verification algorithms for timed automata which are implemented in widely used model checking tools. We have developed a tool for static analysis of multithreaded Java programs which finds possible resource sharing conflicts. Java programs are annotated with timing information, and a model of the program is built based on the annotations. The model is a system of timed automata which is verified by the Uppaal model checker, and possible resource sharing conflicts are found. A case study has been developed to illustrate the approach. The analysis is complete: whenever a resource sharing conflict occurs in a Java program, it is detected by the our analysis. The abstract model may also output "false positive" warnings which do not correspond to a reachable configuration in the source Java program. In order to make sure that the abstraction of Java programs to timed automata is correct, we have formalized the translation is the Isabelle proof assistant. We have proved that the translation preserve correspondence between a program and its model. For this, we have developed a formal semantics both of multithreaded Java with annotations and of timed automata. The proofs show that the model simulates the behavior of the source Java program. This means that each semantic step made in the Java code has a corresponding sequence of steps in the model which has the same effect on the state, i. E. Variable values, time or locked objects. The verified code for translation is generated from the formalized translation using the Isabelle code generator. Then our tool uses the verified code to generate a model of a Java program
Bouakaz, Adnan. "Real-time scheduling of dataflow graphs." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00945453.
Full textSpaenlehauer, Ariane. "Decentralized monocular-inertial multi-UAV SLAM system." Thesis, Compiègne, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019COMP2494.
Full textIn this thesis, we provide a scheme for localization of a fleet of autonomous UAVs (unmanned autonomous vehicles) within a Technological System-of-Systems architecture. Specifically, we aim for a fleet of autonomous UAVs to localize themselves and to obtain a map of an unknown environment using a minimal set of sensors on each UAV: A front monocular camera and an Inertial Measurement Unit. This is a critically important problem for applications such as exploration of unknown areas, or search and rescue missions. The choices for designing such a system are supported by an extensive study of the scientific literature on two broad fronts: First, about the multi-robot systems performing localization, mapping, navigation and exploration, and second, about the monocular, real-time and inertial-monocular SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) algorithms. Processing monocular camera frames suffers the drawback of lacking the capability of providing metric estimates as the depth dimension is lost when the frames are photographed by the camera. Although, it is usually not a critical problem for single-robot systems, having accurate metric estimates is required for multi-robot systems. This requirement becomes critical if the system is designed for control, navigation and exploration purposes. In this thesis, we provide a novel approach to make the outputs of monocular SLAM algorithms metric through a loosely-coupled fusion scheme by using the inertial measurements. This work also explores a design for a fleet of UAVs to localize each robot with minimal requirements: No a priori knowledge about the environment, information about neither the position nor the moment in time the UAV takes off and land is required. Moreover, the system presented in the thesis handles aggressive UAV trajectories having dramatic changes in speed and altitude. In multi-robot systems, the question of the coordinate frames require more attention than in single robot systems. In many studies, the coordinate frame problem is simplified to the representation of the fleet and the expression of the measurements in a global coordinate frame. However, this kind of hypothesis implies either the use of additional sensors to be able to measure the transformations to the global coordinate frame or additional experimental constraints, for example about the starting position of the robots. Our system does not require absolute measurements like GNSS positioning or knowledge about the coordinate frame of each UAV. As each UAV of the fleet estimates its location and produces a map in its own coordinate frame, relations between those coordinate frames are found by our scheme. For that purpose, we extend the well known concept of loop-closures in single-robot SLAM approaches, to multi-robot systems. In this research work, we also provide an overview of the new effects due to the extended definition of loop-closures we provide in comparison with the loop-closures scheme that can be found in single robot SLAM algorithms. In addition to the coordinate frame problem, we provide experimental results about the possibilities for improving the location estimate of a fleet by considering the places visited by several UAVs. By searching for similar places using each UAV imagery, using the 2-D information encapsulated in the images of the same sceneryfrom different view points, and the 3-D map locally estimated by each UAV, we add new constraints to the SLAM problem that is the main scheme that can be used to improve the UAV location estimates. We included experiments to assess the accuracy of the inter-UAV location estimation. The system was tested using datasets with measurements recorded on board UAVs in similar conditions as the ones we target
Sabah, Quentin. "SIAAM: Isolation dynamique pour une machine abstraite à base d'acteurs." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00933072.
Full textAbouzahir, Mohamed. "Algorithmes SLAM : Vers une implémentation embarquée." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017SACLS058/document.
Full textAutonomous navigation is a main axis of research in the field of mobile robotics. In this context, the robot must have an algorithm that allow the robot to move autonomously in a complex and unfamiliar environments. Mapping in advance by a human operator is a tedious and time consuming task. On the other hand, it is not always reliable, especially when the structure of the environment changes. SLAM algorithms allow a robot to map its environment while localizing it in the space.SLAM algorithms are becoming more efficient, but there is no full hardware or architectural implementation that has taken place . Such implantation of architecture must take into account the energy consumption, the embeddability and computing power. This scientific work aims to evaluate the embedded systems implementing locatization and scene reconstruction (SLAM). The methodology will adopt an approach AAM ( Algorithm Architecture Matching) to improve the efficiency of the implementation of algorithms especially for systems with high constaints. SLAM embedded system must have an electronic and software architecture to ensure the production of relevant data from sensor information, while ensuring the localization of the robot in its environment. Therefore, the objective is to define, for a chosen algorithm, an architecture model that meets the constraints of embedded systems. The first work of this thesis was to explore the different algorithmic approaches for solving the SLAM problem. Further study of these algorithms is performed. This allows us to evaluate four different kinds of algorithms: FastSLAM2.0, ORB SLAM, SLAM RatSLAM and linear. These algorithms were then evaluated on multiple architectures for embedded systems to study their portability on energy low consumption systems and limited resources. The comparison takes into account the time of execution and consistency of results. After having deeply analyzed the temporal evaluations for each algorithm, the FastSLAM2.0 was finally chosen for its compromise performance-consistency of localization result and execution time, as a candidate for further study on an embedded heterogeneous architecture. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the study of an embedded implementing of the monocular FastSLAM2.0 which is dedicated to large scale environments. An algorithmic modification of the FastSLAM2.0 was necessary in order to better adapt it to the constraints imposed by the largescale environments. The resulting system is designed around a parallel multi-core architecture. Using an algorithm architecture matching approach, the FastSLAM2.0 was implemeted on a heterogeneous CPU-GPU architecture. Uisng an effective algorithme partitioning, an overall acceleration factor o about 22 was obtained on a recent dedicated architecture for embedded systems. The nature of the execution of FastSLAM2.0 algorithm could benefit from a highly parallel architecture. A second instance hardware based on programmable FPGA architecture is proposed. The implantation was performed using high-level synthesis tools to reduce development time. A comparison of the results of implementation on the hardware architecture compared to GPU-based architectures was realized. The gains obtained are promising, even compared to a high-end GPU that currently have a large number of cores. The resulting system can map a large environments while maintainingthe balance between the consistency of the localization results and real time performance. Using multiple calculators involves the use of a means of data exchange between them. This requires strong coupling (communication bus and shared memory). This thesis work has put forward the interests of parallel heterogeneous architectures (multicore, GPU) for embedding the SLAM algorithms. The FPGA-based heterogeneous architectures can particularly become potential candidatesto bring complex algorithms dealing with massive data
Hou, Zhicheng. "Modeling and formation controller design for multi-quadrotor systems with leader-follower configuration." Thesis, Compiègne, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016COMP2259/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we address a leader-follower (L-F) formation control problem for multiple UAVs, especially quadrotors. Different from existing works, the strategies, which are proposed in our work, consider that the leader(s) have interaction with the followers. Additionally, the leader(s) are changeable during the formation. First, the mathematical modeling of a single quadrotor and of the formation of quadrotors is developed. The trajectory tracking problem for a single quadrotor is investigated. Through the analysis of the flatness of the quadrotor dynamical model, the desired trajectory for each quadrotor is transferred to the design of the desired at outputs. A flatness-based trajectory tracking controller is, then, proposed. Considering the double-loop property of the closed-loop quadrotor dynamics, a high-gain attitude controller is designed, according to the singular perturbation system theory. Since the closed-loop quadrotor dynamics performs in two time scales, the rotational dynamics (boundary-layer model) is controlled in a fast time scale. The formation controller design is then only considered for the translational dynamics: reduced model in a slow time scale. This result has simplified the formation controller design such that the reduced model of the quadrotor is considered instead of the complete model. Since the reduced model of the quadrotor has a double-integrator characteristic, consensus algorithm for multiple double-integrator systems is proposed. Dealing with the leader-follower formation problem, an interaction matrix is originally proposed based on the Laplacian matrix. We prove that the convergence condition and convergence speed of the formation error are in terms of the smallest eigenvalue of the interaction matrix. Three formation control strategies with fixed formation topology are then proposed. The flatness-based formation control is proposed to deal with the aggressive formation problem, while the high-order derivatives of the desired trajectory for each UAV are estimated by using an observer; the Lyapunov redesign is developed to deal with the nonlinearities of the translational dynamics of the quadrotors; the hyperbolic tangent-based bounded control with composite nonlinear feedback is developed in order to improve the performance of the formation. In an additional way, a saturated switching control of the formation is investigated, where the formation topology is switching. The stability of the system is obtained by introducing the convex hull theory and the common Lyapunov function. This switching control strategy permits the change of the leaders in the formation. Inspired by some existing works, such as the anonymous neighbor-based formation control, we finally propose a weighted neighbor-based control, which shows better robustness than the anonymous neighbor-based control. Simulation results using Matlab primarily illustrate our proposed formation control strategies. Furthermore, using C++ programming, our strategies are implemented on the simulator-experiment framework, developed at Heudiasyc laboratory. Through a variety of tests on the simulator and real-time experiments, the efficiency and the advantages of our proposed formation control strategies are shown. Finally, a vision-based inter-distance detection system is developed. This system is composed by an on-board camera, infrared LEDs and an infrared filter. The idea is to detect the UAVs and calculate the inter-distance by calculating the area of the special LEDs patterns. This algorithm is validated on a PC, with a webcam and primarily implemented on a real quadrotor