Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Systèmes de communication sans fil – Réseaux de capteurs (technologie)'
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Ramassamy, Cédric. "Analyse des protocoles des réseaux de capteurs sans-fil." Thesis, Antilles-Guyane, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AGUY0586/document.
Full textWireless sensor networks is one of the hotest research topic in the last few years. This technology can be applied for different fields such as environment, industry, trading, medicine, military etc. Wireless sensor networks are hard to conceive because they require a lot of energy and because each of its component may have an influence on the lifetime of the whole system. What we suggest is a tool allowing to choose the correct and optimal parameters for the reliability of the applications.In this thesis, we focused on two major problems : firstly, a classification of the parameters for a tool allowing to make decisions about the configuration of a wireless sensors network, and secondly, a tool testing the compliance of the system with a real environment. The document is divided into two parts : the first part states the different protocols that exist, and the second part describes our contributions to those topics.In the first contribution, we analyzed how influential the radio cover and the network topology are on the network performances. Then, we deduced from the study of the loss rate and of the level of energy, the reliability of the application. Next, we suggested a study leading to a classification for our decision making tool. For this classification, we studied various parameters related to the MAC layer, the Physical layer, the network layer, the application layer the number of nodes involved in the network.In the second contribution, we adopted a pragmatic approach so we could test the conformity of a wireless sensors network in a real environment. In order to test its conformity in a real environment, we suggested a structured test execution on a real wireless sensor network. This task has been suggested in order to check the conformance level of the network while it was working
Champ, Julien. "Communication et Localisation dans les réseaux de capteurs sans-fil." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010MON20133.
Full textRecent advancements in the fields of telecommunications and miniaturization make it possible to deploy for a reasonnable cost, autonomous communicating objects in order to collect environmental data, or to respond when a given event appears in the deployment area. Due to the emergence of these new kind of ad hoc networks, it is needed to design various new protocols, adapted to the constraints of considered objects and to the specific needs of targeted applications.During this thesis, the objective was to contribute to the field of wireless sensor networks by proposing solutions for some of the most important issues. In the first part of this document, dedicated to communication problems, we study and propose a new energy efficient geographical routing mechanism which overcomes the periodic exchange of HELLO messages, often required to determine sensors neighborhood. We also extend this method when considering the presence of location errors of sensors. Next, we have studied a strategy to enhance the lifetime of the network when periodic queries must be sent from the base station to the whole network, by adapting an efficient localized broadcast algorithm, in order to balance energy consumption between nodes. Additionally we have shown that it is not necessary to recompute the broadcast trees for each query to obtain a good lifetime.In the second part of this document, we considered the localization problem in wireless multihop networks. After a study of some of the most interesting solutions in the litterature, we propose a new family of localization methods which are well suited for wireless sensor networks, using 2-hop information and force-based algorithms. Through extensive simulations we show the scalabity of our method, and its ability to obtain accurate results, even when considering complex topologies or the presence of large measurement errors
Audeoud, Henry-Joseph. "Routage efficace et garanti dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAM055.
Full textThe wireless sensor networks that we work with in this thesis are a set of devices connected to eachother by low-rate and low-power technologies. Their role is to produce measures on the physical environ-ment around them (meteorological and climate condition tracking, monitoring of industrial installations,control of distribution grids, topographical surveillance. . . ). These measures must then be collected out ofthe network. Since the sensors have short range radios, transmissions are multi-hop, the sensors close tothe destination relaying the information transmitted by those which are further away from it. Because ofthe movement of the nodes themselves or of objects in their environment interfering with wireless commu-nications, the exact topology of the network is subject to change. In addition, the battery-powered sensorsare limited in energy and therefore in transmission abilities. The power-saving techniques applied to turnoff the radio most of the time impose synchronization constraints.To route information through the network, the routing protocol establishes routes, so that the sensorscan relay information from and to the network border router through reliable links leading to the destina-tion through short paths. Due to sensor limitations, the routing must be energy efficient, i.e. the overloadof the radio transmissions involved by the routing algorithm itself must be as lightweight as possible. Itmust also be able to restore connectivity on a network topology change without creating routing loops thatnegatively impact the quality of service and the energy reserves of the nodes.This document describes a routing protocol that meets these objectives. It is capable of creating a self-healing collection tree that extracts information out of the network, as well as from the routes to distributecommand messages or acknowledgment to the nodes. It also validates the data path of each packet toensure that they never enter a routing loop. The protocol is run in simulations and also on real platformexperiments, showing the effectiveness of the proposed mechanisms.In order to improve its ability to choose the best available links, I also propose the use of a new esti-mation of their quality. It is based on two complementary measurements: a long-term measurement ofthe ambient noise level on the radio channel, and a measurement of the power of the signal received fromthe transmitter. These two measurements provide an estimate of the signal-to-noise ratio, and thereby theexpected reception rate. This estimate is both accurate, quick to obtain, and adapted to the constraints ofsensors and networks we are talking about
Bouabdallah, Fatma. "Optimisation de la consommation d'énergie dans les réseaux de capteurs." Rennes 1, 2008. ftp://ftp.irisa.fr/techreports/theses/2008/bouabdallah.pdf.
Full textEnergy-efficiency is a critical issue in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) due to the limited capacity of the sensor nodes’ batteries. Consequently, techniques minimizing the energy consumption are required to improve the network lifetime. In this regard, our research directions revolve around two axes: correlation avoidance and load balancing. From a correlation avoidance perspective, we started by proposing a new spatial correlation framework which yields to the development of a Spatial Correlation Medium Access Control (SC-MAC) protocol. Still dealing with correlation avoidance solutions, we proposed next a cooperative routing strategy that profits from the aggregation mechanism in order to curtail the network load. From a load balancing perspective, we proposed balancing the energy consumption throughout the network by sending the traffic generated by each sensor node through multiple paths instead of forwarding always through the same path. We determined then the set of routes to be used by each sensor node and the associated weights that maximize the network lifetime
Maréchal, Nicolas. "Consensus de moyenne dans les réseaux de capteurs : applications et optimisation." Lyon, INSA, 2009. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2009ISAL0078/these.pdf.
Full textDepending on their applications, sensor networks may be composed of a varying number of nodes having severe constraints on their size, cost, energetic consumption, and as a consequence on a large set of related parameters. These characteristics involve the need of distributed methods for organization and data processing. In particular, the class of average consensus algorithms (ACA), initially designed for computing the empirical mean of a set of input parameters, is a building block which is about to play an important role for complex applicative algorithms/protocols. The goal of this thesis is to provide elements for improving this category of algorithms, and validating them on some applications. In a first time, it focuses on characterization and optimization methods applied to ACA from the state of the art. Then, two new algorithms are proposed in order to reduce the energetic cost. The first one takes place in an estimation framework and aims at taking quickly account of fresh information. The second algorithm focuses on reducing the communication cost by exploiting the diffusive nature of wireless communications and requiring no transmission control mechanism (such as acknowledgements or synchronization). To finish with, applications to fine synchronization of clocks (physical layer) and to parametric cartography (application layer) are given
Randriatsiferana, Rivo Sitraka A. "Optimisation énergétique des protocoles de communication des réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Thesis, La Réunion, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LARE0019/document.
Full textTo increase the lifetime of wireless sensor networks, a solution is to improve the energy efficiency of the communication's protocol. The grouping of nodes in the wireless sensor network clustering is one of the best methods. This thesis proposes several improvements by changing the settings of the reference protocol LEACH. To improve the energy distribution of "cluster-heads", we propose two centralized clustering protocols LEACH and k-optimized version k-LEACH-VAR. A distributed algorithm, called e-LEACH, is proposed to reduce the periodic exchange of information between the nodes and the base station during the election of "cluster-heads". Moreover, the concept of energy balance is introduced in metric election to avoid overloading nodes. Then we presented a decentralized version of k-LEACH, which in addition to the previous objectives, integrates the overall energy consumption of the network. This protocol, called k-LEACH-C2D, also aims to promote the scalability of the network. To reinforce the autonomy and networks, both routing protocols "multi-hop" probability, denoted CB-RSM and FRSM build elementary paths between the "cluster-heads" and elected the base station. The protocol, CB-RSM, forms a hierarchy of "cluster-heads" during the training phase clusters, with an emphasis on self-scheduling and self-organization between "cluster-heads" to make the networks more scalable. These protocols are based on the basic idea that the nodes have the highest residual energy and lower variance of energy consumption become "cluster-head". We see the central role of consumption of the node in our proposals. This point will be the last part of this thesis. We propose a methodology to characterize experimentally the consumption of a node. The objectives are to better understand the consumption for different sequences of the node status. In the end, we propose a global model of the consumption of the node
Jacquot, Aurélien. "Supervision de réseaux d'objets intelligents communicants sans fil." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00719350.
Full textVergne, Anaïs. "Topologie algébrique appliquée aux réseaux de capteurs." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ENST0070/document.
Full textSimplicial complex representation gives a mathematical description of the topology of a wireless sensor network, i.e., its connectivity and coverage. In these networks, sensors are randomly deployed in bulk in order to ensure perfect connectivity and coverage. We propose an algorithm to discover which sensors are to be switched off, without modification of the topology, in order to reduce energy consumption. Our reduction algorithm can be applied to any type of simplicial complex and reaches an optimum solution. For random geometric simplicial complexes, we find boundaries for the number of removed vertices, as well as mathematical properties for the resulting simplicial complex. The complexity of our reduction algorithm boils down to the computation of the asymptotical behavior of the clique number of a random geometric graph. We provide almost sure asymptotical behavior for the clique number in all three percolation regimes of the geometric graph. In the second part, we apply the simplicial complex representation to cellular networks and improve our reduction algorithm to fit new purposes. First, we provide a frequency auto-planning algorithm for self-configuration of SON in future cellular networks. Then, we propose an energy conservation fot the self-optimization of wireless networks. Finally, we present a disaster recovery algorithm for any type of damaged wireless network. In this last chapter, we also introduce the simulation of determinantal point processes in wireless networks.Simplicial complex representation gives a mathematical description of the topology of a wireless sensor network, i.e., its connectivity and coverage. In these networks, sensors are randomly deployed in bulk in order to ensure perfect connectivity and coverage. We propose an algorithm to discover which sensors are to be switched off, without modification of the topology, in order to reduce energy consumption. Our reduction algorithm can be applied to any type of simplicial complex and reaches an optimum solution. For random geometric simplicial complexes, we find boundaries for the number of removed vertices, as well as mathematical properties for the resulting simplicial complex. The complexity of our reduction algorithm boils down to the computation of the asymptotical behavior of the clique number of a random geometric graph. We provide almost sure asymptotical behavior for the clique number in all three percolation regimes of the geometric graph. In the second part, we apply the simplicial complex representation to cellular networks and improve our reduction algorithm to fit new purposes. First, we provide a frequency auto-planning algorithm for self-configuration of SON in future cellular networks. Then, we propose an energy conservation fot the self-optimization of wireless networks. Finally, we present a disaster recovery algorithm for any type of damaged wireless network. In this last chapter, we also introduce the simulation of determinantal point processes in wireless networks
Khan, Safdar Abbas. "Localisation et détection de fautes dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Thesis, Paris Est, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PEST1028/document.
Full textIn this thesis three themes related to wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are covered. The first one concerns the power loss in a node signal due to voltage droop in the battery of the node. In the first part of the thesis a method is proposed to compensate for the apparent increase in the calculated distance between the related nodes due to decrease in the energy of the signal sending node battery. A function is proposed whose arguments are the apparently observed RSS and the current voltage of the emitter node battery. The return of the function is the corrected RSS that corresponds to the actual distance amongst the connected nodes. Hence increasing the efficiency of the RSS based localization methods in WSNs. In the second part of the thesis a position estimation method for localization of nodes in a WSN is proposed. In the proposed localization algorithm anchor nodes are used as landmark points. The localization method proposed here does not require any constraint on the placement of the anchors; rather any three randomly chosen nodes can serve as anchors. A heuristic approach is used to find the relative topology with the help of distance matrix. The purpose of the distance matrix is to indicate whether or not a pair of nodes has a connection between them and in case of connectivity it gives the estimated distance between the nodes. By using the information of connectivity between the nodes and their respective distances the topology of the nodes is calculated. This method is heuristic because it uses the point solution from the intersection of two circles instead of conventional triangulation method, where a system of three quadratic equations in two variables is used whereby the computational complexity of the position estimation method is increased. When two connected nodes have another node in common, then by using the information of distances between these interconnected nodes, two possible positions are calculated for the third node. The presence or absence of a connection between the third node and a fourth node helps in finding the accurate possibility out of the two. This process is iterated till all the nodes have been relatively placed. Once the relative topology has been calculated, we need to find the exact symmetry, orientation, and position of this topology in the plane. It is at this moment the knowledge of three nodes positions comes into action. From the relative topology we know the temporary coordinates of the nodes. By having a comparison of certain characteristics between the temporary coordinates and the exact coordinates; first the symmetry of relative topology is obtained that would correspond to the original topology. In other words it tells whether or not the relative topology is a mirror image of the original topology. Some geometrical operators are used to correct the topology position and orientation. Thus, all the nodes in the WSN are localized using exactly three anchors. The last part of the thesis focuses on the detection of faults in a WSN. There is always a possibility that a sensor of a node is not giving accurate measurements all of the time. Therefore, it is necessary to find if a node has developed a faulty sensor. With the precise information about the sensor health, one can determine the extent of reliance on its sensor measurement. To equip a node with multiple sensors is not an economical solution. Thus the sensor measurements of a node are modeled with the help of the fuzzy inference system (FIS). For each node, both recurrent and non-recurrent systems are used to model its sensor measurement. An FIS for a particular node is trained with input variables as the actual sensor measurements of the neighbor nodes and with output variable as the real sensor measurements of that node. The difference between the FIS approximated value and the actual measurement of the sensor is used as an indication for whether or not to declare a node as faulty
Koné, Cheick Tidjane. "Conception de l'architecture d'un réseau de capteurs sans fil de grande dimension." Thesis, Nancy 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011NAN10056/document.
Full textThis thesis considers the large-scale wireless sensor network (LSWSN) consisting of million nodes. The questions are: how to predict the good working and to compute before deployment the performances of such a network, knowing that no simulator can simulate a network of more than 100000 nodes? How to ensure its configuration to ensure performance, scalability, robustness and longevity? The solution proposed in this thesis is based on a two-tiered heterogeneous architecture of WSN in which the level 1 is composed of sensors and the level 2 of collectors. The first contribution is a multi-channel self-organization algorithm, which allows partitioning the network of level 1 into several disjointed sub-networks with one collector and one frequency channel while respecting the principle of frequency reuse. The second contribution is to optimize the deployment of collectors because their number represents that of sub-networks. The problems addressed were: the optimization of sinks locations for a predetermined number of sinks, and the minimization of financial cost related of the sinks? number, for a predetermined number of hops in the sub-networks. An intuitive and appropriate solution to ensure both network performance and cost is to partition the network of level 1 into balanced sub-networks in number of hops. To do this, the physical topology of sinks is a regular geographical grid (square, triangular, etc.). Theoretical studies and simulation of topology models show, depending on application requirements (node density, charge application, etc.) and physical (radio range, surveillance zone), the methodology of choice and the computation of the best deployment solutions
Kara, Messaoud. "Réseau de capteurs sans fil : étude en vue de la réalisation d'un récepteur GPS différentiel à faible coût." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00724810.
Full textFaheem, Yasir. "Routage avec économie d'énergie dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fils." Paris 13, 2012. http://scbd-sto.univ-paris13.fr/secure/edgalilee_th_2013_faheem.pdf.
Full textLimited battery power is one of the major stringent factors in deploying Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), in spite of their numerous applications both on small scale as inWireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) and on large scale as in agricultural and habitat monitoring. Especially, stationary sink based data gathering protocols for large scaleWSNs have limited network lifetime, because relay nodes around the sink quickly deplete their battery power due to high traffic loads, making the rest of the network unreachable to the sink. On the other hand, sink mobility improves network lifetime by distributing relay nodes’ energy consumption. However, mobile sink now has to periodically update the network about its changing position. This control traffic is non-negligible for low power, limited capacity sensors as it induces energy consumption problem. In this thesis, we are considering energy efficient routing protocols in the context of WBANs and large scale WSNs. Moreover, we also address multi-channel assignment algorithm with the aim of minimizing power consumption and increasing network throughput. In the first part of this thesis, a deep analysis of the energy consumption of one hop vs multi-hop communications in WBANs is performed. In fact, recent advances in technology has led to the development of small, intelligent, wearable sensors which are capable of remotely performing critical health monitoring tasks, and then transmitting patient’s data back to health care centers over wireless medium. But to the day, energy also remains to be a big constraint in enhancing WBAN lifetime [Net12]. Some recent literature on WBANs proposes deliberate use of multi-hops to transfer data from a sensor to the gateway via relay health sensors as more energy efficient than single hop communication. There are studies which argue contrarily. In this context, we have analyzed the single vs multi-hop energy consumption effect for real very short range sensor devices. In the second part of this thesis, two distributed energy-efficient sink location update algorithms are proposed for large scale mobile sink WSNs. First algorithm, named SN- MPR, uses a combination of multi-point relay broadcast and a local path repair mechanism by means of which sink’s location update packets are forwarded only to nodes which are affected by sink mobility; the rest of the network does not receive these update messages. Next, a duty-cycle aware multi-point relay based algorithm which is a modified version of the SN-MPR algorithm is proposed. It allows non-relay nodes to switch-off their radios when communication is not desired. Simulation results show that the two aforementioned algorithms minimize network’s power consumption without compromising data delivery efficiency. The final part of this thesis deals with traffic-aware channel assignment problem in IEEE 802. 15. 4 standard-based heterogeneous WSNs which have rather high traffic rate requirements than low-rate scalar WSN applications. In fact, traditional single channel communication suffers from interferences caused by concurrent transmissions in the same neighborhood. These parallel transmissions waste battery power as multiple retransmis- sions are required before a packet can be successfully delivered at the destination due to frequent collisions. Moreover, already limited network throughput of the single channel communication protocols is further degraded at higher traffic rates due to increased colli-sions and congestion. On the other hand, concurrent transmissions over multiple channels not only reduce power consumption as packet collisions are minimized or eliminated depend- ing upon the efficiency of the concerned channel assignment algorithm, but also offer better network throughput and data delivery delays. Modern WSN platforms like crossbow’s Mi-caZ nodes [Mot12] are equipped with single, half-duplex IEEE 802. 15. 4 standard-based radio which can operate over sixteen multiple channels. In order to make effective use of multiple channels, a number of channel assignment algorithms have been proposed recently for WSNs. However, they are suitable for rather low-rate homogeneous WSNs, and they consider fixed physical channel widths. These multi-channel assignments increase network throughput, but they may not be able to ensure QoS requirements of high bandwidth de- manding multimedia traffic, as in the case of heterogeneous WSNs. In order to address the energy issue and at the same time increase network capacity, we propose a distributive Traffic-Aware Bandwidth-Adaptive (TABA) channel selection algorithm which enables the nodes to not only choose interference free channels in the neighborhood, but also to adapt channel-width to increase/decrease throughput according to varying traffic conditions
Makkaoui, Leila. "Compression d'images dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Phd thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00795503.
Full textEl, Qachchach Imad. "Optimisation des codes en métrique rang pour les systèmes de communication sans fil." Thesis, Limoges, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LIMO0024.
Full textIn this thesis, we have considered the rank metric codes for wireless sensor networks. Firstly, we have introduced the rank metric codes. Then, we adapted these codes, which were originally dedicated to cryptography applications, for error correction. To this end, we have studied the behavior of the family of rank metric codes in a wireless communication scenario using network coding. In this context, three types of errors are considered, background noise, errors injected into the network by a malicious user and erasures caused by node failures. Our analysis of the Low Rank Parity Check codes (LRPC) has shown that they are more suited to wireless sensor networks and they perform better than Gabidulin codes used in the literature. This analysis has been generalized in the multisource context and has shown that LRPC codes are more efficient in this context compared to Gabidulin codes. These contributions give a new incentive for the use of rank metric codes and offer interesting perspectives
Chouikhi, Samira. "Tolérance aux pannes dans un réseau de capteurs sans fil multi-canal." Thesis, Paris Est, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PESC1031/document.
Full textThe development in Micro Electro-Mechanic Systems (MEMS) combined with the emergence of new information and communication technologies allowed the integration of the data sensing, processing and transmission in a single tiny device which is the wireless sensor. Consequently, the networks formed by these sensors offer a lot advantages compared with the traditional networks, in particular in terms of the deployment simplicity and cost. This led to the development of a wide range of Wireless Sensor Networks' applications in the domains of health, environment, industry, infrastructures, spatial activities, or even military activities and in many other domains. However, new challenges appear from the particular characteristics of these networks. In fact, many applications of this type of networks are critical and require that the correct functioning of the network is maintained as long as possible. However, the environments in which these networks are deployed return the mission of network maintenance very complicated or even impossible; hence, the necessity of integrating mechanisms of self-correction which aim to overcome the appeared problems without a human intervention. In this context, we focused our study on the techniques and mechanisms implemented to improve the property of fault tolerance in the wireless sensor networks. First, we proposed centralized and distributed approaches for the connectivity restoration and the channel reallocation in a multi-channel communication context after the failure of a critical node. After the formulation of the problem as a multi-objective optimization problem, we proposed some algorithms based on the heuristics of graphs coloring and Steiner tree, very known in the graph theory to solve this type of problems. In a second part in this thesis, we studied a particular application case, precision agriculture, and we proposed a distributed solution for the failure recovery in wireless sensor networks
Chalhoub, Gérard. "MaCARI : une méthode d'accès déterministe et économe en énergie pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00724590.
Full textMansouri, Majdi. "Traitement du signal collaboratif dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fils." Phd thesis, Université de Technologie de Troyes, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00675803.
Full textLebreton, Jean Mickaël. "Systèmes et protocoles de télé-réveil appliqués à l’optimisation énergétique des réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Thesis, La Réunion, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LARE0014/document.
Full textNowadays, a significant growth of connected things is observed, exceeding even the worldpopulation. Given the magnitude of this phenomenon, the energy efficiency of communicatingobjects is a crucial issue. Maximizing their lifetime is necessary to ensure a qualityof service. In this regard, the aim of this thesis is to optimize the energy consumption ofwireless communications in a wireless sensor network.The concept of wake-up radio was created a decade ago, which consists of waking up thecommunicating node by a remote radio signal. By default, the node remains in sleepingmode at a very low power consumption. If needed, the node can be woken up on demandthrough a specific radio signal. Thus, the energy consumption of the radio module is greatlyreduced by idle listening to the channel in sleeping mode. However, this wake-up radioprinciple requires the development of new hardware architectures associated with adaptedand innovative communication protocols. Despite recent proposals, the level of technologymaturity has not yet been reached on this subject.Therefore, a wake-up radio system is proposed in this thesis, including a theoreticalcharacterization of its performances. The wake-up receiver consumes 363 nW in sleepingmode and 49.8 µW in receiving mode. Moreover, two new protocols called DoRa and DC-DoRaare proposed with an evaluation of their performances by simulation. The resultsshow that these wake-up radio protocols greatly reduce the energy consumed by the radiomodule, compared to the MAC protocols currently used in wireless sensor networks. Finally,the experimental implementation of the wake-up radio system and protocols enabled thereal performance measurement of our approach in an environment with overhearing andinterference
Mansour, Ismail. "Contribution à la sécurité des communications des réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00877033.
Full textZhou, Hai-ying. "Réseau de capteurs sans fil dédié à la détection et au diagnostic d'arytmie cardiaque en temps réel, en continu et à distance." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004CLF22539.
Full textCastañeda, Nadir. "Géo-localisation et poursuite dans un réseau mobile." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2008. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00004202.
Full textYan, Feng. "Homologie simpliciale et couverture radio dans un réseau de capteurs." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ENST0049/document.
Full textHomology theory provides new and powerful solutions to address the coverage hole problem in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). They are based on two combinatorial objects named Cech complex and Rips complex. Cech complex can fully characterize coverage properties of a WSN (existence and locations of holes), but it is very difficult to construct. Rips complex is easy to construct but it may miss some coverage holes. In the first part of this thesis, we choose the proportion of the area of holes missed by Rips complex as a metric to evaluate the accuracy of homology based coverage hole detection. Closed form expressions for lower and upper bounds of the proportion are derived. Simulation results are well consistent with the analytical lower and upper bounds, with maximum differences of 0.5% and 3%. In addition, we extend the analysis to the sphere case. In the second part, we first propose a graph based distributed algorithm to detect non-triangular holes. This algorithm exhibits high complexity. We thus propose another efficient homology based distributed algorithm. This algorithm only requires 1- and 2-hop neighbour nodes information and has the worst case complexity O(n3) where n is the maximum number of 1-hop neighbour nodes. It can accurately detect the boundary cycles of about 99% coverage holes in about 99% cases
Tovinakere, Dwarakanath Vivek. "Contrôleurs reconfigurables ultra-faible consommation pour les réseaux de capteurs sans fil." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00859921.
Full textFotue, Fotso David Bertrand. "Agrégation et routage efficace de données dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fils." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013ENST0066/document.
Full textWireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained much attention in a large range of technical fields such as industrial, military, environmental monitoring etc. Sensors are powered by batteries, which are not easy to replace in harsh environments. The energy stored by each sensor is the greatest impediment for increasing WSN lifetime. Since data transmission consumes more energy, our major concern is how to efficiently transmit the data from all sensors towards a sink. We suggest three tree-based data aggregation algorithms: Depth-First Search Aggregation (DFSA), Flooding Aggregation (FA) and Well-Connected Dominating Set Aggregation (WCDSA) to reduce the number of transmissions from each sensor towards the sink. Tree-based data aggregation suffers from increased data delivery time because the parents must wait for the data from their leaves. Some parents might have many leaves, making it very expensive for a parent to store all incoming data in its buffer. We need to determine the aggregation time each parent in the tree has to spend in aggregating and processing the data from its leaves. We propose an Efficient Tree-based Aggregation and Processing Time (ETAPT) algorithm using Appropriate Data Aggregation and Processing Time (ADAPT) metric. Given the maximum acceptable latency, ETAPT's algorithm takes into account the position of parents, their number of leaves and the depth of the tree, in order to compute an optimal ADAPT time. At any time, the amount of data aggregated by parents may become greater than the amount of data that can be forwarded. We propose the introduction into the network of many data aggregators called Mini-Sinks (MSs). MSs are mobile and move according to a random mobility model inside the sensor field to maintain the fully-connected network in order to aggregate the data based on the controlled Multipath Energy Conserving Routing Protocol (MECRP). Sensors may use many radio interfaces sharing a single wireless channel, which they may use to communicate with several neighbours. Two sensors operating on the same wireless channel may interfere with each other during the transmission of data. We need to know which channel to use in the presence of multiple channels for a given transmission. We propose a distributed Well-Connected Dominating Set Channel Assignment (WCDS-CA) approach, in which the number of channels that are needed over all sensor nodes in the network in such a way that adjacent sensor nodes are assigned to distinct channels
Harchi, Said. "Un protocole de session dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fils." Phd thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00961091.
Full textBeaudaux, Julien. "Auto-configuration et auto-adaptation de réseaux de capteurs sans fil dans le contexte de la télémédecine." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01015749.
Full textAlhakim, Rshdee. "Optimisation des performances de réseaux de capteurs dynamiques par le contrôle de synchronisation dans les systèmes ultra large bande." Thesis, Grenoble, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013GRENT101/document.
Full textThe basic concept of Impulse-Radio UWB (IR-UWB) technology is to transmit and receive baseband impulse waveform streams of very low power density and ultra-short duration pulses (typically at nanosecond scale). These properties of UWB give rise to fine time-domain resolution, rich multipath diversity, low power and low cost on-chip implementation facility, high secure and safety, enhanced penetration capability, high user capacity, and potential spectrum compatibility with existing narrowband systems. Due to all these features, UWB technology has been considered as a feasible technology for WSN applications. While UWB has many reasons to make it a useful and exciting technology for wireless sensor networks and many other applications, it also has some challenges which must be overcome for it to become a popular approach, such as interference from other UWB users, accurate modelling of the UWB channel in various environments, wideband RF component (antennas, low noise amplifiers) designs, accurate synchronization, high sampling rate for digital implementations, and so on. In this thesis, we will focus only on one of the most critical issues in ultra wideband systems: Timing Synchronization
Saadaoui, Safa. "Conception d'un système de communication sans fil industriel basé sur la transformée en ondelettes." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LORR0048/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we will present a multi-user communication architecture based on wireless sensor networks in a noisy industrial environment. Two modes of operation of this architecture are presented ; a Many-To-One mode linking several transmitter sensors to a single receiver and a One-To-Many mode linking a transmitter to several receiver sensors. The physical layer of this system is based on the inverse transform (IDWPT) at transmission and the discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) at reception. To test our architecture, an industrial channel model is proposed that takes into account the phenomena of multipath and fading in addition to additive noise. The latter being modelled as Gaussian noise to which is added an impulse noise causing significant signal degradation. The architecture is tested for different wireless communication configurations and wavelet shapes to provide an optimal communication mode. Also, an improvement in the robustness of our system is achieved by adding channel error correction coding and pulse noise thresholding at reception to minimize the effects of industrial noise on the received signals. Using an error-correcting code, the detection and reconstruction of signals is error-free from an SNR of 8dB for a coding rate of 1/4 for transmission on a fading channel. For an optimal receiver based on noise thresholding, the performance in terms of binary error rates is improved by 10dB for transmission over an industrial noise channel. Finally, a comparison of the robustness of our pulse architecture with a system based on a conventional OFDM multi-carrier modulation is carried out. This leads us to propose a robust multi-user communication system based on wireless sensor networks for communications in difficult industrial environments
Gilbert, Johann. "Étude et développement d'un réseau de capteurs synchronisés à l'aide d'un protocole de communication sans fil dédié à l'Internet des objets." Thesis, Toulon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOUL0012/document.
Full textIn the last 20 years, the coming up of Internet of Things and Cloud Computing has conditionedthe need to deploy sensors everywhere to feed databases and analytics. To meet this requirements,new kind of networks have been massively deployed based on the sub-gigahertz frequency which haveunknown effect on human health.Couple the non-invasive aspect of the Visible Light Communication (VLC) with IoT could notonly reduce potential risks for human health but also avoid radio band saturation. However, today'stechniques consist mainly in broadcast data from light sources to receivers which is the opposite of theIoT paradigm. In this study, we will present a new design where the gateway is not a classic photodiodebut a camera.With this camera based method, we are able to design a star network using VLC. Even if the datarate is not the same as standard method, we are now able to collect data emanating from many sensorsat once with only one photoreceptor. This system also includes the ability of discriminate LED matrix,which transfer the same data faster, and single LED. Finally, data rate can be handle autonomouslyby the system to provide an optimal data transfer
Barrau, Florian. "Etude d'une solution de localisation dans un réseau de capteurs sans fils." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AIXM4767.
Full textTracking sensors in a wireless network leads to many applications. However, current techniques based on the received signal strength are unreliable given the stability of measurements. More accurate techniques inspired from radars have been proposed but they require an expensive radio. However, one of the most difficult aspects regarding the localization in a wireless sensor network remains their inadequacy with their low-cost and low-power characteristics. For example, clock generation of ZigBee modems introduce strong uncertainties regarding the reliability of measurements. Demanding digital algorithms must be carefully studied and improved in order not to exceed requirements defined by industrials. In other words, the purpose is to design an implementation as cheap as possible while keeping a minimum accuracy. The work of this thesis focuses on two main objectives: the development of a digital circuit capable of calculating time of arrivals, and the development of prototypes for a future positioning feature. The main constraint is the use of a single channel from the ZigBee 802.15.4 standard. This work enabled to understand issues regarding the distance measurements and adapt them given wireless sensor network constraints
Kuntz, Romain. "Medium access control facing the dvnamics of wireless sensor networks." Strasbourg, 2010. https://publication-theses.unistra.fr/public/theses_doctorat/2010/KUNTZ_Romain_2010.pdf.
Full textA WSN consists in spatially distributed autonomous and embedded devices that cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions in a less intrusive fashion. The data collected by each sensor node (such as temperature, vibrations, sounds, movements etc. ) are reported to a sink station in a hop-by-hop fashion using wireless transmissions. In the last decade, the challenges raised by WSN have naturally attracted the interest of the research community. Especially, signicant improvements to the communication stack of the sensor node have been proposed in order to tackle the energy, computation and memory constraints induced by the use of embedded devices. A number of successful deployments already denotes the growing interest in this technology. Recent advances in embedded systems and communication protocols have stimulated the elaboration of more complex use cases. They target dense and dynamic networks with the use of mobile sensors or multiple data collection schemes. For example, mobility in WSN can be employed to extend the network coverage and connectivity, as well as improve the routing performances. However, these new scenarios raise novel challenges when designing communication protocols. The work presented in this thesis focuses on the issues raised at the MAC layer when confronted to dynamic WSN. We have rst studied the impact of mobility and dened two new MAC protocols (Machiavel and X-Machiavel) which improve the medium access of mobile sensor nodes in dense networks. Our second contribution is an auto-adaptive algorithm for preamble sampling protocols. It aims at minimizing the global energy consumption in networks with antagonist trafic patterns by obtaining an optimal configuration on each node. This mechanism is especially energy-efficient during burst transmissions that could occur in such dynamic networks
Massouri, Abdelbasset. "Modélisation comportementale SystemC-AMS d’interfaces RF et liaisons radio multipoint pour réseaux de capteurs." Thesis, Lille 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL10068/document.
Full textThis work aims at implementing a simulation platform based on SystemC-AMS. It can handle a complex and heterogeneous system on chip (SoC). An application of wireless sensor network (WSN): inter-vehicle communication is used to validate this approach. To realize this application, a high level of abstraction was adopted and a baseband modeling of RF blocks has been developed. Besides, not only aspects related to the RF transceiver, but also the radio channel were studied.The current design flows enable the estimation of power consumption of digital blocks, however a high-level methodology for power consumption estimation of analog and RF blocks is still not available. We propose a Top-Down methodology based on the figure of merit (FoM) and system parameters to estimate the instantaneous power consumption of these blocks. Thus, estimates of overall consumption of nodes and the WSN are provided by the platform.We delivered a library implemented in SystemC-AMS for different blocks of a WSN such as node and radio channel. The results show the feasibility to simulate complex, RF and analog mixed SoC. In addition, they show the significant gain in terms of simulation time provided by the system-level simulation using SystemC-AMS and behavioural models of WSN.The platform developed in this work opens a variety of perspectives on many important aspects of system-level simulation of WSN. These aspects include the choice and optimization of routing algorithms, MAC protocols, signal processing algorithms, as a function of power consumption which is the main constraint of WSN
Cherifi, Nadir. "Assistance au développement de logiciels embarqués contraints en énergie." Thesis, Lille 1, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LIL1I036/document.
Full textThe designation under the term Internet of Things brings together a vast array of different connected systems.A significant number of these objects do not have a continuous power supply and are therefore supplied with batteries. In addition, we can list multiple use cases where the recharging of the battery is difficult or impossible (e.g. a buried object for structures monitoring). As a result, the energetic aspect represents a primary constraint to be taken into account by the developers when designing the embedded application on the object. The work issue consists in placing energy as a hard resource during the development phase by providing assistance and help to the developers in the management of this complex resource. We propose as a solution a methodology and tools to support the activities of the embedded developer in a constrained energy environment. We assert that the ability to accurately measure and track the energy consumption of a connected object and then correlate it to the underlying software can improve overall energy efficiency by implementing best practices related to use of the different hardware components. To achieve this goal, we base our work on a hardware energy measurement method able of providing accurate consumption figures. We than build an energy profiling and cartography framework of embedded software to help the developer understand the energy behavior of his application
Hoang, Thi Quynh Van. "Maillage cartésien non-conforme pour la méthode TLM : application à la conception de rectennas compactes." Nice, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012NICE4045.
Full textThe work presented in this thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is devoted to the development of a computational electromagnetic code based on the TLM method (Transmission Line Matrix) to simulate structures with multi-scale aspects, requiring multigrids-subgrids locally refined. This leads to solve a simultaneous spatial and time domain coupling problem. As it was proved to be very effective for spatial domain coupling, the technique using transformers introduced by Wlodarczyk is implemented. Actual work is focussed on the time domain coupling to allow using the maximum time step in each sub grid. Interpolation techniques such as Taylor second order and cubic Spline and also a prediction technique inspired from the Prony-Pisarenko method for power spectral density estimation were implemented and evaluated. The second part is devoted to the design of rectennas. Such non linear and multi-scale structures, integrating Schottky diodes, are key elements of wireless power transmission or energy harvesting systems. It is demonstrated that modelling rectennas with a global circuit-electromagnetic simulation tool in time domain as with TLM provides a substantial advantage compared to commercial simulation softwares that requires various experimental adjustments, rendering complex the design process. It becomes then possible to accurately predict the conversion efficiency of an entire rectenna. The design and complete experimental characterization of two compact rectennas operating at 2. 45GHz are finally presented
Zhou, Yuwei. "Contribution à la récupération de l'énergie électromagnétique ambiante pour les objets communicants autonomes." Nantes, 2013. http://archive.bu.univ-nantes.fr/pollux/show.action?id=1662e015-4123-47ef-a212-53bb99182204.
Full textThe research works of this thesis are focused on the ambient electromagnetic energy harvesting to improve the life time of wireless autonomous devices. The waves produced by cellular telephones, Wireless Internet and also radio and television transmissions may be captured and rectified to produce a continuous voltage able to supply mobile phones, environment data sensors, computers, etc. Broadband or multiband antennas, combined to a high frequency rectifying circuits with Schottky diodes must be optimized for the reception and rectifying of a very low level electromagnetic power (about a few micro watts per cm2). In this thesis, an important optimization work is done in frequency domain and especially in power domain. The high frequency circuit simulator ADS and high frequency electromagnetic simulator HFSS, are used to design the rectenna. The obtained conversion efficiencies place our laboratory in the international state of the art in electromagnetic energy harvesting
Nguyen, Le-Duy-Lai. "Contrôle distribué multi-couche des systèmes complexes avec contraintes de communication : application aux systèmes d'irrigation." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017GREAT108/document.
Full textThis thesis presents control problems of irrigation network with communication constraints and a multi-layer approach to solve these problems in a distributed manner. Detailed discussions of each layer with analytical and simulation results are described throughout several chapters. They emphasize the potential interest of the multi-layer approach, more precisely its efficiency and reliability for supervision, multi-objective optimization and distributed cooperative control of complex water transport systems. Conventionally, the first layer to be considered is the hydraulic network composed of free-surface channels, hydraulic structures and mesh subnetwork of pressurized pipes. By coupling the Saint-Venant equations for describing the physics of free-surface fluid and the Lattice Boltzmann method for the fluid simulation, a discrete-time nonlinear model is obtained for channel reaches. The hydraulic structures are usually treated as internal boundaries of reaches and modeled by algebraic relationships between the flow and pressure variables. To enable the exchange of information among the control system’s components, a communication network is considered in the second layer. Solving challenging problems of heterogeneous devices and communication issues (e.g., network delay, packet loss, energy consumption) is investigated in this thesis by introducing a hybrid network architecture and a dynamic routing design based on Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of control applications. For network routing, a weighted composition of some standard metrics is proposed so that the routing protocol using the composite metric achieves convergence, loop-freeness and path-optimality properties. Through extensive simulation scenarios, different network performance criteria are evaluated. The comparison of simulation results can validate the interest of this composition approach for dynamic routing. Finally, the third layer introduces an optimal reactive control system developed for the regulatory control of large-scale irrigation network under a Distributed Cooperative Model Predictive Control (DCMPC) framework. This part discusses the implementation of different control strategies (e.g., centralized, decentralized, and distributed strategies) and how the cooperative communication among local MPC controllers can be included to improve the performance of the overall system. Managing divergent (or outdated) information exchange among controllers is considered in this thesis as a consensus problem and solved by an asynchronous consensus protocol. This approach based on the multi-agent system paradigm to distributed control requires each controller to agree with its neighbors on some data values needed during action computation. For simulations, a particular benchmark of an irrigation channel is considered. The comparison of simulation results validate the benefits of the distributed cooperative control approach over other control strategies
Mahfoudi, Mohamed Naoufal. "Libérer le potentiel de détection sans fil dans les réseaux Wi-Fi et IoT." Thesis, Côte d'Azur, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019AZUR4063.
Full textWireless sensing has evolved since the discovery of radio wave echo detection and radar in 1886. Analyzing electromagnetic reflections from objects opened the way for a wide range of applications spanning from locating long-range targets for navigation and military to monitoring wind and precipitation for weather-forecasting to velocity detection for public safety. However, for the longest time, its usefulness was seldom for human-centric applications because of technical limitations, impracticality or costliness. Introducing wireless networks awakened a newfound interest in developing new wireless sensing services for their seamlessness and versatility. Integrating such functionalities would contribute to resolving some prominent societal issues. Localization, motion detection, and vital signs monitoring have great potential for promoting healthy aging, public safety, and retail. Contactless sensing offers an appreciable degree of freedom, enabling remote monitoring of the isolated elderly without hampering their daily lives. It could assist public safety services for crowd counting and detection of survivors inside buildings during emergencies. Retail and public facilities would benefit from passive and active localization to offer an enhanced experience to their visitors and to help their logistical efforts. This thesis addresses the problem of leveraging commercial off-the-shelf wireless networks for sensing applications: One challenge for wireless monitoring is to detect the attitude of a person accurately. While other works provide coarse-grained solutions for resolving such issues, we use MIMO radar techniques to provide an accurate orientation estimation system for Wi-Fi infrastructures. To be more precise, we analyze the phase information of signals received on the antenna array to compute the heading of a Wi-Fi terminal. A second challenge is to provide an accurate positioning system for LPWAN systems to maintain the information consistency of deployed sensors. Current solutions are complex, costly, or not energy-efficient. To address this problem, we introduce MIMO capabilities to LoRa LPWAN systems that provide accurate localization with limited startup costs. We enable the angle of arrival estimation by leveraging a second antenna on the LoRaWAN gateway. We also prove the usefulness of such information for wireless communication efficiency. A third challenge for wireless localization is the inefficiency of current model-based approaches in case of non-line-of-sight conditions and the rigidity of data-driven approaches in case of propagation environment changes. To address this challenge, we propose a new data-driven solution for passive localization to address the limitations of model-based localization techniques. To give life to such systems and provide them with a chance of impacting our everyday lives, we should promote reusability and reproducibility. For that, we focus on the challenge of reproducibility in wireless networking by surveying the current state, performing a case study, and presenting the engendered lessons
Bayou, Lyes. "Assessment and enforcement of wireless sensor network-based SCADA systems security." Thesis, Ecole nationale supérieure Mines-Télécom Atlantique Bretagne Pays de la Loire, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018IMTA0083/document.
Full textThe security in Industrial Control Systems is a major concern. Indeed, these systems manage installations that play an important economical role. Furthermore, targeting these systems can lead not only to economical losses but can also threaten human lives. Therefore, and as these systems depend on sensing data, it becomes obvious that additionally to real-time requirement, it is important to secure communication channels between these sensors and the main controllers. These issues are more challenging inWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) as the use of wireless communications brings its own security weaknesses. This thesis aims to address WSN-based security issues. Firstly, we conduct an in-deep security study of the WirelessHART protocol. This latter is the leading protocol for Wireless Industrial Sensor Networks (WISN) and is the first international approved standard. We assess its strengths and emphasize its weaknesses and limitations. In particular, we describe two harmful security vulnerabilities in the communication scheme of WirelessHART and propose improvement in order to mitigate them. Secondly, we present wIDS, a multilayer specification based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) specially tailored for Wireless Industrial Sensor Networks. The proposed IDS checks the compliance of each action performed by a wireless node based on a formal model of the expected normal behavior
Dufoulon, Fabien. "Overcoming interference in the beeping communication model." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLS233/document.
Full textSmall inexpensive inter-communicating electronic devices have become widely available. Although the individual device has severely limited capabilities (e.g., basic communication, constant-size memory or limited mobility), multitudes of such weak devices communicating together are able to form a low-cost, easily deployable, yet highly performant network. Such distributed systems present significant challenges however when it comes to the design of efficient, scalable and simple algorithms. In this thesis, we are interested in studying such systems composed of devices with severely limited communication capabilities - using only simple bursts of energy. These distributed systems may be modeled using the beeping model, in which nodes communicate by beeping or listening to their neighbors (according to some undirected communication graph). Simultaneous communications (i.e., collisions) result in non-destructive interference: a node with two or more neighbors beeping simultaneously detects a beep. Its simple, general and energy efficient communication mechanism makes the beeping model widely applicable. However, that simplicity comes at a cost. Due to the poor expressiveness of beeps and the interference caused by simultaneous communications, algorithm design is challenging. Throughout this work, we overcome both difficulties in order to provide efficient communication primitives. A particular focus of the thesis is on deterministic and time-efficient solutions independent of the communication graph's parameters (i.e., uniform). The first part of the thesis considers a setting in which nodes wake up at the same time (i.e., the network has been set up a priori). To obtain efficient solutions to fundamental distributed communication problems, we first focus on efficiently solving problems for local symmetry-breaking: (Δ+1)-vertex coloring and maximal independent set (where Δ is the maximum degree of the communication graph). The solutions we devise are particularly efficient when the communication graph is sparse. They are then used to solve the 2-hop variants of these problems and to simulate message-passing. Finally, combining this simulation with existing results, which assume message-passing, gives the first vertex coloring algorithm using less than Δ+1 colors in the beeping model. Then, we study problems defined on a global scale, such as leader election and multi-broadcast (i.e., information dissemination). Leader election is a crucial building block in the design of distributed algorithms. We give the first two time-optimal leader election algorithms for the beeping model. One is deterministic, but requires unique identifiers. The second one does not need identifiers (useful for security and privacy reasons), but is randomized. Building upon the time-optimal leader election solution, computationally efficient and time-optimal algorithms for multi-broadcast are presented. Although a previous time-optimal solution was available, it required computationally expensive methods. The second part of the thesis considers a more difficult but more general setting, in which nodes wake up at some arbitrary time rounds. We focus on the desynchronization problem, and more precisely on its 2-hop variant, which can be used as medium access control method. We show that it is possible for nodes to communicate in a coherent manner beyond their 1-hop neighborhood. More concretely, a primitive allowing nodes to simulate communication on the square of the communication graph is presented. This primitive is a centerpiece in the design of the 2-hop desynchronization algorithm. Finally, by leveraging this solution, we show that higher-level primitives for sending and receiving messages can be obtained in this difficult setting
Rault, Tifenn. "Energy-efficiency in wireless sensor networks." Thesis, Compiègne, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015COMP2228/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we propose new strategies for energy conservation in wireless sensor networks, so that the operational time of these networks can be extended. The work can be divided into two main focus area, namely general wireless sensor networks, and healthcareoriented wearable sensor networks. In the first part of this thesis we provide a comprehensive survey of the existing energy-efficient mechanisms. Then, we propose two new solutions: the first one optimizes the displacement of a mobile base station as well as buffer usage and data routing at sensor nodes; the second one optimizes the deployment of wireless chargers in the network to satisfy the energy demand of the sensors. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to healthcare application where wearable sensors are used to remotely supervise a patient. We begin with a state-of-the-art of the energy-efficient techniques existing in the literature. We then introduce a new energy-efficient architecture that allows to optimize the lifetime of both the sensor and the base station. This is a context-aware solution that takes into consideration heterogeneous devices. Our results show that the lifetime of the sensor networks can be extended using the proposed strategies. All the results obtained are supported by numerical experiments and extensive simulations
Lauzier, Matthieu. "Conception et validation de plateformes de communication autour du corps humain, à l'échelle de l'individu et du groupe." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ISAL0027/document.
Full textThe technological evolutions which have taken place for the last decades allowed the emergence of new application fields, such as the wireless monitoring of physiological parameters collected on the human body, with the development of Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs, or BANs). Mostly dedicated to the medical domain and the improvement of the patients' comfort and safety, this kind of platforms more recently extended to other kinds of activities, such as sports and leisures. According to the applicative context, the hypotheses and constraints associated to these networks can vary drastically, yielding the necessity of developing adapted communication mechanisms. The works presented in this thesis have focused on the realization of data collection platforms for mobile sports applications. In a first part, we concentrate on the individual data collection, for which we give a proof of concept in the context of a Marathon race, before aiming at a better understanding of individual channel models and cooperative mechanisms for on-body data centralization. In a second part, we are interested in dense and mobile networks consisting in an important number of coexisting BANs. Our aim is to propose distributed algorithms based on consensus to allow dynamic group detection, with a variable scale. The validation of the approaches developed in this document is performed by practical implementations and experiments at each step of this work, thanks to an important amount of real world collected data. Through extended analyzes, we provide elements allowing to characterize the communication within mobile BANs, and particularly large scale networks. Although guided by the strong applicative context of live TV broadcast, these works and analysis methods don't lose in generality, and this challenging and original context opens a lot of perspectives
Krol, Michal. "Routin in wireless sensor networks." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAM004/document.
Full textInternet of Things (IoT) paradigm envisages to expand the current Internet witha huge number of intelligent communicating devices. Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN) deploy the devices running on meagre energy supplies and measuring environmental phenomena (like temperature, radioactivity, or CO 2 ). WSN popularapplications include monitoring, telemetry, and natural disaster prevention. Major WSN challenges are energy efficiency, overcome impairments of wireless medium, and operate in the self-organisation. The WSN integrating IoT will rely on a set of the open standards striving to offer scalability and reliability in a variety of the operating scenarios and conditions. Nevertheless, the current state of the standards have interoperability issues and can benefit from further improvements. The contributions of the thesis work are:We performed an extensive study of Bloom Filters and their use in storing nodetext-based elements in IP address. Different techniques of compression andvariants of filters allowed us to develop an efficient system closing the gapbetween feature-routing and classic approach compatible with IPv6 networks.We propose Featurecast, a routing protocol/naming service for WSN. It allowsto query sensor networks using a set of characteristics while fitting in anIPv6 packet header. We integrate our protocol in RPL and introduce a newmetric, which increase the routing efficiency. We check its performance inboth extensive simulations and experimentations on real sensors in a large-scale Senslab testbed. Large-scale simulations demonstrate the advantagesof our protocol in terms of memory usage, control overhead, packet deliveryrate and energy consumption.We introduce WEAVE - a routing protocol for networks with geolocation. Our so-lution does not use any control message and learn its paths only by observingthe traffic. Several mechanisms are introduce to keep a fixed-size header andbypass both small as well as large obstacles and provide an efficient communication between nodes. We performed simulations on large scale involvingmore than 19000 nodes and real-sensor experimentations on IoT-lab testbed. Our results show that we achieve much better performance especially in large and dynamic networks without introducing any control overhead
Cobârzan, Cosmin. "Internet of highly mobile things." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015STRAD037/document.
Full textMobility is becoming an integrating part of todays Internet of Things, as many applications such as wildlife monitoring or target tracking in the battlefield cannot be done only with the help of static nodes. The goal of this thesis is to provide new communication architecture articulated around providing mobility support in Low Power and Lossy Networks (LLNs). First we analyzed from a theoretical point of view the IPv6 address auto-configuration with all optimizations made in Neighbor Discovery Optimization for IPv6 over 6LoWPAN. This step is of crucial importance for protocols that offer mobility support in IP networks, such as MIPv6. Our findings, increased message size that leads to fragmentation and high energy consumption for routers that are involved in Neighbor Discovery message exchange, have lead us to use the IPv6 Routing Protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) in order to provide mobility support. RPL is build from ground up with respect to LLN requirements. Our second contribution enhanced RPL operations to support mobility management. Finally, we proposed a cross-layer protocol – Mobility Triggered-RPL – that leverages actions from the X-Machiavel preamble sampling MAC protocol into RPL
Nguyen, Van Khang. "Détection et agrégation d'anomalies dans les données issues des capteurs placés dans des smartphones." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLL021/document.
Full textMobile and wireless networks have developed enormously over the recent years. Far from being restricted to industrialized countries, these networks which require a limited fixed infrastructure, have also imposed in emerging countries and developing countries. Indeed, with a relatively low structural investment as compared to that required for the implementation of a wired network, these networks enable operators to offer a wide coverage of the territory with a network access cost (price of devices and communications) quite acceptable to users. Also, it is not surprising that today, in most countries, the number of wireless phones is much higher than landlines. This large number of terminals scattered across the planet is an invaluable reservoir of information that only a tiny fraction is exploited today. Indeed, by combining the mobile position and movement speed, it becomes possible to infer the quality of roads or road traffic. On another level, incorporating a thermometer and / or hygrometer in each terminal, which would involve a ridiculous large-scale unit cost, these terminals could serve as a relay for more reliable local weather. In this context, the objective of this thesis is to study and analyze the opportunities offered by the use of data from mobile devices to offer original solutions for the treatment of these big data, emphasizing on optimizations (fusion, aggregation, etc.) that can be performed as an intermediate when transferred to center(s) for storage and processing, and possibly identify data which are not available now on these terminals but could have a strong impact in the coming years. A prototype including a typical sample application will validate the different approaches
Papadopoulos, Georgios. "Improving medium access for dynamic wireless sensor networks." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015STRAD034/document.
Full textThe Internet of Things brings unique constraints and a huge variety of applications. This forces to be able to establish energy efficient communications (and never the less low-delay) within highly dynamic networks. We focused on improving the medium access control (MAC) to optimize the management of wireless communications, the main source of energy consumption in these networks. This thesis discusses the self-adaptation of asynchronous MAC solutions and shows that a localized cooperation between communicating objects can maintain an efficient sharing of the communication resource in highly dynamic networks (traffic, mobility, failures). In addition to a reasoning on the tools of simulation and experimentation, we conducted comprehensive evaluation campaigns of our contributions that address traffic changes and mobility in dense networks
Zaouche, Lotfi. "Sécurité et fiabilité des communications dans les réseaux d’essaims." Thesis, Compiègne, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017COMP2339/document.
Full textThe emergence of small and inexpensive Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) promotes their use in several applications. UAVs are usually equipped with different sensors and have the ability to communicate via wireless connections. Their capability to fly freely in the space offers new opportunities to monitoring and tracking applications. A Flying Ad hoc Network (FANET) is composed of a fleet of autonomous UAVs and is used for monitoring applications in hostile environments, surveillance or site inspection. FANETs could also be used for filming special events such as bike races or soccer matches, so, the connections must guarantee a minimum of quality of service. In FANETs, saving energy of UAVs that have limited battery is very challenging and protecting the network from malicious attacks is even more difficult. In this thesis, we focus on tracking and filming a moving target using a fleet of UAVs. Since the target is moving, the UAVs have to follow it continuously, and a path to the ground station must be available. In this context, we propose an efficient solution that allows the coordination of the UAVs to maintain an optimal path between the target and the ground station. The proposed solution is time and energy efficient. We also propose a solution based on hierarchical protocols to save more energy in the communication process with the ground station. Another solution that allows energy saving is to force selfish nodes to participate in the network to route received packets towards their destination. Indeed, a selfish node is concerned only about its own welfare, refusing to route packets of other node, causing an extra charge for the rest of nodes in the network. We validate our solutions through simulation campaigns
Moinet, Axel. "Définition d'une architecture IoT sécurisée et adaptative basée sur la blockchain." Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019UBFCK010.
Full textDuring the last fifteen years, the rise of smart and wireless enabled embedded devices lead to the development of wireless sensor networks (WSN). In the same time, the emerging of Cloud computing with the development of the Internet and the Web as an everyday technology thanks to the rise of bandwidth and processing power leads to new network paradigms. The Internet of Things (IoT) primary goal is to bridge the gap between these technologies and bring WSN sensing and actuating abilities to Cloud applications. We count a significant amount of work targetting the IoT in the last decade, however they lack proper solutions to ensure data privacy and security. Gartner investigations shows that 70 % of connected and smart devices provide little or no security policies and solutions, making both user and devices vulnerable to attackers. In the field of digital currencies, Bitcoin proposed a new authenticated and trustless data structure dedicated to transactions logging in a decentralized network with the help of a consensus protocol : the blockchain. This thesis is focused on bringing the blockchain technology as a new solutions for security in decentralized WSN in the IoT, providing the basis for a secure and adaptative agent-based middleware and execution framework. This framework attempt to federate existing work regarding the architecture of the IoT, but also to tackle security issues regarding network access, agent execution and trust evaluation. To achieve this goal, we propose Network Service Loader (NSL), an agent-based middleware constructed of existing protocols in a new way, along with a new solution called Blockchain Authentication and Trust Module (BATM) dedicated to node and users authentication, access control policies, and trust evaluation through our new Maximum Likelihood Trust Estimator (MLTE) algorithm
Munir, Muhammad Farukh. "Optimisation inter-couche de réseaux de capteurs et capteurs-actionneurs sans fil." Paris, ENST, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009ENST0039.
Full textPatel, Pankesh. "Environnement de développement d'applications pour l'Internet des objets." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00927150.
Full textMortada, Mohamad Rida. "Multi-hop routing for cognitive radio sensor network." Thesis, Brest, École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Bretagne, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021ENTA0010.
Full textThe Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of a large number of tiny devices called nodes, and these nodes are generally limited in power and they are randomly deployed in a geographical area for monitoring purpose. Because of the large number of nodes in the WSN, their demand on the frequency resources becomes a real challenge due to the spectrum scarcity. Cognitive Radio (CR) was introduced to enhance the spectral efficiency. The CR classifies users into the Primary User (PU) that holds a license over a spectrum bandwidth, and the Secondary User (SU), i.e., an opportunistic user. The integration of CR into WSN results in a cognitive radio sensor network (CRSN). In CRSN, the nodes behave as SUs. However,the adoption of CRSN may face several challenges. Indeed, network nodes may stop transmitting to avoid any harmful interference for PU. In addition, energy consumption constraint should be respected. Other features may be impacted by the adoption of CRSN, such as the clustering process and the in-network data aggregation, especially in a multi-hop routing based CRSN. In this manuscript, we tackle the challenges of the CRSN from different levels. Firstly, clustering nodes enhances network efficiency. In practice, grouping the network nodes saves energy during data transmission. Thus, we investigate the optimal number of clusters in the network based on energy consumption during data transmission and spectrum sensing to extend network lifespan. Then, we present LIBRO, a new uplink multi-hop routing protocol based on the geographical location information. LIBRO ensures delivery of rectified data packets in dense networks without knowledge of topology or path nodes. Finally, we used LIBRO and the energy harvesting technique to extend the CRSN's lifespan. Thus, by solving an optimization problem jointing the collision probability, energy consumption, packet delivery delay and packet delivery ratio, the appropriate parameters are found