Academic literature on the topic 'Systèmes adaptatifs (technologie)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Systèmes adaptatifs (technologie)"
Charlet, Bertrand, Abdesselem Elhassouni, and Vincent Hardy. "Comprendre l’optique adaptative." Photoniques, no. 92 (July 2018): 42–44.
Full textCrabbé, Philippe. "François Perroux et Ilya Prigogine: Systèmes complexes et science économique." Études internationales 29, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 405–21.
Full textTamaarat, Azzouz, and Abdelhamid Benakcha. "Performance de la commande des puissances active et réactive dans une éolienne basée sur une MADA." Journal of Renewable Energies 20, no. 4 (December 31, 2017): 635–47.
Full textBiot-Paquerot, Guillaume, and Mathieu-Claude Chaboud. "De l’ambiguïté des utilisations émergentes des TI : l'utilisation en situation des fintechs et des quasi-fintechs dans le contexte de la guerre en Ukraine." Marché et organisations N° 49, no. 1 (January 15, 2024): 103–19.
Full textLEGRAND, M., A. JOVENIAUX, A. ARBAROTTI, B. DE GOUVELLO, F. ESCULIER, and J. P. TABUCHI. "Séparation à la source et valorisation des excrétas humains du Grand Paris : des filières émergentes." Techniques Sciences Méthodes 9, no. 9 (September 20, 2021): 103–18.
Full textAndrieu, Nadine, Eduardo Chia, and Eric Vall. "Recherche et innovations dans les exploitations de polyculture-élevage d’Afrique de l’Ouest Quelles méthodes pour évaluer les produits de la recherche ?" Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 64, no. 1-4 (January 1, 2011): 7.
Full textOuattara, Ladji. "Nomades touaregs : frontières, trajectoires et adaptation dans un espace en crises." Cahiers d'anthropologie sociale N° 21, no. 2 (September 21, 2023): 135–49.
Full textHumeau, Tom, Isabelle Savard, Daniel Lemire, Pierre-Olivier Dionne, Gustavo-Adolfo Angulo-Mendoza, Patrick Plante, Anne Marie Pinard, and Jean-Sébastien Roy. "FORCES 3 : Exploitation à des fins pédagogiques des données d’un portail d’apprentissage de l’autogestion de la douleur. Développement d’une architecture de collecte et d’analyse de données et d’un module de suivi du développement des compétences." Médiations et médiatisations, no. 12 (November 29, 2022): 74–97.
Full textIyiola-Tunji, A. O. "Climate-smart livestock production: options for Nigerian farmers." Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 48, no. 4 (March 8, 2021): 136–48.
Full textIddou, Abdelkader, and Mohand Said Ouali. "Étude de l'élimination de Cr(VI) par une boue biologique après épandage." Water Quality Research Journal 40, no. 2 (May 1, 2005): 184–90.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Systèmes adaptatifs (technologie)"
Arrouf, Mhamed. "Optimisation multicritère appliquée aux systèmes mécaniques adaptatifs." Besançon, 2004.
Full textThe aim of this work is to extend multi-criterion optimisation methods to active structure design, and particularly to the placement of sensors and actuators on a mechanical structure. Adaptive mechanical systems use LQG regulators (Linear Quadratic Gaussien). The main matrices are determined by minimisation of a quadratic criterion and under consideration of some constraints that are used during the iterative process (ex: the use of actuators at the maximum of their possibilities leads to iteratively modify the specific ratio of weight factors). We propose an original strategy for the optimisation of the regulator gain matrix by considering constraints on the actuator control and outputs. Since the problem is an optimisation under constraints, UZAWA algorithm was used to the search of saddle-point. The choice and placement of actuators and sensors are of course made according to the fixed objectives, but it is also leaded by taking into account simple ideas given by an expert system knowledge. Fuzzy logic approach was used to optimise actuators placement. This approach allows the consideration of knowledge given by expert as well as the easy introduction of additional expert rules. Finally, ways to the first sensor placement on the active structure are shown using energetic standards for perturbability and observability. This work was applied to the study of an aluminium panel
Le, Bras Florent. "Contributions à l'asservissement visuel de véhicules aériens autonomes." Nice, 2010.
Full textThe visual servo control technology is based on measurements form a camera. This technique appeared in the late 80’s to control mobile robots or manipulators. Recently, visual servoing is applied to flying vehicles, for which this type of control has a strong operational potential. In this thesis, we focus on the design of visual servoing for two types of flying vectors : the VTOL minidrones and fixed-wing aircrafts. We try wherever possible to specify the problem in terms of regulation in the picture by taking into account the limitations of the sensors used. Thus we consider only the onboard sensors autonomous, and whose quality is consistent with a the considered visual servoing tasks. For this, we propose visual servoing laws adapted to the considered systems intheir control structures and their measurement systems. For VTOL minidrones, a series of control laws is proposed to stabilize the vehicle with respect to a relativity flat target which some landmarks are detected in real time. These commands have the distinction of not requiring measurements of the speed of translation. This characteristic is especially interesting, since this variable is particularly difficult to measure without GPS. One of the algorithms has been, validated in fight ion the platform. HoverEye developed by Bertin Technologies, it was, to our knowledge the first image based visual servoing, conducted indoors on a minidrones. For fixed-wing aircrafts, a next autonomous landing technique based on the detection of runway’s edges is proposed. This technique is image based and takes into account the specificities of aircraft flight dynamics. Moreover a specific estimate of cross-wind is proposed. Validation of this approach is performed on a complex simulator which includes images processing. Finally, we sought new applications in image based visual servoing for fixed-wing aircrafts. A control law for precise stabilization on observation orbit has been synthesized. It is based on the detection of a single landmark and translational optical flow. Simulations illustrate the performance of that algorithm
Feki, Mohamed Ali. "An ontology based context aware modelling and reasoning to enhance human environment interaction." Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2007.
Full textThe recent convergence of ubiquitous computing and context-aware computing has seen a considerable rise in interest that exploit aspects of the contextual environment to enhance implicit user interaction, offer services, present information, tailor application behavior or trigger adaptation. However, as a result of the lack of generic mechanisms for supporting context-awareness, context-aware applications remain very difficult to build and developers must deal with a wide range of issues related to representing, sensing, aggregating, storing, querying and reasoning of context. In order to remedy this situation, there is a need for better understanding of the design process associated with context-aware applications, architectural support for the entire context processing flow, and improved programming abstractions that ease the prototyping of applications. This research in context-aware computing has focused on the architectural support for context-aware application development. This dissertation presents a set of requirements for context-aware applications, based on wich we designed and implemented our architectural support, including an ontology-based context model, a context-aware architecture (namely Context Aware Explorer) and a set of programming abstractions. This research reported here is investigating : how context can be acquired, ditributed, and used and how it changes human computer interaction in Ubiquitous Computing. The Context Aware Explorer includes common steps required to build context applications (acquisition, interpretation, presentation, reasoning and application), thus it ensures the adaptation situated at the level of User Environment Interaction. The case study, Assistive Environment, validates our work, and illustrates, in concrete form, the process and issues involved in the design of context-aware software. Finally, the research presents an overview of how Ubiquitous Computing systems can be evaluated. Different techniques are assessed, and the concept of probing users and developers with prototypes is presented
Rebaud, Bettina. "Evolution vers des architectures de systèmes intégrés auto-adaptatives et tolérantes aux variations technologiques et environnementales." Montpellier 2, 2009.
Full textWith the « More Moore » and low power trends, optimizing or only well predicting the final performances of digital circuits become more and more difficult. Indeed, variability and hardness to accurately model transistor behavior impede the dimension scaling benefits. Current design methods generally use guard margins to prevent from the incertitude generated by these limits and to guarantee functional yield. But as we go in the nanometer era, the margin use is not efficient anymore, because of an increasing over-design, limiting optimizations and decreasing yield. Very different numerous solutions exist in order to overcome these troubles, following two main goals which are dissimilar but also complementary: increasing the robustness to uncertainty during the design levels, notably thanks to better performance analysis; and adapting the final circuit to its real process corner and to its environment. In this work, we considered these two directions: the first one thanks to (1) an implementation of a specific methodology called SSTA (Statistical Static Timing Analysis), allowing to perform statistical analysis on timing performances; this methodology allows us to accurately observe process variation effects on delays; and the second one in proposing (2) an efficient diagnostic system based on the in situ critical path monitoring concept and allowing all adaptive solution implementations. The latter answer to variability issue allows to know the real characteristics of the circuit, to crop design margins, to improve power consumption and frequency performances, and even to increase yield
Belaggoun, Amel. "Adaptability and reconfiguration of automotive embedded systems." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 6, 2017.
Full textModern vehicles have become increasingly computerized to satisfy the more strict safety requirements and to provide better driving experiences. Therefore, the number of electronic control units (ECUs) in modern vehicles has continuously increased in the last few decades. In addition, advanced applications put higher computational demand on ECUs and have both hard and soft timing constraints, hence a unified approach handling both constraints is required. Moreover, economic pressures and multi-core architectures are driving the integration of several levels of safety-criticality onto the same platform. Such applications have been traditionally designed using static approaches; however, static approaches are no longer feasible in highly dynamic environments due to increasing complexity and tight cost constraints, and more flexible solutions are required. This means that, to cope with dynamic environments, an automotive system must be adaptive; that is, it must be able to adapt its structure and/or behaviour at runtime in response to frequent changes in its environment. These new requirements cannot be faced by the current state-of-the-art approaches of automotive software systems. Instead, a new design of the overall Electric/Electronic (E/E) architecture of a vehicle needs to be developed. Recently, the automotive industry agreed upon changing the current AUTOSAR platform to the “AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform”. This platform is being developed by the AUTOSAR consortium as an additional product to the current AUTOSAR classic platform. This is an ongoing feasibility study based on the POSIX operating system and uses service-oriented communication to integrate applications into the system at any desired time. The main idea of this thesis is to develop novel architecture concepts based on adaptation to address the needs of a new E/E architecture for Fully Electric Vehicles (FEVs) regarding safety, reliability and cost-efficiency, and integrate these in AUTOSAR. We define the ASLA (Adaptive System Level in AUTOSAR) architecture, which is a framework that provides an adaptive solution for AUTOSAR. ASLA incorporates tasks-level reconfiguration features such as addition, deletion and migration of tasks in AUTOSAR. The main difference between ASLA and the Adaptive AUTOSAR platform is that ASLA enables the allocation of mixed critical functions on the same ECU as well as time-bound adaptations while adaptive AUTOSAR separates critical, hard real-time functions (running on the classic platform) from non-critical/soft-real-time functions (running on the adaptive platform). To assess the validity of our proposed architecture, we provide an early prototype implementation of ASLA and evaluate its performance through experiments
Saidi, Taofik. "Architectures matérielles pour la technologie W-CDMA étendue aux systèmes multi-antennes." Rennes 1, 2008.
Full textOver the last ten years, multi-antenna systems (MIMO) for mobile and fixed wireless communications have revolutionized the possibilities offered for numerous telecommunication application domains. Using multiple antennas at both ends of the link considerably increases the capacity of wireless systems. However, the digital algorithms needed to realize these systems are complex and constitute a challenge in order to define powerful hardware architectures. The goal of the present work centers specifically on the optimal definition of architectural solutions to combat this problem in a CDMA context. The first aspect of this work is a deepened study of space-time algorithms and design methods with regards to an efficient hardware implementation. Numerous detection schemes are proposed in the litterature and are applicable following three criteria : quality of service, binary throughput and algorithmic complexity. The latter constitutes a strong limitation for a low cost implementation of mobiles including these applications. Thus, it is necessary to use powerful tools to simulate, evaluate and rapidly prototype these new systems which constitute likely candidates for fourth generation telecommunication systems. The second aspect is the realization of an uncoded multi-antenna transceiver, integrating CDMA in a wideband channel case. A WCDMA mono-antenna system, generalized to any antenna array, has been integrated and simulated on the Lyrtech rapid prototyping platform. The developped architecture integrates the main baseband processing modules, such as Nyquist filtering, multiple path detection and detection itself. The MIMO-WCDMA prototype is characterized by its flexibility with regards to the number of inputs, format of samples, characteristics of the wireless channel and the targeted technology (ASIC, FPGA). The third aspect is more prospective since it introduces new methods to reduce the hardware cost of multi-antenna systems. The principle of dynamic allocation of the fixed point format is presented with the goal of adapting the data encoding according to the wireless channel's characteristics and consequently minimizing the circuit's complexity. Also, the concept of adaptive architectures is proposed to reduce the power consumption in an embedded system according to application context
Rouissi, Firas. "Contribution à l'analyse des propriétés d'observabilité et de diagnosticabilité des systèmes complexes. Application à une éolienne." Rouen, 2013.
Full textAtig, Asma. "Sur la commande neuronale adaptative des systèmes non linéraires." Le Havre, 2012.
Full textThis work deals with the control of non linear square MIMO systems with unknown or uncertain dynamics. The retained adaptative neural control scheme consists of an emulator and a controller. The emulator and controller parameters are decoupled and adjusted in real time using the Real Time Recurrent Learning algorithm. New adptation approaches for the controller parameters, based on the Lyapunov stability study, are proposed to ensure a stable behavior of disturbed nonlinear systems. Minimization of multi-objective criteria is also considered to adjust the controller parameter. Performances of the proposed approaches were evaluated by numerical simulations and by real time applications on disturbed nonlinear systems
Pley, Julien. "Protocoles d'accord pour la gestion d'une grille de calcul dynamique." Rennes 1, 2007.
Full textWe present a middleware for dynamic grids where the federated resources are provided by different institutions. Within a domain, the resources interact in a synchronous manner. Interactions between resources belonging to different domains are asynchronous. Every machine or domain can join or leave the grid at any time; due to failures, or on purpose. We propose a fault-tolerant solution which takes advantage of this hierarchical structure to solve the grid membership problem and the load-balanced task allocation problem. Each service is the composition of a synchronous protocol and an asynchronous agreement protocol which is always a variation of the fundamental Consensus problem. We define the "insensitivity to erroneous suspicions"; a new metric to compare different Consensus protocols based on Diamond S failure detectors
Dorie, Laurent. "Modélisation et évaluation de performances en vue de la conception conjointe des systèmes reconfigurables : application à la radio logicielle." Nantes, 2007.
Full textThe fast evolution of embedded system context leads to more and more complexity into electronic products that can support many ways of working and different standards. In these systems, the reconfiguration is a solution to face such evolution and also respect embedded constraints. This property points out that a system is able to modify its behaviour. Such property concerns just as well the application development as the technology design. New approaches and tools are needed to take into account this reconfiguration property. Thus, the goal of this thesis is to provide high abstraction level models in order to improve the co-design of reconfigurable systems. The first part of this thesis interested in reconfiguration mechanisms of radiocommunication systems. It led to the definition of modelling in order to describe the reconfigurable mechanisms of radio communication application. The second part of this thesis focused on the reconfigurable architectures. It led to a modelling able to describe the reconfigurable impact of heterogeneous multi-processor platforms on system behaviour and performances. The interest of these modelling is illustrated by a study which deals with a typical case of Software Radio
Books on the topic "Systèmes adaptatifs (technologie)"
J, VanDoren Vance, ed. Techniques for adaptive control. Amsterdam: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2003.
Find full text1966-, Hu Jun, and Burg Timothy C, eds. Nonlinear control of electric machinery. New York: Dekker, 1998.
Find full text1979-, Ye Dan, ed. Reliable control and filtering of linear systems with adaptive mechanisms. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, 2011.
Find full textMarcello, Pucci, and Vitale Gianpaolo, eds. Power converters and AC electrical drives with linear neutral networks. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
Find full textChalam. Adaptive Control Systems: Techniques and Applications. CRC Press LLC, 2017.
Find full textChalam. Adaptive Control Systems: Techniques and Applications. CRC Press LLC, 2017.
Find full textChalam. Adaptive Control Systems: Techniques and Applications. CRC Press LLC, 2017.
Find full textBoufadene, Mourad. Nonlinear Control Systems Using MATLAB®. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Systèmes adaptatifs (technologie)"
SYLLA, Tidiane, Mohamed AYMEN CHALOUF, Léo MENDIBOURE, and Francine KRIEF. "Adaptation dynamique et décentralisée des autorisations pour la e-santé." In Gestion de la sécurité en e-santé, 77–105. ISTE Group, 2024.
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