Academic literature on the topic 'Système quantique à N-Corps'
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Journal articles on the topic "Système quantique à N-Corps"
Waintal, Xavier. "Le problème à N corps qui se cache derrière l’ordinateur quantique." Reflets de la physique, no. 70 (October 2021): 18–23.
Full textYefsah, Tarik, and Clément Sayrin. "Simulation quantique avec des atomes froids. Comment manipuler et sonder des systèmes quantiques à l’échelle de l’atome individuel." Reflets de la physique, no. 71 (January 2022): 8–15.
Full textVitrac, Richard. "La théorie de la relativité cognitive et systémique." Acta Europeana Systemica 7 (July 11, 2020): 179–96.
Full textVitrac, Richard. "La démonstration systémique des formules de Lorentz." Acta Europeana Systemica 8 (July 10, 2020): 225–30.
Full textVan Groenendael, Augustin, and Jacques Tillieu. "Usage de l'Algèbre de Lie su (n) dans l'Etude des Systèmes Quantiques ànEtats. V. Application aux Systèmes composés." International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 28, no. 2 (August 1985): 269–86.
Full textKhammar, Amir Hamzeh, Vahideh Ahrari, and Seyed Mahdi Amir Jahanshahi. "Analysis and Applications of Quantile Approach on Residual Extropy." Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing 11, no. 4 (August 3, 2023): 876–91.
Full textYang, Mingming, and Songhua Xu. "A novel deep quantile matrix completion model for top-N recommendation." Knowledge-Based Systems 228 (September 2021): 107302.
Full textGur, Serap, and Wayne J. G. Hellstrom. "Activation of P2Y1 and P2Y2 nucleotide receptors by adenosine 5′-triphosphate analogues augmented nerve-mediated relaxation of human corpus cavernosum." Canadian Urological Association Journal 3, no. 4 (May 1, 2013): 314.
Full textSuleiman, Ahmad Abubakar, Hanita Daud, Narinderjit Singh Sawaran Singh, Aliyu Ismail Ishaq, and Mahmod Othman. "A New Odd Beta Prime-Burr X Distribution with Applications to Petroleum Rock Sample Data and COVID-19 Mortality Rate." Data 8, no. 9 (September 19, 2023): 143.
Full textHarrison, Laura, Martin Landsfeld, Greg Husak, Frank Davenport, Shraddhanand Shukla, William Turner, Pete Peterson, and Chris Funk. "Advancing early warning capabilities with CHIRPS-compatible NCEP GEFS precipitation forecasts." Scientific Data 9, no. 1 (June 30, 2022).
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Système quantique à N-Corps"
Molineri, Anaïs. "Un nouveau dispositif pour étudier la relaxation d'un système quantique à N corps." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Full textThis manuscript presents the first steps of a new ultracold atoms experiment using strontium 84. The aim of this experiment is to study the relaxation dynamics of quantum gases initially prepared in an out-of-equilibrium state. This experiment will include a quantum gas microscope, allowing us to measure spatial correlation functions in two-dimensionnal systems. The current state of the construction allows us to generate both magneto-optical trap of strontium: along its wide transition at 461 nm and its narrow transition at 689 nm. Concurrently with the experimental setup, we carried out works on a reconstruction algorithm required for the future data processing of the microscope images. This manuscript details experimental aspects, justifying their choices, and presents the current state of work on the reconstruction algorithm. There are still steps to complete the experimental setup: add a chamber where we will make the measurements to the vaccuum system, set up the quantum gaz microscope and all the required optics to transport the atomic clouds between two vaccuum chambers, to reach Bose-Einstein condensation and to confine the atoms in two-dimensionnal optical traps
Silva, Fernanda Deus da. "Contributions aux propriétés de transport d'un système à N Corps." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015.
Full textWe study some important problems related to the transport properties of many body systems. It is divided in three parts, each one focusing in a specific topic. We obtain relevant results that improve our understanding of these systems. We investigate the effect of dissipation and time-dependent external sources, in the phase diagram of a many body system at zero and finite temperature. In the presence of time-dependent perturbations, dissipation is essential for the system to attain a steady, time independent state. In order to treat this time dependent problem, we use a Keldysh approach within an adiabatic approximation that allows us to study the phase diagram of this system as a function of the parameters of the system and temperature. We also discuss the nature of the quantum phase transitions of the system. Next, we study an important concept in the physics of metallic multi-band systems, that of hybridization, and how it affects the superconducting properties of a material. A constant or symmetric $k$-dependent hybridization in general act in detriment of superconductivity. We show here that when hybridization between orbitals in different sites assumes an anti-symmetric character having odd-parity it {it{enhances}} superconductivity. The antisymmetric hybridization in a problem study in this thesis (present in Chapter 3) allow us to propose a new system where it is possible to investigate Majorana fermions, even in absence of spin-orbit interactions. In the last part of this thesis we study the effect of spin-orbit coupling (SOC) on transport properties in magnetic nanostructures. In this system SOC plays an important role, because surfaces (or interfaces) introduce symmetry breaking which is a source of spin-orbit interaction. We study the role of Dzyaloshinshkii-Moriya (DM) interaction on spin-transport in a 3 layer system. We show that there is a DM interaction between magnetics ions in the layers and spin of conduction electrons. We study the influence of this DM interaction on transport within a simple model where each layer is represented by a point
Atas, Yasar Yilmaz. "Quelques aspects du chaos quantique dans les systèmes de N-corps en interaction : chaînes de spins quantiques et matrices aléatoires." Thesis, Paris 11, 2014.
Full textMy thesis is devoted to the study of some aspects of many body quantum interacting systems. In particular we focus on quantum spin chains. I have studied several aspects of quantum spin chains, from both numerical and analytical perspectives. I addressed especially questions related to the structure of eigenfunctions, the level densities and the spectral properties of spin chain Hamiltonians. In this thesis, I first present the basic numerical techniques used for the computation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of spin chain Hamiltonians. Level densities of quantum models are important and simple quantities that allow to characterize spectral properties of systems with large number of degrees of freedom. It is well known that the level densities of most integrable models tend to the Gaussian in the thermodynamic limit. However, it appears that in certain limits of coupling of the spin chain to the magnetic field and for finite number of spins on the chain, one observes peaks in the level density. I will show that the knowledge of the first two moments of the Hamiltonian in the degenerate subspace associated with each peak give a good approximation to the level density. Next, I study the statistical properties of the eigenvalues of spin chain Hamiltonians. One of the main achievements in the study of the spectral statistics of quantum complex systems concerns the universal behaviour of the fluctuation of measure such as the distribution of spacing between two consecutive eigenvalues. These fluctuations are very well described by the theory of random matrices but the comparison with the theoretical prediction generally requires a transformation of the spectrum of the Hamiltonian called the unfolding procedure. For many-body quantum systems, the size of the Hilbert space generally grows exponentially with the number of particles leading to a lack of data to make a proper statistical study. These constraints have led to the introduction of a new measure free of the unfolding procedure and based on the ratio of consecutive level spacings rather than the spacings themselves. This measure is independant of the local level density. By following the Wigner surmise for the computation of the level spacing distribution, I obtained approximation for the distribution of the ratio of consecutive level spacings by analyzing random 3x3 matrices for the three canonical ensembles. The prediction are compared with numerical results showing excellent agreement. Finally, I investigate eigenfunction statistics of some canonical spin-chain Hamiltonians. Eigenfunctions together with the energy spectrum are the fundamental objects of quantum systems: their structure is quite complicated and not well understood. Due to the exponential growth of the size of the Hilbert space, the study of eigenfunctions is a very difficult task from both analytical and numerical points of view. I demonstrate that the groundstate eigenfunctions of all canonical models of spin chain are multifractal, by computing numerically the Rényi entropy and extrapolating it to obtain the multifractal dimensions
Garioud, Renaud. "When perturbation theory goes non-perturbative : applications to strongly-correlated systems." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2023.
Full textThis thesis focuses on developing new algorithms for the study of strongly correlated materials. They are quantum systems in which interactions between electrons, such as the Coulomb repulsion, play a major role and give rise to remarkable physical properties (like high temperature superconductivity) which can't be described using a one-body formalism. To fully understand these phenomenon one has to treat the full system of many particles and their interactions : this is the many body problem.The project of this thesis is developing, analyzing and applying numerical methods called diagrammatic to these systems. A lots of fundamental questions remain unanswered about the using of perturbative methods to describe a system which is, by definition, in a non-perturbative regime. What are the limits of these approaches? How do correlations effects control the structure of the perturbative series ?Algorithmic developments will be applied to the study of strongly correlated systems, such as the Hubbard model, which will allow to cope with current topics of interest in condensed matter physics, in particular with the physics of correlated magnetism and of the pseudo gap in cuprate superconductors, or with the existence of a Mott phase transition with no preexisting ordered phase as it has been recently observed in experiments on organic materials
Thibaut, Jérôme. "Corrélations, intrication et dynamique des systèmes quantiques à N Corps : une étude variationnelle." Thesis, Lyon, 2019.
Full textThis thesis presents a study of quantum many-body systems at zero temperature, where the behavior of the system is purely driven by the quantum effects. I will introduce a variationnal approach developped with Tommaso Roscilde, my PhD supervisor, and Fabio Mezzacapo, my co-supervisor, in order to study these systems.This approach is based on a parametrisation of the quantum state (named Ansatz) on which we apply a variational optimisation, allowing us reproduce the system's evolution under Schrödinger's equation with a limited number of variables.By considering an imaginary-time evolution, it is possible to reconstruct the system's ground state. I focused on S=1/2 XX spin chain, where the long-range quantum correlations complicate a variational study; and I have specifically targeted our Ansatz in order to reproduce the correlations and the entanglement of the ground state. Moreover I considered the antiferromagnetic S=1/2 J1-J2 spin chain, where the non-trivial sign structure of the coefficients of the quantum state introduces an important challenge for the quantum Monte Carlo approach; and where the magnetic frustration induces a quantum phase transition (from a state with long range correlations to a non-magnetic state in the form of a valence-bond crystal).Finally I focused on the time evolution of a quantum many-body system starting from a non-stationary state. I studied the ability of our approach to reproduce the linear increase of the entanglement during time, which is a fondamental obstacle for other approaches such as the density-matrix renormalization group
Frerot, Irénée. "Corrélations quantiques : une approche de physique statistique." Thesis, Lyon, 2017.
Full textThe notion of coherence, intimately related to the notion of wave-particle duality, plays a central role in quantum mechanics. When quantum coherence extends over several particles inside a system, the description in terms of individual objects becomes impossible, due to the development of quantum correlations (or entanglement). In this manuscript, we focus on equilibrium systems, for which we show that coherent fluctuations add up to the fluctuations predicted by thermodynamic identities, valid for classical systems only. In the ground state, coherent fluctuations are the only ones to subsist, an in this case we study their relationship with entanglement entropy. We show in particular that an hypothesis of effective temperature, spatially modulated, captures the structure of entanglement in a many-body system, and we show how this temperature can be reconstructed from usual correlation functions. Our results also enable for a refined understanding of quantum phase transitions. We show in particular that the phase transition between a bosonic Mott insulator and a superfluid gives rise to a singularity of entanglement entropy induced by amplitude fluctuations of the phase of the condensate. We finally identify a coherence length governing the scaling behaviour of coherent fluctuations inside the quantum critical region in the finite-temperature vicinity of a quantum critical point, and open novel perspectives for the metrological advantage offered by the exceptional coherence which develops close to quantum critical points, based on the example of the quantum Ising model
Huillery, Paul. "Few and MaPhysique à quelques et à N- corps dans les gaz de Rydberg froidsny-body Physics in cold Rydberg gases." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2013.
Full textScarlatella, Orazio. "Driven-Dissipative Quantum Many-Body Systems." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019.
Full textMy PhD was devoted to the study of driven-dissipative quantum many-body systems. These systems represent natural platforms to explore fundamental questions about matter under non-equilibrium conditions, having at the same time a potential impact on emerging quantum technologies. In this thesis, we discuss a spectral decomposition of single-particle Green functions of Markovian open systems, that we applied to a model of a quantum van der Pol oscillator. We point out that a sign property of spectral functions of equilibrium systems doesn't hold in the case of open systems, resulting in a surprising ``negative density of states", with direct physical consequences. We study the phase transition between a normal and a superfluid phase in a prototype system of driven-dissipative bosons on a lattice. This transition is characterized by a finite-frequency criticality corresponding to the spontaneous break of time-translational invariance, which has no analog in equilibrium systems. Later, we discuss the mean-field phase diagram of a Mott insulating phase stabilized by dissipation, which is potentially relevant for ongoing experiments. Our results suggest that there is a trade off between the fidelity of the stationary phase to a Mott insulator and robustness of such a phase at finite hopping. Finally, we present some developments towards using dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) for studying driven-dissipative lattice systems. We introduce DMFT in the context of driven-dissipative models and developed a method to solve the auxiliary problem of a single impurity, coupled simultaneously to a Markovian and a non-Markovian environment. As a test, we applied this novel method to a simple model of a fermionic, single-mode impurity
Lasseri, Raphaël-David. "Distribution spatiale de fermions fortement corrélés en interaction forte : formalisme, méthodes et phénoménologie en structure nucléaire." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.
Full textThe atomic nucleus is intrinsically a complex system, composed of strongly correlated non-elementary fermions, sensitive to strong and electroweak interaction. The description of its internal structure is a major challenge of modern physics. In fact the complexity of the nucleon-nucleon interaction generates correlations which are responsible of the diversity of shapes that the nuclei can adopt. Indeed the nuclei can adopt either quasi-homogeneous shapes when nucleons are delocalized or shapes where spatially localized structure can emerge, namely nuclear clusters. This work is an extension of relativistic mean-fields approach (RMF), which allows an universal treatment of nuclear phenomenology. In a first time we will present the necessary formalism to construct such an approach starting with the fundamental interactions underlying nucleons dynamics within the nucleus. However this approach doesn't allow an accurate reproduction of experimental properties: a purely mean-field approach neglects to many correlations. Existing methods to treat both particle-hole (deformation), particle-particle (pairing) correlations will be discussed. First we will propose a new diagrammatic method, which take correlation into account in a perturbative way, the implementation of this approach using combinatory theory will be discussed. Then we will get back to a phenomenological treatment of particle-hole correlations, to focus on the impact of particle-particle. Formation of nucleonic pair will be discussed in the language of graph theory, allowing several formal simplifications and shed a different light on pairing. Pairing correlations will be at first treated using a relativistic Hartree-Bogolioubov approach. Nevertheless this formalism doesn't conserve particle number, and thus we will present a projective approach to restore it. The effect of this restoration will also be studied. Then to describe general nuclear deformation, several implementations and optimizations developed during this PhD will be presented. With this tools, clusterisation will be investigated as phenomenon emerging for certain class of correlations. Localization measure will be derived allowing a clearer understanding of cluster physics. The analysis of theses quantities makes possible a first unified description of cluster formation both for light nuclei (Neon) or for heavy alpha emitters (Polonium). Cluster emergence will be described as a quantum phase transition, an order parameter will be displayed and this formation will be characterized as a Mott transition. The influence of pairing correlations on cluster formation is studied and a detailed study of pairs spatial properties is performed for nuclei from several mass regions. Lastly a method allowing treatment of 4-body correlations (quartteting) is proposed to explain cluster emergence as alpha particle preformation
Reimann, Thomas. "Resonant spin dynamics and 3D-1D dimensional crossovers in ultracold Fermi gases." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018.
Full textThe exploration of strongly correlated quantum many-body systems represents one of the most challenging fields of research of contemporary physics. Over the past thirty years, dilute vapors of neutral atoms suspended in vacuum and controlled with laser light have become a versatile and powerful platform for the study of such systems. At the very heart lies the ability to arbitrarily tune the interaction strength by means of magnetically induced Feshbach resonances as well as the possibility to create a wide range of potential landscapes via precisely tailored optical fields. This thesis reports on the recent results of the FerMix experiment, which is dedicated to the study of fermionic quantum many-body-systems at ultralow temperatures using the Alkali atoms 40K and 6Li. The main results presented in this text are twofold. First, we report on the experimental characterization of a novel (s,d)-wave Feshbach resonance in 6Li, the results of which are compared to the corresponding theoretical predictions. In particular, the spectrum of the inelastic loss rate is determined for different temperatures and trap depths, which enables us to identify the losses as two-body processes. Moreover, the dominant entrance channel is confirmed to be s-wave in nature. Using rate equation models we analyze the observed heating of the atomic ensemble and find the behavior to be consistent with the predicted L = 2 bound state present in the exit channel. Finally, we investigate experimentally the dynamics of the spin populations driven by resonantly enhanced inelastic collisions in dwave, observing good agreement with our numerical models. Second, we summarize our progress towards the study of dimensional crossovers between the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid in 1D and the Landau-Fermi liquid in 3D using Fermi gases of 40K confined in a large spacing optical lattice. This includes both the fundamental design considerations as well as the implementation of the required experimental hardware
Books on the topic "Système quantique à N-Corps"
Martin, Philippe A. Problèmes à N-corps et champs quantiques: Cours élémentaire. Freiburg: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, 1990.
Find full text1940-, Morrison J., ed. Atomic many-body theory. 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1986.
Find full textHenri, Orland, ed. Quantum many-particle systems. Redwood City, Calif: Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., 1988.
Find full textHenri, Orland, ed. Quantum many-particle systems. Reading, MA: Perseus Books, 1998.
Find full textMathematical methods of many-body quantum field theory. Boca Raton: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2005.
Find full text1958-, Reuter Martin, ed. Classical and quantum dynamics: From classical paths to path integrals. 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1994.
Find full textDittrich, Walter. Classical and quantum dynamics: From classical paths to path integrals. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1992.
Find full text1958-, Reuter Martin, ed. Classical and quantum dynamics: From classical paths to path integrals. 3rd ed. Berlin: Springer, 2001.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Système quantique à N-Corps"
Lewin, Mathieu. "Systèmes à N particules, atomes, molécules." In Théorie spectrale et mécanique quantique, 221–45. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textELIMARI, Nassim, and Gilles LAFARGUE. "Influence du système immunitaire comportemental sur la xénophobie et l’altruisme en temps de pandémie." In Les épidémies au prisme des SHS, 75–82. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Système quantique à N-Corps"
Veselov, Arseniy, and Maksim Eremeev. "Estimating cognitive text complexity with aggregation of quantile-based models." In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies. RSUH, 2023.
Full textLy, Sel, Kapil Chauhan, Gooi Hoay Beng, and Hung D. Nguyen. "A Novel Quantile Lite-PCE for Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Power System Cascading Outage for N-1-1 Contingency Analysis." In 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE, 2023.
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