Academic literature on the topic 'Système Psp'

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Journal articles on the topic "Système Psp"


Much, Detlef. "Prozeßoptimierung durch Integration von Workflow-Management in PPS-Systeme." Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 93, no. 4 (May 1, 1998): 148–52.

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Abstract Zur Unterstützung der Ablauforganisationen in Produktionsunternehmen gibt es in jüngster Zeit Bestrebungen, Workflow-Management- und PPS-Systeme zu kombinieren, um eine ganzheitliche EDV-Lösung zu erhalten. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden in dem vorliegenden Beitrag der Realisierungsstand dieser Anforderungen in Standard-PPS-Systemen überprüft und schließlich ein Ansatz zur besseren Prozeßoptimierung aufgezeigt.
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Schneider, Markus, and Patrick Rannertshauser. "Hybrider Planungs- und Steuerungsansatz." VDI-Z 164, no. 05 (2022): 67–69.

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Eine zufriedenstellende Termintreue in deutschen Industrieunternehmen wird in der Realität oftmals nur durch einen hohen manuellen Steuerungsaufwand erreicht. Beschrieben werden die wesentlichen Kritikpunkte an derzeit genutzten PPS-Systemen. Außerdem wird ein Lösungsvorschlag skizziert, welcher bestehende Systeme verbessert.
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Debaque, J. C., and H. Bouchez. "Le système PPS de Borsselé." Revue Générale Nucléaire, no. 1 (January 1989): 33–36.

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Much, D., and T. Heiderich. "Ereignissteuerung für PPS-Systeme." Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 91, no. 10 (October 1, 1996): 471–75.

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Haasis, H. D. "PPS-Systeme und betrieblicher Umweltschutz." Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 89, no. 3 (March 1, 1994): 122–24.

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Augustin, Harald. "PPS-Systeme der 4. Generation." Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb 91, no. 7-8 (August 1, 1996): 352–54.

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Sorge, Christoph. "Datenschutz in P2P-basierten Systemen." Datenschutz und Datensicherheit - DuD 31, no. 2 (February 2007): 102–6.

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Sinnwell, Chantal, Armin Haße, Jan Fischer, and Jan C. Aurich. "Kollaborative Produktionssystemplanung unter Verwendung eines modellbasierten, PLM-gestützten Entwicklungsprozesses." at - Automatisierungstechnik 66, no. 5 (May 25, 2018): 406–17.

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Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel beschreibt einen modellbasierten Planungsprozess für die frühen Phasen der Planung cyber-physischer Produktionssysteme (CPPS). Dieser ermöglicht eine bessere Integration sowohl der Produktentwicklung (PE) mit der Produktionssystemplanung (PSP), als auch innerhalb der PSP-Disziplinen der späteren Planungsphasen. Er basiert auf der Idee des modellbasierten Systems Engineering (MBSE) und besteht aus vier Planungsebenen. Jede Planungsebene besteht aus mehreren Planungsaktivitäten, in denen mittels einer Modellierungssprache die jeweiligen Planungsartefakte beschrieben werden. Diese sind durch das Systemmodell semantisch miteinander verknüpft und definieren Verhalten und Struktur des zu planenden CPPS. Ferner wird die praktische Anwendung des Prozesses im Unternehmenskontext mittels PLM-Systemen am Beispiel mehrerer Kollaborationsszenarien näher erläutert.
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Borgy, Jacques. "Le CSP : nouveau graal des psychologues ou système à rénover ?" Psychologues et Psychologies N° 258-259, no. 5 (December 1, 2018): 043–46.

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Jougleux, Muriel, and Nicole Pellegrin. "Quel pilotage pour le système éducatif des académies ?" Politiques et management public 29, no. 3 (March 30, 2012): 369–92.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Système Psp"


Wallart, Lisa. "Caractérisation du système BAC : vers l'hypothèse d'un système Psp original chez Pseudomonas aeruginosa." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2023.

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L’émergence et la propagation des bactéries multirésistantes aux antibiotiques est devenue une problématique majeure de santé publique. En particulier, P. aeruginosa fait partie des pathogènes opportunistes humains pour lesquels il devient urgent de développer de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques. P. aeruginosa est un germe qui cible préférentiellement les individus dont le système immunitaire est affaibli. Ainsi, les patients atteints de mucoviscidose, d’un cancer, du SIDA, ou hospitalisés sur une longue durée sont des sujets à haut risque d’infection à P. aeruginosa. Chez ces patients, ces infections sont associées à une forte morbidité et mortalité, en raison de la persistance et de la résistance des bactéries colonisant les tissus de l’hôte sous forme de biofilms.Mes travaux de thèse s’inscrivent dans l’objectif de découvrir de nouvelles cibles pour le design de futurs traitements novateurs. Je décris dans ce manuscrit les derniers éléments de caractérisation du système BAC (pour « Biofilm Associated Cluster »), qui nous permettent de l’envisager comme un système Psp original. Ce système est ainsi constitué de 6 protéines codées par l’opéron bacABCDEF. L’expression de cet opéron se ferait en réponse à des stimuli et serait sous la dépendance du facteur sigma σ54 et du système à deux composants Gac/Rsm. La structure de BacA (protéine présentant un domaine DUF2170), nouvellement élucidée, est homologue à celle de protéines chaperonnes du SST3 suggérant que BacA serait impliquée dans la régulation de l’expression de bacABCDEF. La protéine BacB est quant à elle un homologue structural des protéines PspA et Vipp1 supposant que le système BAC serait impliqué dans la protection membranaire sous l’action d’un stress extra-cytoplasmique encore inconnu. La protéine BacD semble être une flotilline, protéine « échafaudage » connue pour résider dans les microdomaines fonctionnels, aussi appelés lipid rafts
The emergence and spread of bacteria that are multi-resistant to antibiotics has become a real public health concern. In particular, P. aeruginosa is one of the major human opportunistic pathogens for which it is urgent to develop new therapeutic strategies. P. aeruginosa is a microorganism that preferentially targets immuno-compromised individuals. Thus, patients suffering from cystic fibrosis, cancer, AIDS, or hospitalized for a long period are subjects at high risk of P. aeruginosa infection. In these patients, these infections are associated with high morbidity and mortality, due to the persistence and resistance of bacteria colonizing host tissues most often within biofilms.My thesis work is part of the objective of discovering new targets for the design of future innovative treatments. In this manuscript I describe the latest elements of characterization of the BAC system (for “Biofilm Associated Cluster”), which allow us to consider it as an original Psp system. This system is thus made up of 6 proteins encoded by the bacABCDEF operon. The expression of this operon would occur in response to stimuli and would be dependent on the sigma factor σ54 and the Gac/Rsm two-components system. The structure of BacA (protein presenting a DUF2170 domain), newly elucidated, is homologous to that of T3SS chaperone proteins suggesting that BacA is involved in the regulation of bacABCDEF expression. The BacB protein is a structural homolog of the PspA and Vipp1 proteins, suggesting that the BAC system is involved in membrane protection under the action of a yet unknown extra-cytoplasmic stress. The BacD protein appears to be a flotillin, a “scaffolding” protein known to reside in functional membrane microdomains, also called lipid rafts
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Steude, Volker Werners Brigitte. "PPS-Systeme auf Basis von Simulation /." Lohmar : Eul, 2003.

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Neubauer, Georg. "Prozessorientierte Auswahl von PPS-Systemen /." Berlin : IPK, 1998.

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Jäger, Michael. "Kennliniengestützte Parametereinstellung von PPS-Systemen." [S.l. : s.n.], 2000.

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Martins, Vidal. "Data Replication in P2P Systems." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2007.

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Cette thèse porte sur la réplication de données dans les systèmes pair-à-pair (P2P). Elle est motivée par l'importance croissante des applications de collaboration répartie et leurs besoins spécifiques en termes de réplication de données, cohérence de données, passage à l'échelle, et haute disponibilité. En employant comme exemple un Wiki P2P, nous montrons que les besoins de réplication pour les applications collaborative sont : haut niveau d'autonomie, réplication multi-maître, détection et résolution de conflit basé sur sémantique, cohérence éventuelle parmi des répliques, hypothèses faibles de réseau, et indépendance des types de données. Bien que la réplication optimiste adresse la plupart de ces besoins, les solutions existantes sont peu applicables aux réseaux P2P puisqu'elles sont centralisées ou ne tiennent pas compte des limitations de réseau. D'autre part, les solutions existantes de réplication P2P ne répondent pas à toutes ces exigences simultanément. En particulier, aucune d'elles ne fournit la cohérence éventuelle parmi des répliques avec des hypothèses faibles de réseau. Cette thèse vise à fournir une solution de réconciliation fortement disponible et qui passe à l'échelle pour des applications de collaboration P2P en développant un protocole de réconciliation qui assure la cohérence éventuelle parmi des répliques et tient compte des coûts d'accès aux données. Cet objectif est accompli en cinq étapes. D'abord, nous présentons des solutions existantes pour la réplication optimiste et des stratégies de réplication P2P et nous analysons leurs avantages et inconvénients. Cette analyse nous permet d'identifier les fonctionnalités et les propriétés que notre solution doit fournir. Dans une deuxième étape, nous concevons un service de réplication pour le système APPA (en anglais, Atlas Peer-to-Peer Architecture). Troisièmement, nous élaborons un algorithme pour la réconciliation sémantique répartie appelée DSR, qui peut être exécuté dans différents environnements répartis (par ex. grappe, grille, ou P2P). Dans une quatrième étape, nous faisons évoluer DSR en protocole de réconciliation pour des réseaux P2P appelé P2P-reconciler. Finalement, la cinquième étape produit une nouvelle version de P2P-reconciler, appelée P2P-reconciler-TA, qui exploite les réseaux P2P conscients de leur topologie (en anglais, topology-aware) afin d'améliorer les performances de la réconciliation. Nous avons validé nos solutions et évalué leurs performances par l'expérimentation et la simulation. Les résultats ont montré que notre solution de réplication apporte haute disponibilité, excellent passage à l'échelle, avec des performances acceptables et surcharge limitée.
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Hayek, Rabab. "Summary management in P2P systems." Nantes, 2009.

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Le but de cette thèse est de contribuer au développement des techniques de localisation et de description de données dans des environnements P2P. Au niveau de la couche application, nous nous concentrons sur l’exploitatoin des sémantiques qui peuvent être capturées à partir des données partagées. Ces sémantiques peuvent améliorer l’efficacité de recherche, ainsi que permettre des requêtes complexes. A cet effet, nous présentons une technique originale d’indexation de données dans les systèmes P2P qui se base sur les résumés linguistiques. Nos résumés sont des vues synthétiques et multidimensionnelles qui supportent la localisation des données pertinentes en se basant sur leur contenu. Plus intéressant, ils fournissent des représentations intelligibles de données, qui peuvent renvoyer des réponses approximatives à des requêtes d’utilisateur. Au niveau de la couche réseau P2P, nous nous concentrons sur l’exploitation des caractéristiques de la topologie, à savoir les caractéristiques de leur regroupement (clustering). Des informations sur le clustering du réseau P2P peuvent être utilisées pour réduire le trafic de réseau produit par le mécanisme de flooding. Ceci permet d’améliorer l’exécution des systèmes P2P, indépendamment de l’emploi des index de données à la couche application, puisque le mécanisme de flooding représente toujours un bloc constitutif fondamental des systèmes non structurés P2P. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons un bref état de l’art sur les systèmes P2P de partage de données P2P et nous nous concentrons sur l’évolution des systèmes simples de partages des fichiers vers des systèmes de gestion des données. En second lieu, nous proposons une solution pour la gestion des résumés de données dans des systèmes P2P. Nous définissons un modèle approprié et des techniques efficaces pour la création et la mise à jour des résumés. Nous discutons également le traitement des requêtes dans le cadre des résumés. Troisièmement, nous proposons une technique de recherche basée sur clustering implémentée au dessus d’un protocole de custering selon la connectivité des noeuds. Nous nous concentrons sur la réduction des messages de requêtes redondants qui surchargent inutilement le système. Nous avons validé nos solutions par la simulation et les résultats montrent une bonne performance
The goal of this thesis is to contribute to the development of data localization and summarization techniques in P2P environments. At the application layer, we focus on exploiting the semantics that can be captured from the shared data. These semantics can improve the search efficiency, and allow for more query facilities. To this end, we introduce a novel data indexing technique into P2P systems that relies on linguistic summarization. Our summaries are synthetic, multidimensional views that support locating relevant data based on their content. More interestingly, they provide intelligible data representations which may return approximate answers for user queries. At the P2P network layer, we focus on exploiting the characteristics of the overlay topology, namely its clustering features, in order to reduce the traffic overhead generated by flooding-based mechanisms. This allows to improve the performance of P2P systems, irrespective of the employment of techniques relying on data semantics at the application layer. To this end, we define a cluster-based search technique which is implemented over a connectivity-based clustering protocol. A connectivity-based clustering protocol aims to discover the natural organization of nodes, based on their connectivity. Thus, it delimits the boundaries of non-overlapping subgraphs (i. E. Clusters) which are loosely connected, and in which nodes are highly connected. In this thesis, we first survey P2P data sharing systems. We focus on the evolution from simple file-sharing systems with limited functionalities, to Peer Data Management Systems (PDMSs) that support advanced applications with more sophisticated data management techniques. Second, we propose a solution for managing linguistic summaries in P2P systems. We define an appropriate summary model and efficient techniques for summary creation and maintenance. We also discuss query processing in the context of summaries. Third, we propose a cluster-based search technique on top of existing connectivity-based clustering protocols. We focus on reducing redundant query messages which unnecessarily overload the system. We validated our solutions through simulation and the results show good performance
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Jawad, Mohamed. "Data privacy in P2P Systems." Nantes, 2011.

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Les communautés en ligne pair-a-pair (P2P), comme les communautés professionnelles (p. Ex. , médicales ou de recherche) deviennent de plus en plus populaires a cause de l’augmentation des besoins du partage de données. Alors que les environnements P2P offrent des caractéristiques intéressantes (p. Ex. , passage a l’échelle, disponibilité, dynamicité), leurs garanties en termes de protection des données sensibles sont limitées. Ils peuvent être considérés comme hostiles car les données publiées peuvent être consultées par tous les pairs (potentiellement malicieux) et utilisées pour tout (p. Ex. , pour le commerce illicite ou tout simplement pour des activités contre les préférences personnelles ou éthiques du propriétaire des données). Cette thèse propose un service qui permet le partage de données sensibles dans les systèmes P2P, tout en assurant leur confidentialité. La première contribution est l’analyse des techniques existant pour la confidentialité de données dans les architectures P2P. La deuxième contribution est un modèle de confidentialité, nomme PriMod, qui permet aux propriétaires de données de spécifier leurs préférences de confidentialité dans de politiques de confidentialité et d’attacher ces politiques a leurs données sensibles. La troisième contribution est le développement de PriServ, un service de confidentialité, base sur une DHT qui met en oeuvre PriMod afin de prévenir la violation de la confidentialité de données. Entre autres, PriServ utilise de techniques de confiance pour prédire le comportement des pairs
Online peer-to-peer (P2P) communities such as professional ones (e. G. , medical or research communities) are becoming popular due to increasing needs on data sharing. P2P environments offer valuable characteristics but limited guarantees when sharing sensitive data. They can be considered as hostile because data can be accessed by everyone (by potentially malicious peers) and used for everything (e. G. , for marketing or for activities against the owner’s preferences or ethics). This thesis proposes a privacy service that allows sharing sensitive data in P2P systems while protecting their privacy. The first contribution consists on analyzing existing techniques for data privacy in P2P architectures. The second contribution is a privacy model for P2P systems named PriMod which allows data owners to specify their privacy preferences in privacy policies and to associate them with their data. The third contribution is the development of PriServ, a privacy service located on top of DHT-based P2P systems which implements PriMod to prevent data privacy violations. Among others, PriServ uses trust techniques to predict peers behavior
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Chatzidrossos, Ilias. "P2P Live Video Streaming." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Communication Networks, 2010.

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The ever increasing demand for video content directed the focus of researchfrom traditional server-based schemes to peer-to-peer systems for videodelivery. In such systems, video data is delivered to the users by utilizing theresources of the users themselves, leading to a potentially scalable solution.Users connect to each other, forming a p2p overlay network on top of theInternet and exchange the video segments among themselves. The performanceof a p2p system is characterized by its capability to deliver the videocontent to all peers without errors and with the smallest possible delay. Thisconstitutes a challenge since peers dynamically join and leave the overlay andalso contribute different amounts of resources to the system.The contribution of this thesis lies in two areas. The first area is theperformance evaluation of the most prominent p2p streaming architectures.We study the streaming quality in multiple-tree-based systems. We derivemodels to evaluate the stability of a multiple tree overlay in dynamic scenariosand the efficiency of the data distribution over the multiple trees. Then, westudy the data propagation in mesh-based overlays. We develop a generalframework for the evaluation of forwarding algorithms in such overlays anduse this framework to evaluate the performance of four different algorithms.The second area of the thesis is a study of streaming in heterogeneous p2poverlays. The streaming quality depends on the aggregate resources that peerscontribute to the system: low average contribution leads to low streamingquality. Therefore, maintaining high streaming quality requires mechanismsthat either prohibit non-contributing peers or encourage contribution. In thisthesis we investigate both approaches. For the former, we derive a model tocapture the evolution of available capacity in an overlay and propose simpleadmission control mechanisms to avoid capacity drainage. For the latter, inour last work, we propose a novel incentive mechanism that maximizes thestreaming quality in an overlay by encouraging highly contributing peers tooffer more of their resources.

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Jawad, Mohamed. "Confidentialité de données dans les systèmes P2P." Phd thesis, Université de Nantes, 2011.

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Les communautés en ligne pair-a-pair (P2P), comme les communautés professionnelles (p. ex., médicales ou de recherche) deviennent de plus en plus populaires a cause de l'augmentation des besoins du partage de données. Alors que les environnements P2P offrent des caractéristiques intéressantes (p. ex., passage a l'échelle, disponibilité, dynamicité), leurs garanties en termes de protection des données sensibles sont limitées. Ils peuvent être considérés comme hostiles car les données publiées peuvent être consultées par tous les pairs (potentiellement malicieux) et utilisées pour tout (p. ex., pour le commerce illicite ou tout simplement pour des activités contre les préférences personnelles ou éthiques du propriétaire des données). Cette thèse propose un service qui permet le partage de données sensibles dans les systèmes P2P, tout en assurant leur confidentialité. La première contribution est l'analyse des techniques existant pour la confidentialité de données dans les architectures P2P. La deuxième contribution est un modèle de confidentialité, nommé PriMod, qui permet aux propriétaires de données de spécifier leurs préférences de confidentialité dans de politiques de confidentialité et d'attacher ces politiques a leurs données sensibles. La troisième contribution est le développement de PriServ, un service de confidentialité, basé sur une DHT qui met en oeuvre PriMod afin de prévenir la violation de la confidentialité de données. Entre autres, PriServ utilise de techniques de confiance pour prédire le comportement des pairs.
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Heidrich, Eyleen Sabine [Verfasser]. "Aktivierung des Psp-Systems durch TatA-induzierten Membranstress in Escherichia coli / Eyleen Sabine Heidrich." Hannover : Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2019.

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Books on the topic "Système Psp"


Fandel, Günter, Peter François, and Klaus-Martin Gubitz. PPS-Systeme. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994.

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Ramsauer, Christian. Dezentrale PPS-Systeme. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 1997.

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Keuper, Frank. Fuzzy-PPS-Systeme. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 1999.

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Drinkrow, R. PEP information systems. [s.l.]: Urban Housing Renewal Unit, Department of the Environment, 1985.

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Psi development systems. New York: Ballantine Books, 1988.

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Stein, Torsten. PPS-Systeme und organisatorische Veränderungen. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1996.

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Recker, Andreas. Losgrößenplanung in PPS-Systemen. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 2000.

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von Loeffelholz, Friedrich Freiherr. Qualität von PPS-Systemen. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.

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Zedan, H. S. M. PSP: A fast prototype tool for parallel reactive systems. Leicester: SERCentre, De Montfort University, 1996.

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Turowski, Klaus. Flexible Verteilung von PPS-Systemen. Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitätsverlag, 1997.

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Book chapters on the topic "Système Psp"


Fischer, Klaus. "PPS-Systeme." In Retrograde Terminierung, 56–92. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 1990.

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Braun, Stefan. "PPS-Systeme." In Auftragsbearbeitung, 33–36. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 1996.

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Ruf, Thomas. "PPS-Systeme." In Featurebasierte Integration von CAD/CAM-Systemen, 91–106. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1991.

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Glaser, Horst, Werner Geiger, and Volker Rohde. "Adäquate PPS-Systeme." In PPS Produktionsplanung und -steuerung, 423–506. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 1991.

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Glaser, Horst, Werner Geiger, and Volker Rohde. "Adäquate PPS-Systeme." In PPS Produktionsplanung und -steuerung, 426–512. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag, 1992.

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Javoy-Agid, F. "Cholinergic and peptidergic systems in PSP." In Journal of Neural Transmission. Supplementa, 205–18. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 1994.

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Ferner, Jens. "PHP-Nuke-Systeme anpassen." In PHP-Nuke, 92–124. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 2004.

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Fandel, Günter, Peter François, and Klaus-Martin Gubitz. "Produktionsplanungs- und -Steuerungssysteme." In PPS-Systeme, 1–16. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994.

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Fandel, Günter, Peter François, and Klaus-Martin Gubitz. "Implementierte Methoden der Lagerverwaltung." In PPS-Systeme, 346–71. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994.

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Fandel, Günter, Peter François, and Klaus-Martin Gubitz. "Allgemeine Methoden zur Unterstützung der Produktionsplanung und -Steuerung." In PPS-Systeme, 372–403. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1994.

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Conference papers on the topic "Système Psp"


Lopez, Byron G. "Implications of Reduced Heating of Heavy Crude Pipeline on Pump Lubrication Systems." In 2012 9th International Pipeline Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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OCP Ecuador S.A. was designed for transporting heavy crude oil from the Ecuadorian Amazonian forest to the Pacific Ocean, crossing the Andes (highest point @ 4060 masl). OCP have four pumping stations PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 located across the first 182km. Main pumps were designed with an inherent product circulation from pressure connection via orifice to mechanical seal (API Plan 11) for lubricating and cooling. In order to achieve required viscosity, crude oil from the main line must be heated. Low sulfur crude oil (LSCO) is burned for this purpose. In order to optimize fuel consumption, some efforts were conducted since 2006. The first aim was to increase feed rate of lubricating oil, in order to extend the viscosity within seals up to 700cP. This modification resulted in considerable heat exchange depletion, representing about 50% of costs reduction related to reduce heating of crude oil in the main line. Since 2009, there were some adverse scenarios, which forced the company to seek more and better ways to optimize the fuel oil consumption. These scenarios were: • The continued decline in the quality of crude oil delivered by the shippers quality from shippers. Reduced quality was seen as a threat to the integrity of mechanical seals. • Unavailability of LSCO in the country, • The under-utilization of transport capacity due to low volumes of oil (30% of its capacity). Facing this situation, OCP decided to analyze the technical and economic feasibility of operating without heating oil, in an intermediate pump station (PS3: KP 148 @ 1800 masl). This pump station, at the time of the study, was operated heating crude oil. The greatest difficulty in achieving the goal of reducing heating oil was the maximum viscosity that mechanical seals could withstand, without affecting its integrity. To mitigate this threat, an API plan 32 was designed and implemented in PS3. Simultaneously, the organization was evaluating the possibility of installing a similar system in PS4, where climatic conditions are more adverse than PS3. Based on thermal models and after risk evaluation and cost benefit analysis, OCP decided to run operations accepting the risk of potential damage to the seals in PS4. At the moment, OCP Ecuador S.A. is operated without heating crude oil and API plan 32 was placed on standby, reducing considerably the operating costs. This paper is intended to share the learned lessons, some actions taken; obstacles faced up as well as achieved results in this cost reduction effort.
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Wachikwu-Elechi, Virtue Urunwo, Sunday Sunday Ikiensikimama, and Joseph Atubokiki Ajienka. "Musaceae Extract PSJ as Green Inhibitors in a Gas Dominated System." In SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2022.

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Abstract The performance of 1-5wt% Musaceae extract (PSJ) and Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG) was screened on a 39.4-inch locally fabricated laboratory mini flow loop mounted on an external framework. Performance analysis using initial and final pressure, change in pressure (∆P) and inhibition efficiency showed that PSJ did better in all weight percentages except in 1wt%. The final pressures (Pi) for PSJ were 99, 127, 128, 128 and 120 psi while those of MEG were 105, 99, 120, 119 and 112. ∆P values for 1-5wt% of PSJ were 51, 23, 22, 22 and 30 psi while those of MEG were 45, 51, 30, 31 and 38 psi. Inhibition Capacity (IC) values for PSJ were 55.26%, 76.82%, 80.70% (3 and 4wt%) and 73.65% while those of MEG were 60.53%, 55.26%, 73.68%, 72.81% and 66.67%. The PSJ did better than MEG. It is locally sourced, commercially available and non-toxic to the environment, so it is recommended for field trial and developed as a gas hydrate inhibitor.
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Ade, Minesh, Nikolaos Doulamis, Shyam S. Wagle, and M. Ghazanfar Ullah. "Collaboration of P4P and IMS: Solution to P2P challenges." In Electronic Systems Technology (Wireless VITAE). IEEE, 2011.

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Moon, Kil-Ju, Hideo Mori, Yuichiro Ambe, and Hiroaki Kawabata. "Development of Dual-Layer PSP/TSP System for Pressure and Temperature Measurements in Low-Speed Flow Field." In ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.

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Pressure sensitive paint (PSP) and temperature sensitive paint (TSP) are useful measurement tools in measurement of pressure and temperature distribution on surfaces in airflows, and application of PSP and TSP in relatively low speed flow fields is highly demanded. However, temperature dependence of PSP will be the factor of an error in the pressure measurement, and therefore the temperature compensation is needed to obtain highly precise pressure distribution. To solve this problem, we apply new combining method. This is made by stacking up a PSP layer and a TSP layer. PSP emission and TSP emission can be separated each other using optical filters. Using this combining method, temperature distribution obtained by the TSP can be used for the temperature compensation of the PSP. In this research we call this combining method as “dual-layer PSP/TSP”. We clarify that the sensitivity of the dual-layer PSP/TSP in low-speed flow fields against pressure and temperature is comparable to that of mono-layer PSP or TSP, showing the feasibility of the dual-layer PSP/TSP for the measurement in low-speed flow fields with the gauge pressure below 1kPa and temperature in the range of 10–20°C (283–293K). We also clarify that, using dual-layer PSP/TSP method, the accuracy of pressure data obtained by PSP increases by compensation of temperature which is obtained by TSP.
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Sloat, Ronald, and Jianbiao Pan. "High-Resolution, Non-Contact Angular Measurement System for PSA/RSA." In ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2011.

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A non-contact angular measurement system for Pitch Static Attitude (PSA) and Roll Static Attitude (RSA) of hard disk drive sliders is designed and built. Real-time sampling at over 15 KHz is achieved with accuracy of +/−0.05 degrees over a range of approximately 2–3 degrees. Measuring the PSA and RSA is critical for hard drive manufacturers to control and improve the quality and reliability of hard drives. Although the hard drive industry is able to measure the PSA and RSA at the subassembly level at this time, there is no system available that is able to measure PSA/RSA at the final assembly level. This project has successfully demonstrated a methodology that the PSA/RSA can be reliably measured in-situ using a laser and position sensitive detector (PSD) technology. A prototype of the measurement system has been built. This device will allow a continuous measurement between the parked position on the ramp and the loading position just off of the disk surface. This measured data can be used to verify manufacturing processes and reliability data.
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Ziarek, Lukasz. "PRP: priority rollback protocol -- a PIP extension for mixed criticality systems." In the 8th International Workshop. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2010.

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Osorio, Alejandro, and Francis Ford. "First Ever Offshore Deployment of an Inflatable Packer Anchoring System for Rigless Installation of an Insertable Progressive Cavity Pump: A Case Study." In SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract An offshore well located in Indonesia required rigless installation of an insertable progressive cavity pump (I-PCP) as a cost-effective solution to restore production while eliminating the need to retrieve the upper completion for extensive maintenance. The well had been previously completed with a conventional progressive cavity pump (PCP) as an integral part of the completion and was placed offline for approximately one year due to mechanical failure of downhole components. Typical I-PCP anchoring methods were not feasible alternatives for this application. A pump-seating nipple (PSN) insertable seal stack could not be used due to the lack of a PSN at the required I-PCP setting depth, and a mechanical J-slot anchoring device could not be deployed because rod conveyance from an offshore barge is subject to constant heave, which results in fluctuating axial loads and rod position, which would pose the risk of prematurely activating a mechanical J-slot anchor during deployment. An inflatable packer anchoring system was selected as a solution to the operational challenges encountered in this application. The system comprises inflatable packer technology, a hydraulically-actuated anchoring slip mechanism, seal cups, and a shearable intake sub. Conveyed on sucker rods, the system provides the required pressure competence to confirm tubing integrity and enable a complete hydraulic setting sequence. The first ever offshore installation of this system proved its optimal functionality by successfully anchoring an I-PCP inside 3-1/2" production tubing riglessly from an offshore barge. The system was set by applying pressure via the tubing-rod annulus, and the well was immediately placed into production. After being shut-in for more than one year, this unique solution provided the well operator with a safe and low-cost alternative to reestablish production while eliminating the need for a workover rig. The objective of this paper is to provide a case study analysis of the first offshore deployment of this technology, discuss its potential for optimizing PCP/I-PCP completion designs, and explain the economic and operational benefits of associated rigless well intervention operations in comparison to current alternative methods.
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Virgin, Chris A., Bruce F. Carroll, Louis N. Cattafesta, Kirk S. Schanze, and Mohammet E. Kose. "Pressure Sensitive Paint for Acoustic Pressure Fluctuations." In ASME 2005 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2005.

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Full-field luminescent pressure sensors are commonly referred to as Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP). In this paper, the suitability of PSP for the detection of acoustic pressure fluctuations is evaluated. Single point measurements utilizing a photomultiplier tube are performed in an acoustic plane wave tube capable of generating pressure levels up to 164 dB SPL for frequencies from 500 to 2100 Hz. The PSP coating employed is platinum meso-tetra(pentafluorophenyl) porphrine [PtTFPP] in poly(tBS-co-TFEM). Comparisons between a 1/4″ Bru¨el & Kjær type 4138 condenser microphone and the PSP detection system are used to evaluate the PSP system in both the time and frequency domains. The frequency response and linearity of the optical system is established and the high frequency attenuation is characterized. Experimental characterization indicates a dc sensitivity of 5.68 μV/Pa, a noise floor of 127 dB SPL and a frequency response of −2.5 dB/octave and a 45° phase delay. PSP shows the ability to avoid saturation and nonlinearities at higher sound pressure levels.
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Chen, Sheng, Jian Zhang, Gaohui Li, and Xiaodong Yu. "Load Rejection Test and Numerical Prediction of Critical Load Case Scenarios for Pumped Storage Plant." In ASME 2017 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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A pumped storage plant (PSP) is by far the most cost effective and mature technology for energy storage at a large-scale, and therefore, this technology is rapidly being developed and deployed. A reversible pump turbine (RPT) is the vital component of a PSP, and whether a PSP can operate safely and stably mainly depends on the characteristics of the RPT. However, the existence of S-shaped characteristics of a RPT usually leads to severe water hammer and pressure pulsations during the transient processes of load rejection. Therefore, hydraulic transient analysis in a PSP is one of the most important issues for the prevention of undesirable pressure fluctuations in waterways. Theoretically, the most accurate method is to conduct on-site measurements of all possible load cases to obtain the extreme values of pressure. However, extreme operating conditions such as 2-stage load rejection pose serious threats to the safety of the water conveyance system, making it impossible to carry out field trials under such conditions. This paper gives the numerical prediction of extreme and critical load case scenarios from the simultaneous load rejection field test on a double unit of a PSP in China. The dynamic transient numerical model for load rejection of the PSP is developed by introducing the method of characteristics. The boundary conditions, such as the real adopted wicket gate closure law and parameters of the water conveyance system, are calibrated according to the field test data. Considering the large pressure pulsations in the PSP during load rejection, a proper pressure pulsations amendment is proposed as well. Eventually, the hydraulic behavior of the critical load cases are numerically investigated by the modified model. And the results are amended by the proposed pressure pulsations processing approach to predict whether the hydraulic parameters can satisfy the design criteria, which can ensure safe operation of the PSP in the future. The achievements of the study can serve as a reference for similar PSP projects.
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Okabe, Taika, Takeshi Miyazaki, Hirotaka Sakaue, and K. Saitoh. "Motion-Capturing PSP System for Flutter Application." In 41st AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2011.

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Reports on the topic "Système Psp"


Brown, K. L., R. T. Avery, and J. M. Peterson. The PEP injection system. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1988.

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Hendrickson, Linda. Feedback Systems for PEP-II. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2000.

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Sosa Guitron, Salvador, Janardan Upadhyay, and Enrique Henestroza. Collimation Systems for the PSR. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2023.

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RISENMAY, H. R. System design description PFP thermal stabilization. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1998.

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LARKIN, K. A. System design description PFP thermal stabilization. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), February 1999.

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RISENMAY, H. R. System Design Description PFP Thermal Stabilization. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2002.

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RISENMAY, H. R. System Design Description PFP Thermal Stabilization. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2000.

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RISENMAY, H. R. System Design Description PFP Thermal Stabilization. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2000.

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Tighe, R. PEP-II RF Feedback System Simulation. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2004.

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Kim, Hyeyoung, Jihyun Lee, and Gerardo Reyes-Tagle. Standardized PPP Contract in Korea and its Implications for Latin America and the Caribbean. Inter-American Development Bank, November 2021.

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The standardization of PPP contracts in Korea has played a key role in establishing PPP institutional frameworks in the civil law system in which there must be legal and institutional safeguards for the long-term PPP contracts. The reliability of standardized contracts is secured due to the fact that the standardized PPP contract has been prepared by the statutory PPP agency under the approval of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, an influential ministry within the government. The standardization of PPP contracts has been of great utility for both the competent authorities and private partners. The standardized contract has streamlined negotiations. The private partner was able to trust in the major risk allocation declared through the standardized contract in handling land acquisition, construction completion, operation and demand, and termination. We found out through our survey that there are similarities between Korea and LAC countries in that most LAC countries have adopted the civil law system and the countries have developed similar payment types for PPP and risk allocation principles. The experience and lessons on standardized PPP contract in Korea can be of great utility to LAC countries.
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