Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Système de gouvernance'
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Bakkour, Darine. "La gouvernance d'un système : vers une gestion dynamique des risques." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013MON10024.
Full textThe increase in large-scale climate, technological, sanitary, and many other types of losses, challenges us on the governance of the concerned systems, the choices made to hedge these risks and implement prevention measures. The question which animated our research is : to what extent the governance of a system promotes a better risk management?Our empirical analysis is based on two case studies which focus on the governance of a system while facing catastrophic risks for first one, and on common risks for the other. On the one hand, catastrophic risks are known to be highly improbable but with possible serious consequences. The dynamic of the adaptive governance system facing catastrophic risks underlines the need for a (dynamic) flexible approach. We therefore suggest an assessment framework for the adaptive capacity of a system in the field of catastrophic risks. On the other hand, common risks affect the whole population. We consider that the adaptive governance in a deliberative democracy refers to the governance paradigm which addresses common risks whose consequences spread out into the future. Thus, it induces decision makers to look at the long run. The dilemma consists in taking (now) decisions (i.e. Risk, in the general sense of the word) whose effects (or consequences) are only felt in the future. The governance of a system shall promote risk management. Our research is structured into three parts (i.e. "Governance and risk", "Governance of a system exposed to a catastrophic risk" and "Governance of a system exposed to a common risk"), each composed of three chapters. The ultimate objective of the management of risks, or even uncertainties, which characterize our contemporary societies is a legitimate reason for having dynamic modes of governance that prompt different actors to work together in various ways, in order to meet challenges they face
Makhlouf, Mohamed. "Proposition d'une approche unificatrice pour la gouvernance des systèmes d'information." Thesis, Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TELE0017.
Full textIS governance has been studied by researchers and practitioners from different angles. From the academic point of view, studies were made on the structures of decision making, the impacting factors, and the characteristics of IS governance. Practitioners are rather interested in the mechanisms of IS governance. Thus, several approaches and frameworks for IS governance have emerged, each with specific objectives (project management, service management, audit and control of IS, process maturity, risk management, quality, etc..). These approaches are generally based on a process view. As these approaches have different objectives, several process approaches simultaneous implementation projects can be observed in some large companies. In such case, despite the benefits of each of these approaches, we can assume that coherence problems will appear. Yet, no study has been conducted to find out what are the contributions and the consequences of several process approaches simultaneous implementation. More broadly, despite the richness of the research on IS governance, there has been no study that considers all the angles of view of the IS governance in a holistic manner. In this PhD, we will therefore consider the following question: Is it appropriate to adopt a holistic approach to IT governance? If so, how can we proceed? Two field studies at two major European telecommunications operators of two years each were conducted. The first is an action-research as a full participant-observer, and the second is a case study with a position of privileged observer. These two field studies permitted to answer this question. This thesis is structured as follows. First, a thorough review of the IS governance literature (ch.1) led to establish a unifying meta-model of IS governance (ch.2). The research problem (ch.3) and research methodology (ch.4) are then exposed. Then, the first field study tests the relevance and feasibility of establishing a unifying approach of IS governance: it consists in a diagnosis phase (ch.5) and a therapeutic phase (ch.6). The second field study explores the consequences of a situation where several IS governance approaches were implemented simultaneously and without coordination: the data collected are outlined (ch.7) and analyzed (ch.8). The thesis concludes with the proposed model GISUF "Governance of Information Systems Unified Framework", which is an IS governance holistic approach. After an initial description of GISUF (ch.9), we detail the information system on which governance is based, that is to say, the repository of governance (ch.10). Then, we describe the ideal operational functioning of the unified holistic governance through its processes (ch.11). Finally, we discuss how we can implement GISUF in an organization (ch.12). The conclusion shows the contributions and limitations of research
Claudepierre, Bruno. "Conceptualisation de la Gouvernance des Systèmes d'Information : Structure et Démarche pour la Construction des Systèmes d'Information de Gouvernance." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00748984.
Full textJourdan, Gabriel. "Le système de gouvernance territorial au défi de la transition urbaine." Cergy-Pontoise, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001CERG0138.
Full textThis work is a geographical study of urban governance. It tries to underline the link between "urban transition", town planning and transportation policies. The "urban transition" means the city moves from a pedestrian organization (the compact city) to a car organization (the dispersed city. ) This process causes automobile dependence and has negative impact on urban sustainable development. Planners wants to control city-sprawl and facilitate car transit. But suburbs and rural municipalities wants more city sprawl and try to stop any control of the land-use at the urban region level. This gap between political and technical logic prevents from any control of urban sprawling, while roads and highways reduce time travel. More and more people can choose peripheral localization for housing, and go fast in the urban region's center. Since a few year, urban planing tries to promote urban sustainable development. Control the "urban transition" is a key issue. But in Nice and Toulouse, "urban region planing governance systems" seams not able to reach this goal. However, external constraints - like national and European laws, or demographic evolution - push some more "sustainable" municipal policies
Milebe, Vaz Christian. "La nouvelle gouvernance financière publique dans les organisations du système des Nations Unies." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA01D079.
Full textThis thesis on the new public financial governance in the United Nations system has two parts : first part - the implementation of the new public financial governance in organizations of the United Nations system ; and second part - the strengthening of the new public financial governance in organizations of the United Nations system. For our study, we applied the relevant elements of the terms of reference established by certain subsidiary bodies for new public financial governance in organizations of the United Nations system, in particular those that relate to the cycle from planning to establish reports being discussed more in detail in the two parts of the thesis. This framework applies to the new public financial governance as a whole. However, for some special activities, only the results-based budgeting is practiced. Some elements of the terms of reference do not therefore apply in the context of the present thesis, however, other aspects considered important for any new public financial governance process are taken into account
Boughanmi, Afef. "Droit, gouvernance d'entreprise et structure du système financier : analyse économétrique du cas français." Thesis, Nancy 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007NAN20008.
Full textLes rapports de la Banque Mondiale "Doing business" (2004, 2005 et 2006), en s'appuyant sur les travaux fondateurs du courant Law and Finance, expriment plusieurs réserves à l'égard des qualités du droit civil et posent le postulat de la supériorité des systèmes juridiques de common law par rapport aux législations issues du droit civil français. Notre thèse constitue un début de réponse à ces critiques. En effet, nous nous proposons de tester la validité de la théorie "Law and Finance" proposée par LaPorta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer et Vishny (LLSV) en évaluant les relations entre les réformes en matière de gouvernance d'entreprise et la réorganisation du système financier en France entre 1980 et 2004. Notre travail est par conséquent, une contribution à l'étude de la gouvernance des entreprises en adoptant une approche nouvelle intégrant le facteur juridique en tant que mécanisme de gouvernance et en testant le pouvoir explicatif de la vision actionnariale. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc de discuter le postulat selon lequel il existe une relation forte et stable entre tradition juridique, niveau de protection des droits des investisseurs et développement financier, le droit influençant la finance. L'analyse se focalise sur l'aspect dynamique en évaluant l'impact de l'évolution des règles de gouvernance sur le développement financier. La protection des droits des actionnaires et des créanciers apparaît indépendante de la tradition juridique. De plus notre travail intègre d'autres partenaires de l'entreprise (les salariés et les obligataires), notre réflexion nous conduit à conclure que l'approche partenariale s'avère indispensable à la description et à l'analyse de la gouvernance des entreprises. Notre étude économétrique est novatrice principalement pour deux raisons. D'une part, les indicateurs des règles de gouvernance sont adaptés aux spécificités du droit français et ne sont pas calqués sur d'autres indicateurs et notamment ceux de LLSV. D'autre part, cette thèse propose une nouvelle méthode de construction des indicateurs juridiques en utilisant les méthodes statistiques de l'approche multicritère. En offrant une meilleure vision des liens particuliers entre les séries juridiques et financières, cette méthodologie a permis de prouver que le lien de causalité droit-finance n'est pas à sens unique, mais particulièrement tranchée de la finance vers le droit. La protection juridique des actionnaires, des créanciers, des salariés et des obligataires est influencée par les participants aux marchés. Cette thèse constitue donc une rupture avec les travaux de LLSV puisqu'elle permet de limiter la portée de leurs principales conclusions et prouve la supériorité de la vision partenariale
Besbes, Imène. "Evolution du périmètre d'activité et système de gouvernance d'entreprise : Le cas du groupe Danone." Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00730607.
Full textBesbès, Imène. "Evolution du périmètre d'activité et système de gouvernance d'entreprise : le cas du groupe Danone." Angers, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ANGE0063.
Full textThe aim of this study is to explain the evolution of the the areas of activity of a company through variations in its system of governance. We propose a study model which considers the impact of different governance mechanisms on managerial decisions and the consequences on the evolution of compagny's range of activities. This model reveals that, depending on the configuration of the company's corporate governance system, the chief executive may opt to either diversify or recentralise the company's range of activities. The variation in the range of activities and its effectiveness in terms of the creation or destruction of different corporate governance mechanisms
Fournie, Sandrine. "Construction sociotechnique et relationnelle d'une gouvernance alimentaire territoriale." Thesis, Paris, Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016IAVF0014/document.
Full textLocal Agri-Food System (SYAL) represents a particular form of organization of production andconsumption. SYAL differs from agro-industrial system as it encompass the singular web ofrelationship which unit people, the qualification of products and territory through the valuationof specific resources and the types of coordination that are geographically and socially situated.An increasing number of initiatives try to implement them, through short food circuits,proximity supply chains or local food projects.Our work proposes an empirical journey and a sociological theorizing of the mechanismsthrough which a particular local agri-food system has been enhanced. We mobilize theframeworks of Actor-Network-Theory (ANT) on one hand and by the Social Network Analysis(SNA) on the other hand. We took the opportunity of an in depth study of an agriculturalcooperative named “Fermes of Figeac” to decipher processes of structuration of associationbetween farming practices, food provisioning, territorial human agency and valuation'sprocesses of the specific resources. Those associations are materialized in socio-technicalnetworks, which supported territorialized food supply chain. Inspired by the foundationalmodel of agricultural cooperation, the managerial core set of the organization has experimentedan approach of food provision governance in order to transform individual strategies in cooperativestrategies with the aim to answer sustainable challenge at the local level.Analyses based on ANT and SNA methodology assess translation's, transformation's andmediation's processes that intervene within organizations and on their borders. Going beyond afunctional analysis, we also analyze the collective construction and the coordination of humanagency and objects, at both individual and collective levels. We particularly shed light on therole of intermediation positions in strategic articulations and of the capacities of adaptation andinnovation. We also report the diversity and the variability of the relational forms that sustaindynamics of change.Released in an action-research approach, our work intends to articulate theoretical andempirical production. From an operational point of view, we draw attention to mediations(animations, documents, exchanges…) in the collective and co-operative processes and to theunpredictability of dynamics of change. This leads to take into account secondary networks andto identify intermediaries (beyond the formal core set of managers) in the analysis of territorialfood governance
Balestrat, Maud. "Système d'indicateurs spatialisés pour la gouvernance territoriale : application à l'occupation de sols en zone périurbaine languedocienne." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011MON30021/document.
Full textIn France, suburbanization phenomena impose to think the conditions for sustainable urban development. In the Languedoc region, in a context of a strong demographic attractiveness, fast and uncontrolled urbanization happens at the expense of the most productive farmland in the region, on the coastal plain. The evolution of social demands, as well as issues around food security on a world scale, raise the question how suburban planning policies deal with the agricultural land issue. In order to objectify discussions and support the decisions, the agricultural authorities have expressed an urgent need for spatial indicators. The objective of this thesis is to propose an approach to co-build a system of indicators so as to monitor the land urbanization process. Systems modeling and iterative consultation were chosen as the appropriate approaches to lead the making up process and the selection of indicators. This research revisits the DPSIR model by adapting it to the concept of territorial system and proposes to organize the participation of stakeholders to ensure legitimacy for the use of indicators. The method application, part of the operational requirements, covers the production and availability online of a structured set of 141 spatial indicators linking the evolution of land assets and the one of the languedocian “artificialized patch”
Sentein, Daniel. "L’adaptation du système médico-social français au modèle européen : gouvernance d’entreprise sociale, organisation, environnement, activités." Lille 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007LIL20019.
Full textThe first part of this research investigates the parallel paths of economic and social developments throughout history, and then describes the current issues relevant to the internal and external social and medico-social partners. The study especially tries to explain the resistance to change and the breaking lines caused by law N° 2002-2 of January 2nd, 2002. Our research shows how this sector, producer of social bonds, paradoxically marginalised itself. The second part is an attempt at predicting in which way European contribution in company management, as well as those of economic science, can help this sector to renovate itself and recover its legitimacy. Through the analysis of the major uncertainties in this sector, the research identifies five key variables which condition the restructuring and the longg-term future of the institutions and services. The study opens on the design of a reference document and assessments tools for prospective management
Channac-Nadal, Frédérique. "Vers une gouvernance globale des migrations ? : genèse et renouveau du système multilatéral des migrations internationales." Bordeaux 4, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BOR40052.
Full textMultilateral international organisations have been confronted to internal and external crises and have had to adapt their mandates and activities to deal with environmental changes. Since its genesis the international system of cooperation went through three periods of change. This work tackles the question of change - in each organisational sub-system ; in the system ; and of the system -, and, thus, more generally its ability for adaptability. Thus we are interested in the issue of organisational learning, and the organisations' capacity to learn for change. Another way to deal with organisational learning is the analysis of the instrumentalisation of learning programmes or capacity building programmes to promote change within the system or a change of system. The promotion of multi-level diplomacy and capacity building and research programmes are then turned into tools for strategies of transfer of cooperation models for migration management. Systemic shifts between governance levels are the analysed : first, regarding the genesis and fragmentation of international institutions in the field of migration ; then, analysing their links with regional consultative processes for migration and their instrumentalisation of and by international organisations, promoting a rhetoric of depolitization and technicisation ; and, finally, accounting for the strategies of this regional informal cooperation in influencing present discussions on the reform of the international system and in promoting the concept of global governance for migration
Marcyan, Yannick. "La professionnalisation des diplômes universitaires : la gouvernance des formations en question." Thesis, Nancy 2, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010NAN21015/document.
Full textThis thesis will try to highlight the building, the stakes and effects generated by the introduction of professionally-oriented diplomas at the University. The innovative aspect of this work lays on the attempt to link two key elements taken out from the recent reforms undertaken into the French university system : on the one hand, the professionalisation of degrees and, on the other hand, the progressive development of debates and concrete measures about governance, specific to the development and management of the university training offer. It will thus be question of the general expansion of university vocational trainings, seen as a vector promoting the setting-up of a new mode of ?governance of trainings?. This latter will deal with the whole set of modalities at institutional, organisational and operational levels, through which the university trainings are worked out, implemented, managed and financed, within the framework of consultation processes or partnerships, between the different actors involved. It will refer to the elaboration and regulation of degree offer based on multi-party (the State, the institution and its constituent parts, professional actors, local authorities, etc.) and multi-level (European, national and local) consultation processes. In this context, several thematics will be dealt with : the policy construction of the governance and the professionalisation of university trainings (at national and European levels), the different factors having influenced the conceptions and actual forms of professionally-oriented trainings, the creation and evolution of the institutional and organisational scheduling in which the professionalisation development is operated, and then, the building process of university vocational training degrees. This last line of enquiry will pay particular attention to the manifold forms of partnerships, as well as representations, practices, and the role played by the diverse categories of actors involved in the process of elaboration and capacitation of diplomas. The theoretical and disciplinary framework of this thesis is mainly based on general sociology, sociology of organisations, labour sociology, and last but not least that of education sciences
Abushosha, Suhail. "Habitat, aménagement et gouvernance locale en Palestine : le cas de Naplouse." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00843013.
Full textChator, Olivier. "Système multi-agents centré sur les compétences." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0009/document.
Full textIn France, the “Conseil Général de la Gironde” is a local authority that promotes various sustainable development policies and practices. One of its missions is to coordinate and stimulate public and private partnerships in the framework of green building projects.Whatever the sector of professional activities and the thematic addressed, the concrete projects’ feedbacks show all the complexity to succeed in managing efficiently the collaboration of involved actors. Indeed, each of them has only a partial knowledge ofthe others’ skills. To answer to the problematic, and in order to improve the management of the projects, we propose an online collaborative tool that allows actors to share skills. According to the “Multi-Agent” theory, "skill agents" have been defined.The key idea is to consider that a skill is an agent of the system, and the actors are only its resources.Skill agents are dynamic and autonomous, have learning abilities, and have their ownlife cycle. They pursue four main goals: building their own definition, identifying actorswho can concretize them across projects, setting up links with other skill agents, and beeing candidates to new projects. Skill agents interact with human actors to stimulate their cooperation.This work shows that our model is appropriate for complex collaborative projects,giving results in various areas. For example, a case study based on the selection of players to form a rugby team has been given
Balestrat, Maud. "Système d'indicateurs spatialisés pour la gouvernance territoriale : application à l'occupation des sols en zone périurbaine languedocienne." Phd thesis, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00655401.
Full textGilles, William. "Les transformations du principe de l'unité budgétaire dans le système financier public contemporain." Paris 1, 2005. http://buadistant.univ-angers.fr/login?url=https://www.dalloz-bibliotheque.fr/pvurl.php?r=http%3A%2F%2Fdallozbndpro-pvgpsla.dalloz-bibliotheque.fr%2Ffr%2Fpvpage2.asp%3Fpuc%3D7982%26nu%3D20%26selfsize%3D1.
Full textBernard, Françoise. "Un système d’information collaboratif en appui à la gouvernance des territoires d’action agro-environnementale à enjeu eau-pesticides." Thesis, Paris, Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017IAVF0022.
Full textDiffuse pollution generated by pesticides is a major problem both for aquatic ecosystems and human health. Despite years of efforts by policy-makers to limit their use and impact, the volumes of chemicals used by farmers have remained the same, and even increased in some areas, with no reduction in their presence in water. To address this situation, public policy is aiming to become more effective by using more localised, participative solutions. Local stakeholders in charge of action plans are looking for decision tools to help them assess the potential impact of agro-environmental measures, as well as applying them to the best areas. The aim of this thesis is to develop a tool suitable for this purpose, namely a multi-scale collaborative information system. The first main contribution made by this thesis is the creation of "SIGPA" (Information System for Action Plan Governance), which models assisted governance in pesticide action programs in various contexts. The second contribution is a method for modelling exchanges of information within a network of institutional stakeholders, based on a "Grenelle" action plan in the Charente river basin. The "Stakeholder" model represents exchanges between stakeholders, as well as the production of the information available within their networks. The third contribution is the "Scenario" model, which organises information in order to aid decision making based on possible developments in agriculture in the area studied. The fourth contribution is the design of a method by which to identify agricultural systems and practices and assess future developments in agriculture. The fifth and final contribution of this thesis is the creation of a spatial data warehouse and the use of a number of multidimensional cubes to represent stakeholders’ needs at various scales. The conceptual models presented provide an interactive way to discuss the most effective and least expensive ways of limiting pesticide pollution within the stakeholder network. A prototype of the spatial data warehouse has been implemented using field data collected within the BAC Coulonge action plan and the outputs discussed with stakeholders. By allowing for data and knowledge from stakeholder networks in multiple action plans to be pooled, the SIGPA approach is in keeping with the OSAGE model (Loireau et al, 2017), which provides the making process of an agro-environmental and multifunctional observatory
Jacob, Céline. "Approche géographique de la compensation écologique en milieu marin : analyse de l’émergence d’un système de gouvernance environnementale." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017MON30001/document.
Full textMy research topic is multidisciplinary combining geography, ecology and economics and addressing the efficiency of current marine offset practice. Building on a state of the art of current practice, I am working on a more prospective approach (compared to current research on mitigation targeting terrestrial ecosystems). By offset, I am referring to legal mitigation that consists in avoiding – reducing – offsetting adverse impacts of development projects such as dredging, port infrastructure, oil exploration, marine aggregate extraction, beach nourishment, etc. on marine and coastal ecosystems. Based on a review of around fifty French marine Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), I analyzed the assessment of impacts, the use of offset sizing methods (robust method to assess ecological losses due to development projects and ecological gains created by offset measures) and the kind of measures proposed. Within these EIAs, sizing methods were seldom used and the very few measures suggested to offset residual impacts could be questioned in terms of equivalency and appropriateness. These measures were either ecological engineering techniques (such as seagrass or coral restoration), management measures (used to reduce pressure on the impacted ecosystems through the funding of management measures in Marine Protected Areas for example) or even knowledge acquisition. Thus, I am also looking at the efficiency of ecological engineering techniques on marine and coastal ecosystems. My research mainly focuses on the offset of authorized impacts but could also deals with some aspects of the offset of accidental damages
Jacob, Céline. "Approche géographique de la compensation écologique en milieu marin : analyse de l’émergence d’un système de gouvernance environnementale." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Montpellier 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017MON30001.
Full textMy research topic is multidisciplinary combining geography, ecology and economics and addressing the efficiency of current marine offset practice. Building on a state of the art of current practice, I am working on a more prospective approach (compared to current research on mitigation targeting terrestrial ecosystems). By offset, I am referring to legal mitigation that consists in avoiding – reducing – offsetting adverse impacts of development projects such as dredging, port infrastructure, oil exploration, marine aggregate extraction, beach nourishment, etc. on marine and coastal ecosystems. Based on a review of around fifty French marine Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), I analyzed the assessment of impacts, the use of offset sizing methods (robust method to assess ecological losses due to development projects and ecological gains created by offset measures) and the kind of measures proposed. Within these EIAs, sizing methods were seldom used and the very few measures suggested to offset residual impacts could be questioned in terms of equivalency and appropriateness. These measures were either ecological engineering techniques (such as seagrass or coral restoration), management measures (used to reduce pressure on the impacted ecosystems through the funding of management measures in Marine Protected Areas for example) or even knowledge acquisition. Thus, I am also looking at the efficiency of ecological engineering techniques on marine and coastal ecosystems. My research mainly focuses on the offset of authorized impacts but could also deals with some aspects of the offset of accidental damages
Trad, Naama. "Gouvernance bancaire et prise de risque des banques islamiques." Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSE2039.
Full textCompared to the conventional financial system, which has experienced periods of high volatility in recent years partly due to poor governance, the Islamic financial system has shown signs of robustness and sustainability. Its ability to overcome the unfavorable events has encouraged several stakeholders to propose Islamic finance as a solution to financial deficits and as a potential alternative to the current banking system. The supporters of this finance argued that the recent financial crisis could have been avoided if Islamic finance with good governance and a solid regulatory framework had been introduced instead of conventional finance. For these reasons, the purpose of this thesis is twofold. First, we examine whether Islamic finance could guarantee stability in times of crisis and be a substitute for the traditional financial system. Second, we assess the effect of internal and external mechanisms of banking governance on the risk of Islamic banks compared to their conventional counterparts. To this end, we have developed three chapters with empirical evidence using a sample of 95 Islamic banks and 130 conventional banks (38 banks including 14 Islamic banks are excluded at the last chapter) in 18 MENAP and Southeast Asian countries, during the period 2006-2013. The first chapter analyzes the specificities and the risk of the bank in an Islamic financial system compared to conventional system. The results indicate that the size and capital of the bank as well as the GDP growth are crucial factors for the soundness of the two banking systems of all surveyed countries, especially of the Gulf region. However, other results are not strong enough to answer whether Islamic banks are more or less risky than their conventional counterparts. We therefore conclude that the Islamic banking system cannot replace the traditional system, but is, rather, a financial supplement that has its own limitations. The second chapter examines the effect of internal mechanisms of banking governance, such as the board of directors and the sharia supervisory board as a control organ specific to Islamic banks, on the risk of conventional banks compared to their Islamic counterparts. The findings show no significant difference between the two banking systems, except for the Islamic banks of Gulf countries, which demonstrate greater financial solidity thanks particularly to the skills of the specialists in finance and Islamic law, and the recruitment of foreign directors. In addition, we find especiallyin Gulf countries that the harmful effect of a large board size and dual functions on the risks of conventional banks disappear with the presence of a significant number of independent directors. In investigating the issue of the external dimension of banking governance, the focus is on the probable effect of recent banking reforms relating to conventional and Islamic banks, in light of Basel III and IFSB-12/15, on the risk of the two banking systems. Our findings support that if the regulatory requirements of these two international solvency standards had been applied during our sampling period, they would probably have improved the stability of the two banking systems of the surveyed countries. However, this effect is not uniform for all banks. In particular, conventional banks of Southeast Asian countries seem less stable and more exposed to credit risk than the other ones. All of these results bring a new dimension of governance research from an Islamic perspective, which could be a valuable source ofknowledge for both bankers and regulators in the banking sector
Nejjar, Wafae Nada. "Contribution à l'analyse des mécanismes de gouvernance explicatifs de la qualité de la communication financière : cas des entreprises du SBF 120." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00681588.
Full textDoiron, Marc-André. "La prise en charge d'intérêts environnementaux globaux lors de la mise en oeuvre du système québécois de gouvernance de l'eau." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/80.
Full textAntoine, Stéphane. "Système intégré d'approches du contrôle vers la gouvernance conciliant l'économique et le social : cas du secteur de l'habitat social." Lyon 2, 2000. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2000/antoine_s.
Full textThe first part of the research have, for objectives from the principal bases of four disciplinary approaches of control : control of management, analyzes financial, internal audit and quality to succeed a global solution of control in terms of costs, performances and risks with the concepts of hidden costs-performances, societal costs-performances. Of this object of search for an integrated system of approaches of control, it is then to position compared to our field of study : the structure of management of social housing within the activity of the social housing and analyse the political dimension of the concept of governance associating the structure of management of social housing to its various actors. In the second part of the research, we propose a conceptualization of our integrated system of approaches of control in four dimensions : strategic, organisational, informational and instrumental. As for the third part of the research, it draws up the stages of implementation and the conditions of success of the management of a integrated system of approaches of contol towards an economic and social governance in the activity of the social housing following the structuring of our project of followed research-action. This book rests on a research-action lead during three years, as controller, in an important structure of management of social housing. An investigation adressed towards the french companies of social housing into their vision of the activity of the social housing cmes to supplement undertaken experimental search
Goudiaby, Jean Alain Luidevick. "Dynamique de construction et enjeux de développement du système d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche au Sénégal." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011TOU20031.
Full textStarting from the premise of a process creating of universities and research centers but also of the comprehension of the public action, this thesis answers the question of knowing, how is structuring and building today the system of higher education and research in Senegal. This process takes into account the system integration in the global context of transformation of knowledge, of universities and of research.Basing on comprehensive approach - through targeted interviews, of direct observations and analysis of reference documents -, the thesis shows that the dynamic of construction is based on three essential dimensions: the institutional or colonial heritage, the cultural heritage and the market logic. The market logic allows the displacement of the borders while introducing a porosity of spaces standardization, of certification and regulations.This thesis shows, through the transformation of the system subjected to different stress levels and varied, that this dynamic of construction is based on a dual logic, that of "reasoned dissociation", which allows the articulation of three dimensions and which gives a peculiarity to the Senegalese higher education and research system
Mbouna, Murielle-Natacha. "Analyser la participation des usagers à la gouvernance du système de santé : une perspective de la théorie des parties prenantes." Lyon 3, 2010. https://scd-resnum.univ-lyon3.fr/out/theses/2010_out_mbouna_m.pdf.
Full textSince 1996, consumers are entitled to sit in the Boards of directors of French public hospitals. The law of March 04th, 2002 dealing with patients' rights dedicates them as actors of the health care system governance. This phenomenon, which is called sanitary democracy, organizes consumers' involvment within health policies decision processes. By questionning consumers power in decision-making, the sanitary democracy remains problematic. Are consumers salient stakeholders or not in the French health care system governance? My theoretical Framework mainly deals with the Stakeholder Theory. The salience of stakeholders is thus, determined by three factors : the attributes of legitimacy, urgency and power (Mitchell et al. , 1997). In short, salience in an organization depends on the identification of stakeholders' attributes. The concept of power (Dhal, 1957; Etzoni, 1998) is aslo mobilized to explain the relationship between thoses attributes on the one hand and consumers' contribution as stakeholders on the other hand. Secondary analysis of primary data is undertaken with the method of the Data quality review (DQR). Our primary data stems from four research studies (DGS 05-06; Cruq 07; Cissra 07 and Cissra 08) which are used to improve the empowerment of consumers in the French health system governance. In conclusion, three types of consumers (conceived as stakeholders) are highlightened by Mitchell et al. : non stakeholder, dependent stakeholder and definitive stakeholder. Futhermore, three perceptions of managers' minds are pointed out Etzoni' s notion of utilitarian power : non salient, poorly salient and highly salient. Thus, various types of power blur the reality of consumers' power in the French health system governance
Oganesyan, Ani. "Les réformes du système de santé en France et leurs impacts." Thesis, Nice, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016NICE0005/document.
Full textThe thesis provides an overview of theoretical approaches to health care systems reforming. It is aimed to solve the contradictions in the reduction and optimization of total expenditure on health and the increase in life expectancy and also the quality of life with an comprehensive analysis of main tools of reforming in health care system in France, as welle as to make the proposals using constructive French experience in reforming teh economic ans asministrative mechanisms of teh health care system in Russia
Azzabi, Lotfi. "Efficacité du système de gouvernance, rotation des dirigeants et performance de la firme : étude exploratoire sur les sociétés cotées (1997-2006)." Paris 13, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA131024.
Full textThis research work consists in analyzing the efficiency of the system of governance of the French companies. It is particulraly a question of estimating the capacity of the performance, to predict the events of manager succession. To realize this objective, we are going to verify the hypothesis revealing that the tunover of the leaders is justified by the realization of a weak performance. To bring an answer to our problem, we tried to make an empirical study by leaning on a sample group of 73 French companies in the Paris Stock Exchange, for the period of ten years which extends from 1997 till 2006, that is 730 observations. So, by using the logistic regression: statistical tests united varied and multi-varied, we managed to confirm the basic hypothesis of the present study This hypothesis, invites us to deduce that a decline of the indication performance will activate certain control mechanisms which will make sure the good leaders are kept and the failing are dismissed. However it is stated on the one hand that the rotation of the leaders, in answer to a bad performance, is only a condition among others to judge the efficiency of the system of governance. And so the confirmation of this hypothesis can qualify on no account the French system of governance as being effective. On the other hand, the realization of bad performance, is only a circumstance among others that can lead to a change of the leader within the company. We also tried to introduce the other variables of control into the model of estimation, and to draw the "profile" of the companies which proceed to the dismissal of their leaders. However, the statistical results reveal that among all the used variables, only the age(seniority) of the leader has a negative effect on the probability of rotation of the leader, because the oldest leaders in the company are the most difficult to monitor
El, Kaddouri Hamza. "Contribution à l'analyse de la transformation du système de gouvernance des universités à travers la mise en place de l'audit légal." Thesis, Orléans, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ORLE0506.
Full textThe French Universities were submitted to a pool of reforms and measures that were aiming to modernize their management and governance process. These reforms are translated by the implementation of a set of measures, especially by the adoption of the « Loi Relative aux Universités LRU » in 2007 which allows Universities to have access to the « Expanded Responsibilities and Competencies » (Responsabilités et Compétences Elargies RCE). This transition to RCE states that it’s an obligation to certificate the accounts of the University by an external auditor, whose audit mission is in addition to the existing complex governance system. Consequently, the main question is the utility and the potential contribution of a supplementary external control within the Universities.The purpose of this research is to assess the efficiency and the legitimacy factors of the transformation process in the University’s governance system by introducing the legal audit through two main objectives: firstly, exploring the management team’s perceptions of the role that the legal audit has in the governance process and its impact on the president’s managerial latitude; and secondly, highlighting the potential contribution of the legal audit to the current governance system.In order to meet the objective of the research, we have chosen a mixed methods approach by combining a qualitative (46 interviews) with a quantitative study (113 questionnaires), realized with the help of the University’s management teams. The results reveal that legal audit, as a governance mechanism, is contributing simultaneously at diminishing and reinforcing the managerial latitude of a President in an University and that the cognitive dimension appears to be prevailing in the eyes of the University’s management teams. This study highlights also certain weaknesses of the governance system in the universities and underlines the complementarity role of the legal audit. Therefore, this thesis contributes to an integrated approach of the governance by examining the complementarity between the disciplinary and the cognitive dimensions of the legal audit.In conclusion, this research illustrates the contribution of the legal audit for improving the efficiency of the governance system in the French Universities
El, Kaddouri Hamza. "Contribution à l'analyse de la transformation du système de gouvernance des universités à travers la mise en place de l'audit légal." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ORLE0506.
Full textThe French Universities were submitted to a pool of reforms and measures that were aiming to modernize their management and governance process. These reforms are translated by the implementation of a set of measures, especially by the adoption of the « Loi Relative aux Universités LRU » in 2007 which allows Universities to have access to the « Expanded Responsibilities and Competencies » (Responsabilités et Compétences Elargies RCE). This transition to RCE states that it’s an obligation to certificate the accounts of the University by an external auditor, whose audit mission is in addition to the existing complex governance system. Consequently, the main question is the utility and the potential contribution of a supplementary external control within the Universities.The purpose of this research is to assess the efficiency and the legitimacy factors of the transformation process in the University’s governance system by introducing the legal audit through two main objectives: firstly, exploring the management team’s perceptions of the role that the legal audit has in the governance process and its impact on the president’s managerial latitude; and secondly, highlighting the potential contribution of the legal audit to the current governance system.In order to meet the objective of the research, we have chosen a mixed methods approach by combining a qualitative (46 interviews) with a quantitative study (113 questionnaires), realized with the help of the University’s management teams. The results reveal that legal audit, as a governance mechanism, is contributing simultaneously at diminishing and reinforcing the managerial latitude of a President in an University and that the cognitive dimension appears to be prevailing in the eyes of the University’s management teams. This study highlights also certain weaknesses of the governance system in the universities and underlines the complementarity role of the legal audit. Therefore, this thesis contributes to an integrated approach of the governance by examining the complementarity between the disciplinary and the cognitive dimensions of the legal audit.In conclusion, this research illustrates the contribution of the legal audit for improving the efficiency of the governance system in the French Universities
Balbali, Foued. "La gouvernance du système de gestion des connaissances : son impact sur la performance de l'entreprise : cas d'un échantillon de firmes en France." Paris 13, 2012. http://scbd-sto.univ-paris13.fr/secure/ederasme_th_2012_balbali.pdf.
Full textUnder pressure of competition, information activities and knowledge management are being required to justify their efficiency, productivity or spending. Appears Knowledge Management System Governance (KMSG) to ensure this monitoring activity on the KM. The objective of this doctoral work is to answer the research question by explaining the KMS governance and its impact. Specifically, our study focuses on the impact of KMS on firm performance and intends to present an explanatory framework for studying this. Thus, the testing of our model empirically was done by the administration of questionnaire on the Internet using a sample of 754 companies. After collecting the responses, we had 393 companies in our database (in MySQL); they were reused in an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to validate our various hypotheses. As results we have confirmed that there is significant impact of KMS governance on performance companies, even if some assumptions about the contingency factors of KMS were rejected. This work also presented a set of managerial implications and recommendations for better management KMSG activity
Ezratty, Véronique. "Dévelopement d'une nouvelle approche pour la performance durable des projets d'une organisation." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale Paris, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00680991.
Full textTifafi, Fatma. "Rôle et impact du système de gouvernance sur la création de valeur : étude des relations d'endogèneité et de leurs évolutions dans le temps." Nice, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010NICE0020.
Full textMocquet, Bertrand. "La gouvernance universitaire et l'évolution des usages du numérique : nouveaux enjeux pour l'Enseignement Supérieur et la Recherche français." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017BOR30045/document.
Full textWe see that universities are confronted with a double movement of society on their organization, necessitating a change. The first concerns the changing institutional environment since the Law Higher Education and Research in 2013 : shift to responsibility and broadened competencies, strong budgetary constraints, social evolutions of learners, new managerial practice in the public sector. This first movement provokes for us a paradox: the birth of a phenomenon of institutional isomorphism, the behavior of universities converge even though each of them tries to be more attractive than the other on the market of training all the way long life. In addition, a second movement, involving the players and users of universities, appears in relation to the uses of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in society: the ease of access to knowledge through new platforms, the adoption of ICTs in society catalyze this. In response to these two movements, we believe that universities are changing. And we want to study how the evolution of digital uses leads to the need for digital university governance. We will try to show that the instability brought about by the arrival of digital in the universities is an opportunity to evolve the university system to the point of creating a new equilibrium point based on a new governance : digital university governance . This would allow the development of the digital uses of all the players, thus placing the establishment in a better position in a more competitive environment, while improving its functioning. For this we will construct the analyzes from several complementary fields, not for the sake of comparing land, but rather a partial verification of one or more hypotheses within each of these five observations. On the basis of the analyzes of these experiences and the questioning of this notion of digital university governance, this thesis wishes to contribute to the reflection on university governance so that they can better understand higher education in the 21st century
Zribi, Sarra. "La gouvernance SOA pour une approche de conception de Système d'Information de Médiation : réconciliation non-fonctionnelle de services pour mettre en œuvre les processus métier." Thesis, Ecole nationale des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014EMAC0019/document.
Full textOver the last years, the globalization, the increase of customers requirements, and the constant search for lower costs, have induced a steep complexity of organization's management. Therefore, inter-organizational collaboration becomes essential to maintain and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises. In this context, the information system may, depending on its flexibility and its robustness, hamper or facilitate this collaboration. One approach to resolve this problem has been taken by the MISE (Mediation Information System Engineering) project. It aims to provide an effective implementation of a collaborative information system, based on Model-Driven Engineering, coupled with a Business Process Management approach (BPM) and supported by Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). This solution consists in two steps: (i) the generation of a business processes map from the description of a collaborative situation (business level), and (ii) the transformation of these process models into an executable system (technical level). The works detailed in this PhD take roots in this solution and improve it by adding non-functional aspects management during the transition from the business level to the technical level. We present an approach that: first (i) annotates the business activities with Non-Functional Requirements (NFR) in the processes modelling stage, second (ii) rationalizes the management of services and their non-functional properties through SOA Governance, and third (iii) makes a non-functional reconciliation between activities and services. We validate our approach through two prototypes: Petals BPM-NFR for modelling and non-functional annotation of business process, and EasierGov-NFR for the governance of services and their non- functional properties, and the non-functional reconciliation. A case study illustrates our approach to demonstrate its applicability. This work is supported by the FP7 European project CHOReOS
Nejjar, Wafae Nada. "Contribution à l'analyse des mécanismes de gouvernance explicatifs de la qualité de la communication financière : cas des entreprises du SBF 120." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Orléans, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ORLE0505.
Full textThe big French companies, which have inadvertently falsified their results, are asking for efficient governance systems, especially on the reliability of the information they are spreading.In order to reinitiate new confidence for stake holders, this thesis aims to explain the influence of governance mechanisms on the quality of financial communication. To answer this research question, we have analyzed the link between financial communication and governance. Then wecreated a formula, from current financial theory, using a set of hypotheses related to the influence ofthe financial market, the flow of capital and the board of directors on the quality of financial communication. To test these hypotheses, we have built a model to measure the quality of financial communication. After our empirical study on companies of the SBF 120, we built an empirical model explaining governance mechanisms of the financial communication‟s quality
El, Moutaoukil Abdelkader. "L'intégration économique, par le commerce des biens et par l'investissement direct étranger, des pays Sud et Est de la méditéranée dans le système mondial des échanges : la place des facteurs institutionnels." Paris, EHESS, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009EHES0153.
Full textThis work is the result of four years of research on the South and East countries of Mediterranean. The author considers that the output of the deadlock is not to seek in blind globalization but rather in the structures of the economies in question. In the other words, it is to concentrate on a numbers of characteristics-territory that act directly or indirectly on the level of confidence and freedoms at the disposal of economic agents. The author considers that a better economic integration is conditioned by the capacity of the region to act on the three categories of needs
Marks, Géraldine. "Quelle place pour le droit dans la gestion des urgences sanitaires de portée internationale ? : esquisse d’une gouvernance des risques biologiques par l’échange d’informations." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM1108.
Full textPublic health emergencies of international concern are part of those risks that can not be efficiently managed by States on their own to ensure the longstanding well-being of their population. This thesis explores the possibility to supersede the international community's lack of integration for the management of what will be considered as biological risks, by the designing of an international and global governance system based on the exchange of information. For the functionning of this system, information will need to be produced and have the capacity to be exchanged. In this context, information exchanges ought to be organised, in order to take into account the legal specifities of the information involved. The study will thus aim at emphasizing on the essential role of law in the organisation of those exchanges but also on its limitations
Peguiron, Frédérique. "Application de l'Intelligence Economique dans un Système d'Information Stratégique universitaire : les apports de la modélisation des acteurs." Phd thesis, Université Nancy II, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00117280.
Full textDelclaux, Julie. "Gestion du paysage en faveur du réseau écologique. : Modes de gouvernance, représentations et pratiques dans les espaces agricoles." Thesis, Lyon, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020LYSE2036.
Full textBiodiversity conservation no longer only concerns protected areas. It is also a matter of ecological network. Ecological corridors between habitats participate in the circulation of animal and plant populations. This new perspective extends the scope of conservation to ordinary nature and areas where ecological processes and human activities are strongly intertwined, such as agricultural areas. This study focuses on the implementation of integrated biodiversity conservation in agricultural areas through landscape management for ecological network. We study the modes of governance, representations and practices on several scales, mixing qualitative and quantitative analyses. At the national and regional scales, changes in social representations of the relationship between agriculture and biodiversity are examined with a content analysis of French media. At the regional and local scale, we compare, in three case studies, the modes of governance of a contractual tool of the French ecological network policy: the Green and Blue infrastructure ("Trame verte et bleue"). For this purpose, we use semi-structured interviews and participant observations. At farm scale, we identify with semi-structured interviews, the ways in which biodiversity can be included as a factor in decision–making practices, and we investigate the farmers’ representations of biodiversity and landscape elements. We show the importance of taking into account the diversity of conceptions and representations of landscape by farmers and all stakeholders for successful integrated biodiversity conservation. In the design and implementation of ecological network policies, the predominant conception of landscape is ecological and therefore has difficulty in including the agricultural issues and farmers’ views. Finally, we discuss the theoretical, methodological and practical implications of our results in conservation geography
Polanco, López de Mesa Jorge Andrés. "L'État décentralisé à l'épreuve de la gouvernance : protection de l'environnement, développement économique et incertitude dans un territoire émergent : le cas du Système de Paramos Hauts-Andins d'Antioquia (Colombie)." Paris, EHESS, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007EHES0142.
Full textThis work proposes an understanding about governance limitations and alternatives of an emergent territory influenced by agglomeration in the Colombian Andes. The method of understanding seeks a space-time multicriterial représentation through scenarios of the relationship between economical development and environment protection. These scenarios have minimal uncertainty and they are set upon management of data about farming border, socioeconomics of inhabitants and public action. The identified limitations for territorial governance show a dysfunctional "sustainable development". Regulation is even more limited because participation is not reached and economical issues are unknown, making interest diverge. Intervention of decentralized State is particularly demanded. Weakened by structural adjustment, this intervention becomes very influenced by decentralization. However, it counts on a better knowledge of its limits that allows to foresee a more efficient regulation of territory
Auneau, Yves. "Construire un système d'innovation régionalisée : propositions à partir d'exemples bretons." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00383220.
Full textHellal, Mohamed. "La station touristique intégrée de Yasmine-Hammamet (Tunisie) : Enjeux, stratégies et système d’action, 1989-2009." Thesis, Angers, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ANGE0058.
Full textIn the late 1980s, the Tunisian government decided to launch the project of a new sea resort called "integrated", in the south of the already-saturated city of Hammamet. The Yasmine Hammamet resort was decided by decree in 1989. Then, in 1990, the Societe d'Etudes et de Développement de Hammamet-Sud was created to implement the project on a 277-ha land. The objective was to create a new tourist space comprising 25,000 hotel and residential beds, a new médina offering 800 beds, an entertainment park and a marina. As part of the Government's policy of disengagement in the field of tourism development, the project is also a unique experience of partnership with landowners. Thus, the context of implementation of the Yasmine Hammamet resort, which has favored the intervention of a multitude of parties ; territorial actors, sustainable development supporting institutions, private business, etc... inaugurates a new governance of tourism development projects in Tunisia. In the case of Yasmine Hammamet, the Government failed in its governance of the project which led to a progressive deviation of the concept of "integrated resort" through an unbalanced system of action, from its initial objectives. The lack of a strategic vision when planning the project, which was a rather sectorial and urgent planning, resulted in the creation of an excessively urban resort and had a negative impact on the territory in its social, economic and environmental dimensions. This failure has had counter effects on the functioning of the station itself
El, Khatib Nadine. "La contractualisation de la gouvernance d'entreprise face à l'évolution des réseaux contractuels interne et externe à la société anonyme cotée : étude comparative entre le droit français et le système anglo-américain." Rennes 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012REN1G047.
Full textThe recurrence of financial scandals since the 1970s have demonstrated the failure of the vertical mechanisms implemented to impose Corporate Governance rules using the disclosure based model. The reason for this failure is related to the evolution of the public limited incorporated joint stock company, that led, in turn, to the evolution of corporate governance problems. These problems have always been limited to the agency conflicts between shareholders and managers and to the conflicts of interest among internal stakeholders. Today, corporate governance problems are mainly related to the external stakeholders network of the company. The 2000-2001 scandals as well as the Subprime crisis have shown that the external contractual stakeholders such as bankers, lawyers, external auditors etc. Have played a major role in causing the companies involved to collapse. Since the contractual external stakeholders are gaining more power to affect the rights of internal stakeholders; and since the internal stakeholders network has a contractual basis, and finally because the contract is gaining a larger place in organising internal realtionships in the company such as through shareholders agreements, imposing corporate governance rules through contracting might be considered a better solution. The idea is to use the genius and skills of contract drafters to the benefits of corporate governance in order to strengthen the bargaining power of all internal and external stakeholders and allow them to insert corporate governance principles in their contracts
Aubin, Cédric. "Décider à l'hôpital : du dialogue de gestion aux dispositifs de prescription réciproque." Thesis, Lyon 3, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LYO30041/document.
Full textAlongside increasing regulatory requirements in France, hospitals are conducting in-depth transformation programs in order to improve their performance. Groups and individuals need to organize themselves to achieve common goals and shared objectives. With this respect, having the right information systems to manage and steer performance has become, more than ever before, a major issue. By enabling wider information sharing and dissemination, dedicated tools and procedures are allowing hospitals making the right decisions at the right time. However, the key to an effective usage and adoption of those systems lies in a global approach that encapsulates three core dimensions: the design, the usage and the meaning. To illustrate this model, a study has been carried on a single case in a hospital for four years, focusing on the analysis of the adoption mechanisms during the transformation program conducted in the organization. Three major conclusions can be drawn. First of all, focusing on usage, the expansion of the stakeholders involved in decision-making to the clinical centers demonstrates both the impact of the organizational structure on the information needs and the challenge for designers to manage the diversity of the usage styles. About design, the study highlights the crucial role of a well-identified prescriber, the medico-economic observatory, which assigns the creation targets and ensures the balance between the requirements and the individual strategies of all actors involved in the transformation project. Finally, the most striking outcome affects the dual impact of the sense-making variable on usages: direct impact through leveraged engagement of the clinical centers directors to the strategic agenda, and indirect impact through the design process of the collaborative decision-making system itself
Gourlay, Florence. "La mondialisation à l'échelle d'une ville moyenne maritime : Le cas de Lorient." Lorient, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002LORIL001.
Full textThis research favours the territorial dimension while trying to understand how a territory respond to globalization and how he is or not transformed by it. Our geographical area is Lorient and its suburbs. The city which was born from the assertion of commercial capitalism, has been knowing for about fifteen years a deep questioning of its main economical activities. The dependency toward the state (through the Navy and state industries such the Direction of Shipbuilding) had long been a trademark of the local social system. It has been transformed with the coming and the assertion of new economical actors (multinational companies, important groups). Sectors of activity, formerly dependant on the state power and the fishing sector have opened themselves to the logics of global economy. Meanwhile the learning and the putting up of a local development process, but also the rising of a new governance may look like a form of assimilation of the globalization process by the territory
Jacob, Frederique. "la ville méditerranéenne : approche spatiale d'une aire géographique multiculturelle de proximité à travers un concept producteur d'espace : la propreté." Phd thesis, Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00371494.
Full textMiranda, Elflay. "Décentralisation et territorialisation du système de planification du développement dans l'état de Santa Catarina : une analyse systémique de la période 2003-2010." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00836513.
Full textMoro, Bertrand. "L'organisation territoriale de la recherche publique en Bretagne : une approche systémique." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00130135.
Full textJiménez, Jose-Fernando. "Architecture dynamique et hybride pour la reconfiguration optimale des systèmes de contrôle : application au contrôle de fabrication." Thesis, Valenciennes, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017VALE0031/document.
Full textDiscrete-event control systems have the opportunity to resolve significant challenges of modern society. In particular, these represent a fundamental solution to manage and control the new technological advances in compliance to the increased consciousness of sustainable development. The parameterization, configuration and decision-making of these control systems are critical aspects that impact the performance and productivity required. Dynamic control architecture approaches, such as reconfigurable control systems, have been proposed for modelling such systems. However, such approaches have failed to address the recovery of the reconfiguration process as these focus on the continuity of execution rather than on the optimisation of the reconfiguration. This dissertation proposes a reference architecture for a reconfigurable control system, named Pollux, designed to manage and adjust optimally and in real time the architecture of a control system, either to guide operational execution or to respond to a system perturbation. Considering a proposed framework of an optimal configuration of control architectures based on shared governance, this proposed approach aims to orchestrate a flexible and customizable decisional entity, a representation that characterize the unique configuration and control solution of the control architecture, and a three-module reconfiguration mechanism that integrates the optimality-based principles into the reconfiguration process, to ensure a recovery of global performance and/or minimise the degradation caused by perturbations. Our approach is applied in the manufacturing domain and is validated in a simulation and a real flexible manufacturing system cell located at the University of Valenciennes, France. The validation conducted in three experimental scenarios verified the benefits of our approach and encourage us to continue research in this direction