Academic literature on the topic 'Système de gouvernance'
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Journal articles on the topic "Système de gouvernance"
Moreau Defarges, Philippe. "Irrésistible gouvernance planétaire ?" Études Tome 412, no. 1 (December 28, 2009): 7–18.
Full textHeld, David, Kevin L. Young, and Jan Maertens. "Conceptualiser les faiblesses de la gouvernance mondiale : au-delà de la crise financière." Sociologie et sociétés 44, no. 1 (September 10, 2012): 167–92.
Full textRitleng, Dominique. "L’Union européenne : un système démocratique, un vide politique." Titre VII N° 2, no. 1 (April 15, 2019): 2–10.
Full textPauliat, Hélène, and Caroline Expert-Foulquier. "Modèles de financement et gouvernance de l’institution judiciaire." Revue française d'administration publique N° 184, no. 4 (July 7, 2023): 971–87.
Full textKyeongh, Kyuwoong, Hana Ra, Jongyoon Park, and Tobin Im. "Comment le gouvernement interagit-il avec les citoyens dans un système de gouvernance électronique ?" Revue Internationale des Sciences Administratives Vol. 89, no. 4 (November 30, 2023): 585–603.
Full textAglietta, Michel. "La gouvernance du système monétaire international." Regards croisés sur l'économie 3, no. 1 (2008): 276.
Full textDesprés-Lonnet, Marie. "Yves Chevalier : Système d’information et gouvernance." Études de communication, no. 32 (April 1, 2009): 151–53.
Full textTAÏBI, Hamza. "REMUNERATION ET GOUVERNANCE D'ENTREPRISE - La confrontation entre les fondements et les mécanismes relatifs aux dirigeants-." Dirassat Journal Economic Issue 5, no. 2 (June 1, 2014): 25–55.
Full textDequeker, Édouard. "L’interaction public-privé dans le Grand Paris et le Grand Londres au prisme des écosystèmes de promotion économique." Transversalités 168, no. 1 (January 18, 2024): 33–53.
Full textBiersteker, Thomas J., and Rodney B. Hall. "La gouvernance privée dans le système international." L Economie politique 12, no. 4 (2001): 5.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Système de gouvernance"
Bakkour, Darine. "La gouvernance d'un système : vers une gestion dynamique des risques." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2013.
Full textThe increase in large-scale climate, technological, sanitary, and many other types of losses, challenges us on the governance of the concerned systems, the choices made to hedge these risks and implement prevention measures. The question which animated our research is : to what extent the governance of a system promotes a better risk management?Our empirical analysis is based on two case studies which focus on the governance of a system while facing catastrophic risks for first one, and on common risks for the other. On the one hand, catastrophic risks are known to be highly improbable but with possible serious consequences. The dynamic of the adaptive governance system facing catastrophic risks underlines the need for a (dynamic) flexible approach. We therefore suggest an assessment framework for the adaptive capacity of a system in the field of catastrophic risks. On the other hand, common risks affect the whole population. We consider that the adaptive governance in a deliberative democracy refers to the governance paradigm which addresses common risks whose consequences spread out into the future. Thus, it induces decision makers to look at the long run. The dilemma consists in taking (now) decisions (i.e. Risk, in the general sense of the word) whose effects (or consequences) are only felt in the future. The governance of a system shall promote risk management. Our research is structured into three parts (i.e. "Governance and risk", "Governance of a system exposed to a catastrophic risk" and "Governance of a system exposed to a common risk"), each composed of three chapters. The ultimate objective of the management of risks, or even uncertainties, which characterize our contemporary societies is a legitimate reason for having dynamic modes of governance that prompt different actors to work together in various ways, in order to meet challenges they face
Makhlouf, Mohamed. "Proposition d'une approche unificatrice pour la gouvernance des systèmes d'information." Thesis, Evry, Institut national des télécommunications, 2012.
Full textIS governance has been studied by researchers and practitioners from different angles. From the academic point of view, studies were made on the structures of decision making, the impacting factors, and the characteristics of IS governance. Practitioners are rather interested in the mechanisms of IS governance. Thus, several approaches and frameworks for IS governance have emerged, each with specific objectives (project management, service management, audit and control of IS, process maturity, risk management, quality, etc..). These approaches are generally based on a process view. As these approaches have different objectives, several process approaches simultaneous implementation projects can be observed in some large companies. In such case, despite the benefits of each of these approaches, we can assume that coherence problems will appear. Yet, no study has been conducted to find out what are the contributions and the consequences of several process approaches simultaneous implementation. More broadly, despite the richness of the research on IS governance, there has been no study that considers all the angles of view of the IS governance in a holistic manner. In this PhD, we will therefore consider the following question: Is it appropriate to adopt a holistic approach to IT governance? If so, how can we proceed? Two field studies at two major European telecommunications operators of two years each were conducted. The first is an action-research as a full participant-observer, and the second is a case study with a position of privileged observer. These two field studies permitted to answer this question. This thesis is structured as follows. First, a thorough review of the IS governance literature (ch.1) led to establish a unifying meta-model of IS governance (ch.2). The research problem (ch.3) and research methodology (ch.4) are then exposed. Then, the first field study tests the relevance and feasibility of establishing a unifying approach of IS governance: it consists in a diagnosis phase (ch.5) and a therapeutic phase (ch.6). The second field study explores the consequences of a situation where several IS governance approaches were implemented simultaneously and without coordination: the data collected are outlined (ch.7) and analyzed (ch.8). The thesis concludes with the proposed model GISUF "Governance of Information Systems Unified Framework", which is an IS governance holistic approach. After an initial description of GISUF (ch.9), we detail the information system on which governance is based, that is to say, the repository of governance (ch.10). Then, we describe the ideal operational functioning of the unified holistic governance through its processes (ch.11). Finally, we discuss how we can implement GISUF in an organization (ch.12). The conclusion shows the contributions and limitations of research
Claudepierre, Bruno. "Conceptualisation de la Gouvernance des Systèmes d'Information : Structure et Démarche pour la Construction des Systèmes d'Information de Gouvernance." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2010.
Full textJourdan, Gabriel. "Le système de gouvernance territorial au défi de la transition urbaine." Cergy-Pontoise, 2001.
Full textThis work is a geographical study of urban governance. It tries to underline the link between "urban transition", town planning and transportation policies. The "urban transition" means the city moves from a pedestrian organization (the compact city) to a car organization (the dispersed city. ) This process causes automobile dependence and has negative impact on urban sustainable development. Planners wants to control city-sprawl and facilitate car transit. But suburbs and rural municipalities wants more city sprawl and try to stop any control of the land-use at the urban region level. This gap between political and technical logic prevents from any control of urban sprawling, while roads and highways reduce time travel. More and more people can choose peripheral localization for housing, and go fast in the urban region's center. Since a few year, urban planing tries to promote urban sustainable development. Control the "urban transition" is a key issue. But in Nice and Toulouse, "urban region planing governance systems" seams not able to reach this goal. However, external constraints - like national and European laws, or demographic evolution - push some more "sustainable" municipal policies
Milebe, Vaz Christian. "La nouvelle gouvernance financière publique dans les organisations du système des Nations Unies." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017.
Full textThis thesis on the new public financial governance in the United Nations system has two parts : first part - the implementation of the new public financial governance in organizations of the United Nations system ; and second part - the strengthening of the new public financial governance in organizations of the United Nations system. For our study, we applied the relevant elements of the terms of reference established by certain subsidiary bodies for new public financial governance in organizations of the United Nations system, in particular those that relate to the cycle from planning to establish reports being discussed more in detail in the two parts of the thesis. This framework applies to the new public financial governance as a whole. However, for some special activities, only the results-based budgeting is practiced. Some elements of the terms of reference do not therefore apply in the context of the present thesis, however, other aspects considered important for any new public financial governance process are taken into account
Boughanmi, Afef. "Droit, gouvernance d'entreprise et structure du système financier : analyse économétrique du cas français." Thesis, Nancy 2, 2007.
Full textLes rapports de la Banque Mondiale "Doing business" (2004, 2005 et 2006), en s'appuyant sur les travaux fondateurs du courant Law and Finance, expriment plusieurs réserves à l'égard des qualités du droit civil et posent le postulat de la supériorité des systèmes juridiques de common law par rapport aux législations issues du droit civil français. Notre thèse constitue un début de réponse à ces critiques. En effet, nous nous proposons de tester la validité de la théorie "Law and Finance" proposée par LaPorta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer et Vishny (LLSV) en évaluant les relations entre les réformes en matière de gouvernance d'entreprise et la réorganisation du système financier en France entre 1980 et 2004. Notre travail est par conséquent, une contribution à l'étude de la gouvernance des entreprises en adoptant une approche nouvelle intégrant le facteur juridique en tant que mécanisme de gouvernance et en testant le pouvoir explicatif de la vision actionnariale. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc de discuter le postulat selon lequel il existe une relation forte et stable entre tradition juridique, niveau de protection des droits des investisseurs et développement financier, le droit influençant la finance. L'analyse se focalise sur l'aspect dynamique en évaluant l'impact de l'évolution des règles de gouvernance sur le développement financier. La protection des droits des actionnaires et des créanciers apparaît indépendante de la tradition juridique. De plus notre travail intègre d'autres partenaires de l'entreprise (les salariés et les obligataires), notre réflexion nous conduit à conclure que l'approche partenariale s'avère indispensable à la description et à l'analyse de la gouvernance des entreprises. Notre étude économétrique est novatrice principalement pour deux raisons. D'une part, les indicateurs des règles de gouvernance sont adaptés aux spécificités du droit français et ne sont pas calqués sur d'autres indicateurs et notamment ceux de LLSV. D'autre part, cette thèse propose une nouvelle méthode de construction des indicateurs juridiques en utilisant les méthodes statistiques de l'approche multicritère. En offrant une meilleure vision des liens particuliers entre les séries juridiques et financières, cette méthodologie a permis de prouver que le lien de causalité droit-finance n'est pas à sens unique, mais particulièrement tranchée de la finance vers le droit. La protection juridique des actionnaires, des créanciers, des salariés et des obligataires est influencée par les participants aux marchés. Cette thèse constitue donc une rupture avec les travaux de LLSV puisqu'elle permet de limiter la portée de leurs principales conclusions et prouve la supériorité de la vision partenariale
Besbes, Imène. "Evolution du périmètre d'activité et système de gouvernance d'entreprise : Le cas du groupe Danone." Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2010.
Full textBesbès, Imène. "Evolution du périmètre d'activité et système de gouvernance d'entreprise : le cas du groupe Danone." Angers, 2010.
Full textThe aim of this study is to explain the evolution of the the areas of activity of a company through variations in its system of governance. We propose a study model which considers the impact of different governance mechanisms on managerial decisions and the consequences on the evolution of compagny's range of activities. This model reveals that, depending on the configuration of the company's corporate governance system, the chief executive may opt to either diversify or recentralise the company's range of activities. The variation in the range of activities and its effectiveness in terms of the creation or destruction of different corporate governance mechanisms
Fournie, Sandrine. "Construction sociotechnique et relationnelle d'une gouvernance alimentaire territoriale." Thesis, Paris, Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France, 2016.
Full textLocal Agri-Food System (SYAL) represents a particular form of organization of production andconsumption. SYAL differs from agro-industrial system as it encompass the singular web ofrelationship which unit people, the qualification of products and territory through the valuationof specific resources and the types of coordination that are geographically and socially situated.An increasing number of initiatives try to implement them, through short food circuits,proximity supply chains or local food projects.Our work proposes an empirical journey and a sociological theorizing of the mechanismsthrough which a particular local agri-food system has been enhanced. We mobilize theframeworks of Actor-Network-Theory (ANT) on one hand and by the Social Network Analysis(SNA) on the other hand. We took the opportunity of an in depth study of an agriculturalcooperative named “Fermes of Figeac” to decipher processes of structuration of associationbetween farming practices, food provisioning, territorial human agency and valuation'sprocesses of the specific resources. Those associations are materialized in socio-technicalnetworks, which supported territorialized food supply chain. Inspired by the foundationalmodel of agricultural cooperation, the managerial core set of the organization has experimentedan approach of food provision governance in order to transform individual strategies in cooperativestrategies with the aim to answer sustainable challenge at the local level.Analyses based on ANT and SNA methodology assess translation's, transformation's andmediation's processes that intervene within organizations and on their borders. Going beyond afunctional analysis, we also analyze the collective construction and the coordination of humanagency and objects, at both individual and collective levels. We particularly shed light on therole of intermediation positions in strategic articulations and of the capacities of adaptation andinnovation. We also report the diversity and the variability of the relational forms that sustaindynamics of change.Released in an action-research approach, our work intends to articulate theoretical andempirical production. From an operational point of view, we draw attention to mediations(animations, documents, exchanges…) in the collective and co-operative processes and to theunpredictability of dynamics of change. This leads to take into account secondary networks andto identify intermediaries (beyond the formal core set of managers) in the analysis of territorialfood governance
Balestrat, Maud. "Système d'indicateurs spatialisés pour la gouvernance territoriale : application à l'occupation de sols en zone périurbaine languedocienne." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2011.
Full textIn France, suburbanization phenomena impose to think the conditions for sustainable urban development. In the Languedoc region, in a context of a strong demographic attractiveness, fast and uncontrolled urbanization happens at the expense of the most productive farmland in the region, on the coastal plain. The evolution of social demands, as well as issues around food security on a world scale, raise the question how suburban planning policies deal with the agricultural land issue. In order to objectify discussions and support the decisions, the agricultural authorities have expressed an urgent need for spatial indicators. The objective of this thesis is to propose an approach to co-build a system of indicators so as to monitor the land urbanization process. Systems modeling and iterative consultation were chosen as the appropriate approaches to lead the making up process and the selection of indicators. This research revisits the DPSIR model by adapting it to the concept of territorial system and proposes to organize the participation of stakeholders to ensure legitimacy for the use of indicators. The method application, part of the operational requirements, covers the production and availability online of a structured set of 141 spatial indicators linking the evolution of land assets and the one of the languedocian “artificialized patch”
Books on the topic "Système de gouvernance"
1966-, Fleury Marie-Josée, ed. Le système sociosanitaire au Québec: Gouvernance, régulation et participation. Montréal, Qué: G. Morin, 2007.
Find full textAfrican Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development., United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa., and Observatoire marocain de l'administration publique., eds. Rapport national sur l'Évaluation du système de gouvernance au Maroc: Suivi des progrès accomplis en matière de bonne gouvernance. Rabat: Observatoire marocain de l'administration publique, 2006.
Find full textAfrican Training and Research Centre in Administration for Development. Rapport national sur l'Évaluation du système de gouvernance au Maroc: Suivi des progrès accomplis en matière de bonne gouvernance. Rabat: Observatoire marocain de l'administration publique, 2006.
Find full textMasarrah, Anṭwān. La gouvernance d'un système consensuel: Le Liban après les amendements constitutionnels de 1990. Beyrouth: Librairie Orientale, 2003.
Find full textUn système de gouvernance: Pour un conseil d'administration plus dynamique et une permanence plus efficace. 3rd ed. [Montréal]: Éditions D.P.R.M., 1996.
Find full textLe système politique de l'Union européenne: Des communautés économiques à l'union politique. 7th ed. Paris: Montchrestien, 2009.
Find full textBouvier, Alain. La gouvernance des systèmes éducatifs. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2007.
Find full textBouvier, Alain. La gouvernance des systèmes éducatifs. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2007.
Find full textLa gouvernance des systèmes éducatifs. 2nd ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2012.
Find full textMoisand, Dominique. CobiT: Pour une meilleure gouvernance des systèmes d'information. Paris: Eyrolles, 2009.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Système de gouvernance"
Ross, Friso. "Safeguarding the Constitutional Function of the Occupational Pension System." In Steuerung der betrieblichen Altersversorgung in Europa: garantierte Sicherheit? Governance of Occupational Pensions in Europe: Guaranteed Security? Gouvernance des retraites professionnelles en Europe: Sécurité garantie?, 223–28. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textSol, Marion. "Les systèmes de retraite au révélateur de la crise financière : quels enseignements pour les retraites d’entreprise en France ?" In Steuerung der betrieblichen Altersversorgung in Europa: garantierte Sicherheit? Governance of Occupational Pensions in Europe: Guaranteed Security? Gouvernance des retraites professionnelles en Europe: Sécurité garantie?, 271–83. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
Full textBURINI, Federica. "Cartographie et participation à l’épreuve du topos et de la chora." In Politiques de la carte, 101–23. ISTE Group, 2022.
Full textMousseau, Frédéric, and Maurice Hérion. "La bataille pour la gouvernance mondiale de l’alimentation et de l’agriculture." In Un système alimentaire à transformer, 61–74. Éditions Syllepse, 2021.
Full text"Renforcer la gouvernance du système de compétences au Togo." In Enseignement supérieur et marché du travail au Togo, 137–58. OECD, 2016.
Full text"L'évolution du système d'information en Tunisie." In Une meilleure performance pour une meilleure gouvernance publique en Tunisie, 157–72. OECD, 2017.
Full text"Vers la consolidation d’un système d’intégrité publique au Maroc." In Examens de l'OCDE sur la gouvernance publique : Maroc. OECD, 2023.
Full text"Les réformes et la gouvernance du système de santé suisse." In Examens de l'OCDE des systèmes de santé, 153–72. OECD, 2011.
Full textArticle collectif. "Mieux situer la place de l’Approche Patient Partenaire de Soins en Grande Région." In Pratiques et interventions en psychologie de la santé, 181–93. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textPaquin, Stéphane. "Fédéralisme et système de gouvernance à paliers multiples en matière de politique étrangère : une comparaison entre le Canada et la Belgique." In Le fédéralisme en Belgique et au Canada, 197–206. De Boeck Supérieur, 2009.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Système de gouvernance"
Dubois-Nayt, Armel. "Early Modern Sexual Harassment in the Paradigm of Shame. The Case of Eliza/Avisa." In Webinaire AVISA (Historiciser le harcèlement sexuel). MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, Université Paris-Saclay, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Système de gouvernance"
Marsden, Eric, Romuald Perinet, and Jean Pariès. Articulation des sphères réglées et gérées de la sécurité industrielle. Fondation pour une Culture de Sécurité Industrielle, May 2024.
Full textSaba, Tania, Gaëlle Cachat-Rosset, Josianne Marsan, Alain Klarsfeld, and Kevin Carillo. COVID-19 et télétravail : un remède universel ou une solution ponctuelle. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, November 2020.
Full textPrice, Roz. Informalité et groupes marginalisés dans la réponse aux crises. Institute of Development Studies, November 2023.
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