Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'System "scenario - development strategy"'
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Siketina, Natalya Hennadievna. "Scenario approach to develop machine-building enterprise’s strategy." Thesis, Аналітичний центр "Нова Економіка", 2017. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/32893.
Full textWang, Wenqing, and wenqing wang@rmit edu au. "Modelling and Simulating Mobile Commerce Diffusion in China Using System Dynamics." RMIT University. Business Information Technology, 2007. http://adt.lib.rmit.edu.au/adt/public/adt-VIT20080604.115004.
Full textItani, Nadine M. "Policy development framework for aviation strategic planning in developing countries." Thesis, Cranfield University, 2015. http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/9217.
Full textCombier, Robert. "Risk-informed scenario-based technology and manufacturing evaluation of aircraft systems." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/49046.
Full textSiketina, Natalya Hennadievna. "Strategies for sustainable development of machine-building enterprise." Thesis, Mieszko I School of Education and Administration, 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/36610.
Full textPuthenveetil, John P. "An Assessment of the Role of Scenario-Based Anticipatory Organizational Learning in Strategy Development---An Organization Development Perspective." Thesis, Benedictine University, 2017. http://pqdtopen.proquest.com/#viewpdf?dispub=10587691.
Full textThe only two certainties in life are death and more uncertainty—with change the only constant. Rapidly changing environments require speedier response. We do not know what the future holds. Crafting strategy when the future is unknown and unknowable is challenging. The increasing uncertainty and turbulence has seen the gradual replacement of forecasting with scenario planning. Unfortunately, we are still trapped in the Taylorist paradigm that there is always one optimal strategy for any company to pursue. The global financial crisis of 2007-2009 provided a dramatic demonstration of the risk inherent in any strategic plan that relies on a unidimensional view of the future.
Using this crisis as a Petri dish, this research examined how well scenario planning worked. As the objective of scenario-based strategy development is to improve organizational agility (defined as the speed with which firms sensed and responded to an organizational crisis), the research measured how agile these firms were, measured against an established timeline and a sense and respond model, the Puthenveetil Model.
This study used a qualitative longitudinal case study method using purposive sampling of 14 firms that used scenario planning in strategy development and examined their strategies during the crisis ex post facto, only to find that most firms did not anticipate the crisis. Of those that did, only two—General Electric and Herman Miller, firms steeped in the learning/organization development culture—responded during the pre-crisis period. A surprising finding was that in six of the 14 firms, headcounts increased during this period. As to why so many firms failed to anticipate this crisis, there were three possible explanations: (a) the Cassandra Syndrome, (b) blind confidence in probability, and (c) reactive approach to change. The Puthenveetil Model could be used by individuals and organizations to prepare for the challenges of the VUCA world by hedging against the inevitable surprises that lurk in the background. Uncertainty is not an ally of confidence. Confidence is needed for commitment. Scenario-based thinking should help decision makers think clearly, feel confident, and act decisively.
Basirat, Farzad. "CO2 leakage in a Geological Carbon Sequestration system: Scenario development and analysis." Thesis, KTH, Vattendragsteknik, 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-96084.
Full textSiketina, Natalya Hennadievna. "System-issues of development of hotel business." Thesis, Уманський національний університет садівництва, 2018. http://repository.kpi.kharkov.ua/handle/KhPI-Press/38798.
Full textBush, Brian O. "Development of a fuzzy system design strategy using evolutionary computation." Ohio : Ohio University, 1996. http://www.ohiolink.edu/etd/view.cgi?ohiou1178656308.
Full textGilmore, John Sebastian. "Development of a satellite communications software system and scheduling strategy." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/4152.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stellenbosch University and the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven has a joint undertaking to develop a satellite communications payload. The goals of the project are: to undertake research and expand knowledge in the area of dynamically configurable antenna beam forming, to prove the viability of this research for space purposes and to demonstrate the feasibility of the development in a practical application. The practical application is low Earth orbit satellite communication system for applications in remote monitoring. Sensor data will be uploaded to the satellite, stored and forwarded to a central processing ground station as the satellite passes over these ground stations. The system will utilise many low-cost ground sensor stations to collect data and distribute it to high-end ground stations for processing. Applications of remote monitoring systems are maritime- and climate change monitoring- and tracking. Climate change monitoring allows inter alia, for the monitoring of the effects and causes of global warming. The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven is developing a steerable antenna to be mounted on the satellite. Stellenbosch University is developing the communications payload to steer and use the antenna. The development of the communications protocol stack is part of the project. The focus of this work is to implement the application layer protocol, which handles all file level communications and also implements the communications strategy. The application layer protocol is called the Satellite Communications Software System (SCSS). It handles all high level requests from ground stations, including requests to store data, download data, download log files and upload configuration information. The design is based on a client-server model, with a Station Server and Station Handler. The Station Server schedules ground stations for communication and creates a Station Handler for each ground station to handle all ground station requests. During the design, all file formats were defined for efficient ground station-satellite communications and system administration. All valid ground station requests and handler responses were also defined. It was also found that the system may be made more efficient by scheduling ground stations for communications, rather than polling each ground station until one responds. To be able to schedule ground station communications, the times when ground stations will come into view of the satellite have to be predicted. This is done by calculating the positions of the Satellite and ground stations as functions of time. A simple orbit propagator was developed to predict the satellite distance and to ease testing and integration with the communications system. The times when a ground station will be within range of the satellite were then predicted and a scheduling algorithm developed to minimise the number of ground stations not able to communicate. All systems were implemented and tested. The SCSS executing on the Satellite was developed and tested on the satellite on-board computer. Embedded implementations possess strict resource limitations, which were taken into account during the development process. The SCSS is a multi-threaded system that makes use of thread cancellation to improve responsiveness.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Universiteit van Stellenbosch ontwerp tans ’n satelliet kommunikasieloonvrag in samewerking met die Katolieke Universiteit van Leuven. Die doel van die projek is om navorsing te doen oor die lewensvatbaarheid van dinamies verstelbare antenna bundelvorming vir ruimte toepassings, asook om die haalbaarheid van hierdie navorsing in die praktyk te demonstreer. Die praktiese toepassing is ’n satellietkommunikasiestelsel vir afstandsmonitering, wat in ’n Lae-Aarde wentelbaan verkeer. Soos die satelliet in sy wentelbaan beweeg, sal sensor data na die satelliet toe gestuur, gestoor en weer aangestuur word. Die stelsel gebruik goedkoop sensorgrondstasies om data te versamel en aan te stuur na kragtiger grondstasies vir verwerking. Afstandsmoniteringstelsels kan gebruik word om klimaatsverandering, sowel as die posisie van skepe en voertuie, te monitor. Deur oa. klimaatsveranderinge te dokumenteer, kan gevolge en oorsake van globale verhitting gemonitor word. Die Katholieke Universiteit van Leuven is verantwoordelik vir die ontwerp en vervaardiging van die satelliet antenna, terwyl die Universiteit van Stellenbosch verantwoordelik is vir die ontwerp en bou van die kommunikasie loonvrag. ’n Gedeelte van hierdie ontwikkeling sluit die ontwerp en implementasie van al die protokolle van die kommunikasieprotokolstapel in. Dit fokus op die toepassingsvlak protokol van die protokolstapel, wat alle leêrvlak kommunikasie hanteer en die kommunikasiestrategie implementeer. Die toepassingsvlaksagteware word die Satellietkommunikasie sagtewarestelsel (SKSS) genoem. Die SKSS is daarvoor verantwoordelik om alle navrae vanaf grondstasies te hanteer. Hierdie navrae sluit die oplaai en stoor van data, die aflaai van data, die aflaai van logs en die oplaai van konfigurasie inligting in. Die ontwerp is op die standaard kliënt-bediener model gebasseer, met ’n stasiebediener en ’n stasiehanteerder. Die stasiebediener skeduleer die tye wanneer grondstasies toegelaat sal word om te kommunikeer en skep stasiehanteerders om alle navrae vanaf die stasies te hanteer. Gedurende die ontwerp is alle leêrformate gedefinieer om doeltreffende adminstrasie van die stelsel, asook kommunikasie tussen grondstasies en die satelliet te ondersteun. Alle geldige boodskappe tussen die satelliet en grondstasies is ook gedefnieer. Daar is gevind dat die doeltreffendheid van die stelsel verhoog kan word deur die grondstasies wat wil kommunikeer te skeduleer, eerder as om alle stasies te pols totdat een reageer. Om so ’n skedule op te stel, moet die tye wanneer grondstasies binne bereik van die satelliet gaan wees voorspel word. Hierdie voorspelling is gedoen deur die posisies van die satelliet en die grondstasies as funksies van tyd te voorspel. ’n Eenvoudige satelliet posisievoorspeller is ontwikkel om toetsing en integrasie met die SKSS te vergemaklik. ’n Skeduleringsalgoritme is toe ontwikkel om die hoeveelheid grondstasies wat nie toegelaat word om te kommunikeer nie, te minimeer. Alle stelsels is geimplementeer en getoets. Die SKSS, wat op die satelliet loop, is ontwikkel en getoets op die satelliet se aanboord rekenaar. Die feit dat ingebedde stelsels oor baie min hulpbronne beskik, is in aanmerking geneem gedurende die ontwikkeling en implementasie van die SKSS. Angesien die SKSS ’n multidraadverwerkingsstelsel is, word daar van draadkansellasie gebruik gemaak om die stelsel se reaksietyd te verbeter.
Nyasulu, Maganizo Kruger. "Scenario Evaluation of Malawi Energy Policy: LEAP System Modelling Projections from 2008 to 2063." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-371239.
Full textCross, Patrick Wilson. "System Modeling and Energy Management Strategy Development for Series Hybrid Vehicles." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/24785.
Full textOparah, Francis C. "The transportation system of post-colonial Nigeria: A strategy for development." DigitalCommons@Robert W. Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Center, 1994. http://digitalcommons.auctr.edu/dissertations/3234.
Full textManning, Jeffrey (Jeffrey W. ). "Innovation trap : can your innovation strategy cripple your product development?" Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/44691.
Full textVita.
Includes bibliographical references.
Innovation is a hot topic; innovation is happening everywhere. Innovation is "romantic", reaching for the stars, against all odds, solving the problem no one thought possible. Most CEOs would not characterize survival as "romantic". Innovate or perish; the mantra, the truth, plain, stark, cold and naked. It gets worse; the environment is rapidly changing. Sophisticated customers are demanding quick responses with low cost, high quality products. What once worked with brilliant success is now failing. If innovation is happening everywhere, it is increasingly not happening here. During the past two years, a multi-vendor government project consisting of two vendors geographically segregated across three regions has seen tremendous success followed by almost total collapse. Initial program status and progress indicate near exponential trajectory: ahead of schedule, under budget and all functionality present. However, collapse was not too far off. The integration effort was a complete failure. Key schedule milestone dates were continuously missed. The gap between functionality believed completed and really completed widened. The story reads like a classic runaway project. Worse, the budget was near exhaustion. The central contribution of the analysis is the identification of the innovation trap. The innovation trap identifies conflicting corporate objectives governing the innovation strategy for new business development and the product development strategy of existing programs in the product pipeline. This study examines the innovation trap by applying System Dynamics techniques to develop a set of heuristics not only to identify collapse conditions but also how to address the problem. The goal of this study is to develop a concept for an improved organization and structure for today's high technology product companies where innovation is crucial for corporate success.
by Jeffrey Manning.
Sodipo, K. O. "The application of savoir to the decision making process in contract strategy." Thesis, University of Manchester, 1987. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.380202.
Full textLagunas, Diego, and Björn Hellman. "Organisational Advantages through the development of Information Systems : An Information System Design Strategy." Thesis, Växjö University, School of Technology and Design, 2007. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:vxu:diva-1546.
Full textInformation systems design was investigated and a model was developed aimed obtaining organisational advantages through quality and participation. This was developed by connecting high quality information assurance in an IS to the needs of the organisation and incorporating the users in the development through participation factors.
The model generates a instruction that connects the impact on the individual and organisation when developing an IS to the organisational benefits. Its purpose is to enable the benefits of motivation, awareness and empowerment.
We applied the model using the case study approach for connecting the model to a real life situation. The results provided a blueprint to implement the IS design strategy and may be investigated later to verify if the advantages were reached.
The work is of great interest to project managers, software developers and programmers
Design av informationssystem var undersökt. En modell togs fram med målet att knyta organisatoriska fördelar från kvalitet och medverkan av organisationen i framtagandet av ett IS. Modellen skapades utifrån två ståndpunkter, hög kvalitet på datasäkerhet och de behov som finns inom organisationen samt en inkorporerad medverkan av användarna i framtagandet av IS.
Modellen fungerar som en instruktion med målet att koppla påverkan på organisationen samt individen av att implementera ett IS till de organisatoriska fördelarna genererade av förändringen. Resultatet möjliggör fördelarna av motivation, medvetenhet och empowerment hos organisationen samt individen.
Vi applicerade modellen i ett verkligt företag. Resultatet blev en beskrivning för realisering av en IS designstrategi. Denna strategi bör senare bli utvärderad för att säkerställa att det önskade målet har uppnåtts.
Detta arbete skulle kunna intressera projektledare, mjukvara utvecklare och programmerare.
Beer, Simon. "Managing uncertainty in production system design during early-phase product development : A scenario-based case study within the commercial vehicle industry." Thesis, KTH, Industriell produktion, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-273185.
Full textBakgrund Produktionssystem inom fordonsindustrin utsätts för olika förändringsfaktorer i en allt mer flyktig marknadsmiljö. För att hantera de motstridiga områdena komplexitet, tid, kostnad och kvalitet är det nödvändigt att hela tiden anpassa och ompröva produktionssystem. Förutom andra interna och externa förändringsfaktorer initierar produktutvecklingsprojekt sådana anpassningsåtgärder vid design av produktionssystem. Karaktäristisk för utvecklingen av produktionssystem i den tidiga fasen av produktutvecklingen är den otillräckliga data- och informationsbasen. Befintliga metoder för design av produktionssystembaseras på ett befintligt produktionssystem och optimering av vissa viktiga prestandaindikatorer. Andra metoder som följer med produktutvecklingsprocessen fokuserar uteslutande på specifika aspekter av produktionsprocessen. Därför krävs en metod för helhetsbestämning och hänsyn till osäkerheter i utformningen av produktionssystem i den tidiga fasen av produktionsutvecklingen. Mål Syftet med avhandlingen är därför att utveckla, tillämpa och utvärdera en metod som möjliggör en strukturerad specifikation av osäkerheter i produktutvecklingsprojekt och andra externa och interna osäkerheter i företaget. Dessutom bör metodiken göra det lättare att avgöra vilken påverkan dessa osäkerheter kan ha på det befintliga produktionssystemet och hur motåtgärder kan utvecklas och utvärderas. Forskningsomfång Studien genomfördes inom kommersiella fordonsindustrin och i samarbete med Scania CV AB baserat i Södertälje, Sverige, som en industriell forskningspartner. Metoder Baserat på en litteraturöversikt och med beaktande av den industriella forskningspartnerns behov definierades kraven för metodiken. I varje del av ramverket finns det både anpassningar av befintliga metoder och metoder som har utvecklats under arbetets gång. Ramverket användes inom tillverkningsavdelningen för växellådan som en del av ett nytt utvecklingsprojekt. Resultat Resultaten visar att tillämpningen av ramverket avsevärt minskade osäkerheten i samband med ett nytt utvecklingsprojekt. Påverkade områden i produktionssystemet identifierades och lämpliga åtgärder för utformningen av produktionssystemet inleddes. Slutsatser Studien visar att den utvecklade metodiken gör det möjligt att kontrollera osäkerheter i utformningen av produktionssystem i den tidiga fasen av produktutvecklingen. Dessutom förbättrar det strukturerade sättet att arbeta och dokumentera samarbetet och kommunikationen mellan produkt- och produktionsutveckling samt total öppenhet inom utvecklingsprojektet.
Plakhtynska, V. V. "Economic development strategy of foreign economic activity." Master's thesis, Sumy State University, 2020. https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/81374.
Full textThe theoretical and methodological principles and develop practical recommendations for improving the system of foreign economic activity of the enterprise. The objectives and basic principles of foreign economic activity of the enterprise.
Ali, MD Mahfil. "An alternative strategy of sustainable transport system in Hong Kong : restraint of private car /." Thesis, Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2000. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B22284412.
Full textHardikar, Uday. "Standardization of network interfaces : a framework for collaborative development and go-to-market strategy." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/34625.
Full text"June 2006."
Includes bibliographical references.
Over the last decade technological innovation in computers and communications industries has resulted in higher penetration of technology intensive products in businesses and homes. In communications industry, the true value of converged networks will be exploited only if the products and services provided end-to-end quality, reliability and consistency of features and functionalities that are offered. However, for this to happen, the products, systems and networks need to be interoperable. Interoperability can be accomplished most effectively and efficiently by use of common standards; but at the same time use of common standards potentially and arguably leads to commoditization of products, and constrains ability of product differentiation. Processes for setting standards, are not only messy but are prolonged, and quite often lead to battles for platform leadership. As incumbent telecommunications service providers transition from the public switched telephone networks to the IP-based data networks, customer expectations are high, challenges are many and failures are costly.
(cont.) Verizon Interoperability Forum has taken on this challenge by attempting to develop standards for interfaces for network elements that are used on Verizon's own network. It is proposed that network interfaces' standards exhibit characteristics of network effects and possess a great potential for becoming a de facto standard.
by Uday Hardikar.
Oakes, David R. "Microsoft operating systems development and strategy : an assessment of the Windows 2000 Server operating system." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1999. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA369436.
Full textThesis advisor(s): Douglas E. Brinkley. Includes bibliographical references (p. 151-153). Also Available online.
Anagnostopoulos, Jason. "The integration of strategy cause mapping and system dynamics for performance measurement development and management." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2009. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.502316.
Full textJoshi, Priyanka. "Targeting intrinsically disordered proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases : a strategy towards drug discovery." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.709234.
Full textYenilmez, Batuhan O. "DEVELOPMENT OF AN RNAi THERAPEUTIC STRATEGY AGAINST NON-ALCOHOLIC STEATOHEPATITIS (NASH)." eScholarship@UMMS, 2021. https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/gsbs_diss/1158.
Full textAdam, Zaeinulabddin Mohamed Ahmed. "Development and Applications of Multi-Objectives Signal Control Strategy during Oversaturated Conditions." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/28739.
Full textPh. D.
Rashid, Haroon. "A Broadcasting Model for Afghanistan Based on Its National Development Strategy." Ohio University / OhioLINK, 2008. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ohiou1212183178.
Full textFletcher, Peter. "Strategy, solvency and the state : the development of the railway system of northern Scotland, 1844-74." Thesis, University of York, 2007. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.440804.
Full textWaldman, Colin A. "Development and Implementation of an Adaptive PMP-based Control Strategy for a Conventional Vehicle Electrical System." The Ohio State University, 2014. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1403726405.
Full textMateu, Adrià Garcia i., Zhe Li, and Petronella Tyson. "Co-creating a sustainability strategy in a Product/Service-System value-based network of stakeholders." Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Sektionen för ingenjörsvetenskap, 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-2527.
Full textCompion, Johannes Christiaan. "A strategy for a mini-education system to support transformational development in a developing community / Compion, J." Thesis, North-West University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10394/8104.
Full textThesis (Ph.D. (Comparative Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.
Akhegaonkar, Sagar. "Development of a safe and efficient driving assistance system for electric vehicles." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015SACLE024/document.
Full textThe progress in the fields of autonomously driven vehicles, powertrain hybridization and Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) means that the automobile as a machine, is on the verge of reinvention. The aforementioned three fields of technologies have opened doors to advanced opportunities in improvement of safety and efficiency of vehicles which were earlier limited due to several factors like sensing capacities and computational power.In this context, a vehicle longitudinal motion controller is developed and investigated which will actively balance vehicle safety and efficiency. It is named as the Smart and Green Adaptive Cruise Control System (SAGA). Development of this function is based on optimization of energy supply as well as energy regeneration strategies with respect to powertrain component constraints like battery charge acceptance, motor braking capacity and traffic situation. In this process, optimization techniques like Dynamic programming and Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS)are used. Using vehicle energy and kinematic models built in Matlab-Simulink platform, this dissertation evaluates the advantages and limitations of using SAGA function for various vehicles topologies and in different traffic scenarios
Lamichhane, Niraj. "Prediction of Travel Time and Development of Flood Inundation Maps for Flood Warning System Including Ice Jam Scenario. A Case Study of the Grand River, Ohio." Youngstown State University / OhioLINK, 2016. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=ysu1463789508.
Full textJanczak, John. "Implementation of a Hardware-in-the-Loop System Using Scale Model Hardware for Hybrid Electric Vehicle Development." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/33881.
Full textMaster of Science
Paul, Pallab Kumar. "Market structure analysis using managerial judgments: Toward development and validation of an expert system for competitive strategy decisions." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/186099.
Full textManning, Peter Christopher. "Development of a Series Parallel Energy Management Strategy for Charge Sustaining PHEV Operation." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/49436.
Full textMaster of Science
Kimawati, Lenni. "Modeling consumer insight strategy in product development process : a decision and implementation framework for product managers." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/113518.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 154-158).
Companies today must constantly innovate to delight consumers and stay ahead of the competition. One way to deliver these is through new product launches. Despite significant investments, product failure rate in consumer products industry is high. Studies attribute failures to lack of quality and lack of integration of consumer insight in the Product Development Process. This thesis is an attempt for improvement, adopting the lens of consumer insight as information in the Product Development Process, and proposes a method to evaluate options more strategically. This thesis first examines available literature on Product Development Processes and consumer insight methodologies. It then uses Design Structure Matrix to identify consumer insight involvement in Product Development Process, and identifies gaps between the theoretical model and industry practice. Thereafter, this thesis proposes a technique to compare the quality of different consumer research methods at a given point in the process. Using this information, this thesis builds a Quantitative model to simulate the propagation effect of individual consumer insights decision on quality of output information, using rate of market change as a secondary factor. Within the constraints of this model, it was found that consumer insight strategy decisions should not be done in an ad-hoc manner, since consumer research method selection at each point in the Product Development Process has direct and propagative effects on the quality of the outcome. To obtain good quality, the selection of a good method is critical; first, because it allows for flexibility of options in subsequent phases, and second, because it is more effective than rework, under Slow and Rapid rate of market change. This thesis proposes decision and implementation frameworks as a guide for Product Managers, who can combine the predicted outcome of consumer insight quality with project management iron triangle, to select the best consumer insight strategy. While this consumer insight systemic model is a step towards a model-based design of consumer insight strategy, future work is needed to validate the quantitative model and resulting decision framework.
by Lenni Kimawati.
S.M. in Engineering and Management
Newell, Sean M. (Sean Michael) 1970. "Distortion of "fast clockspeed" product development : using web-based conjoint analysis, clockspeed analysis and technology strategy for an automotive telematics system." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/91745.
Full textCastro, Daniel Douglas. "Development of a Model and Optimal Control Strategy for the Cal Poly Central Plant and Thermal Energy Storage System." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2016. https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/theses/1531.
Full textMarquez, Brunal Eduardo De Jesus. "Model and Control System Development for a Plug-In Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10919/71388.
Full textMaster of Science
Chang, Jui-chi, and 張瑞祺. "Scenario Analysis and Development Strategy of WiMax Industry." Thesis, 2007. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/23435280640460816238.
Full text逢甲大學
According to the progresses of wireless communication technology, the 3G technology is unable to provide the killer application for the consumers; therefore, the application of 3G services in Taiwan is still in the initial stage, and other substitute technologies appear in this time. “WiMax”,One of the new technologies, shows the newest industrial model with its large bandwidth and the large range of its base station. However, the technology of WiMax is not mature enough. If we want to commercialize it, we have to estimate the difference situation between theoretical and practical characteristic of “WiMax”. Therefore, this study uses industrial analyses and scenario analyses to draw the outline of the development of WiMax 5 years later through expert interview and expert questionnaire. According to the opinions which collect from the experts in educational, investigational and industrial world; the study set up three possible situations of the future industry: “most optimistic”, “most pessimistic” and “most possible”. In the final of this study, we generalized the threat and opportunity of the future industry and give some advices to the enterprises who want to operate a business in WiMax industry.
Cheng, Hung-Wei, and 鄭弘緯. "The Development of Scenario Database for In-Vehicle Information System." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/04470582160009977515.
Full text國立臺灣科技大學
In order to improve driving safety and comfort, more and more countries around the world start to engage in research and development of in-vehicle information systems (IVIS) and intelligent cars in recent years. Automobile manufacturers integrate diverse IVIS functions into vehicle to satisfy drivers’ multiple demands. The development of IVIS offers a great deal of convenience for drivers: however, a poorly designed interface not only takes more drivers’ attention resource but also increases potential driving risks simultaneously. Consequently, vehicle interface design engineers ought to consider interface usability issues in the design process to improve driving safety. The main purpose of this study is to combine “User Scenario” and “Usability Evaluation” to develop scenario database of IVIS. Since all human-computer interfaces have input and output devices, the current study integrates them as “General Scenario Database” to identify the usability issues in interface design. In addition, this study also takes activity-based perspective to develop “System-Specific Scenario Database” for the evaluation of usability on different IVIS functions. The scenario database uses three layers to decompose each user scenario, termed user goals (S1), activity behaviors (S2) and body actions (S3) respectively. Similarly, three layers are also used to describe interface usability evaluation, called measuring items (L1), measuring concepts (L2), and measuring specifications (L3) severally. Using hierarchical layers in scenario database will make interface design engineers easily adjust the layers to fit their practical needs. According to each scenario and usability specification, design engineers can inspect, evaluate and test the interface usability of IVIS to enhance product friendliness and reliability in the future.
Yu, Chih-Chiang, and 尤智強. "Foresight Scenario Analysis of Motor and Battery System Development of Electric Vehicle." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/01266323017667539799.
Full text國立中央大學
In order to describe the trend of motor and battery system development of electric vehicle and to figure out the factors that would affect the external drives and the internal resources, the thesis uses scenario analysis method to be the basic framework, adding modified Delphi method to clarify timable transition into five categories: changeless, changeable, disappeared, uncertain states and newborn. More precisely, the five factors is used to construct “Scenario Analysis of Markov Modified Delphi Method”. The thesis focuses on motor and battery system to do the Foresight analysis, using the transition concept of Markov Chain to clarify the key factors of uncertain states into (I) motor system: brushless DC (BLDC) motor, surface permanent magnet synchronous motor and Switched Reluctance In-Wheel Motor. (II) Battery system: lithium-ion polymer battery, LiCoO2 batter, Li4Ti5O12, Multi-Single Crystal Silicon Solar Cell and GaAs Solar Cell. Moreover, the changeless concept of Markov Chain is used to be background, adding the key factors of changeable and uncertain states to clarify seven kinds of scenario portfolio: basic scenario, scenario assumption I, scenario assumption II, future scenario, breakthrough scenario I, breakthrough scenario II and challenge scenario. It could make the government, industries and related departments realize the development trend of key components about electric vehicle by the scenario descriptions. It can increase their willingness to invest in the related researches to achieve future image, also shape the usable engineering technique and integrated system concepts of electric vehicles in 2020 for public.
Fang, Jia-hao, and 方嘉豪. "The Development of the Scenario for Recording Device in a Saving Energy Management System." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/62009969867380564699.
Full text大葉大學
This thesis is to develop a saving energy records management system, the process follows a kind of contactless way variation for the adjustable power control system with 8051 as the control center, and pulse width modulation (PWM) is applied to achieve energy benefits. The purpose of this thesis focuses on the system voltage, time, status monitoring records. Generally, due to the data memory size of the 8051 only 128bytes, and it is a volatile memory, to adopt a non-volatile memory for recoding the collecting data becomes an important issue. While the system power disappear, the remainder of the data memory contents may change or disappear. This thesis to expand the external memory is also solving the data retention problem, the Electrically-Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM) of 93C series IC is adopted now. EEPROM memory devices have been widely used in a simple integrated circuit, but this series documented spatial of memory device is not enough. Therefore, in this thesis combines Secure Digital (SD) memory card is to develop the control system. The main factor for using SD card is its transmission speed, small size and portability, to help debug and fix the problem of the control system. Finally, Visual Basic is applied to program some codes for simulation results of SD card scenario.
Cheng, Yu-Hsuan, and 鄭宇軒. "A Study on the Development Strategy of Information Communication Technology Industries in Taiwan: Application of Scenario Analysis Method." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/q4cuwp.
Full text國立中興大學
The primary objective of this research is to adopt a scenario analysis to analyze information communication technology (ICT) industries development strategy in the next five years from 2011 to 2016. In order to achieve this objective, this research first reviewed current situation of ICT industries in Taiwan. Then, we investigated the location of main three industries in Taiwan, they including the information hardware industries, the network communications industries and mobile device production. As to the research methodology, we adopted scenario analysis method to explore the development forecasts. As a result, managerial strategies for the ICT industries were drawn from an integrated perspective. In the meantime, two expert interviews and two experts meetings were also held for drawing relevant information and viewpoint for the purpose of this research. The framework of this research is structured as follows. The chapter 1 describes the background, motivation, purpose and framework of this research. Then, the chapter 2 presents the development current situation of ICT industries in Taiwan. In the third chapter, the introduction & literature review of research methodology are shown. The chapter 4 shows the results of this research. Finally, the fifth chapter proposes the conclusions and directions of future research of this research.
Yang, Yu-ching, and 楊侑靜. "A study on the strategies of Eco-city development-A case study with scenario analysis on strategy programming." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/14565307940788516639.
Full text立德管理學院
ABSTRACT Along with eco consciousness-raising from the 1970s, sustainable development has become an essential issue in city management and a common value in global development. For the past decade, the movement had led to mass urban novelty and practical experience in different levels, and all the reformation experience, in the pursuit of sustainable development, has been the first priority in the global urban forum. Since eco-city development is one of the sustainable strategies, how to manage a sustainable environment through strategic planning is crucial for urban planners in the 21st century. The study firstly reviews the literature in eco-city, searches for the planning method and environmental condition toward eco-city, then explores through strategic planning process and model, and finally constructs an operational model for eco-city strategies. The earlier planning strategies are mainly applied in military and enterprise; the official and non-profitable organization adopt the same strategies in the later years. Facing multivariable and complicated scenario, the planning strategies clear outer threaten and grasp inner competitiveness for reformation. These qualities meet the needs in the speedy society and changeable environment. Through analysis of strategic planning, the study expects to explore proper strategies of eco-city under sustainable consideration and construct an analysis process for effective and practical management.
CHIU, Jih-Chen, and 邱日成. "3G Mobile System Development and Operator''s Upgrading Strategy." Thesis, 2001. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/28825745806380890595.
Full text國防管理學院
The 3G mobile systems, which based on the standard of ITU IMT-2000, shall activate in year of 2000. The systems provide the voice communications, and other advanced services, especially the Internet service and mobile multimedia transmission of worldwide seamless roaming with high speed, high quality, high spectrum efficiency, and low cost. Therefore, the 3G mobile systems will aim at developing the Mobile Package Data transmission besides the traditional voice communications. After the powerful promotion from International Telecommunication Union, ITU), the global leading companies in telecom industry are allying and hold conferences toward reaching the agreement of the 3G standard soonest they can. Meanwhile, the global telecom equipment vendors, Japan and many European countries are upgrading their systems and infrastructure in order to get ready for tomorrow’s 3G mobile service market. The objectives of this essay are to analyze and explore the operation of mobile transmission and core network of 3GPP (W-CDMA) and 3GPP2 (CDMA2000), the dominating standards of future 3G mobile communications. Besides, we analyze the strength and weakness of 3GPP and 3GPP2, describe the technology and standard of 3G mobile systems from the technical perspectives, and explore the strategy for system upgrade, factors of system restriction, and the structure of system and network integration. This essay refers to the upgrade strategies of other countries (such as Japan) and equipment providers in order to summarize the possible strategy and right direction for development and upgrade of 3G mobile system. We wish bring the deeply thought for Taiwan to start 3G mobile system business and technology.
Wu, Kuan-I., and 吳冠儀. "The development and the strategy of information system migration." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/ub2uzt.
Full text銘傳大學
This study uses case study to obtain the real world data. We used the grounded theory to find out the critical factors that influences the strategies of system migration, and to form the information system migration strategic mode. This study finds out to form the information system migration strategy including 3 constructs and 11 critical factors, those are: 1. “Information system characteristics” construct : including ”Uniqueness degree of target system”, ”Importance degree of the target system”, ”System migration influences degree of Business process”, ”Uniqueness degree of system migration”, ”Objects to be migrated”, ”Information strategy”. 2. “Inside resources” construct : including ”Human resources of business flow”, ”Human resources of technique”. 3. “Outside environment” construct : including ”Suitable degree of package”, ”Vendor’s technical maturity”, ”Competition advantage of target system”, ”Competitor’s information ability”. Base on these critical factors, we got the information system migration strategic mode, including four kinds of system migration methodology and phase, those are: ”Big bang-Package”, ”Big bang-Butterfly”, ”Phase in-Package”, ”Phase in-Chicken little”; Four kinds of system migration type for various involvement degree, those are: ”Technological transfer”, ”Overall outsourcing”, ”Research and develop by oneself”, ”Research and develop by investment”.
Tsang-ChiehChiang and 江倉頡. "Introducing Balanced Scorecard into Product Service System Strategy Development." Thesis, 2010. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/95213510763800338416.
Full text國立成功大學
This paper is an attempt to develop an applicable product service system(PSS) strategy development methodology for PSS implementation for SMEs in Taiwan with a focus on balanced scorecard(BSC). The PSS is a kind of innovative service model that integrated with physical elements and is also a form of creative industries. The generated PSSs based on the servitization or productization concept can create added-value for enterprises through building intimate consumer relationship. Taiwan government has been promoting the idea to meet the demand of the conventional industries transformation. However, companies need tools to assess the possibilities and adjust operations for entering PSS domains. Therefore this study tried to satisfy these demands of the firms. This paper came up with a PSS strategy development structure and examined it through the case study from which obtained the development experiences in Taiwan. The construction of the structure began with selecting PSS design methods. The chosen methods which were Methodology for product service system innovation and PSS layer method were modified for better suitability. They were combined with BSC afterwards. The PSS strategy development structure produced by this research can provide PSS development and implementation suggestions for companies. The adjustments needed in different phases of the business operation can be measured by this structure. Ultimately, the PSS strategy development structure allows firms to evaluate the potential and feasibility of implementing developed PSS strategy.
Yuan, Chien Wen, and 簡雯媛. "The Development Strategy for Airline Booking System - Yushan Ticketing System as an Example." Thesis, 2014. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/uzcgeh.
Full text朝陽科技大學
This is a systematic study on the successful internet travel agency Yushan ticketing strategy in the 2000s. Yushan ticketing follows the global trend to use internet as its assistant tool in order to develop the internet ticketing airline reservation systems as a new business model. Yushan ticketing also makes a new generation of business model analysis in order to make the community understand the successful development of new industries require successful background conditions. In addition, the study will also compare and analyze the two active and successful innovation and development internet travel agents such as EZFly and EZtravel. People will understand more about the keys to success are market segmentation and marketing strategies.
Hsiao, Chih-Chen, and 蕭智宸. "A Research on Development Strategy of Patent Management Information System." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/69981463963147431418.
Full text中原大學
In patent management practices, how to set up the patent management strategy is an issue that enterprise managers concern. Some experts suggested that business strategy should be consistent with the management strategy when the enterprise plans the patent management strategy. However, how to utilize the system of patent management to support the business patent management activities and further gain the competitive advantages for the enterprise by patents is an important task that the enterprise business managers have to emphasize as well. This research aims to discuss the development strategy of patent management information system in industries and the influential factors for enterprises to develop and utilize the patent management information system. According to our study, different industries or enterprises probably taking different patent strategies. This research took the way of searching individual case by in-depth interviewing with several managers in domestic companies and proceeded analyzing and discussing with external information gathering. According to the result of this research, for the development strategy in patent management information system, it is suggested dividing the development strategy into the short term, the middle term, and the long term. The short term strategy should emphasize to develop the patent database for supporting the current patent management activities. The patent database should include relative patent information generated from enterprise interior and other information from enterprise exterior. The goal of short term strategy is to enhance the efficiency of utilizing patent information and patent department management of the enterprise. The middle term strategy should develop the patent analysis system of analysis tasks of patent information to analyze, to realize the patent actions of competitors and patent arrangements of relative technology in industries, and to evaluate the development trend of technology. The long term strategy should develop the patent competitive system of business competitive actions. The best way is to take the accumulated patent information and resources from the first two strategies to communicate, interact with each organization of the enterprise, and provide the reference information about making decisions. The relative members of the enterprise can take those patent information and resources for reference. Thus, the real worth of patent information can be presented.