Academic literature on the topic 'Synthetic diamonds'
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Journal articles on the topic "Synthetic diamonds"
Negmatova, Kamola, Abdusattor Daminov, Abdusalam Umarov, and Nodira Аbed. "Synthesis of diamonds in the C – Mn - Ni - (H) system and the diamond-shaped mechanism." E3S Web of Conferences 264 (2021): 05003.
Full textLu, Qi, Huaiyu Gong, Qingfeng Guo, Xuren Huang, and Jiayi Cai. "Gemological Characteristic Difference between Colorless CVD Synthetic Diamonds and Natural Diamonds." Materials 14, no. 20 (October 19, 2021): 6225.
Full textTomilenko, Anatoly A., Anatoly I. Chepurov, Yury N. Pal' Yanov, Anatοly P. Shebanin, and Nikolai V. Sobolev. "Hydrocarbon inclusions in synthetic diamonds." European Journal of Mineralogy 10, no. 6 (December 1, 1998): 1135–42.
Full textTillmann, Wolfgang, and Artur Martin Osmanda. "Production of Diamond Tools by Brazing." Materials Science Forum 502 (December 2005): 425–30.
Full textPolushin, Nikolay Ivanovich, Alexander Ivanovich Laptev, Mariya Stanislavovna Shitareva, Dmitry Sergeevich Muratov, Anatoly Lvovich Maslov, Alexey Nikolaevich Kirichenko, Sergey Alexeevich Perfilov, and Tatiana Vladimirovna Martynova. "The use of spectroscopy methods for structural analysis of CVD diamond films, polycrystalline and single-crystal diamonds." MATEC Web of Conferences 336 (2021): 01013.
Full textLitasov, Konstantin D., Hiroyuki Kagi, Tatyana B. Bekker, Yoshiki Makino, Takafumi Hirata, and Vadim V. Brazhkin. "Why Tolbachik Diamonds Cannot be Natural." American Mineralogist 106, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 44–53.
Full textRashmi, Nahar Singh, and A. K. Sarkar. "Application of the Rietveld method to quantitative analysis of impurities in synthetic diamond powder." Powder Diffraction 19, no. 2 (June 2004): 141–44.
Full textЗиенко, С. И., and Д. С. Слабковский. "Особенности фононного крыла люминесценции алмаза." Письма в журнал технической физики 45, no. 11 (2019): 9.
Full textBadzian, Andrzej R. "Defect Structure of Synthetic Diamond and Related Phases." Advances in X-ray Analysis 31 (1987): 113–28.
Full textKononenko, Vitali V., Maxim S. Komlenok, Pavel A. Chizhov, Vladimir V. Bukin, Vladislava V. Bulgakova, Andrey A. Khomich, Andrey P. Bolshakov, Vitaly I. Konov, and Sergey V. Garnov. "Efficiency of Photoconductive Terahertz Generation in Nitrogen-Doped Diamonds." Photonics 9, no. 1 (December 29, 2021): 18.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Synthetic diamonds"
Гринь, Григорий Иванович, Евгений Александрович Семенов, and Павел Анатольевич Козуб. "Вопросы ресурсосбережения в пpoизвoдстве синтетических алмазов." Thesis, Зелена Буковина, 2004.
Full textProduction of synthetic diamonds as source of formation liquid wastes which includes heavy metals was considered. Splitting of streams conaning of metals compositions with following production of chromic concentrate and sludge which includes compounds of manganese and nickel was proposed. Reduction of manganese and nickel by hydrogen from sludge with production of alloy of manganese and nickel was proposed. This product may be return back to the diamond production.
St, Omer Ingrid L. J. "The pressure response of synthetic polycrystalline diamond f ilms /." free to MU campus, to others for purchase, 1996.
Full textSharp, Sarah Jane. "Optical studies of high quality synthetic diamond." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 1999.
Full textDarwish, Hamida M. B. "Characterization of different types of synthetic diamonds by luminescence and spectro-microscopy." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2006.
Full textCharles, Steven John. "Characterisation of irradiation damage and dopant distribution in synthetic diamonds by luminescence micro-spectroscopy." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2002.
Full textСеменов, Евгений Александрович, and Оксана Валериевна Толстоусова. "Некоторые экологические аспекты технологии получения синтетических алмазов." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2007.
Full textThe ecological aspects of the technology of obtaining synthetic diamonds from graphite in the presence of metals are considered. A basic technological scheme for purification of waste water of diamond production containing ions of heavy metals is proposed, which allows to prevent the penetration of harmful substances into the environment.
Sahlin, Anna. "APPRAISAL OF DIAMONDS AND GEMSTONES : How to facilitate the separation of natural and synthetic gemstones." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för ekonomi, teknik och samhälle, 2018.
Full textEtt stort problem i ädelstensindustrin är att det är svårt att avgöra om en ädelsten är naturlig eller syntetisk på ett lätt och smidigt sätt. Naturliga ädelstenar hittas i jordens inre och de syntetiska ädelstenarna är tillverkad av människan. Företaget Gemometrics har kommit på en produkt som löser problematiken kring urskiljningen. Den bärbara produkten heter GemPen och är en lampa med en speciell våglängd som gör det möjligt att se vilka ädelstenar som är naturliga och syntetiska. Gemometrics har valt att inrikta sig på ädelstenarna: Diamant, rubin, safir och smaragd. GemPen har ett skyddande etui som även fungerar som mörkläggning för ädelstenarna man vill undersöka. För att undersöka ädelstenarna placerar man dem i den mörka icke reflekterande insidan av etuiet och riktar GemPens ljus mot ädelstenarna. För att avgöra skillnaden på ädelstenarna är det den visuell skillnad på de naturliga och syntetiska ädelstenarna som bevisar detta vid användning av GemPen med tillhörande etui. Vid användning av GemPen är det ädelstenarna som är naturliga som har sin naturliga klarhet och de ädelstenar som är syntetiska som själv lyser (fluorescerar). En förutsättning för att kunna se skillnaden vid användning av GemPen är att ädelstenarna som ska undersökas placeras på en mörk bakgrund där så lite ljus från omgivningen kommer åt. GemPen fungerar, men resultatet blir som bäst om man släcker ner eller befinner sig på en mörk plats vid användandet. Detta kan vara problematiskt då man är utomhus eller inte har tillgång till en mörk plats. Gemometrics vill att produkten ska kunna användas även på en ljus plats utan tillgång till mörker. Uppgiften var att undersöka hur man kan förstärka bevisningen av att det är syntetiska och naturliga ädelstenar. Ett krav var att GemPens utformning skulle vara oförändrad. Det var okej att ändra om etuiet. Min roll som designingenjör var att lösa problematiken samt att utforma en konceptuell lösning som är anpassad för människa och miljö. Det som har gjorts är en informationsinsamling där information har tagit från artiklar, webbsidor och intervjuer inom området geologi och ljus lära. Detta resulterade i tre olika lösningsförslag: 1.) Att använda sig av samma teknik som finns i en kamera i form av en Coupled Charge Device (CCD). Denna produkt ska kunna uppfatta ljusvåglängder som det mänskliga ögat inte kan och därmed kunna se fluorescens som vi inte ser när det är ljust ute. 2.) Att använda sig av ett bandpassfilter. Det skulle kunna släppa igenom de ljusvåglängder som man vill se och lämna ute det andra. 3.) Någon form av portabel mörkläggning som gör det möjligt att undersöka ädelstenarna tillsammans med GemPen. Idén om en portabel mörkläggning valdes att gå vidare med pga. att mörker är det som man vet från början fungerar. De andra två koncept förslagen skulle behöva mer undersökning och hade inte tillräckligt med bevis för om de skulle kunna fungera. Under resterande designprocess har ett antal olika tillvägagångssätt använts för att nå ett slutresultat. Jag har jobbat med att ta fram en ”Mood board”, hållit i en ”workshop”, ”prototypat” och sammanställt ”inspirationsbilder”.20 veckors arbete resulterade i en portabel mörkläggning som namngetts till GemHood. Det som gör GemHood unik är att den mörklägger och att man kan jobba med båda händerna fria på plats. Det är en utfällbar hoodie som fungerar som mörkläggning. Den går enkelt att bära med sig och fungerar som ett komplement till GemPen med sitt tillhörande etui.
Гринь, Григорий Иванович, and Евгений Александрович Семенов. "Технология получения NiCl₂ из отходов производства синтетических алмазов." Thesis, Національний технічний університет України "Київський політехнічний інститут", 2008.
Full textThe technology is considered that allows to receive from the sewage of diamond production containing soluble compounds of manganese and nickel, NiCl₂, as well as to purify wastewater to the norms of maximum permissible concentrations, preventing the penetration of harmful substances into the environment.
Мухина, Людмила Васильевна, Павел Анатольевич Козуб, Григорий Иванович Гринь, and Евгений Александрович Семенов. "Использование солей никеля, полученных в процессе очистки сточных вод алмазного производства в технологии химического никелирования синтетических алмазов." Thesis, Зелена Буковина, 2006.
Full textThe paper considers the use of nickel salts obtained in the process of sewage treatment of diamond production in the technology of chemical nickel plating of synthetic diamonds used in the production of tools.
Japp, Stephen Glen. "Synthetic industrial diamond : a technological outlook." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 1997.
Full textBibliography: pages 102-118.
Synthetic diamonds are successfully substituting for natural diamonds in the area of industrial application. Synthetic diamonds increased their market share from 10% in 1960 to 50% in 1968 and to 90% in 1994. The success of synthetic diamonds may be ascribed largely to technological advance in the area of diamond manufacture. Two technologies in particular contributed to this advance: (i) High pressure and high temperature (HPHT) processes for crystallising carbon material and (ii) chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of these materials. The substitution of synthetic for natural diamond occurred in a systematic and predictable manner. Further technological advance could threaten the concept of diamond as a unique and desirable substance in the minds of the consumers and may require the repositioning of its image.
Books on the topic "Synthetic diamonds"
Brillas, Enric. Synthetic diamond films: Preparation, electrochemistry, characterization, and applications. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Find full textKyōkai, Nihon Fain Seramikkusu. Heisei 2-nendo muki shinsozai sangyō taisaku chōsa (nyū daiyamondo sangyō taisaku chōsa kenkyū) itaku chōsa kekka hōkokusho: Daiyamondo-kei kōkinō zairyō ni kansuru chōsa kenkyū. [Tokyo?]: Nihon Fain Seramikkusu Kyōkai, 1991.
Find full textKyōkai, Nihon Fain Seramikkusu. Muki shinsozai sangyō taisaku chōsa (nyū daiyamondo sangyō taisaku chōsa) itaku chōsa kenkyū hōkokusho: Heisei 6-nendo : nyū daiyamondo-kei zairyō no naigai gijutsu reberu ni kansuru chōsa kenkyū. [Tokyo?]: Nihon Fain Seramikkusu Kyōkai, 1995.
Find full textMiyoshi, Kazuhisa. Structures and mechanical properties of natural and synthetic diamonds. [Cleveland, Ohio]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center, 1998.
Find full textZhongguo chao ying cai liao xin ji shu yu jin zhan. Hefei Shi: Zhongguo ke xue ji shu da xue chu ban she, 2003.
Find full textBarnard, A. S. The diamond formula: Diamond synthesis--a gemmological perspective. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2000.
Find full textM, Gruen Dieter, Shenderova Olga A, and Vul' Alexander, eds. Synthesis, properties, and applications of ultrananocrystalline diamond. Dordrecht: Springer, 2005.
Find full textBrillas, Enric, and Carlos Alberto Martínez-Huitle, eds. Synthetic Diamond Films. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textEisenberg, Timm. Diamonds: Properties, synthesis, and applications. Hauppauge, N.Y: Nova Science Publishers, 2011.
Find full textDischler, Bernhard, and Christoph Wild, eds. Low-Pressure Synthetic Diamond. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Synthetic diamonds"
Grynberg, Roman, Margaret Sengwaketse, and Masedi Motswapong. "Synthetic Gem Quality Diamonds and their Potential Impact on the Botswana Economy." In The Global Diamond Industry, 251–90. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014.
Full textSiegel, Dina. "Threats to the Industry: Rivals from Within, International Competition, and Synthetic Diamonds." In The Mazzel Ritual, 119–32. New York, NY: Springer US, 2009.
Full textAngus, John C. "Electrochemistry on Diamond: History and Current Status." In Synthetic Diamond Films, 1–19. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textKapałka, Agnieszka, Helmut Baltruschat, and Christos Comninellis. "Electrochemical Oxidation of Organic Compounds Induced by Electro-Generated Free Hydroxyl Radicals on BDD Electrodes." In Synthetic Diamond Films, 237–60. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textScialdone, Onofrio, and Alessandro Galia. "Modeling of Electrochemical Process for Water Treatment Using Diamond Films." In Synthetic Diamond Films, 261–80. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textSánchez-Carretero, Ana, Cristina Sáez, Pablo Cañizares, and Manuel A. Rodrigo. "Production of Strong Oxidizing Substances with BDD Anodes." In Synthetic Diamond Films, 281–310. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textMeas, Yunny, Luis A. Godinez, and Erika Bustos. "Ozone Generation Using Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes." In Synthetic Diamond Films, 311–31. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textPanizza, Marco. "Application of Synthetic Diamond Films to Electro-Oxidation Processes." In Synthetic Diamond Films, 333–51. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textChen, Xueming, and Guohua Chen. "Fabrication and Application of Ti/BDD for Wastewater Treatment." In Synthetic Diamond Films, 353–71. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textBezerra Rocha, Jessica H., and Carlos A. Martínez-Huitle. "Application of Diamond Films to Water Disinfection." In Synthetic Diamond Films, 373–403. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Synthetic diamonds"
Genin, Dmitriy E., Dmitriy Petrov, Alexey Zaripov, Evgeniy Lipatov, and Alexander Yelisseyev. "Raman spectroscopy of natural and synthetic diamonds." In XIV International Conference on Pulsed Lasers and Laser Applications (AMPL-2019), edited by Anton V. Klimkin, Victor F. Tarasenko, and Maxim V. Trigub. SPIE, 2019.
Full textLu, Taijin, James E. Shigley, and John I. Koivula. "Channel structures observed in natural diamonds, synthetic moissanite, and synthetic quartz." In International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, edited by Angela Duparr and Bhanwar Singh. SPIE, 2002.
Full textShevyrtalov, Sergey, Aleksandr Barannikov, Yuri N. Palyanov, Alexander F. Khokhryakov, Yuri M. Borzdov, Ilya Sergeev, Sergey Rashchenko, and Anatoly A. Snigirev. "Synthetic single crystal diamonds for X-ray optics." In EUV and X-ray Optics, Sources, and Instrumentation, edited by René Hudec, Ladislav Pina, Luc Patthey, Kai Tiedtke, Libor Juha, Thomas Tschentscher, Marco Zangrando, Saša Bajt, and Stéphane Guizard. SPIE, 2021.
Full textLipatov, Evgeniy I., Alexander G. Burachenko, Sergey M. Avdeev, Victor F. Tarasenko, and Michael A. Bublik. "Identification of natural and synthetic diamonds by cathodoluminescence spectra." In XIII International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers, edited by Andrei M. Kabanov and Victor F. Tarasenko. SPIE, 2018.
Full textFritsch, Emmanuel. "ARE NEAR-COLORLESS SYNTHETIC DIAMONDS TRULY DIFFICULT TO IDENTIFY?" In GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, USA - 2016. Geological Society of America, 2016.
Full textYazu, Shuji, Shuichi Sato, and Naoji Fujimori. "Some Properties Of Synthetic Single Crystal And Thin Film Diamonds." In 32nd Annual Technical Symposium, edited by Albert Feldman and Sandor Holly. SPIE, 1989.
Full textNisida, Yosio, and Yoshimi Mita. "Hole-burning effect and photochromism of color centers in synthetic diamonds." In SPIE Proceedings, edited by Albert Feldman and Sandor Holly. SPIE, 1990.
Full textToda, Naohiro, Hitoshi Sumiya, Shuichi Satoh, and Tetsuya Ishikawa. "High-quality synthetic diamonds for the monochromator of synchrotron radiation beams." In Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation '97, edited by Albert T. Macrander and Ali M. Khounsary. SPIE, 1997.
Full textBalovsyak, S., M. Borcha, Ya Garabazhiv, I. Fodchuk, and V. Tkach. "Use of electron diffraction for determination of strain distribution in synthetic diamonds." In Correlation Optics 2011, edited by Oleg V. Angelsky. SPIE, 2011.
Full textReports on the topic "Synthetic diamonds"
Dolan, Daniel H.,. Dynamic compression of synthetic diamond windows (final report for LDRD project 93531). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2008.
Full textGoodwin, D. G. Simulations of High-Rate Diamond Synthesis: Methyl as Growth Species. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 1991.
Full textChang, R. P. H. Plasma, photon, and beam synthesis of diamond films and multilayered structures. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 1992.
Full textChang, R. P. H. Plasma, photon, and beam synthesis of diamond films and multilayered structures. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1991.
Full textGlowka, D. A., and D. M. Schafer. Program plan for the development of advanced synthetic-diamond drill bits for hard-rock drilling. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 1993.
Full textMing, L. C., P. V. Zinin, and S. K. Sharma. Synthesis of new Diamond-like B-C Phases under High Pressure and Temperatures. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2014.
Full textChein, Tsan-Heui, Jin Wei, and Yonhua Tzeng. Synthesis of Diamond in High Power-Density Microwave Methane/Hydrogen/Oxygen Plasmas at Elevated Substrate Temperatures. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 1999.
Full textRalchenko, Victor. Lasers in Synthesis, Characterization and Processing of Diamond, International Center, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 6-9 October 1997. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1997.
Full textChang, R. P. H. Plasma, photon, and beam synthesis of diamond films and multilayered structures. Progress report, July 1, 1990--September 1992. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 1992.
Full textChang, R. P. H. Plasma, photon, and beam synthesis of diamond films and multilayered structures. Progress report, July 1, 1990--June 30, 1991. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 1991.
Full text