Academic literature on the topic 'Syntax diagrams'
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Journal articles on the topic "Syntax diagrams"
Howse, John, Gem Stapleton, and John Taylor. "Spider Diagrams." LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 8 (2005): 145–94.
Full textTHIEMANN, PETER J. "Drawing Syntax Diagrams in Haskell." Software: Practice and Experience 27, no. 8 (August 1997): 967–82.<967::aid-spe114>;2-z.
Full textRyazanov, Yu D. "MINIMIZATION OF SYNTAX DIAGRAMS WITH MULTIPORT COMPONENTS." Prikladnaya diskretnaya matematika, no. 41 (September 1, 2018): 85–97.
Full textGhica, Dan R., and Aliaume Lopez. "A Structural and Nominal Syntax for Diagrams." Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 266 (February 27, 2018): 71–83.
Full textBraz, Lisa M. "Visual syntax diagrams for programming language statements." ACM SIGDOC Asterisk Journal of Computer Documentation 14, no. 4 (September 1990): 23–27.
Full textSejans, Janis, and Oksana Nikiforova. "Problems and Perspectives of Code Generation from UML Class Diagram." Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Computer Sciences 44, no. 1 (January 1, 2011): 75–84.
Full textSelamat, Norhanim. "Similarity Syntax Rules between DFD and UML Diagrams." International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering 8, no. 3 (June 25, 2019): 786–94.
Full textFlower, Jean, John Howse, and John Taylor. "Nesting in Euler Diagrams: syntax, semantics and construction." Software & Systems Modeling 3, no. 1 (March 2004): 55–67.
Full textNIELSEN, THOMAS D., and FINN V. JENSEN. "REPRESENTING AND SOLVING ASYMMETRIC DECISION PROBLEMS." International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 02, no. 02 (June 2003): 217–63.
Full textŠopauskas, Laisvūnas. "Constituency, Explication of the Notion of Syntax, and Diagrams." Žmogus ir žodis 16, no. 4 (December 20, 2014): 44–56.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Syntax diagrams"
Godwin, William. "Formalizing graphical notations." Thesis, Open University, 1998.
Full textJayal, Ambikesh. "Framework to manage labels for e-assessment of diagrams." Thesis, Brunel University, 2010.
Full textВласюк, Богдан Сергійович. "Інтегроване середовище розробки формальних граматик." Bachelor's thesis, КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського, 2021.
Full textPurpose of the work is creating a system that can be used to check formal grammars for grammatical errors, as well as to build syntactic diagrams. The work consists of five sections. In the first section the problem statement is formed and the general structure of the system is told. The second section reviews the subject area and existing systems, analyzes them. The third section indicates the tools with which the system was built. The fourth section describes the software implementation of the system, which describes the architecture of the system, its individual components and modules. The fifth section shows examples of how to use the system, provides an algorithm for user interaction with the system, and at the same time provides instructions for using the system.
Цель работы: создать систему, с помощью которой можно проверять формальные грамматики на грамматические ошибки, а также построить синтаксические диаграммы. Работа состоит из пяти разделов. В первом разделе формируется постановка задачи и рассказывается об общей структуре системы. Во втором разделе делается обзор предметной области и существующих систем, проводится их анализ. В третьем разделе указывается инструменты с помощью которых была построена система. В четвертом разделе описывается программная реализация системы, в которой рассказывается об архитектуре системы, ее отдельные компоненты и модули. В пятом разделе демонстрируются примеры по использованию системы, приводится алгоритм взаимодействия пользователя с системой, и одновременно является инструкцией по использованию системы.
Zhu, Dan. "Space Syntax Meets Peter Eisenman: Designing the Beijing East Rail Station at Tongzhou." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2009.
Full textAcclavio, Matteo. "String diagram rewriting : applications in category and proof theory." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2016.
Full textIn the last century, several sciences enriched their syntax in order to model interactions.Not only computer science and quantum physics, but also biology and economicsare examples of fields requiring syntax and semantics for concurrency as wellas for sequentiality.String diagrams are suitable for that purpose. In that syntax, we have two compositions:the parallel one and the sequential one, which may interact by the interchangerule. If we consider this rule as an equality, string diagrams are a syntax for strictmonoidal categories, with a more intuitive graphical representation than traditionalalgebraic formulas.In this thesis, we study this 2-dimensional syntax and its semantics. We considerdiagram rewriting and we give two applications of those methods:• a detailed proof of Mac Lane’s coherence theorem for symmetric monoidal categoriesbased on convergent diagram rewriting, which is given in arXiv:1606.01722;• an interpretation of proof derivations by string diagrams for the MELL fragmentof linear logic, which captures proof equivalence. We get a linear sequentializabilitytest to verify if a diagram corresponds to a proof . This interpretationextends the one for the MLL fragment given in arXiv:1606.09016,providing also a cut-elimination result
Gerosa, Tatiana Magalhães. "Desenvolvimento e aplicação de ferramenta metodológica aplicável à identificação de rotas insumo - processo - produto para a produção de combustíveis e derivados sintéticos." Universidade de São Paulo, 2012.
Full textThis paper aims to present to identify of the best route for the production of fuels and synthetic derivatives through the development and application of a methodological tool based on quality tools: affinity diagram, relations diagram and matrices cause-effect. The diagrams have been adapted for the analysis and discussion of positive and negative factors of each item of the triad considered: feedstock-process-product. From the analysis, matrices of cause and effect were created and also, separated into positive and negative factors for the inputs: natural gas (NG), biomass and coal; for the processes: production of synthesis gas (syngas) from GN, coal gasification and biomass gasification; and for the products: lubricating oil, diesel fuel, naphtha, methanol and ammonia. The analysis of cause-effect matrices generated the final matrix, named balance matrix, which allowed the selection of the most suitable route for the production of fuels and synthetic derivatives. Among the input studied, NG presented remarkable advantages among the others. Therefore, the process to be used should be the production of syngas from NG. Among the products considered, methanol showed the best benefits to be produced.
Kathe, Mandar V. "Iron-Based Chemical Looping Gasification Technologies for Flexible Syngas Production from Fossil Fuels with Carbon-di-oxide Capture: Process Systems Simulations, Techno-Economic Analysis." The Ohio State University, 2016.
Full textShafeie, Samrand. "Structure and Properties Investigations of the La2Co1+z(Ti1-xMgx)1-zO6 Perovskite System." Licentiate thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för material- och miljökemi (MMK), 2011.
Full textStudies of cobalt based perovskites for cathode materials in solid oxide fuel cells.
Books on the topic "Syntax diagrams"
Universiteit van Amsterdam. Institute for Logic, Language and Computation., ed. The language of graphics: A framework for the analysis of syntax and meaning in maps, charts and diagrams. Amsterdam: Institute for Language, Logic and Computation, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2002.
Find full textJ, Holley P., and Leicester Polytechnic. Centre for Applied Research in Information Systems., eds. Syntax checking of entity relationship diagrams. Leicester: The Polytechnic, 1987.
Find full textPelkie, Craig. QUSRTOOL Command Reference: Syntax Diagrams for the Over 300 IBM QUSRTOOL Commands. MC Press, LLC, 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Syntax diagrams"
Blume, Christian, Wilfried Jakob, and John Favaro. "Pascal Syntax Diagrams." In PasRo, 204–12. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987.
Full textBlume, Christian, Wilfried Jakob, and John Favaro. "C Syntax Diagrams." In PasRo, 219–30. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987.
Full textGurr, Corin, and Konstantinos Tourlas. "Formalising the Essence of Diagrammatic Syntax." In Theory and Application of Diagrams, 483–85. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000.
Full textBannister, Michael J., David A. Brown, and David Eppstein. "Confluent Orthogonal Drawings of Syntax Diagrams." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 260–71. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textLoitsch, Claudia, Karin Müller, Stephan Seifermann, Jörg Henß, Sebastian Krach, Gerhard Jaworek, and Rainer Stiefelhagen. "UML4ALL Syntax – A Textual Notation for UML Diagrams." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 598–605. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textPiedeleu, Robin, and Fabio Zanasi. "A String Diagrammatic Axiomatisation of Finite-State Automata." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 469–89. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textSaeed, Mazin, Faisal Saleh, Sadiq Al-Insaif, and Mohamed El-Attar. "Evaluating the Cognitive Effectiveness of the Visual Syntax of Feature Diagrams." In Requirements Engineering, 180–94. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full textHeuer, André, Christof J. Budnik, Sascha Konrad, Kim Lauenroth, and Klaus Pohl. "Formal Definition of Syntax and Semantics for Documenting Variability in Activity Diagrams." In Software Product Lines: Going Beyond, 62–76. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
Full textBosveld-de Smet, Leonie, and Mark de Vries. "Visualizing Non-subordination and Multidominance in Tree Diagrams: Testing Five Syntax Tree Variants." In Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, 308–20. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
Full textMoody, Daniel, and Jos van Hillegersberg. "Evaluating the Visual Syntax of UML: An Analysis of the Cognitive Effectiveness of the UML Family of Diagrams." In Software Language Engineering, 16–34. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Syntax diagrams"
Braz, Lisa M. "Visual syntax diagrams for programming language statements." In the 8th annual international conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1990.
Full textAnwer, Sajid, and Mohamed El-Attar. "An Evaluation of the Statechart Diagrams Visual Syntax." In 2014 International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA). IEEE, 2014.
Full textSaldarriaga, Juan Alejandro. "Diagrama y Arquitectura. La Sintaxis Espacial en el Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts." In LC2015 - Le Corbusier, 50 years later. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2015.
Full textAnaby-Tavor, Ateret, David Amid, Amit Fisher, Harold Ossher, Rachel Bellamy, Matthew Callery, Michael Desmond, et al. "An algorithm for identifying the abstract syntax of graph-based diagrams." In 2009 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC). IEEE, 2009.
Full textGogolla, Martin. "Exploring ER and RE syntax and semantics with metamodel object diagrams." In the 2005 symposia. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2005.
Full textKhatun, Afrina, and Kazi Sakib. "An automatic test suite regeneration technique ensuring state model coverage using UML diagrams and source syntax." In 2016 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics and Vision (ICIEV). IEEE, 2016.
Full textWang, Randi, and Vadim Shapiro. "Topological Semantics for Lumped Parameter Systems Modeling." In ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.
Full textMinas, Mark. "Syntax analysis for diagram editors." In the working conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2006.
Full textESSAM, ALI. "Methodological Approach of Integrating Voronoi Diagram into Space Syntax." In Third International Conference on Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Technology - ASET 2015. Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, 2015.
Full textZhao, Rui. "Incremental recognition in gesture-based and syntax-directed diagram editors." In the SIGCHI conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 1993.
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