Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Syndrome du rythme de vie'
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Qiu, Jingyu. "Personality, life history and metabolism in the Bush Karoo rat (Otomys unisulcatus)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024STRAJ076.
Full textIn the animal kingdom, behavior varies between individuals but remains consistent within them, a phenomenon known as "animal personality." Some individuals are consistently more active and explorative, raising key questions : Why do these differences exist, and how do they affect fitness? Personality has a genetic basis but is shaped by early-life experiences. Individuals in resource-rich environments may develop a proactive personality—being more active and explorative—which, despite its energy demands, offers advantages in resource acquisition and competition. Personality is linked to energy expenditure, as proactive individuals tend to have a higher resting metabolic rate (RMR). However, RMR varies across individuals and species, and personality may be a contributing factor. My thesis explores how personality, life history, and physiology interact in the bush Karoo rat (Otomys unisulcatus). I hypothesized that late-born individuals, facing higher population density and fewer resources, develop more proactive traits and exhibit higher RMR and a stronger metabolic response to stress, reflecting the energetic costs of their personality
Liu, Hui. "Implication deTRPM4 dans des troubles du rythme cardiaque." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013LYO10084.
Full textBy using reverse genetics, the causal mutation of a familial cardiac conduction block was localized to the long arm of chromosome 19 in 13.3. After screening 12 candidate genes, we found 3 different mutations in three independent families with isolated cardiac conduction block. The consequences of these 3 mutations were explored by electrophysiological studies. In all 3 mutations it was a gain of function. Then, a cohort of 248 patients with a Brugada syndrome was studied. Eleven mutations were found in the TRPM4 gene in 20 patients. The electrophysiological consequences of these mutations were diverse. Then, cohorts of patients with long QT syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and dilated cardiomyopathy were studied. We found also mutations or predisposing variants in these patients. An electrophysiology study should be conducted to understand the role of TRPM4 in these other pathologies. Finally, our immunohistochemical study showed that TRPM4 is highly expressed in the cardiac conduction system but also although with less intensity in common auricular and ventricular cardiomyocytes. This work implied for the first time the TRPM4 gene in human diseases. This work provides the basis to understand the role of the TRPM4 channel in cardiac function. This is a prerequisite to be able to develop novel therapies in the future
Béziau, Delphine. "Physiopathologie des troubles du rythme et de la conduction cardiaques : nouvelles pistes." Nantes, 2012. https://archive.bu.univ-nantes.fr/pollux/show/show?id=48ba7449-b644-4f49-a62e-8c8f7036341f.
Full textCardiac arrhythmias are responsible for one million cases of syncope and sudden cardiac death every year in the world. Ln the last decade, studies linking ion channel-related gene mutations and various cardiac familial syndromes as Brugada syndrome (BrS) or short QT syndrome (SQTS) have constantly increased. Ln 25 of cases, BrS is associated with SCN5A mutation which encodes the Na, 1. 5 Na+ channel. Ln a family affected by BrS, SQTS and/or conduction defects, we identify 2 variants of SCN5A and CA CNA 1 C encoding the Ca, 1. 2 Ca2+ channel. We show that the loss-of-function of Ca, 1. 2-N300D is due to an expression defect, and by cardiac action potential modeling that the phenotype of the patients can be explain by their personal genotype. Ln a family affected by SQTS, we have identified mutations on CACNA1C and on the gene encoding the membrane carnitine transporter OCTN2, suggesting a new molecular mechanism. We show that the loss-of-function of the Ca, 1. 2-A223P channel is not causal but could modulate the phenotype severity. Finally, we have identified a new arrhythmia named "Multifocal Ectopic Purkinje-related Premature Contractions" associated with the R222Q variant of Na, 1. 5 channel. We show that the gain-of-function mutation of Na, 1. 5 is responsible for the tissue-specific effect. We designed a new multicellular model allowing us to understand the complex electrical abnormalities observed
Vrand, Caroline. "Les collections d'art d'Anne de Bretagne : au rythme de la vie de cour." Thesis, Paris 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PA01H063.
Full textAnne of Brittany has received much attention from historians and art historians alike, and yet a comprehensive review of her art collections never been done. An examination of the composition of these collections helped to uncover the importance of both her ducal heritage -from her father Francis II-and her royal heritage -from Charles VIII. This examination also helped to better understand the importance of her own commissions and sponsorships. Through these successive endowments, Anne of Brittany amassed an extraordinary collection of art, among the richest in the kingdom. As an essential decor for the royal apartments, textiles hold an important place in these collections, whether it be silk fabric or tapestry. Tableware and religious gold work also represented an serious part of the collections, Furthermore, Anne own personal-taste is better expressed through be r affection for jewelry, Venetian glass and paintings. This study also sought to place these precious objects in their everyday context. Between placement, transport and storage, these pieces were in constant' movement as the backdrop to the itinerant court. The examination of this aspect provides further insight into the relationship between Anne and her collections, She was well aware that art held a prominent role in the affirmation of the Prince. She sought out the most renowned artists and appeared careful about the maintenance of their work. She also expressed her commitment to the duchy of Brittany by regularly storing her artwork in the castle of Nantes. Anne endeavored to exhibit her best pieces, particularly during major events of court life, again proving her dedication to the arts
Hanse, Olivier Cluet Marc Vondung Klaus. "Rythme et civilisation dans la pensée allemande autour de 1900." Rennes : Université Rennes 2, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00204429/fr.
Full textJouni, Mariam. "Étude de maladies du rythme cardiaque à l'aide de cellules souches pluripotentes induites." Nantes, 2015. https://archive.bu.univ-nantes.fr/pollux/show/show?id=407fe019-4552-4288-9a23-d9c514942a90.
Full textHeart rhythm disorders are frequent heart diseases and are a major cause of sudden cardiac death from abnormal excitability of the heart. Studying these dysfunctions is essential to understand the mechanisms of these cardiac diseases and develop new treatments. The technology of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) allows generation, from a patient‘s somatic cells, of pluripotent stem cells specific for this patient, which can be differentiated in any type cell, including cardiomyocytes. When obtained from a patient suffering from an arrhythmic syndrome, these cells will thus allow the modeling of the patient‘s cardiac rhythm disorder. In this thesis, we characterized at molecular and functional levels, genetically inherited cardiac arryhthmias, long QT and Brugada syndrome (BrS), using cardiomyocytes differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells derived from patients suffering from these genetically inherited arrhythmias
Restier, Lioara. "Caractérisation des troubles du rythme cardiaque héréditaires par analyse spatiotemporelle de l'ECG." Lyon 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007LYO10262.
Full textHanse, Olivier. "RYTHME ET CIVILISATION DANS LA PENSÉE ALLEMANDE AUTOUR DE 1900." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00204429.
Full textsymptôme d'une civilisation malade, qu'il faut à tout prix sauver du déclin. La disparition du rythme, constatée dans un grand nombre de disciplines, semble par ailleurs accuser le triomphe d'une vision matérialiste et « microscopique » du monde, qui rend l'homme aveugle aux miracles du vivant, tandis que dans les écoles et dans les universités s'impose un modèle de formation utilitariste, qui privilégie les savoirs techniques au détriment de l'intuition, de l'esprit de synthèse et de la créativité. Parallèlement à ce diagnostic, le même concept de rythme, que l'on suppose avoir joué, à l'origine, un grand rôle dans la socialisation de l'être humain et dans le développement de la culture, se retrouve au centre de
projets utopiques fondés sur la gymnastique et la danse, qui visent à retransformer un corps social « mécanisé » et
« disloqué » en une communauté saine et fraternelle. Par-delà les conflits de terminologie et de méthode qui opposent les différents représentants du « mouvement du rythme », cette étude tente d'éclairer les motivations individuelles et collectives de ce discours, de faire ressortir les mécanismes psychosociaux qui le traversent, ainsi que les causes de son succès, tout en le replaçant dans le contexte historique, social et culturel qui lui a donné naissance.
Tignéres, Bruno. "Les arythmies cardiaques au cours du syndrome d'apnées du sommeil (chez l'adulte)." Montpellier 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989MON11047.
Full textMontnach, Jérôme. "Troubles du rythme et cardiomyopathies associés au canal sodique Nav1. 5." Nantes, 2014. http://archive.bu.univ-nantes.fr/pollux/show.action?id=940e902f-9389-40db-8e3f-3d354365b389.
Full textNav1. 5 is the main sodium channel implicated in genesis and propagation of cardiac action potential. Currently, it's a part of a macromolecular complex involved in electrical and structural disorders. In a first part, we have characterized myocardial remodelling in a mouse model heterozygously invalidated for Scn5a (Scn5a+/- mice). We demonstrated that ventricular fibrotic process is TGF-β dependant and is associated with Connexin43 expression and organization remodelling. We also demonstrated that reduction of sodium current is not sufficient to induce pathology, the loss of Nav1. 5 protein is the fundamental in this process. This study shows a functional interaction between Nav1. 5 and Connexin43 in the Lenègre disease processing. In a second part, we have developed a new mice model for type 3 long QT syndrome, the Scn5a+/ΔQKP mice. This model reproduces the phenotype of the human mutation carriers, long QT syndrome, ventricular arrhythmias and heart failure. In vivo study permits to confirm persistent sodium current and to focus on pathological remodelling of calcium cycle's proteins. Acute treatment using Ranolazine suppresses arrhythmias and normalise QTc. That opens the possibility to use Ranolazine as a chronic treatment for mice and for patients witch develop type 3 long QT syndrome
Carabasse, Denis. "La fulguration des voies accessoires dans le traitement du syndrome de Wolff-Parkinson-White." Montpellier 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990MON11187.
Full textThiebaut, Marc De Korwin Jean-Dominique. "Médecine générale et rythme de travail impact de la charge de travail sur la qualite de vie du médecin généraliste exerçant en milieu urbain ou rural /." [S.l] : [s.n], 2003. http://www.scd.uhp-nancy.fr/docnum/SCDMED_T_2003_THIEBAUT_MARC.pdf.
Full textDiestchy, Mireille. "Enquête sur une éthique du rythme : analyse sociologique et pragmatiste de la diffusion du slow." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENST, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ENST0030.
Full textSince the creation of the Italian association Slow Food in 1989, the term slow has been separated from the food domain and has since been used in many areas of everyday life (cosmetics, scientific research, design or management). The diffusion of the slow expresses an accusation of the rythms of our modern world and reveals an ethics widely shared. A field study amongst people who promote the slow and a pragmatist approach of values has allowed us to construct an inductive definition of this ethics, acknowledging the moral conflicts and compromises from the actors
Beuchée, Alain. "Intérêt de l'analyse de la variabilité du rythme cardiaque en néonatalogie : comportement des systèmes de régulation cardiovasculaire dans le syndrome apnée/bradycardie du nouveau-né." Rennes 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005REN1B090.
Full textJarrige, Pierre. "Etude des variations de la fréquence cardiaque et des troubles du rythme cardiaque au cours du syndrome d'apnées du sommeil." Montpellier 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989MON11336.
Full textCappe, Émilie. "Qualité de vie et processus d'adaptation des parents d'un enfant ayant un trouble autistique ou un syndrome d'Asperger." Paris 5, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA05H021.
Full textParents of an autistic child go through many periods of transition which may be perceived as stressful. Bruchon-Schweitzer and Dantzer (1994) developed a model to study the coping behaviours, which takes into account both the stressors and transactional processes. Until now, many researches have focused on stress endured by parents and strategies used by them to cope with the disorder of their child. However, those considering the impact of autism on quality of life are not frequent and, to the best of our knowledge, no French study analysed the effects of interaction between these factors yet. We met 160 parents who filled out several questionnaires and self-rating scales we have adapted or created for assessing: (1) information about the child and the family situation; (2) perceived stress; (3) perceived social support; (4) perceived control; (5) coping strategies and (6) quality of life. These instruments have satisfying psychometric properties, and our results provide some interesting elements for clinicians and support the already existing data: Autism puts a strain on the life of parents who, as a consequence, would need more substantial breaks in their daily life. The results also support our hypotheses: The child's autonomy, his or her school and social insertion, as well as the partnership between parents and professionals are at the root of successful adaptation. Finally, they indicate the relevance of a program for parents focused on the management of stress and emotions, adjustment of cognitions and resolution of problems
Novella, Jean-Luc. "Etude de l'évaluation de la qualité de vie chez les patients atteints de syndrome démentiel." Reims, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002REIMM201.
Full text@With more than 5 million subjects affected, with more than 700 000 in France, dementia constitutes one of the most frequent chronic pathologies of our societies. Knowledge concerning dementia did not stop progressing during these last thirty years and the treatment of patients and their family is more organized. In dementia, therapeutic action have a symptomatic nature and Objectives are only to decrease evolution of the cognitive impairment. That is why Health Related Quality of Life of these patients lives the best element of evaluation. After a review of the literature concerning the Quality of Life in dementia, our study was based on the use of 4 short generic instruments: The NHP, the SF36, the Duke's Health profile and the EuroQol on a representative sample of demented patient's
Chizelle, Franck. "Etudes fonctionnelles de mutations associés à des pathologies de la repolarisation ventriculaire." Thesis, Nantes, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NANT1021/document.
Full textArrhythmias-induced cardiac sudden death is often due to ventricular repolarization abnormalities, which can be congenital. In the first part of this thesis, we have characterized a new murine model of congenital type 3 long QT syndrome associated with a cardiomyopathy: the Scn5a+/ΔQKP mouse. This model recapitulates the consequences of the equivalent human mutation in the SCN5A gene (delQKP 1507-1509): the presence of a prolonged QT interval, conduction disorders, tachycardias and ventricular fibrillations, associated with cardiac structural defects and premature mortality. The mutation induces an increase of the persistent sodium current and perturbations of calcium cycle. Pharmacological inhibitors of the persistent sodium current shorten QT interval, improve cardiac conduction and reduce arrhythmias in this model. The second part of the thesis has permitted the identification and the functional characterization of the very first rare variants in the SLC8A1 gene, which encodes the sarcolemmal Na+/Ca2+ exchanger NCX1, associated with a pathology in human: an early repolarization syndrome associated with shortened QT interval. The expression of these variants in heterologous expression systems shows severe losses of function of both the exchange current INCX and the NCX1-related calcium uptake. Defects in NCX1 sarcolemmal expression explain these losses of function for part of the variants. In silico simulation of these losses of function recapitulates the phenotype observed in patients’ ECGs, by shortening the repolarization phase of the ventricular action potential. These two projects reveal new therapeutic targets in patients with ventricular repolarization diseases
Machado, Fernando da Silva. "O tempo e a vida em Gaston Bachelard." Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017. http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7031.
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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG
Cette présente dissertation a pour but de montrer comment Bachelard élabore la notion de vie dans sa philosophie à travers une réflexion sur le probléme philosophique du temps et les notions d'instant et de durée. En pensant l'instant discontinu et en l'associant à d'autres concepts présents dans ses écrits, tant épistémologiques que poétiques, nous montrerons comment est atteint le présupposé théorique de complémentarité entre les deux aspects de la pensée de Bachelard. Nous soulignerons également que, dans sa métaphysique, l'être de l'homme cherche sa référence autosynchronique à travers de l'expérience discontinue de l'instant véritablement dynamique où le temps ne coule pas, mais jaillit. Le livre L'intuition de l'instant (1932), oeuvre consacrée à cette réflexion métaphysique sur le temps aboutir, quatre ans plus tard à La dialectique de la durée (1936), oeuvre qui, quant à elle, en définissant le concept de durée à partir des différentes temporalités superposées qui constituent l'existence, tous le doux présent les bases d'une philosophie du repos et sont les références privilégiées de cette étude. Il est inutile de rappeler l'importance de la philosophie de Bergson dans cette discussion: c'est en contrecarrant ses théses, tant sur la vie que sur la durée, que Bachelard allait forger sa propre compréhension du concept de vie dans ses deux écrits sur le temps par une opposition entre le concept de la vie vécue (limitée au temps commum/temps transitif) et la vie pensée (limitée au temps de l'esprit/temps immanent). Nous partons de l'hypothése selon laquelle c'est parce que l'esprit peut se heurter à la vie vulgaire et homogéne que la vie supérieure, c'est-à-dire du propre esprit, doit être comprise dans cette philosophie comme une construction rationnelle basée sur une dialectique pluraliste des savoirs sur le temps. Pour conclure ce travail, nous essaierons d'indiquer quelques points relatifs à la valorisation de la vie dans la pensée bachelardienne qui la rend rythmiquement variée et harmonique.
O objetivo da presente dissertação é mostrar como Bachelard edifica a noção de vida em sua filosofia por meio de uma reflexão sobre o problema filosófico do tempo e das noções de instante e duração. Ao refletirmos sobre o instante descontínuo associando-o a outros conceitos que perpassam seus escritos, tanto epistemológicos, quanto poéticos, estabeleceremos de que maneira o pressuposto teórico de complementariedade entre as duas vertentes de seu pensamento é alcançado. Destacaremos também que em sua metafísica o ser do homem busca sua referência autosincrônica por meio da experiência descontínua do instante verdadeiramente dinâmico, onde o tempo não corre, jorra. O livro A intuição do instante (1932), obra dedicada a esta reflexão metafísica sobre o tempo conflui, quatro anos mais tarde, para A dialética da duração (1936), obra que, por sua vez, define o conceito de duração a partir das várias temporalidades superpostas constitutivas da própria existência, ambas apresentam os fundamentos de uma filosofia do repouso e são as referências privilegiadas deste estudo. Não é necessário ressaltar a importância da filosofia de Henri Bergson nesta discussão: é a partir de um contraponto com suas teses, tanto sobre a vida como sobre a duração, que Bachelard irá forjar sua própria compreensão do conceito de vida por meio de uma oposição que é sublinhada ao longo de suas duas obras temporais, ou seja, entre vida vivida (circunscrita ao tempo comum/tempo transitivo) e vida pensada (circunscrita ao tempo do espírito/tempo imanente). Partimos da hipótese de que é porque o espírito pode chocar-se com a vida vulgar, escorregadia e homogênea que a vida superior, ou seja, do próprio espírito, deve ser entendida nesta filosofia como sendo uma construção racional apoiada em uma dialética pluralista de saberes sobre o tempo. No final deste trabalho tentaremos esboçar alguns apontamentos relativos à valorização da vida pelo pensamento bachelardiano que a torna ritmicamente variada e harmônica.
Diestchy, Mireille. "Enquête sur une éthique du rythme : analyse sociologique et pragmatiste de la diffusion du slow." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016ENST0030/document.
Full textSince the creation of the Italian association Slow Food in 1989, the term slow has been separated from the food domain and has since been used in many areas of everyday life (cosmetics, scientific research, design or management). The diffusion of the slow expresses an accusation of the rythms of our modern world and reveals an ethics widely shared. A field study amongst people who promote the slow and a pragmatist approach of values has allowed us to construct an inductive definition of this ethics, acknowledging the moral conflicts and compromises from the actors
Kamga, Carole. "Efficacité de la prise en charge interdisciplinaire de l'obésité chez les patients à risque de maladies métaboliques." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/6238.
Full textLeclerc, Jacinthe. "Impact d'un programme modifiant les habitudes de vie sur la fonction diastolique ventriculaire gauche dans le syndrome métabolique." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2014/30437/30437.pdf.
Full textIt is known that lifestyle changes have positive impact on cardiovascular risk factors. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction is certainly the most prevalent cardiovascular disease. Not a lot is found in the literature regarding the reversibility of this dysfunction. During this project, it was observed that diastolic dysfunction is reversible following a 1-year lifestyle modification program. Baseline characteristics of participants who improved their diastolic function were an impaired glucose tolerance, a higher systolic blood pressure at maximal effort as well as a better performance at maximal effort test. Changes in adiposity measures, insulin resistance and exercise tolerance induced by this program did not correlate with improvements in diastolic function.
Skilton, Anne. "Les liens entre le mode de vie, les facteurs métaboliques et le risque du cancer de l’endomètre." Lyon 1, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007LYO10198.
Full textObesity is strongly implicated in the aetiology of endometrial cancer, but little is known of the association of other lifestyle and metabolic factors with endometrial cancer risk. This thesis examines the aetiological role of factors related to energy balance and insulin-resistance on endometrial cancer risk. Studies were conducted within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), a prospective cohort study comprising about 350,000 women and 150,000 men in 10 western European countries. Several lifestyle factors were examined, including anthropometry, physical activity and dietary carbohydrates, as well as metabolic factors measured in the blood, such as insulin, adiponectin, glucose and lipids. To complement the aetiological analyses, a physical activity validation study was conducted in Sydney, Australia, to explore the validity and reliability of the EPIC physical activity questionnaire, using accelerometers as an objective measure
Fuentealba, Baldini Luisa. "Syndrome du bébé secoué : devenir développemental et construction du lien d'attachement : étude longitudinale d'une cohorte d'enfants diagnostiqués avec ce syndrome du bébé secoué dès l'hospitalisation à quatre ans de vie." Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCC015.
Full textThis study has two main objectives ; First, to describe the developmental Tate of children who have suffered from shaken baby syndrome white documenting the construction of the child-mother attachment bond ; Second, to understand the complexity of the interrelationships between the medical and relational aspects. This study adopts a long-term perspective involving 45 children evaluated at 12. 18 and 48 months old. A control group composed of children diagnosed with simple craniostenosis has been used for comparison. Psychomotor development was tested using the Brunet Lénine method. Cognitive development was addressed using the WPPSI-III test, Child temperament has been assessed using the QT6 questionnaire, and the social withdrawal behavior by using the Alarm Distress Baby Scale. Behavioral disorders were assessed using the questionnaire Child Behavior Check List and attachment behavior was evaluated using the Strange Situation protocol. Maternal sensitivity was assessed using Ainsworth's Maternal Sensitivity Scale, Results of the psychomotor and cognitive development assessments suggest that there is a link between an initial status epilepticus (in addition to young age) with short and long term low test scores. Child temperament and maternal sensitivity were not shown to be linked to the shaken baby syndrome. Social withdrawl was observed in 23% of the cases and were associated with admission to a child care unit at a young age based on their serious initial medical state, and early relational disorders. Paradoxically, the attachment behavior secure has been found over-represented and the attachment behavior avoidant insecure attachment as been shown to be under-represented
Baillot, Aurélie. "Réentraînement à l'effort chez des sujets atteints du syndrome métabolique : impact sur les réponses hormonales et la qualité de vie." Thesis, Orléans, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010ORLE2038/document.
Full textThe metabolic syndrome (Mets) is a cluster of metabolically related abnormalities (abdominal obesity insulin resistance, dyslipidemia and hypertension), with no obvious defined cause. In the literature, individuals with Mets seem to have hormonal and quality of life alterations, but this concept is relatively recent and few studies have investigated the effects of regular physical activity on these parameters. Our work divides into two parts. First, we studied the correlation between plasmatic and saliva adrenocortical hormonal at rest and during exercise in men with Mets. It appears that the correlation obtained at rest is maintained during exercise. Secondly, we studied the effects of 8 weeks of controlled regular physical activity on the pituitary, adrenocortical and androgenic hormones, physical capacity and quality of life in men with Mets. Our results show that aerobic exercise training does not induce anthropometric modifications but decreases significantly basal saliva cortisol without any other hormonal change. In parallel, physical capacity and psychosocial impact dimension of quality of life are significantly improved. These data confirm the beneficial effect of regular physical activity on physical capacity and quality of life. It is tempting to suggest that saliva cortisol could be an early marker reflecting improvement of physical capacities in individuals with Mets. Further works with larger cohort and longer training programs are required to complete this work
Lamoureux-Lamarche, Catherine. "La qualité de vie liée à la santé et les coûts associés au syndrome de stress post-traumatique chez les personnes âgées." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/7571.
Full textAbstract : Individual and societal consequences associated with post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSS) have been documented in the literature. However, few studies have documented these issues in a population of older adults who have experienced different types of traumatic events. The objectives of this thesis are to document the quality of life and healthcare costs associated with PTSS in a population of older adults aged 65 years and over. Secondary data analyses were carried out on data from the ESA (Étude sur la Santé des Aîné(e)s)-Services study conducted between 2011-2013 and included a general population of older adults aged 65 years and over who consulted in the general medicine sector in Quebec. Data from the ESA-Services study was linked with individual information from the RAMQ (Régie d’Assurance Maladie du Québec) administrative database. PTSS was measured using the PTSS scale. Self-reported quality of life was measured using three instruments: EQ-5D-3L, Visual Analog Scale and Satisfaction With your Life Scale. Costs associated with health service use were estimated from the healthcare system perspective. Healthcare use was measured using data available in the RAMQ administrative database. Multivariate linear regressions were used to study the association between the PTSS and quality of life. Generalized models with gamma distribution were used to evaluate the healthcare costs associated with PTSS. An increase in PTSS symptoms was found to be associated with a lower health-related quality of life (EQ-5D-3L) and a lower life satisfaction (Satisfaction With Life Scale). Our results also showed that the presence of PTSS was associated with higher total healthcare costs. We suggest that further studies be conducted to better understand the association between PTSS and its consequences on individual well-being and on the healthcare system.
Lacasse-Bédard, Joanie. "Dimensions subjectives de l'expérience de planification d'arrangements de vie futurs chez les parents perpétuels vieillissants vivant avec un adulte présentant un syndrome de Down." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2009. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/182.
Full textSerrano, Ferrer Juan. "Effet de mesures hygiéno-diététiques reposant sur l'exercice physique couplé à une diète alimentaire sur la fonction régionale myocardique droite et gauche dans le syndrome métabolique." Thesis, Avignon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016AVIG0712/document.
Full textThe metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a clinical entity which is characterized by the combination of a set of risk factors, the accumulation of which contributes to a high risk of cardiovascular disease. Its prevalence has grown steadily during the past decades, principally as a result of poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. The SM is classically associated with cardiac remodeling and diastolic abnormalities involving the left heart; and recent studies using cardiac imaging deformation also reflect a regional early systolic dysfunction. The right heart is poorly documented and for both right and left heart underlying mechanisms of functional impairments remain largely unknown. Our knowledge about the impact of lifestyle changes on left and right myocardial function are also very poor. Thus, the main objectives of this thesis were to evaluate in MetS patients the effect of lifestyle intervention based on food diet with exercise training on right and left ventricular regional myocardial function, and to study the relationships, at baseline and in response to changes in lifestyle, among the main factors of MetS and regional myocardial function. The population consisted of 100 asymptomatic MetS male and female randomly divided into 3 groups according to exercise modality (dominant high-intensity "resistance" or " endurance”, or mixed of moderate intensity), caloric restriction (500 to 700 kcal / d) being common to all patients. A control group (n = 40) matched by age and sex was also evaluated. The use of transthoracic ultrasound in the "speckle tracking imaging" mode allowed the assessment of longitudinal myocardial deformations of the left ventricle (LV) and the free wall of the right ventricle (RV). Our results confirmed the regional LV diastolic and systolic abnormalities previously described in the literature but demonstrated for the first time they also concern the right heart. Our interventional program reduced MetS prevalence and its individual factors, and significantly improved both systolic and diastolic LV and RV regional dysfunction. Visceral adipose tissue, especially epicardial adipose tissue, systemic inflammation, involving both pro- (PAI-1, TNF-α) and anti-inflammatory (adiponectin) adipocytokines as well as chronic hyperglycemia, all factors affected by MetS and significantly improved in response to the intervention, appeared as significant independent contributors of the right and left regional dysfunction. The role of the epicardial adipose tissue seems central, potentially via autocrine and paracrine effects, and this tissue should thus be considered as future therapeutic target of major interest in the treatment of cardiometabolic diseases
Jutras, Annick. "Variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque lors d'une surcharge lipidique alimentaire chez des hommes avec obésité viscérale." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2010/27692/27692.pdf.
Full textStaraci, Stéphanie. "Vie et mort au creux du berceau de la parentalité gémellaire : devenir d’une survivance du prénatal dans le cas du syndrome transfuseur-transfusé." Thesis, Paris 5, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA05H129/document.
Full textThis thesis explores the phenomenon of twins who develop Twin to twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS), and the subsequent metaphyschological effects on both the perinatal and future development of children. The objective of this research is to understand intrauterine life using the context of afterward. Therefore, this research is focused on the link between parents’ experiences of afterward during their pregnancy, and the physical development of 6 year old twins. The second objective of this research concerns the perinatal death of one twin and how life develops in the future for the parents and for the living twin. The methods used are the psychoanalytic and the test method, in a psychodynamic approach. The tools used are the semi-direct research interview and the psychological evaluation of the child. (WISC IV, the drawing of man, the drawing of family and the projective test of the CAT). The collection of data is conducted with more than 60 families who have 6 year old children. At the heart of the population, a single analysis was made from material received for 10 children from a group of twins and 10 single children. A cross sectional analysis was done for each group and for the total of the population. My results show that we can find traces of registered pre-psychic trauma. From the WISC IV test, the results indicate that 73% of children have an average IQ. There is a state of paralysis in thought processes, and little interest in learning. The CAT showed narcissistic defenses related to difficulty in developing the depressive position, as well as significant inhibition. Confusion and lack of differentiation of psychic spaces are present. In the drawing of the family and in the CAT, the identification of one twin with the other twin can be found, resulting in poorly defined boundaries of self. Identification with parental images appears to be secondary. The presence of TTTS has the potential to cause trauma through the generational chain of parent/ child that is organised in three stages. Twin object relations have been described as “the prenatal nest” of subsequent object relations, formed by the trio and the quartet. This type of relationship introduces a primary triadification. Three aspects of the twin complex have been described: archaic, oedipianized and according to the effect of the couple in the twinning. For those parents who have lost a twin during pregnancy, the loss of a twin foetus can become an object of survival, or an object of trauma, linked to the psychic functioning of the parents and the status of the twin foetus. The place the living twin takes, in place of the dead twin, is dependent on the grieving process of the parents. Based on this, the loss of a twin can become an object of survival, taking into account the narcissistic and pre objectal nature of the twinning. Survival Syndrome can be found in children
Toutain, Annick. "Etude nosologique et genetique d'une forme syndromique de deficience mentale liee a l'x avec cataracte congenitale : le syndrome de nance-horan (doctorat : sci. vie sante : genetique)." Paris 5, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA05N118.
Full textHarnois-Leblanc, Soren. "Évaluation de l’impact de la qualité alimentaire dans le cadre d’une intervention interdisciplinaire pour l’adoption de saines habitudes de vie chez les femmes obèses souffrant d’infertilité." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/11500.
Full textAbstract : Background : Improvement of lifestyle habits, associated with a modest weight loss (5 %), has shown to increase odds of pregnancy in overweight and obese women diagnosed with infertility. Weight loss is considered as the main factor that explains the improvement of fertility, but no study evaluated the specific role of diet quality on fertility in this population. Objective : Evaluate the impact of improving diet quality on odds of pregnancy in obese and infertile women seeking for fertility treatments. Methods : Prospective study nested in a randomized controlled trial evaluating the impact of an interdisciplinary lifestyle intervention on fertility of obese women followed at the fertility clinic of the CHUS, in comparison to standard fertility care only. Research visits take place every 6 months until the end of the project, which is after 18 months or delivery. Data collection include a food frequency questionnaire, anthropometric measurement and a fitness evaluation. A score of diet quality, the modified Healthy Eating Index (mHEI, 0-100 units), was calculated. Results : For all the participants, improvement of diet quality was not associated with the probability of pregnancy. With Cox regression, we observed that the initial diet quality was an important predictor of pregnancy within the two confounded groups (HR (by 10 units) : 1.24 [1.03 – 1.50], p = 0.027), independently of cardiorespiratory fitness and anthropometry. Similarly, the best diet quality observed before conception presented a significant independent association with odds of pregnancy over time (HR (by 10 units) : 1.25 [1.04 – 1.49], p = 0.017). Anthropometric variables, including weight, were not associated with a higher probability of conception. Conclusion : A greater diet quality in preconception seems to increase probability of pregnancy in obese infertile women.
Wellmann, Janina. "Wie das Formlose Formen schafft : rhythmus und die Organisation des Lebendigen, 1760 bis 1830." Paris, EHESS, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006EHES0117.
Full textThe central thesis of this dissertation is about the notion of rythm in the period around 1800. It is claimed that in this period rythm has been a central category for the reorganisation of knowledge about the living world. In particular, it is argued that the new understanding of ontogenetic development, generally identified with the rise of the epigentic theory of development, was in fact based on the new epistemology of rhythm. In addition, the dissertation describes the rise of rhythmic modes of reasoning not only the biological sciences, but also in other fields of knowledge like music theory, poetology and aesthetic theory. It is argued that in the epoch 1760 to 1830 the world of the living, and particularly the idea of development, were reconceptualised in terms of rhythmic models, rhythmic movements and rhythmic representation
Staraci, Stéphanie. "Vie et mort au creux du berceau de la parentalité gémellaire : devenir d'une survivance du prénatal dans le cas du syndrome transfuseur-transfusé." Phd thesis, Université René Descartes - Paris V, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00980589.
Full textCalvo, Gonźalez Mireia. "Analysis of the cardiovascular response to autonomic nervous system modulation in Brugada syndrome patients." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017REN1S056/document.
Full textBrugada syndrome (BS) is a genetic arrhythmogenic disease characterized by a distinctive electrocardiographic pattern, associated with a high risk for sudden cardiac death. Its complex and multifactorial nature turns risk stratification into a major challenge. Although variations in autonomic modulation are commonly related to arrhythmic events in this population, novel markers with higher predictive values are still needed so as to identify those patients at high risk. Since the autonomic function can be better characterized through the application of standardized maneuvers stimulating the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the main objective of this thesis is to evaluate and compare the cardiovascular response to ANS modulations overnight, as well as in response to exercise and HUT testing, on a series of BS patients with different levels of risk (symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects). In a first part of this work, we apply previously described methods for the analysis of heart rate complexity, baroreflex sensitivity, and non-stationary heart rate variability, never before studied in the context of BS patients. In a second part, in order to address the multifactorial nature of the disease, a multivariate approach based on a step-based machine learning method is introduced. By employing markers extracted at signal-processing analysis, robust classifiers capable of distinguishing patients at different levels of risk are proposed. The third part of this work has been focused on the proposal of novel mathematical models and the associated model analysis methods, so as to study the autonomic and hemodynamic responses to exercise and HUT testing. Finally, a prospective application of a multivariate approach integrating parameters extracted at the model-based stage is also presented. Overall, the obtained results provide new insights into the underlying autonomic mechanisms regulating the cardiovascular system in BS, improving physiopathology and prognosis interpretation. The proposed approach may be used as an instrument for the identification of those asymptomatic patients at high risk who may benefit from a cardioverter defibrillator implantation
El síndrome de Brugada (SB) es una enfermedad genética asociada a un patrón electrocardiográfico característico y a un elevado riesgo de muerte súbita cardíaca (MSC), causada por fibrilación ventricular (FV) en ausencia de cardiopatías estructurales. Debido a su naturaleza compleja y multifactorial, la estratificación del riesgo supone, en la actualidad, uno de los aspectos más controvertidos. Ciertas alteraciones en la modulación del sistema nervioso autónomo (SNA) se han relacionado con eventos arrítmicos en esta población; no obstante, nuevos marcadores con valores predictivos más elevados que permitan identificar a aquellos pacientes con un alto riesgo de sufrir MSC son todavía necesarios. El uso de maniobras estandarizadas con el objetivo de estimular el SNA permite una mejor caracterización de la función autonómica. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es, por tanto, la evaluación exhaustiva de la respuesta cardiovascular a la modulación del SNA en una serie de pacientes con SB y diferentes niveles de riesgo (sujetos sintomáticos y asintomáticos), a través de diferentes maniobras autonómicas, con la finalidad de identificar nuevos marcadores potencialmente útiles para la estratificación de riesgo en esta población. En este contexto, la evaluación de la función autonómica se llevó a cabo mediante tres estrategias principales. En primer lugar, se caracterizaron y compararon la variabilidad y complejidad del ritmo cardíaco, así como la sensibilidad barorrefleja, en pacientes sintomáticos y asintomáticos, con el objetivo de identificar nuevos marcadores capaces de distinguir entre grupos de pacientes. Los resultados mostraron, en el grupo sintomático, una menor variabilidad y complejidad durante la noche, así como un mayor tono vagal y una menor actividad simpática tanto durante el ejercicio como en respuesta a la prueba de mesa inclinada. En un segundo análisis, se abordó la etiología multifactorial del síndrome mediante un enfoque multivariado basado en un método de aprendizaje automático por etapas. A partir de marcadores extraídos en la etapa anterior, se propusieron modelos predictivos capaces de clasificar pacientes diagnosticados con SB en función de su nivel de riesgo. El mejor clasificador (AUC = 95%) fue diseñado a partir de marcadores autonómicos obtenidos durante la noche, superando modelos predictivos previamente descritos para la estratificación del riesgo en el SB a partir de la combinación de parámetros no invasivos. Finalmente, se analizaron las interacciones entre las funciones mecánica, circulatoria y autonómica de estos pacientes a partir de modelos fisiológicos. En primer lugar, mediante la implementación y evaluación de un modelo computacional integrando la dinámica del sistema cardiovascular y su respuesta autonómica a la prueba de mesa inclinada. Asimismo, se propuso la identificación recursiva de un modelo implementado para el análisis de la evolución temporal de las contribuciones simpática y parasimpática del SNA durante una prueba de esfuerzo. Los resultados mostraron una menor contractilidad, así como una actividad parasimpática significativamente mayor durante el ejercicio, en pacientes sintomáticos. Con el objetivo de combinar características extraídas del modelado fisiológico, un último estudio prospectivo propuso el diseño de un clasificador multivariado integrando los parámetros estimados en esta última etapa. Los resultados obtenidos indican importantes tendencias de relevancia clínica que aportan nuevos conocimientos sobre los mecanismos autonómicos encargados de regular el sistema cardiovascular en el SB. Su interpretación permite mejorar la estratificación del riesgo en estos pacientes y, por tanto, optimizar las estrategias terapéuticas aplicadas. La metodología propuesta se presenta como un instrumento para la identificación de aquellos pacientes con alto riesgo de MSC que podrían beneficiarse de la implantación de desfibriladores automáticos
Alvarez, Fernandez Victor. "Réactivité émotionnelle en vie quotidienne chez des adultes exposés à des événements potentiellement traumatiques." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BORD0252.
Full textExposure to a potentially traumatic event (PTE), especially when involving interpersonal violence, can generate severe long-term psychological consequences such as disturbances in emotional regulation. Several studies suggest that the presence of alterations in emotional reactivity is an important vulnerability factor for the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, very few have addressed the subject through ecological protocols, that is, by observing emotional reactivity in response to real daily events.The objective of the present work is to examine alterations in emotional reactivity to daily events and how these alterations associate to PTSD, as well as exposure to PTE.To do so, this study uses an ecological momentary assessment protocol. The study is ancillary to the World Mental Health- International College Survey, an international initiative of the World Health Organization to assess the risk and protective factors involved in the occurrence of mental health problems in young adults.The overall results reveal an association between the development of PTSD and the exposure to interpersonal violence with alterations in emotional reactivity to daily events.These results suggest that emotional dysregulation is a central feature of PTSD, and that the exposure to interpersonal violence can have long-term emotional consequences that are independent of the emergence of a mental disorder, thus providing new perspectives for further research on the emotional alterations resulting from exposure to a traumatic event
Algalarrondo, Vincent. "Troubles de l'excitabilité cardiaque dans la dystrophie myotonique de type 1 et l'insuffisance cardiaque : étude de deux modèles murins." Paris 7, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA077040.
Full textCardiac tissue is electrically active and propagates electrical impulses through a series of complex physiological processes. Here, we examined the ability of myocytes to generate and propagate cardiac influx in two rodent models: a mouse model of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1 ) and a rat model of heart failure and atrial remodeling. DM1 is a disease associated with conduction disorders and cardiac arrhythmias. DM1 is due to the toxic expansion of a CTG sequence. The mechanism of conduction disorders is currently unknown. We established a parallel between DM1 and various pathologies resulting from a mutation of the cardiac sodium channel Nav1. 5 (Brugada syndrome) in DM1 patients. These similarities suggested for an abnormal cardiac sodium current IN,. In the murine model DMSXL of DM1, there was indeed an increased sensitivity to 'Na blockers and 'Na inactivation was accelerated. These results suggested that 'Na is involved in the genesis of conduction disorders in DM1. Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in humans and is strongly associated with heart failure (HF). In an HF model, we characterized the atrial remodeling and demonstrated that atrial excitability was decreased. Atrial remodeling was also associated with atrial alterations at the cellular and tissue level. The integration of these alterations in a computer model confirmed the imbalance between cellular and tissue remodeling during atrial remodeling
Zuily, Stéphane. "Proposition de nouveaux critères cliniques et biologiques dans l'évaluation du risque thrombotique des patients atteints de syndrome des antiphospholipides." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LORR0064.
Full textAntiphospholipid syndrome (APS) is characterized by an auto-immune disorder with thrombotic and obstetrical morbidity in the presence of persistant antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL). This work studied clinical manifestations and laboratory assays for the determination of thrombotic risk in APS patients. Firstly, the risk of heart valve disease associated with aPL in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients was studied. Since 20 years, data regarding this association yielded conflicting results. A systematic review and a meta-analysis were performed to compare frequencies of heart valve disease in SLE patients with and without aPL. Main result concluded that the presence of aPL in SLE patients is associated with a 3-fold increased risk for heart valve disease in comparison with SLE patients without these antibodies. Secondly, prognostic significance of superficial vein thrombosis (SVT) was studied in APS patients. A prospective cohort study was performed and showed that SVT was predictive of thrombotic events overtime in this population. Moreover, the contribution of new laboratory assays were studied (antibodies directed against the domain I of [beta]2-Glycoprotein I and thrombin generation assay assessing sensitivity to activated protein C). Results demonstrated that these two assays were predictive of thrombotic events in APS patients. Finally, health-related quality of life was assessed in a multicentric cohort study of patients with aPL and/or SLE. Results showed that the presence of a history of arterial thrombosis was significantly associated with an impairment of all dimensions scores assessed by the MOS-SF36 questionnaire in comparison with patients with an auto-immune disease but without arterial thrombosis. This work provides new insights in the field of APS and may have an impact in the evolution leading to new classification criteria for definite APS
Chretien, Julie. "Rôle de la mobilité dans la maîtrise d’un quotidien complexe." Thesis, Paris Est, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PESC1058/document.
Full textTimes studies agree on the fact that our society is currently undergoing changes in terms of pace of life, but debates arise as to the uniformity of such changes within the population and individuals’ scope of action in the face of said phenomena. Given that society as a whole mastered time and space through the rise of transport speed, one is tempted to assume that it is also the case on the individual level. However, few empirical studies have taken it upon themselves to analyze the impact of speed in daily mobility on individuals’ pace of life. Using a combination of statistical analysis and in-depth interviews, this thesis aims at providing supplementary insight into the topic by analyzing transport modes and mobility patterns of inhabitants of the Greater Paris region. Through this micro-social analysis, we show that the more out-of-home activities people do, the lower their average speed in the course of a day is, whilst the average distance to a destination also decreases. This can be explained by the way they choose their destinations. For activities which are meaningful to them, they maximize the utility of their destination by using fast transport modes. For ancillary activities, they minimize travel time by locating them in the direct vicinity of their high-value activities, which prompts the use of slower modes. Finally, we show that the combination of these two rationales is easier in the center than in the suburbs, thus facilitating a high pace of life and more improvised schedules in the former. Hence, more than access to speed, it is residential location which induces disparities between people in their ability to deal with time demands
Clavel, Joanne. "Spécialistes et généralistes face aux changements globaux : approches comportementales et évolutives." Paris 6, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA066408.
Full textMany studies show a general tendency in specialist species, i. E. Which have a narrow ecological niche, to suffer from global changes. Thus, the first results of my doctoral thesis show that specialist and generalist species of birds respond differently to space and time changes, this phenomenon contributes to the functional biotic homogenization. I wanted to understand why specialist and generalist species presented different responses to global changes. I used the complementary approaches of evolutionary and behavioural ecology, applied to levels going from the community to the individual. Thanks to experimental studies in natural and controlled environments, we compared behaviours that potentially play a role in the susceptibility of specialist species to global changes. My results show that generalist and specialist species differ about the knowledge of their neighbouring environment, their temerity to go near to a source of food, their level of activity and their rapidity of exploration. We also found that only the specialist species present a behavioral syndrome (i. E. , correlation between individual behaviours) that suggests a restricted behavioral plasticity. Moreover, we found that spatial generalist species (habitat) are also temporal generalist (phenology). By a phylogenetic analysis we show that the characteristics of the life cycle such as fecundity and age at maturity seem to be architectural constraints, whereas the dispersion ability seems to be correlated to species specialization. To complement all these results, we carried out a synthesis work summarizing the theoretical aspects and applied to functional biotic homogenization
Chen, Guang. "Approche interculturelle des rythmes : étude comparative des variations journalières et hebdomadaires des performances attentionnelles et du sommeil chez des élèves chinois et français : étude de l'incidence des lieux de vie (rural/urbain) sur la rythmicité scolaire." Thesis, Tours, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TOUR2018.
Full textThe introduced study appears in the framework of the research concerned with the levels and variations of the attention performance of Chinese children in CP and CM2 of primary school, specifically the children of 6 to 7 and 10 to 12 years old. It aims at showing, on the one hand, in an intercultural and differential approach, the effect of the moment of daily performance and weekly performance, as well as weekly variations of sleep duration according to age, educational level and geographic background of the children. On the other hand, the impact of life place (city/ country) on the school timetables
Trouvé, Pascal. "Rôles joués par l'ATPase sodium-potassium et l'Annexine V sur la régulation calcique au cours de la transition de l'hypertrophie ventriculaire gauche compensée vers l'insuffisance cardiaque." Paris 5, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA05S005.
Full textCayuela, Hugo. "Réponses à un environnement spatio-temporellement variable : sexe, dispersion et tactiques d'histoire de vie chez le sonneur à ventre jaune (Bombina variegata, L.)." Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSE1034/document.
Full textInvestigating the links between environmental variability and life history traits, dispersal and breeding decisions is critical challenge for ecologists. I have examined this issue in anuran, the yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata). In the first part of my thesis, I have examined the influence of spatio-temporal variation of the environment on the covariation patterns between life history traits, dispersal and behavioral types at inter-population scale. I have investigated how the level of breeding habitat stochasticity may regulate the position of B. variegata populations along the slow-fast continuum and may promote dispersal syndromes among populations. Then I have analyzed the consequence of such dispersal syndromes on population genetic differentiation. In the second part of my thesis, I have focused on the role of the environmental canalization in the life history strategy of B. variegata and I have evaluated how various forms of weather variation (mean and extreme events) could affect the dynamics of different populations. In each studied populations, I have quantified the impacts of weather variation on various demographic parameters as survival, recruitment and breeding probabilities. In the third part of my thesis, I have investigated female mate choice in B. variegata by successively examining good genes and compatible gene hypotheses, and then by evaluating the role of breeding habitat quality and availability on mating decisions
Binet, Éric. "Psychopathologie du trauma et syndrome de Münchhausen par procuration : de la notion de clivage à celle de dissociation, de l’approche psychanalytique aux psychothérapies EMDR et ICV Un cas de maltraitance étrange : cyanose d’origine exogène d’un orteil chez un bébé de 13 mois et deuil pathologique au cours de la petite enfance Les pleurs de la petite enfance : une question d’attachement 1/2 Les pleurs de la petite enfance : une question d’attachement 2/2 Difficultés rencontrées dans les prises en charge thérapeutiques et/ou sociales de situations familiales caractérisées par un Syndrome de Münchhausen Par Procuration. Syndrome de Munchausen Par Procuration (SMPP) en périnatalité Recourir à la loi dans les cas de syndrome de Münchhausen par procuration : une solution face à des parents à l’abri de tout soupçon Le syndrome de Münchhausen, une maltraitance par excès de soins Le syndrome de Münchhausen par procuration : une nouvelle forme de dysparentalité transgénérationnelle Le syndrome de Münchhausen Par Procuration : mères et médecins au-dessus de tout soupçon Le syndrome de Münchhausen Par Procuration, Essai de compréhension psychologique Syndrome de Munchausen Par Procuration (SMPP) et EMDR (chapitre 41) Qu’est-ce que l’Intégration du Cycle de la Vie ? Principaux protocoles en ICV Intérêt et limites de l’Intégration du Cycle de la Vie (Lifespan Integration) auprès d’adultes victimes du Syndrome de Munchausen Par Procuration pendant leur enfance Spécificités du thérapeute ICV Aménagements de processus défensifs et mobilisation des affects en crèche, étude clinique et analyse psychodynamique Le syndrome de Münchhausen L’accompagnement du deuil du conjoint chez le sujet âgé par l’Intégration du Cycle de la Vie." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LORR0332.
Full textThis thesis based on previous publications retraces clinical interventions and brings together written materials (15 articles, monographs and a book) spanning a period of 20 years on a form of intrafamilial abuse exploiting the medical field: the Munchausen Syndrome by proxy.Since our first encounter with a case of MSbP in 1996, we have learned to think about early childhood trauma using different psychopathological models and distinct clinical approaches (psychodynamic, EMDR, Lifespan Integration) in search of a fertile dialectisation and, over time, have committed to a trans- and inter-disciplinary perspective based on psychodynamic, cognitive and neurophysiological hypotheses to understand traumatic phenomena. From there interest in studying the line of thought involving epistemological fields assumed at first glance to be opposites reflects an evolution of clinical practice in describing how patients – authors or victims of MSbP have benefited from this dynamic. Composed of three parts, the first part of this thesis is devoted to a general presentation of the psychopathology of trauma and early distress taking into consideration the conceptual developments treated throughout our writings. The second part, centered on MSbP focuses on its semiology and etiology, medical and psychopathological terminology as well as the multidimensional interventions necessary for its treatment. The third part is dedicated to different psychotherapeutic approaches that we have used in treating patients, adults or children involved with MSbP. This last part gives rise to an understanding of how the concepts of splitting and dissociation can be revisited and integrated into a neuropsychological developmental perspective. Characterized by an epistemological framework based on a theoretic and therapeutic pluralism, this experience is shared with the desire of encouraging a psychopathological approach including complementarity, intersubjectivity and phenomenology
Faugere, Mélanie. "Inflammation et schizophrénie : une étude électrophysiologique et psychométrique des liens entre protéine C-réactive, perception et qualité de vie." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015AIXM5055/document.
Full textSchizophrenia is an illness characterized by positive symptoms (delusions and hallucinations), negative symptoms (reduced emotional expression, alogia, apragmatism, reduced social engagement) and disorganized symptoms (cognitive and affective). This pathology is also associated to cognitive and perceptual alterations and to quality of life alterations. The physiopathology of schizophrenia is still unclear. Recently, papers put forward the central role of chronic inflammatory process in pathophysiology of this psychiatric disorder. In particular, CRP (C-Reactive Protein), a nonspecific marker of chronic inflammation and easy to measure with blood sample, was shown to be increased in schizophrenia. CRP is connected to clinical symptomatology and to cognitive alterations in patients with schizophrenia. However the connection between alterations of perception, quality of life and CRP remains to be explored
Pradel, Benjamin. "Rendez-vous en ville ! Urbanisme temporaire et urbanité évènementielle : les nouveaux rythmes collectifs." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00546513.
Full textEloidin, Sylvia. "Mutations de l'alimentation des jeunes migrants, originaires des Antilles Françaises, étudiants en France métropolitaine." Thesis, Tours, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009TOUR2026.
Full textEvery year many young West Indians migrate to metropolitan France to study, often because their study courses are not available in the West Indies. The migration from their native Island to this new territory represents for them a true uprooting on various levels such as geographic, climatic, social, family and cultural, lifestyle and pace of life. Food is an important part of these changes. This study explores in a privileged way, from the collection of these West Indian students’ paths, their food before and after the migration, in their sociocultural context, in order to observe the changes. Also we identify the migration influences, particularly post migratory eating practices, detected by these students on their health, and the needs of food information. This study is about a qualitative survey conducted by semi-structured interviews to obtain a better understanding of these students’ eating behaviors. It underlines the importance of considering the social and cultural dimensions of food to avoid standardised preventive advice and to optimize food education
Chevalier, Geoffroy. "Analyse de la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque en cas de syndrome de réponse inflammatoire fœtale aigu isolé ou associé à une hypoxie : Étude expérimentale chez le foetus de brebis." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ULILS060.
Full textIntroduction: Fetal infection during labor, accompanied by fetal inflammatory response syndrome (FIRS), is linked to neurodevelopmental impairments, cerebral palsy, neonatal sepsis, and even mortality. Existing diagnostic methods for FIRS remain insufficient. Acidosis associated with FIRS during labor presents a significant risk to the fetus. This study hypothesizes that analysing fetal heart rate variability (HRV) could serve as a tool for detecting FIRS. Therefore, the first study aim was to explore whether fetal HRV change during FIRS and the second aim was to explore how HRV changes during acute FIRS-associated hypoxia, compared to isolated hypoxia. Material and methods: In near-term fetal sheep with chronic instrumentation, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was administered intravenously to simulate FIRS, while a control group received an injection of saline solution. Hemodynamic parameters, blood gas levels, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and 14 heart rate variability (HRV) indices were recorded during a stability period and for six hours after injection. For these different parameters, hourly comparisons were made between the LPS and control groups. For the second aim, two other groups were compared: one with isolated hypoxia, the other with hypoxia and FIRS. Worsening hypoxia was induced by repeated umbilical cord occlusions in three one-hour phases: mild, moderate, and severe. Hemodynamic, gasometric, and HRV parameters were compared between the groups. Results: For the first aim, a total of 15 lambs were instrumented. In the LPS-treated group (n = 8), IL-6 levels significantly increased following LPS administration (p < 0.001), validating the FIRS model. Additionally, fetal heart rate showed a significant increase after H5 (p < 0.01). Significant differences between LPS and control groups were observed between H2 and H4 for five HRV measures (Standard Deviation of Normal to Normal (SDNN), Standard Deviation 2 (SD2), Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) alpha 1 and 2 and Long-Term Variability (LTV)). The hypoxia and FIRS group had a higher mortality rate (n = 4/9) compared with isolated hypoxia group (n = 0/9). Gasometric state was altered earlier in the hypoxia and FIRS group after mild occlusions (pH = 7.22 [7.12–7.24] vs 7.28 [7.23–7.34], p = 0.01; lactate = 10.3 mmol/L [9.4–11.0] vs 6.0 mmol/L [4.1–8.2], p <0.001). After mild occlusions, the hypoxia and FIRS group had higher values for six HRV parameters compared with the hypoxia group (SDNN, Root Mean Square of Successive Differences (RMSSD), Short Term Variability (STV), LTV, Low Frequencies (LF) and High frequencies (HF). After moderate occlusions, only SDNN and RMSSD remained significantly higher. Conclusion: During acute FIRS, associated or not with hypoxia, HRV is significantly changed. These changes appear to be mediated by an increase of global variability and a loss of signal complexity. HRV indices may therefore be valuable for early detection in these two situations
Cohen, Salomon Yves. "Adaptation au scotome central." Paris 6, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA066063.
Full textWu, Qiang. "Population stress under anthropogenic perturbations in Zootoca vivipara : a perspective from parasites and behavior." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOU30105.
Full textGlobal change and anthropogenic disturbances are intensely affecting the earth ecosystem. Despite large-scale studies focusing on biodiversity, how anthropogenic disturbances could influence various aspects of population ecology and evolution has also drawn tremendous attention. This thesis explores the stress of global change imposed on the animal population, by using the model system of the common lizard (Zootoca vivipara) and its ectoparasites (one mite in the genus Ophionyssus and one tick Ixodes ricinus). The first study addresses the hypothesis in competition induced by co-infections. Environmental mediation is suggested to explain the co-occurrence between these two species of parasites. The second study uses a spatial and a long-term data to examine climate warming effects on parasite infection, host fitness, and how distinct host phenotypes differ in their responses to these stresses (intraspecific differences). Alternative strategies to cope with parasite infection and climate warming are validated, and a phenotype-dependent trade-off between defense against parasitism and survival is detected. This study also confirms a phenotype-by-environment interaction, indicating even within the same population, certain phenotype could be more vulnerable than others under the anthropogenic perturbation. The third study focuses on changes of behavior and behavioral syndromes under effects of parasitism and host states. Repeatable traits with sex bias are identified, so along with a boldness-escape behavioral syndrome. Individual state (gravidity) seems to affect the stability of the behavioral syndrome. However, the causal effects of parasitism still remain vague and need to be further testified with control experiments