Academic literature on the topic 'Syndrome du rythme de vie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Syndrome du rythme de vie"
Roche, Johanna, Valérie Gillet, and Fabienne Mougin. "Privation de sommeil, syndrome dʼapnées obstructives du sommeil et obésité de lʼadolescent : place des APA dans la prévention et le traitement de ces troubles." Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité, no. 103 (November 28, 2018): 45–54.
Full textMonnot, M. F. "Rythme de vie à la crèche." Journal de Pédiatrie et de Puériculture 2, no. 3 (April 1989): 164–71.
Full textSoede, Nathanaël Yaovi. "Conception africaine de la vie et du temps." Thème 19, no. 1 (February 15, 2013): 13–25.
Full textRouayrenc, Catherine. "L’injure dans la représentation de la vie militaire : rythme d’un monde, rythme d’une écriture." Études littéraires 39, no. 2 (November 5, 2008): 15–30.
Full textMaurice, Thomas. "La chair et le verbe." Eikasía Revista de Filosofía, no. 92 (January 9, 2023): 339–50.
Full textCludy, Régine. "La pulsation, tempo d’une qualité de présence au monde." Cahiers de Gestalt-thérapie 49, no. 1 (March 12, 2024): 50–59.
Full textBaudchon, Hélène. "Le paradoxe du ralentissement du progrès technique." Revue de l'OFCE 60, no. 1 (January 1, 1997): 187–217.
Full textLaugrand, Frédéric B., Antoine Laugrand, and Guy Tremblay. "Lorsque les oiseaux donnent le rythme." Anthropologie et Sociétés 42, no. 2-3 (October 5, 2018): 171–97.
Full textLaugrand, Frédéric B., Antoine Laugrand, and Guy Tremblay. "Lorsque les oiseaux donnent le rythme." Anthropologie et Sociétés 42, no. 2-3 (October 5, 2018): 171–97.
Full textGoldbeter, Albert. "Rythmes du vivant et rythme de vie : vers un décrochage ?" Cahiers critiques de thérapie familiale et de pratiques de réseaux 56, no. 1 (2016): 233.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Syndrome du rythme de vie"
Qiu, Jingyu. "Personality, life history and metabolism in the Bush Karoo rat (Otomys unisulcatus)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.
Full textIn the animal kingdom, behavior varies between individuals but remains consistent within them, a phenomenon known as "animal personality." Some individuals are consistently more active and explorative, raising key questions : Why do these differences exist, and how do they affect fitness? Personality has a genetic basis but is shaped by early-life experiences. Individuals in resource-rich environments may develop a proactive personality—being more active and explorative—which, despite its energy demands, offers advantages in resource acquisition and competition. Personality is linked to energy expenditure, as proactive individuals tend to have a higher resting metabolic rate (RMR). However, RMR varies across individuals and species, and personality may be a contributing factor. My thesis explores how personality, life history, and physiology interact in the bush Karoo rat (Otomys unisulcatus). I hypothesized that late-born individuals, facing higher population density and fewer resources, develop more proactive traits and exhibit higher RMR and a stronger metabolic response to stress, reflecting the energetic costs of their personality
Liu, Hui. "Implication deTRPM4 dans des troubles du rythme cardiaque." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2013.
Full textBy using reverse genetics, the causal mutation of a familial cardiac conduction block was localized to the long arm of chromosome 19 in 13.3. After screening 12 candidate genes, we found 3 different mutations in three independent families with isolated cardiac conduction block. The consequences of these 3 mutations were explored by electrophysiological studies. In all 3 mutations it was a gain of function. Then, a cohort of 248 patients with a Brugada syndrome was studied. Eleven mutations were found in the TRPM4 gene in 20 patients. The electrophysiological consequences of these mutations were diverse. Then, cohorts of patients with long QT syndrome, atrial fibrillation, and dilated cardiomyopathy were studied. We found also mutations or predisposing variants in these patients. An electrophysiology study should be conducted to understand the role of TRPM4 in these other pathologies. Finally, our immunohistochemical study showed that TRPM4 is highly expressed in the cardiac conduction system but also although with less intensity in common auricular and ventricular cardiomyocytes. This work implied for the first time the TRPM4 gene in human diseases. This work provides the basis to understand the role of the TRPM4 channel in cardiac function. This is a prerequisite to be able to develop novel therapies in the future
Béziau, Delphine. "Physiopathologie des troubles du rythme et de la conduction cardiaques : nouvelles pistes." Nantes, 2012.
Full textCardiac arrhythmias are responsible for one million cases of syncope and sudden cardiac death every year in the world. Ln the last decade, studies linking ion channel-related gene mutations and various cardiac familial syndromes as Brugada syndrome (BrS) or short QT syndrome (SQTS) have constantly increased. Ln 25 of cases, BrS is associated with SCN5A mutation which encodes the Na, 1. 5 Na+ channel. Ln a family affected by BrS, SQTS and/or conduction defects, we identify 2 variants of SCN5A and CA CNA 1 C encoding the Ca, 1. 2 Ca2+ channel. We show that the loss-of-function of Ca, 1. 2-N300D is due to an expression defect, and by cardiac action potential modeling that the phenotype of the patients can be explain by their personal genotype. Ln a family affected by SQTS, we have identified mutations on CACNA1C and on the gene encoding the membrane carnitine transporter OCTN2, suggesting a new molecular mechanism. We show that the loss-of-function of the Ca, 1. 2-A223P channel is not causal but could modulate the phenotype severity. Finally, we have identified a new arrhythmia named "Multifocal Ectopic Purkinje-related Premature Contractions" associated with the R222Q variant of Na, 1. 5 channel. We show that the gain-of-function mutation of Na, 1. 5 is responsible for the tissue-specific effect. We designed a new multicellular model allowing us to understand the complex electrical abnormalities observed
Vrand, Caroline. "Les collections d'art d'Anne de Bretagne : au rythme de la vie de cour." Thesis, Paris 1, 2016.
Full textAnne of Brittany has received much attention from historians and art historians alike, and yet a comprehensive review of her art collections never been done. An examination of the composition of these collections helped to uncover the importance of both her ducal heritage -from her father Francis II-and her royal heritage -from Charles VIII. This examination also helped to better understand the importance of her own commissions and sponsorships. Through these successive endowments, Anne of Brittany amassed an extraordinary collection of art, among the richest in the kingdom. As an essential decor for the royal apartments, textiles hold an important place in these collections, whether it be silk fabric or tapestry. Tableware and religious gold work also represented an serious part of the collections, Furthermore, Anne own personal-taste is better expressed through be r affection for jewelry, Venetian glass and paintings. This study also sought to place these precious objects in their everyday context. Between placement, transport and storage, these pieces were in constant' movement as the backdrop to the itinerant court. The examination of this aspect provides further insight into the relationship between Anne and her collections, She was well aware that art held a prominent role in the affirmation of the Prince. She sought out the most renowned artists and appeared careful about the maintenance of their work. She also expressed her commitment to the duchy of Brittany by regularly storing her artwork in the castle of Nantes. Anne endeavored to exhibit her best pieces, particularly during major events of court life, again proving her dedication to the arts
Hanse, Olivier Cluet Marc Vondung Klaus. "Rythme et civilisation dans la pensée allemande autour de 1900." Rennes : Université Rennes 2, 2007.
Full textJouni, Mariam. "Étude de maladies du rythme cardiaque à l'aide de cellules souches pluripotentes induites." Nantes, 2015.
Full textHeart rhythm disorders are frequent heart diseases and are a major cause of sudden cardiac death from abnormal excitability of the heart. Studying these dysfunctions is essential to understand the mechanisms of these cardiac diseases and develop new treatments. The technology of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) allows generation, from a patient‘s somatic cells, of pluripotent stem cells specific for this patient, which can be differentiated in any type cell, including cardiomyocytes. When obtained from a patient suffering from an arrhythmic syndrome, these cells will thus allow the modeling of the patient‘s cardiac rhythm disorder. In this thesis, we characterized at molecular and functional levels, genetically inherited cardiac arryhthmias, long QT and Brugada syndrome (BrS), using cardiomyocytes differentiated from induced pluripotent stem cells derived from patients suffering from these genetically inherited arrhythmias
Restier, Lioara. "Caractérisation des troubles du rythme cardiaque héréditaires par analyse spatiotemporelle de l'ECG." Lyon 1, 2007.
Full textHanse, Olivier. "RYTHME ET CIVILISATION DANS LA PENSÉE ALLEMANDE AUTOUR DE 1900." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2007.
Full textsymptôme d'une civilisation malade, qu'il faut à tout prix sauver du déclin. La disparition du rythme, constatée dans un grand nombre de disciplines, semble par ailleurs accuser le triomphe d'une vision matérialiste et « microscopique » du monde, qui rend l'homme aveugle aux miracles du vivant, tandis que dans les écoles et dans les universités s'impose un modèle de formation utilitariste, qui privilégie les savoirs techniques au détriment de l'intuition, de l'esprit de synthèse et de la créativité. Parallèlement à ce diagnostic, le même concept de rythme, que l'on suppose avoir joué, à l'origine, un grand rôle dans la socialisation de l'être humain et dans le développement de la culture, se retrouve au centre de
projets utopiques fondés sur la gymnastique et la danse, qui visent à retransformer un corps social « mécanisé » et
« disloqué » en une communauté saine et fraternelle. Par-delà les conflits de terminologie et de méthode qui opposent les différents représentants du « mouvement du rythme », cette étude tente d'éclairer les motivations individuelles et collectives de ce discours, de faire ressortir les mécanismes psychosociaux qui le traversent, ainsi que les causes de son succès, tout en le replaçant dans le contexte historique, social et culturel qui lui a donné naissance.
Tignéres, Bruno. "Les arythmies cardiaques au cours du syndrome d'apnées du sommeil (chez l'adulte)." Montpellier 1, 1989.
Full textMontnach, Jérôme. "Troubles du rythme et cardiomyopathies associés au canal sodique Nav1. 5." Nantes, 2014.
Full textNav1. 5 is the main sodium channel implicated in genesis and propagation of cardiac action potential. Currently, it's a part of a macromolecular complex involved in electrical and structural disorders. In a first part, we have characterized myocardial remodelling in a mouse model heterozygously invalidated for Scn5a (Scn5a+/- mice). We demonstrated that ventricular fibrotic process is TGF-β dependant and is associated with Connexin43 expression and organization remodelling. We also demonstrated that reduction of sodium current is not sufficient to induce pathology, the loss of Nav1. 5 protein is the fundamental in this process. This study shows a functional interaction between Nav1. 5 and Connexin43 in the Lenègre disease processing. In a second part, we have developed a new mice model for type 3 long QT syndrome, the Scn5a+/ΔQKP mice. This model reproduces the phenotype of the human mutation carriers, long QT syndrome, ventricular arrhythmias and heart failure. In vivo study permits to confirm persistent sodium current and to focus on pathological remodelling of calcium cycle's proteins. Acute treatment using Ranolazine suppresses arrhythmias and normalise QTc. That opens the possibility to use Ranolazine as a chronic treatment for mice and for patients witch develop type 3 long QT syndrome
Books on the topic "Syndrome du rythme de vie"
Petit, Roland. Roland Petit: Rythme de vie. Lausanne: Bibliothèque des arts, 2003.
Find full textOffice de catéchèse du Québec and Institut de la famille de Québec, eds. Au rythme de la vie familiale: L'expérience chrétienne. [Montréal]: Fides-Médiaspaul, 2004.
Find full textMaffesoli, Michel. Le rythme de la vie: Variations sur l'imaginaire postmoderne. Paris: Table ronde, 2004.
Find full textLéger, Fernand. Fernand Léger: Le rythme de la vie moderne 1911-1924. Paris: Flammarion, 1994.
Find full textGabriel, Jérémy. La vie rêvée de Jérémy. Paris: Presses de la renaissance, 2007.
Find full textF, Vialet, and Baptistère Saint-Jean (Le Puy, Haute-Loire, France), eds. La musique rythme la vie: Instruments anciens et iconographie : Baptistère Saint-Jean, exposition 1990. Le Puy: l'Association des Amis du Baptistère Saint-Jean, 1990.
Find full textPaola, Appelius Roy, ed. Le syndrome du toast brûlé et autres philosophies de la vie. Paris: Librairie générale française, 2008.
Find full textChung, Gilberte Kim Chung. Kenny dans ma vie: Témoignage d'une mère. [Mauritius?: s.n.], 1999.
Find full textOntario. Ministère du tourisme et des loisirs. Options: Manuel d'information et d'exercises sur la retraite, pour les personnes qui changent de rythme de vie et qui planifient leur temps libre à venir. Toronto, Ont: Ministère du tourisme et des loisirs, 1988.
Find full textJ, DiClemente Ralph, and Peterson John L, eds. Preventing AIDS: Theories and methods of behavioral interventions. New York: Plenum Press, 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Syndrome du rythme de vie"
Reinberg, A. "Le rythme circadien de la fatigue." In Syndrome de Fatigue Chronique / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 61–82. Paris: Springer Paris, 1991.
Full textCardinali, Daniel Pedro. "Melatonin as a Medicament for the 24/7 Society: Metabolic Syndrome." In Ma Vie en Noir, 185–213. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textDevernay-Lefort, M., and J. C. Carel. "Qualité de vie et aspects psychosociaux chez les jeunes femmes ayant un syndrome de Turner." In Le syndrome de Turner, 151–59. Paris: Springer Paris, 2009.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Rythme cardiaque, rythme de vie, 289–310. Mardaga, 2018.
Full textTestu, François. "Rythme veille-sommeil." In Rythmes de vie et rythmes scolaires, 11–32. Elsevier, 2008.
Full textBarraco-de Pinto, Marthe. "Le rythme : trame de la vie psychique." In Continuité des soins, continuité psychique, 153. ERES, 2010.
Full text"Du Rythme Scolaire Aux Rythmes de la Vie." In L'Adolescence Hypermoderne, 51–63. Les Presses de l’Université de Laval, 2011.
Full textFrogneux, Nathalie. "Le syndrome animal chez Hans Jonas." In Phénoménologie de la vie animale, 233–57. Zeta Books, 2016.
Full textCoutellec, Léo. "Entre trajectoire de vie et parcours de soin, inventer une éthique du rythme." In Vivre avec une maladie neuro-évolutive, 189–207. Érès, 2019.
Full textGuerra, Victor. "À propos du rythme : différentes versions de la musique de la vie psychique." In Le fil rouge, 27–48. Presses Universitaires de France, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Syndrome du rythme de vie"
Pujante González, Domingo. "Rites et rythmes de l'eau dans Mossane de Safi Faye." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
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