Academic literature on the topic 'SYNCHRONUS MACHINE'
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Journal articles on the topic "SYNCHRONUS MACHINE"
Podgornovs, Andrejs, and Anton Sipovics. "Electromechanical Battery, Electrical Machines Mass Functions Analysis." Scientific Journal of Riga Technical University. Power and Electrical Engineering 28, no. 1 (January 1, 2011): 53–57.
Full textJuszczak, Ewa Napieralska, Daniel Roger, Krzysztof Komeza, Marcin Lefik, and Piotr Napieralski. "Architecture choices for high-temperature synchronous machines." Open Physics 18, no. 1 (October 27, 2020): 683–700.
Full textZaghdoud, Bellal, and Abdallah Saadoun. "Inductances Calculation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine." International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 6, no. 3 (2014): 267–70.
Full textZhang, Zhiwei, and Libing Zhou. "Design And Rotor Geometry Analysis Of Permanent Magnet–Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machines Using Ferrite Magnet." Journal of Electrical Engineering 66, no. 6 (November 1, 2015): 311–16.
Full textMartinez, Maria, David Reigosa, Daniel Fernandez, and Fernando Briz. "Comparative Analysis of High Frequency Signal Injection Based Torque Estimation Methods for SPMSM, IPMSM and SynRM." Energies 13, no. 3 (January 28, 2020): 592.
Full textPetrov, Timur, and Alfred Safin. "Theoretical aspects of optimization synchronous machine rotors." E3S Web of Conferences 178 (2020): 01049.
Full textTang, Min, Shao Hui Zhang, Yan Fei Shen, and Yong Li. "Impact of Wind Penetration Level on System Dynamic Performance." Applied Mechanics and Materials 459 (October 2013): 189–94.
Full textMustafayev, Rauf, Nurali Yusifbayli, and Laman Hasanova. "Matrix structure of unified mathematical model of electric AC machines at control." E3S Web of Conferences 209 (2020): 02023.
Full textDomracheva, Yulia, and Sergey Loginov. "Simulation Technique of Synchronous Reluctance Bearingless Machine." Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference 2 (August 8, 2015): 101.
Full textPirmatov, N. B., A. M. Egamov, C. M. Giyasov, N. A. Mamarasulov, U. N. Berdiyorov, Sh O. Ergashov, and J. A. Nizamov. "Some aspects of comparing the operational properties of synchronous machines with a conventional and two mutually shifted excitation windings." E3S Web of Conferences 401 (2023): 03056.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "SYNCHRONUS MACHINE"
Orciari, Luca. "Rotor position estimation of a bearingless permanent magnet synchronus motor by machine learning techniques." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019.
Find full textRekioua, Toufik. "Contribution à la modélisation et à la commande vectorielle des machines synchrones à aimants permanents." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1991.
Full textWisniewski, Teodor. "Modélisation non-linéaire des machines synchrones pour l'analyse en régimes transitoires et les études de stabilité." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.
Full textThe research presented in this thesiswas carried out in the research and developmentproject between Leroy Somer and the Group ofElectrical Engineering of Paris (GeePs). Theirobjective is to simulate the phenomena observedin the transient states of electrical machines.These simulations are particularly oriented bythe new Grid Code requirements for alternatorsconnected to the power network. Two types ofmodels have been principally developed. Thefirst one is based on a magnetic description ofthe machine where each flux is expressed as afunction of the currents flowing through thedifferent machine windings. The second oneregroups the different winding currents by usingthe magnetizing currents on axes d and qassociated to saturation coefficients for eachflux linkage and simplifies the magneticdescription, especially when taking into accountthe damper windings. With a sufficiently precisemodelling of the non-linear magnetic behaviourof the machine, it is possible to better predict thecurrents and the electromagnetic torque underfault conditions such as voltage drops. The workcarried out in this thesis has made possible,starting from the descriptions of the saturationeffects found in a machine, to define methodsfor incorporating saturation into circuit models.Finally, one can make a choice of the dynamicnon-linear model for a given machine. Thanks toshort computation time, it also led to theSimulink integration of the machine andexcitation system models paving the way forstability and control studies
Koteich, Mohamad. "Modélisation et observabilité des machines électriques en vue de la commande sans capteur mécanique." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016.
Full textHigh-performance control of electric drives requires an accurate knowledge of the rotor position and/or speed. These mechanical variables are traditionally measured using sensors, which increases the cost and reduces both the robustness and the reliability of the system. This emphasizes the importance of electric drives control without shaft sensors, often referred to as sensorless control : it consists of replacing sensors with a state observer algorithm, that estimates the desired mechanical variables from currents and voltages sensing and based on the system’s model. Nevertheless, before designing a state observer, the observability ofthe system should be examined, that is, it should be checked whether the states to be estimated can be reconstructed, unambiguously, from the input/output signalsof the system.This work addresses the modeling and the observability analysis of electric drives in the view of mechanical sensors removal. Firstly, electrical machines models areelaborated, and it is shown that a unified modeling of alternating current machines is feasible, for the purpose of designing unified control and estimation strategies.The observability of the machines’ models is next studied in the view of sensorless control. The local instantaneous observability theory is applied, which enables us to formulate physically insightful analytic conditions that can be easily interpreted and tested in real time. The validity of the observability conditions is confirmed by numerical simulations and experimental data, using an extended Kalman observer.This work contributes to novel outlooks on the sensorless alternating current drives and to a deeper understanding of its properties, in order to develop higher performance estimation techniques in the critical operating conditions (mainly at standstill and/or zero-stator-frequency).The concepts introduced throughout this thesis, such as the equivalent flux and the observability vector, with the obtained results, open new horizons in a domainthat seems to become mature enough
Mariani, Guilherme Bueno. "Machine synchrone à réluctance : modèles équivalents à réseau de réluctances pour la simulation et l’optimisation." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016.
Full textThis thesis aims the electromagnetic modeling of synchronous reluctance machines, with a final goal: to obtain a fast and sufficiently accurate model, able to calculate the torque ripple and to be used for optimal machine design and also capable to be coupled to circuit software to test control techniques.A MEC (magnetic equivalent circuit) model was created step-by-step and validated at each step. Final model of the air-gap is based on a function (Fermi-Dirac integral), which has been completely parameterized by machine dimensions. This model of the machine is driven by current; afterwards it was coupled with an electric circuit thanks to a voltage-current transformation interface. The optimizations made with the model allowed to highlight some deficiencies in the initial dimensional constraints. After corrections the model could be efficiently used in an optimization process
Bernot, Alix. "Modélisation et optimisation d'une machine électrique homopolaire en poudre de fer." Thesis, CentraleSupélec, 2015.
Full textThis thesis presents the study of a claw-pole transverse flux electric machine. At first, SMC material properties and transverse flux structures are studied, leading to the choice of a structure combining a claw-pole stator and a permanent magnet rotor. The machine is modelled by the means of a magnetic equivalent circuit, with a reluctance network, developed with the help of finite elements simulation. The model is then changed with the introduction of the hypothesis that the flux is bent inside the airgap; it is then validated by the test of a prototype.The architecture of the machine is optimized after a detailed analysis of the flux circulation, leading to the identification of the tooth-tip saturation issue. After finite element simulation of the improved machine, a prototype is later tested, which confirms the gain brought by the new architecture.An alternative version of the machine, with a field winding attached to the stator and a massive rotor is then proposed. This machine promises to be cost-effective to build and robust thanks to its massive rotor. An analytical model of the machine is introduced, along with a finite element simulation, to end with the test of a prototype which confirms the possibilities of this new concept. An improved version of the machine with a rotor with isolated teeth is finally studied, with an analytical model and a finite element leading to the validation of the interest of this evolution
Hamida, Mohamed Assaad. "Commande robuste sans capteur mécanique de l'actionneur synchrone à pôles saillants." Ecole centrale de Nantes, 2013.
Full textThanks to its advantages, the permanent magnet synchronous machines become more usual in many fields (avionics, automotive). This thesis deals with the permanent magnet synchronous machine sensorless control design. Two kinds of nonlinear observers were developed, firstly to reconstruct the rotor position and the rotor speed in order to replace the mechanical sensor and secondly to estimate some parameter and disturbance in order to improve the robustness of the sensorless control laws. An adaptive observer and a high order sliding modes observer have been designed using the interconnected observers theory. The second contribution of our research work is to design efficient nonlinear control laws for the salient pole permanent magnet synchronous machine. For this purpose, three control laws have been designed. First,the classical backsteppingcontrol is improved by adding integral actions at each step of its design algorithm. Then, two kind of sliding mode controllers have been designed. Each control law is associated with an observer allowing to replace the mechanical sensors and to improve the robustness with respect to the parameter uncertainties and the load torque. The stability of both controller and observer is proven. The performance of the proposed sensorless control laws are tested through simulations and experiments on specific industrial benchmarks. Significant robustness tests are tested to illustrate the efficiency and the robustness of the proposed methods
Fellah, Mohamed-Karim. "Commande numérique industrielle des convertisseurs à thyristors d'une machine synchrone autopilotée." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1991.
Full textOne of the important points of this study, which has been carried out in cooperation with EDF-CEGELEC-CRAN, is the complete realization of an industrial digital control of a self-controlled synchronous machine. This realization is based 0!l a given operation requirements specification especially for firing angle accuracy and variable-frequency following. In the first part of the thesis, phenomena related to the imperfections of power supply network are studied in a certain depth, especially the extraction of the fundamental of a noisy variable-frequency network. This is a specific research on the synchronizing problem. In the second part, we discuss digital firing circuits for thyristors and gate pulse production algorithms. We will give a description and a comparaison of several existing firing algorithms (reference crossing, time delayed, incremental) and then, propose a firing algorithm said hybrid algorithm. Finally, a complete study is made on firing control (from operation requirements specification to its hardware and software realization) of thyristor bridges for a self-controlled synchronous machine. Note that the rapidity of process, the complexity of the interaction between different functions make us, during the realizing procedure, to' follow the design method MAREL (Méthode de conception d'Applications temps Réel pour la commande de processus ELectromécaniques : design method for real time applications in electromechanical process control) developed in CRAN
Colle, Alexandre. "Étude d’une machine supraconductrice à flux axial pour une application aéronautique." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2020.
Full textThe world is electrifying, especially the world of transport. Global warming and air pollution are the cause, which promotes electric power as a solution to the energy transition. Electricity is more and more a factor of decarbonation with renewable energies. Moreover, the use of this energy is efficient. The efficiency of electric motors can be more than 90% compared to 30% for internal combustion engines. If the possibility of transporting a large number of passengers on the ground with electric energy is a reality, it is different in the air. But change is on the way thanks to projects such as Solar Impulse, the famous solar airplane that has circumnavigated the world in several stages. These projects show that the technology is almost ready. The concern for improvement in the aeronautics industry concerns the mass of equipment. For an all-electric aircraft, the storage of electricity and the electromechanical converters must be more efficient than current technologies. Electrical storage is one of the key issues in the energy transition. The solutions are diverse and can be mechanical (flywheel), electrochemical (fuel cell, batteries), electromagnetic (superconducting coils, supercapacitors) or thermal (latent heat). Electric power generation or motorization is the second aspect of the transition. Permanent magnet electric motors currently have the best power-to-weight ratio, also known as power-to-weight. But this is still insufficient, which is why breakthrough technologies are being studied, such as the use of superconducting materials. The objective of this thesis is to study superconducting materials which have the particularity of having no loss when an electric current flow through them. We can therefore quickly see an advantage concerning their integration in electrical machines. They make it possible to increase the magnetic field in the air gap of an electrical machine and to reduce its volume and mass. This is an important research topic of the GREEN laboratory of the University of Lorraine in Nancy with which this thesis was carried out
Nedjar, Boumedyen. "Modélisation basée sur la méthode des réseaux de perméances en vue de l’optimisation de machines synchrones à simple et à double excitation." Thesis, Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2011.
Full textThe electric and / or hybrid driveis are an application area growing with a strong restriction in terms of congestion. This prompted the designers to create appropriate structures. Among these topologies, we find the double-excitation synchronous machine (MSDE). These machines can combine the advantages of permanent magnets machine and those of a coils excited machine.The choice of a model for these machines is an important step in the analysis, optimization and pre-sizing. This thesis presents a contribution to the modeling by magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC) of single and double excitation synchronous machines. Three parties are offered as well. The first part of the thesis presents two states of the art: one on the double-excitation synchronous machines and the other on the modeling of electrical machines, mainly in the modeling by magnetic equivalent circuit. In the second part, we discuss the 2D modeling of flux concentration permanent magnet synchronous machine taking into account the rotation and saturation. The purpose of this section is to find ways to combine both computational time and accuracy. We start by using the magnetic equivalent circuit modeling based on a mesh of the structure and each mesh is replaced by two-way reluctances, then a torque estimation are obtened by two methods flux-FMM and Maxwell stress Tensor. The second section presents a coupling between magnetic equivalent circuit and finite element method. The proposed method is to solve the two models (reluctant and finite elements) simultaneously with software EF. The coupling is performed by an equivalence between the geometric dimensions and magnetic properties of materials. The presentation of different models in terms of time-accurate calculation shows the effectiveness of the use of MEC and coupling method compared to FEM. The third part concerns the three-dimensional modeling of double excitation synchronous machines. At first, we present an adaptation of the MEC to the three-dimensional structures. Then we apply this model to the double excitation synchronous machines (DESM). The DESM with flux concentration configuration is presented. To better control the wund flux of excitation, a buried magnet homopolar machine is also studied with the same approach. Model validation is performed by finite element and experimental measurements. In the last part, a comparison between homopolar and bipolar configurations is made, then the rotor flux concentration is optimized in order to compare it to the machine magnets buried
Books on the topic "SYNCHRONUS MACHINE"
Souissi, Amal, Imen Abdennadher, and Ahmed Masmoudi. Linear Synchronous Machines. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textWu, Yung-Tsun. Monitoring of a synchronous machine. Manchester: University of Manchester, 1993.
Find full textReluctance synchronous machines and drives. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1996.
Find full textKerszenbaum, Isidor. Inspection of large synchronous machines: Checklists, failure identification, and troubleshooting. New York: IEEE Press, 1996.
Find full textKaukonen, Jukka. Salient pole synchronous machine modelling in an industrial direct torque controlled drive application. Lappeenranta, Finland: Lappeenranta University of Technology, 1999.
Find full textLupkin, V. M. Analiz rezhimov sinkhronnoĭ mashiny metodami Li͡a︡punova. Leningrad: Ėnergoatomizdat, Leningradskoe otd-nie, 1991.
Find full textE, Ovchinnikov I., ed. Teorii͡a︡ nesimmetrichnykh perekhodnykh prot͡s︡essov sinkhronnoĭ mashiny. Leningrad: Izd-vo "Nauka," Leningradskoe otd-nie, 1985.
Find full textIEEE Electric Machinery Committee., ed. IEEE guide, test procedures for synchronous machines. New York, NY: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 1996.
Find full textSzaflarski, Aleksander. Dwustronnie zasilana maszyna pierścieniowa w warunkach pracy synchronicznej. Poznań: Wydawn. Politechniki Poznańskiej, 1997.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "SYNCHRONUS MACHINE"
Elgerd, Olle I., and Patrick D. van der Puije. "Synchronous Machine." In Electric Power Engineering, 126–89. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1998.
Full textHsieh, Harry, Felice Balarin, and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Codesign Finite State Machines." In Synchronous Equivalence, 23–39. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2001.
Full textEdwards, J. D. "Synchronous Machines." In Electrical Machines and Drives, 130–47. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1991.
Full textWarnes, Lionel. "Synchronous machines." In Electronic and Electrical Engineering, 333–46. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1998.
Full textWarnes, Lionel. "Synchronous machines." In Electronic and Electrical Engineering, 337–49. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2003.
Full textGerling, Dieter. "Synchronous Machines." In Electrical Machines, 189–217. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full textLe Doeuff, René, and Mohamed El Hadi Zaïm. "Synchronous Machines." In Rotating Electrical Machines, 81–166. Hoboken, NJ USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2013.
Full textVukosavic, Slobodan N. "Synchronous Machines." In Electrical Machines, 521–44. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2012.
Full textGieras, Jacek F. "Synchronous Machines." In Electrical Machines, 293–367. Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2017.: CRC Press, 2016.
Full textKocabiyikoğlu, Zeki Uğurata. "Synchronous Machines." In Electromechanical Energy Conversion, 207–39. First edition. | Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2020. |: CRC Press, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "SYNCHRONUS MACHINE"
Ozdil, Ali, and Yunus Uzun. "Finite Element Analyses of a TLA-type Synchronus Reluctance Machine." In 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME). IEEE, 2022.
Full textUnamuno, Eneko, Jon Are Suul, Marta Molinas, and Jon Andoni Barrena. "Comparative Eigenvalue Analysis of Synchronous Machine Emulations and Synchronous Machines." In IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. IEEE, 2019.
Full textVania, A., P. Pennacchi, and S. Chatterton. "Dynamic Effects Caused by the Non-Linear Behavior of Oil-Film Journal Bearings in Rotating Machines." In ASME Turbo Expo 2012: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.
Full textMa, Zhuoren, Ryan Arteaga, Muxuan Wang, and Christine Silveira. "Machine Learning to optimize Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines." In 2020 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Civil Aviation Safety and Information Technology (ICCASIT). IEEE, 2020.
Full textMcElhinney, S. A., T. M. Jahns, and T. A. Shedd. "Centrifugally Pumped Thermosiphons for Motor Rotor Cooling." In ASME 2015 International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems collocated with the ASME 2015 13th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2015.
Full textWalker, R. B., S. Perinpanayagam, and I. K. Jennions. "Localizing Unbalance Faults in Rotating Machinery." In ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.
Full textKalt, Svenja, Jonathan Erhard, Benedikt Danquah, and Markus Lienkamp. "Electric Machine Design Tool for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines." In 2019 Fourteenth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER). IEEE, 2019.
Full textUddin Khan, Md Asif, Qiteng Hong, Di Liu, Agusti Egea Alvarez, Adam Dyśko, Campbell Booth, and Djaved Rostom. "Comparative Evaluation of Dynamic Performance of a Virtual Synchronous Machine and Synchronous Machines." In The 9th Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG Dublin Online 2021). Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2021.
Full textHruska, Karel, Lucie Hornikova, and David Koten. "Educational machinery with a brushless excited synchronous machine." In 2014 16th International Conference on Mechatronics - Mechatronika (ME). IEEE, 2014.
Full textMaslen, Eric H., Christopher K. Sortore, José A. Vázquez, and Carl R. Knospe. "Synchronous Response Estimation in Rotating Machinery." In ASME Turbo Expo 2000: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2000.
Full textReports on the topic "SYNCHRONUS MACHINE"
Snyder, Lawrence. A Taxonomy of Synchronous Parallel Machines. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 1988.
Full textYe, Z. Study and Development of Anti-Islanding Control for Synchronous Machine-Based Distributed Generators: November 2001--March 2004. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), March 2006.
Full textBrown, Ian, and Daniel Ludois. Wound Field and Hybrid Synchronous Machines for EV Traction with Brushless Capacitive Rotor Field Excitation (Final Report). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 2021.
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