Academic literature on the topic 'SWELLING NATURE'
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Journal articles on the topic "SWELLING NATURE"
Jayawardane, NS, and EL Greacen. "The nature of swelling in soils." Soil Research 25, no. 1 (1987): 107.
Full textBihani, Ameya, and Jyoti P. Dabholkar. "Cystic schwannoma of cervical sympathetic chain masquerading as type II second branchial cleft cyst." International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 1, no. 1 (July 4, 2015): 45.
Full textBlau, J. N., and F. Solomon. "MIGRAINE AND INTRACRANIAL SWELLING: AN EXPERIMENT OF NATURE." Lancet 326, no. 8457 (September 1985): 718.
Full textShrestha, Sujan, Dinesh Khadka, and Sujita Bhandari. "Head and Neck Swelling: A Cytopathological Perspective in a Hospital Based Study." Birat Journal of Health Sciences 6, no. 2 (November 3, 2021): 1460–65.
Full textRavishankar, M. V., N. M. Shama Sundar, and Pushpalatha K. "Giant Papilloma on the Back of the Knee Joint - A Case Report." Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 10, no. 31 (August 2, 2021): 2517–20.
Full textS., Gangadhara K., Chaitanya Vadva, and Sridhara S. "Comparative study of fine needle aspiration cytology and histopathology of thyroid swellings in tertiary health centre." International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery 8, no. 1 (December 23, 2021): 53.
Full textIslam, Md Zahidul, Md Abdur Rahman, and Md Sirajul Islam Mahfuz. "Congenital Anomalies Presenting as Head-Neck Swellings: A Study of 50 Cases." Bangladesh Journal of Otorhinolaryngology 23, no. 2 (January 27, 2020): 171–79.
Full textChauhan, Ghanshyam S., and Swati Mahajan. "Structural aspects and nature of swelling medium as equilibrium swelling determinants of acrylamide and cellulosic-based smart hydrogels." Journal of Applied Polymer Science 85, no. 6 (May 24, 2002): 1161–69.
Full textKh Tursunova, G., K. h. R Karimov, K. h. T Trobov, and D. j. A Rakhmanov. "CALCULATION OF THE GIBBS ENERGY OF WATER SORPTION ON SWELLING OF POLYMER GELS IN VARIOUS SOLUTIONS." 2022-yil, 3-son (133/1) ANIQ FANLAR SERIYASI 1, no. 131/2 (February 22, 2022): 1–9.
Full textMakitra, R. G., and D. V. Bryk. "Effect of the nature of solvents on the swelling of coals." Solid Fuel Chemistry 44, no. 3 (June 2010): 164–68.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "SWELLING NATURE"
Sterner, Olof. "Swelling and protein adsorption characteristics of stimuli-responsive hydrogel gradients." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, 2010.
Full textIn this work, a gradient of interpenetrating polymer networks, consisting of anionic
and cationic polymers, has been investigated with respect to protein resistant
properties and swelling characteristics at different pH and ionic strength
The swelling and protein adsorption have been studied using in situ spectroscopic
ellipsometry(SE) and imaging surface plasmon resonance(iSPR) respectively.
It has been shown that, by altering the buffer pH, the region of lowest
protein adsorption on the surface could be moved laterally. The swelling has
similarly been shown to respond to both changes in pH and ionic strength. Additionally,
the arise of surface charge and the polymer swelling in solution, both a
consequence of the ionisation of fixed charges on the polymer, have been indicated
to occur at different buffer pH.
The studied polymer systems show promising properties for future applications
in, for example, the biosensor area, where the surface chemistry can be
tailor-made to work optimally in a given environment.
Bhuana, Krishna Surya. "A study of extrudate swelling and melt fracture of natural rubber blends with EPDM and SBR." Thesis, Loughborough University, 2001.
Full textRuffini, Andrea. "Preparazione di water swelling elastomers innovativi: analisi dell'effetto sinergico tra filler organici ed inorganici." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.
Full textGuiducci, Lorenzo. "Passive biomimetic actuators : the role of material architecture." Phd thesis, Universität Potsdam, 2013.
Full textPassive pflanzliche Aktuatoren sind bewegliche Strukturen, die eine komplexe Bewegung ohne jegliche metabolische Energiequelle erzeugen können. Diese Fähigkeit entstammt dabei der Materialverteilung mit unterschiedlicher Quellbarkeit innerhalb der Gewebsstruktur.Die bis heute am besten untersuchten Gewebearten pflanzlicher und künstlicher Passivaktuatoren sind Faserverbundwerkstoffe, in denen steife, fast undehnbare Zellulosemikrofibrillen die ansonsten isotrope Schwellung einer Matrix leiten. Darüber hinaus gibt es in der Natur Beispiele für Aktuationssysteme, wie z.B. die Delosoperma nakurense Samenkapsel, in der das Aktuatorgewebe eine Wabenstruktur aufweist, deren Zellen mit einem hochquellenden Material gefüllt sind. Dabei hat die Wabenstruktur des Gewebes eine hohe geometrische Anisotropie, so dass sich das Gewebe bei Wasseraufnahme bis zur vierfachen Länge entlang einer Hauptrichtung ausdehnt und somit die reversible Öffnung der Kapsel angetrieben wird. Inspiriert durch das Vorbild der Delosoperma nakurense, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Rolle der Architektur von 2D-Zellulärmaterialien als Modell für natürliche passive Aktuatoren analysiert. Zunächst wird anhand eines einfachen Flüssigkeitsdrucks in den Zellen der Einfluss verschiedener architektonischer Parameter auf deren mechanische Betätigung untersucht. Wohingegen regelmäßige konvexe Wabenstrukturen (wie z. B. sechseckige, dreieckige oder quadratische Gitter) sich unter Druck isotropisch verformen, wird durch Finite-Elemente-Simulationen gezeigt, dass es bei anisotropen und nicht-konvexen Zellen zu großen Ausdehnungen jeder einzelnen Zelle kommt. Auch wenn nur eine einzelne Zellgeometrie betrachtet wird, können hierbei viele verschiedene Gitter entstehen. Die Ausdehnungsrichtung des Gitters ist variabel und hängt von der lokalen Konnektivität der Zellen ab. Dies hat Auswirkungen sowohl auf makroskopischer (Gitter-) als auch auf mikroskopischer (Zell-) Ebene. Auf makroskopischer Ebene erfahren diese nicht-konvexen Gitter entweder große anisotrope (ähnlich der Delosperma nakurense Samenkapsel) oder vollkommen isotrope Eigendehnungen, große Scherverformungen oder jeweilige Mischformen. Überdies können Gitter mit ähnlichem makroskopischem Verhalten gänzlich unterschiedliche mikroskopische Verformungsmuster zeigen, wie z.B. Zick-Zack-Bewegungen oder radikale Änderungen der ursprünglichen Zellform. Dies verursacht auch eine entsprechende Änderung der elastischen Eigenschaften. In Abhängigkeit der Gitterarchitektur kann es zu gleichen oder unterschiedlichen mikroskopischen Zelldeformationen kommen, die sich in Summe entweder verstärken oder ausgleichen, und somit die Vielzahl an makroskopischen Verhalten erklären. Interessanterweise lassen sich mit Hilfe einfacher geometrischer Argumente aus der nichtdeformierten Zellform und Zellkonnektivität die Ergebnisse der FE-Simulationen vorhersagen. Die Ergebnisse der Finite-Elemente-Simulationen wurden durch Laborversuche bestätigt, in denen (mit 3D-Drucktechnik gefertigte) Modellgitter ähnliches Ausdehnungsverhalten beim Quellen zeigen. Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, wie die Innenarchitektur eines quellfähigen zellulären Feststoffs zu komplexen Formänderungen führen kann, die in den Bereichen der Soft-Robotik oder bei Morphing-Strukturen angewandt werden können.
Nowamooz, Hossein. "RETRAIT/GONFLEMENT DES SOLS ARGILEUX COMPACTES ET NATURELS." Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - INPL, 2007.
Full textL'ensemble des résultats expérimentaux permet de déterminer les surfaces de charge : la limite de séparation de micro/macro (Lm/M) ; la surface de chargement-effondrement (LC) et la surface de comportement saturé (SCS). La succion limite entre la micro- et la macrostructure (Lm/M) dépend parfaitement de la structure interne et du diamètre qui délimite les deux familles de pores. L'évolution de la pression de préconsolidation en fonction de la succion imposée est présentée par la surface LC. Les courbes de compressibilité sous différentes succions convergent vers la courbe correspondant à l'état saturé sous de fortes contraintes appliquées. La pression à partir de laquelle, le sol continue son chemin sur la courbe du comportement normalement consolidé est appelée la pression de saturation (Psat). Plus la succion imposée est élevée, plus la charge nécessaire pour atteindre cette pression de saturation est importante. La surface SCS présente la variation de la pression de saturation en fonction de la succion imposée. Nous pouvons considérer que les surfaces de charge SCS et LC sont uniques pour les sols denses cependant elles se superposent à la fin des cycles de succion pour les sols lâches. Les cycles hydriques augmentent aussi la limite (Lm/M) entre la micro- et la macrostructure pour les deux sols.
Halvarsson, Sören. "Manufacture of straw MDF and fibreboards." Doctoral thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap, teknik och matematik, 2010.
Full textSyftet med denna avhandling var att lägga grunden för en ekonomisk, hållbar och miljövänlig MDF process för halmråvara, kapabel för fullskalig produktion av MDF och goda skivegenskaper. Framställningen av MDF skivor utgick från halm av vete (Triticum aestivum L.) och ris (Oryzae sativa L.). Tre olika metoder användes för att producera MDF av halm; (A) fibrer av vetehalm belimmades i blåsledning med ett melaminmodifierat urea-formaldehydlim (MUF), (B) fibrer av rishalm belimmades i en limblandare med metylen difenyl diisocyanate (MDI), (C) Limfria MDF skivor av vetehalm framställdes med aktivering av fibrer genom tillsats av Fenton´s reagens (H2O2/Fe2+) i blåsledning utan någon tillsats av syntetiskt lim. Sammanfattningsvis kan det understrykas att framställda MDF-skivor av MUF/vetehalm var godkända enligt standard för MDF (EN 622-5, 2006). Dessutom var framställda MDF skivor av MDI/rishalm också godkända enligt krav i standard för MDF ”American National Standard Institute” (ANSI A2008.2-2002). Limfria vetehalmskivor visade på måttliga skivegenskaper och klarade inte kraven i MDF standard. Fiberframställningsprocessen för MDF modifierades till en produktion utgående från halm. MDF processen för halm delades upp i sju primära processoperationer. (1) Storleksreducering och sållning av halm (2) Vätning och uppvärmning av halm (3) Defibrering (4) Belimning av halmfiber (5) Mattformning (6) Förpressning (7) Pressning De viktigaste resultaten från denna studie är att MDF av halm kunde produceras utgående från olika typer av halmsorter och lim. Dessutom utfördes MDF-processen i pilotskala och visade på en lämplig metod för framställning av MDF-skivor från halmbalar till färdiga halmfiberskivor. Det miljömässiga perspektivet på att använda jordbruksavfall till framställning av halmskivor är att undvika förbränning av halm ute på fältet, men det är även möjligt att binda koldioxid (CO2) i halmskivor under längre tid än att omsätta halmråvaran omedelbart som bioenergi eller använda halmfiber som returpapper några få gånger. Dessutom kan MDF återanvändas eller bli omsatt till energi efter användning. Ett förhållande mellan ”water retention value” (WRV), av belimmade halmfiber, tjocklekssvällning för motsvarande MDF av halmskivor och mängden av tillsatt lim vid olika nivåer har undersökts. Med ökande limhalt tilltog WRV fibersvällning, vidare minskade tjocklekssvällning för motsvarande MDF skivor. De framtagna empiriska modellerna var godtagbara och beräknade R2 värden var 0.69 (WRV) och 0.75 (TS). Minskad tjocklekssvällning med ökad limhalt är dokumenterad sen tidigare. Ökad fibersvällning WRV vid tillsats av polymerer (limmer) är inte fullständigt etablerad inom vetenskapen för fibersvällning. Lyckligtvis kan grundläggande forskning initieras och sannolikt föreligger en enkel metod för att prediktera tjocklekssvällning av MDF genom analyser av torkade och belimmad MDF fiber.
Rouch, Matthias. "Contribution à la compréhension des mécanismes de vieillissement hydrothermique de matériaux composites unidirectionnels polyester insaturé/fibre de lin." Thesis, Normandie, 2018.
Full textA great number of plant fiber – reinforced polymer composites allowed substantial lightening of structures in various fields of application. However, the question remains about the durability of these parts in service, mainly for lack of knowledge about the aging of plant fibers, their interactions with the polymer matrix and the hydrothermal behavior of biosourced composites over time. In this work, water absorption mechanisms and kinetics by the composite material are studied in order to understand the hydric behavior during hydrothermal aging by immersion in deionized water at 23°C or 70°C. The results show that water absorption by the composite is characterized by a high water uptake and an anisotropic swelling. It also allowed the identification of the degradation mechanisms of flax fibers; the very harmful role of bark residues recalls the importance of retting and decortication on the performance of these fibers.The investigation of the behaviors of the constituents and the composite under hydrothermal aging was then undertaken with the aim to identify and quantify the influence of each on the constituent materials, as well as their synergy. It shows that the deterioration of the flax fibers is the main cause of the reduction of the mechanical properties of the composite. If immersion at 23 ° C for 70 days has little effect on the mechanical properties, raising the temperature to 70 ° C induces significant damage from 14 days of immersion. The destruction of the cell walls and the degradation of the fiber/matrix interfaces due to water deteriorate the load transfer efficiency by the fiber/matrix interface. The correlation between accelerated and natural aging showed a similarity between holding for 70 days in water at 23 ° C and exposure to natural conditions for 24 months; immersion at 70 ° C is too severe. An improvement solution would be to increase the retting of the fibers in order to further remove the pectic compounds from the middle lamella and the primary wall. The elimination of these compounds easily hydrolysable by water would claim to a better quality of the fiber / matrix interface throughout aging
Jin, Yao. "Procédés de séparation membranaire de colloïdes : caractérisation des mécanismes aux échelles nanométriques et intensification par ultrasons." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014.
Full textThis thesis studies an ultrasonic assisted cross-flow ultrafiltration process from macro tonano scales. Different types of colloids were investigated: synthetic and natural clay dispersions,casein micelles (skim milk) and starch or cellulose nanocrystal suspensions. Firstly, flowproperties and the changes due to ultrasound (US) were investigated. Secondly, structuralorganizations at nanometer length scales in the vicinity of the membrane during filtration havebeen revealed for the first time by real-time in-situ Small Angle X-ray Scattering. The applied USincreased significantly the permeate flux of ultrafiltration by an enhancement factor of 1.6 to13.5, depending on the structural organization of the colloids. The applied US has led to threemain effects: a removal of accumulated particle layer, a partial disruption or no change of thenano-organization. Thirdly, thanks to the obtained concentration profiles, a modeling approachhas allowed a prediction of the permeate flux
Full textBooks on the topic "SWELLING NATURE"
B, Nuhfer Edward, and American Institute of Professional Geologists., eds. The Citizens' guide to geologic hazards: A guide to understanding geologic hazards, including asbestos, radon, swelling soils, earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, subsidence, floods, and coastal hazards. Arvada, CO: The Institute, 1993.
Find full textSteiner, Franz. Neues aus Anderwelt Nummer 31. Edited by Ruth M. Fuchs and Freundeskreis Anderwelt. Karlsfeld, Germany: Freundeskreis Anderwelt, 2010.
Find full textStein, Friederike. Neues aus Anderwelt Nummer 38. Edited by Ruth M. Fuchs and Freundeskreis Anderwelt. 2nd ed. Karlsfeld, Germany: Freundeskreis Anderwelt, 2012.
Find full textWeber, Tanja. Neues aus Anderwelt Nummer 35. Edited by Ruth M. Fuchs and Freundeskreis Anderwelt. 2nd ed. Karlsfeld, Germany: Freundeskreis Anderwelt, 2011.
Find full textFuchs, Dieter. Neues aus Anderwelt Nummer 33. Edited by Ruth M. Fuchs. 3rd ed. Karlsfeld, Germany: Freundeskreis Anderwelt, 2010.
Find full textFuchs, Ruth M. Neues aus Anderwelt Nummer 34. Karlsfeld, Germany: Freundeskreis Anderwelt, 2011.
Find full textGerstner, Michaela. Neues aus Anderwelt Nummer 32. Edited by Ruth M. Fuchs. 2nd ed. Karlsfeld, Germany: Freundeskreis Anderwelt, 2010.
Find full textNuhfer, Edward B., and Richard J. Proctor. The Citizens' Guide to Geologic Hazards: A Guide to Understanding Geologic Hazards Including Asbestos, Radon, Swelling Soils, Earthquakes, Volcanoes. Amer Inst of Professional, 1993.
Find full textNeues aus Anderwelt Nummer 36. 3rd ed. Karlsfeld (Germany): Freundeskreis Anderwelt, 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "SWELLING NATURE"
Kyokawa, H., M. Kikumoto, and Y. Cui. "Constitutive model of expansive soft rock considering cementation and swelling nature." In Smart Geotechnics for Smart Societies, 857–61. London: CRC Press, 2023.
Full textNsiah-Baafi, E., M. J. Tapas, K. Vessalas, P. Thomas, and V. Sirivivatnanon. "Characterization of the Nano- and Microscale Deterioration Mechanism of the Alkali–Silica Reaction in Concrete Using Neutron and X-ray Scattering Techniques: A Review." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 469–77. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
Full textKrishnan, Jayalakshmi. "TLRs in Lymphatic Filariasis." In Toll-Like Receptors in Vector-borne Diseases, 26–30. BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2023.
Full textClunie, Gavin, Nick Wilkinson, Elena Nikiphorou, and Deepak R. Jadon. "Evaluating rheumatological and musculoskeletal symptoms." In Oxford Handbook of Rheumatology, edited by Gavin Clunie, Nick Wilkinson, Elena Nikiphorou, and Deepak R. Jadon, 3–24. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textBustamante-Torres, Moises, David Romero-Fierro, Bryan Chiguano-Tapia, Estefani Chichande-Proaño, and Emilio Bucio. "Hydrogels and Nanohydrogels." In Frontiers in Nanomedicine, 140–82. BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2023.
Full text"1. Features of the state of bound water in Bio-Objects as an example of the nature of sorbed in swelling sorbents." In Interface Science and Technology, 5–40. Elsevier, 2007.
Full textUr Rehman, Tanzil, Luqman Ali Shah, Noor Saeed Khattak, Abbas Khan, Noor Rehman, and Sultan Alam. "Superabsorbent Hydrogels for Heavy Metal Removal." In Trace Metals in the Environment - New Approaches and Recent Advances. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full textTuszewicki, Marek. "Diseases as Demonic Beings." In A Frog Under the Tongue, 213–32. Liverpool University Press, 2021.
Full textPahuja, Sanuj, Rohit Prasad, Utkarsh Diwakar, and Anil Kumar. "Synthesis of CMTKG Acrylamide-Urea Hydrogel and Its Application as a Fertilizer Delivery System." In Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering. IOS Press, 2022.
Full textDevaraj, Vikram. "Soft tissue swellings of the hand and upper limb." In Oxford Textbook of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, edited by Vivien Lees and James Haeney, 557–62. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "SWELLING NATURE"
Melker, Alexander I. "On the nature of void swelling." In Nano-Design, Technology, Computer Simulations, edited by Alexander I. Melker and Vladislav V. Nelayev. SPIE, 2008.
Full textMarkovic, Maja, Vesna Panic, Julijana Tadic, and Rada Pjanovic. "EFFECT OF CROSSLINKER AMOUNT ON HYBRID HYDROGELS SWELLING AND DRUG RELEASE." In 1st INTERNATIONAL Conference on Chemo and BioInformatics. Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac, 2021.
Full textHulme, Paul, Sabina Bruehlmann, and Neil A. Duncan. "Apparatus to Determine the Macroscopic and Microscopic Biaxial Swelling Response of the Annulus Fibrosus." In ASME 2002 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2002.
Full textFayazi, A., S. Maaref, S. Esmaeili, and A. Kantzas. "Measurement of CO2 Solubility and Swelling Factor in Water/Brine for CO2 Sequestration." In SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference. SPE, 2023.
Full textIvanishin, Igor, Bradley Abell, and Hadi Nasrabadi. "Optimized X-Ray Diffraction Analysis Predicts the Swelling Potential of Shales." In SPE Eastern Regional Meeting. SPE, 2022.
Full textSadek, Samir Hassan, and Mehmet Yildiz. "Numerical Simulation of Die Swell of Second-Order Fluids Using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics." In ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2010.
Full textJackson, Alicia R., Tai-Yi Yuan, Chun-Yuh Huang, and Wei Yong Gu. "A Two-Point Conductivity Approach to Measuring Fixed Charge Density in Intervertebral Disc Tissue." In ASME 2009 Summer Bioengineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2009.
Full textOliveira, Persis Araújo, Juliana Campelo Aragão Bitencourt, and Lorena Natali Cardoso Fernandes Caldas. "DIAGNOSTIC CHALLENGE OF A LOCALLY ADVANCED LESION: CASE REPORT OF PRIMARY BREAST ANGIOSARCOMA." In Scientifc papers of XXIII Brazilian Breast Congress - 2021. Mastology, 2021.
Full textSantra, Ashok, Hasmukh Patel, Arthur Hale, Nicolas Osorio, Arfaj Mohammad, Ramaswamy Jothibasu, and Elahbrouk Ehab. "Field Deployment of Nanomaterial Based Shale Inhibitors." In Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show. SPE, 2023.
Full textArdant, Daria, Coralie Brumaud, and Guillaume Habert. "Tackling Variability of Clay to Provide a Robust Binder." In 4th International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2022.
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