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Wohnhas, Lukas. "Surveillance Capitalism and Privacy: Exploring Explanations for the Failure of Privacy to Contest Surveillance Capitalism and the Implications for Democracy." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2019.

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This paper explores the tension between privacy and surveillance capitalism and seeks to give explanations why privacy is not effective in limiting the influence of surveillance capitalism on personal autonomy and democracy. The methodology involves a deconstructive reading of the theories of privacy and surveillance capitalism. The analysis finds that there are (I) lacking means to control one’s subjection to data extraction that lead to a loss of privacy and autonomy, (II) social, psychological, or cultural influences determine the conception of privacy, (III) privacy management is individualistic and needs transparency of data-processing to function, and (IV) what constitutes a private situation is dependent on existing norms. The analysis further establishes that the foundation of democracy is at risk when privacy, and as such personal autonomy, are threatened. The analysis utilizes, among others, ideas of Marx and Foucault to explain the weakness of privacy. The findings suggest that the threat posed by surveillance capitalism towards autonomy and democracy should be framed as problem of liberty instead of privacy.
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Della, Torre Laetitia. "Numérique humanitaire et protection des données : colonialité, souveraineté et dignité." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Compiègne, 2024.

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L’espace numérique contemporain est agité par un nombre croissant de tensions qui n’épargnent pas les humanitaires, d’autant que le secteur a entamé depuis une dizaine d’années une numérisation de ses opérations. Ces organisations sont donc particulièrement vulnérables aux dérives du capitalisme de surveillance et des tensions géopolitiques traversant l’espace numérique. Les bénéficiaires en sont les premières victimes. Et l’on en vient à la contradiction suivante : les humanitaires — des acteurs engagés dans la protection de victimes de crises — ont adopté des outils numériques qui peuvent porter atteinte à leur vie privée, voire les mettre en danger. L’objectif de cette thèse a été de tenter de comprendre la nature de ce paradoxe, ce qui nécessite de creuser les différentes dynamiques accompagnant la numérisation de l’humanitaire. Un premier type de dynamique résulte de legs coloniaux et participe à la construction des bénéficiaires d’ONG comme de potentiels « sujet » passifs d’expérimentation numérique. Toutefois, on assiste à une échelle plus générale à un mouvement de régulation de l’innovation, qui se traduit par une série de lois comme le règlement sur la protection des données (RGPD). Une partie de notre thèse est donc consacrée au travail des délégués à la protection des données d’ONG comme régulation des expérimentations numériques menées dans des crises. Puis, on a pu étudier une deuxième dynamique contribuant à renforcer les risques liés à la numérisation des ONG. Elle concerne le resserrement de l’espace humanitaire, en lien avec l’exercice des souverainetés étatiques, et sa traduction sur le plan informationnel et numérique. On est revenue sur les façons de protéger les bénéficiaires contre ces menaces. Mais les ONG courent le risque de réduire ces derniers à être de simples « objets de protection » et des victimes passives. Mais on verra que les humanitaires s’efforcent aussi de prendre en compte leurs droits garantis par le RGPD et de défendre leur dignité
The exploitation of data by multinationals, cyber-attacks, the proliferation of disinformation operations - today's digital environment is shaken by a growing number of tensions which do not spare humanitarian aid, especially as the sector has been digitalising its operations for the last ten years. NGOs have gradually adopted a series of digital tools, including data processing software, drones, biometric devices and conversational agents, blockchains and artificial intelligence. These organisations are therefore particularly vulnerable to the excesses of surveillance capitalism and the geopolitical tensions running through the digital space. The beneficiaries are the first victims. And this brings us to the following contradiction: humanitarians - actors committed to protecting the victims of crises - have adopted digital tools that can infringe on their privacy, or even put them in danger. The aim of this thesis is to attempt to understand the nature of this paradox, which requires us to examine the different dynamics and tensions that accompany the digitalisation of the humanitarian sector. First of all, the digitisation of humanitarian aid stems from the quantification of aid, which is itself linked to donors' demands to improve the accountability of NGOs and the traceability of funds. The digitisation of the humanitarian sector is also part of a more general move by the international aid community towards the private sector. This movement is accompanied by the spread of an innovation imperative and by a solution-oriented vision of new technologies. But for researchers such as Kristin Sandvik and Mirca Madianou, this innovation imperative is more akin to a form of "techno-colonialism". The dynamics of power resulting from colonial legacies contribute to the construction of beneficiaries as potential passive 'subjects' of experimentation, at the expense of respect for their privacy. The crises are also characterised by exceptional regimes that facilitate the experimentation of technologies in a context of suspension of the legal framework in force. However, this picture can be nuanced. On a more general scale, we are witnessing a movement to regulate innovation, reflected in a series of laws such as the Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), the Digital Markets Act, the Artificial Intelligence Act, etc. These laws also affect humanitarian aid. Part of our thesis is therefore devoted to the work of data protection officers working in humanitarian NGOs. Part of our thesis is therefore devoted to the work of data protection officers attached to humanitarian NGOs. But we will also see that the latter is based on a compliance approach that is not without its limits. We will then look at a second dynamic which is contributing to increasing the risks associated with the digitisation of the international solidarity sector. In short, it concerns the shrinking of humanitarian space, linked to the exercise of state sovereignty, and its translation into informational and digital space. Firstly, we will look at how data exchanges between NGOs and host countries are perceived and regulated. These exchanges can be seen as legitimate, but also as a risk factor, particularly if they are associated with forms of state violence and the criminalisation of aid beneficiaries. Secondly, we will take into account the fact that the digitisation of our societies also accompanies and reinforces a long-term phenomenon of recompositions of sovereignty. This phenomenon is also linked to the entry onto the scene of a series of non-state actors, obviously companies such as the GAFAMs, but also other more informal groups such as hackers. The involvement of cybercombatants in contemporary conflicts is part of a long movement to challenge the State's monopoly on violence as a result of the proliferation of intra-State conflicts - against terrorist groups, for example
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Ihnat, Mark Daniel. "The eyes of capitalism, surveillance in the workplace : a study of the issue of employee privacy." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000.

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Craigie, Kyle M. "Assessment of atmospheric influence on surveillance radar performance in littoral zones." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 1993.

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Acoustic sensors, traditionally thought of as the mainstay of modem ASW's means of detection and localization, are rapidly becoming secondary in the littoral zones to active sensors such as radar. The coastal region has a dynamic meteorological environment dominated by surface and near-surface ducts which influence sea clutter. Accurate, timely description of the effects this changing environment has on sensor performance is mandatory for the ASW tactitician to utilize his sensors. The Radio Physics Optics (RPO) program and the Engineer's Refractive Effects Prediction System (EPEPS) are used to evaluate influence of a measured environment. Both prediction systems are then applied to a Gulf of Oman winter environmental profile with five generic radars operating parameters. EREPS is used to evaluate factors affecting Wallops Flight Facility Space and Ranging Radar (SPANDAR) detected sea clutter in the littoral zone off the United States East Coast
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Toivonen, Elisa. "Surveillance? : The influence of information asymmetry on consumers’ perceptions of online personalization." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Akademin för textil, teknik och ekonomi, 2019.

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Data collection and online personalization has become essential part of modern marketing, and thus, embedded into consumer’s everyday life. This has emerged a lot of negative attention in the media and privacy concerns among consumers – however, their attitudes towards privacy seems to be controversial with lack of privacy enhancing behavior. The purpose of this study was to find out what is consumers take on online personalization, data collection and GDPR. In order to the tackle the causing reasons of such perceptions, focus group discussions were performed. The emerging thoughts were analyzed with the concepts of privacy paradox and information asymmetry – how structural imbalance between the advertisement network, companies and consumers impacted to their thinking about personalization and which factors caused the unwillingness to enhance one’s privacy, despite the attitudes that would predict different behavior. The results showed, that many respondents do not mind personalization if they perceive it relevant. However, the intrusive nature of its practices made the participants, directly or indirectly, reluctant towards it, as it was highlighted that it is not personalization per se that made the respondents uncomfortable, but how it was done. Due to the advertisement networks’ opaque nature, the participants founded challenging to comprehend how personalization was performed. Thus, conspiracy theories about surveillance, such as tapping via smartphone, were broad up to explain companies’ ability to know and target them so well. The main channel for companies to inform consumers about their privacy policy is terms and conditions. However, due to several reasons, the decision making for one’s privacy face many hinders, that may influence in how consumers perceive their privacy and how their personal data is collected and used. A controversiality between GDPR’s, companies’ and consumers’ view on privacy self-management is evident, as the regulation and companies rely too much on consumer’s own responsibility.
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Deschamps, Eric. "Entrepreneurialism's Influence on the International Strategies and Activities of Public U.S. Universities." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2013.

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This study explored how international offices engage in entrepreneurial internationalization. Thirty Senior International Officers (SIOs) at public U.S. universities were interviewed to understand why and how their offices seek to generate revenue through their international strategies and activities. This study found that SIOs are engaging in entrepreneurialism for the following reasons: funding cuts, expectations of their institutions, and growing student demand for international services. These drivers have resulted in targeted international activities, such as the delivery of U.S. credit to foreign students in their home country (without a branch campus) and the growth of dual degree programs. International offices are also developing strategic partnerships with enrollment management in trying to attract more international students to campus. This study found entrepreneurialism to largely align with the educational priorities of international offices, though a misalignment of incentives and priorities seems to exist within many international offices.
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Gunnarsson, Emil. "Log In or Sign Up." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för design (DE), 2020.

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This thesis details the theoretical framework, methods, and results of the design project “Log In or Sign up”. The result of this project is an ebook sharing the same title. It consists of short stories and poems that revolve around digital surveillance and its effects on the self and society. The writings explore how the digital sur- veillance ecosystem affects our behavior and self-image in ways that we might not even realize. The context is our digital lives in a time where we rely more and more on the internet for our daily activities. The writings attempt to portray the emo- tions we go through while using digital platforms that are designed to extract our personal data. The stories and poems are presented in an interactive layout. Along with the aforementioned topics this thesis also addresses the responsibility of design in creating advanced digital surveillance methods created by companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft. For example, through the gami- fication of social media, deceptive presentation of data protection rights, and cura- tion of content for emotional effect.
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Neri-Candelaria, Asuncion. "The Perceptions of Video Surveillance and Its Influence on Cargiver Stress in the Home Care Setting." ScholarWorks, 2017.

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Given the stress involved in caring for elders, the propensity for abuse among the older adult population continues to be a problem, as the number of caregivers providing care in the home is increasing to meet the demand of an increasing population of older adults. One solution is to implement video surveillance in the home. The purpose of this phenomenological, retrospective and prospective study was to describe the perceptions and experiences of caregivers that affect stress in the home care setting and to describe participants' perceptions about the impact of video surveillance in the home environment on caregiver stress and elder abuse. Using a lens of critical ecological framework and privacy theory, the research questions inquired about the specific experiences of stress and the perceptions of the use of home surveillance of caregivers in the home. A sample of 9 older adult home caregivers were recruited from the United Jewish Council of the East Side Home Attendant Service Corp. Findings revealed that increased family, community, and agency involvement and support may offset the feelings of isolation of the home care environment and ensure the caregiver is given opportunities to engage in strategies designed to help cope with the inherent stressors of the job. In addition, video camera surveillance in the home care setting may provide social support through observation of the situation in the home, supporting both social control on the behavior of the caregiver and direct evidence of quality of care for the caregiver. The findings of the study help to highlight effective intervention strategies based on the specific stressors and stress relievers identified, serving to reduce the potential for older adult abuse and neglect in the home care setting.
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Joakim, Aronsson. "I Want to Breathe You In : Data as Raw Commodity." Thesis, Konstfack, 2021.

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In this paper, I look at the history of the internet and online advertising. The internet is inextricably linked to capitalism and is fueled by advertising. As a result, companies like Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon collect data in large volumes to improve targeted advertising. An investigation of new power structures has emerged with the internet and how they dominate its and our future. My creativity lies between art and technology. By merging new technologies like Artificial Intelligence with humor and graphic design, I try to shine a light on the subject.
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O'Donnell, Aisling Therese. "Who is watching you, and why? : a social identity analysis of surveillance." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2009.

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The underlying theme that draws together all the chapters presented in this thesis is that surveillance, like any feature of our social world, is not imposed in a vacuum; and that information pertaining to the origin and purpose of surveillance is vital in determining how it will be perceived and evaluated (and how it will then impact on behaviour). The key aims of this thesis are, first, to demonstrate how a social identity approach can account for varying reactions to surveillance originating from different sources; second, to investigate how various contextual features exert their impact, resulting in the disparate perceptions of surveillance that exist in our society; and finally, to demonstrate how the imposition of surveillance can itself impact on the broader social context, including the relationship that is understood to exist between those watching and those being watched. These aims are broken down into ten research questions that are addressed in seven chapters. Chapter 1 reviews the literature on perceptions of surveillance and that on social identity, and attempts to illustrate how they may be theoretically combined, resulting in the advancement of both fields. In Chapter 2, we present two studies which demonstrate a negative relationship between shared identity and the perception of surveillance as an invasion of privacy. This relationship was mediated by perceptions that the purpose of surveillance was to ensure safety. In Chapter 3, two studies demonstrate how level of surveillance moderates followers’ responses to leaders with whom they either share identity, or not. Imposing high surveillance where identity was shared with a leader undermined perceptions of the leader as a team member and affected willingness to work for the group, reducing levels to that of leaders without a shared identity. Chapter 4 presents a study that aimed to investigate the role of social identity and surveillance in affecting both discretionary behaviour and task performance. High surveillance led to higher productivity on a task, but this was associated with lower quality of work. Additionally, when identity was shared with the person in charge, helping this person was detrimentally affected by high, as opposed to low, surveillance; whereas no such differences were found where identity was not shared. Chapter 5 presents two studies which showed that framing surveillance as targeting the in-group led to outcomes such as increased privacy invasion, lower acceptability of surveillance, and reduced levels of trust in the implementers of surveillance, as compared to when surveillance was framed as targeting an out-group. However, a third study failed to replicate these results. In Chapter 6, we address how level of threat in the environment can affect evaluations of surveillance. Two studies showed that high levels of threat led to surveillance being seen as less privacy-invading, more necessary, and as having a safety purpose. Finally, in Chapter 7, we review and integrate our findings, discuss the limitations of the research, and consider the implications it has, both theoretically and practically. We conclude that, overall, the findings presented in this thesis support the notion that the source of surveillance and the perceived purpose for it are integral to the perception and interpretation of the surveillance.
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Chiang, Pei-Yu. "Tree-hole Mosquito Surveillance and Control: The Influence of Environmental Factors on Aedes triseriatus Breeding and Egg-laying." The Ohio State University, 2012.

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Klaiman, Tamar. "Factors that Influence State Written Pandemic Flu Plan Inclusion of Federal Recommendations." Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2009.

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Public Health
The threat of a pandemic influenza outbreak is considered imminent and could cause severe morbidity and mortality as well as devastating economic losses. The U.S. government has worked to empower states to respond to a pandemic, but there has been minimal evaluation to determine the success of such efforts. The purpose of this study was to examine states' preparedness for a pandemic as documented by states' written pandemic plans and evaluate what political and structural factors may be associated with pandemic plan inclusion of federal recommendations. This was a cross-sectional comparative analysis of 50 states' pandemic influenza plans as of March 2008. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) State and Local Pandemic Influenza Planning Checklist was turned into a matrix with each of 85 recommendations making up 10 overarching domains coded as "no mention" = 1, "brief mention but no description or action item" = 2, or "description or action of the item" = 3. Forty-nine complete plans and one state's plan summary were included in the analysis. Each state's domain scores were calculated by adding the scores of each factor within the domain. A "total preparedness score" for each state, was derived by adding the unweighted scores of each domain. Federal recommendations surrounding leadership, networking and surveillance have been well-integrated, but greater efforts are needed to develop partnerships with health care agencies and to focus on antiviral preparedness and infection controls. Federal and state governments have invested resources in pandemic planning and published recommendations for such planning; however, little research has been conducted focusing on what predicts integration of federal recommendations in written state plans. Understanding the factors that influence state plans can offer health departments strategies for increasing their effectiveness in pandemic preparedness and response. This study compared models for bureaucratic behavior and health department structural variables to evaluate what factors may be associated with pandemic plans. The findings showed that structural variables offer greater explanation for pandemic plan comprehensiveness than political theory models, but more work is needed to glean causal relationships. Recommendations to assist state health departments, legislators, and responders in improving state pandemic plans are presented as well as suggested areas for future research.
Temple University--Theses
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Carter, William Page. "The influence of semiperipheral powers on the balance between capitalism and socialism in Central Asia : an analysis of Russias impact on governance and the regional energy sector 1987-2007." Thesis, SOAS, University of London, 2011.

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Baker, Amanda. "Understanding the Influence of Diverse Media Content on Men’s Body Image: The Moderating Effect of Self-Determination on Male Self-Surveillance, Self-Evaluations, and Cognitive Performance." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2017.

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Grounded in self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000) and objectification theory (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997), the purpose of this thesis was to investigate the role of dispositional autonomous and controlled motivation in predicting who might be more protected from or more vulnerable to experiencing state self-objectification (Manuscript 1), diminished cognitive functioning or cognitive performance (Manuscript 1 & 2), and poorer self-evaluations (Manuscript 2) following exposure to advertisements portraying one of two leading cultural body ideals: the male muscular ideal (Manuscript 1) or female thin ideal (Manuscript 2). The objectives were to investigate the effects of the two ideals while evaluating the contribution of autonomous and controlled motivation orientation in statistically predicting various body image consequences using five separate male undergraduate samples. Consistent with the overall hypotheses of the thesis, the muscular ideal video and thin ideal video significantly decreased men’s cognitive functioning and cognitive performance compared to men in the neutral video conditions (Manuscript 1 & 2). In addition, men who were primed with the muscular ideal video demonstrated significantly higher levels of self-objectification compared to those in the neutral condition (Manuscript 1: Study 1 and Study 2). Mediation results revealed an indirect effect of the muscular ideal video on men’s cognitive functioning (i.e., appearance schema activation) through self-objectification (Manuscript 1: Study 1), thereby supporting objectification theory as a means of explaining how portrayals of muscular body ideals affect men’s cognitive function. However, inconsistent with previous studies, the female thin ideal did not significantly affect men’s self-evaluations (Manuscript 2: Study 2). Lastly, in line with self-determination theory, all five studies (Manuscript 1 & 2) found that autonomous motivation orientation played a significant moderating role against the cognitive consequences associated with cultural body ideals among young college men. Men who viewed the muscular ideal video and who reported high levels of dispositional autonomous motivation demonstrated less appearance schema activation, less difficulty solving a challenging Soma puzzle, and performed better on the Modified Stroop task compared to men with low levels of dispositional autonomous motivation (Manuscript 1). Similarly, men who reported high levels of dispositional autonomous motivation and viewed the thin ideal also demonstrated less appearance schema activation and less difficulty solving a challenging Soma puzzle compared to men who reported low levels of dispositional autonomous motivation (Manuscript 2). In contrast, controlled motivation orientation was not a significant moderator across all five studies (Manuscript 1 & 2). Collectively, our findings highlight the importance of incorporating autonomous motivation orientation and self-objectification into theoretical models of men’s body image.
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Cézard, Christine. "Influence de l'alcoolisation, de l'alcoolisme et du tabagisme sur les parametres bilologiques de la surveillance des effets toxiques du plomb. Enquete epidemiologique dans une fabrique de batteries." Lille 2, 1989.

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Abdo, Ahmed Ammar. "Influence des comportements à risque sur l'épidémiologie du VIH à Djibouti et mise en place d'un système d'alerte précoce aux épidémies dans un contexte de ressources limitées." Paris 6, 2009.

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Ce travail visait initialement à identifier les facteurs de risque spécifiques qui pouvaient être associés à l’épidémie de VIH à Djibouti. La valorisation de ce travail de recherche a conduit à la mise en place d’un système de surveillance épidémiologique intégré opérationnel. En effet, il est vite apparu dommage de ne pas faire bénéficier de ce système de surveillance spécifique au VIH les autres priorités de surveillance épidémiologique du pays. Nous avons ainsi abordé le système de surveillance épidémiologique dans sa globalité. Le système en place souffrait alors d’une faiblesse des ressources allouées, d’une faible adhésion du système de soins en pleine réforme et de l’absence d’une volonté d’en faire un outil d’aide à la décision. C’est dans ce contexte que nous avons réorienté notre travail et nous avons reçu un fort appui politique et technique pour relever des défis de taille dans un pays en développement. Grâce à l’aide de l’OMS, nous avons mis en place un système de surveillance sentinelle du VIH qui ne s’appuie pas uniquement sur un seul groupe à risque ou dans un espace limité mais sur la population générale permettant des enquêtes annuelles anonymes non corrélées. Actuellement nous évoluons vers une surveillance de deuxième génération. Nous avons par ailleurs mis en place un système de surveillance intégré des maladies évitables par la vaccination (Diphtérie, Coqueluche, Tétanos néonatal, Poliomyélite, Rougeole, Méningite, Oreillons, Rubéole) et des maladies à potentiel épidémique telles que le Choléra, le Paludisme, la grippe aviaire et les fièvres hémorragiques. L’approche suivie est surtout une approche clinique ou syndromique secondairement confirmée par la biologie. Deux travaux de recherche ont été finalisés :1. Les facteurs de risque du VIH à Djibouti. Cette étude a révélé certains facteurs de risque spécifiques au contexte djiboutien. La consommationdu Khat par des chômeurs et la transfusion sanguine sont spécifiquement associées à l’infection par le VIH à Djibouti. 2. La dynamique de l’épidémie de choléra dans la région de la Corne de l’Afrique. Cette étude est nourrie d’une riche expérience de terrain ayant conduit au suivi de populations migrantes clandestines, vecteurs de l’épidémie dans la Corne de l’Afrique. Notre travail a permis l’identification d’un nouveau sérotype inconnu dans les précédentes vagues épidémiques de choléra en Afrique. Par ailleurs, nous nous sommes intéressés aux vecteurs car à Djibouti les maladies à transmission vectorielle constitue un problème de santé publique fortement prévalent. En effet, en dehors du paludisme, nous avons identifié des cas de Dengue, de West-Nile, de Chikungunya et de Myiase. De surcroît, le contexte régional de l’épidémie de la Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift n’était guère rassurant. Il était urgent de mettre en place un dispositif de surveillance entomologique à travers la création d’une équipe bien formée, la réhabilitation et l’équipement du laboratoire d’entomologie. Ceci a été permis grâce à l’appui du NAMRU-3. En peu de temps, nous avons pu monter ce dispositif et réaliser la surveillance, la capture, l’élevage et la lutte biologique vis-à-vis de ces vecteurs. Au total, nous avons abordé une problématique épidémiologique et de veille sanitaire dans un contexte de ressources limitées aux priorités multiples. Nous avons pris prétexte de notre thèse et de nos collaborations scientifiques internationales pour déployer un nouveau système de surveillance épidémiologique, formant du personnel, mobilisant un important investissement de l’État dans la mise en place du système d’information sanitaire. Rapidement, notre système a permis de détecter des épidémies de choléra, de rougeole et de coqueluche mais aussi de pathologies émergentes qui étaient peu connues (car possiblement peu recherchées) dans cette contrée du monde : la myiase, la grippe aviaire H5N1, le virus du West-Nile entres autres. Ainsi notre travail trouve sa cohérence dans la richesse des expériences que nous avons pu échanger avec les autres pays en développement, dans un dialogue Nord-Sud original et respectueux du besoin d’augmenter les capacités et les ressources locales et le transfert de technologies et standards contemporains.
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O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar e analisar as representações do capitalismo observadas em obras da fase moderna do cinema brasileiro. Inaugurada na década de 1950, tal etapa desdobra-se no Cinema Novo, cuja trajetória estende-se até o fim dos anos 1970. Compreende-se que os filmes analisados estão sob influência de um tipo de estrutura de sentimento romântico - de afirmação de uma brasilidade revolucionária - que vicejou e se reconfigurou naquele período considerado utópico. O estudo identifica uma transformação nessa estrutura do sentir, a partir do golpe de 1964 e, sobretudo, dos desdobramentos do AI-5. Percebe-se, contudo, que certos conteúdos mobilizadores desse sentir permanecem como elementos residuais, influindo na ideologia, nos procedimentos estéticos e na prática cinematográfica de artistas e intelectuais que resistiram à chamada modernização-autoritária-conservadora da sociedade brasileira. Tal consideração permite a análise de filmes que fogem à cronologia associada ao esgotamento do movimento do Cinema Novo, incluindo obras que avançam pela década de 1980.
The goal was to identify and analyze the representations of capitalism observed in Brazilian s modern Cinema. Beginning in the 50 s, with an introduction of a neorealistic approach, this phase in the country s movie scene became what s known as Cinema Novo, that happened during the 60 s. It s understood that the movies being analyzed were under a romantic structure of feeling – an affirmation of revolutionary Brazility – that bloom and changed that period, considered utopic. Under that investigation eleven movies produced between 1950 and 1969 were analyzed.
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Polisena, Julie. "Factors that Influence the Recognition, Reporting, and Resolution of Incidents Related to Medical Devices and an Investigation of the Continuous Quality Improvement Data Automatically Reported by Wireless Smart Infusion Pumps." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2015.

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Medical devices are used to diagnose, treat, or prevent a disease or abnormal physical condition without any chemical action in the body. They can also result in unintended incidents and other errors. This thesis was divided into three chapters: i) a systematic review on the recognition, reporting and resolution of incidents related to medical devices and other health technologies; ii) telephone interviews with physicians and registered nurses (RNs) to solicit information on the resolution, reporting and resolution of medical device-related incidents based on their professional experience; and iii) a case study to review the continuous quality improvement (CQI) data retrieved from the wireless smart infusion pump system at The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) and to propose a CQI data analysis process. The systematic review included 30 studies on factors that influence the recognition, reporting and resolution of incidents in hospitals and interventions to improve patient safety. Central themes that emerged for incident reporting were personal attitudes, awareness and perception of incident reporting systems, organizational culture, and feedback to healthcare professionals. In our telephone interviews, physicians and RNs attributed incident recognition to devices not operating based on the manufacturer’s instructions, and to the hospital staff’s knowledge of and professional experience with the use of the medical device, and clinical manifestations of patients. Suggestions to improve medical device safety surveillance centered on education and training to ensure that the staff is able to use the medical device properly and know what would be considered an error, and how to report these errors. The results of the systematic review and interviews helped to inform the design of a medical device surveillance framework in a hospital setting. Our case study assessed the Dose Error Reduction Software compliance and frequency of soft and hard limit alerts with wireless smart infusion pump systems over a one year period. A CQI data analysis process to monitor the performance of wireless smart infusion pumps is proposed. The findings of this doctoral thesis can contribute to the development of a medical device surveillance system that would help to improve health care delivery and patient safety in a health care institution.
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Pettersson, Thorell Sandro, and Fredrik Björkman. "Digital direktmarknadsföring och personlig integritet : En obeaktad gråzon?" Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2020.

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I takt med en tilltagande användning av internet och teknologiska enheter har tillgången till användargenererad data om individer ökat. Denna personliga data kan, genom fenomen som Big Data, vidare exploateras av företag som grund för att utforma och anpassa marknadsföring i linje med konsumenters individuella preferensmönster. Detta utgör delar inom digital direktmarknadsföring. Emellertid existerar det en problematik med specifikt utformad direktmarknadsföring i digital miljö. Konsumenter som mottager denna typ av marknadsföring har en tendens till att uppleva att företagen kommer för nära inpå privatlivet. Tidigare studier visar att företag kan få tillgång till för känslig information om konsumenter och deras aktiviteter i vardagen. I många fall sker detta utan att konsumenten är medveten om hur denna information har erhållits och en konsekvens av detta är att den personliga integriteten kan bli föremål för intrång. Uppsatsens syfte tar grund i en strävan efter att undersöka hur konsumenter uppfattar den personliga integriteten vid exponering mot individuellt riktad digital marknadsföring. Mer specifikt utforskas det eventuella sambandet mellan personlig integritet och digital direktmarknadsföring. Den teoretiska referensramen behandlar teorier och begrepp som är relevanta för få en övergripande förståelse kring ämnet. Under avsnittet presenteras bland annat Westins teori om den personliga integriteten och dess olika tillstånd. Därtill behandlas även beskrivningar av begrepp såsom digital direktmarknadsföring, Big data, Surveillance Capitalism och dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR). Här beaktas variablerna känslighet på direktmarknadsföring, omfattning av direktmarknadsföring, ålder, utbildningsnivå, kön samt kontrollvariabelninternetanvändning. Utifrån dessa variabler samt tidigare forskning har fem hypoteser formulerats. Den empiriska undersökningen baserades på en tvärsnittsstudie av deduktiv karaktär där det genomfördes en digital enkätundersökning. Totalt deltog 203 respondenter i denna studie. Enkäten innefattade frågor som baserades på uppsatsens variabler. För att se om det går att finna stöd eller inte för dessa hypoteser används en multivariat regressionsanalys. Undersökningens resultat visar att uppfattningen av den personliga integriteten påverkas av direktmarknadsföring. Det kan utläsas att både känsligheten och omfattningen på direktmarknadsföringen har en jämnstark och statistiskt signifikant effekt på uppfattningen av den personliga integriteten. Därtill indikeras det även att ålder är en variabel som har en effekt på hur den personliga integriteten påverkas, där äldre individer tenderar att vara mer oroade över den personliga integriteten än vad yngre individer är. Utifrån denna undersökning går det vidare att uttyda att det föreligger tendenser till intrång på den personliga integriteten i den digitala miljön vid exponering mot digital direktmarknadsföring.
Given the increased availability of internet and technological devices, the access to user-generated data has increased. This personal data is made accessible to companies and through phenomena such as Big Data it can be exploited and adapted to lay the foundation for marketing aimed directly at individual consumers. This is also known as direct marketing. However, it seems as if there exists a tendency for digital direct marketing to result in companies entering the individual’s personal space and as a consequence – the personal integrity is jeopardized. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the way consumers on the Swedish retail market perceive the personal integrity when being exposed to digital direct marketing. The study is of cross-sectional deductive character and it investigates the possible relationship between personal integrity and digital direct marketing. This is done through a digital survey with questions based on five hypotheses which in turn reflect the following variables that have been defined; Sensibility to direct marketing,Extent of direct marketing, Age, Level of education, and Gender. In addition to this, the control variable Internet-usage is added. The hypotheses are then tested in a multiple regression analysis. From the discussion and conclusion of this thesis the results show that consumers experience that the personal integrity is affected by digital direct marketing. The findings indicate further that both sensibility to direct marketing, the extent of direct marking, and age have a statistically significant effect on the individual’s perception of the personal integrity in this context. Given the result from the survey, the regression analysis and its application on the hypotheses, this study finds implications for violation of the consumer’s personal integrity.
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Kim, Hyung Hoon. "The influence of entrepreneurial activities on teaching at Universities in the United States." Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008.

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This study is to investigate the influence of entrepreneurial activities on teaching at universities. Specifically, the study focuses on entrepreneurial activities' effect on professors' time allocation. The dataset analyzed was constructed from the survey conducted by University of Illinois at Chicago in 1998. The sample was drawn from American academic professional associations' members of the four fields: experimental biology, physics, mathematics, and sociology. Based on the data of 133 professors, the study shows that professors with paid consulting work tend to spend less time in teaching when research activities are controlled. Insignificant are the other variables about entrepreneurial activities: patent application, industry funding, and research collaboration with industry. Also, more research time is likely to result in less teaching time. Insignificant are the other research-related variables: research funding at large and collaborative research in general. In terms of personal and institutional conditions, assistant professors tend to invest more time in teaching than senior professors, but they are likely to reduce more time on teaching than their senior counterparts for increasing research time. Finally, biology and sociology professors tend to allocate less time to teaching than physics and mathematics professors. In a word, entrepreneurial activities and research tend to conflict with teaching at the level of individual professors' time allocation.
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Ahmed, Ammar Abdo. "Influence des comportements à risque sur l'épidémiologie du VIH à Djibouti et mise en place d'un système d'alerte précoce aux épidémies dans un contexte de ressources limitées." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2009.

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Ce travail visait initialement à identifier les facteurs de risque spécifiques qui pouvaient être associés à l'épidémie de VIH à Djibouti. La valorisation de ce travail de recherche a conduit à la mise en place d'un système de surveillance épidémiologique intégré opérationnel. En effet, il est vite apparu dommage de ne pas faire bénéficier de ce système de surveillance spécifique au VIH les autres priorités de surveillance épidémiologique du pays. Nous avons ainsi abordé le système de surveillance épidémiologique dans sa globalité. Le système en place souffrait alors d'une faiblesse des ressources allouées, d'une faible adhésion du système de soins en pleine réforme et de l'absence d'une volonté d'en faire un outil d'aide à la décision. C'est dans ce contexte que nous avons réorienté notre travail et nous avons reçu un fort appui politique et technique pour relever des défis de taille dans un pays en développement. Grâce à l'aide de l'OMS, nous avons mis en place un système de surveillance sentinelle du VIH qui ne s'appuie pas uniquement sur un seul groupe à risque ou dans un espace limité mais sur la population générale permettant des enquêtes annuelles anonymes non corrélées. Actuellement nous évoluons vers une surveillance de deuxième génération. Nous avons par ailleurs mis en place un système de surveillance intégré des maladies évitables par la vaccination (Diphtérie, Coqueluche, Tétanos néonatal, Poliomyélite, Rougeole, Méningite, Oreillons, Rubéole) et des maladies à potentiel épidémique telles que le Choléra, le Paludisme, la grippe aviaire et les fièvres hémorragiques. L'approche suivie est surtout une approche clinique ou syndromique secondairement confirmée par la biologie. Deux travaux de recherche ont été finalisés : 1. les facteurs de risque du VIH à Djibouti. Cette étude a révélé certains facteurs de risque spécifiques au contexte djiboutien. La consommation 8 du Khat par des chômeurs et la transfusion sanguine sont spécifiquement associées à l'infection par le VIH à Djibouti. 2. la dynamique de l'épidémie de choléra dans la région de la Corne de l'Afrique. Cette étude est nourrie d'une riche expérience de terrain ayant conduit au suivi de populations migrantes clandestines, vecteurs de l'épidémie dans la Corne de l'Afrique. Notre travail a permis l'identification d'un nouveau sérotype inconnu dans les précédentes vagues épidémiques de choléra en Afrique. Par ailleurs, nous nous sommes intéressés aux vecteurs car à Djibouti les maladies à transmission vectorielle constitue un problème de santé publique fortement prévalent. En effet, en dehors du paludisme, nous avons identifié des cas de Dengue, de West-Nile, de Chikungunya et de Myiase. De surcroît, le contexte régional de l'épidémie de la Fièvre de la Vallée du Rift n'était guère rassurant. Il était urgent de mettre en place un dispositif de surveillance entomologique à travers la création d'une équipe bien formée, la réhabilitation et l'équipement du laboratoire d'entomologie. Ceci a été permis grâce à l'appui du NAMRU-3. En peu de temps, nous avons pu monter ce dispositif et réaliser la surveillance, la capture, l'élevage et la lutte biologique vis-à-vis de ces vecteurs. Au total, nous avons abordé une problématique épidémiologique et de veille sanitaire dans un contexte de ressources limitées aux priorités multiples. Nous avons pris prétexte de notre thèse et de nos collaborations scientifiques internationales pour déployer un nouveau système de surveillance épidémiologique, formant du personnel, mobilisant un important investissement de l'État dans la mise en place du système d'information sanitaire. Rapidement, notre système a permis de détecter des épidémies de choléra, de rougeole et de coqueluche mais aussi de pathologies émergentes qui étaient peu connues (car possiblement peu recherchées) dans cette contrée du monde : la myiase, la 9 grippe aviaire H5N1, le virus du West-Nile entres autres. Ainsi notre travail trouve sa cohérence dans la richesse des expériences que nous avons pu échanger avec les autres pays en développement, dans un dialogue Nord-Sud original et respectueux du besoin d'augmenter les capacités et les ressources locales et le transfert de technologies et standards contemporains.
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Ruckthongsook, Warangkana. "The Influence of Disease Mapping Methods on Spatial Patterns and Neighborhood Characteristics for Health Risk." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2017.

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This thesis addresses three interrelated challenges of disease mapping and contributes a new approach for improving visualization of disease burdens to enhance disease surveillance systems. First, it determines an appropriate threshold choice (smoothing parameter) for the adaptive kernel density estimation (KDE) in disease mapping. The results show that the appropriate threshold value depends on the characteristics of data, and bandwidth selector algorithms can be used to guide such decisions about mapping parameters. Similar approaches are recommended for map-makers who are faced with decisions about choosing threshold values for their own data. This can facilitate threshold selection. Second, the study evaluates the relative performance of the adaptive KDE and spatial empirical Bayes for disease mapping. The results reveal that while the estimated rates at the state level computed from both methods are identical, those at the zip code level are slightly different. These findings indicate that using either the adaptive KDE or spatial empirical Bayes method to map disease in urban areas may provide identical rate estimates, but caution is necessary when mapping diseases in non-urban (sparsely populated) areas. This study contributes insights on the relative performance in terms of accuracy of visual representation and associated limitations. Lastly, the study contributes a new approach for delimiting spatial units of disease risk using straightforward statistical and spatial methods and social determinants of health. The results show that the neighborhood risk map not only helps in geographically targeting where but also in tailoring interventions in those areas to those high risk populations. Moreover, when health data is limited, the neighborhood risk map alone is adequate for identifying where and which populations are at risk. These findings will benefit public health tasks of planning and targeting appropriate intervention even in areas with limited and poor-quality health data. This study not only fills the identified gaps of knowledge in disease mapping but also has a wide range of broader impacts. The findings of this study improve and enhance the use of the adaptive KDE method in health research, provide better awareness and understanding of disease mapping methods, and offer an alternative method to identify populations at risk in areas with limited health data. Overall, these findings will benefit public health practitioners and health researchers as well as enhance disease surveillance systems.
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Sundberg, Emelie. ""För det är ju ändå vi som har makten" : En studie om barns inflytande och delaktighet i förskolans dokumentation." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Lärarutbildningen, 2016.

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I think how easy it is that a society is normalised by surveillance and those in power positions that we today are used to almost always being watched. Furthermore I believe this is also seen in the preschool. The purpose of the study is to investigate recording and documenting in the preschool and in which contexts this limits children’s influence and participation. I will focus on photographing, filming and texts written about the children. I take on the adults’ perspective where I examine the power relations between pedagogues and children. The questions I raise are: In which context is children’s influence and participation limited in documentation? How can the power positions between children and pedagogues be viewed? My theoretical perspective is based on Michel Foucaults thoughts of power and surveillance. I chose a qualitative method for my study. I did interviews with five pedagogues that told me about what they think about children’s influence and participation in preschool documentation, routines and how they work in the setting. The result shows that children’s integrity in preschool documentation is forgotten due to two different matters: lack of time and habits/norms, which effect children’s influence and participation.
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Hilaire, Estelle. "Simulation et reconstruction 3D à partir de caméra Compton pour l’hadronthérapie : Influence des paramètres d’acquisition." Thesis, Lyon, INSA, 2015.

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L'hadronthérapie est une méthode de traitement du cancer qui emploie des ions (carbone ou proton) au lieu des rayons X. Les interactions entre le faisceau et le patient produisent des radiations secondaires. Il existe une corrélation entre la position d'émission de certaines de ces particules et la position du pic de Bragg. Parmi ces particules, des gamma-prompt sont produits par les fragments nucléaires excités et des travaux actuels ont pour but de concevoir des systèmes de tomographie par émission mono-photonique capable d'imager la position d'émission ces radiations en temps réel, avec une précision millimétrique, malgré le faible nombre de données acquises. Bien que ce ne soit pas actuellement possible, le but in fine est de surveiller le dépôt de dose. La caméra Compton est un des système TEMP qui a été proposé pour imager ce type de particules, car elle offre une meilleure résolution énergétique et la possibilité d'avoir une image 3D. Cependant, en pratique l'acquisition est affectée par le bruit provenant d'autres particules secondaires, et les algorithmes de reconstruction des images Compton sont plus compliqués et encore peu aboutis, mais sur une bonne voie de développement. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous avons développé une chaîne complète allant de la simulation de l'irradiation d'un fantôme par un faisceau de protons allant jusqu'à la reconstruction tomographique des images obtenues à partir de données acquises par la caméra Compton. Nous avons étudié différentes méthodes de reconstruction analytiques et itératives, et nous avons développé une méthode de reconstruction itérative capable de prendre en compte les incertitudes de mesure sur l'énergie. Enfin nous avons développé des méthodes pour la détection de la fin du parcours des distributions gamma-prompt reconstruites
Hadrontherapy is a cancer treatment method which uses ions (proton or carbon) instead of X-rays. Interactions between the beam and the patient produce secondary radiation. It has been shown that there is a correlation between the emission position of some of these particles and the Bragg peak position. Among these particles, prompt-gamma are produced by excited nuclear fragments and current work aims to design SPECT systems able to image the emission position the radiation in real time, with a millimetric precision, despite the low data statistic. Although it is not currently possible, the goal is to monitor the deposited dose. The Compton camera is a SPECT system that proposed for imaging such particles, because it offers a good energy resolution and the possibility of a 3D imaging. However, in practice the acquisition is affected by noise from other secondary particles and the reconstruction algorithms are more complex and not totally completed, but the developments are well advanced. In this thesis, we developed a complete process from the simulation of irradiation of a phantom by a proton beam up to the tomographic reconstruction of images obtained from data acquired by the Compton camera. We studied different reconstruction methods (analytical and iterative), and we have developed an iterative method able to consider the measurement uncertainties on energy. Finally we developed methods to detect the end-of-range of the reconstructed prompt-gamma distributions
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Benazza, Achwak. "Influence de l'environnement sur la structure et la dynamique du peuplement ichtyologique de la zone intertidale." Thesis, Littoral, 2015.

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Les zones intertidales jouent un rôle essentiel dans le renouvellement des ressources halieutiques. De nombreuses espèces marines, poissons comme macro-crustacés ont un cycle de vie qui leur impose de passer au cours de leur période juvénile par ces écosystèmes. De par sa position à l'interface terre-mer, la zone intertidale est soumise à d'importantes fluctuations des facteurs environnementaux. Cependant, la façon dont cet écosystème répond aux forçages environnementaux, notamment en ce qui concerne la composition et la structure des peuplements, leurs dynamiques et persistances saisonnières et interannuelles sont encore mal connues. En Manche Orientale, l'estran sableux représente plus de 70 % du littoral et constitue d'importantes zones de nourriceries pour les juvéniles de poissons. Dans ce contexte scientifique et régional, l'objectif global de cette thèse a été de décrire les assemblages des peuplements de poissons et de macro-crustacés de la zone intertidale et d'analyser l'influence de l'environnement sur les assemblages et la dynamique des espèces. Une telle étude a pour but de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de cet écosystème et de préciser son importance dans le cycle biologique des espèces marines, notamment des espèces d'intérêt halieutique. Une première partie de ce travail a permis de déterminer la composition et la variabilité des assemblages de poissons et de macro-crustacés en relation avec les fluctuations environnementales et climatiques. A partir d'un suivi à long terme (11 années) mais aussi saisonnier, nous avons mis en évidence une stabilité des assemblages des peuplements de la macrofaune (poissons et crustacés). A l'inverse les abondances présentent des fluctuations interannuelles et saisonnières en relation avec des facteurs comme la NAO, la température, la salinité ou encore la turbidité. Dans la deuxième partie de la thèse, nous avons analysé si les variations des conditions environnementales de la zone intertidale pendant la période printanière sont d'ordre à affecter les performances physiologiques et la survie des juvéniles qui colonisent cet écosystème. Nous avons focalisé notre étude sur l'espèce de poisson dominante et la zone intertidale, la plie "Pleuronectes platessa". Différents indices qui reflètent les performances physiologiques des juvéniles (croissance et indices de conditions) ont été mesurés sur les juvéniles de plie tout au long de la période de colonisation. Les résultats montrent que la croissance récente, la condition K et l'état nutritionnel (ARN/ADN) des juvéniles de poissons sont élevés tout au long de la période de colonisation des juvéniles et présentent peu de variations intra- et interannuelles, indiquant que l'estran offre des conditions favorables au développement et à la survie des juvéniles de poisson et par conséquent à leur recrutement. Malgré l'importance du bloom de "Phaeocystis globosa" dans la région et de ses fortes variations interannuelles, nous n'avons pas constaté d'effets de ce bloom sur les assemblages, les abondances ou encore les performances physiologiques des poissons
Intertidal areas provide an essential habitat to fish and macrocrustaceans. These systems are particularly used by juveniles of many fish and macrocrustacean species as nurseries because of the potential advantages they provide for the growth and survival of young fish, namely high prey availability, refuge from predators and good environmental conditions. These habitats are in permanence subject to strong environmental and human fluctuations.Therefore, the comprehension of the functioning and the conservation of the sandy beaches are necessary to maintain the biodiversity and to guarantee the renewal of the fisheries. It is in this framework that our study oriented us to determine the importance of the environmental factors on one hand on the dynamic of the ichtyofauna and on the other hand on physiological performances of the juveniles of fish on the intertidal zones of the English Channel. First, this work allowed us to determine the composition and variability of the fish and macrocrustaceans assemblages in relationship with the environmental and climatic fluctuations. According to our results, the importance of the role of the intertidal habitats of the English Channel in the renewal of the fisheries was proved. Standard qualitative community ecology metrics (species composition, richness, diversity, evenness and similarity) indicated notable inter-annual stability over the study period. Afterward, a 2nd part of this study was consecrated to the seasonal study of the assemblages and the impact of the environmental changes. Our results allowed us to demonstrate that abiotic and climatic factors (mainly temperature, salinity, suspended matter and the winter NAO) have a great influence on the structure of fish and macrocrustacean assemblages but also the impact of Phaeocystis globosa blooms on the population structure. To better understand the nursery functions, the study of physiological performances of juvenile common plaice Pleuronectes platessa during the spring period on the intertidal zone was discussed in order to understand if changes in the environment have an impact on their healthy development. For this, we analyzed various indices that reflect the physiological performance of juvenile common plaice (growth and condition indeces). The results show that the recent growth, the Fulton's K and nutritional ratio RNA/DNA juvenile fish are high throughout the juvenile period of colonization, indicating that nurseries are favorable to the development and survival of fish and therefore their recruitment. Finally, all the work presented shows that the environment of the intertidal areas of the Eastern English Channel is favorable to good life cycle course of marine fish fauna
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Spampinato, Francesco. "Art Contemporain et télévision : formes de résistance, appropriation et parodie." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.

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La présente thèse cartographie et condense l'histoire des relations entre l'art et la télévision au cours du demi-siècle environ durant lequel la télévision maintint sa position de média de masse par excellence dans la société, des années 1950 au tournant du millénaire, jusqu'à la phase de vaporisation des médias récemment apportée par la profusion des technologies numériques et d'Internet. La centaine d'artistes étudiés appartient à différentes générations, des pionniers des années 1960 tels que Nam June Paik, Andy Warhol et divers collectifs de la guerilla television aux figures postmodernistes telles que Dara Birnbaum et General Idea, des artistes issus des années 1990 comme Phil Collins, Christian Jankowski et Matthieu Laurette aux figures émergées au XXIe siècle comme Keren Cytter, Hito Steyerl, Ryan Trecartin et les Yes Men.Les travaux abordés sont des vidéos, installations, performances, interventions et programmes télévisés conçus comme des formes de résistance, d'appropriation et de parodie de la télévision grand public, qui exposent les mécanismes par lesquels le média de masse influence notre perception de la réalité et de nous-mêmes. Les genres et les formats télévisuels les plus populaires sont ciblés : les informations, publicités, soap operas, talk-shows, émissions pour enfants, vidéoclips, téléréalité, divertissements éducatifs et séries télévisées. En permettant de « voir à distance », la télévision produit chez le spectateur un sentiment étrange de déplacement physique. Les travaux étudiés mettent en évidence et tentent de surmonter cette séparation entre les corps factuels et télévisés, qui est aussi une séparation entre réalité et représentation
The present study maps and condenses the history of the relationships between art and television during the rough half century in which television maintained its position as society’s quintessential mass medium, from the 1950s to the turn of the millennium, through to the phase of vaporization of media recently brought by the profusion of digital technologies and the Internet. The close to one hundred artists discussed belong to different generations, from 1960s pioneers such as Nam June Paik, Andy Warhol and various guerrilla television collectives to postmodernist figures such as Dara Birnbaum and General Idea, from artists emerged in the 1990s such as Phil Collins, Christian Jankowski, and Matthieu Laurette up to figures emerged in in this early XXI century such as Keren Cytter, Hito Steyerl, Ryan Trecartin, and the Yes Men.The works discussed are videos, installations, performances, interventions and television programs conceived as forms of resistance, appropriation and parody of mainstream television, that expose the mechanisms through which the mass medium influences our perception of both reality and ourselves. To be targeted are the most popular television genres and formats including news, commercials, soap operas, talk shows, children's programs, music videos, reality shows, edutainment, and TV series. By allowing to “see at distance,” television produces in the viewer an uncanny feeling of physical displacement. What the works discussed highlight and try to overcome, is that split between factual and televised bodies, that is also a split between reality and representation
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Bikourane, Nabil. "Performance boursière des fusions-acquisitions dans le secteur bancaire : influence des caractéristiques des conseils des banques initiatrices et des modalités de la transaction." Thesis, Bordeaux 4, 2011.

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Cette thèse étudie le lien entre les caractéristiques des conseils d’administration des banques acquéreuseset la performance boursière à court terme de celles-ci, analysée grâce à la méthodologie d’étude d’événement.L’objectif étant de vérifier si la structure des conseils contribue à l’atténuation des conflits d’intérêts àl’occasion des opérations de fusions-acquisitions (F&A) et crée, par conséquent, de la valeur. Deux effets ontété mis en avant. Le premier suppose une influence directe de chacune des caractéristiques du conseil sur lesrendements anormaux de l’acquéreur ; tandis que le second, introduit l’effet médiateur de la prime de contrôlepayée, en considérant que la structure du conseil influence le pouvoir de négociation de ses membres et leurengagement dans l’intérêt des actionnaires. Pour ces deux effets, nous contrôlons certains déterminants de laperformance relatifs à la transaction et aux banques impliquées.Nos résultats indiquent que les marchés financiers ont des attentes vis-à-vis des conseils lors de cesopérations, car nous avons relevé une incidence favorable sur les rendements anormaux de la présence depersonnalités extérieures en proportion significative au conseil de l’acquéreur et de l’absence de dualité dedirection dans celui-ci. Par ailleurs, en contrôlant le choix de la méthode de paiement, nous avons égalementrelevé que l’utilisation du cash est fortement associé à des rendements positifs pour l’acquéreur
This thesis analyzes the relationship between Board characteristics of acquiring Banks and short termStock Market reactions, measured with the Event Study Methodology. We examine if Board structure helps tolower conflict of interests during Mergers and Acquisitions, and creates Shareholder value. Two effects areanalysed. The first one supposes a direct influence of Board characteristics on the acquirer’s abnormal returns.The second one introduces a mediating effect of the premium, considering that Board structure affects itsmembers’ commitment. For both effects, we control some performance determinants relative to transactionand involved banks.Our results indicate that Financial Markets expect that Boards play an important role in acquisitions. Wefind a favourable impact of outside dominated Boards and the absence of duality on the acquirer's abnormalreturns. In addition, by controlling the method of payment, we obtain a significant and positive correlationbetween use of cash and acquirer's returns
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Jacobsson, Frida, and Selma Tubic. ""Du gjorde fel, säg förlåt till din kamrat!!!" : En diskursanalys om hur makt speglas vid konflikter och konflikthantering." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Lärarutbildningen, 2018.

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The purpose of this study is to see the factors that shape and create the desirable child in the teachers' speech regarding conflict and conflict management. We have chosen to use discourse analysis based on social constructionism and poststructuralistic language theory to see the discourses that had an active part in the teachers' approach.  We have chosen to use Foucault's power theory to investigate what power structures and power relationships are shown in the pedagogues' speech about conflicts. We have also chosen to use Eva Johansson's study (2013) on children's perspective to investigate whose perspective is expressed in conflict management situations. To collect the empirical data, we have chosen to use qualitative interviews that we analyzed from a discourse analysis perspective. What we have found in the study is that the desirable child is created in conflicts through interconnected discourses that reacts and interacts. These discourses are based on the educators' views on conflicts, rules and the environment, and form the corners of our model which can be seen in the discussion where we highlighted this. The pursuit of the desirable and democratic child as an ideal is conveyed by the curriculum and followed by the educators. The study's results show that the educators assume a traditional view of conflicts and their management, despite attempting to approach an alternative view.
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Blake, Greyory. "Good Game." VCU Scholars Compass, 2018.

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This thesis and its corresponding art installation, Lessons from Ziggy, attempts to deconstruct the variables prevalent within several complex systems, analyze their transformations, and propose a methodology for reasserting the soap box within the display pedestal. In this text, there are several key and specific examples of the transformation of various signifiers (i.e. media-bred fear’s transformation into a political tactic of surveillance, contemporary freneticism’s transformation into complacency, and community’s transformation into nationalism as a state weapon). In this essay, all of these concepts are contextualized within the exponential growth of new technologies. That is to say, all of these semiotic developments must be framed within the post-Internet sphere.
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McMahon, Diane S. "Understanding the Influence of Capitalism on One Group's Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness." Thesis, 2011.

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The purpose of this dissertation was to explore and understand how the dominant ideological effect of capitalism has influenced the development of one local ten-year plan to end homelessness in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Ten-year plans to end homelessness were instituted through a national initiative launched by the Bush Administration in 2003. The Allegheny County Homeless Alliance Advisory Board (HAAB) was studied because they were the appointed group held responsible for the implementation of the local plan. The literature review established a context for homelessness and capitalism, exploring how the two concepts are connected. Analysis occurred on multiple levels to reveal power-based constraints in both a local, extralocal, and theoretical context. The study was conducted utilizing an extended case method approach, exploring sociological aspects of capitalist phenomenon utilizing Marxist tradition. Data was gathered during open ended interviews with HAAB members, participant observation of meetings, field notes, and within document analysis of three years of quarterly meetings. The study revealed an association between submerged and tightly interwoven internal and external systems of control as exerted by the local governmental body responsible for implementing the group's plan. Secondary outcomes indicated that there were increased levels of awareness and communication among the diverse membership of the HAAB. Furthermore, the data illustrated that internal networks and relationships had spawned transformative actions outside of the institutionalized governmental structure of the group. The theoretical findings in this dissertation indicate that Marxism can be reconstructed and extended to better explain the dehumanizing effects of capitalism. The research suggests that praxical transformation of embedded capitalist-driven social relationships can be initiated through a cyclical process of reflection, evaluation, education, and critical discourse. Furthermore, empowering and educating group participants to carry out plan implementation through democratically-informed consensus building processes may be more effective than bureaucratic-led, state-run, government-driven approaches to ending homelessness. Expanded research focusing on how capitalism influences interpersonal relationships and corresponding institutional structures is needed to better reveal unjust power-based relationships that defeat the purpose of plans to eradicate homelessness and poverty.
Dissertation Chair: Dr. Harvey Holtz (Retired) Dissertation Committee Members: Dr. Melanie Hildebrandt and Dr. Thomas VanDyke
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Huang, Yi-Ling, and 黃怡玲. "Pet attachment and Technology Acceptance Model influence on using the Mobile Surveillance product." Thesis, 2014.

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We try to analyze the possible impacted factors between pet owners and the technology products of mobile surveillance, and provide the recommendations in the theory of Technology Acceptance Model(TAM). In the same time, we gave the suggestions for pet technology industry in the future, not only consider the user experience, but also use the impacted factors as a reference when research and development. In this study, the average age of the pet owners are 18 to 70, the number of pets are 1 to 10, and the sample size are 101 purposive sampling. After the user experiments and statistical analysis, the results are the "subjective norms", "perception" and "purposiveness" factors have significant influence in mobile surveillance by pets; the "education", "smartphone", "age", "experience of pets", "feeding times of pets", "acquisition method of pet" factors have significant influence demographic factors of mobile surveillance by pets.
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Yi, Gihong. "Intercorporate influence and industrial growth business groups in Korea's automobile and semiconductor industries /." 2002.

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Mustain, Paige. "Digital Capitalism Today: IT Industry-Led Public Private Partnerships in a Northeastern School." 2014.

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There has been considerable zeal regarding the democratizing promises of information and communication technologies (ICTs). This belief has resulted in the proliferation of ICT development initiatives in education through public private partnerships. However, there are critical scholars who caution against an overly celebratory perspective of ICTs and expose the ways in which they may be contributing to the exacerbation of existing inequalities. This thesis was inspired by Dan Schiller’s book, Digital Capitalism (1999) with the purpose of examining how digital capitalism is evident today. 'Digital capitalism' refers to the relationship between politics, economics, and technology that explains the shift in the use of the Internet from aiding government agencies to serving private commercial interests. Through a political economy of communication approach, this thesis examines a new model of public schools in which IT companies are partnering with various cities and districts to equip students with the 21st century skills needed to participate in the labor market. These partnerships are designed to benefit marginalized youth that do not have access to ICTs so the study looks at one of these schools encompassing this new innovative model in order to examine the benefits and limitations of these partnerships The purpose of this thesis is to examine the way digital capitalism is playing out in education today in order to shed light on the political and economic forces driving these initiatives while examining who the decision makers are as well as who benefits and why. It has a dual objective of contributing to current digital inequality scholarship and informing policy-making. This thesis ultimately argues that there is a need for more targeted and individualized policies that serve each district’s unique needs, which works to fulfill the policy objective. It challenges the notion that technology is a neutral artifact that is separate from broader political, social, and economic processes.
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Comuzzo, Marie. "The Voice of the Other: The Influence of Capitalism on The Representation of Gender and Race in Western Classical Music." 2021.

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This thesis argues that in order to understand the non-representation of women and BIPOC in the Western musical canon, the analysis of their cultural musical production and reception must start in early modern period, a time heavily influenced by the establishment of capitalism. Intertwining political feminist studies, critical race theory and musicology critique, I argue that the witch hunts and the inhumane colonial practices in Africa and the America (fundamental to establish capitalism as a global system), had an important role in shaping Western musical culture as homogeneous and monolithic. Thus, I first trace the change in female customs in the early modern period and show how poetry and then music reflected the newly imposed norm of chastity presenting as case study “I’ mi son giovinetta.” Here I discuss the importance of il concerto delle dame in Italy, their vital role in conserving women’s musical excellence as well as the restriction imposed on their lives based solely on their gender. Race and gender biases are protagonist of the following chapter, where I present a case study on Die Zauberflöte as mirror of the societal changes happening at the same time in Europe. Intersecting race, gender and class I demonstrate the multiple ways in which this opera reiterates the victory of capitalistic patriarchy over the previous way of organizing life. In the last chapter, I discuss the various conflicting ideas that scholars brought forth regarding the Western canon formation. I argue that the gendered and racist pseudo-scientific ideologies that relegated women and BIPOC to their bodies (in connection to capitalist’s exploitation of “free labor”), were reaffirmed by scholars in the following centuries. These ideologies fed into the elevation of “absolute music” as the manifestation of the (white, male) intellectual genius, and contributed to forging musical institution that today continue to uphold sexists and racist values.
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Kenke, Ralph. "A creative study on data portraits: the visualisation process of self-surveillance as an indicator of datafication of social life." Thesis, 2020.

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Research Doctorate - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
This research is a practice-based speculative design enquiry into the emerging field of data portraiture. Humans’ use of the networked digital environments that are now so much a part of life leaves a massive data trail of individuals’ everyday interactions with these environments. An increasing quantity of this data trail remains invisible. Although we spend a significant amount of time participating in digital network activities, we have just started to discover the potential of visualising personal data as a graphical representation. The term ‘data portraiture’ was developed by Donath (2014) to describe the practice of ‘artists’ turning these data ‘pictures’ into visible ‘portraits’: ‘Data portraits are depictions of people made by visualising data by and about them’ and ‘their aim is to humanize the online experience’ (187). Data portraits can reveal individuals’ preferences, skills and talent, yet also record their mistakes, failure and history. As a consequence, data portraits can indicate society’s collective engagement in self-surveillance and empower the public to debate the current datafication of social life. Data portraits can appear in different forms; some are graphs, while others are typographic displays that reveal recorded conversations, and some even take a sculptural figurative shape. These data trails can shape depictions of online behaviour, experiences and interests. Traditionally, ‘pictures’ that depict individuals’ physical likeness and infer their behaviour, experiences and interests are labelled ‘portraits’ and created by artists. Network technology enables humans to share personal data on a large scale, thereby facilitating a global dialogue in a telematic society. This research into the emerging field of data portraiture seeks to understand the role of the ‘artist’ as creative practitioner in interpreting qualitative data into image experiences, and to offer insights into the behaviour and interests of individuals engaging with such work. Through a number design iterations, this research investigates a potential visual format by initially using manually collected quantitative data, before shifting to an automated process to record qualitative photography data of selfies shared on Instagram to successfully demonstrate what a ‘global image scenario’ in a gallery has to offer. Further, it reveals the importance of participant contribution to the ‘datafication’ of social life and the emergence of ‘surveillance capitalism’. This study’s original contribution to knowledge focuses on the continuum of aesthetics and functionality, and, throughout the implementation of prototyping, the exegesis reflects on the research’s case study and provides knowledge to the emerging field and design practice.
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Nziengue-A-Tombet, Christian. "Influence des technologies mobiles sur le fonctionnement d'une organisation : analyse des interactions entre les sphères privée et professionnelle et la dimension surveillance." Mémoire, 2012.

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Nous décrivons et analysons les relations professionnelles par le biais de la téléphonie mobile, entre les employés d'une entreprise. Cela passe par notre question principale de recherche qui consiste à savoir comment se déroulent les relations professionnelles entre les employés d'une entreprise, dotés de téléphones cellulaires, sachant que ces derniers évoluent dans deux sphères (professionnelle et privée). Pour traiter notre sujet, nous avons eu recours à une méthode de recherche qualitative exploratoire basée sur 16 entretiens semi directifs avec des gérants et des commis de magasins de la même entreprise. Sur la base de nos cinq hypothèses de recherche, nous démontrons que les conséquences de l'utilisation du téléphone cellulaire sont plus contraignantes pour les gérants que pour les commis. Nous montrons aussi qu'il existe une relation dialogique entre les gérants et les commis, ce qui explique qu'ils ne s'appellent pas pour les mêmes raisons. Nous démontrons que les modalités d'utilisation du téléphone cellulaire entraînent des effets qui dépassent l'organisation du travail au sein de l'entreprise. C'est à dire que l'exploitation dont sont victimes les gérants au sein de l'entreprise tient plus de leur obligation d'être contactés sur leurs téléphones cellulaires que de leur fonction au sein de l'entreprise. À cause de cette obligation d'être joignable en permanence, le téléphone cellulaire provoque une porosité des frontières entre la sphère privée et la sphère professionnelle, entraînant une surveillance des employés de la part de leur entreprise. Ce qui conduit à une possibilité de contre-surveillance. Nous mettons en évidence le fait que les commis, parce qu'ils pensent leur « joignabilité » par rapport aux trois logiques de Jauréguiberry (2003a), ont la possibilité d'éviter les contraintes de la surveillance. Ce qui confirme le fait que les conséquences de l'utilisation du téléphone cellulaire dans la sphère professionnelle, mais surtout dans la sphère privée, dépendent de leurs modalités d'utilisation, volontaires ou imposées par l'entreprise. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : sphères privée et professionnelle, dimension surveillance, téléphone cellulaire, trois logiques de Jauréguiberry (2003a).
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Mahon, Denise. "The Influence of Civil Remedies and Proceeds of Crime Grant Programs on Canadian Streetscape Camera Surveillance Systems: Lessons from Six Cities in Ontario." Thesis, 2014.

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This thesis explores the influences of provincial grant programs on Canadian streetscape camera systems. Using qualitative interviews (N=32) and document analysis, the study explores the policymaking processes and outcomes of six Ontario cities that have engaged with the Civil Remedies and Proceeds of Crime grants. Grant programs have not only provided the financial support to facilitate the establishment or expansion of camera systems, but they have also encouraged particular patterns of implementation, design and operation of Canadian streetscape systems through the processes and conditions of the grant program, as well as through the encouragement of regional networking, policy learning and policy diffusion via policy tourism. While the Civil Remedies and Proceeds of Crime grants have influenced some similarities in streetscape camera systems, variation exists, particularly concerning privacy policies, due to idiosyncratic interpretation and adoption of diffused policies and an ambiguous and unclear privacy protection framework.
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Yen, Chingyi, and 顏慶義. "The study of the influence of road surveillance recording system for random crime detection rate-Nantun District of Taichung City as an example." Thesis, 2011.

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Road surveillance recording systems whether that can help improve our society's crime problem to reduce or not. And criminal cases and traffic accidents are investigated the accident to clarify whether the systems can be monitored by video recording system records or clarifying the responsibility to detect and then restore the truth or not. Taichung City Police Department deployment of electronics recording system year after year and create to monitor wall's systems. It repeatedly over the years paid off, did so to curb the incidence of major criminal cases. However, the adequacy of funding to build such questions, that is the main goal of this study. To use in-depth interviews to survey region chief men and local police officers for road surveillance recording systems. To know the systems are impacted on the effectiveness of security control. The purpose is to know how to build the integrated systems for future. Using document analysis method to analyze secondary data and investigate the current road surveillance system for developing. The result, that respondents agree that road surveillance system to assist cracked road of criminal cases, and to clarify responsibility for effectiveness of the accident by car. It was supported by the secondary data. This study proposes as following recommendations: (1) The locations of road surveillance recording system, which shall consider priority by the proposal of the local region chief men and invite professional police to survey together before decision building sites. (2)To compile an annual fixed budget, to build the installation of road surveillance recording system, and to reduce security vulnerabilities, thereby reducing the crime rate.
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Sharmin, Sifat. "Dengue in Bangladesh: assessment of the influence of climate and under-reporting in national incidence." Phd thesis, 2016.

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Dengue occurs in many tropical countries, despite substantial effort to control the Aedes mosquitoes that transmit the virus. The majority of the burden occurs in the South-East Asian Region of the World Health Organization. Bangladesh is a lower-middle income country located in South Asia, with strong seasonal weather variation, heavy monsoon rainfall, and high population density. Dengue has been endemic in Bangladesh since an epidemic in 2000. The aim of my research was to investigate the influence of climate on dengue transmission in Bangladesh over the period January, 2000 - December, 2009. To achieve this aim, I conducted a series of studies integrating epidemiological and socio-environmental factors into a unified statistical modelling framework to better understand transmission dynamics. In a narrative review (Chapter 3), I discuss the emergence and establishment of dengue along with the possibility of future epidemics of severe dengue. Introduction of a dengue virus strain from neighbouring Thailand likely caused the first epidemic in 2000. Cessation of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) spraying, climatic, socio-demographic, and lifestyle factors also contributed to epidemic transmission and endemic establishment of the virus. However, there has been a decline in reported case numbers following the largest epidemic in 2002, albeit with relatively greater case numbers in alternate years. This occurred despite the absence of significant additional control measures and no changes in the surveillance system having been introduced during the study period. The observed decline from 2002 may be an artefact of the national hospital-based passive surveillance system even though a real decline in incidence could plausibly have occurred due to increased prevalence of immunity, greater public awareness, and reduced mosquito breeding sites. From a temporal negative binomial generalised linear model (Chapter 4), developed using monthly dengue cases in Dhaka from January, 2000 - December, 2009, I identify that mean monthly temperature (coefficient estimate: 6.07; 95% confidence interval: 3.38, 8.67) and diurnal temperature range (coefficient estimate: 15.57; 95% confidence interval: 8.03, 22.85) influence dengue transmission, with significant interaction between the two (coefficient estimate: -0.56; 95% confidence interval: -0.81, -0.29), at a lag of one month in Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh where the highest number of cases were reported during the study period. In addition to mean monthly rainfall in the previous two months, dengue incidence is associated with sea surface temperature anomalies in the current and previous months through concomitant anomalies in the annual rainfall cycle. Population density is also significantly associated with increased dengue incidence in Dhaka. Chapter 5 reports an investigation into non-linear dengue–climate associations using the same dataset as used for the previous model in Chapter 4. A Bayesian semi-parametric thin-plate spline approach estimates that the optimal mean monthly temperature for dengue transmission in Dhaka is 29oC and that average monthly rainfall above 15mm decreases transmission. This study also reveals that between 2000 and 2009 only 2.8% (95% Bayesian credible interval 2.7- 2.8) of cases estimated to have occurred in Dhaka were reported through passive case detection. A Bayesian spatio-temporal model (Chapter 6), formulated using monthly dengue cases reported across the country from January, 2000 - December, 2009, identifies that the majority of dengue cases occur in southern Bangladesh with the highest in Dhaka (located almost in the middle of the country), accounting for 93.0% of estimated total cases across the country from 2000-2009. Around 61.0% of Bangladeshi districts are identified as affected with dengue virus during the high transmission season of August and September, contrasting with national surveillance data suggesting that only 42.0% of districts are affected. My thesis provides a better understanding of the dengue-climate relationships that will enable more accurate predictions of the likely impacts of changing climate on dengue risk. Knowledge about the extent of under-reporting will facilitate precise estimation of dengue burden which is vital to assess the risk of severe epidemics. These will help public health professionals to design interventions to strengthen the country’s capacity for prevention of severe dengue epidemics.
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Pipková, Linda. "Doba dohledového kapitalismu." Master's thesis, 2020.

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The theme of this diploma theses is surveillance capitalism. Its aim is to provide comprehensive insight into the key aspects of this phenomenon that has a significant impact on the global economy and society as a whole. The first part of the thesis deals with the topic of information society and its transformational effect on the economical sphere and surveillance system. It reveals some of the key issues following this new state of society and postmodern surveillance practices as well. The second part of the thesis aims to define what is meant by surveillance capitalism, to uncover the principles and the economic imperatives that dominate various stages of the development and finally to outline the threats and ethical problems this new logic of assimilation has brought in.
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Ribeiro, Cristina Sousa. "Parasitas: a desestruturação da sociedade e da vida em comunidade." Master's thesis, 2020.

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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura (área de especialização em Cultura Arquitetónica)
Parasitas: a desestruturação da sociedade e da vida em comunidade é uma reflexão sobre a sociedade moderna capitalista e a sua relação com a arquitetura. Definimos arquitetura como um elemento fundamental para o ser humano se situar no espaço e tempo, como componente primordial da vida quotidiana; para além de constituir uma afirmação cultural, influência a forma como interpretamos o que nos rodeia e o modo como equacionamos novas questões sobre a realidade. No entanto, consideramos que atualmente a arquitetura segue um curso errado. Tornou-se um produto das massas que visam apenas o consumo, como um produto da moda, uma imagem estilística, mas vazia de conteúdo, tanto para o arquiteto que a cria, como para os seus utilizadores. Alia-se assim ao enquadramento do capitalismo global, contribuindo para uma ilusão de felicidade e para a alienação coletiva que carateriza a hiper-realidade. Assim, a estrutura deste trabalho divide-se em duas partes: a primeira visa identificar as problemáticas associadas à atualidade e ao culto da imagem, percebendo como a sociedade reage a estes estímulos e como a arquitetura se comporta mediante essa reação. A segunda procura analisar exemplos práticos deste tipo de crítica no cinema, abordando dois casos de estudo (Mon Oncle, de Jacques Tati, e Parasitas, de Bong Joon-ho). Aqui, pretendeu-se fazer uma aproximação de escala, interpretando as narrativas como exemplo de crítica ao estilo de vida moderno, nas relações entre a arquitetura e o ser humano, e entre a sociedade e a arquitetura (sendo que ambas são interdependentes). Concluímos que o capitalismo e o predomínio das imagens mediáticas nos transformaram em indivíduos blasé, alienados e acríticos perante as suas casas, as suas cidades e as suas próprias vidas, banalizando a experiência da arquitetura. As conceções de espaço estão condicionadas, tanto a nível mental como físico, perante a híper-realidade, que determina uma perceção limitada pelas imagens publicitárias e pelo consumismo. Nesta simulação em que vivemos, a realidade não parece ter possibilidade de regresso: tudo é mentira, a vigilância impera e a vida em comunidade desapareceu. A arquitetura encontra-se a servir apenas algumas classes e despreza os seus valores sociais… deixando assim de ser arte, porque a arte deveria servir todos, dando esperança aos que menos têm, fazendo todos sobressair como seres únicos, para um futuro mais igualitário e justo.
Parasites: the disruption of society and community life is a dissertation that aims to develop a critical discussion on modern capitalist society and its relationship with architecture. Architecture is defined as a fundamental element for the human being to be located in space and time, as a fundamental component of daily life. It not only constitutes a cultural statement, but it also influences the way in which we interpret what surrounds us and the way in which we address new questions about reality. However, we believe that architecture is currently taking the wrong path. It has become a product of the masses, whose only aim is consumpiton, used as a fashion product, a stylistic image, but with empty content, both for the architect who creates it and for its users. It therefore allies itself with the global capitalism framework, contributing to an illusion of happiness, to the collective alienation that characterizes hyper-reality. Considering all of the above, the present project is structured based on the analysis of these questions outlined in two parts: the first aims at identifying the present-day problems and the cult of the image, undestanding how society reacts to these stimuli and how architecture is influenced by this reaction. The second seeks to analyze practical examples of this type of criticism in cinema, addressing two case studies (Mon Oncle, by Jacques Tati, and Parasite, by Bong Joon-ho). Here, the intention was to make a scale approach , interpreting the narratives as an example of criticism of the modern lifestyle, in the relationships between architecture and the human being, and between society and architecture (both being interdependent). This analysis lead to the conlucions that capitalism and the predominance of media images transformed us into blasé individuals, alienated and uncritical when confronted with their houses, their cities and their own lives, trivializing the experience of architecture. The conceptions of space are conditioned, both mentally and physically, in the face of hyper reality, which determines the perception limited by advertising images and consumerism. This simulation in which we live, reality seems to have no possibility of return: everything is a lie, vigilance prevails and life in community has disappeared. Architecture is serving only a few classes and despises its social values… thus ceasing to be art, because art should serve everyone, giving hope to those who have less, making everyone stand out as unique beings, for a more egalitarian and fairer future.
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Lengyel, Daniel. "Does the Netflix recommender system produce customer utility? : an analysis of the technology acceptance of the algorithmic-prediction-based Netflix recommender system and its drivers." Master's thesis, 2021.

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In the last two decades technology companies engaging in surveillance capitalism (gathering data, creating predictive products, implementing behavioural modification) have reaped exorbitant profits. Using big data and machine learning algorithmic recommender systems are able to accurately predict future behaviour of users. However, other aspects than accuracy should be considered for the success of such systems. From a company perspective, Netflix has been successfully engaging in surveillance capitalism in video streaming. Claiming to be a user-centric company, personalised recommendations are the basis of Netflix’s success, while it ventures into new strategic directions with original content. Using the technology acceptance model to adopt a user-perspective, this paper examines the utility of users of the Netflix recommender system. The effects of transparency and curation as features of the Netflix platform together with user’s level of trust towards the system are examined for their impact on the perceived usefulness and ease of use of the recommender system, in order to determine user’s behavioural intent to use the system and actual system usage. Additionally, the potential effects of user interaction as a potential future feature are explored. Using structural equation modelling on data collected from survey respondents, the paper finds that curation and trust in fact impact behavioural intent and usage while transparency fails to impact perceived factors. User interaction does not significantly improve the utility of users. The outcome suggests that Netflix should focus on curation and trust-building features as differentiating characteristics of their platform to sustain competitive advantage.
Nas últimas duas décadas, as empresas tecnológicas envolvidas no capitalismo de vigilância têm colhido lucros exorbitantes. Utilizando grandes sistemas de recomendação de dados e algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquinas, são capazes de prever com precisão o comportamento futuro dos utilizadores. Outros aspectos para além da precisão devem ser considerados para o sucesso de tais sistemas. Do ponto de vista da empresa, a Netflix tem vindo a envolver-se com sucesso no capitalismo de vigilância em vídeo streaming. Utilizando o modelo de aceitação de tecnologia para adoptar um utilizador-perspectivo, este documento examina a utilidade dos utilizadores do sistema de recomendações da Netflix. Os efeitos da transparência e curadoria como características da plataforma Netflix, juntamente com o nível de confiança dos utilizadores no sistema, são examinados quanto ao seu impacto na percepção da utilidade e facilidade de utilização do sistema de recomendação, a fim de determinar a intenção comportamental do utilizador de utilizar o sistema e a utilização real do sistema. São explorados os efeitos potenciais da interacção do utilizador como uma potencial característica futura. Utilizando modelos de equações estruturais sobre dados recolhidos dos inquiridos, o documento conclui que a cura e a confiança têm de facto impacto na intenção comportamental e na utilização, enquanto a transparência não tem impacto nos factores percebidos. A interacção dos utilizadores não melhora significativamente a utilidade dos utilizadores. O resultado sugere que o Netflix deveria concentrar-se nas características de cura e de construção de confiança como características diferenciadoras da sua plataforma para sustentar a vantagem competitiva.
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Koryntová, Adéla. "Globalizace: společensko-politické důsledky činnosti nadnárodních korporací." Master's thesis, 2013.

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This thesis entitled "Globalization: the sociopolitical consequences of the activities of supranational corporations" examines the effects of actions of supranational organizations in the process of globalization, on the basis of contemporary sociological literature. In the first two chapters I assess the process of globalization itself and its most important aspects. The third chapter inspects the supranational corporations, their development, functioning and characteristic attributes and then presents the consequences of these actions. The final chapter focuses on socially responsible behavior.
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Portela, Carmen Beatriz Miranda. "A influência das tecnologias de informação e comunicação no desenvolvimento de dinâmicas e ambientes persuasivos em contextos profissionais." Master's thesis, 2021.

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A presente investigação tem como objetivo, através de uma abordagem qualitativa e da aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas a profissionais da área da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação, compreender a influência das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação nos contextos de trabalho intensamente tecnológico para o desenvolvimento de dinâmicas e ambientes persuasivos. Pretende investigar-se a relevância da tecnologia persuasiva nas atividades profissionais, bem como os comportamentos dos profissionais nos seus ambientes empresariais e de que forma esses comportamentos afetam as suas vidas sociais. No quadro das teorias utilizadas referentes à era da informação, ao dataísmo, ao capitalismo de vigilância, à psicologia social e organizacional, à persuasão, à manipulação e à circulação na comunicação apresentadas na revisão de literatura, uma das conclusões da nossa dissertação é que, de facto, os profissionais da área da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação atuam em ambientes profissionais persuasivos e estão conscientes das dinâmicas profissionais relacionadas com a transmissão das mensagens organizacionais, assim como das consequências do uso excessivo da tecnologia nas suas atividades laborais e sociais. Esta dissertação procura investigar, através de um painel relevante de entrevistados, a persuasão ambiental tecnológica no contexto profissional das tecnologias, assim como analisar as alterações comportamentais dos profissionais da área diante das transformações organizacionais que surgiram ao longo das últimas décadas.
This investigation aims, through a qualitative approach and the application of semi-structured interviews to professionals from the fields of Information Technology (IT) and Communication, to understand the influence of IT and Communication within the contexts of technological work for the development of dynamics and persuasive environments. It is intended to investigate the relevance of persuasive technology into the professional activities, as well as the behaviour of professionals in their business environments and how these behaviours affect their social lives. Given the applied theories referring to: information age, dataism, surveillance capitalism, social and organizational psychology, persuasion, manipulation, and communication flow presented in the literature review, one of the conclusions is that, in fact, the workers of IT and Communication operate in persuasive professional environments. They are indeed aware of all these dynamics related to the transmission of organizational messages, as well as the consequences of excessive use of technology in their work and social activities. This present thesis seeks to investigate, through a relevant panel of interviewees, the persuasion in the professional context of technologies, as well as to analyse the behavioural changes of these workers in the face of organizational changes that have emerged over the decades and the development of technological instruments.
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Corcoran, Jenna. "(Re)viewing big brother and (per)forming the real." Thesis, 2010.

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This research project, [Re]Viewing Big Brother and [Per]Forming the Real, set about a critical examination of watching and being watched; specifically, ‘everyday’ people in the traditionally private space of the home mediated by surveillance technologies. The research methodology was practice-based, and fundamentally undertaken creatively, resulting in an exhibition of artwork and this written exegesis supporting it. Looking at the presence of Reality TV in the home, the exhibition juxtaposed the everyday with the spectacle, while the exegesis questioned the theoretical, metaphorical and methodological intricacies of creating a [hyper]reality and of [per]forming the real. Conclusions arising from the theoretical and creative research, and demonstrated in the exhibition, included how the visibility of private spaces transgressed the real to the hyperreal, the identification of such hyperreal spaces, the importance of the media to validate existence and the overall performance of that existence.
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