Academic literature on the topic 'Surfactants'
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Journal articles on the topic "Surfactants"
Fatma Abouzeid and Sultanah Alshammery. "Surfactants in electrochemical applications: A review." GSC Advanced Research and Reviews 22, no. 1 (January 30, 2025): 151–61.
Full textCheng, Chao, and Shi-Yong Ran. "Interaction between DNA and Trimethyl-Ammonium Bromides with Different Alkyl Chain Lengths." Scientific World Journal 2014 (2014): 1–9.
Full textBenedicto, Elisabet, Eva María Rubio, Diego Carou, and Coral Santacruz. "The Role of Surfactant Structure on the Development of a Sustainable and Effective Cutting Fluid for Machining Titanium Alloys." Metals 10, no. 10 (October 19, 2020): 1388.
Full textDeng, Chun Min, Tian Yi Zhong, and Bao Qi Zuo. "Surfactant-Induced Nanofibrous Architecture of Silk Fibroin Hydrogels." Materials Science Forum 745-746 (February 2013): 453–58.
Full textLi, He Lian, Rong Hui Qu, Xue Mei Han, and Jia Jun Chen. "Surfactant-Enhanced Washing of Aged PAH Contaminated Soils: Comparison between Nonionic Surfactant and Anionic Surfactant." Applied Mechanics and Materials 522-524 (February 2014): 316–21.
Full textLamch, Łukasz, Weronika Szczęsna, Sebastian J. Balicki, Marcin Bartman, Liliana Szyk-Warszyńska, Piotr Warszyński, and Kazimiera A. Wilk. "Multiheaded Cationic Surfactants with Dedicated Functionalities: Design, Synthetic Strategies, Self-Assembly and Performance." Molecules 28, no. 15 (August 1, 2023): 5806.
Full textUrmi, Wajiha Tasnim, M. M. Rahman, K. Kadirgama, D. Ramasamy, M. Samykano, and M. Y. Ali. "Exploring Surfactant-Enhanced Stability and Thermophysical Characteristics of Water-Ethylene Glycol-Based Al2O3-TiO2 Hybrid Nanofluids." WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER 18 (December 31, 2023): 195–206.
Full textSharma, Gaurav, and Kishore K. Mohanty. "Wettability Alteration in High-Temperature and High-Salinity Carbonate Reservoirs." SPE Journal 18, no. 04 (April 22, 2013): 646–55.
Full textWang, Ruiguo, Xinxin Xu, Xiaodi Shi, Junjie Kou, Hongjian Song, Yuxiu Liu, Jingjing Zhang, and Qingmin Wang. "Promoting Efficacy and Environmental Safety of Pesticide Synergists via Non-Ionic Gemini Surfactants with Short Fluorocarbon Chains." Molecules 27, no. 19 (October 10, 2022): 6753.
Full textRamanathan, Rangasamy. "Surfactants in the Management of Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Extremely Premature Infants." Journal of Pediatric Pharmacology and Therapeutics 11, no. 3 (July 1, 2006): 132–44.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Surfactants"
Hines, J. D. "Investigation of surfactants and surfactant mixtures." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1996.
Full textStellner, Kevin Lance. "Precipitation of surfactants and surfactant mixtures in aqueous solutions /." Full-text version available from OU Domain via ProQuest Digital Dissertations, 1987.
Find full textKjellin, Mikael. "Structure-Property Relationships of Surfactants at Interfaces and Polyelectrolyte-Surfactant Aggregates." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Chemistry, 2002.
Full textThe first part of this thesis is concerned with thestructure-property relationships in nonionic surfactantsystems. The main aim was to investigate how the surfactantstructure influences the adsorption at interfaces andinteractions between surfactant coated interfaces.Particularly, the effect of the structure of the surfactantheadgroups was investigated. These were sugar-based headgroupwith varying size and flexibility and poly(ethylene oxide)based headgroups with or without an additional amide or estergroup. The hydrophobic part of the surfactant consisted mostlyof straight alkyl chains, except for one type of poly(ethyleneoxide) based surfactant with a dehydroabietic hydrophobe.
The main technique that was used is the surface forcetechnique, with which the forces acting between two adsorbedsurfactant layers on hydrophilic or hydrophobic surfaces can bemeasured. These forces are important for e.g. the stability ofdispersions. The hydrophilic surfaces employed were glass andmica, whereas the hydrophobic surfaces were silanized glass andhydrophobized mica. The adsorption behavior on hydrophilicsurfaces is highly dependent on the type of headgroup andsurface, whereas similar results were obtained on the two typesof hydrophobic surfaces. To better understand how the surfaceforces are affected by the surfactant structure, measurementsof adsorbed amount and theoretical mean-field latticecalculations were carried out. The results show that the sugarsurfactant layers and poly(ethylene oxide) surfactant layersgive rise to very different surface forces, but that the forcesare more similar within each group. The structure-propertyrelationships for many other physical properties have beenstudied as well. These include equilibrium and dynamicadsorption at the liquid-vapor interface, micelle size, micelledynamics, and wetting.
The second part in this thesis is about the aggregationbetween cationic polyelectrolytes and an anionic surfactant.The surface force technique was used to study the adsorption ofa low charged cationic polyelectrolyte on mica, and theaggregation between the adsorbed polyelectrolyte with theanionic surfactant. The aggregation in bulk was studied withturbidimetry, small angle neutron scattering (SANS), and smallangle x-ray scattering (SAXS). An internal hexagonal aggregatestructure was found for some of the bulk aggregates.
Keywords:nonionic surfactant, sugar surfactant,poly(ethylene oxide), amide, ester, polyelectrolyte, SDS,hydrophobic surface, glass surface, mica, adsorption,aggregation, micelle size, surface forces, wetting, dynamicsurface tension, NMR, TRFQ, SANS, SAXS, mean-field latticecalculations.
Nusselder, Jan Jacob Hendrik. "Surfactant structure and aggregation behavior 1-alkyl-4-alkylpyridinium iodide surfactants /." [S.l. : [Groningen : s.n.] ; University Library Groningen] [Host], 1990.
Full textBleta, Rudina. "Systèmes fluorés pour la conception de matériaux poreux : Matrices pour la physisorption de biomolécules." Thesis, Nancy 1, 2007.
Full textThe self-assembly properties of surfactants and those of silica chemistry have led to the preparation of ordered mesoporous materials with hexagonal, cubic or lamellar symmetry and with pore sizes varying from 2 to more than 10 nm. Recently, they have aroused of great deal of interest to academics and industrialists for the development of fundamental and applied research. However, their use in any industrial process needs a careful consideration of the total comprehension of the synthesis mechanism as well as the control of their structural and textural properties. In this work, the relation between the physicochemical properties of a fluorinated surfactant, C7F15C2H4(OC2H4)8OH, and the characteristics of mesoporous silica was investigated. In spite of the existence of a micellar phase, only wormlike mesoporous materials were obtained. On the other hand, the addition of the perfluorodecalin led to the organisation of the channels according to a hexagonal symmetry. The use of various fluorocarbons of different molecular structures evidenced that this phenomenon is associated to the shift of the cloud point curve towards higher temperatures. Hierarchically porous silica were also prepared from oil-in-water emulsions and their characteristics were correlated to the phase inversion temperature of the surfactant/water/oil system. Finally, the mesoporous materials were used as hosts for the physisorption of enzymes and the results showed that the catalytic activity of the immobilised lipases is preserved
Sherratt, A. E. "Polymeric surfactants." Thesis, Lancaster University, 1994.
Full textNeimert-Andersson, Kristina. "Synthesis of Novel Polyhydroxyl Surfactants. Influence of the Relative Stereochemistry on Surfactant Properties." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Chemistry, 2003.
Full textThis thesis deals with the synthesis and characterization ofnovel polyhydroxyl surfactants. The first part describes thesynthesis of a number of stereoisomers of a polyhydroxylsurfactant, and the second part concerns surface chemicalcharacterization.
A stereodivergent route for preparation of the hydrophilichead group was developed, featuring consecutive stereoselectivedihydroxylations of a diene. This afforded in total fourdifferent polyhydroxyl head groups. These surfactant headgroups were natural and unnatural sugar analogues, and wereused for the coupling with two different hydrophobic tailgroups.
Three of these surfactants were used to investigate thechiral discrimination in Langmuir monolayers at an air-waterinterface. The isotherms showed a remarkable difference incompressibility between surfactants of diastereomericrelationship and also a pronounced chiral discriminationbetween racemic and enantiomerically pure surfactants favoringheterochiral discrimination.
ALENCAR, Bruna Cabral de. "Influência da dinâmica de sorção/dessorção na biodegradação anaeróbia do alquilbezeno linear sulfonado." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 2015.
Full textMade available in DSpace on 2016-07-01T14:17:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação Versão em PDF.pdf: 1393964 bytes, checksum: 9f6914af2635718fc925ce4690531587 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-01-30
O LAS é um tensoativo usado na fabricação de produtos de limpeza, sendo sua degradação no tratamento aeróbio altamente eficaz. Todavia, em ambientes anaeróbios, sua biodegradação depende de vários fatores, como a composição e concentração de alguns compostos dos esgotos. Por isso, as eficiências de degradação do LAS neste ambiente são distintas, variando de 0 a 78%. No Brasil, devido a uma carência na área do saneamento, alternativas mais baratas para o tratamento de esgoto estão sendo amplamente utilizadas. Os reatores anaeróbios do tipo UASB são um exemplo destas alternativas, devido a sua alta eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica. Entretanto, atualmente em uma estação de tratamento de esgoto, o objetivo não é apenas a matéria orgânica de fácil degradação, mas também compostos recalcitrantes e nutrientes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo aplicar em um reator contínuo, alimentado com esgoto real, um modelo de otimização, realizado em laboratório com regime em batelada, para verificar reprodutibilidade da influência de alguns parâmetros na dinâmica de sorção/dessorção do LAS em reatores utilizados em estações de tratamento de esgoto convencionais. Foram realizados dois experimentos. O experimentoI foi o monitoramento de um reator UASB em escala de laboratório. Este reator era alimentado com esgoto de uma estação de tratamento real, ETE Mangueira. Alterações no afluente foram realizadas para proporcionar a adsorção do LAS na biomassa. O pH foi ajustado para 6. Seguindo um planejamento fatorial 2K, o reator foi operado em 4 fases alterando a concentração de óleo, entre 0 e 5 g/L e a oxigenação ou não do LAS. O experimento II foi um teste de laboratório de adsorção e de dessorção, utilizando a mesma biomassa do reator do primeiro experimento. Foram submetidas diferentes concentrações de LAS (10, 20 e 100 mg/L), e diferentes tempos de mistura. Durante o período de operação, observou-se a ocorrência de adsorção e dessorção do LAS no lodo, bem como biodegradação, quando a adsorção foi baixa; as eficiências de degradação do LAS total nas diversas fases experimentais variaram de 0 a 33%. Os homólogos C12 e C13 foram os que sofreram maior degradação durante todo período de operação, com eficiências de 42 e 57% de sua massa inicial, respectivamente, na fase com alteração apenas do pH; o C13 foi o homólogo de maior taxa de adsorção, 97% de sua massa inicial. Isto ocorreu quando a concentração de óleo foi de 5 g/L e não foi realizado aeração do LAS. No teste de adsorção, os resultados obtidos mostraram que a adsorção na biomassa seca depende da disponibilidade de LAS no líquido. No teste de dessorção o comportamento de liberação de LAS no meio aquoso foi lento. Os testes mostraram capacidade reversível da adsorção do LAS, comprovando que a dinâmica de adsorção e dessorção do LAS no reator depende da composição do meio líquido e da forma de operação do reator, e que sua indisponibilidade no meio solúvel impede a degradação. Logo, o processo de adsorção inibe a degradação do LAS em ambientes anaeróbios e os resultados obtidos no teste de otimização em laboratório foram também observados em reatores operados com esgoto real.
LAS is a surfactant used in the manufacture of cleaning products, and its degradation in the highly efficient aerobic treatment. However, in anaerobic environments, biodegradation depends on several factors, including the composition and concentration of certain compounds of sewage. Therefore, the LAS this environmental degradation efficiencies are different, ranging from 0 to 78%. In Brazil, due to a lack in the sanitation area, cheaper alternatives for the treatment of sewage are being widely used. The anaerobic reactor of the UASB type are an example of these alternatives, due to its high removal efficiency of organic matter. However, currently a sewage treatment plant, the aim is not only the organic matter degradation easily, but also nutrients and recalcitrant compounds. This study aimed to apply in a continuous reactor, fed with real wastewater, an optimization model, conducted in laboratory batch system to check reproducibility of the influence of some parameters on dynamic sorption / desorption of LAS reactors used in stations Conventional sewage treatment. Two experiments were conducted. The first was a monitoring of a UASB reactor at laboratory scale. This reactor was fed with sewage a real treatment plant, ETE hose. Changes in the influent were performed to provide the adsorption of LAS biomass. The pH was adjusted to 6. By following a factorial design 2K, the reactor was operated at four stages by changing the concentration of oil, between 0 and 5 g / L and oxygenation or not the LAS. The second experiment was a laboratory test adsorption and desorption using the same biomass from the first reactor experiment. They underwent different concentrations of LAS, 10, 20 and 100 mg / L, and different mixing times. During the operation period, it was observed the occurrence of adsorption and desorption of LAS in the sludge as well as biodegradation when adsorption was low; The degradation efficiency of the total LAS in the different experimental phases ranging from 0 to 33%. The C12 and C13 homologues have suffered the greatest degradation during the entire operating period, efficiency 42 and 57% of their initial mass, respectively, in phase with the pH change only; the C13 was the counterpart of higher adsorption rate, 97% of its initial mass. This occurred when the oil concentration was 5 g / L and aeration was not performed LAS. In the adsorption test, the results showed that adsorption of dry biomass depends on the availability of LAS in the liquid. In desorption test the LAS release behavior in aqueous media was slow. The tests showed reversible adsorption capacity of the LAS, proving that the dynamics of adsorption and desorption of LAS in the reactor depends on the composition of the liquid medium and form of reactor operation, and that their unavailability in the middle soluble prevents degradation. Therefore, the adsorption process inhibits the degradation of LAS in anaerobic environments and the results obtained in laboratory test optimization are also observed in reactors operated with real sewage.
Brown, Paul. "Magneto-responsive surfactants." Thesis, University of Bristol, 2012.
Full textNeimert-Andersson, Kristina. "Synthesis of Polyhydroxylated Surfactants : Comparison of Surfactant Stereoisomers and Investigation of Haemolytic Activity." Doctoral thesis, Stockholm, 2005.
Full textBooks on the topic "Surfactants"
Rooney, Seamus A. Lung surfactant: Cellular and molecular processing. Austin, TX: Landes Bioscience, 1998.
Find full textRieger, Martin M. Surfactants. New York: Society of Cosmetic Chemists, 1997.
Find full textHayes, Teresa L., Wendy F. Marley, and Kelly Misch. Surfactants. Cleveland, OH: Freedonia Group, 1998.
Find full textHollis, Gordon L., ed. Surfactants Europa. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007.
Full textSaxena, Neha, and Ajay Mandal. Natural Surfactants. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textSayyed, R. Z., and Hesham All El-Enshasy. Microbial Surfactants. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022.
Full textSayyed, R. Z. Microbial Surfactants. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022.
Full textRobb, I. D., ed. Specialist Surfactants. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1996.
Full textPorter, M. R. Handbook Surfactants. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1991.
Full textKim, Se-Kwon, and Kyung-Hoon Shin. Marine Surfactants. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2022.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Surfactants"
Florence, A. T., and D. Attwood. "Surfactants." In Physicochemical Principles of Pharmacy, 173–227. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1988.
Full textBährle-Rapp, Marina. "Surfactants." In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 539. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
Full textBisht, Anu Singh. "Surfactants." In Commercial Surfactants for Remediation, 17–23. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2018.
Full textTadros, Tharwat. "Surfactants." In Encyclopedia of Colloid and Interface Science, 1242–90. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
Full textShao, Bing. "Surfactants." In Analysis of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Food, 305–24. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
Full textSagir, Muhammad, Muhammad Mushtaq, M. Suleman Tahir, Muhammad Bilal Tahir, and Abdul Ravoof Shaik. "Surfactants." In Surfactants for Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications, 1–11. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textKhaled, Elmorsy, and Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein. "Surfactants." In Environmental Analysis by Electrochemical Sensors and Biosensors, 905–30. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.
Full textSchmiermund, Torsten. "Surfactants." In The Chemistry Knowledge for Firefighters, 605–12. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2022.
Full textYan, S., B. Subramanian, S. Barnabe, R. D. Tyagi, and R. Y. Surampalli. "Surfactants." In Contaminants of Emerging Environmental Concern, 279–314. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2009.
Full textde Gennes, Pierre-Gilles, Françoise Brochard-Wyart, and David Quéré. "Surfactants." In Capillarity and Wetting Phenomena, 191–213. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2004.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Surfactants"
Gbonhinbor, Jeffrey, Ann Obuebite, George Kuradoite, and Augustine Agi. "Characteristic Curvature Assessment of Some Natural Surfactants for Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Applications in Nigeria." In SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2022.
Full textBian, Yu, and Pinn-Tsong Chiang. "Effect of Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic Groups of Surfactants on Wax Deposition Studied by Model Waxy Oil System." In SPE International Conference on Oilfield Chemistry. SPE, 2023.
Full textXu, Limin, Ming Han, Dongqing Cao, and Alhasan Fuseni. "New Synergistic Surfactant Mixtures for Improving Oil Production in Carbonate Reservoirs." In SPE Conference at Oman Petroleum & Energy Show. SPE, 2022.
Full textPandey, Rishabh, Ali Ousseini Tinni, and Chandra Shekhar Rai. "Experimental Investigation of Amphoteric and Microbial Surfactants for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Shaly Sandstones." In SPE Oklahoma City Oil and Gas Symposium. SPE, 2023.
Full textBello, Ayomikun, Alexander Rodionov, Anastasia Ivanova, and Alexey Cheremisin. "Synergistic Effects of Binary Surfactant Systems for Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonates." In SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference. SPE, 2024.
Full textEady, Shawn. "Oleo-furan surfactants as fully biorenewable, carcinogen-free drop-in replacements for commercial anionic surfactants." In 2022 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS), 2022.
Full textBello, Ayomikun, Alexander Rodionov, Anastasia Ivanova, and Alexey Cheremisin. "Experimental Investigation and Molecular Dynamics of the Fluid-Fluid Interactions Between Binary Surfactant Systems for EOR." In GOTECH. SPE, 2024.
Full textLokanathan, Manojkumar, Himanshu Sharma, Mostafa Shabaka, Vaibhav Bahadur, and Kishore Mohanty. "Comparing Electrowettability and Surfactants As Tools for Wettability Enhancement on a Hydrophobic Surface." In ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.
Full textAlshamsi, S., and K. Hussain. "Development of Biodegradable Surfactants for Oil Spill Remediation." In ADIPEC. SPE, 2024.
Full text"Wettability Alteration on Sandstone Reservoirs Containing Clay Minerals By The Addition Anionic Alkyl Ethoxy Carboxylate Surfactant." In Indonesian Petroleum Association - 46th Annual Convention & Exhibition 2022. Indonesian Petroleum Association, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Surfactants"
Weiss and Xie. WVJB8LP Smart Gas - Using Chemicals to Improve Gas Deliverability. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), January 2008.
Full textWeiss. PR-318-08700-R01 Smart Gas-Using Chemicals to Improve Gas Deliverability-Phase II. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), March 2009.
Full textViers, Brent D., Alan Esker, and Katie Farmer. Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes Surfactants. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2001.
Full textMorgan, Matthew Earle. Solubilization of pentanol by cationic surfactants and binary mixtures of cationic surfactants. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 1993.
Full textLebone T. Moeti and Ramanathan Sampath. Characterization of Phase and Emulsion Behavior, Surfactant Retention, and Oil Recovery for Novel Alcohol Ethoxycarboxylate Surfactants. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 1998.
Full textMiller, D. D., and D. F. Evans. Aggregation Behavior of Mixed-Counterion Double-Chained Surfactants. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 1991.
Full textLaura Wesson, Prapas Lohateeraparp, Jeffrey Harwell, and Bor-Jier Shiau. Next Generation Surfactants for Improved Chemical Flooding Technology. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), May 2012.
Full textMiranda, Paulo B. Nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy of surfactants at liquid interfaces. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1998.
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