Academic literature on the topic 'Surf – Maroc'
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Journal articles on the topic "Surf – Maroc"
Guibert, Christophe. "Le surf au Maroc. Les déterminants d'une ressource politique incertaine." Sciences sociales et sport 1, no. 1 (2008): 115.
Full textCibeyra, Dihuen, and Jorge Ricardo Saraví. "Lógica interna del surf." Conexões 18 (September 22, 2020): e020023.
Full textQuézel, P., M. Barbero, A. Benabid, and S. Rivas-Martínez. "Le passage de la végétation méditerranéenne à la végétation saharienne sur les revers méridional du Haut Atlas oriental (Maroc)." Phytocoenologia 22, no. 4 (December 5, 1994): 537–82.
Full textPamekas, Tunjung, Hendri Bustamam, Ferdinand Gherrisyah M, Usman Kris Joko Suharjo, and Edi Susilo. "Pengujian Kesehatan 4 Varietas Benih Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor L.)." Proceedings Series on Physical & Formal Sciences 5 (August 4, 2023): 171–77.
Full textQuézel, P., M. Barbéro, A. Benabid, and S. Rivas-Martínez. "Les structures de végétation arborées à Acacia sur le revers méridional de l'Anti-Atlas et dans la vallée inférieure du Draa (Maroc)." Phytocoenologia 25, no. 2 (June 28, 1995): 279–304.
Full textAlexandre, Jean. "«À quoi m’as-tu abandonné ?» La lecture de Psaume 22,2 dans Matthieu 27,46 et Marc 15,34." Études théologiques et religieuses 79, no. 1 (2004): 65–68.
Full textMarzoqi, Mohamed, and Andre Pascal. "Séquences de dépôts et tectono-eustatisme à la limite Crétacé/Tertiaire sur la marge sud-téthysienne (Atlas de Marrakech et bassin de Ouarzazate, Maroc)." Newsletters on Stratigraphy 38, no. 1 (August 14, 2000): 57–80.
Full textKatoen, Joost-Pieter. "Conference Reports." ACM SIGLOG News 10, no. 4 (October 2023): 41.
Full textFlorido del Corral, David. "Encrucijadas para las sociedades pesqueras del sur en el marco de la globalización. Líneas de investigación y perspectivas teórico-metodológicas." Revista Andaluza de Antropología, no. 4 (2013): 1–9.
Full textFlorido del Corral, David. "Encrucijadas para las sociedades pesqueras del sur en el marco de la globalización. Líneas de investigación y perspectivas teórico-metodológicas." Revista Andaluza de Antropología, no. 4 (2013): 1–9.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Surf – Maroc"
Khelifi, Lilia. "Surf et surfeurs des Suds ou dans les Suds ? Enquête multi-située à Madagascar et au Maroc sur les circulations et les espaces d’une pratique culturelle et sportive." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textThe aim of this doctoral research is to analyse the issues raised by the emergence of surfing in Madagascar (Tananarive, Mahambo, Ambatomalama, Fort-Dauphin and Tulear) and Morocco (Rabat, Safi and Imsouane), based on a field study in several localities. The circulation of cultural models, in particular the transformation of a localised cultural physical practice into a globalised sport during the second half of the 20th century, reinforces the imaginaries and representations of the surf and the surfer both by the practitioners themselves and by non-practitioners. Since the beginning of the 2000s, the relationship with the coastline, and more precisely with the beach and the ocean, has changed through surfing in the above-mentioned localities, as this space of uncontrollable immensity exerts a repulsive and fearful effect on most Malagasy people, whether they live near the coast or not. In Morocco, however, public policies promote the development of coastal sports tourism. Various formal and informal organisational arrangements are established by surfers in order to transform their areas into a new outlet for (sport) tourism. The crossing of levels (from the body level to the global level), the issues raised in the fields of cultural geography and social geography, the implementation of a qualitative survey lasting several months in Madagascar and Morocco, as well as the lack of scientific literature on the Malagasy and the Moroccan coastal life, contribute to the originality of this research subject
El, Moussaoui Rachid. "L'impôt général sur le revenu au Maroc." Paris 2, 1997.
Full textThe income tax reforme constitutes the main aspect of moroccan fiscal reform. It took the place of other subituted taxes and duties. Despite ils global and inclusive meseures, the income tax misses it goals. Thus, the agriculture is simply exonerated, with all the loss caused to tax output. The capital revenues are not included in the same level and in a great extent to the general progressive tax. There is two reasons for funds-taxes weakness. As for as land tax is concerned, the income is cut down by many exonerations and allowance, made legal by igr texts. Also, land tax is restricted and not widned to some other ground rents. As for the personnel estate tax, a number of exceptions and exonerations weakens the essentiels of it. Hence, the the wage income tax constitutes basically the essentiel taking and receipts of the income tax policy. The income tax enforcement runs against many difficulties, such as the important tax evasion and absence of sserious control. The means, wich the taxation authorities uses, are for from to guarantie an earnet application of the fiscal low. Therefor the taxation authorities are trying their best to minimise the loss by adopting a proprtional and progressif meusures. But in absence of a serious transformation and a real strengthening of the juridical instrument of control and repressive lows, all the half way measures would be non-efficient
Roman, Abdellatif. "Étude de l'impact du climat sur l'agrumiculture au Maroc." Paris 4, 1995.
Full textCitrus develop in morocco under climatic conditions different frome those in the asian south-east. The climat in morocco, caracterised by such a seasonal variation of temperature has a great impact on the growth of plant and the quality of the fruit. The rainfall is not well distributed all over the year. The water requirements for citrus are higher in growing season, particulary in summer; to over this water deficit, the agriculturer uses irrigation, this irrigation is more required in the meridional stations
Mikou, Khalid. "Impact du développement urbain sur les villes traditionnelles au Maroc : exemple de Fès." Amiens, 2006.
Full textSalmy, Abdelaziz. "Regards sur la vie théâtrale au Maroc. Esquisse sociologique à partir d́enquêtes sur le public." Paris 3, 1995.
Full textIn morroco, as in many other countries, the theatrical activity is said to be in a state of crisis : according to the public there's a lack of first products, in the creators' opinion there are not enough spectators. Some regret the time of ma'mura; others strongly question its repertoire. That's the way the state of the morrocan theatre is described in various reviews or colloquia. So, as far as the public, the creators, the searchers are concerned, the situation has become unbearable and even unmanageable. That's one of the main reasons which lead to conduct this survey. But, by studying, the theatrical situation, the composition of the public, its tastes and its expectations, a searching worker is lead to discover that the understructure and the equipment for the performances are the points on which the public as wellas the creators are focussed
Buob, Baptiste. "Artisanat et tradition au Maroc : étude d'anthropologie filmique sur les dinandiers de la Médina de Fès." Paris 10, 2006.
Full textThe study deals with the craftsmen from medina of Fes specialized in brass objects manufacturing: copperware manufacturers called swainya. The approach follows filmic anthropology’s principles wich gets cinematographic experience in the heart of ethnologic fieldwork. This work is composed of two independents and complementaries parts : four ethnographic films describing technical processes of objects manufacturing; and a written work that aimes at a monographical study dealing with history, socioeconomy, techniques and ideas that surround technicals acts of the copperware manufacturers. Facts and analysis reveal that swainiya’s activity is far from corresponding to meanings commonly combined with morrocan’s “traditionnal” craftwork. The present work offers to rethink relations between “tradition” and “craftwork” in Morocco
Atillah, Abderrahman. "Les influences maritimes sur le climat du Maroc atlantique central : une analyse par télédétection spatiale." Rennes 2, 1993.
Full textThe climatic orginality of the central atlantic facade of Morocco is pointed out. This originality is explained by the proximity of ocean with its specific thermodynamic property, well detected by the remote sensing tool. The coupling of ocean and climate is demonstrated ; the spatial extension and the diveraity of aceanic climatic domain are precised. This region is distinguished from the reat of the atlantic facade by colder marine waters. The coastal upwelling results from the permanence of north and north-east winds. The themography has permitted to understand the thermal superficial structure of the sea at a scale and with a precision previously nver resched. This structure is variable batween the warm and relatively homogeneous north and the colder and very heterogeneous south. These thermal oppositions are at the origin of the oceanic climate diversity in the region. The oceanic influence varies along different coastal sectors according to the extent of thermal marine phenomenon. The southern parts especially have an important summer coolness. The ground surface temperature are wore moderate and the daily and seasonalthermal amplitude are well reduced to the south, in relation with the upwelling. The impact of the sea is also illustrated by the high frequency of cloudy skies above coasts during the warn season, with a geographical contrastingrrepartition. .
Serhane, Hamza. "Contribution à l'étude du régime contentieux de l'imposition des revenus en droit fiscal marocain." Paris 8, 1992.
Full textEl, Harrouni Mohammed. "L'incidence des réformes du marché des capitaux sur l'économie marocaine." Perpignan, 2006.
Full textMoulay, Rchid El Mostapha. "Maurusia : Recherches sur la géographie historique du Maroc antique." Besançon, 1987.
Full textThe thesis attempts to shed light on the symmetry phenomenon and the concept of reference country as represented by marusia the aim of the study is to show that this territory enjoyed the privilege of original relations, a fact which might seem paradoxal given the ethnic and linguistic unity of the Maghreb. Literary and archeological sources are certainly of great help for a better understanding of the moor country
Books on the topic "Surf – Maroc"
Benhaddou, Ali. Maroc, les élites du royaume: Essai sur l'organisation du pouvoir au Maroc. Paris, France: Harmattan, 1997.
Find full textJerome. Homelies sur Marc. Paris: Cerf, 2005.
Find full textJerome. Homélies sur Marc. Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2005.
Find full textMorocco) Colloque scientifique sur le thème le Maroc et le Vietnam: regards de l'un sur l'autre (2012 Rabat. La mémoire historique partageé Maroco-Vietnamienne: Colloque scientifique sur le thème le Maroc et le Vietnam: regards de l'un sur l'autre. Rabat: Haut commissariat aux anciens résistants et anciens membres de l'Armée de libération, 2017.
Find full textDarouich, Ahmed. Etudes sur le secteur industriel au Maroc. [Rabat]: A. Darouich, 1988.
Find full textRéflexion sur la transition démocratique au Maroc. [Morocco]: Centre Tarik ibn Zyad pour les études et la récherche, 2000.
Find full textAbdallah, Saaf, and Marx Karl 1818-1883, eds. Ecrits marxistes sur le Maroc (1860-1925). Salé, Maroc: Contact, 1986.
Find full textRinga, Rachid. Regards sociologiques sur la délinquance juvénile au Maroc. [Morocco: s.n., 1998.
Find full text1893-1954, Montagne Robert, and Berdouzi Mohamed, eds. Regards sur le Maroc: Actualité de Robert Montagne. Paris: CHEAM, 1986.
Find full textBrunel, René. Essai sur la confrérie religieuxe des Aissaouas au Maroc. Casablanca: Editions Afrique-Orient, 1988.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Surf – Maroc"
Freigang, Christian. "Laugier, Marc-Antoine: Essai sur l'architecture." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1–2. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.
Full textGalinier, Martin. "La colonne de Marc Aurèle: réflexions sur une gestuelle narrative." In Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses, 141–61. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2000.
Full textScheid, John. "Sujets religieux et gestes rituels figurés sur la colonne Aurélienne. Questions sur la religion à l'époque de Marc Aurèle." In Bibliothèque de l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses, 227–42. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2000.
Full textGadrat-Ouerfelli, Christine. "Marco Polo en Angleterre : nouvelles recherches sur la diffusion de son récit dans les îles Britanniques." In Instrumenta Patristica et Mediaevalia, 597–616. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2016.
Full text"Maroc." In Projet OCDE/G20 sur l'érosion de la base d'imposition et le transfert de bénéfices. OECD, 2023.
Full textTHERY, Benoît. "Les enjeux interculturels des investissements du Maroc en Afrique de l’Ouest." In Voix africaines, voies émergentes, 25–38. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textSantucci, Jean-Claude. "Introduction. Le Maroc actuel entre modernité et tradition. Réflexions sur le changement." In Le Maroc actuel. Institut de recherches et d’études sur les mondes arabes et musulmans, 1992.
Full textCubertafond, Bernard. "Regard oblique sur la face cachée des 98,5 %." In Le Maroc au présent, 611–15. Centre Jacques-Berque, 2015.
Full text"Notices biographiques sur les auteurs." In Maroc : la guerre des langues ?, 161–67. En toutes lettres, 2018.
Full textHAIDAR, Mehdi. "Migrations et politique linguistique au Maroc." In Voix africaines, voies émergentes, 51–64. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Surf – Maroc"
AYAD, Hassan, and Mohamed CHAGDALI. "Impact des éléments naturels sur l’évolution du littoral d’Azemmour (Maroc)." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2018.
Full textIdrissi, Mohammed, Ahmed Hourimeche, Vincent Rey, and Mohamed Chagdali. "Impact des installations côtières sur l’évolution du littoral de Mohammedia (Maroc)." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2004.
Full textLOUAYA, Abdelkrim, and Naima HAMOUMI. "Impact des aménagements sur la morphodynamique du complexe lagunaire de Nador, Maroc." In Conférence Méditerranéenne Côtière et Maritime - Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference. Editions Paralia, 2011.
Full textMOUJANE, Abderrahim, Mohammed CHAGDALI, and Soumia MORDANE. "Modélisation marine : l'impact des données atmosphériques COADS sur la réponse du modèle océanique régional ROMS sur le Sud du Maroc." In Conférence Méditerranéenne Côtière et Maritime - Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference. Editions Paralia, 2011.
Full textCamasca, Jhonatan, Marks Calderón-Niquin, and Wilfredo Mamani-Ticona. "Detección de presencia patológica en radiografías basada en un marco de deep learning." In Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Universidad de Lima, 2021.
Full textMurillo Jaramillo, Paula Andrea. "Murales para la vida, en el marco de la cultura ciudadana." In Encuentro de investigación formativa en Diseño – Semilleros y Grupos de investigación RAD 2018. Cali, Colombia: Red Académica de Diseño - RAD, 2019.
Full textM'selmi, Sana. "Lecture croisée du désir dans Hable con ella de Pedro Almodóvar et La Macération de Rachid Boudjedra à travers le motif de l’eau." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textBELCAID, Aicha, Georges LEPALEC, Abdeslam DRAOUI, and Philippe BOURNOT. "Modélisation tridimensionnelle de l'influence de la bathymétrie et des courants sur la dispersion des polluants dans la baie de Tanger (Maroc)." In Conférence Méditerranéenne Côtière et Maritime - Coastal and Maritime Mediterranean Conference. Editions Paralia, 2011.
Full textMoura, Vanessa dos Santos, and José Vicente De Freitas. "PRÁXIS TRANSFORMADORA DESDE EL SUR: ATRIBUIÇÃO DE SENTIDOS AOS PREÂMBULOS DAS CONSTITUIÇÕES FEDERAIS DO EQUADOR (2008) E DA BOLÍVIA (2009) À LUZ DO GIRO DECOLONIAL." In I Congresso Nacional On-line de Conservação e Educação Ambiental. Revista Multidisciplinar de Educação e Meio Ambiente, 2021.
Full textBardález-Trigoso, Gonzalo, Jean Pablo Bazán-Arzapalo, Junior Fabián, and Pedro Montenegro-Montori. "Detección del SARS-CoV-2 en radiografías de tórax por medio de descriptores intermedios y técnicas de machine learning." In Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Sistemas. Universidad de Lima, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Surf – Maroc"
Zouari, Sami. La dynamique de la discrimination salariale et de l'équité gendorielle sur le marché du travail au Maroc. Population Council, 2011.
Full textXalma, Cristina, and Martín Rivero. Instrumentos innovadores, cooperación financiera, Sur-Sur y Triangular. Fundación Carolina, October 2021.
Full textXalma, Cristina, and Martín Rivero. Instrumentos innovadores, cooperación financiera, Sur-Sur y Triangular. Fundación Carolina, October 2021.
Full textSalgado-Galvez, Mario A., Alonso Brenes, Virgina Jiménez, and Tsuneki Hori. Análisis y recomendaciones para la implementación efectiva de la gestión de riesgo de desastres en América Latina y El Caribe: Estudio a través del ndice de Gestión de Riesgo (IGR). Inter-American Development Bank, October 2021.
Full textÁvila, Renata. Por una transición digital incluyente y justa, desde Latinoamérica al mundo. Fundación Carolina, October 2022.
Full textSvampa, Maristella. Dilemas de la transición ecosocial desde América Latina. Fundación Carolina, September 2022.
Full textMörch, Carl-Maria, Pascale Lehoux, Marc-Antoine Dilhac, Catherine Régis, and Xavier Dionne. Recommandations pratiques pour une utilisation responsable de l’intelligence artificielle en santé mentale en contexte de pandémie. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, December 2020.
Full textSvampa, Maristella. Feminismos ecoterritoriales en América Latina. Entre la violencia patriarcal y extractivista y la interconexión con la naturaleza. Fundación Carolina, November 2021.
Full textEvia Duarte, Daniela, Lilia Hernández Sotelo, Salma Abraham, and Osvaldo Cristaldo. Impulsando proyectos urbanos: una estrategia de comunicación y participación social para promover una transformación urbana colaborativa: experiencias en Paraguay. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, August 2022.
Full textSGC, Servicio Geológico Colombiano. Cartografía geológica de la plancha 64 Barranco de Loba Sur del Departamento de Bolívar Cartografía geológica de 9.600 km2 de la Serranía de San Lucas, planchas 55 El Banco, 64 Barranco de Loba, 85 Simití y 96 Bocas del Rosario- Aporte al conocimiento de su evolución geológica- Acuerdo específico 004 complementario al convenio marco de cooperación 005. Escala 1:100.000. Producto. Versión año 2006. Bogotá: Servicio Geológico Colombiano, December 2006.
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