Academic literature on the topic 'Surf – Histoire'
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Journal articles on the topic "Surf – Histoire"
Augustin, Jean-Pierre. "Lemarié, Jérémy (2018). Surf : une histoire de la glisse de la première vague aux Beach Boys, Paris, Arkhê, 2018, 236 p." Staps Prépublication (June 1, 2023): I31–3.
Full textQuinn, Patrick, and Iain Borden. "Solid Surf." Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 10, no. 1 (October 25, 2023): 139–69.
Full textManas, Alfonso. "La historia del surf en España." International Journal of the History of Sport 32, no. 11-12 (August 13, 2015): 1525–26.
Full textDoering, Adam, and Clifton Evers. "Maintaining Masculinities in Japan’s Transnational Surfscapes: Space, Place, and Gender." Journal of Sport and Social Issues 43, no. 5 (August 12, 2019): 386–406.
Full textCrawford. "The California Surf Museum." Journal of Sport History 46, no. 3 (2019): 396.
Full textValencia, Luis, Maribel Osorio García, and Rocío Del Carmen Serrano Barquín. "Turismo de surf: revisión de nuevas líneas y temáticas de investigación (2012-2018)." Investigaciones Turísticas, no. 20 (October 16, 2020): 215.
Full textEsparza, Daniel. "Historia y deporte: los orígenes del surf a través de la prensa española." Romanica Olomucensia 25, no. 1 (June 1, 2013): 47–59.
Full textTjønndal, Anne. "The Critical Surf Studies Reader." International Journal of the History of Sport 35, no. 15-16 (November 2, 2018): 1667–68.
Full textNurdiani, Partin. "BULAN SURA DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM." IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya 11, no. 1 (January 15, 2013): 111–18.
Full textMacLean, Malcolm. "The critical surf studies reader." Sport in History 40, no. 1 (November 15, 2019): 147–49.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Surf – Histoire"
Cruzin-Polycarpe, Valérie. "L'épopée homérique du surf en France (ra)contée par Surf Session : une histoire des représentations médiatiques du surf de 1986 à nos jours." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2024.
Full textAlthough surfing officially made its debut in France in 1956 on the Basque coast, its culture was not put into narrative form and disseminated by the media until 1986, when the first French surfing magazine, Surf Session, was created. Fascinated in their youth by these men from across the Atlantic who played with the waves and brought with them a new, liberated lifestyle, two men decided to create a French surfing magazine in March 1986. Surfing was booming at the time: surfwear brands were establishing themselves along the Aquitaine coast, national and international competitions were multiplying, as were clubs, whose development the magazine supported.As a privileged vector of surfing culture, this medium is both an archive and a means of promoting a new, sometimes counter-cultural sport and its social activities. A semio-historical analysis of the statements and visibilities contained in the issues over a period of thirty-eight years brings to light a Homeric vision of the practice in the form of an epic, first Illiadesque, then Odyssean, summoning ancient symbols and myths to create new ones. It contributes to inscribing the sport in the collective psyche through representations which this work proposes to deconstrcut by questioning its
Arnaud-Lindet, Marie-Pierre. "Recherches sur Orose historien : sources et méthodes de compositions des histoires." Paris 1, 1986.
Full textArnaud-Lindet, Marie-Pierre. "Recherches sur Orose historien sources et méthodes de composition des "Histoires", 1-Orose historien, la culture classique au service de l'apologétique, 2-Les Histoires d'Orose." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1987.
Full textLEE, EUN JU. "Etude sur tangun - mythe, symbole et histoire -." Paris 7, 1999.
Full textStoll, Claude. "Histoire des idées sur l'évolution de l'homme." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2008.
Full textSUMMARY : Until the 18th century theologians and philosophers were debating on human origin. According to Genesis, the Earth was 6000 years old. Around 1866, Buffon thought that the Earth is older, 3 millions years and that species are issued from common ancestors. In 1809 Lamarck proposed that creation of the most common beings is persistent and their transformation progressive, adaptation to external environment being responsible for their diversity. In 1833, Etienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire considered that there are relationships between the extinct and the present species. In 1859 Darwin published The Origin of Species proposing a theory of evolution based on variation and selection. However, Wallace proposed the same theory before him, in 1855. In 1874, Haeckel postulated that man originated during the Eocene, for him the Pithecanthrope is the missing link between the great apes and man. In 1902, the mutationism was a major step in the understanding of the mechanisms of speciation. Between 1930 and 1950 the request of a consensus resulted in the Modern Synthethis which was completed, around 1970 by the neutral theory of molecular evolution and by evo-devo. According to the fossil record the origin of man is disputed. Among the numerous scenarios proposed since 1980, the most common is the one suggesting that our ancestor went out of Africa some 2 millions years ago. The results of the karyotype and the molecular biology showed that there are very few differences between the genomes of man and of chimpanzee. Recently, efforts were done to come out with a consensus. If genetic studies suggest that man and chimpanzee are sister species, they showed a paradox: there is a gap between the history of genes, their divergence and the history of species, the speciation. Many scenarios of hominisation were proposed
Stoll, Claude Vetter Jean-Marie Gall Jean-Claude. "Histoire des idées sur l'évolution de l'homme." Strasbourg : Université de Strasbourg, 2009.
Full textRoussel, Stéphane. "L'ordre libéral nord-américain, l'impact des valeurs, des normes et des institutions démocratiques sur les relations canado-américaines en matière de sécurité de 1867 à 1958." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.
Full textAIT, MESSAOUD EL HADARI NAIMA. "Recherches sur la ville d'essaouira : histoire et archeologie monumentale." Paris 1, 1995.
Full textIn this work, i have endeavoured to render an account of essaouira history, architecture and town-planning. I have studied also the geographical setting of the city, its economical activities, the part played by the jewish colon y and its history from ancient times to the coming of the alaouite dynasty. I also have studied the architectural planning of the city, examining in succession the religious, military, domestic an d trading architectures, as well as the hydraulic equipment of the city, not forgetting the foreign influence on its architecture and urbanization
Pasquali, Stéphane. "Recherches sur Memphis au Nouvel Empire : topographie, toponymie, histoire." Montpellier 3, 2008.
Full textThematic monograph aiming to document the entire Memphite area in the fields of toponymy and topography for the period of the New Kingdom. This research consists in two volumes. The first is the actual study. It begins with an essay on the history of the region which aims to establish the framework of the research that follows. The second part is a synthesis on the geography of the area, which is organized into five thematics : the first is a clarification on the Memphite area and its territory, the second devoted to the palaces and others royal residences, the third to the port district and the thorny problem of the location of Perunefer, the fourth and fifth to royal and divine foundations. The second volume is the documentary corpus where is compiled in various independent catalogues, all the useful sources to the topic
Clavet, Michel. "Étude comparative des politiques publiques provinciales de santé, 1974-1993, quel est l'impact du politique sur les dépenses?" Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.
Full textBooks on the topic "Surf – Histoire"
Borzeix, Daniel. Histoire d'Ussel-sur-Sarsonne. Treignac: Editions "Les Monédières", 1995.
Find full textRomieu, Maurice. Histoire de Selles-sur-Cher. Paris: Res universis, 1991.
Find full textCochard, Théophile. Histoire de Châtillon-sur-Loire. Paris: Res universis, 1991.
Find full textMerry, Bertron, ed. Histoire de Villemoisson-sur-Orge. Dammarie-les-Lys [France]: Amatteis, 1986.
Find full textHamaide, Louis de La. Histoire de Haybes-sur-Meuse. Paris: Office d'édition du livre d'histoire, 1997.
Find full textClaude, Seillier, and Lottin Alain, eds. Histoire de Boulogne-sur-Mer. 2nd ed. [La Sentinelle]: Editions Le Téméraire, 1998.
Find full textTraver, Emilien. Histoire de Brioux-sur-Boutonne. Paris: Res Universis, 1992.
Find full textDuprat, Guillaume Léonce. Histoire de Rochefort-sur-Mer. Paris: Res Universis, 1992.
Find full textPierre, Levêque, ed. Histoire de Chalon-sur-Saône. Dijon: Editions universitaires de Dijon, 2005.
Find full textWarmé, A. J. Histoire de Balagny-sur-Thérain. Paris: Office d'édition du livre d'histoire, 1994.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Surf – Histoire"
Poucet, Jacques. "L’étoile de Bethléem et la visite des mages : « véritable histoire » ou « belles histoires » ?" In Recherches sur les Rhétoriques Religieuses, 251–71. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2021.
Full textMarkl, Martin, Steve Shnider, and Jim Stasheff. "Introduction and history." In Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 3–34. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 2007.
Full textSchulps, Dave. "“The King of Surf Guitar”." In The Rock History Reader, 61–66. Third edition. | New York : Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2019.
Full textBarjolin-Smith, Anne. "Surfing Florida: History of an Underdog." In Ethno-Aesthetics of Surf in Florida, 67–104. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textBallardini, Elio. "Chapter 6. Eléments pour une histoire de l’interprétation." In Studies in the History of the Language Sciences, 88–101. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024.
Full textMirfendereski, Guive. "Surf and Turf (1901–1903)." In A Diplomatic History of the Caspian Sea, 75–77. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2001.
Full textPava, Jaime. "Introduction and a brief review of the history." In Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 3–15. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society, 2009.
Full textOlteanu, Madalina, and Julien Alerini. "Quelques réflexions sur la périodisation en histoire." In Dans les dédales du web, 57–86. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2019.
Full textDemangeat, Michel. "Note sur « historisation » et psychose." In Histoire et histoires en psychiatrie, 181. ERES, 1992.
Full textIllouz, Charles. "Wanata ripon ore bnathede waica i Po ne waica i Jui. Histoire relative aux lieux de surf des Petits Garçons de Po et de Jui." In De chair et de pierre. Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2000.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Surf – Histoire"
Lupu, Mirabela Ioana, Alina Maier, Cristina Maria Canja, Vasile Padureanu, and Geronimo Raducu Branescu. "ROMANIAN GASTRONOMIC HERITAGE: REDISCOVERING TRADITIONAL PRODUCTS." In 11th SWS International Scientific Conferences on ART and HUMANITIES - ISCAH 2024, 87–94. SGEM WORLD SCIENCE, 2024.
Full textLeichter-Flack, Frédérique. "Usages de Ian Karski ; retour sur une polémique symptôme." In Littérature et histoire en débats. Fabula, 2013.
Full textBatt, Noëlle. "Un malentendu continué. Trois remarques sur les croisements disciplinaires." In Littérature et histoire en débats. Fabula, 2013.
Full textOlivier, Claire. "Cadiot, conte‑enquête : Histoire de la littérature récente." In Enquête sur les enquêtes. Fabula, 2022.
Full textRabaté, Dominique. "Retour sur une histoire récente (entretien)." In Auteurs en scènes. Lieux et régimes de visibilité des écrivains contemporains. Fabula, 2017.
Full textConnan-Pintado, Christiane. "Métamorphoses d’une histoire d’eau en littérature de jeunesse (1865-2004) Perspectives scientifiques/ littéraires/pédagogiques." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textRahman Ahad, Md Atiqur, J. K. Tan, H. Kim, and S. Ishikawa. "SURF-based spatio-temporal history image method for action representation." In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2011). IEEE, 2011.
Full textCoquio, Catherine, Christian Jouhaud, Judith Lyon-Caen, and Dinah Ribard. "« Le fait littéraire est un fait de l’histoire » Questions aux membres du Groupe de Recherches Interdisciplinaire sur l’Histoire du Littéraire et réponses." In Littérature et histoire en débats. Fabula, 2013.
Full textDelvaux, Véronique, Giancarlo Luxardo, and Fabrice Hirsch. "Une histoire des JEP: 50 ans d'études sur la parole." In XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole. ISCA: ISCA, 2018.
Full textYu, Liwei, Ning Ma, Sheming Fan, Peiyuan Feng, and Xiechong Gu. "Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation on the Surf-Riding and Broaching of a Fishing Vessel." In ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textReports on the topic "Surf – Histoire"
Paradis, S. J. Géologie des formations en surface et histoire glaciaire, Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Québec. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2007.
Full textReed, G., S. Fox, D. Littlechild, D. McGregor, D. Lewis, J. Popp, K. Wray, et al. Assurer notre avenir : Rapport sur la résilience autochtone. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
Full textGodet, A., M. Smit, C. Guilmette, and F. Fournier-Roy. La longue vie du Batholite de Decelles, Pontiac, Québec: les grenats à notre rescousse! Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
Full textLewis, C. F. M. Contributions to the glacial and postglacial history of Houghton Lake Basin in the northern part of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, U.S.A. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
Full textHunter, Janine, Lorraine van Blerk, Thomas d'Aquin Rubambura, Cold Musiwa Mubigalo, Luc Mufano, Wayne Shand, Anabelle, et al. Vie de rue dans la ville à la frontière: Des jeunes de la rue racontent leurs vies quotidiennes à Bukavu, RDC. StreetInvest, August 2022.
Full textTodd, B. J. Benthic habitat of the Gulf of Maine: The legacy of Mesozoic to Cenozoic geological history. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
Full textIglesias, Roberto M., Manuba Fujimura, John Gabriel Goddard, Fan Zhai, Fernando Navajas, Mauricio Mesquita Moreira, Christopher Edmonds, et al. Revista Integración & Comercio: Año 12 : No. 28 : Enero-junio, 2008. Inter-American Development Bank, July 2008.
Full textSuárez, Nicólas. Museos del cine latinoamericanos Políticas de preservación fílmica en contextos conviviales y desiguales. Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America, June 2022.
Full textHidalgo Campero, Jorge Antonio. Caso de éxito: AGROEXPORT, Sésamo. Inter-American Development Bank, March 2022.
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