Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Sûreté des réacteurs nucléaires'
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Perdu, Fabien. "Contributions aux études de sûreté pour des filières innovantes de réacteurs nucléaires." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003GRE10215.
Full textCapellan, Nicolas. "Couplage 3D neutronique thermohydraulique : développement d’outils pour les études de sûreté des réacteurs innovants." Paris 11, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA112296.
Full textNuclear reactors are complex systems and modelling of their behaviour involves several sub-disciplines of physics. The most important are the neutronics, which governs the neutron transport and chain reaction in the core, and thermal-hydraulics, which treats the fluid flow of the coolant and the heat transfer from the fuel. These two different physical phenomena are coupled in reactor cores in a complex way: the fission chain reaction affects the heat produced and hence fuel and coolant temperatures and densities, and in turn, these affect the cross sections for the nuclear reactions. Thanks to the massive growth in computer power over the last few decades it is only now that it is possible to imagine simulation of this phenomenological complexity in a reasonable time. For this reason stochastic neutronics codes of the Monte Carlo type are used much more widely than in the past. They offer the great advantage of the ability of this type of probabilistic code resides in their ability to reproduce to "faithfully" re-produce reality without recourse to modelling approximations. It is in this context that the following thesis work has been performed: a generic coupling of a Monte-Carlo based neutronics code to a thermal-hydraulics code to ensure the most accurate 3-dimensional description possible of operating conditions in a reactor core. This work is driven by the new demands for future reactor generations of increased security, the optimization of natural resources and the minimization of nuclear waste production. This manuscript presents the methodology for the development of an automated external coupling between the Monte Carlo based neutron transport code, MCNP, and the thermal-hydraulics/thermic code, COBRA-EN. The development these new and high precision simulation tools was accompanied with new physical-numeric problems which had to be solved. The problems encountered are highlighted in the manuscript. Finally, the validation of the coupled scheme was carried out on a complex, heterogeneous benchmark in order to prove the robustness of the code developments undertaken and the feasibility of such coupling
Maury, Cécile. "Spectroscopies analytiques innovantes pour l'amélioration de la sûreté des réacteurs nucléaires à neutrons rapides refroidis au sodium (RNRNa)." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00807954.
Full textBillard, Yvan. "Contribution à l'étude des transferts de fluides au sein d'une paroi en béton : application au cas des enceintes de confinement en conditions d'épreuve et accidentelle." Lyon, INSA, 2003. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2003ISAL0015/these.pdf.
Full textThe aim of this work is to contribute to the study of the transfers of fluids induced by two types of loading (periodic air tightness tests and LOCA type) in the case of a concrete wall integrating in homogeneities and singularities capable to exist within a containment wall of nuclear reactor. After the study of various concretes, focused on permeabilities and types of gaseous flow considered, the experimental phase has permitted to simulate air tightness test and accidental condition on a concrete specimen (scale 1 - thickness equal to 1. 3rn) respecting a representativeness criterion. The numerical investigation is carried out with the Thermal-Hydro-Mechanic of non-saturated porous media model, recently implemented in Code_Aster® (developed by EDF). The synthesis of the physical observations and the numerical simulations contributes to improve the knowledge of different roles of the porous structure notably concerning the transposition between an air leak flow and an air + steam leak flow
Journeau, Christophe. "Contribution des essais en matériaux prototypiques sur la plate-forme PLINIUS à l'étude des accidents graves de réacteurs nucléaires." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université d'Orléans, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00343657.
Full textLe, Duy Tu Duong. "Traitement des incertitudes dans les applications des études probabilistes de sûreté nucléaire." Troyes, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011TROY0022.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to propose an approach to model parameter and model uncertain-ties affecting the results of risk indicators used in the applications of nuclear Probabilistic Risk assessment (PRA). After studying the limitations of the traditional probabilistic approach to represent uncertainty in PRA model, a new approach based on the Dempster-Shafer theory has been proposed. The uncertainty analysis process of the pro-posed approach consists in five main steps. The first step aims to model input parameter uncertainties by belief and plausibility functions ac-cording to the data PRA model. The second step involves the propagation of parameter uncertainties through the risk model to lay out the uncertainties associated with output risk indicators. The model uncertainty is then taken into account in the third step by considering possible alternative risk models. The fourth step is intended firstly to provide decision makers with information needed for decision making under uncertainty (parametric and model) and secondly to identify the input parameters that have significant uncertainty contributions on the result. The final step allows the process to be continued in loop by studying the updating of beliefs functions given new data. The pro-posed methodology was implemented on a real but simplified application of PRA model
Cistâkov, Andrej. "Etude du potentiel de transmutation et des caractéristiques de sûreté d'un système hybride : accélérateur - réacteur sous critique." Aix-Marseille 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998AIX11038.
Full textPometko, Serguei͏̈. "Modélisation, dans un logiciel de sûrete, du comportement d'un bain liquide de matériaux fondus au cours d'un accident grave dans un coeur de réacteur." Aix-Marseille 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996AIX11004.
Full textMaury, Cécile. "Spectroscopies analytiques innovantes pour l'amélioration de la sûreté des réacteurs nucléaire à neutrons rapides refroidis au sodium." Paris 6, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA066428.
Full textAndriolo, Lena. "Impact des combustibles sphere-pac innovants sur les performances de sûreté des réacteurs à neutrons rapides refroidis au sodium." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015GREAI067/document.
Full textFuture sodium cooled fast reactors (SFRs) have to fulfill the GEN-IV requirements of enhanced safety, minimal waste production, increased proliferation resistance and high economical potential. This PhD project is dedicated to the evaluation of the impact of innovative fuels (especially minor actinides bearing oxide sphere-pac fuels) on the safety performance of advanced SFRs with transmutation option. The SIMMER-III code, originally tailored to mechanistically analyze later phases of core disruptive accidents, is employed for accident simulations. During the PhD project, the code has been extended for a better simulation of the early accident phase introducing the treatment of thermal expansion reactivity effects and for taking into account the specifics of sphere-pac fuels (thermal conductivity and gap conditions). The entire transients (from the initiating event to later accident phases) have been modeled with this extended SIMMER version. Within this PhD work, first the thermo-physical properties of sphere-pac fuel have been modeled and casted into SIMMER-III. Then, a new computational method to account for thermal expansion feedbacks has been developed to improve the initiation phase modeling of the code. The technique has the potential to evaluate these reactivity feedbacks for a fixed Eulerian mesh and in a spatial kinetics framework. At each time step, cell-wise expanded dimensions and densities are calculated based on temperature variations. Density factors are applied to the expanded densities to get an equivalent configuration (in reactivity) with original dimensions and modified densities. New cross sections are calculated with these densities and the reactivity of the equivalent configuration is computed. The developed methods show promising results for uniform and non-uniform expansions. For non-uniform expansions, model improvement needs have been identified and neutronics simulations have been carried out to support future SIMMER extensions. Preliminary results are encouraging. In the third part of the PhD, two core designs with conventional and sphere pac fuels are compared with respect to their transient behavior. These designs were established in the former CP-ESFR project: the working horse core and the optimized CONF2 core (with a large sodium plenum above the core for coolant void worth reduction). The two fuel design options are compared for steady state and transient conditions (Unprotected Loss of Flow accident, ULOF) either at beginning of life (BOL) or under irradiated conditions. Analyses for sphere-pac fuel reveal two main phases to consider at BOL. At start-up, the non-restructured sphere-pac fuel shows a low thermal conductivity compared to pellet fuel of same density. However, the fuel restructures quickly (in a few hours) due to the high thermal gradients and its thermal conductivity recovers. The fuel then shows a behavior close to the pellet one. The study also shows that the CONF2 core leads to a very mild transient for a ULOF accident at BOL. The large upper sodium plenum seems to effectively prevent large positive reactivity insertions. However, stronger reactivity and power peaks are observed under irradiated conditions or when americium is loaded in the core and lower axial blanket. This PhD work demonstrates, under current simulation conditions, that sphere-pac fuels do not seem to cause specific safety issues compared to standard pellet fuels, when loaded in SFRs. The accurate simulation of core thermal expansion reactivity feedbacks by means of the extended SIMMER version plays an important role in the accident timing (simulations confirm the expected delay in the first power peak) and on the energetic potential compared to the case where these feedbacks are omitted. The analyses also confirm the mitigating impact of a large sodium plenum on transients with voiding potential. The behavior of sphere-pac fuel in these conditions opens a perspective to its practical application in SFRs
Duflot, Nicolas. "Les mesures d'importance fiabilistes issues des études probabilistes de sûreté nucléaire : contrôle des incertitudes et nouvelles applications pour l'aide à la décision." Troyes, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TROY0010.
Full textThis PhD thesis deals with the importance measures based on nuclear probabilistic safety analyses (PSA). With these indicators, the importance towards risk of the events considered in the PSA models can be measured. The first part of this thesis sets out the framework in which they are currently used. The information extracted from importance measures evaluation is used in industrial decision-making processes that may impact the safety of nuclear plants. In the second part of the thesis, we thus try to meet the requirements of reliability and simplicity with an approach minimising the uncertainties due to modelling. We also lay out a new truncation process of the set of the minimal cut set (MCS) corresponding to the baseline case which allows a quick, automatic and precise calculation of the importance measures. As PSA are increasingly used in risk-informed decision-making approaches, we have examined the extension of importance measures to groups of basic events. The third part of the thesis therefore presents the definition of the importance of events such as the failure of a system or the loss of a function, as well as their potential applications. PSA being considered to be a useful tool to design new nuclear power plants, the fourth part of the thesis sketches out a design process based both on classical importance measures and on new ones
Brovchenko, Mariya. "Études préliminaires de sûreté du réacteur à sels fondus MSFR." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00956589.
Full textGuillaumé, Mathieu. "Modélisation de l'interaction entre le cœur fondu d'un réacteur à eau pressurisée et le radier en béton du bâtiment réacteur." Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008INPL107N/document.
Full textSevere accidents of nuclear power plants are very unlikely to occur, yet it is necessary to be able to predict the evolution of the accident. In some situations, heat generation due to the disintegration of fission products could lead to the melting of the core. If the molten core falls on the floor of the building, it would provoke the melting of the concrete floor. The objective of the studies is to calculate the melting rate of the concrete floor. The work presented in this report is in the continuity of the segregation phase model of Seiler and Froment. It is based on the results of the ARTEMIS experiments. Firstly, we have developed a new model to simulate the transfers within the interfacial area. The new model explains how heat is transmitted to concrete: by conduction, convection and latent heat generation. Secondly, we have modified the coupled modelling of the pool and the interfacial area. We have developed two new models: the first one is the “liquidus model”, whose main hypothesis is that there is no resistance to solute transfer between the pool and the interfacial area. The second one is “the thermal resistance model”, whose main hypothesis is that there is no solute transfer and no dissolution of the interfacial area. The second model is able to predict the evolution of the pool temperature and the melting rate in the tests 3 and 4, with the condition that the obstruction time of the interfacial area is about 105 s. The model is not able to explain precisely the origin of this value. The liquidus model is able to predict correctly the evolution of the pool temperature and the melting rate in the tests 2 and 6
Prévot, Pierre. "Développement d'outils académiques pour la conception et la sûreté de réacteurs innovants : premières applications au dimensionnement de SMR refroidis à l'eau légère et chargés en thorium." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018GREAY041/document.
Full textThe Generation IV of nuclear reactors aims at making the nuclear energy a sustainable power source, able to contribute efficiently to the energetic transition. To anticipate the delay of this Gen. IV, innovative retro-fitted nuclear reactors with high level of conversion are studied. The conception of such reactors needs the development of a flexible and robust academical tool box in order to:- Evaluate fuel performance. This is done by means of SMURE (Serpent/MCNP Utility for Reactor Evolution), the dedicated CNRS C++ framework, which is adapted to perform burnup calculation both at assembly scale and at core scale.- Evaluate safety performance. This implies coupled transient simulation between neutronics and thermohydraulics. Neutronics is handled by the Nodal Drift Method (NDM) which solves the diffusion equations while thermohydraulics is simplified and computed by the code Basic Approach to ThermalHydraulics (BATH). This coupling between NDM/BATH has been validated on a Rod Ejection Accident (REA) benchmark.Ours tools and methods are applied on the design of sub-moderated water-cooled SMR cores using either Th/U or Th/Pu fuel. In addition to basic conception criteria such as the form factor, the reactivity management has been investigated in details, which has led to the development of a new methodology for optimal used of burnable poisons. The safety analysis against REA highlights new conceptions limits, in particular on the maximal sub-moderating ratio in order to avoid nucleate boiling. It also reveals the consequences on the reactor safety of some design choices such as low soluble boron inventory
Volat, Ludovic. "Développement d’une méthode stochastique de propagation des incertitudes neutroniques associées aux grands coeurs de centrales nucléaires : application aux réacteurs de génération III." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0330/document.
Full textGeneration III Light Water Reactors undoubtedly follow design guidelines comparable to those of current PWRs. Furthermore, they take advantage of enhanced features in terms of safety, energy efficiency, radiation protection and environment. Then, we talk about an evolutionary approach. Amongst those improvements, the significant size and the use of a heavy reflector translate into a better neutronics efficacy, leading to intrinsic enrichment benefits then to natural uranium profits. They contribute to the core vessel preservation as well.Because of their large dimensions, the neutronic bulge of this kind of reactors is emphasized. Therefore, it is a parameter of interest in the reactor safety studies. Nevertheless, the uncertainty related to the radial power map is hardly reachable by using the numerical methods implemented in the neutronics codes.Given the above, this PhD work aims to develop an innovative stochastic neutronics uncertainties propagation method. By using recent probabilistic results, it makes good use of the growing calculation means in order to explore all the physical states of the reactor statiscally foreseen.After being validated , our method has been applied to a reactor proposed in the framework of a large core OECD/NEA international benchmark with carefully chosen covariances values. Thus, for this system, the uncertainties related to the keff reaches 638~pcm $(1\sigma)$. What is more, the total bulge equals 8.8~\% $(1\sigma)$ and the maximal uncertainty related to the insertion of a group of control rods reaches 11~\% $(1\sigma)$
Lü, Bo. "Modélisation de la propagation et de l’interaction d’une onde acoustique pour la télémétrie de structures complexes." Thesis, Le Mans, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011LEMA1025/document.
Full textThis study takes place in the framework of tools development for thetelemetry simulation. Telemetry is a possible technology applied to monitoring the sodiumcooledfast reactors (SFR) and consists in positioning in the reactor core a transducer togenerate an ultrasonic beam. This beam propagates through an inhomogeneous randommedium since temperature fluctuations occur in the liquid sodium and consequently thesound velocity fluctuates as well, which modifies the bream propagation. Then the beaminteracts with a reactor structure immersed in sodium. By measuring the time of flight of thebackscattered echo received by the same transducer, one can determine the preciselocation of the structure. The telemetry simulation therefore requires modeling of both theacoustic wave propagation in an inhomogeneous random medium and the interaction of thiswave with structures of various shapes; this is the objective of this work.A stochastic model based on a Monte Carlo algorithm is developed in order to take intoaccount the random fluctuations of the acoustic field. The acoustic field through aninhomogeneous random medium is finally modeled from the field calculated in a meanhomogeneous medium by modifying the travel times of rays in the homogeneous medium,using a correction provided by the stochastic model. This stochastic propagation model hasbeen validated by comparison with a deterministic model and is much simpler to integrate inthe CIVA software platform for non destructive evaluation simulation and less timeconsuming than the deterministic model.In order to model the interaction between the acoustic wave and the immersedstructures, classical diffraction models have been evaluated for rigid structures, including thegeometrical theory of diffraction (GTD) and the Kirchhoff approximation (KA). These twoapproaches appear to be complementary. Combining them so as to retain only theiradvantages, we have developed a hybrid model (the so-called refined KA) using a proceduresimilar to the physical theory of diffraction (PTD). The refined KA provides an improvementof the prediction in the near field of a rigid scatterer. The initial (non refined) KA model isthen extended to deal with the scattering from a finite impedance target. The obtainedmodel, the so-called “general” KA model, is a satisfactory solution for the application totelemetry. Finally, the coupling of the stochastic propagation model and the general KAdiffraction model has allowed us to build a complete simulation tool for the telemetry in aninhomogeneous medium
Stauff, Nicolas. "Etude conceptuelle d’un cœur de quatrième génération, refroidi au sodium, à combustible de type carbure." Thesis, Paris 11, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA112284.
Full textCompared with earlier plant designs (Phénix, Super-Phénix, EFR), GEN IV Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor requires improved economics while meeting safety and non-proliferation criteria. Mixed Oxide (U-Pu)O2 fuels are considered as the reference fuels due to their important and satisfactory feedback experience. However, innovative carbide (U-Pu)C fuels can be considered as serious competitors for a prospective SFR fleet since carbide-fueled SFRs can offer another type of optimization which might overtake on some aspects the oxide fuel technology. The goal of this thesis is to reveal the potentials of carbide by designing an optimum carbide-fueled SFR with competitive features and a naturally safe behavior during transients. For a French nuclear fleet, a 1500 MW(e) break-even core is considered.To do so, a multi-physic approach was developed taking into account neutronics, fuel thermo-mechanics and thermal-hydraulic at a pre-design stage. Simplified modeling with the calculation of global neutronic feedback coefficients and a quasi-static evaluation was developed to estimate the behavior of a core during overpower transients, loss of flow and/or loss of heat removal transients. The breakthrough of this approach is to provide the designer with an overall view of the iterative process, emphasizing the well-suited innovations and the most efficient directions that can improve the SFR design project.This methodology was used to design a core that benefits from the favorable features of carbide fuels. The core developed is a large carbide-fueled SFR with high power density, low fissile inventory, break-even capability and forgiving behaviors during the unscrammed transients studied that should prevent using expensive mitigate systems. However, the core-peak burnup is unlikely to significantly exceed 100 MWd/kg because of the large swelling of the carbide fuel leading to quick pellet-clad mechanical interaction and the low creep capacity of carbide. Moderate linear power fuel pins require both a large initial sodium-bonded gap, delaying the fuel clad mechanical interaction, and a clad able to accommodate it by its high irradiation creep capacity.Irradiated carbide fuel performances predicted for an industrial SFR design are lower than the one obtained in the FBTR reactor irradiations, where 155 MWd/kg was obtained. This difference was studied and partly explained by the lower flux of experimental reactor delaying the embrittlement criterion. Innovative designs are now being considered to enhance the carbide-fueled pins burnup performance of industrial cores. The first innovative design uses a buffer technology to induce a delay in getting to the fuel clad mechanical interaction. The second innovative design is a core using high plutonium content so as to optimize the fluence over burnup ratio. Preliminary results show that a burnup higher than 100 MWd/kg can be reached.As a conclusion, this global approach has proven to be efficient in revealing the benefits gained using carbide fuel in a SFR. An optimum SFR core was designed exhibiting economic competitiveness while having inherent behavior during transient and reaching high burnup performance
Peeters, Agnes. "Application of the Stimulus-Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics to the hydrogen issue in level-2 PSA." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210641.
Full textCes accidents sévères dépendent non seulement de défaillances matérielles ou d’erreurs humaines, mais également de l’occurrence de phénomènes physiques, tels que des explosions vapeur ou hydrogène. La prise en compte de tels phénomènes dans le cadre booléen des arbres d’événements s’avère difficile, et les méthodologies dynamiques de réalisation des EPS sont censées fournir une manière plus cohérente d’intégrer l’évolution du processus physique dans les changements de configuration discrète de la centrale au long d’un transitoire accidentel.
Cette thèse décrit l’application d’une des plus récentes approches dynamiques des EPS – la Théorie de la Dynamique Probabiliste basée sur les Stimuli (SDTPD) – à différents modèles de déflagration d'hydrogène ainsi que les développements qui ont permis cette applications et les diverses améliorations et techniques qui ont été mises en oeuvre.
Level-2 Probabilistic Safety Analyses (PSA) of nuclear power plants aims to identify the possible sequences of events corresponding to an accident propagation from a core damage to a potential loss of integrity of the containment, and to assess the frequency of occurrence of the different scenarios.
These so-called severe accidents depend not only on hardware failures and human errors, but also on the occurrence of physical phenomena such as e.g. steam or hydrogen explosions. Handling these phenomena in the classical Boolean framework of event trees is not convenient, and dynamic methodologies to perform PSA studies are expected to provide a more consistent way of integrating the physical process evolution with the discrete changes of plant configuration along an accidental transient.
This PhD Thesis presents the application of one of the most recently proposed dynamic PSA methodologies, i.e. the Stimulus-Driven Theory of Probabilistic Dynamics (SDTPD), to several models of hydrogen explosion in the containment of a plant, as well as the developed methods and improvements.
Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur
Bouret, Cyrille. "Etudes des contre-réactions dans un réacteur à neutrons rapides à caloporteur sodium : impact de la conception et de la neutronique sur les incertitudes." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014CLF22508/document.
Full textFast reactors (FR) can give value to the plutonium produced by the existing light water reactors and allow the transmutation of a significant part of the final nuclear waste. These features offer industrial prospects for this technology and new projects are currently studied in the world such as ASTRID prototype in France. Future FRs will have also to satisfy new requirements in terms of competitiveness, safety and reliability. In this context, the new core concept envisaged for ASTRID incorporate innovative features that improve the safety of the reactor in case of accident. The proposed design achieves a sodium voiding effect close to zero: it includes a fertile plate in the middle of the core and a sodium plenum in the upper part in order to increase the neutron leakage in case of sodium voiding. This heterogeneous design represents a challenge for the calculation tools and methods used so far to evaluate the neutronic parameters in traditional homogeneous cores. These methods have been improved over the thesis to rigorously treat the neutron streaming, especially at the mediums interfaces. These enhancements have consisted in the development of a specific analysis methodology based on perturbation theory and using a modern three dimensional Sn transport solver. This work has allowed on the one hand, to reduce the bias on static neutronic parameters in comparison with Monte Carlo methods, and, on the other hand, to obtain more accurate spatial distributions of neutronic effects including the reactivity feedback coefficients used for transient analysis. The analysis of the core behavior during transients has also allowed estimating the impact of reactivity feedback coefficients assessment improvements. In conjunction with this work, innovative methods based on the evaluation of local sensitivities coefficients have been proposed to assess the uncertainties associated to local reactivity effects. These uncertainties include the correlations between the different local parameters. The propagation during transients with these methods has allowed an estimation of temperature distributions achieved in the core and also to determine the available safety margins before sodium boiling
Fronsacq, Alexandre. "La sûreté des centrales nucléaires : approche juridique de la sûreté des centrales nucléaires de production d'électricité." Paris 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA010269.
Full textGerardin, Delphine. "Développement de méthodes et d’outils numériques pour l’étude de la sûreté du réacteur à sels fondus MSFR." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018GREAI068/document.
Full textThis PhD thesis focuses on the study of the Molten Salt Fast Reactor (MSFR) safety. It includes risk analysis methods and deterministic computations for the safety and the design of the reactor. This work was performed in the frame of the SAMOFAR European project.The MSFR is an is-breeder reactor with a fast neutron spectrum. In its reference configuration, defined at the beginning of the SAMOFAR project, it works with the thorium fuel cycle. The MSFR was selected by the Generation IV international forum for its promising features. As any fourth-generation reactor, it must fulfill several objectives including an improved safety. Thus, safety studies should be performed from the early design phases to achieve a safety that is built-in the design rather than added-on. Because of the unique characteristics of the MSFR, including a liquid circulating fuel, and its preliminary design phase, the safety assessment of the reactor should rely on adapted and technological neutral methodologies. In this PhD, such a methodology was developed and a first application to the MSFR was carried on. It allowed to identify the initiating events of the reactor and to elaborate a restricted list of events to be studied in the next steps of the safety analysis.Furthermore, a new code system was developed for the safety studies. It is based on neutronic diffusion and takes into account the movement of the delayed neutrons precursors and the production of the residual heat in the fuel. It was used to simulate the transients associated to some of the identified initiating events with the objective to evaluate their consequences and the need for adequate protection systems. This work confirmed the importance of a device that is specific to the MSFR: the emergency draining system (EDS). It allows to drain the fuel in case of accident in the core. Parametric studies were then carried on for the sizing of the EDS with the objective to ensure the evacuation of the residual heat and the sub-criticality of the system under any circumstances.Finally, a first version of the safety architecture was proposed with the identification of the protection systems and the definition of the confinement barriers. Thanks to the safety studies, feedbacks on the initial design were made to enhance the safety the reactor. They include the addition of new components, the modification of some systems and they highlight the lack of knowledge on some phenomena or procedure. In that respect, the safety analysis fulfil its main objective: to influence the design of the reactor since its conception in order to improve its safety
Joubert, Aurélie. "Performances des filtres plissés à Très Haute Efficacité en fonction de l'humidité relative de l'air." Thesis, Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009INPL081N/document.
Full textPleated High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are used for maintaining the containment of radioactive substances in nuclear plants; thus, they are sensitive elements of nuclear safety. Some accidental situations, such as the emergence of a hole on a pipe with release of steam, can lead to a high increase of the air humidity. This work can overcome the lack of analytical data in the literature regarding the behaviour of pleated HEPA filters, in terms of changes in pressure drop and efficiency, in presence of humidity (unsaturated air). Experimental clogging tests have been performed on a test bench with two aerosols: non-hygroscopic micronic alumina particles and hygroscopic submicronic sodium chloride particles. The results showed that the influence of humidity during the clogging of a HEPA filter depends on several parameters: the geometry of the filter (plane or pleated), the size distribution and hygroscopicity of the aerosol clogging and finally the interaction time between the aerosol and humid air. Measurements of efficiency of clean and clogged filters (at different degrees of clogging), performed with the normalized soda fluorescein aerosol, are also sensitive to the presence of more or less relative humidity in the air. Finally, all results helped to develop an empirical model for estimating the evolution of the pressure drop of HEPA filters; this model is applicable during the formation of the particulate cake in presence of humidity without reducing of the surface area filtration
Busser, Vincent. "Mécanismes d'endommagement de la couche d'oxyde des gaines de crayons de combustible en situation accidentelle de type RIA." Lyon, INSA, 2009. http://theses.insa-lyon.fr/publication/2009ISAL0027/these.pdf.
Full textDuring reactivity initiated accident, the importance of cladding tube oxidation on its thermomechanical behavior has been investigated. After RIA tests in experimental reactors oxide damage including radial cracking and spallation of the outer oxide layer has been evidenced. This work aims at better understanding the key mechanisms controlling these phenomena. Laboratory air-oxidation of Zircaloy-4 cladding tubes has been performed at 470°C. SEM micrographs show that radial cracks are initiated from the outer surface of the oxide layer and propagated radially towards the oxide-metal interface. A model predicting the stress evolution within the oxide and the depth of crack has been developed and validated on literature tests and tests of this study. Ring compression tests were used for the experimental study of the oxide degradation under mechanical loading. Experimental data revealed three mechanisms: densification of the radial crack network, propagation of these radial cracks, branching and spallation of oxide fragments. The influence of the circumferential cracks, periodically distributed in the oxide layer, on the stress distribution in oxide fragments has been analysed using finite element modelling. The determining influence of these cracks on the maximum stress oxide fragments has been demonstrated
Malouch, Fadhel. "Accroissement local du flux rapide pour des expériences de dommages dans un réacteur de recherche." Paris, CNAM, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003CNAM0487.
Full textIn irradiation experiments on materials in the core of the OSIRlS reactor (CEA-Saclay) we seek to increase damage in irradiated samples and to reduce the duration of their stay in the core. Damage is essentially caused by fast neutrons (E > 1 MeV); we have therefore pursued the possibility of a localized increase of their level in an irradiation experiment by using a flux converter device made up of fissile material arranged according to a suitable geometry that allows the converter to receive experiments. We have studied several parameters that are influential in the increase of fast neutron flux within the converter. We have also considered the problem of the converter's cooling in the core and its effect on the operation of the reactor. We have carried out a specific neutron calculation scheme based on the modular 2D-transport code APOLLO2 using a two-level transport method. Experimental validation of the flux calculation scheme was carried out in the ISIS reactor, the mock-up of OSIRIS, by optimizing the loading of fuel elements in the core. The experimental results show that the neutron calculation scheme computes the fluxes in close agreement with the measurements especially the fast flux. This study allows us to master the essential physical parameters needed for the design of a flux converter in an MTR reactor
Vaglio-Gaudard, Claire. "Validation de données nucléaires du fer pour le calcul neutronique des réacteurs nucléaires." Grenoble INPG, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010INPG0028.
Full textIron nuclear data were completely re-evaluated in the latest JEFF3 European library. Despite the fact that iron is widely used in the nuclear industry, large uncertainties are still associated with its nuclear data, particularly its inelastic cross section which is very important in the neutron slowing down in reactor physics. A validation of 56Fe nuclear data was performed on the basis of the analysis of integral experiments, mainly the PERLE and gas experiments in experimental reactors in Cadarache. A process of re-estimating the 56Fe nuclear data was implemented on the basis of feedback from these two experiments. The results show that the 56Fe nuclear data in the JEFF3. 1. 1Iibrary are known with accuracy. A new a posteriori cova riance matrix and reduced uncertainties associated with JEFF3 can then be deduced
Bentivegna, Filippo. "Experimental and numerical analysis of fast transient flows in the presence of obstacles." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ECDL0026.
Full textThis doctoral thesis explores the dynamics of rarefaction wave propagation in nuclear reactor circuits, focusing on a configuration representative of a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) scenario in Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs). The study examines transient pressure loads on internal structures, particularly the reactor core baffle, induced by rarefaction waves generated by the sudden and complete rupture (guillotine break) of one of the pipes in the primary cooling circuit of the PWR. This analysis is conducted by combining experimental measurements on a test bench with simplified geometry but representative of the LOCA scenario and numerical simulations. These simulations employ a hierarchy of numerical models: 1D, 2D axisymmetric, and 3D, with or without taking into account fluid-structure interaction mechanisms. The 1D models include simplified representations or impedance models of the obstacles in the flow, essential for reducing the simulation costs of wave propagation through an entire circuit. These obstacles are orifice plates of varying diameter and thickness, representative of the geometric singularities present in the circuits traversed by rarefaction waves. The comparison between calculations and experiments allows for evaluating the predictive potential of the various strategies implemented. Chapter 1 of the thesis introduces the context and motivation of the study, highlighting the importance of a thorough understanding of the physical phenomena associated with the LOCA scenario and the necessity of simplified models for simulating fluid flow in the complex geometries of a PWR. A literature review summarizes the main works in the numerical analysis of nuclear reactors and transient flow simulations. An analysis of the numerical approaches developed for wave propagation in the presence of obstacles with simplified descriptions is also conducted for applications outside the nuclear context. Chapters 2 and 3 respectively present i) the MADMAX experimental platform used to produce the reference measurements and the evolution of its configurations during the thesis, ii) the models available within the EUROPLEXUS software and used to perform the numerical simulations of the experimentally studied configurations. Chapter 4 details the results of the experiments and simulations of rarefaction wave propagation through a single modular orifice plate. The impact of obstacle geometry on wave propagation is analyzed, and the predictive capabilities of numerical models of varying complexity (and cost) are evaluated for this basic configuration. Chapter 5 expands the analysis to the complete MADMAX configuration, incorporating a by-pass pipe with several orifice plates positioned in this pipe. The detailed comparison of experimental data and simulation results reveals good agreement in capturing transient behavior and pressure differentials between the core and by-pass pipes. Alternative configurations of MADMAX are explored in Chapter 6, highlighting the effects of varying the number and placement of the orifice plates. The experiments on the MADMAX platform and the EUROPLEXUS simulations conducted in this work contribute to a better understanding of transient flow phenomena in nuclear reactor circuits. The proposed calculations/experiments comparisons provide quantitative indications on the predictive capacity of the simulation codes based on the choices of geometric singularity descriptions present in the flow. The thesis conclusion proposes some avenues for future analysis and improvements
Dadoun, Olivier. "Mesures des neutrinos de réacteurs nucléaires dans l'expérience BOREXINO." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00003455.
Full textKerkar, Nordine. "Industrialisation d'une nouvelle méthode de pilotage des réacteurs nucléaires." Paris 6, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA066354.
Full textDadoun, Olivier. "Mesure des neutrinos de réacteurs nucléaires dans l'expérience Borexino." Paris 7, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA077030.
Full textRavaux, Simon. "Qualification du calcul de l'échauffement photonique dans les réacteurs nucléaires." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00961188.
Full textFiorucci, Donatella. "Étude de faisabilité d'un résonateur optique pour des applications aux systèmes d'injection de neutres pour la prochaine génération de réacteurs à fusion nucléaire." Thesis, Nice, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015NICE4026/document.
Full textThis work is part of a larger project called SIPHORE (SIngle gap PHOtoneutralizer energy RE-covery injector), which aims to enhance the overall efficiency of one of the mechanisms through which the plasma is heated, in a nuclear fusion reactor, i.e. the Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) system. An important component of a NBI system is the neutralizer of high energetic ion beams. SIPHORE proposes to substitute the gas cell neutralizer, used in the current NBI systems, with a photo-neutralizer exploiting the photo-detachment process within Fabry Perot cavities. This mechanism should allow a relevant NBI global efficiency of η> 60%, significantly higher than the one currently possible (η<25% for ITER). The present work concerns the feasibility study of an optical cavity with suitable properties for applications in NBI systems. Within this context, the issue of the determination of an appropriated optical cavity design has been firstly considered and the theoretical and experimental analysis of a particular optical resonator has been carried on. The problems associated with the high levels of intracavity optical power (~3 MW) required for an adequate photo-neutralization rate have then been faced. In this respect, we addressed both the problem of the thermal effects on the cavity mirrors due to their absorption of intra-cavity optical power (~1W) and the one associated to the necessity of a high powerful input laser beam (~1 kW) to feed the optical resonator
Blaise, Patrick. "Mise au point d'une méthode d'ajustement des paramètres de résonance sur des expériences intégrales." Aix-Marseille 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX11063.
Full textArgaud, Jean-Philippe. "Modélisation du réflecteur en neutronique et méthodes d'optimisation appliquées aux plans de rechargement." Paris 9, 1995. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=1995PA090025.
Full textPhysical description of P. W. R. Nuclear core can be handled by multigroup neutronic diffusion model. We are interested in two problems, using the same approach for the optimization aspect. (1) To deal with some differences between calculations and measurements, the question of their reductions then introduced. A reflector parameters identification from core measurements is then purposed, the reflector being now less known part of care diffusion model. This approach conducts to study the reflector model, by an analysis of its transport origin. It leads finally to a new model of reflector described by boundary operators. That is on the new model that a parameter identification formulation of calculations-measurements differences reduction is given, using an adjoin state formulation to minimize errors by a gradient method. (2) Furthermore, nuclear fuel reloads of P. W. R. Core needs an optimal distribution of fuel assemblies, namely a loading pattern. This combinatorial optimization problem is then expressed as a cost function minimization. Various methods, used to solve this problem, are detailed, giving a practical search example. A new approach is then proposed, using the gradient of the cost function to direct the search in the patterns discrete space. Final results of complete patterns search trials are presented, and compared to those obtained by other methods
Rodet, Jean-Claude. "Contribution à l'étude de la turbulence en écoulement moyen tri-dimensionnel : cas des réacteurs nucléaires." Ecully, Ecole centrale de Lyon, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985ECDL0012.
Full textMueller, Thomas. "Expérience double Chooz : simulation des spectres antineutrinos issus de réacteurs." Paris 11, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA112124.
Full textThe Double Chooz experiment aims to study the oscillations of electron antineutrinos produced by the Chooz nuclear power station, located in France, in the Ardennes region. It will lead to an unprecedented accuracy on the value of the mixing angle 13. Improving the current knowledge on this parameter, given by the CHOOZ experiment, requires a reduction of both statistical and systematic errors, that is to say not only observing a large data sample, but also controlling the experimental uncertainties involved in the production and detection of electron antineutrinos. The use of two identical detectors will cancel most of the experimental systematic uncertainties limiting the sensitivity to the value of the mixing angle. We present in this thesis, simulations of reactor antineutrino spectra that were carried out in order to control the sources of systematic uncertainty related to the production of these particles by the plant. We also discuss our work on controlling the normalization error of the experiment through the precise determination of the number of target protons by a weighing measurement and through the study of the fiducial volume of the detectors which requires an accurate modeling of neutron physics. After three years of data taking with two detectors, Double Chooz will be able to disentangle an oscillation signal for sin2(213) > 0. 05 (at 3) or, if no oscillations were observed, to put a limit of sin2(213) < 0. 03 at 90% C. L
Dridi, Walid. "Mesure de la section efficace de capture neutronique de l’234U à n_TOF au CERN pour les réacteurs nucléaires de Génération VI." Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2006. http://www.biblio.univ-evry.fr/theses/2006/Interne/2006EVRY0017.pdf.
Full textAccurate and reliable neutron capture cross sections are needed in many research areas, including stellar nucleosynthesis, advanced nuclear fuel cycles, waste transmutation, and other applied programs. In particular, the accurate knowledge of 234U(n,γ) reaction cross section is required for the design and realization of nuclear power plants based on the thorium fuel cycle. We have measured the neutron capture cross section of 234U, with a 4π BaF2 Total Absorption Calorimeter (TAC), at the recently constructed neutron time-of-flight facility n_TOF at CERN in the energy range from 0. 03 eV to 1 MeV. Monte-Carlo simulations with GEANT4 and MCNPX of the detector response have been performed. After the background subtraction and correction with dead time and pile-up, the capture yield from 0. 03 eV up to 2 keV was derived. The analysis of the capture yield in terms of R-matrix resonance parameters is discussed. In addition to the resonance parameters, a study of their mean value and distribution is included in this work
Hennion, Arnaud. "Microstructure et fragilisation des aciers de cuve des réacteurs nucléaires VVER 440." Lille 1, 1999. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/1999/50376-1999-389.pdf.
Full textDardour, Saied. "Contribution à l'optimisation du couplage des réacteurs nucléaires aux procédés de dessalement." Aix-Marseille 3, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007AIX30033.
Full textHuy, Virginie. "Contribution to nuclear data improvement by assimilation of integral experiments for the ASTRID core neutronic characterization." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0333/document.
Full textThe design of an advanced SFR demonstrator, the ASTRID reactor (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration) at CEA implies the development and validation of scientific calculation tools, in order to create a safety dossier. Notably, the use of neutronic codes aims at defining the characteristics of reactor cores with well-mastered accuracies. Nuclear data, the input parameters of these codes, constitute the main source of uncertainty in neutronic calculations. The purpose of this PhD is to reduce uncertainties associated to nuclear data, and hence better predict the characteristics of the ASTRID core, using Integral Data Assimilation. This method, based on Bayesian-Laplace Inference, consists in using integral data C/E (calculation-to-experiment ratio) to perform adjustments on the central value and uncertainties of nuclear data. The modifications on nuclear data suggested by assimilation results have been used to quantify the bias and the reduced uncertainties associated to the ASTRID core main characteristics
Shin, Hyeong-Ki. "Analyse de transitoires pouvant conduire les coeurs de réacteurs à eau dans des situations dégradées, analyse des configurations résultantes." Aix-Marseille 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999AIX11024.
Full textCury, Rafael. "Étude métallurgique des alliages Ni-W et Ni-W-Cr : relation entre ordre à courte distance et durcissement." Paris 12, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA120062.
Full textCommercial alloys such as Ni-Cr-Mo (Hastelloy© type) are well known for their high resistance with respect to corrosion at high temperature, though for Generation IV reactors, other alloys are required in order to have a better resistance regarding corrosion and oxidation, to have appropriate high temperature mechanical properties (yield stress and creep resistance) as well as acceptable room temperature toughness. One possible solution is the substitution of Mo by W. These related Ni-Cr-W systems offers improvements over Hastelloy, such as a lower activation and potentially better creep resistance, whilst maintaining similar corrosion and oxidation resistance using electron diffraction, the structural state (in terms of long and short range order) of the binary Ni-W and ternary Ni-W-Cr alloys have been studied as a function of composition. The effect of order on the high temperature solid solution hardening is also detected for these alloys as well as short evaluation of the probable creep behaviour of these alloys. Simulation on phase diagrams with Thermocalc© shows that a compromise on the composition must be found in order to find the best resistance to corrosion/oxidation and the best mechanical resistance. Results show that there is remarkable short range order on Ni-W-Cr alloys. This ordering plays a major role on the hardening mechanisms for room temperature and less accentuated role for high temperature (800°C)
Tisseur, David. "Contrôle par imagerie X de combustible nucléaire pour les centrales à haute température." Villeurbanne, INSA, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ISAL0015.
Full textThis PhD the. Sis is the result ot a collaboration between AR EVA NP and laboratory CNDRI of the INSA of Lyon in the context of the development of a 4\textsuperscript{th} generation nuclear power plant, named as High Temperature Reactor (HTR). In these future nuclear power plants, the fuel consists of small multi-layer spheres of 1 mm diameter called TRISO particle (TRistructural ISOtropie). For safety reasons various controls of these particles must be developed. The first objective of this study is to develop a measurement method of the density of the layers surrounding HTR particles by x-rays and to install an industrial demonstrator. The measurement technique is founded on an inverse method based on X-ray phase contrast imaging. The second objective is to quantify the space distribution of the particles in a fuel assembly named "compact". After a state of the art to the measure of the homogeneity, we demonstrate that a high energy tomography associated with a suitable image processing enables to obtain the position in the space of each particle constituting the compact. The suggested approach consists in comparing an experimental multiscale histogram of particle distribution with an ideal model using a chi2 test. This allows to suggest a criterion to quantify the homogeneity of the compact
Rolina, Grégory. "Prescrire la sûreté, négocier l’expertise : La fabrique de l’expertise des facteurs humains de la sûreté nucléaire." Paris 9, 2008. https://portail.bu.dauphine.fr/fileviewer/index.php?doc=2008PA090046.
Full textThis Ph. D thesis is dedicated to a specific type of expertise, the safety of nuclear installations in the field of human and organisational factors. Empirical work is at the foundation of this thesis: the monitoring of experts “in action”, allowed a detailed reconstruction of three cases they were examining. The analysis, at the core of which lies the definition of what an efficient expertise can be, leads us to identify the expert’s three ranges of actions (rhetorical, cognitive, operative). Defined from objectives and constraints likely to influence the expert's behaviour, those three ranges each require specific skills. A conception of expertise based on these ranges seems adaptable to other sectors and allows an enrichment of models of expertise cited in literature. Historical elements from French institutions of nuclear safety are also called upon to take into consideration some of the determinants of the expertise; its efficiency relies on the upholding of a continuous dialogue between the regulators (the experts and the control authority) and the regulated (the operators). This type of historically inherited regulation makes up a specificity of the French system of external control of nuclear risks
Zacharie, Isabelle. "Traitements thermiques de l'oxyde d'uranium irradié dans un réacteur à eau pressurisée (R. E. P. ) : gonflement et relâchement des gaz de fission." Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997ECAP0514.
Full textKooyman, Timothée. "Amélioration des performances de transmutation des actinides mineurs dans les réacteurs de quatrième génération : aspects cycle et coeurs." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AIXM0242/document.
Full textMinor actinides transmutation is a solution written in the 2006 law on nuclear waste management. One option to carry out transmutation is to recover these heavy nuclides during fuel reprocessing and load them again in reactor cores to achieve fission and obtain shorter-lived fission products. However, minor actinides loading in the nuclear fuel cycle leads to penalties on core transient behavior and fuel reprocessing, such as a modification of core feedback coefficients or a higher neutron source and decay heat of the spent fuel.Following a complete analysis of the transmutation impacts, an optimization methodology of the reactor core taking into account all the fuel cycle and core behavior constraints is developed here. For the heterogeneous mode, where minor actinides are loaded in dedicated targets located at the core periphery, it is shown that the use of light elements to locally moderate the neutron spectrum in the blankets is an optimal solution, even when considering the negative impacts on the fuel cycle.For the homogeneous mode, where minor actinides are directly mixed with the fuel, it is shown that low void cores with axial heterogeneities are not impacted by minor actinides loading for loss-of-flow transients. It is demonstrated that core design results from a balance between core behavior in loss-of flow transient and reactivity insertion transient. Finally, it is shown that regardless of the minor actinides transmutation mode envisaged, fuel cycle constraints were challenging and requires significant R&D in support
Allais, Virginie. "Qualification du formulaire DARWIN pour les études du cycle de combustible pour les réacteurs à eau bouillante." Aix-Marseille 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998AIX11063.
Full textMinko, Wilfried Saturnin. "Emballements thermiques de réactions. Etude des méthodes de dimensionnement des évents de sécurité applicables aux systèmes hybrides non tempérés." Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00372536.
Full textDIERS developed simplified emergency vent sizing methods to protect vessels from overpressures. When applied to untempered systems, DIERS methodology can be overly conservative. Some similarity tools (like UN 10 L reactor) lead to more realistic vent sizes. They are however very constraining. A former study led to building a new similarity vent sizing tool at laboratory scale: the 0. 1 L scale model. It was partially validated by a comparative study between the new tool and UN 10 L reactor, of the thermal decomposition of cumene hydro peroxide (CHP) 30 % w/w in 2,2,4-triméthyl-1,3-pentanediol diisobutyrate (butyrate). The 0. 1 L scale model then allowed a better understanding of the blowdown course and assessment of vent sizes from DIERS methodology for untempered systems. This work was aimed at widening that understanding and at a better identification of the origin of DIERS method being so much oversizing. The method was improving the scale model, testing new chemical systems and especially changing the vapour contents of these chemical systems. We added a real time measurement of vented gas volume to the scale model. A study of thermal leaks allowed verifying that the scale model can be used for simulating not only fire scenarios but also adiabatic ones. We then looked for solutions as near as possible from the pure gassy case (vapour influence as low as possible): dycumyl peroxide (DCP) and tert-butylperoxy-2-ethylhexanoate (tBPEH) in butyrate. Study of the decomposition of the same peroxides in a more volatile solvent (xylene) then allowed measuring the sensitivity of the blowdown and the DIERS method to vaporisation. Studying these systems in both closed and open test cells (adiabatic calorimetry) incidentally showed that these two methods lead to very different assessments for gas flow rate. Studying blowdown course allowed confirmation of forecast qualitative trends: the more vaporisation exits, the more kinetics are sensitive to vent size. A more surprising observation is that a temperature stabilisation due to ebullition is always observed after the second pressure peak, even for the most gassy system (DCP in butyrate). For nearly pure gassy system, we concluded that the main origin of DIERS method being oversizing is the assumption of a homogenous flow regime inside the reactor (level-swell) and thus two-phase flow through the safety vent whereas real flow is gaseous. A less important source is the type of calorimetric test used for sizing (closed or open test). For untempered systems sensitive to vaporisation, oversizing is moreover due to the vaporisation effect, which is not taken into account in DIERS methods
Lozano, Nathalie. "La subdivision d'un solide induite par l'évolution de sa composition chimique : intérêt pour la céramique nucléaire a fort taux d'irradiation." Dijon, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998DIJOS067.
Full textOunsy, Abdelmjid. "Méthode d'analyse de sensibilité adjointe : application à un code de thermohydraulique des réacteurs nucléaires." Grenoble 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992GRE10164.
Full textLimaiem, Imed. "Modélisation globale des réacteurs à caloporteur gaz de génération-IV : application au Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR)." Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006EVRY0044.
Full textAs cooled high temperature reactor (HTR) belongs to the new generation of nuclear power plants called Generation IV. The Generation IV gathers the entire future nuclear reactors concept with an effective deployment by 2050. The technological choices relating to the nature of the fuel, the moderator and the coolant as well as the annular geometry of the core lead to some physical characteristics. The most important of these characteristics is the very strong thermal feedback in both active zone and the reflectors. Consequently, HTR physics study requires taking into account the strong coupling between neutronic and thermal hydraulics. The work achieved in this PHD consists in modeling, programming and studying of the neutronic and thermal hydraulics coupling system for block type gas cooled HTR. The coupling system uses a separate resolution of the neutronic and thermal hydraulics problems. The neutronic scheme is a double level Transport (APOLLO2) /Diffusion (CRONOS2) scheme respectively on the scale of the fuel assembly and a reactor core scale. The thermal hydraulics model uses simplified Navier Stokes equations solved in homogeneous porous media in code CAST3M CFD code. A generic homogenization model is used to calculate the thermal hydraulics parameters of the porous media. A de-homogenization model ensures the link between the porous media temperatures of the temperature defined in the neutronic model. The coupling system is made by external procedures communicating between the thermal hydraulics and neutronic computer codes. This PHD thesis contributed to the Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR) physics studies. In this field, we studied the VHTR core in normal operating mode. The studies concern the VHTR core equilibrium cycle with the control rods and using the neutronic and thermal-hydraulics coupling system. These studies allowed the study of the equilibrium between the power, the temperature and Xenon. These studies open new perspective for core optimization and design