Academic literature on the topic 'Surdéterminations sociales et psychiques'
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Journal articles on the topic "Surdéterminations sociales et psychiques"
Lecarpentier, Mariana. "Enjeux psychiques et significations sociales des violences invisibles." Psychologues et Psychologies N° 256, no. 3 (June 1, 2018): 042–45.
Full textDemongeot, Jacques, Timothée Aubourg, and Giuliana Galli Carminati. "Tensions paradoxales et principe variationnel." Revue confluence N° 2, no. 2 (November 2, 2022): 35–51.
Full textChavaroche, Philippe. "Penser le quotidien dans les soins et l’accompagnement des personnes en situation de fragilités psychopathologiques." VST - Vie sociale et traitements N° 159, no. 3 (July 28, 2023): 38–45.
Full textMallette, Louise. "La psychiatrie sous influence." Santé mentale au Québec 28, no. 1 (November 5, 2003): 298–319.
Full textDoucet, Marie-Chantal. "Problématisation des dimensions psychiques et sociales dans l’intervention, une perspective socioclinique." Reflets 17, no. 1 (July 19, 2011): 150–74.
Full textCorin, Ellen, and Gilles Lauzon. "Réalités et mirages : les espaces psychiques et sociaux de la réinsertion." Santé mentale au Québec 13, no. 1 (June 5, 2006): 69–86.
Full textEyraud, Benoît, and Pierre A. Vidal-Naquet. "Le projet dans les recompositions des politiques de santé mentale." Partie 3 — Politiques de prise en charge de la maladie mentale, no. 67 (November 15, 2012): 217–32.
Full textLe Chene, Veronique, and Pascal Plantard. "L’E-inclusion des personnes présentant des incapacités cognitives ou psychiques dans les établissements médico-sociaux." Développement Humain, Handicap et Changement Social 25, no. 1 (February 2, 2022): 75–88.
Full textQuidu, Matthieu. "De quelques mécanismes et mobiles des abus théoriques en sciences sociales." Sociologie et sociétés 43, no. 1 (May 25, 2011): 261–85.
Full textKibanda, Wilfried Kasereka. "Le conflit, moteur et paradigme du progrès scientifique, social et moral." Revue Internationale Multidisciplinaire Etincelle 24, no. 1 (October 15, 2022): 1–9.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Surdéterminations sociales et psychiques"
Michel, Claire. "Praticiens réflexifs et pouvoir d'entendre en travail social : quelle place pour les approches biographiques en formation ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.
Full textInterested in the people that are being supported and the listening to the psycho-social suffering of users by social intervention professionals, the author questions the training systems in this field of activity. After having observed a strong injunction to reflexivity in the training of future social workers, she questions this reflexive turn based on the links that exist between the ideal-typical figure of the contemporary individual and the taking into account of social overdeterminations in the work of listening and support among professionals in the field of special education. Concerned by the way in which the training system could further support a « technicist » perspective of social intervention, the author introduces the pratice of life stories through a collective and clinical support system, with eight students. Biographical research, and more precisely clinical sociology, seem to be particularly pertinent with the skills-based approach, for the training of future social workers and the construction of their professional identity. Promoting the development of the « power to hear » of future professionals, these approaches indeed give a prominent place to processes of subjectivation, while sharing the collective project of « taking care of others ». It is then a question of paying attention to the construction of a specific professional posture from a work of existential rereading aimed, for the students, at better specifying « what I do with what I am » in the professional activity
Giust-Desprairies, Florence. "L'imaginaire collectif entre les representants psychiques et les representations sociales." Paris 8, 1986.
Full textThis study is an attempt to conceptualise the notion of collective imaginary represention so as to account for the subconsious problematics of a small occupational group. It shows how the concept is formed and generated and to which need it responds. Every occupational team speaks and acts in a certain way. What it says and does takes intentions and occupational aims. The team is thus giving voice to the collective imaginary representation. The exploration of two pedagogical fields (a team of teacher trainers at university level and a group of avant-garde primary school teachers) yields these findings : a. A content can be ascribed to the collective representation of the restricted group, b. We can see how these representations circulate between the individual members of the group and the group to which they belong in the team, c. Finally it establishs that this collective representation functions according to certain laws within the affective economy of an occupationaly situated team
Grangereau, Isabelle. "Constructions psychiques de la maternité : dimensions cliniques, anthropologiques et sociales." Paris 10, 2005.
Full textThis thesis examines the psychological task confronting women when they become mothers. This dynamic process leads to a psychological construction of maternity specific to each subject. However, we show that collectiv models infiltrate the mothers’ subjective constructions. These models can fulfil different psychological functions depending on the women, arising from the subjectivisation process at work
Giust-Desprairies, Florence. "L'Imaginaire collectif entre les représentants psychiques et les représentations sociales /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988.
Full textRoman, Valérie. "Traces psychiques sociales et cognitives comme traces mnésiques et productions de savoirs de dix infirmiers hospitaliers formés à l'université." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011.
Full textThe french occupation nurse showes in his history of significant evlutionary periods. The occupation goes through transitional stages that lead slowly, driven by personal and collective efforts towards the profesionaliation. The universitarization of trainning represents a final transition to the assertion of self-knowledge
Chapard, Ingrid. "Psychopathologie féminine et idéal : quand les femmes, du profane au sacré, des mystiques aux franc-maçonnes, interrogent les structures, psychiques et sociales." Paris 7, 2011.
Full textPsychoanalytical anthropology enables one to question the dimension of gender and femininity by a second reading of the classic texts of psychiatry such as Freudian texts, while updating the clinical study of the discontents of civilisation by a study of the female crowd. A generic debarment of the pre-oedipal maternal imago shows a porosity between hysteria and feminine paranoïa, imposing the idea of a psychotic contingent connected to the social realm. Bodily manifestations enable the understanding of this thymic dimension, specifically connected to decompensation. Its analysis is derived from the morbid effects of the ideal, between the ego ideal and the ideal self, once more demonstrating the necessity of the study of the social realm. Bipolar disorders are also analysed between endogenicity and disorders in the ideal, and between disorders in the ideal and social solutions to the unconscious. Brotherhood and recognition enable one to revisit both thé construction of subjectivity and the social solutions found by women throughout history. From religious institutions to freemasonry, we bring to light various logics of love practised by female crowd, in an active relationship of practice of the symbolic function. The mystic, married to the dead father, appear in a logic of the practice of nothingness, while the freemasons appear in a logic of possessions and cultural production, practising, through the masonic myth, the murder of the father. It thus strays from the Freudian idea of women as poorly suited to culture and with limited subliminatory skills
Books on the topic "Surdéterminations sociales et psychiques"
Québec (Province). Commission d'enquête sur les services de santé et les services sociaux. Les dimensions sociales et psychiques de la santé: Outils méthodologiques et perspectives d'analyse. [Québec]: Commission d'enquête sur les services de santé et les services sociaux, 1987.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Surdéterminations sociales et psychiques"
Le Breton, David. "6. Figures sociales de l’adolescence." In Troubles psychiques et comportementaux de l'adolescent, 61. Lavoisier, 2017.
Full textAlberani, Alberto. "Coopératives sociales et emploi des handicapés psychiques en Émilie-Romagne (Italie)." In Les handicaps psychiques, 117. Presses de l’EHESP, 2009.
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