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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Summary characteristics'

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Newton, Christopher C. "MMPI-A structural summary approach : characteristics of gifted adolecents." Virtual Press, 2007.

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The current study examined the scale-level factor structure of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent (MVIPI-A) in a sample of 428 gifted and talented adolescents to validate use of this approach with a gifted population. The MMPIA structural summary was developed to help simplify interpretation of the 69 scales and subscales that are produced with a full administration of this assessment. A principal component analysis was conducted in an attempt to replicate the eight-factor structure identified by Archer, Belevich, and Elkins (1994) in the MMPI-A normative sample and by Archer and Krishnamurthy (1997) in a clinical sample. Results yielded eight factors which accounted for 69.57% of the total variance. Six of these eight factors appeared highly congruent with the original eight structural summary factors identified by Archer, Belevich, and Elkins in the MMPI-A normative sample. The results of this factor analysis supported use of the structural summary approach with gifted and talented high school students. This investigation then used MMPI-A structural summary profiles to describe the psychological characteristics of gifted adolescents. The main finding was that the gifted and talented sample presented with scores within the normal range, and the percentage of gifted students with elevations on any one factor did not exceed the percentage expected in a normal distribution. The highest number of elevations was on the Naivete factor followed by Social Discomfort and then General Maladjustment. These results suggested that this sample of gifted and talented adolescents presented with no more psychological maladjustment than would be expected from any other group of adolescents. Implications of these results for future research and practice with gifted and talented youth were discussed.
Department of Counseling Psychology and Guidance Services
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Kokko, Ari. "Foreign direct investment, host country characteristics and spillovers." Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Economic Research Institute, Stockholm School of Economics [Ekonomiska forskningsinstitutet vid Handelshögsk.] (EFI), 1992.

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Visagie, Johannes Petrus. "Generic gasifier modelling : evaluating model by gasifier type." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2008.

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There are many different types of gasifiers used for commercial or research purposes. These gasifier varieties differ in a number of ways, such as the direction of material flow or the physical chemical contact between the different species. These differences affect the modelling procedure and philosophy required to describe the gasification processes accurately. Honeywell wishes to incorporate a generic gasifier model into their UNISIM DESIGN engine to simulate gasifiers accurately and calculate certain properties. Such a model does however not yet exist. Presented in this document is a summary of the similarities and mutual properties among the different coal gasifiers, which allow for certain generic modelling procedures to be followed. The paper also highlights the discrepancies among these gasifiers and the areas where different modelling approaches should be followed. Apart from the specific gasifier characteristics, the phenomena of reaction kinetics, heat transfer and mass transfer were also investigated to ascertain their significance on gasifiers and specifically gasifier modelling. By following the guidelines provided in this paper, it should be possible to develop a generic gasifier model in any modelling environment.
Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2008.
Chemical Engineering
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Kraśniewski, Jarosław. "Measurements of transient thermal characteristics of microwave transistors : PhD thesis summary." Rozprawa doktorska, [s.n.], 2009.

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Szada-Borzyszkowska, Monika. "Hydraulic conditions and self-excited pulsating head impact on the characteristics of water jet produced : PhD thesis summary." Rozprawa doktorska, [s.n.], 2019.

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Smith, Kenneth Samuel. "Characteristics of Students Who Enroll in Summer Session." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2011.

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Participation in summer session has benefits for students including improved retention and degree completion and increased contact with faculty (Adelman, 2006; DiGregorio, 1998). Just as some characteristics of students limit their access to participate in higher education in general, participation in summer session may also be affected by certain student characteristics. This study used a nationally representative sample to explore how undergraduate students who enroll in summer session may differ from undergraduate students who do not enroll in summer session in a variety of financial, geographic, academic, programmatic and cultural/social/physical characteristics historically associated with access to higher education. Significant differences between summer enrolled and not enrolled students were found in a number of instances. Some characteristics that are negatively associated with enrollment, persistence and attainment in higher education were positively associated with summer enrollment. A regression analysis revealed that the combined predictive value of student characteristics accounts for only a small portion of the overall decision to enroll in the summer term.
Ph. D.
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Фесенко, Ксения Владимировна. "Метод расчетно-теоретического исследования структуры течения и характеристик ступеней центробежных нагнетателей." Thesis, Национальный аэрокосмический университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского "Харьковский авиационный институт", 2015.

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Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата технических наук по специальности 05.05.16 – турбомашины и турбоустановки. – Национальный технический университет "Харьковский политехнический институт", Харьков, 2015 г. В диссертации разработан метод расчетно-теоретического исследования структуры течения и характеристик ступеней центробежных нагнетателей с радиальными лопатками рабочих колес, который позволяет определять в широком диапазоне режимов работы суммарные характеристики и структуру осредненного в окружном направлении сжимаемого дозвукового течения в проточной части, включая межлопаточные каналы. Для учета вязких эффектов использованы обобщенные полуэмпирические зависимости, используемые при анализе течения в центробежных нагнетателях. Данный метод расчета позволяет учитывать геометрические особенности радиальных рабочих колес с лопатками, образованными цилиндрическими и коническими поверхностями, безлопаточных и лопаточных диффузоров, обратных направляющих аппаратов. На основе предложенного метода разработан программный комплекс AxCB, который позволяет проводить численный анализ двумерного дозвукового течения в ступенях центробежных нагнетателей, определять поля газотермодинамичних параметров потока газа и суммарные характеристики ступеней, а также их отдельных элементов. Верификация разработанного метода расчета показала удовлетворительную точность согласования результатов численных исследований течений в криволинейных каналах, рабочих колесах, отдельных элементах и ступенях в целом с данными экспериментальных исследований, а также с аналитическим решением. С помощью предложенного метода и ПК AxCB проведено исследование влияния различных геометрических параметров проточной части и лопаточных венцов на структуру течения и суммарные характеристики ступеней ЦБН, а именно формы средней линии и величины геометрического угла выхода лопатки РК, формы меридиональных обводов проточной части и величины геометрического угла лопатки на входе в ЛД, а также различных вариантов исполнения диффузора ступени. На основании выполненного детального анализа предложено усовершенствование геометрических параметров трех ступеней ЦБН с целью повышения их основных параметров. Ступень "А" усовершенствована путем изменения формы средней линии, а также величины конструктивного угла лопатки на выходе из РК, что привело к увеличению коэффициента политропического напора и расширении рабочей зоны характеристики нагнетателя. Модернизация ступени "Б" заключалась в коррекции формы меридиональных обводов проточной части и величины конструктивного угла лопатки на входе в ЛД, что привело к улучшению согласования работы РК и ЛД. После проведения расчетов ряда вариантов проточной части ступени "В", отличающихся используемым диффузором и шириной проточной части, были даны рекомендации по совершенствованию суммарных характеристик ступени, что при-вело к увеличению коэффициента политропического напора и КПД.
Thesis for scientific degree of the Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) on the special-ty 05.05.16 – Turbomachinery and Turboplants. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkov, 2015. The calculation and theoretical studies method of flow structure and characteristics of centrifugal blowers stages with impellers radial vanes was created. It allows determining summary characteristics and 2D flow structure of flow path including blade-to-blade channels in wide range of working regimes. To account for viscous effects generalized semiempirical dependences for centrifugal blowers were used. The proposed method allows taking into account the geometric features of radial impeller with blades that formed by cylindrical and conical surfaces, vaneless and vaned diffusers, reverse guide vanes and gas-path curvilinear contours. The software package AxCB was developed, which allows carrying out the verification of the calculation method. It showed satisfactory accuracy of flow numerical investigation results in the stages with experimental and analytical data. With the proposed method and software package AxCB studies were undertook which dealt with influence of different geometric parameters of flow path and blade rows on the flow structure and stages summary characteristics. On the basis of a detailed analysis modernization of three centrifugal blower stages was proposed to improve their basic parameters or expand the characteristic working area.
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Фесенко, Ксенія Володимирівна. "Метод розрахунково-теоретичного дослідження структури течії та характеристик ступенів відцентрових нагнітачів." Thesis, НТУ "ХПІ", 2015.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за фахом 05.05.16 – турбомашини та турбоустановки. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", Харків, 2015 р. В дисертації розроблено метод розрахунково-теоретичного дослідження структури течії та характеристик ступенів відцентрових нагнітачів з радіальними лопатками робочих коліс, який дозволяє визначати в широкому діапазоні режимів роботи сумарні характеристики та структуру осередненої у коловому напрямку стисливої дозвукової течії в проточній частині, включаючи міжлопаткові канали. Для врахування в'язких ефектів використані узагальнені напівемпіричні залежності, що використовуються для розрахунку відцентрових нагнітачів. Запропонований метод дозволяє врахувати геометричні особливості радіальних робочих коліс з лопатками, що образовані циліндричними або конічними поверхнями, лопаткових і безлопаткових дифузорів, зворотних направляючих апаратів та криволінійних обводів проточних частин, а також оцінювати узгодженість їх сумісної роботи. За допомогою розробленого програмного комплексу AxCB проведено верифікацію методу розрахунку, яка показала задовільну точність зіставлення результатів числових досліджень течій в ступенях ВЦН з даними експериментальних досліджень та з аналітичним рішенням. Проведено дослідження впливу геометричних параметрів проточної частини і лопаткових вінців на структуру течії і сумарні характеристики ступенів ВЦН. На підставі виконаного детального аналізу запропоновано удосконалення геометричних параметрів трьох ступенів ВЦН з метою підвищення їх напору, ККД або розширення робочої зони характеристики.
Thesis for scientific degree of the Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) on the special-ty 05.05.16 – Turbomachinery and Turboplants. – National Technical University "Kharkiv Politechnical Institute", Kharkov, 2015. The calculation and theoretical studies method of flow structure and characteristics of centrifugal blowers stages with impellers radial vanes was created. It allows determining summary characteristics and 2D flow structure of flow path including blade-to-blade channels in wide range of working regimes. To account for viscous effects generalized semiempirical dependences for centrifugal blowers were used. The proposed method allows taking into account the geometric features of radial impeller with blades that formed by cylindrical and conical surfaces, vaneless and vaned diffusers, reverse guide vanes and gas-path curvilinear contours. The software package AxCB was developed, which allows carrying out the verification of the calculation method. It showed satisfactory accuracy of flow numerical investigation results in the stages with experimental and analytical data. With the proposed method and software package AxCB studies were undertook which dealt with influence of different geometric parameters of flow path and blade rows on the flow structure and stages summary characteristics. On the basis of a detailed analysis modernization of three centrifugal blower stages was proposed to improve their basic parameters or expand the characteristic working area.
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Erte, Idil. "Bivariate Random Effects And Hierarchical Meta-analysis Of Summary Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve On Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology." Master's thesis, METU, 2011.

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In this study, meta-analysis of diagnostic tests, Summary Receiver Operating Characteristic (SROC) curve, bivariate random effects and Hierarchical Summary Receiver Operating Characteristic (HSROC) curve theories have been discussed and accuracy in literature of Fine Needle Aspiration (FNA) biopsy that is used in the diagnosis of masses in breast cancer (malignant or benign) has been analyzed. FNA Cytological (FNAC) examination in breast tumor is, easy, effective, effortless, and does not require special training for clinicians. Because of the uncertainty related to FNAC&lsquo
s accurate usage in publications, 25 FNAC studies have been gathered in the meta-analysis. In the plotting of the summary ROC curve, the logit difference and sums of the true positive rates and the false positive rates included in the meta-analysis&lsquo
s codes have been generated by SAS. The formula of the bivariate random effects model and hierarchical summary ROC curve is presented in context with the literature. Then bivariate random effects implementation with the new SAS PROC GLIMMIX is generated. Moreover, HSROC implementation is generated by SAS PROC HSROC NLMIXED. Curves are plotted with RevMan Version 5 (2008). It has been stated that the meta-analytic results of bivariate random effects are nearly identical to the results from the HSROC approach. The results achieved through both random effects meta-analytic methods prove that FNA Cytology is a diagnostic test with a high level of distinguish over breast tumor.
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Hardesty, Kelli April Wolf Lorraine W. "Using microtremors to assess site characteristics in the New Madrid seismic zone." Auburn, Ala, 2008.

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Pearce, Terisa Ronette. "The Characteristics of a Community of Practice in a National Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2010.

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This qualitative naturalistic descriptive case study provides an understanding of the characteristics of a community of practice within a National Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute. This study utilized naturalistic, descriptive case study methodology to answer the research question: What characteristics of a community of practice are revealed by the perceptions and experiences of the fellows of a National Writing Project Invitational Summer Institute? Data were gathered in the form of interviews, focus group, observations, field notes, and participant reflective pieces. Peer debriefing, triangulation, thick rich description, as well as member checking served to establish credibility and trustworthiness in the study. Bracketing, a phenomenological process of reflecting on one's own experiences of the phenomenon under investigation was utilized as well. The findings of this study point to five analytic themes. These themes, ownership and autonomy, asset-based environment, relationships, socially constructed knowledge and practices, and experiential learning, intertwine to illuminate the three essential components which must be present for a community of practice to exist: joint enterprise, mutual engagement, and shared repertoire. Participants' portraits provide a description of their unique experiences as they moved fluidly between the periphery and core of the community of practice.
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Hinzman, Michelle Lynn. "Relationship between characteristics of teachers, their knowledge of reading, and the code-focused reading instruction provided during an intensive summer reading program." Diss., University of Iowa, 2019.

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Approximately 80% of students with learning disabilities (LD) experience difficulties learning to read (Shaywitz, Morris, & Shaywitz, 2008). Many schools have begun offering intensive summer reading programs in an effort to enhance the reading of students with and at risk for LD. Yet, remarkably little is known about the teachers who staff these programs and are tasked with teaching students with some of the most significant reading needs. For this reason, this study investigated the relationship between characteristics of summer reading teachers, their knowledge of reading, and the code-focused reading instruction they provided in the classroom during an intensive summer reading program for students with and at risk for LD. Data for this study were collected by the Iowa Reading Research Center as part of its Intensive Summer Reading Program (ISRP) study. In total, 74 teachers participated in this study. In addition to completing the Teacher Knowledge of Early Literacy Skills test, each teacher’s classroom was observed one day each week during the ISRP study. Findings of multiple regression analysis indicate that summer reading teachers certified in special education spent 4.1% less of their overall instructional time on code-focused instruction in comparison to general education teachers. Additionally, summer reading teachers who scored higher on the TKELS spent less time on code-focused instruction. Finally, years of teaching experience and years of experience teaching students achieving below grade level were not useful in predicting variation in the amount of code-focused instruction teachers provided during the intensive summer reading program.
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Hall, Jeffrey Drummond. "Self-Directed Learning Characteristics of First-Generation, First-Year College Students Participating in a Summer Bridge Program." Scholar Commons, 2011.

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The purpose of this study was to advance understanding of self-directed learning characteristics of first-year, first-generation college students participating in a summer bridge program. Understanding the experience of these students in higher education can lead to the development of programmatic and pedagogical strategies to better meet the needs of this at-risk student population. This study was conducted at the University of South Florida (USF), a large, public research university in Tampa. Participants were recruited from the Freshman Summer Institute (FSI), a summer bridge program for first-generation students at USF. Theoretical frameworks from higher education and adult education literature merged to provide an understanding of self-direction for the context of this study. Student retention and social integration theories from Tinto and Astin were studied, as they have been widely used to assist higher education professionals in understanding the reasons students leave college and to assist administrators in the development of strategies and programs to aid in the retention of at-risk students. An example of a retention strategy is the summer bridge program, used by a variety of colleges and universities to increase persistence of at-risk student populations. The adult education theory of self-directed learning complemented Tinto and Astin's theories. The Personal Responsibility Orientation (PRO) Model (Brockett & Hiemstra, 1991) served as a theoretical framework for understanding self-direction among the participants in the study. The PRO Model posits that learners utilize personal responsibility through the characteristics of the teaching-learning transaction along with their own personal learning characteristics to achieve self-directed learning within a broader social context. The Personal Responsibility Orientation to Self-Direction in Learning Scale (PRO- SDLS), based on a conceptualization of the PRO Model, was used to quantitatively measure self-directed learning among participation in the FSI Program. A series of correlations, dependent means t-tests, and factorial ANOVA's were conducted to examine the relationship between scores on both pre-test and post-test administrations of the PRO-SDLS. In addition to an investigation of the change in self-direction, relationships between academic achievement, gender, and ethnicity was also examined in the study. Measured increases in overall self-directedness as measured by the pre-test and post-test administrations of the PRO-SDLS were not considered statistically significant, however, significant correlational relationships (p<.01) were found between academic achievement and total PRO-SDLS scores. Subcomponent measurements of learner control and self-efficacy were also highly correlated to both admissions GPA and university GPA. No significant relationships were found between ethnicity, gender and scores on the PRO-SDLS. An implication for practice indicates that a shift in teaching pedagogy may be an integral component to increasing the academic success of first-year college students. Higher education faculty should be challenged to design curriculum that relies less on rote memorization and "spoon feeding" information to students. Instead, a learner-centered curriculum which gives control of the learning process to students is vital to instilling the habits of highly self-directed learners. In addition to revamped pedagogical strategies, this study calls for the development of national benchmarks and guidelines to more effectively evaluate the quality and impact of summer bridge programs.
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Louen, Justin M. "Hydrologic Characteristics of Summer Stream Temperatures in Little Creek and Scotts Creek at the Swanton Pacific Ranch." DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2016.

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Stream temperature impacts have resulted in increased restrictions on land management such as timber harvest and have created considerable uncertainty for future planning and management of redwood forestlands. Challenges remain in the assessment of downstream cumulative effects given the complexity of stream temperature dynamics. The goal of this research is to identify the risk of downstream temperature heating based on the summer low flow residence times, stream morphological characteristics, stream water storage, and heat budget exchanges. Stream temperature, hydrologic, climatic, and channel morphological data were collected on two, approximately 800 m stream reaches on Little Creek and Scotts Creek located in mixed coast redwood and Douglas-fir forests of Santa Cruz County, California. Spatially and temporally explicit stream temperature measurements were collected using distributed temperature sensing. A fluorescent dye tracer was used to gather information on summer streamflow including the quantification of residence time and hyporheic exchange. A heat budget approach was used to quantify individual heat flux components and to examine the processes of stream heating and cooling. Comparisons of observed and modeled temperatures between the two sites and the relative influences of individual heat budget components indicated that the magnitude and spatial frequency of subsurface-surface water interactions, along with incoming net radiation, played a substantial role in how heat was transferred through each system. Solar radiation exposure from stream shading and modeled groundwater inflows were important explanatory variables in the magnitude and spatial distribution of stream temperatures for the two streams located in the same watershed subjected to similar meteorological conditions. The measurement and evaluation of a stream’s hydrologic characteristics, stream shading, and aspect ratio were statistically significant measurements (α
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Pokswinski, Scott M. Folkerts Debbie R. "Invasive characteristics of Chinese privet (Ligustrum Sinense Lour.) in a bay swamp in the fall line hills of east-central Alabama." Auburn, Ala, 2008.

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Evans, Erin. "Canadian Prairie drought: Characteristics of precipitation at the surface and aloft with attendant atmospheric conditions for the summer months of 2001 and 2002." Thesis, McGill University, 2008. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=19267.

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Droughts can have a deleterious impact on many aspects of the environment and society. Severe drought can evoke catastrophic effects, degrading the success of numerous socioeconomic activities including agriculture and agri-food, hydro-electric power generation, and water resource management. The period from 2001 to 2002 was one such drought, which caused unprecedented loss on the Western Canadian Prairies, and had an economic impact felt on the national scale. In this study, the recent drought was characterized with respect to precipitation on a small scale at three sites: Calgary, Edmonton and Saskatoon. Climatologically, precipitation events of low daily accumulation (=10 mm day-1), called "light events", were found to be an important moisture source, accounting for a majority of the total accumulation at all three locations. During the recent drought, these low daily-accumulation events continued to occur, and in fact, contributed a higher proportion to the total precipitation amount due to the lack of heavy precipitation events. Using archived radar data, precipitation events were classified into three cases: convective, stratiform, and virga. The composite dynamic forcings for these three types of events were found to be distinct. Additionally, on a small scale, the surface wind analysis for cases of precipitation and of virga showed distinctions in wind direction, and a relation to topography was evident, especially at the Alberta locations.
La sécheresse peut avoir un impact désastreux sur l'environnement et la société. Une sécheresse importante peut provoquer des conséquences catastrophiques sur différentes activités socioéconomiques comme l'agriculture et l'agroalimentaire, la production hydroélectrique et la gestion des volumes d'eau. Une telle sécheresse a sévit entre 2001 et 2002 dans les prairies canadiennes où des pertes sans précédent ont affectées l'économie à la grandeur du pays. La présente étude caractérise les précipitations à petite échelle à trois endroits : Calgary, Edmonton et Saskatoon. Climatologiquement, les journées présentant de faible précipitation (= 10 mm jour -1) ont été identifiées comme une source importante de mouillure correspondant à la majorité de l'accumulation totale pour chacun des trois sites. Durant cette récente période de sécheresse, de faibles précipitations quotidiennes étaient toujours présentes, en fait, elles contribuaient à une plus grande proportion des précipitations totales en raison de l'absence de précipitations importantes. Les donnés radar archivées des précipitations furent classifiées en trois catégories : précipitation convective, précipitation stratiforme et virga. Des conditions atmosphériques caractéristiques étaient associées à chacun des types de précipitations. De plus, les dynamiques des forces composites se sont révélées distinctes. Aussi, à petite échelle, l'analyse des vents de surface lors des précipitations et virga a démontré des distinctions au niveau de la direction des vents ainsi qu'une relation évidente avec le relief topographique, particulièrement en Alberta.
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Moore, Tina Mae. "Population characteristics of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias Linnaeus, 1758, from geographically distinct locations in Atlantic Canada during the summer and fall of 1996." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Cunha, Maria João Rodrigues Álvares. "Summary of test characteristics as a tool of patient's enablement in quaternary prevention of osteoporosis screening." Dissertação, 2016.

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Cunha, Maria João Rodrigues Álvares. "Summary of test characteristics as a tool of patient's enablement in quaternary prevention of osteoporosis screening." Master's thesis, 2016.

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Widner, Gregory L. "Summer low flow characteristics of forest streams in northeast Oregon /." 1991.

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Laliberte, Audry. "Characteristics and satisfaction of students at the University of Manitoba Summer Session." 1995.

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McSwain, Michelle D. "Summer stream temperatures and channel characteristics of a southwestern Oregon coastal stream /." 1987.

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CHI, WEI-HSIN, and 紀瑋欣. "Characteristics of the Summer Convection Heating Profiles in Taiwan - Using Radar Data." Thesis, 2016.

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sian, Lin jhong, and 林仲賢. "An Analysis on the Characteristics of Summer Wind Field Over Taiwan Slope Land." Thesis, 2009.

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This paper analyses the characteristics of the summer wind field over Taiwan Slope Land in Lanyang, Jhudong, Chianan and Hualien-Taitung areas by using temperature, wind speed and its direction between June to September 2003 to 2007 provided by the Central Weather Bureau. The prevalence of wind direction matches with the topography of the valley, according to the wind rose diagram in mountain station of the last five years. It is evidenced from hourly wind speed and direction that the wind direction changes around 6 am to 8 am in the morning, and its wind speed increase with the uprising temperature. The wind speed reaches to its maximum during 12 pm to 14 pm. During the decreasing of speed, the wind direction changes as well, though the changing time varies in weather stations. Four conclusions can be drawn from the analysis of local environment wind field from mountain station. First, the valley wind in the daytime is developed by local heating; this can be evidenced from Lanyang and Hualien-Taitung areas. Second, local valley wind is weak at Chianan area. Third, the change of environmental wind field influences the development of local valley wind at Zhutung hilly. Last, local valley wind can be viewed as part of environmental wind field at Shuangchi weather Station. According to wavelet analysis, there is a correlation between temperature and wind speed. The maximum data 0.98 is found in Yulan weather station while the minimum 0.66 is found in Fusan weather station, indicating the significance of the local wind field effect.
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Hung, Sung-Yu, and 洪松佑. "The Influence of Endorser Characteristics on Advertising Effectiveness - A Case of Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade." Thesis, 2018.

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It is easier now for consumers to reach a diverse social platform and experience social media marketing due to the rapid rise of smart phones and internet penetration. Internet celebrity who with a large network of fans and followers on the platform usually become consumers’ opinion leaders or imitations. Thus, a new marketing model that recommend products or endorsement brands through the internet was generated. However, it is not easy for the internet celebrity to achieve the expected advertising effect in practice, but there are also cases of greater success than the traditional celebrity endorsement model. The study will focus on what factors will affect consumers’ perceptions of endorser advertisement, which further influences advertising attitudes and action decisions of consumers. Suggestions will be given for future relevant research based on the consequence of research. This is a quantity-based research which takes Taipei 2017 Summer Universiade as example. A total of 230 effective survey was collected through Google forms. The research structure is based on four aspects of “Attractiveness”, “Trustworthiness”, “Expertise and Relevance”, and “Likability”. And using “Advertising Attitude”, “Advertising Awareness”, and “Purchase Intention” to evaluate advertising effectiveness. Meanwhile, taking “Advertising Involvement” into account to determine whether it has an impact on advertising effectiveness as well. The consequences of the research indicate that three main points “Trustworthiness”, “Likability”, and “Advertising Involvement” affect the advertising effectiveness in a positive way. Here are three conclusions and suggestions based on analysis: 1. Considering target customers and it’s connection degree with endorsers before taking action could be helpful to find an competent opinion leader. 2. It’s important to define the purpose of social media marketing before choosing an adequate endorser. Such like booming sales revenue, increasing exposure frequency, or strengthen brand image. 3. The continued efforts on the platform from internet celebrity will affect the involvement level of fans. It’s crucial to keep eyes on the interaction between endorser and fans and how the endorsers stick their fans in their community.
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Tsai, Mei-Yun, and 蔡玫紜. "Impact of 30~60 day Intra-seasonal Oscillation on the Characteristics of Summer Rainfall in Taiwan." Thesis, 2018.

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This study investigates the influence of the 30~60 day intra-seasonal oscillation on the characteristics of summer (June to August) rainfall in Taiwan during 2007~2015. Analyses focus on the changes of rainfall types in Taiwan for the stronger Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) events (defined as MJO index is greater than 0.9). Results show that Taiwan has less precipitation when MJO is in phase 2 (i.e. the active convections located over the middle tropical Indian ocean), and has more precipitation when MJO is in phase 6 (i.e. the active convections located over the tropical Pacific Ocean). Diagnoses show that affected by the intensification of western Pacific subtropical high and the intensification of island-scale diurnal circulation, the percentage of diurnal convection events to the total rainfall events is larger in Taiwan when MJO is in phase 2 than in phase 6. In contrast, due to the intensification of monsoon trough and the intensification of southerly moisture supply over the East Asian-western North Pacific region, both (1) the percentage of tropical convection events to the total rainfall events and (2) the intensify of typhoon type of rainfall are larger in Taiwan when MJO is in phase 6 than in phase 2. These findings can help us understand how the 30~60 day intra-seasonal oscillation identified by the MJO index impacts on the characteristics of summer rainfall in Taiwan.
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Lin, Hsin-mu. "The microphysical characteristics of summer time thunderstorms in subtropic and high plains from a 3-D model simulation." 2000.

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Chen, Hsiao-hao, and 陳孝豪. "Relationship between larval fish assemblage and hydrographic characteristics in the waters southwest of Taiwan in summer and winter." Thesis, 2015.

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The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between spatial distribution of larval fish assemblage and local hydrographic characteristics during two distinct monsoon seasons (the southwesternly monsoon in summer and the northeasternly monsoon in winter) in the waters southwest of Taiwan. We used the cruises of “R/V Ocean Researcher III” to collect zooplankton and hydrographic data in September and December, 2012. Succession of the water masses (South China Sea Surface Current in summer and Kuroshio Branch Current in winter) driven by monsoons may strongly influence the local hydrographic characteristics, such as the sea-surface temperature, salinity, and SiO2. In total, 123 taxa of larval fish, belonging to 79 genera and 56 families, were identified, with a mean abundance of 1510 ± 382 ind./1000 m3 during the study period. Among these, a total of 78 taxa of larval fish belonging to 43 genera and 32 families with a mean abundance of 990 ± 382 ind./1000 m3 were found in summer, and 107 taxa, 61 genera and 48 families with mean abundance of 2034 ± 602 ind./1000 m3 in winter. The families and species number were significantly higher in winter than in summer. Although the abundance of larval fish in the winter was higher than that in the summer, no significant difference was observed. The five predominant taxa of larval fish found in this study area were Diaphus A group, Engraulis japonicus, Equulites rivulatus, Bregmaceros sp., and Benthosema pterotum, together they accounted for 37.67% of the total larval fish catch. Seasonal variation in the species composition of larval fish was significant, some taxa only occurred with a peak abundance in a specific season. For example, Engraulis japonicus, Sillago sihama, Pennahia argentata, Equulites rivulatus, and unidentified Engraulidae dominated in summer, while Diaphus A group, Bregmaceros sp., Equulites rivulatus, Benthosema pterotum, and Engraulis japonicus were abundant in the winter. According to the results of this study, we suggested that the succession of the water masses driven by seasonal monsoon system may affect the distribution of larval fish in the waters southwest of Taiwan.
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Baigun, Claudio Rafael Mariano. "Characteristics of pools used by adult summer steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Steamboat Creek Basin, North Umpqua River, Oregon." Thesis, 1994.

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This study examined features of deep pool (>0.8 m mean depth) used by adult summer steelhead in Steamboat Creek (1991-1992). Steamboat Creek had a heterogenous thermal profile, with some segments exceeding preferred temperature of steelhead. Deep pools were scarce (4% of the total habitat units) and 39% of them were identified as cool pools (mean bottom water temperature [less than or equal to] 19°C). Adult summer steelhead were found primarily in deep pools, avoiding other habitats (glides, riffles) and even cold but shallow tributary junctions. Use of odds ratio showed that use of cool pools use was estimated to be 11 times greater than the odds of the use of warm pools (P <0.001). Discriminant analysis identified mean bottom pool water temperature, riparian forest at the pool bank, proportion of large boulders, maximum length and mean depth as the best subset of variables that accounted for differences between pools occupied and not occupied by adult steelhead. A total of 69% of the variation was explained by differences in used and not used groups. Classification accuracy was 89%. Canton Creek, a tributary of Steamboat Creek, were tested as validation site for the derived model, observing that the classification function performed moderately, achieving a hit-ratio of 0.7. Results of the study showed that, since bottom pool temperature was a major factor but other ecological factors were also relevant, an integrated framework would be required in determining pool used by this species. Moderate success of the predictive model suggests that managers will want to check it before applying in other basins.
Graduation date: 1995
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