Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Suivi des émissions à haute résolution'
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Plauchu, Robin. "Assimilation de données satellitaires de concentrations atmosphériques pour le suivi des émissions de NOx et de CO en France." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASJ035.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is to contribute to the development of inverse atmospheric modelling capabilities for estimating French NOx and CO emissions at scales relevant to decision makers, from the national level to administrative regions or large urban areas, and from annual to weekly scales. The aim is to support the formulation of regulatory policies and to evaluate their effectiveness.Historically, regulatory policies have been based on emission inventories derived from statistics related to socio-economic activities. In recent years, a complementary approach has been developed: atmospheric inversion of emissions, which uses statistical inversion methods, atmospheric observations, and chemistry-transport models in synergy.My PhD thesis therefore focused on the inversion of French NOx and CO emissions at a relatively fine horizontal resolution of 10 km². To achieve this, I used recent observations from the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), which provides tropospheric columns of NO2 and total columns of CO with unprecedented spatial resolution. I also used the variational mode of the Community Inversion Framework (CIF), which drives the regional chemistry-transport model CHIMERE, including a module that accounts for the complex gas-phase chemistry of NOx and its adjoint.Particular attention has been paid to quantifying the reduction in French NOx emissions due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its lockdowns. Moreover, at high spatial resolution, errors associated with atmospheric transport modelling can be significant. One way to overcome this problem and to exploit the information provided by satellite images on spatial structures, such as that of NO2 in the TROPOMI images, is to define an observation vector for the inversion based on information extracted from images that are less affected by transport modelling errors than individual pixels. This observation vector would predominantly reflect the emissions targeted by the inversion and would not contain correlated simulation errors between observations. The potential of such an approach, involving a change in the observation vector for the assimilation of TROPOMI NO2 images over France in an inversion system, has been analysed.This work is part of a longer-term effort to develop an operational tool for monitoring French pollutant and greenhouse gas emissions at high resolution
Badri, Julie. "Système de vision hybride : modélisation et application au suivi haute résolution." Phd thesis, Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00730993.
Full textMasson, Théo. "Fusion de données de télédétection haute résolution pour le suivi de la neige." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018GREAT112/document.
Full textRemote sensing acquisitions have complementary characteristics in terms of spatial and temporal resolution and can measure different aspects of snow cover (e.g., surface physical properties and snow type). By combining several acquisitions, it should be possible to obtain a precise and continuous monitoring of the snow. However, this task has to face the complexity of processing satellite images and the possible confusion between different materials observed. In particular, the estimation of fractional information, i.e., the amount of snow in each pixel, requires to know the proportion of the materials present in a scene. These proportions can be obtained performing spectral unmixing. The challenge is then to effectively exploit the information of different natures that are provided by the multiple acquisitions in order to produce accurate snow maps.Three main objectives are addressed by this thesis and can be summarized by the three following questions:- What are the current limitations of state-of-the-art techniques for the estimation of snow cover extent from optical observations?- How to exploit a time series for coping with the spectral variability of materials?- How can we take advantage of multimodal acquisitions from optical sensors for estimating snow cover maps?A complete study of the various snow products from the MODIS satellite is proposed. It allows the identification of numerous limitations, the main one being the high rate of errors during the estimation of the snow fraction (approximately 30%).The experimental analysis allowed to highlight the sensitivity of the spectral unmixing methods against the spectral variability of materials.Given these limitations, we have exploited the MODIS time series to propose a new endmembers estimation approach, addressing a critical step in spectral unmixing. The low temporal evolution of the medium (except snow) is then used to constrain the estimation of the endmembers not only on the image of interest, but also on images of the previous days. The effectiveness of this approach, although demonstrated here, remains limited by the spatial resolution of the sensor.Data fusion has been considered aiming at taking advantage of multiple acquisitions with different characteristics in term of resolution available on the same scene. Given the limitations of the actual methods in the case of multispectral sensors, a new fusion approach has been proposed. Through the formulation of a new model and its resolution, the fusion between optical sensors of all types can be achieved without consideration of their characteristics. The various experiments on the estimation of snow maps show a clear interest of a better spatial resolution to isolate the snow covered areas. The improvement in spectral resolution will improve future approaches based on spectral unmixing.This work explores the new possibilities of development for the observation of snow, but also for the combined use of the satellite images for the observation of the Earth in general
Descoteaux, Maxime. "IRM de diffusion à haute résolution angulaire: estimation locale, segmentation et suivi de fibres." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00457458.
Full textFallourd, Renaud. "Suivi des glaciers alpins par combinaison d'informations hétérogènes : images SAR Haute Résolution et mesures terrain." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00718596.
Full textChoquet, Élodie. "Suivi de franges à quatre télescopes pour GRAVITY et astrométrie de précision." Paris 7, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA077219.
Full textMy PhD was initiated in the framework of the GRAVITY instrument, whose first light is expected for 2014 at VLTI. GRAVITY will combine up to four telescopes in the K spectral band, and provide astrometric measurements with precision and sensitivity unequalled in infrared interferometry. I developed the algorithms of the GRAVITY fringe tracker, which will stabilize the optical path differences down to 350nm rms on a reference star as faint as K=10, and enable long exposure in the science beam. In this goal I implemented robust estimators, a predictive controller based on Kalman filtering, and a state machine automating the management of the fringe tracker. Through realistic numerical simulations of différent disturbance sources, I demonstrated that the Kalman controller is more efficient than classical controllers (integrator-type) to correct perturbations, especially instrumental vibrations, and that it enables to reach the specifications of the GRAVITY fringe tracker. I developed a laboratory demonstrator of the GRAVITY fringe tracker, to experimentally validate its algorithms. First results confirm their ability to stabilize fringes, and demonstrate the efficiency of the Kalman filter to compensate for an instrumental vibration over an integrator controller. Finally, I studied the Vela X-l X-ray binary, preliminary to the installation of GRAVITY. I performed infrared interferometric observations of this System and measured a stellar wind with different sizes in the H and K spectral bands, revealing either a strong temperature gradient in the stellar wind, or transient events in the accretion process
Badeau, Roland. "Méthodes à haute résolution pour l'estimation et le suivi de sinusoïdes modulées : Application aux signaux de musique." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2005. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00009321.
Full textHarant, Olivier. "Méthodes statistiques en télédétection RSO polarimétrique haute résolution pour la modélisation et le suivi temporel des glaciers." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00863648.
Full textDusseux, Pauline. "Exploitation de séries temporelles d'images satellites à haute résolution spatiale pour le suivi des prairies en milieu agricole." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014REN20031/document.
Full textIn agricultural areas, we observed a decrease of grasslands and change in their management in the last half–century, which are commonly associated with agriculture intensification. These changes have affected environmental and economic systems. In this context, the evaluation of grassland status and grassland management in farming systems is a key–issue for sustainable agriculture. With the arrival of new Earth observation sensors with high spatial and temporal resolutions, it is now possible to study grasslands at fine scale using regular observations over time. The objective of this thesis is to identify grasslands and their management practices using parameters derived from time–series of high spatial resolution (HSR) remote sensing data. For that purpose, several intra–annual time series of HSR optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite images were acquired in order to identify grasslands and three of their management practices: grazing, mowing and mixed management, on a catchment area mainly oriented towards cattle production. Results obtained from the processing and analysis of the optical time series have shown that it is possible to estimate with good accuracy grassland biomass, to identify and to characterize them. They also highlighted that radar images improve grassland identification without being able to distinguish management practices, the combined use of the two types of images further increasing grassland identification. Furthermore, results showed that the classification methods based on comparison criteria adapted to time series (warping criteria) increase significantly results for discriminating grassland management practices compared to standard classification methods
Crăciun, Paula. "Géométrie stochastique pour la détection et le suivi d'objets multiples dans des séquences d'images haute résolution de télédétection." Thesis, Nice, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015NICE4095/document.
Full textIn this thesis, we combine the methods from probability theory and stochastic geometry to put forward new solutions to the multiple object detection and tracking problem in high resolution remotely sensed image sequences. We create a framework based on spatio-temporal marked point process models to jointly detect and track multiple objects in image sequences. We propose the use of simple parametric shapes to describe the appearance of these objects. We build new, dedicated energy based models consisting of several terms that take into account both the image evidence and physical constraints such as object dynamics, track persistence and mutual exclusion. We construct a suitable optimization scheme that allows us to find strong local minima of the proposed highly non-convex energy. As the simulation of such models comes with a high computational cost, we turn our attention to the recent filter implementations for multiple object tracking, which are known to be less computationally expensive. We propose a hybrid sampler by combining the Kalman filter with the standard Reversible Jump MCMC. High performance computing techniques are also used to increase the computational efficiency of our method. We provide an in-depth analysis of the proposed framework based on standard multiple object tracking metrics and computational efficiency
Laslier, Marianne. "Suivi des impacts d’un arasement de barrage sur la végétation riveraine par télédétection à très haute résolution spatiale et temporelle." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018REN20037/document.
Full textRivers are the object of legislation encouraging their restoration, and dam removal operations represent one of the solution to achieve it in France. Riparian vegetation plays a fundamental role in stabilizing and maintaining fluvial systems, being at the interface between terrestrial and aquatic environments. It is therefore a very important component which has to be evaluated in river restoration operations. One of the consequences of dam removal on riparian vegetation is the colonization of the dewatered sediments in the reservoir. The objective of the thesis are to define short term colonization dynamics of vegetation in context of dam removal (Sélune River, Normandy), and to develop long term indicators for the monitoring of riparian vegetation. First, an analysis of intra and interannual colonization dynamics revealed the potential of using drone images to map riparian vegetation, and fast successional dynamics with high passive restoration and sediment stabilization potential. Secondly, the analysis of 3D point clouds extracted from LiDAR data acquired in winter and summer highlighted the complementarity of the two acquisition dates to map indicators of riparian status at large scale, such as main riparian species, shading or density of herbaceous and shrubby strata. These results make it possible to discuss the methodological and operational dimensions of the use of remote sensing approaches for the monitoring of riparian vegetation
Kurban, Ugur. "Micro-capteur magnétique 3D haute résolution compatible avec les technologies de l'intégration : application au suivi magnétique de trace lors d'interventions endovasculaires." Strasbourg, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010STRA6200.
Full textIsabel, Marc-André. "Estimation haute-résolution de la position de cibles en mouvement à partir du suivi du sous-espace sources et d'un estimateur statistique de 2e ordre." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/40299.
Full textIn 1995, LIDAR systems emerged as a new alternative to the well-known RADAR systems for remote sensing applications. However, unlike RADAR, the operating frequency of LIDAR systems is above the radio frequencies and usually in the infrared which means that a non-coherent detection has to be used to retrieve the signal's enveloppe. While several signal processing algorithms have been developped for RADAR phased arrays, none of these algorithms are known, to this day, to be e cient when dealing with real, phaseless signals. In 2015, as part of a research project to enhance the detection precision and maximal distance of a LIDAR system, an adaptation [1] of the so-called MUSIC algorithm developped by Schmidt was realised to be used with the time-of- ight principle instead of the direction of arrival principle. Unfortunately, the direct application of the adapted algorithm was time consuming, especially the creation, processing and eigendecomposition stages of the ReXX matrix. As so, optimizations are required to allow its implementation into a low-cost system for real-time purposes. Among those optimizations, the use of subspace tracking methods will be studied in this thesis. Subspace tracking algorithms are based on the idea that instead of having to create ReXX at each data update, one can use the known data while adding the new data with a forgetting factor. The result of these optimizations is that a decrease of 25% to 95% in execution time is observed when subspace tracking is used together with a higher complexity method to initialize its parameters. The study realised by [1] was mostly done for stationary objects. This thesis aims to extend that study to non stationary objects. Results show that using subspace tracking methods is even more efficient in these cases.
Bassisty, Elisabeth. "Apport de l'imagerie spatiale haute résolution (spot xs, landsat tm) à l'observation et au suivi des ressources naturelles renouvelables en zone steppique aride (sud-algérois)." Aix-Marseille 3, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998AIX30108.
Full textAslan, Gokhan. "Mesure et suivi spatio-temporel des déplacements de surface dans le nord-ouest de la Turquie, par interférométrie radar à haute résolution : glissement asismique et subsidence." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019GREAU014/document.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is centered on the detection and monitoring of surface deformation in northwest Turkey induced by a variety of natural (such as tectonic activity, slow moving-landslides, etc.) and anthropogenic (ground water extraction, construction activities, etc.) hazards and on the analysis of the related deformation mechanisms and their environmental consequences. In this work, I computed Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) time series to examine ground deformation evolution for three different case studies associated to different geophysical phenomena and underlying processes. The focus of this thesis is two-fold : (1) to reveal and monitor the spatio-temporal characteristics of aseismic slip along the August 17, 1999 Mw 7.4 Izmit earthquake rupture, and discuss its potential relationship with lithology and geology (2) to investigate ground subsidence in urban or human-exploited areas induced by various factors, and discuss the relative roles of tectonics, lithology and anthropogenic activities in such ground motion.In the first case-study, I combined InSAR measurements, based on X-band TerraSAR-X and C-band Sentinel-1 A-B radar images acquired over the period 2011-2017, with near field GPS measurements, performed every 6 months from 2014 to 2016, as well as creep meter measurements to examine the surface velocity field around the NAF after the 1999 Izmit earthquake. In this study, the Stanford Method for Persistent Scatterers InSAR package (StaMPS) was employed to process series of Sentinel 1 A-B (acquired along ascending and descending orbits) and TerraSAR-X (ascending orbits) radar images. The InSAR horizontal mean velocity fields reveal that the creep rate on the central segment of the 1999 Izmit fault rupture continues to decay, more than 19 years after the earthquake, in overall agreement with models of postseismic afterslip rate decaying logarithmically with time. Along the fault section that experienced a supershear velocity rupture during the Izmit earthquake, creep continues with a rate up to ~ 8 mm/yr. A significant transient event with accelerating creep is detected in December 2016 on the Sentinel-1 time series, consistent with creepmeter measurements, near the maximum creep rate location. It is associated with a total surface slip of 10 mm released in one month only. The second case study deals with the identification and measurement of secular ground deformation in Istanbul from a long-term InSAR time-series spanning almost 25 years of satellite radar observations (1992-2017). This InSAR time series was computed from radar images of multiple satellites (ERS-1, ERS-2, Envisat, Sentinel-1 A, B) in order to investigate the spatial extent and rate of ground subsidence in the megacity of Istanbul.In the third case study, InSAR time-series analysis is calculated for quantifying the subsidence of the Bursa Plain (southern Marmara region of Turkey), which has been interpreted as resulting from tectonic motions in the region. In this study, the StaMPS is employed to process series of Sentinel 1 A-B radar images acquired between 2014 and 2017 along both ascending and descending orbits. The vertical velocity field obtained after decomposition of line-of-sight velocity fields on the two tracks reveals that the Bursa plain is subsiding at rates up to 25 mm/yr. The most prominent subsidence signal in the basin forms an east-west elongated ellipse of deformation in the east, and is bounded by a Quaternary alluvial plain undergoing average vertical subsidence at ~10 mm/yr. The InSAR time series within the observation period is well correlated with changes in the depth of the ground water. These observations indicate that the recent acceleration of subsidence is mainly due to anthropogenic activities rather than tectonic motion
Coulon, Romain. "Spectrométrie gamma haute résolution et hauts taux de comptage sur primaire de réacteur de type génération 4 au sodium liquide." Phd thesis, Caen, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010CAEN2040.
Full textSodium-cooled Fast Reactors are under development for the fourth generation of nuclear reactor. Breeders reactors could gives solutions for the need of energy and the preservation of uranium resources. An other purpose is the radioactive wastes production reduction by transmutation and the control of non-proliferation using a closed-cycle. These thesis shows safety and profit advantages that could be obtained by a new generation of gamma spectrometry system for SFR. Now, the high count rate abilities, allow us to study new methods of accurate power measurement and fast clad failure detection. Simulations have been done and an experimental test has been performed at the French Phénix SFR of the CEA Marcoule showing promising results for these new measurements
Coulon, Romain. "Spectrométrie gamma haute résolution et hauts taux de comptage sur primaire de réacteur de type génération 4 au sodium liquide." Phd thesis, Université de Caen, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00564868.
Full textLorette, Guillaume. "Fonctionnement et vulnérabilité d'un système karstique multicouche à partir d'une approche multi-traceurs et d'un suivi haute-résolution : application aux Sources du Toulon à Périgueux (Dordogne, France)." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BORD0116/document.
Full textThis work is included in an approach for a better knowledge of karst aquifers. For this, the Toulon Springs pilot site was chosen, and provides the opportunity to study relationships between multilayered karst aquifers of the northern edge of the Aquitaine sedimentary basin. Toulon Springs are major regional springs and are located in Périgueux (Dordogne County, France). They have been supplying water to the metropolitan area of Périgueux since 1832.This work aim to test an innovative multitracer approach coupled with a physicochemical high-resolution auto-monitoring to characterize functioning and vulnerability of a multilayered karst aquifer.The use of a coupled hydrodynamic and hydrochemical approach has highlighted Toulon Springs supply by a deep and captive aquifer, in addition to a more subsuperficial aquifer. This information has been incorporated into the global hydrogeological situation of the study area to propose a new delineation of Toulon Springs hydrogeological cathment.The use of a high-resolution monitoring enables to specify the hydrogeological functioning of the studied karst system. The analysis performed on several flood events, identify that mass transfer can range from a few days to a few weeks.The use of nitrate isotope (δ15N-NO3- ; δ18O-NO3-) enables to identify two main nitrate sources in both surface water and groundwater: (i) inorganic fertilizer; (ii) sewage from individual house.The last part of this work was to analyse Toulon Springs temporal vulnerability during floods to marker of contamination such as particles, dissolved organic carbon, nitrate, and bacteria. Hence, several water type from surface runoff, unsaturated zone and saturated zone were identify as responsible of contaminant transfer: (i) water from saturated zone is responsible of vulnerability to mineral particles ; (ii) water from unsaturated zone is responsible of vulnerability to nitrare ; (iii) water from surface runoff is responsible of vulnerability to bacteria contamination
Perrin, Muriel. "Imagerie de diffusion à haute résolution angulaire : étude du modèle q-ball par couplage simulations-fantômes et applications au suivi de fibres et à la parcellisation du cortex." Paris 11, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA112221.
Full textIn white matter, at microscopic scale, water molecule movement is mainly distributed along axonal fiber bundles. Thanks to the measurement of this water displacement, diffusion MRI allows to study uninvasively white matter tissue microstructure. We interest here first to direct model, raised by diffusion MRI: given a fiber crossing geometry, how is the generated signal? In intend to reply, we developed diffusion physical phantoms and a numerical simulator so that we can compare acquired and simulated results from q-ball model. One of the most powerful application of diffusion MRI is white matter fiber tracking. To resolve this inverse problem, we proposed a new algorithm to infer fiber bundle from q-ball imaging data. This algorithm combines the idea of performing a probabilistic tractography with regularization of the curvature of fiber trajectories. The method is first validated with diffusion phantoms, and then the method is successfully applied to the detection of the auditory tract in three human subjects. Well beyond the simple visualization of fiber bundles, fiber tracking algorithms allow to infer anatomical brain connectivity. We finally addressed the parcellation of cortical mantel using connectivity profiles. The reproducibility of the results is studied for three subjects. Future prospects of this work are numerous: first, diffusion MRI measurement is still not clear and it is necessary to work with numerical or physical phantoms, in order to better understand the phenomenon. Finally, human brain is still far to be well known and tractography algorithms, dint diffusion MRI, constitute an important advance in this field
KALLEL, Abdelaziz. "Inversion d’images satellites « haute résolution » visible / infrarouge pour le suivi de la couverture végétale des sols en hiver par modélisation du transfert radiatif : fusion de données et classification." Paris 11, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA112333.
Full textEstimation of vegetation features from space is of high interest for hydrologist community since land cover during winter in agricultural regions strongly influences soil erosion processes and water quality. The object of this PhD Thesis is then the estimation of the vegetation cover (more precisely its density thought the vegetation cover fraction, fCover) using ‘high resolution’ remote sensing data in the Visible and the Near Infrared domain. The Yar experimental watershed (in Britain) was used for our work validation. First, we have studied the modelling (direct and inverse models) of the interaction between the solar radiation and the vegetation in the visible and Near Infrared domains, using the Radiative Transfer (RT) theory. The proposed direct RT model is based on Adding and SAIL formalisms, enhancing the modelling of the diffuse fluxes and taking into account the multi hot spot effect. Then, to inverse the fCover, we pitch on a semi-empirical model based on the fCover isoline parameterization using the coupled model SAIL/Adding. Then, to improve the estimation of the fCover, we propose to combine the results provided by our inverse model with other vegetation indices. For this, in the framework of the evidence theory, a new combination rule taking into account the correlation between indices was developed. Finally, in order to obtain a map of the fCover classes, we have proposed a new Markov classification relaxing the assumption of stationary of neighbourhood form to use an adaptive neighbourhood for each pixel
Glushonkov, Oleksandr. "Imagerie de fluorescence à haute résolution : étude de la localisation nucléolaire de la protéine de la nucléocapside du VIH." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018STRAJ028/document.
Full textDuring this experimental thesis work, we investigated the nuclear and nucleolar localization of the nucleocapsid protein (NC) of HIV-1. Previous studies performed in our laboratory evidenced a strong accumulation of NC in a subnuclear structure called nucleolus. Playing role in multiple cellular processes, nucleolus is often targeted by viruses to promote their replication. Electron microscopy revealed three nucleolar components (fibrillar centers, dense fibrillar component and granular component) associated to specific steps of the ribosome biogenesis. To characterize the distribution of the NC in these three sub-compartments and therefore shed light on the nucleolar localization of NC during the replication cycle, we developed a high-resolution optical microscopy approach. After having minimized the optical aberrations and corrected the mechanical drifts inherent to the imaging setup, the NC-mEos2 fusion protein overexpressed in HeLa cells was visualized simultaneously with immunolabeled nucleolar markers. The use of high-resolution fluorescence microscopy enabled us to resolve for the first time the three nucleolar compartments and to demonstrate the preferential localization of NC in the granular compartment of nucleolus. Finally, preliminary experiments performed with living cells showed that NC is actively transported in the nucleus and therefore may interact directly with nucleolar proteins
Morin, David. "Estimation et suivi de la ressource en bois en France métropolitaine par valorisation des séries multi-temporelles à haute résolution spatiale d'images optiques (Sentinel-2) et radar (Sentinel-1, ALOS-PALSAR)." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020TOU30079.
Full textThe estimation and monitoring of forest resources and carbon stocks are major issues for wood industry and public bodies. Forests play an important role in national and international plans for climate change mitigation (carbon storage, climate regulation, biodiversity, renewable energy). In temperate forests, monitoring is done at two different levels: on one hand, at local level, in small areas by the acquisition of many measures of forest structure parameters, and, on the other hand, by statistics at national level or in large administrative areas that are provided annually by public bodies. Temperate forests are highly anthropogenic (high spatial variability and fragmentation of stands), so there is currently a strong need for a more refined and regular maps of forest resources in these regions. Optical and radar satellite images provide information on the state of vegetation, tree structure and spatial organization of forests. In an exceptional context of free global availability, diversity, and quality of images with high spatial and temporal resolution, the aim of this PhD work is to set up the methodological bases for a generic and semi-automatic production of forest parameters mapping (biomass, diameter, height, etc.). We have assessed the potential of Sentinel-1 (C-band radar), Sentinel-2 (optical) time series, and ALOS2-PALSAR2 (radar, L-band) annual mosaics to estimate forest structure parameters. These satellite data are combined, using supervised learning algorithms and field measurements, to construct models for estimating aboveground biomass (AGB), mean tree diameter (DBH), height, basal area and tree density. These models can then be spatially applied over the entire territory by using satellite images, providing thus continuous information on the spatial resolution of the images used (10 to 20 meters). This approach has been conceived and tested on four study sites with different forest species and structural and environmental properties: the inner and the dune zone of the Landes forest (maritime pines), the Orléans forest (oak and Scots pines), and the forest of Saint-Gobain (oaks, hornbeams and beeches). The investigated issues are the satellite data to be used, the selection of explanatory variables, the choice of regression algorithms and their parameterization, the differentiation of forest types and the spatialization of forest parameter estimates. The primitives derived from satellite data provide information on the optical properties of soil and vegetation, the spatial organization of trees, the structure and volume of live wood of crowns and trunks. The use of nonlinear multivariate regression algorithms allows to obtain forest parameter estimates with relative error performance in the order of 15 to 35 % for the basal area (~ 2.8 to 5.9 m2/ha) depending on forest types, 5 to 20 % for height (~ 1.3 to 3 m), and 5 to 25 % for DBH (~ 1.5 to 8 cm). The results highlight the improvement by combining several types of satellite data (optical, multi-frequency radar and spatial texture indexes), as well as the importance of differentiating forest types for the construction of models. This high-resolution, regular mapping of the forest resource is very promising to help improving the monitoring and policy of territorial and national strategies for the timber sector, biodiversity and carbon storage
WAHI, TAOUFIK. "Mesure des émissions K, satellites, hypersatellites, deux électrons - un photon des éléments légers : carbone, azote et oxygène lors de l'interaction ions multicharges - surface métallique. Etude à haute résolution des transitions satellites K du néon en excitation électronique." Paris, CNAM, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996CNAM0238.
Full textEl, hajj Mahmoud. "Exploitation des séries temporelles d'images satellite à haute résolution spatiale par fusion d'informations multi-sources pour le suivi des opérations culturales : Application à la détection des coupes de canne à sucre à La Réunion." Phd thesis, AgroParisTech, 2008. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00005085.
Full textGuillon, Hervé. "Origine et transport des sédiments dans un bassin versant alpin englacé (Glacier des Bossons, France) : une quantification couplant mesures hydro-sédimentaires haute-résolution, suivi radio-fréquence de galets, teneur en nucléides cosmogéniques et méthodes probabilistes." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAU010/document.
Full textAmong the most efficient agents of erosion, glaciers react dynamically to climate change, leading to a significant adjustment of downstream sediment flux. Present-day global warming raises the question regarding the evolution of the sediment load originating from partially glaciated catchment. The detrital export from such environment results from erosion processes operating within distinct geomorphological domains : supraglacial rockwalls, ice-covered substratum and the proglacial area, downstream from the glacier. The general intent of this doctoral research is therefore to characterize the origin and transport of sediments in the watersheds of two streams draining Bossons glacier (Mont-Blanc massif, France).For this purpose, the components of the sediment flux coming from supraglacial, subglacial and proglacial domains are separated and quantified by innovating methods:i. Using the terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides concentrations as evidence of a supraglacialtransport;ii. Combining meteorological data and hydro-sedimentary data acquired at a high timeresolution (2 min) and completed by multi-linear models;iii. Estimating sediment flux by source for 7 years and with a probabilistic method;iv. Associating radio-frequency identification of pebbles in the proglacial area with a stochas-tic transport analysis.Through numerical tools, applying the presented methodologies provides erosion rates of thesupraglacial, subglacial and proglacial domains, and determines the sediment transfer mecha-nisms within the catchment.Thus in the terminal part of the glacier, 52±14 to 9±4% of the supraglacial load is transferred to the subglacial drainage network. Moreover, its evolution throughout the melt season leads to the export of the winter sediment production during a limited period. Furthermore, the drainage configuration beneath the glacier and its retreat control the remobilization of a long-term sediment stock. These processes explain the contrast between the mean subglacial erosion rates of the two monitored streams, 0.63 ± 0.37 et 0.38 ± 0.22 mm/yr, respectively. This values are lower than the tectonic uplift, ∼1.5 mm/an, and of the same order of magnitude than the mean erosion rate of supraglacial rockwalls, evaluated at 0.76 ± 0.34 mm/an.Downstream from the glacier, hillslopes are not efficiently connected to the proglacial stream and the glacier is the main source of the sediment export. Hence, without extreme events, the input from proglacial domain corresponds to 13 ± 10% of the total sediment export from the catchment. Besides, the proglacial area acts as a buffer functioning from the daily to the year scales for fine particles, and at a decennial scale for coarser particles. In total, despite the rapid recent retreat of the glacier, the Bossons catchment exhibits a limited paraglacialdynamic whose intensity corresponds to a mean proglacial erosion rate of 0.25±0.20 mm/an. Finally, at the catchment scale, the sediment dynamic is multi-frequential and buffered by storage and release mechanisms
Andries, Mihai. "Localisation et suivi d'humains et d'objets, et contrôle de robots au travers d'un sol sensible." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0293.
Full textThis thesis explores the capabilities of an ambient intelligence equipped with a load-sensing floor. It deals with the problem of perceiving the environment through a network of low-resolution sensors. Challenges include the interpretation of spread loads for objects with multiple points of support, weight ambiguities between objects, variation of persons’ weight during dynamic activities, etc. We introduce new techniques, partly inspired from the field of computer vision, for detecting, tracking and recognizing the entities located on the floor. We also introduce new modes of interaction between environments equipped with such floor sensors and robots evolving inside them. This enables non-intrusive interpretation of events happening inside environments with embedded ambient intelligence, with applications in assisted living, senile care, continuous health diagnosis, home security, and robotic navigation
Constals, Audrey. "Etude de la régulation glutamate dépendante de la mobilité des récepteurs AMPA et de son rôle physiologique." Thesis, Bordeaux 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013BOR22058.
Full textAMPA receptors (AMPAR) are ionotropic glutamate receptors which are responsible for the vast majority of fast excitatory synaptic currents in fast transmission. Upon release of glutamate, AMPAR undergo three main conformational states: pore closed/agonist unbound, pore open/agonist bound and pore closed/agonist bound. Controlling the number of AMPAR and their organization in the synapse, through a combination of lateral diffusion and endo/exocytosis, is essential to regulate the intensity of synaptic transmission. The interactions between proteins of the post-synaptic density and accessory receptor proteins regulate the distribution of receptors, controlling their number and organization in the post-synapse. During my PhD, I studied the impact of AMPAR activation on their mobility and organization in the post-synapse. Indeed, the binding of glutamate to AMPAR and their following desensitization lead to major structural changes on the receptor which impacts on their interactions with scaffolding proteins and accessory proteins. The impact of such modifications on the lateral diffusion and sub-synaptic organization of AMPAR was not known yet. My findings show a mobilization of synaptic AMPAR following their activation by glutamate. At the molecular level, I suggest that the transition from the activated state to the desensitized state of AMPAR leads to a change in affinity of the receptor for their partner protein: Stargazin. This glutamate dependent regulation of AMPAR diffusion participates in maintaining the fidelity of fast synaptic transmission
Andries, Mihai. "Localisation et suivi d'humains et d'objets, et contrôle de robots au travers d'un sol sensible." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015LORR0293.
Full textThis thesis explores the capabilities of an ambient intelligence equipped with a load-sensing floor. It deals with the problem of perceiving the environment through a network of low-resolution sensors. Challenges include the interpretation of spread loads for objects with multiple points of support, weight ambiguities between objects, variation of persons’ weight during dynamic activities, etc. We introduce new techniques, partly inspired from the field of computer vision, for detecting, tracking and recognizing the entities located on the floor. We also introduce new modes of interaction between environments equipped with such floor sensors and robots evolving inside them. This enables non-intrusive interpretation of events happening inside environments with embedded ambient intelligence, with applications in assisted living, senile care, continuous health diagnosis, home security, and robotic navigation
Choquet, Elodie. "Suivi de franges à quatre télescopes pour GRAVITY et astrométrie de précision." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00772392.
Full textGHEUSI, François. "Analyses eulériennes et lagrangiennes des systèmes convectifs quasi-stationnaires sur les Alpes." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2001. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00009368.
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