Academic literature on the topic 'Style'

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Journal articles on the topic "Style"


Lassalle, Hélène. "Du Style : le style et les styles." Ligeia N°17-18, no. 1 (1995): 67.

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Binford, Lewis R. "Styles of style." Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 8, no. 1 (March 1989): 51–67.

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Roof, Judith. "The Styles of Style." American Literary History 36, no. 2 (May 1, 2024): 578–86.

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Shusterman, Richard. "Style et styles de vie." Littérature 105, no. 1 (1997): 102–9.

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Schoor, Carola. "In the theater of political style: Touches of populism, pluralism and elitism in speeches of politicians." Discourse & Society 28, no. 6 (August 11, 2017): 657–76.

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Up to date, the concept of political style is underdeveloped, obstructing a profound understanding of political performances. This article disentangles the components of political style by analyzing the concept systematically. It is argued that instead of one single style, it has to be regarded as a cooperation of three styles: rhetorical, social and ideological. While approaches to reviewing rhetorical and social style are available, it lacks a method to assess ideological style. In this article, such a method is provided in a set of tools based on critical discourse studies. It defines ideological style in five traits that can be styled in a populist, elitist or pluralist manner. As an example, an ideological style analysis of six speeches of US politicians Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton is performed. The analysis shows Trump having a full populist style in these speeches, Sanders a populist-pluralist style and Clinton an elitist-pluralist style. Comparison of the three individual style profiles gives a clarification of otherwise unexplained differences and similarities between the three politicians.
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Tarigan, Medianta, Luluatnul Luluatnul, Tiara Maulida, and Anastasia Wulandari. "KEPRIBADIAN, GAYA BERPIKIR, GAYA PEMECAHAN MASALAH, DAN GAYA PENGAMBILAN KEPUTUSAN." Proyeksi 14, no. 2 (November 20, 2019): 126.

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This research was conducted to investigate the contributions between personality, thinking style, problem solving style, and decision making style. 301 productive age people (25-44 years old) participated in this study. The researchers used the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) short version, the Gregorc Delineator Style (GDS), VIEW: Assessment of Problem Solving Style, and General Decision Making Style (GDMS). The analysis was performed using the multinomial regression analysis method. The results showed that thinking style is influenced by personality in which several aspects of personality affect several types of thinking styles. Problem solving styles are influenced by thinking styles where several types of thinking styles affect several types of problem solving styles. Decision making style is influenced by thinking style where several types of thinking style affect several types of decision making style. And there is no influence of the problem solving style on the overall decision making style, but several types of problem solving styles affect several types of decision making styles.
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Ford, Thomas E., Katelyn A. McCreight, and Kyle Richardson. "Affective Style, Humor Styles and Happiness." Europe’s Journal of Psychology 10, no. 3 (August 13, 2014): 451–63.

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The present study examined the relationships between dispositional approach and avoidance motives, humor styles, and happiness. In keeping with previous research, approach motives and the two positive humor styles (self-enhancing and affiliative) positively correlated with happiness, whereas avoidance motives and the two negative humor styles (self-defeating and aggressive) negatively correlated with happiness. Also, we found support for three new hypotheses. First, approach motives correlated positively with self-enhancing and affiliative humor styles. Second, avoidance motives correlated positively with self-defeating humor style, and third, the positive relationship between approach motives and happiness was mediated by self-enhancing humor style.
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Sternberg, Robert J., and Elena L. Grigorenko. "Are cognitive styles still in style?" American Psychologist 52, no. 7 (1997): 700–712.

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Wax, David B. "Intubate with Style, Not a Stylet." Anesthesia & Analgesia 139, no. 3 (August 16, 2024): e29-e30.

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RIAZ, MUHAMMAD NAVEED, MASUD AKHTAR, and GILNAZ MURTAZA. "Moderating Role of Decision-Making Situations between Leadership and Decision-Making in Services Providing Organizations." International Review of Management and Business Research 10, no. 1 (March 8, 2021): 313–21.

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The present research investigated moderating role of decision-making situations between leadership styles and decision-making styles in services providing organizations of Pakistan. The study was based on Full Range Leadership Theory of Bass and Reggio (2006) which comprise of three leadership styles including transformational, transactional, and laissez faire style. The study incorporated five decision-making styles including rational, intuitive, dependent, avoidant, and spontaneous style. The study comprised of three decision-making situations including certainty, risk and uncertainty. Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Decision Situations Scale and General Decision-making Styles Questionnaire were administered on 1200 employees. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that certainty moderated between transformational style and rational style. Uncertainty moderated between transformational style and spontaneous style. Certainty moderated between transactional leadership and rational style. Uncertainty moderated between laissez faire and dependent, avoidant decision-making style. Overall, the present study contributes to style, situational and contingency theories of leadership. Keywords: Decision-Making Situations, Leadership Styles, Decision-Making Styles.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Style"


De, Ciantis S. M. "The relationships between leadership style, cognitive style and learning style : An exposition of management style dimensions." Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 1987.

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Göthman, Sara. "Lärstilsmodeller : en jämförande litteraturstudie av Dunn och Dunns Learning Style Inventory och Vermunts Inventory of Learning Styles." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för beteendevetenskap och lärande, 2011.

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Syftet med min studie har varit att belysa två olika lärstilsmodeller Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Inventory (LSI) och Vermunts Inventory of Learning Styles (ILS) för att urskilja deras olikheter. Detta arbete är en forskningskonsumerande uppsats som är baserad på tidigare forskning inom ämnet lärstilar. Vetenskapliga artiklar, översiktsgranskningar, rapporter och böcker har bearbetats och analyserats och kategorier har utformats för att jämföra och analysera lärstilsmodellerna i relation till varandra. I resultatet presenteras båda lärstilsmodellernas karaktäriserande drag vilka är lärstilsförfattarnas definition av termen ”lärstil” samt den specifika lärstilens uppkomst. Sedan behandlas centrala begrepp och kategorier som används inom lärstilen samt lärstilens pedagogiska innebörd. Därefter presenteras mätinstrumentets namn samt själva utformningen av mätinstrumentsformuläret. Efter detta berörs den empiriska evidens som framförts av lärstilsförfattarna samt “extern” evidens av lärstilen om så existerar. Avslutningsvis redogörs de synpunkter som framförts på lärstilen. Studien visar att Dunn & Dunns Learning Style Inventory (LSI) och Vermunts Inventory of Learning Styles (ILS) skiljer sig avsevärt åt. Författaren av denna uppsats förespråkar Vermunts Inventory of Learning Styles (ILS) och läsaren rekommenderas att först efter noga välinformerat övervägande välja den lärstilsmodell som visar på stark evidens och som överensstämmer med pedagogens egen syn på inlärning.
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Deutscher, Michael. "Rozpoznávač hudebního stylu z MP3." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2009.

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This document describes the concept of music style recognition. It gives a quick reference to the digitalization of music data and storing music data in computers. It also mentions features used for music style recognition and their extraction. The main part of this document compares the successfulness of music genre recognition using features extracted directly from audio data in mp3 format and features extracted by usual analysis.
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Laurent, François. "Communication publicitaire : des figures de style aux styles de vie." Paris 4, 1988.

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Au sein de tout corpus publicitaire, les annonces se regroupent en types homogènes, en fonction, tant des figures de rhétorique que des marqueurs énonciatifs qui les composent : ce sont les "figures de style". Chaque figure de style renvoie à un lecteur, c'est-à-dire à un consommateur particulier : toute figure de style apparait comme un élément certain d'identification des individus auxquels s'adresse un manifeste particulier. Ainsi s'établit le lien figures de style styles de vie : chaque type sociologique de consommateurs se caractérise par un certain nombre de comportements particuliers, c'est-à-dire son style de vie. Et la communication publicitaire qui lui est destinée doit correspondre à une figure de style particulière. Ainsi est-il possible de définir avec précision ce que sera, la fonction de sa cible, l'encodage d'une annonce publicitaire
According to their rhetorical figures and shifters: these types are "stylistic devices". Every stylistic device refers to a reader, i. E. A consumer: every stylistic device enables to identify the target of the ads. Every consumer is characterized by a particular behavior, i. E. His life style; he is characterized by a stylistic device too. Now we can define with precision the encoding of an ad according to ots target
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Laurent, François. "Communication publicitaire des figures de style aux styles de vie /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1990.

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Pagojienė, Daiva. "Essay style." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2009.

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According to such functional stylistic features as social preserves, content and the prevailing function Lithuanian essays can be ascribed to three variations: publicistic, scientific and literary style. The major part of essays is dominated by the features of expressive and analytical sub-style of the publicistic style. Essays are also written in the field of liberal arts and natural sciences. In the analysed period the Lithuanian essay surpassed the dividing line between the publicistic and creative literature – texts of fictional content may be called essays.
Pagal tokius funkcinius stilistinius požymius kaip visuomenės veiklos sritis, turinys ir vyraujanti funkcija lietuvių esė galima priskirti trims atmainoms: publicistiniam, moksliniam ir meniniam stiliui. Didžiojoje jų dalyje vyrauja publicistinio stiliaus ekspresyviojo bei analitinio postilio požymiai. Rašoma esė ir humanitarinių bei gamtos mokslų srityje Tiriamuoju laikotarpiu lietuvių esė peržengė ribą, skiriančią publicistiką ir meninę literatūrą – esė pavadinami fikcinio turinio tekstai.
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Gadd, Robin Neal. "Theorising style." Thesis, University of Southampton, 1999.

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Buriak, Olha. "Couple style." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2019.

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Kurovska, D. V. "International typography style." Thesis, Київський національний університет технологій та дизайну, 2019.

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Hurst, Theresa Charlotte. "Construction of Good Citizens and the Public School System:Democratic American Style, Communist Style, and Nazi Germany Style." Miami University Honors Theses / OhioLINK, 2005.

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Books on the topic "Style"


Andy, Warhol. Style, style, style. Boston: Little, Brown, 1997.

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Freeborn, Dennis. Style. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Elise, Loehnen, and Dragt Annemarie 1959-, eds. Style. 2nd ed. Alkmaar]: Blossom Books, 2011.

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Beryl, Meyer, ed. Style. New York: Berkley Pub. Group, 1995.

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Asharya, Kat. 6 X Style: (Six Style Icons). Rockford, IL]: the author, 2013.

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Aragon. Treatise on style =: Traité du style. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1991.

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photographer, Gamal Tony M., Pagkalinawan B. J. photographer, Product Development and Design Center of the Philippines, and Philippine Homestyle and Holiday Décor Association, eds. Abaca @ home: Home. style. life. life. style. home. home. life. style. Pasay City, Philippines]: Design Center of the Philippines (DCP) and the Philippine Homestyle and Holiday Décor Association (PhilHHDA), 2015.

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Style, style, style. Boston: Bulfinch Press, 1997.

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Chapin, Keith. Learned Style and Learned Styles. Edited by Danuta Mirka. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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Eighteenth-century writers on music recognized a spectrum of learned styles. These included not only the imitative counterpoint characteristic of the fugue and the species counterpoint associated witha cappellapolyphony, but also a broad range of other styles, such as strict style, church style, orstile antico, transmitted from specialist to specialist over many decades and even centuries. The topic of the learned style, however, was a special formation or intensification of texture that occurred within the norms of late eighteenth-century phrasing, harmony, and texture. The tension between learned styles (each grounded in certain genre traditions) and learned style (the versatile and itinerant topic) informs not only the various manifestations of the learned style, which can be used for various formal purposes, but also its signification, which springs from the concerns of order and tradition that accompanied the transmission of learned styles from generation to generation.
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Parakati, Mba Emmanuel S. Styles & Talents: What's Your Style? Independently Published, 2019.

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Book chapters on the topic "Style"


Freeborn, Dennis. "What is style?" In Style, 1–7. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Freeborn, Dennis. "Words and grammar in verse." In Style, 105–25. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Freeborn, Dennis. "Prose translations." In Style, 126–38. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Freeborn, Dennis. "Rhyme, rhythm and sound I — patterns of stress and rhythm." In Style, 139–51. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Freeborn, Dennis. "Rhyme, rhythm and sound II — heightening and foregrounding." In Style, 152–65. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Freeborn, Dennis. "Rhyme, rhythm and sound III." In Style, 166–82. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Freeborn, Dennis. "Poetic prose." In Style, 183–96. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Freeborn, Dennis. "Verse translation." In Style, 197–205. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Freeborn, Dennis. "First person narrative." In Style, 206–17. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Freeborn, Dennis. "The spoken voice." In Style, 218–34. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1996.

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Conference papers on the topic "Style"


Liu, Xiufeng, Zhongqiu Zhao, and Chen Ding. "Style-ACAE: Adversarial Capsule Autoencoder with Styles." In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 1–6. IEEE, 2024.

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Schaldenbrand, Peter, Zhixuan Liu, and Jean Oh. "StyleCLIPDraw: Coupling Content and Style in Text-to-Drawing Translation." In Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-22}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2022.

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Generating images that fit a given text description using machine learning has improved greatly with the release of technologies such as the CLIP image-text encoder model; however, current methods lack artistic control of the style of image to be generated. We present an approach for generating styled drawings for a given text description where a user can specify a desired drawing style using a sample image. Inspired by a theory in art that style and content are generally inseparable during the creative process, we propose a coupled approach, known here as StyleCLIPDraw, whereby the drawing is generated by optimizing for style and content simultaneously throughout the process as opposed to applying style transfer after creating content in a sequence. Based on human evaluation, the styles of images generated by StyleCLIPDraw are strongly preferred to those by the sequential approach. Although the quality of content generation degrades for certain styles, overall considering both content and style, StyleCLIPDraw is found far more preferred, indicating the importance of style, look, and feel of machine generated images to people as well as indicating that style is coupled in the drawing process itself. Our code, a demonstration, and style evaluation data are publicly available.
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Zuo, Zhiwen, Lei Zhao, Shuobin Lian, Haibo Chen, Zhizhong Wang, Ailin Li, Wei Xing, and Dongming Lu. "Style Fader Generative Adversarial Networks for Style Degree Controllable Artistic Style Transfer." In Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-22}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2022.

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Artistic style transfer is the task of synthesizing content images with learned artistic styles. Recent studies have shown the potential of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) for producing artistically rich stylizations. Despite the promising results, they usually fail to control the generated images' style degree, which is inflexible and limits their applicability for practical use. To address the issue, in this paper, we propose a novel method that for the first time allows adjusting the style degree for existing GAN-based artistic style transfer frameworks in real time after training. Our method introduces two novel modules into existing GAN-based artistic style transfer frameworks: a Style Scaling Injection (SSI) module and a Style Degree Interpretation (SDI) module. The SSI module accepts the value of Style Degree Factor (SDF) as the input and outputs parameters that scale the feature activations in existing models, offering control signals to alter the style degrees of the stylizations. And the SDI module interprets the output probabilities of a multi-scale content-style binary classifier as the style degrees, providing a mechanism to parameterize the style degree of the stylizations. Moreover, we show that after training our method can enable existing GAN-based frameworks to produce over-stylizations. The proposed method can facilitate many existing GAN-based artistic style transfer frameworks with marginal extra training overheads and modifications. Extensive qualitative evaluations on two typical GAN-based style transfer models demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for gaining style degree control for them.
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Yi, Xiaoyuan, Zhenghao Liu, Wenhao Li, and Maosong Sun. "Text Style Transfer via Learning Style Instance Supported Latent Space." In Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Seventeenth Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI-PRICAI-20}. California: International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence Organization, 2020.

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Text style transfer pursues altering the style of a sentence while remaining its main content unchanged. Due to the lack of parallel corpora, most recent work focuses on unsupervised methods and has achieved noticeable progress. Nonetheless, the intractability of completely disentangling content from style for text leads to a contradiction of content preservation and style transfer accuracy. To address this problem, we propose a style instance supported method, StyIns. Instead of representing styles with embeddings or latent variables learned from single sentences, our model leverages the generative flow technique to extract underlying stylistic properties from multiple instances of each style, which form a more discriminative and expressive latent style space. By combining such a space with the attention-based structure, our model can better maintain the content and simultaneously achieve high transfer accuracy. Furthermore, the proposed method can be flexibly extended to semi-supervised learning so as to utilize available limited paired data. Experiments on three transfer tasks, sentiment modification, formality rephrasing, and poeticness generation, show that StyIns obtains a better balance between content and style, outperforming several recent baselines.
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Lapp, Samuel, Kathryn Jablokow, and Christopher McComb. "Collaborating With Style: Using an Agent-Based Model to Simulate Cognitive Style Diversity in Problem Solving Teams." In ASME 2019 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.

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Abstract Collaborative problem solving can be successful or counterproductive. The performance of collaborative teams depends not only on team members’ abilities, but also on their cognitive styles. Cognitive style measures differences in problem-solving behavior: how people generate solutions, manage structure, and interact. While teamwork and problem solving have been studied separately, their interactions are less understood. This paper introduces the KAI Agent-Based Organizational Optimization Model (KABOOM), the first model to simulate cognitive style in collaborative problem solving. KABOOM simulates the performance of teams of agents with heterogeneous cognitive styles on two contextualized design problems. Results demonstrate that, depending on the problem, certain cognitive styles may be more effective than others. Also, intentionally aligning agents’ cognitive styles with their roles can improve team performance. These experiments demonstrate that KABOOM is a useful tool for studying the effects of cognitive style on collaborative problem solving.
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Hayati, Shirley Anugrah, Kyumin Park, Dheeraj Rajagopal, Lyle Ungar, and Dongyeop Kang. "StyLEx: Explaining Style Using Human Lexical Annotations." In Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Stroudsburg, PA, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023.

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Mussa, Sofia. "Greek adolescents’ mothers and fathers differ in their preferred parenting styles." In 8th International e-Conference on Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences. Center for Open Access in Science, Belgrade, 2022.

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The purpose of this study was to compare parenting styles of mothers and fathers of Greek adolescents, aged 12-18. A total of 132 Greek couples were studied with the Parenting Style Four Factor Questionnaire (PS-FFQ). The results showed that although more than half of parent couples (56.8%) exhibit agreement in parenting styles, with the authoritative parenting style being the most preferable and the uninvolved parenting style the least preferable parenting style among both parents, mothers were oriented towards more positive and effective parenting styles than fathers.
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Trejo, FHA, and NMA Bravo. "LEARNING STYLES AND STYLES OF COPING WITH STRESS IN UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING STUDENTS." In The 7th International Conference on Education 2021. The International Institute of Knowledge Management, 2021.

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The present research has been developed in the university environment. The objective was to determine the relationship between Learning styles and styles of coping with stress in university chemical engineering students of the National University of Callao. Regarding the methodology, it can be pointed out that the type of research is applicative, with a quantitative approach and descriptive correlational level, regarding the sample, the study was represented by 273 engineering students of a public university of Peru - Callao. For this purpose, the Carver's Stress Coping Modes Questionnaire and the Honey and Alonso's Learning Styles Questionnaire were administered. Then, the data were systematized and the inferential statistical analysis was carried out for hypothesis testing, using Pearson's Correlation statistic and the homogeneity of variances test. In addition, the validation of the instruments was established through Cronbach's Alpha, having a reliability index of 0.70. In this regard, the results indicate a significant relationship between all learning styles and styles of coping with stress in the university students evaluated. That is, between the active learning style and emotion-focused and additional styles of coping with stress; between the reflective learning style and problem-focused styles of coping with stress; between the theoretical learning style and problem-focused and emotion-focused style of coping with stress; and between the pragmatic learning style and emotion-focused style of coping with stress. Keywords: Learning styles, coping, stress, university engineering students
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Amorim, Glauco F., Joel A. F. dos Santos, and Débora C. Muchaluat-Saade. "STyLe." In Webmedia '16: 22nd Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016.

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Lee, DaYeon, and Seungkyu Lee. "Style Transfer with Gesture Style Generator." In SA '24: SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Posters, 1–2. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2024.

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Reports on the topic "Style"


Barberis, Nicholas, and Andrei Shleifer. Style Investing. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2000.

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The HP Cambridge Partnership for Education EdTech Fellowship, The HP Cambridge Partnership for Education EdTech Fellowship. Style Guide. Open Development & Education, June 2023.

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Grigas, Vincas, and Pavla Vizváry. “Who Cares?” Defining Citation Style in Scholarly Journals by Vincas Grigas and Pavla Vizváry. Vincas Grigas, October 2023.

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This poster is presented by Vincas Grigas Vilnius University. Summary of abstract: Dr. Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park once said, “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” This applies to academic publishing because it has numerous citation styles (10,377 in fact) that cause confusion. Crossref, which registers digital identifiers, reported that only half its registered articles have reference lists. A study of 270 reputable journals showed that most don’t require a specific citation style, giving authors examples instead. APA was the next common style, with others like Vancouver, Harvard, Chicago following. Even unnamed citation styles often matched known styles like APA and Harvard, but with minor changes. Despite digital identifiers’ importance, only 41.1% of journals requested them from authors, yet 78.1% did include them. The citation style choices were influenced more by the journal’s scientific field and less by the country of origin.
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Morgan, Jon. XML Style Guide. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, July 2015.

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Haralson, Ricky L. 'Missionary Style' Only. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, December 2007.

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Carlin, Bruce, Li Jiang, and Stephen Spiller. Learning Millennial-Style. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, July 2014.

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Flanagan, H., and S. Ginoza. RFC Style Guide. RFC Editor, September 2014.

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Brooks, Christopher, and Edward A. Lee. Ptolemy Coding Style. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2014.

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Dor, Arik Ben, and Ravi Jagannathan. Understanding Mutual Fund and Hedge Fund Styles Using Return Based Style Analysis. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, August 2002.

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Addison, Victor G., and Jr. Coercive Diplomacy American-Style. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 1997.

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