Academic literature on the topic 'Studio Beseda'

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Journal articles on the topic "Studio Beseda"


Mlekuž, Jernej. "Vsakdanji nacionalizem in kranjska klobasa med slovenskimi izseljenci v ZDA." Two Homelands, no. 55 (January 31, 2022): 173–92.

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Članek analizira vlogo kranjske klobase v vsakdanjem nacionalizmu med slovenskimi izseljenci v ZDA v obdobju 1919–1945. Članek raziskuje, kako se narod reproducira z vsakdanjimi praksami, navadami in načini bivanja, ter se pri tem opira predvsem na koncept vsakdanjega nacionalizma (angl. everyday nationalism). Teza besedila je, da nacionalizem ni le produkt institucionalnega delovanja, temveč se reproducira tudi izven uradnih, formalnih, institucionalnih in instrumentalnih okvirjev, na ravni večinoma nereflektiranih vsakodnevnih praks. Članek temelji na analizi besedil, v katerih se pojavi besedna zveza »kranjska klobasa«, v osrednjih slovenskih izseljenskih časopisih v ZDA v obdobju 1919–1945.
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Avsenik Nabergoj, Irena. "Temeljne literarne oblike v Svetem pismu." Bogoslovni vestnik 79, no. 4 (2019): 855–75.

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Sveto pismo je zbirka knjig različnih literarnih vrst in zvrsti. Številne prvine osnovnih literarnih oblik posameznih svetopisemskih besedil kažejo na skupen kulturni in literarni izvor v okviru literarne tradicije starega Bližnjega vzhoda, celota posameznih besedil, njihovo mesto v posameznih knjigah in mesto posameznih knjig v celoti bibličnega kanona pa kažejo na številne specifične vidike biblične teologije. Svetopisemske knjige razodevajo edinstveno dialektiko odnosov med Bogom, Izraelom, narodi in posamezniki glede na stopnjo človekove vere in pokorščine božjim zapovedim in navdihom. Težnja po čistosti odnosov je pisatelje Svetega pisma navdihovalo tudi k težnji po najpreprostejših literarnih oblikah za izražanje človekovih spoznanj in čustev ter življenjske resničnosti. Članek obravnava nekatere temeljne literarne oblike v Svetem pismu v njihovi vlogi celostne predstavitve vidne resničnosti in neposredne resnice, da bi bolj jasno zaznali razloge za značilno večpomenskost svetopisemskih pripovedi, pregovorov, prilik, govorov, biografij in drugih literarnih vrst in zvrsti. Njegov namen je nakazati, kako celostno vrednotenje literarne kakovosti svetopisemskih besedil omogoča bolj zanesljivo ugotavljanje vloge posameznih jezikovnih in literarnih prvin besedila. Duhovni pomen celote svetopisemskega besedila kaže tudi na njegov univerzalni pomen in nadčasovno aktualnost. Tako prepoznamo večstransko vlogo metafor, simbolov, slogovnih in retoričnih figur v strukturi večjih literarnih enot. Presojanje posameznih figur samih na sebi ne bi imelo velikega pomena v raziskovanju sporočilnosti Svetega pisma. Ni torej pomembna »literarna arheologija« iskanja fragmentov, ampak prepoznavanje materialne in duhovne sublimnosti, pomenske čistosti in skrivnostnosti intuicij, čustev, misli in namenov, ki jih izražajo večpomenske konvencionalne in izvirne literarne sestavine besedil v njihovi skladni literarni strukturi.
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VRHOVSKI, Jan. "Prvi koraki utemeljevanja posebne vloge členka fu 夫 v stavi klasične kitajščine: Analiza besedil mojstra Han Feizija 韩非子." Asian Studies, no. 3 (December 1, 2012): 101–30.

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Kljub mnenju, ki vlada akademskim krogom, predpostavlja pričujoči članek novo interpretacijo besede fu 夫 kot uvodni členek, ki izraža posebno posplošitev pomena stavka ter posledično povzroča spremembo v nivoju veljavnosti izjave vsebovane v povedi. Osnovan na podrobni analizi besedila Han Feizi 韩非子, predstavlja prve korake v odkrivanju retorične vrednosti členka fu 夫 in njegove posebne rabe znotraj metode dialektičnega sklepanja. S pomočjo primerljivo objektivnega in konsistentnega postopka utemeljuje vsebovane intuitivno osnovane predpostavke, ki nam lahko posledično osvetlijo razumevanje nekaterih posebnih lastnosti stave klasične kitajščine. Kot intuitivni del naše razprave, pričujoči sestavek ipso facto ustvarja tudi okvir in paradigmo, od koder lahko pričnemo jezikoslovno analizo gradiva, ki sledi v nadaljevanju.
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Каширина, В. В. "Publication of St. Theophan in the Journal «Domashnyaya beseda»." Theological Herald, no. 3(46) (November 15, 2022): 238–71.

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В данной статье поставлена задача охарактеризовать специфику публикаций святителя Феофана в журнале «Домашняя беседа» (в 1858–1865 гг. журнал назывался «Домашняя беседа для народного чтения»), с которым святитель сотрудничал с 1858 по 1877 гг. Для реализации поставленной задачи был проведён источниковедческий анализ изучаемых публикаций с применением методов критической интерпретации источников. Духовное писательство святитель Феофан рассматривал как служение Русской Православной Церкви, отмечая, что «писать — это служба Церкви нужная». В результате исследования охарактеризованы основные публикации святителя в журнале «Домашняя беседа» и определена их типология: в журнале были опубликованы произведения святителя, вышедшие затем отдельными изданиями: «Покаяние и обращение грешника к Богу»; «Порядок богоугодной жизни»; «Пояснительные статьи к трактату “Порядок богоугодной жизни”»; «Душа и тело не есть нечто телесное, а чистый дух»; «Уроки из деяний и словес Господа Бога и Спаса нашего Иисуса Христа»; «Письма о духовной жизни»; «Мысли на каждый день года по церковным чтениям из слова Божия»; «Апофегмы», «Толкование на 118-й псалом», а также статьи и отрывки из различных сочинений, преимущественно из «Писем о христианской жизни», из проповедей владимирской и тамбовской паствам. По замечанию А. Д. Каплина, жизнеописателя В. И. Аскоченского, святитель Феофан «был после редактора-издателя самым часто публикующимся автором» в журнале, где печатались также сочинения святителя Игнатия (Брянчанинова), архимандрита Леонида (Кавелина), С. О. Бурачка, Ф. Н. Глинки, А. Н. Майкова, графа М. В. Толстого, Ф. И. Тютчева и др. In this article, the task is to characterize the specifics of St. Theophan's publications in the magazine «Domashnyaya beseda», with which the saint collaborated from 1859 to 1877, almost all the time of the magazine's existence. To implement this task, a source analysis of the publications of St. Theophan in the journal «Domashnyaya beseda» was carried out using methods of critical interpretation of sources. St. Theophan regarded spiritual writing as a service of the Russian orthodox Church, noting that «writing is a necessary service of the Church». As a result of the study, the main publications of the saint in the journal «Domashnyaya beseda» were characterized and their typology was determined: the works of the saint were published in the journal, which were then published in separate editions: «Repentance and conversion of a sinner to God», «The order of God-pleasing life», «Explanatory articles to the treatise “The order of God-pleasing life”», «Soul and body are not something corporeal, but pure spirit», «Lessons from the deeds and words of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ», «Letters about spiritual life», «Thoughts for every day of the year on church readings from the word of God», «Apophegms», «Interpretation on the 118th Psalm» and articles and excerpts from various works, mainly from «Letters about Christian Life», sermons to the Vladimir and Tambov congregations. According to A.D. Kaplin, the biographer of V.I. Askochensky, St. Theophan «was, after the editor-publisher, the most frequently published author» in the journal, which also published the works of St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov), Archim. Leonid (Kavelin), S.o. Burachka, F.n. Glinka, A. n. Maikov, gr. M.V. Tolstoy, F. I. Tyutchev, etc.
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Radezky, Irwin, and Mark Al'tshuller. "Predtechi slavianofil'stva v russkoi literature: Obshchestvo Beseda liubitelei russkogo slova." Slavic and East European Journal 31, no. 2 (1987): 283.

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Popovic, Dusan. "Paideia i nasledje helenske kulture u inauguracionoj besedi Dimitrija Halkondila." Zbornik radova Vizantoloskog instituta, no. 45 (2008): 301–12.

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(italijanski) Nell'articolo l'autore cerca di identificare, tra gli elementi della tradizione retorica tardoantica greca, i principali argomenti con i quali Demetrio Calcondila, uno dei maggiori esponenti dell'umanesimo bizantino della seconda meta del Quattrocento nell'Occidente, si e servito nella sua elaborazione del significato della cultura greca (paideia) non solo per quanto riguarda la civilta europea occidentale, ma anche quella cristiana in generale. Ora, il suo discorso, pronunciato nell'anno 1463 in occasione dell'inaugurazione della cattedra di studi greci all'Universita di Padova rappresenta una testimonianza di primo grado sull'adozione della cultura greca nell'Occidente durante il periodo rinascimentale. Partendo dall'edizione di testo del discorso, pubblicato da Geanakoplos (cfr. n. 1 dell'articolo), e possibile individuare certe particolarita che distinguono il concepimento, da parte di Calcondila, dell'importanza di educazione greca per la formazione di future generazioni di intellettuali nell'ambiente culturale dell'Occidente latino. Demetrio sottolinea anche il vantaggio da ricavare dallo studio di poeti ellenici, soprattutto Esiodo, per le altre artes liberales nel curriculum scolastico, cosi come la disposizione delle discipline dentro il sistema scolastico tardobizantino (cfr. n. 9). L'argomento cruciale della parte esortativa del discorso e il tentativo che lo sforzo, necessario per impossessarsi di queste discipline, ci si giustifici con profitto da esse ottenuto. Questo viene realizzato facendo riferimento al famoso verso sull'acquisizione di virtu attraverso lavoro duro, che e un passo tratto dal poema didattico esiodeo di Opere e giorni, v. 289. La forma sotto la quale questo verso e riportato in greco e molto scorretta, pero Calcondila ne ha proposto, poco piu sotto, una traduzione esatta. Fenomeno, quest'ultimo, abbastanza raro nell'impiego retorico di detti formativi (gr. gnwmai, lat. sententiae). Tra i pochi autori classici, i quali hanno usato il procedimento del genere, si annovera il piu grande grammatico latino, Prisciano di Cesarea, nella sua versione degli eserzici preliminari di retorica ermogeniana, sotto il titolo di Praeexercitamina. Qui lo stesso verso egli ha tradotto dal greco senza molta destrezza, cosicche il verso in latino apparve molto male, trovatosi in contrasto con lo stile elegante del latino (la cosiddetta latinitas). E percio che Prisciano non puo essere considerato quale modello direttamente adoperato da parte di Calcondila. L'impiego del verso citato, nell'ambito della tradizione parenetico- -encomiastica, presso gli scrittori greci, sia quelli bizantini che quelli classici, e abbastanza frequente. Eccone qualche esempio eclatante. Alla meta del Quattrocento Giovanni Eugenico questo topos lo utilizza nella sua Descrizione di Trapezunto, riferendosi al verso esiodeo gia menzionato (cfr. n. 18). Nel secolo dodicesimo, Eustazio di Salonicco lo impiega, all'occasione, perche esalti le imprese dell'imperatore Manuele I. D'altra parte, l'autore anonimo degli scolii ad Aftonio cita questi versi in valore di argomenti, messi nel contesto di un'altro esercizio preliminare quello di dimostrazione (kataskeuh). Simile elaborazione di questo motivo viene intrapresa anche dal platonico Massimo di Tiro, nel quadro della proposizione (qesij), con la quale si cerca di corroborare l'affermazione sulla preminenza della vita attiva sopra quella contemplativa. Peraltro, gia Luciano di Samosata aveva notato che questi versi diventarono convenzionali nelle declamazioni retoriche, e tale sviluppo del loro significato possiamo rintracciare partendo dalla Repubblica e dai Leggi platonici, attraverso le Reminiscenze di Senofonte, fino al Corpus etico di Plutarco. Nel suo discorso inaugurale, in qualita di argomento a contrario, Calcondila riporta anche il verso 287 dello stesso poema esiodeo, e lo traduce in latino. Per il simile procedimento egli, molto probabilmente, si e ispirato al saggio Sull'ebbrezza di Filone di Alessandria, dentro il quale questi versi sono stati utilizzati nel contesto simile, cioe rilevando il contrasto tra virtu ed ignoranza (cfr. n. 37). L'altro modello per l'uso del tema presso Demetrio puo ritenersi il celebre scritto di Basilio di Cappadocia a proposito, visto che quest'ultimo ci sta elaborando il rilievo dell'educazione di gioventu cristiana, basata sulla letteratura pagana. Insomma, la conclusione principale, riguardo alla tecnica compositiva di Demetrio, deriverebbe dal fatto che il suddetto pensiero esiodeo appare anche quale testimonianza degli antichi (marturia palaiwn) dentro il manuale ermogeniano di Progumnasmata, dove si trova appunto per quanto riguarda il procedimento d'elaborazione di una chria, in questo caso quella espressa attraverso la sentenza pseudoisocratea che le radici dell'educazione sono amare, ma che i suoi frutti, invece, sono dolci. A parte i luoghi tratti da alcuni poeti appartenti alla cosiddetta Commedia attica nuova, la metafora di sapienza e di impegno emerge, tra i romani anche presso Catone il Vecchio e si riconferma con il lessico adoperato da Demetrio ai vari posti del suo discorso inaugurale scritto in latino. Infine vanno inoltre menzionate anche delle particolarita che segnalano la meticolosita che Calcondila dimostra nei confronti dello stile elevato (gr. semnothj). Termine, quest'ultimo, cui e stata prestata grande importanza da parte di Ermogene, nell'ambito della sua teoria sopra le Idee (varieta di stile), la quale, poi, avrebbe in gran parte influenzato diversi prodotti letterari rinascimentali, sia quelli scritti in latino che quelli in lingua volgare.
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Levitsky, Alexander, and Mark Al'tshuller. "Predtechi slavianofil'stva v russkoi literature (Obshchestvo "Beseda liubitelei russkogo slova")." Russian Review 45, no. 3 (July 1986): 344.

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Ginting, Makmur, Muhammad Aswin Hasibuan, and Rudi Salam Sinaga. "Evaluasi Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa Besadi Kecamatan Kuala Kabupaten Langkat Tahun 2013." Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan, Administrasi Publik, dan Ilmu Komunikasi (JIPIKOM) 2, no. 2 (September 15, 2020): 68–78.

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hasil evaluasi dari rencana pembangunan jangka menengah Desa Besadi Kecamatan Kuala Kabupaten Langkat tahun 2013. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah kualitatif melalui pendekatan deskriptif. Sumber data pada penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara, studi pustaka dan studi dokumentasi. Melalui penelitian ini diperoleh hasil bahwa Pelaksanaan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa (RPJMDes) tahun 2013 di Desa Besadi mulai dari perencanaan hingga pelaksanaannya sudah berjalan cukup baik. Secara umum pelaksanaannya dimulai dari pelaksanaan Musrenbang, pembentukan tim perencana dan tim pemandu pelaksanaan RKPDes, pengkajian dan analisis data kerawanan desa atau analisis keadaan darurat desa dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan dilakukan dengan swakelola, yaitu swakelola pemerintah desa dan swakelola padat karya. Data menunjukkan kegiatan pelaksanaan pengadaan jalan dilakukan karena bertambahnya jumlah penduduk di Desa Besadi.Partisipasi masyarakat menjadi faktor pendukung dalam pembangunan di Desa Besadi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pelaksanaan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa (RPJMDes) tahun 2013 di Desa Besadi mulai dari perencanaan hingga pelaksanaannya sudah berjalan cukup baik. Secara umum pelaksanaannya dimulai dari pelaksanaan Musrenbang, pembentukan tim perencana dan tim pemandu pelaksanaan RKPDes, pengkajian dan analisis data kerawanan desa atau analisis keadaan darurat desa dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan dilakukan dengan swakelola, yaitu swakelola pemerintah desa dan swakelola padat karya.
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Johnson, D. Barton, and Dzon Gled. "Besedy v izgnanii: russkoe literaturnoe zarubez'e." Slavic and East European Journal 37, no. 3 (1993): 389.

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Bajzek, Mária. "Küzmičev prevodNovega zakonav luči prevzemanja besed iz madžarščine." Studia Slavica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54, no. 2 (December 2009): 345–57.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Studio Beseda"


Nordenfelt, Yussra. "Tydliga besked? : En studie av lärares skriftliga omdömen inför utvecklingssamtal." Thesis, Södertörn University College, Lärarutbildningen, 2008.

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The purpose of the essay is to study documentation of teachers in reports of students’ development at school. The study will concentrate on what teachers write in the reports, to what degree the written text refers to the aims of the Swedish curriculum and also to study what kind of language the teachers use in the reports, based on theories of professional language. The material used consists of written reports from two classes, one in the 6th and one in the 8th grade from two different schools. The reports come from six teachers altogether, and the text has been divided in phrases which have been categorized in different groups depending on the content and the language used. The result of the study shows that the content of the reports, the size and the language used vary much from one teacher to another, and that they seldom refer to the aims of the curriculum. Another result is that teachers often address the pupil directly and use a everyday language, or mixed everyday and learned language in the reports.

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Granlund, Josefin. "Anledningar till att besöka ett spa : En studie bland spagäster." Thesis, Karlstads universitet, 2013.

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Nykvist, Leo. "Emotionell kompetens och svåra besked. : En kvalitativ studie utförd hos Kronofogden." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för pedagogik och lärande (PEL), 2019.

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Sambandet mellan emotionella kompetenser och svåra besked är ett relativit outforskat område, den tidigare forskningen har bedrivits i huvudsak inom vårdvetenskap. I denna studie studeras vilka emotionella kompetenser respondenterna anser sig behöva för att kunna lämna svåra besked och vad ett svårt besked är enligt deras uppfattning. Instrumenten som användes var en semistrukturerad intervjuguide och en enkät. Fem respondenter fick svara på frågor gällande svåra besked och fylla i en enkät som belyste emotionella kompetenser. Resultatet visar att de anser att svåra besked är ett komplext ämne och beror på situationen och hur avsändaren och mottagaren uppfattar innehållet i budskapet. De hade en samsyn på 11 av 25 emotionella kompetenser som de ansåg behövdes för att kunna lämna svåra besked. De var: emotionell medvetenhet, korrekt självbedömning, pålitlighet, noggrannhet, innovationsförmåga, engagemang, optimism, förstå andra, serviceorientering, samverkan och samarbete samt teamförmåga.
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Morgan, Jönsson. "Varför besöka naturreservat? : en studie om besökare i Skurugata och Stuverydsbäcken." Thesis, Högskolan Kristianstad, Fakulteten för naturvetenskap, 2020.

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Naturreservat är den vanligaste formen av skyddad natur i Sverige. Många naturreservat bildas med målet att bevara skyddsvärda arter. Vissa naturreservat har fler besökare än andra, detta leder till intressanta frågor om varför. Vad motiverar folk att besöka ett naturreservat? Denna undersökning är gjord i två som innehåller raviner och som därmed har relativt lika estetiska upplevelsevärden. I undersökningen har besökare räknats för att se hur många som besökt naturreservaten under två dagar. Studien består också av en enkätundersökning där enkäter delats ut till besökarna i båda naturreservaten. Frågorna i enkäterna handlade om vad som motiverar besökarna att ta sig till naturreservaten, om hur de tog sig dit samt hur besökarna fick kännedom om naturreservaten. Trots att besökarna enligt svaren i enkäterna tycktes nöjda med sina besök samt verkar ha samma motiveringar till sina besök, hade Skurugata fler besökare än Stuverydsbäcken. Oersaken till detta tros bero på att Skurugata är ett mer känt naturreservat än Stuverydsbäcken.
Nature reserves are the most common type of protected landscape designation in Sweden. Many of theise landscapes are protected as nature reserves based on the distribution of specific species. Further, some nature reserves have more visitors than others. These differense lead to interesting qestions. For example, what makes a nature reserve a popular destination? This question is at the base of this researchreport, based on a research in two Swedish nature reserves, Skurugata and Stuverydsbäcken, in Eksjö municipality, Jönköpings province. Visitors at these sites have been counted and many of the visitors have answeed questions about what motivates them to make a visit in the reserve. Also questions about how they travelled to the nature reserve and how they obtained information about the place wereas answered. The result of an analysis of this data shows that Skurugata has more visitors. The result of the questions shows that the motivations and visitor preferences areis not, however, very different. Most of the visitors of both sites reported enjoying being in the nature and and seeing specific features of the particular reserves (canyons). The key difference noted from the survey results was that many visitors to Skurugata did not have any knowledge about Stuverydsbäcken at all, while most of the visitors in Stuverydsbäcken had a knowledge about Skurugata. These similarities and differences are discussed.
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Israelsson-Karlsson, Gabriella, and Athena Ollinen. "Shoppingturism : Konsumentens motiv att besöka en shoppingdestination." Thesis, Umeå universitet, Handelshögskolan vid Umeå universitet (USBE), 2011.

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Schröder, Olivia, and Marie Berglund. "BESKED OM OBOTLIG CANCERSJUKDOM : En kvalitativ studie för att beskriva patienters upplevelser." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för hälsa, vård och välfärd, 2018.

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Bakgrund: Obotlig cancersjukdom ökar i samhället. En bidragande orsak är att levnadstiden hos befolkningen ökar. Idag finns forskning som fokuserar på cancersjukdom och dess förlopp. Forskning som tar upp patienters upplevelser av besked vid obotlig cancersjukdom är dock begränsad då tidigare forskning i många fall enbart fokuserar på en könstillhörighet eller en särskild cancerform. För att bemöta denna patientgrupp på ett kompetent sätt krävs relevant kunskap inom området. Det visas i tidigare forskning att denna kunskap inte finns hos alla sjuksköterskor. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att få besked om att ha en obotlig cancersjukdom. Metod: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys baserad på elva bloggar skrivna av män och kvinnor som fått besked om att ha obotlig cancersjukdom. Resultat: Upplevelsen av att livet rasar gav uttryck i känslor av rädsla och oro samt sorg och besvikelse medan upplevelsen av ett ljus i mörkret avspeglade känslor av kärlek och beslutsamhet samt befrielse och lättnad. Slutsats: En stor mängd känslor skapade upplevelser av ett ljus i mörkret och att livet rasade vilket i sin tur skapade en kamp inom bloggförfattarna. Då sjuksköterskor har kunskap och förståelse för vad palliativ vård innebär så finns det en större möjlighet för patienterna att få en värdig upplevelse av beskedet.
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Waller, Jenny. "A horse beside my writing desk : explaining fine art studio teaching in the context of the university." Thesis, University of Reading, 2014.

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The topic of this research concerns the paradigms of fine art studio teaching. An initial review of the historical narrative of studio teaching was carried out from the medieval studio to the present day, following Pevsner (1940). From this two potential research questions emerged: firstly, how to explain contemporary studio teaching in terms of the preceding narrative (researching within the paradigm), or secondly, how to explain studio teaching in terms of the university disciplines to which fine art now belongs (researching across paradigms). Both research questions were analysed for their validity, contribution, and availability by accepted research methods and evaluated in terms of risk and return. The second research question was assigned a higher risk factor since previous attempts at explanation (for example, Elkins, 2001) had failed, but was chosen for its higher return in terms of its contribution both to establishing the legitimacy of fine art education in the university environment and, potentially, to the conduct of all university disciplines. A Framework of educational assumptions was developed to show both the kinds of education accepted by the university (Normal science and Professional practice) and those excluded by it (Extraordinary science and Voodoo). A structural and thematic analysis was then carried out on a sample of discourse obtained from a year-long observation of a fine art studio at the University of Reading, and the results of the discourse analysis mapped to the framework. The mapping showed that, for the studio in the research, all quadrants of the framework were represented, with a particular emphasis on Extraordinary science and the articulation of new ways of seeing. This conclusion would seem to have important implications for teaching innovation across all university disciplines, which is currently problematic.
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Karlsson, John. "Hur kan liten besegra stor? : En teoriprövande studie av en sekvensbaserad modell sprungen ur manöverkrigföring." Thesis, Försvarshögskolan, 2021.

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Even though most of the world’s countries are considered to be small states and their armed forces are smaller relative to some of their neighbours, a surprisingly small amount of research has been found on how a smaller force can achieve tactical success against an opponent with superior material resources. That said examples of such tactical success can be found through history. The purpose of this study is to test the Ideal Sequenced Model conceived by Professor Peter Thunholm and Lars Henåker in order to examine whether the model can contribute to an increased understanding of how an inferior force, in terms of resources, can achieve tactical success in combat. The model which is derived from theories about maneuver warfare is tested against empirical material through a case study design.The result of the analysis shows a high degree of connection between the German successes during the battle of Sedan and the ideal sequenced model.
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Sekiguchi, Yohei. "Father Nurtures Best| Neoliberal Melodrama of Beset Nurturing Fatherhood in the Late Twentieth Century." Thesis, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2019.

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Offering the first sustained critical analysis of the cultural interaction between melodramas of the nurturing fatherhood and the emergent ideology of neoliberalism, my dissertation explores the representation of white middle-class fathers in late-twentieth-century American literature and movies.

The nurturing father is a poster child of neoliberalism: he is represented as an entrepreneur who individually manages his time and skills; taking care of kids is represented not as a tiresome drudgery but as a part of a white middle-class father’s self-investment which enhances his (children’s) human capital. The nurturing father’s pain and suffering are instrumental in understanding the cultural interaction between neoliberalism and melodrama. Echoing the anxiety that special rights given to groups are violating white middle-class men’s rights as individuals, the melodrama of the nurturing father implicitly contests the law’s protection of mothers as a gendered group and its intervention into private issues. Furthermore, the nurturing father is almost always represented as white middle-class with African American and/or working-class deadbeat fathers serving as counterpoints. By critically examining the significance of the freedom and self-government the white middle-class nurturing father embodies, this dissertation discusses how the melodrama of the nurturing father evokes and eases anxiety about a fatherless society.

While traditionally the American family’s morality was predicated on the mother’s sentimental and religious power to secure home as the place of comfort, an oasis from the ravages of capitalism, morality and innocence in the age of neoliberalism are marked by the father’s choice to nurture human capital and become an independent subject in the market economy. Untangling the intertwined relationship between home and the world, this dissertation analyzes the significance of nurturing fatherhood as a lifestyle choice and traces the contested negotiation between production and reproduction in the age of neoliberalism.

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Ahlström, Victor. "Två professioners syn på uppsägningssamtal och förmågan att ge svåra besked. : En utforskande management studie om en personalchefs och en läkares känslor och upplevelser kring att ge svåra besked." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Handels- och IT-högskolan, 2010.

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Samhället står fortfarande i en aktuell lågkonjunktur efter den finansiella kris som inträffade under hösten 2008. Nedskärningar och varsel är numera en del av vardagen.Därmed är det intressant att undersöka ämnet ur en chefs synpunkt.Denna uppsats går djupgående in och undersöker hur en personalchef ser på sin ledarroll och hanterar den vid en specifik varselsituation, nämligen uppsägningssamtal. Den behandlar även frågorna; På vilket sätt ges det svåra beskedet? Finns det redan existerande samtalsmallar och följs de?Uppsatsen presenterar även ett nytt intressant perspektiv på ämnet, genom att även innehålla en intervju med en läkare och jämföra de två professioners syn på att ge svåra besked.Uppsatsen består av två djupgående intervjuer med en personalchef och en läkare.Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa en förståelse för läsaren ur ett nytt och annorlunda perspektiv, där tidigare osedda strukturer skall träda fram. För att skapa denna förståelse så använder jag mig av en abduktiv ansats. I den abduktiva metoden finns det inte utrymme för generalisering, utan det är det enskilda fallet som behandlas. En stor vikt läggs vid en läggs vid en antagande hypotes som i slutändan kan stämma eller vara helt fel, beroende på utfallet av det fenomen som observerats.För att skapa en så intressant läsupplevelse som möjligt så har jag valt att använda mig av en narrativ metod i kombination med den abduktiva förklaringsmodellen.Den är fördelad på tre steg och jag använder mig av min egen berättarstil i varje steg intervjuerna. Anledningen till berättarstilen är att jag vill få läsaren att reflektera kring min berättelse under tidens gång. Det jag upptäckte med min forskning är att många chefer inte riktigt kan hantera uppsägningssamtal på ett tillfredställande sätt. De mallar och riktlinjer som finns i nuläget angående uppsägningssamtal är bristfälliga och det måste finnas utrymme för skapandet av fler recept inom det här området. I min forskning har jag kommit fram till att de mallar som finns i nuläget endast skyddar och förenklar chefens situation. Chefer och organisationer måste inse att det krävs en attityd förändring inom ämnet och att utbildning i att ge svåra besked borde ingå i den moderna chefsrollen.
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Books on the topic "Studio Beseda"


Klíma, Miloslav. Divadelní osmdesátky a Studio Beseda. Edited by Dvořák Jan 1951 editor. V Praze: Pražská scéna ve spolupráci s Výzkumným pracovištěm katedry alternativního a loutkového divadla Divadelní fakulty AMU, 2014.

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Klíma, Miloslav. Studio Beseda: Setkání režisérů : Jan Grossman, Miroslav Krobot, Josef Krofta. Edited by Dvořák Jan 1937 editor. V Praze: Pražská scéna ve spolupráci s Výzkumným pracovištěm katedry alternativního a loutkového divadla Divadelní fakulty AMU, 2013.

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Dekhterev, B. Besedy o kompozit︠s︡ii: Uchebnoe posobie. Ri︠a︡zanʹ: [publisher not identified], 2009.

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P, Milev, and Institut za zdravna prosveta (Sofia, Bulgaria), eds. Besedi za zdravno vŭzpitanie na uchenit͡s︡ite. Sofii͡a︡: In-t za zdravna prosveta, 1987.

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Michailov, Boris. Neokonchennai︠a︡ dissertat︠s︡ii︠a︡, ili, Besedy samomu sebe. Zurich: Scalo, 1998.

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Pi͡adusova, G. Za druzheskoĭ besedoĭ. Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta, 1997.

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Lotman, I︠U︡ M. Vospitanie dushy: Vospominanii︠a︡, besedy, intervʹi︠u︡ ; v mire pushkinskoĭ poėzii (st︠s︡enariĭ) ; besedy o russkoĭ kulʹture, televizionnye lekt︠s︡ii. Sankt-Peterburg: "Iskusstvo-SPB", 2003.

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Zupan, Jadranka. Zrno do zrna pogača: Vaje za spoznavanje pomena besed in bogatenje besedišča. 2nd ed. Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo, 1998.

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Podbevšek, Katarina. Govorna interpretacija literarnih besedil v pedagoški in umetniški praksi. Ljubljana: Slavistično društvo Slovenije, 2006.

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Fedorovich, Khitruk Andreĭ, ed. Doklady i vystuplenii︠a︡: Besedy i seminary : otkrytye uroki : vospominanii︠a︡ o G.G. Neĭgauze. Moskva: Deka-VS, 2008.

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Book chapters on the topic "Studio Beseda"


Pigrum, Derek. "The Studio: ‘The Whatness of Where’." In The Wall Beside the Work, 61–72. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Pigrum, Derek. "The ‘Teachings of the Wall’: R.B. Kitaj’s Painting and Drawing Studios." In The Wall Beside the Work, 123–33. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Schroth, Peter W., and Linda L. Foster. "Beside the Golden Door: Changing Perspectives on Migration and Law in the United States." In Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law, 757–812. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Salmon, Laura. "Melancholic Humor, Skepticism and Reflective Nostalgia. Igor’ Guberman’s Poetics of Paradox." In Biblioteca di Studi Slavistici, 107–47. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2015.

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The poetry of Israeli émigré Igor' Guberman, comprising thousands of quatrains (‘gariki’), represents a hybrid genre at the junction of Jewish aphoristic tradition, Russian oral folklore, and classical Russian poetry. The theme of toska, which is central to the gariki, may be sharply distinguished from the ‘restorative nostalgia’ theorized by Svetlana Boym (2001): Guberman's toska is a thoughtful, melancholic, and paradoxical feeling. It expresses a particular variety of skepticism that characterizes the paradoxical humor of the Ashkenazi, the purpose of which is not to ridicule others' shortcomings, but to gently make fun of the sadness and painful absurdity that impermeates human existence. Such melancholic and paradoxical humor permits Guberman to look at life, at himself, even at God, with an indulgent ‘smile of reason’ that is absolutely devoid of arrogance. A subtle melancholic and deep skeptic, Guberman "laughs through his tears", for this is what Russian-Jewish tradition teaches, a lesson that has penetrated deeply and more generally into Russian literature: when the soul is beset by excessive sadness, its has recourse only to laughter.
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Lička, Lukáš. "Buridan Wycliffised? The Nature of the Intellect in Late Medieval Prague University Disputations." In Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action, 277–310. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractThe paper delves into manuscript sources connected with various disputations held at Prague University from around 1390 to 1420 and singles out a set of hitherto unknown quaestiones dealing with the nature of the human intellect and its relation to the body. Prague disputations from around 1400 arguably offer a unique vantage point on late medieval anthropological issues, since they encompass an entanglement of numerous doctrinal influences from Buridanian De anima commentaries to John Wyclif’s theories. The paper delineates several conceptual tensions regarding the nature of the intellect, e.g., between materialism (entailed by the emphasis on the intellect’s inherence in the body) and personal immortality. It presents several strategies Prague masters employed to overcome these tensions. For example, an anonymous participant of the 1409 quodlibet develops the Buridanian distinction between the rationally demonstrable materialist tendency and the indemonstrable “catholic truth” about the intellect both inhering in and separable from the body. On the other hand, Wyclif’s adherents (Jacob of Mies and another anonymous master) postulate an immortal spirit hypostatically united to each human being beside the human soul educed from the potency of the matter. Yet, the boundaries between the doctrinal standpoints in question seem permeable, whereby a rigid definition of antagonistic groups in late medieval Prague intellectual milieu (e.g., Buridanians vs Wycliffites) is rendered ineffective.
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Grehan, Helena, Belinda Smaill, and Michael J. Ostwald. "Creatively Reimagining Place and Community in a World of Extreme Weather." In Arts, Research, Innovation and Society, 183–97. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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AbstractThis chapter explores connections between place, community and narrative in the context of a world beset by extreme weather events. Drawing on insights and readings from three disciplines—theatre studies, screen studies and architecture—the chapter constructs a rich picture of the ways these fields contribute to definitions of place and can potentially enhance disaster preparedness and recovery activities. Edward S. Casey’s theories of place and community provide a connecting thread throughout the chapter, along with his ideas about selfhood, “implacement” and the environment as a source of danger. As both an example of a work that begins to address these themes and a catalyst for discussion, the chapter examines the television series Fires (Ayres et al., Fires [TV Series]. Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2021), which dramatises the 2019–2020 Black Summer fire season in Australia. Starting with a broad view of the context depicted in this series, the focus then shifts to individual experience and finally emotional responses. The chapter concludes by considering future research opportunities through which the disciplines of theatre studies, screen studies and architecture can leverage applications of advanced technology to contribute to disaster preparedness, responsiveness and recovery.
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Ogrin, Matija. "Rokopisne objave prepovedanih besedil: primer slovenskih rokopisov o Antikristu." In Studia litteraria. ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC, 2023.

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"15. Eve’s triangles: Queer studies beside itself." In Reading Sedgwick, 242–73. Duke University Press, 2020.

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Machado, Ana Maria. "Agustina Bessa-Luís’s Reinvention of St. António:." In Studies in Medievalism XXXI, 177–200. Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2022.

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Biffis, Paolo. "Gli studi sulla banca." In Le discipline economiche e aziendali nei 150 anni di storia di Ca’ Foscari. Venice: Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2018.

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This paper looks at banking following the way of thinking of J.A. Schumpeter and F. Besta, and addresses two main points: a) the idea that ‘loans make deposits’, as opposed to the popular view that ‘deposits make loans’, and b) the poor quality of information on banking performance delivered by double-entry bookkeeping, following either the equity-centered accounting system (‘sistema patrimoniale’) or the Zappa’s profit-centered accounting system (‘sistema del reddito’). The most important problems of banking, indeed, are loan liquidity and solvency, which are difficult to evaluate from the balance sheet items, so that additional information is needed from outside the balance sheet to evaluate, for example, maturities and durations. This critical point implies that the risk taker is CET1 and not savers, as the Basel Committee stated.
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Conference papers on the topic "Studio Beseda"


Bareith, Attila, Tamas Siklossy, Pavol Hlavac, and Zoltan Kovacs. "Grouping and Initial Evaluation of Case Studies for Integrated Safety Assessment in the European BESEP Project." In 18th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Analysis (PSA 2023). Illinois: American Nuclear Society, 2023.

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Reeve, Amber N., Chadd W. Clary, Amit M. Mane, Kevin A. Dodd, and Lorin P. Maletksy. "Deep Knee Activities: In Vitro Kinematic Measurements to Compare With In Vivo Studies." In ASME 2007 Summer Bioengineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2007.

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Deep knee flexion is required for many activities of daily living during work, exercise, religious worship, and hobbies. Walker et al. [1] found that activities such as rising from a low chair or getting into or out of bath require between 100° and 160° of knee flexion. Other activities such as kneeling or squatting to pick an item off the ground can be difficult with a limited range of motion. Beside deep knee flexion being important for daily living activities, it is essential in non-Western cultures that commonly sit in deep knee-bending positions.
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Maikowske, Stefan, Ruediger Lange, and Juergen J. Brandner. "Optical Studies of Evaporation in Microchannel Arrays." In ASME 2010 8th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels collocated with 3rd Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting. ASMEDC, 2010.

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Phase transition in microchannels has become an interesting filed of research within the last few years. Using arrays out of a multitude of parallel microchannels, it is possible to transfer a huge amount of thermal energy by taking advantage of the latent heat of evaporation. Another point of interest concerning this research field is the stable generation of steady vapor with homogeneous parameters such as vapor quality, mass flow, pressure or temperature. Phase transition and accompanying phenomena during evaporation of water in microchannel arrays as well as influences of microstructure geometry were observed during these research studies. Optical investigations have been done using a digital high-speed camera for visualization of transient processes, e.g. explosively and confined bubble growing behavior or phase transition fluctuation. Beside this, a novel test device for optical investigation is presented in this report. The test device enables to vary several variables like temperature, microstructure or pressure drop, to name but a few. Furthermore, results and influences of different microstructure geometries on phase transition as well as different shapes of phase transition fronts in microchannel arrays are presented. Additionally, the visualization of complete and stable phase transition in microchannel arrays with steam superheating is shown.
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Bo, Ke, Jinyang Zheng, Chunlin Gu, Baodi Zhao, Qianghua Huang, and Binbin Liao. "Experimental Studies on Discharge Characteristics of the Typical Thermally-Activated Pressure Relief Device Used for High-Pressure Hydrogen Storage Cylinder in Different Fire Conditions." In ASME 2019 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.

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Abstract Thermally-activated pressure relief devices (TPRD) with glass bulbs or fusible alloy are applied to high-pressure hydrogen storage cylinders (HHSC), in order to release hydrogen gas from the cylinder in fire accidents. In this paper, cylinders with different TPRDs were tested in two groups using different bonfire test methods. In group A, the fire was set exactly under the TPRD. While in group B, the fire was set 80 mm beside the TPRD. The result shows that TPRDs with glass bulb and fusible alloy acted in a similar way when the fire was under the cylinder and the TPRD. However, they acted in a quite different way when the fire was only under the cylinder and beside the TPRD. In group A, hydrogen was released continuously from TPRD both for glass bulb and fusible alloy. In group B, hydrogen was released continuously from the TPRD using glass bulb which was similar to the group A. However, for TPRDs using a fusible alloy, hydrogen was released in several stages taking much more time. The results are instructive for the design and selection of TPRDs on HHSC.
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Thöns, Sebastian, Wouter Jan Klerk, and Jochen Köhler. "Case studies for quantifying the value of structural health monitoring information: lessons learnt." In IABSE Symposium, Guimarães 2019: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2019.

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<p>This paper provides an overview, insights, results and a classification related to development and analyses of case studies within the scientific networking project COST Action TU1402 on the value of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) information. With an outline of the framework and approaches, a procedure on how to quantify the value of SHM information on the basis of the Bayesian decision theory is described. Various case studies with different types of structures (e.g. stadium roof, timber structures, offshore wind parks), several types of SHM systems (e.g. structural measurements, damage detection) and with diverse decision scenarios (e.g. structural system properties, SHM system properties, different SHM systems for structural service life extension) are outlined. Approaches for value of SHM information analyses visualisation and classification, both for the purposes of development of decision scenarios and for the comparison of case study results are introduced and described. Whereas the development of value of SHM information analyses is focussed on the establishment of a decision scenario, the comparison of analyses should also include the identification of optimal SHM information acquirement strategies, actions and decision rules beside an indication on which methodological and technological readiness level the analyses has been performed. The paper concludes with open fields identified when applying the visualisation and classification tools.</p>
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Pakshir, Mahmood, Sanam Atashin, and Arash Yazdani. "Synergistic Analysis of Seawater Parameters’ Effect on Corrosion Rate of Austenitic Stainless Steels 304 and 316." In ASME 2010 29th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. ASMEDC, 2010.

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In this research the synergistic effect of environmental factors on corrosion rate of austenitic stainless steels 304 and 316 has been assessed. The behavior and resistance of these alloys are studied in aerated synthetic seawater, using potentiodynamic polarization scan. The salinity, velocity, pH and temperature are the considered parameters. To study the individual and interactive contribution percentage of parameters on changing the average value of corrosion rate, a quantitative full two-level factorial experimental design method is applied. Beside this quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis has been used to predict the variation direction. By means of these two analyses we can predict the magnitude and quality of each parameter’s effect. This research has a potential in prediction of alloys’ behavior, which is really valuable in marine engineering designs.
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Buchner, Bas, and George Forristall. "Are Basin Waves Different From Field Waves?: First Investigations During the ‘CresT’ JIP." In ASME 2012 31st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2012.

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The possible differences between basin waves and field waves were investigated, comparing long crested and short crested waves, short crested waves at different scales and the high frequency spectra of field and basin waves. It was observed that short crested basin waves and field waves show very similar behavior. We conclude that, beside simulations and field data, basin testing is an important tool to study extreme waves and their statistics.
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Caponi, T., Dušan Ćoćić, J. Weigel, T. Basina, B. M. Alzoubi, Rudi van Eldik, and R. Puchta. "COMPUTATIONAL SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY INVESTIGATED BY PUPILS AND UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS." In 1st INTERNATIONAL Conference on Chemo and BioInformatics. Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac,, 2021.

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Computational supramolecular chemistry offers an additional possibility to do some practical chemistry in a safe surrounding and with connections to topics beside chemistry together with pupils and undergraduate students. Some case studies including investigations of ion selectivity of cryptands, like Albrecht’s cryptand spaced by a C2H4-bridge, Beer Can or the isomers of [2.2.2], are presented. This report on the work of pupils and students during the past years, focuses also on the question of isomeric cryptands and cryptates.
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Prabhu, Vinit V., Ethan Languri, and Kashif Nawaz. "Analysis of Flow Through Packed Bed of Spheres Containing Phase Change Materials for Thermal Energy Storage Applications." In ASME 2019 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.

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Abstract The research on thermal energy storage (TES) systems have received a lot of attention in recent decades for sustainable use of thermal energy in various industrial and residential applications. The existing challenge in designing the TES is the response time of charging and discharging cycles that keeps these systems away from wide utilization in industries. Literature data show that beside the low thermal conductivity of most phase change materials (PCMs) as active media in TES systems, the poor flow distribution may be another factor affecting the response rate. This study aims to considerably reduce the response time by packing the PCMs in a bed of spheres made of high thermal conductivity material. The response rate during the charging cycle is studied numerically by passing hot water at 70 °C over the packed bed of spheres. The numerical analysis is performed using ANSYS Fluent 19. The PCM used in this study is a paraffin and has a melting point of 48 °C. The response rate of the system is studied and it is compared to other similar systems mentioned in literature. The amount of energy storage is also studied by changing the flow rate of water.
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Kamruzzaman, H. M., and A. K. M. Mahmudul Haque. "Feasibility Study of Solar Irrigation System in Rural Areas of Pirgacha Upazila of Rangpur District, Bangladesh." In International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Advanced Science. AIJR Publisher, 2022.

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In this present work, possibility of using solar irrigation system in remote areas of Bangladesh have been studied. In this regard, Itakumari, Pirgacha Upazila of Rangpur District has been selected as the area of study. For primary data, survey among people of Itakumari, two field visits (Ramchandrapur of Kawnia upazila and Jaigir of Mithapukur upazila), underground water-level related information from BADC and market study of solar system are taken into account. Considering three irrigation seasons per year and all necessary costs, installation cost of solar irrigation system is calculated and compared with that of diesel pump system and electric pump system to find the payback period. It has been seen that, whatever is the amount of land, payback period is almost double for solar pump system with battery compared to without battery. Beside this, to water 35 decimal arable land by solar pump with battery, it would take almost five years for full return of installation cost. This study shall help policy makers to choose the best criteria in order to implement solar irrigation system in rural regions of Bangladesh.
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Reports on the topic "Studio Beseda"


Ferdosian, Hengameh, Hadi Zamanian, Sayed Ali Emami, Elahe Sedighi, Mina Moridi, and Maryam Doustmehraban. Application of artificial intelligence in prediction of cardiovascular complications in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2: A protocol of systematic review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, October 2021.

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Review question / Objective: The aim of this systematic review is to evaluate AI-based models in identifying predictors of cardiovascular events and risk predtion in patients with diabetes mellitus type2. Condition being studied: T2DM patients have an increased risk of macrovascular and microvascular complications, lead to decreased quality of life and mortality. Considering the significance of cardiovascular complications in these patients, prediction of such events would be important. Different traditional statistical methods(such as regression) and new AI-besed algorithms are used to predict these complications in diabetic patients.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Lers, Amnon, and Pamela J. Green. LX Senescence-Induced Ribonuclease in Tomato: Function and Regulation. United States Department of Agriculture, September 2003.

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Natural leaf senescence, which occurs even when growth conditions are near optimal, has a negative influence on yield. Postharvest induced senescence contributes to the losses of quality in flowers, foliage, and vegetables. Strategies designed to control the senescence process in crop plants could therefore have great applied significance. However, the successful design of such strategies requires a better insight into the senescence machinery and control in higher plants. A main feature of senescence is the hydrolysis of macromolecules by hydrolases of various types such as ribonucleases (RNases) and proteases. Previously we had identified and characterized the tomato LX RNase gene demonstrating its transcript to be highly and specifically induced during senescence. This reported study was focused on LX but also had broadened our research to other senescence-associated nucleic acids degrading enzymes to learn about their function and the regulation of their encoding genes. Beside tomato we used parsley and Arabidopsis for the study of: the bi-functional nuclease which has a role in senescence. The study of different senescence- associated nucleases in few plant systems will allow a more general view on function and regulation of these enzymes in senescence. The specific original proposed objectives included: 1. Study the consequences of alterations in LX RNase level on tomato leaf senescence and general development; 2. Analyze stimuli which may participate in senescence-specific activation of the LX gene; 3. Clone the senescence-associated BFNI nuclease gene homologue from tomato. 4. Further characterize the sequences required for senescence-specific gene expression. Homozygous transgenic plants in which LX gene was either inhibited or over-expressed were generated. In both of these LX mutated plants no major phenotypic consequences were observed, which may suggests that LX is not essential for plant growth under optimal growth conditions. Lack of any abnormalities in the LX over-expressing lines suggests that special system exist to allow function of the RNase only when needed. Detailed analyses of growth under stress and consequences to RNA metabolism are underway. We have analyzed LX expression on the protein level demonstrating that it is involved also in petal senescing. Our results suggest that LX is responding to complex regulation involving developmental, organ dependent factors and responds differently to hormonal or environmental stimuli in the different plant organs. The cloned 1.4 kb promoter was cloned and its analysis revealed that probably not all required elements for senescence induction are included. Biochemical analysis of senescence-associated be-functional nucleases in the different plants, tomato, parsley and Arabidopsis, suggests they belong to a sub-class within the type I plant nucleases. The parsley PcNUC1/2 nuclease protein was purified from senescing leaves its and activity was studied in vitro revealing endo-, double strand, nucleolytic activity and exo-nucleolytic activity. Its encoding gene was cloned and found to be induced on the mRNA level. The promoter of the related Arabidopsis BFNI nuclease was shown in both tomato and Arabidopsis to be able and direct senescence-specific expression suggesting that, at least part, the gene is regulated on the transcriptional level and that the mechanism for this senescence-specific regulation is conserved between different plants. Few plants in which the BFNI gene is mutated were identified which are subjected now to detailed analysis. Our results suggest that the senescence-related nucleic acid degrading enzymes share similarities in both function and regulation between different plants and possibly have important functions in processes un-related to senescence. Still, the function of these enzymes, at least in some cases is not essential to plant development under optimal growth conditions. We are now at the stage which permits in depth investigation of the specific functions and mode of molecular regulation of senescence-associated nucleases with the aid of the research tools developed. The isolated senescence-specific promoter, shown to be active in heterologous plant system, could be utilized in agricultural-related biotechnological applications for retardation of senescence.
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A diagnostic study of the implementation of Department of Health volunteer workers program. Population Council, 1994.

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This report presents findings from a 1993 survey of 200 Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) from two Davao provinces and two Lanao Provinces in the Philippines. Premised on the belief that the BHWs are important in improving the delivery of health and family planning (FP) services in the countryside, the study examined the factors that affect the performance of these health workers. The study is basically descriptive in nature, with the view to diagnosing problems in the implementation and functioning of the program and suggesting appropriate solutions. The survey method was utilized as a main data collection tool. Beside the survey of volunteer workers, 300 clients were also interviewed to solicit their responses to questions regarding the performance of their BHWs. Focus group discussions were conducted to delve into issues identified in the quantitative analysis that needed further probing. Data in this report show that BHWs provide indispensable services to their communities.
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