Journal articles on the topic 'Structures'
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Yamasaki, Satoshi, and Kazuhiko Fukui. "2P266 Tertiary structure prediction of RNA-RNA complex structures using secondary structure information(22A. Bioinformatics: Structural genomics,Poster)." Seibutsu Butsuri 53, supplement1-2 (2013): S203.
Full textJanoschek, Rudolf. "Structures, Structures, and Structures." Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English 31, no. 3 (March 1992): 290–92.
Full textSmith, Henry E. "Structured Settlements as Structures of Rights." Virginia Law Review 88, no. 8 (December 2002): 1953.
Full textHORNUNG, Martin, Takahisa DOBA, Rajat AGARWAL, Mark BUTLER, and Olaf LAMMERSCHOP. "Structural Adhesives for Energy Management and Reinforcement of Body Structures." Journal of The Adhesion Society of Japan 44, no. 7 (2008): 258–63.
Full textIbrahim, M. K. "Radix-2nmultiplier structures: a structured design methodology." IEE Proceedings E (Computers and Digital Techniques) 140, no. 4 (July 1993): 185–90.
Full textElyiğit, Belkıs, and Cevdet Emin Ekinci. "A RESEARCH ON STRUCTURAL AND NON-STRUCTURAL DAMAGES AND DAMAGE ASSESSMENT IN REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES." NWSA Academic Journals 18, no. 2 (April 25, 2023): 19–42.
Full textKhalaf, Mohammed M., and Ahmed Elmoasry. " -WEAK STRUCTURES." Indian Journal of Applied Research 4, no. 1 (October 1, 2011): 351–55.
Full textZilberman, M., N. D. Schwade, R. S. Meidell, and R. C. Eberhart. "Structured drug-loaded bioresorbable films for support structures." Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 12, no. 8 (January 2001): 875–92.
Full textKraus, Felix, Ezequiel Miron, Justin Demmerle, Tsotne Chitiashvili, Alexei Budco, Quentin Alle, Atsushi Matsuda, Heinrich Leonhardt, Lothar Schermelleh, and Yolanda Markaki. "Quantitative 3D structured illumination microscopy of nuclear structures." Nature Protocols 12, no. 5 (April 13, 2017): 1011–28.
Full textJie Chen, M. K. H. Fan, and C. N. Nett. "Structured singular values with nondiagonal structures. I. Characterizations." IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 41, no. 10 (1996): 1507–11.
Full textJie Chen, M. K. H. Fan, and C. N. Nett. "Structured singular values with nondiagonal structures. II. Computation." IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 41, no. 10 (1996): 1511–16.
Full textPatil, K. S., and Ajit K. Kakade. "Seismic Response of R.C. Structures With Different Steel Bracing Systems Considering Soil - Structure Interaction." Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education 15, no. 2 (April 1, 2018): 411–13.
Full textBhattacharya, Ananyo. "Protein structures: Structures of desire." Nature 459, no. 7243 (May 2009): 24–27.
Full textAftandiliants, Ye G. "Modelling of structure forming in structural steels." Naukovij žurnal «Tehnìka ta energetika» 11, no. 4 (September 10, 2020): 13–22.
Full textYuksel, Yalcin, Selahattin Kayhan, Yesim Celikoglu, and Kubilay Cihan. "OPEN TYPE QUAY STRUCTURES UNDER PROPELLER JETS." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 33 (October 11, 2012): 19.
Full textBaragmage, Dilshan S. P. Amarasinghe, Bahareh Forouzan, Koushyar Shaloudegi, Narutoshi Nakata, and Weiming Wu. "HYBRID SIMULATION OF COASTAL LOADING ON STRUCTURES." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 36 (December 30, 2018): 15.
Full textPatterson, Nat. "INNOVATIVE SEAWALL DESIGN DEVELOPMENT IN NSW, AUSTRALIA: 4 RECENT CASE STUDIES." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 37 (October 2, 2023): 14.
Full textMarsden, Terry, Jonathan Murdoch, and Andrew Flynn. "Regulating Land Development: Local Market Structures and Structured Markets." Rural Sociology 58, no. 4 (February 3, 2010): 599–625.
Full textHarris, Philip J. "Computer analysis of structures — matrix structural analysis structured programming." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 14, no. 6 (December 1, 1987): 860–61.
Full textHarris, Philip J. "Computer analysis of structures — matrix structural analysis structured programming." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 14, no. 6 (December 1, 1987): 863.
Full textBuffoni, Giuseppe, and Sara Pasquali. "Structured population dynamics: continuous size and discontinuous stage structures." Journal of Mathematical Biology 54, no. 4 (December 7, 2006): 555–95.
Full textJeon, Haemin, Jae-Uk Shin, and Hyun Myung. "Incremental displacement estimation of structures using paired structured light." Smart Structures and Systems 9, no. 3 (March 25, 2012): 273–86.
Full textYamasaki, Satoshi, Shugo Nakamura, and Kazuhiko Fukui. "2P130 Attempts to predict RNA tertiary structures using fragment structural library based on secondary structures(The 48th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan)." Seibutsu Butsuri 50, supplement2 (2010): S105.
Full textWellens, Peter, M. J. A. Borsboom, and M. R. A. Van Gent. "3D SIMULATION OF WAVE INTERACTION WITH PERMEABLE STRUCTURES." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 32 (January 31, 2011): 28.
Full textRobertson, I. N. "RECENT ADVANCES IN TSUNAMI DESIGN OF COASTAL STRUCTURES." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 37 (October 2, 2023): 83.
Full textKim, Young-Taek, Jong-In Lee, and Sungwon Shin. "MODEL TESTS ON WAVE TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT FOR RUBBLE MOUND STRUCTURES WITH SUPERSTRUCTURES." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 36 (December 30, 2018): 17.
Full textDang, Hai Van, Sungwon Shin, Hyoungsu Park, Tori Tomiczek, Daniel Cox, and Dong-Soo Hur. "AN INTER-COMPARISON STUDY OF GREEN AND GRAY STRUCTURE EFFECTS ON OVERLAND FLOW FLOODING AND FORCE ON COASTAL BUILDINGS." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 37 (September 1, 2023): 28.
Full textTamura, Shohei, Yaemi Teramoto, Jiro Katto, and Hiroshi Wako. "1P041 Structural alignment with Delaunay codes characterizing local structures and structural motifs identified by the alignment(1. Protein structure and dynamics (I),Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)." Seibutsu Butsuri 46, supplement2 (2006): S157.
Full textRossi, Emanuele. "Structures." Annuaire international de justice constitutionnelle 17, no. 2001 (2002): 389–98.
Full textHoppenhaus, Kerstin, Anna Wienhard, and Manfred Salmhofer. "Structures." Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 26, no. 4 (December 1, 2018): 181–85.
Full textWoodward, Chris T. "structures." Duke Mathematical Journal 93, no. 2 (June 1998): 345–77.
Full textFierro, Eduardo. "Structures." Earthquake Spectra 19, no. 1_suppl (January 2003): 145–54.
Full textGardner, Leroy. "Structures." Structures 1 (February 2015): 1.
Full textTownes, Emilie M. "Structures." Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 38, no. 1 (April 2022): 15–17.
Full textGoedhart, Wisse, Bas Hofland, Coen Kuiper, Wouter Ockeloen, and Matthieu de Schipper. "EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON WAVE-INDUCED SCOUR IN FRONT OF SLOPING COASTAL STRUCTURES AND THE INFLUENCE OF BED PROTECTION." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 37 (September 1, 2023): 102.
Full textMiyaoka, Reiko. "Lie contact structures and conformal structures." Kodai Mathematical Journal 14, no. 1 (1991): 42–71.
Full textLaudenbach, François, and Gaël Meigniez. "Haefliger structures and symplectic/contact structures." Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques 3 (2016): 1–29.
Full textMann, Benjamin M., Krzysztof Galicki, and Charles P. Boyer. "Hypercomplex structures from 3-Sasakian structures." Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 1998, no. 501 (August 1, 1998): 115–41.
Full textBinda, L. "Building Civil Structures and Masonry Structures." Construction and Building Materials 16, no. 7 (October 2002): 377–78.
Full textVan Cutsem, Bernard. "Combinatorial structures and structures for classification." Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 23, no. 1 (November 1996): 169–88.
Full textZhou, Xiangnan, and Qingguo Li. "Partial residuated structures and quantum structures." Soft Computing 12, no. 12 (February 26, 2008): 1219–27.
Full textBarron, Tatyana, and Mohammad Shafiee. "Multisymplectic structures induced by symplectic structures." Journal of Geometry and Physics 136 (February 2019): 1–13.
Full textMizner, Robert I. "Almost CR Structures, $f$-Structures, Almost Product Structures and Associated Connections." Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 23, no. 4 (December 1993): 1337–59.
Full textApril-LeQuéré, Philippe, Ioan Nistor, and Abdolmajid Mohammadian. "SCOUR AMPLIFICATION CAUSED BY STRUCTURE PROXIMITY IN EXTREME FLOWS." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 37 (September 1, 2023): 11.
Full textEsteban, Miguel, Izumi Morikubo, Tomoya Shibayama, Rafael Aranguiz-Muñoz, Takahito Mikami, Thao Danh Nguyen, Koichiro Ohira, and Akira Ohtani. "STABILITY OF RUBBLE MOUND BREAKWATERS AGAINST SOLITARY WAVES." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 33 (December 14, 2012): 9.
Full textSakakiyama, Tsutomu. "TSUNAMI PRESSURE ON STRUCTURES DUE TO TSUNAMI INUNDATION FLOW." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 34 (October 28, 2014): 42.
Full textBali, Meysam, Amir Etemad-Shahidi, and Marcel R. A. van Gent. "STABILITY OF RUBBLE MOUND STRUCTURES UNDER OBLIQUE WAVE ATTACK." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 37 (September 1, 2023): 4.
Full textPark, JeongCheol, Jun-Hyuck Sohn, and Kyu-Han Kim. "INVESTIGATION OF SEAWATER EXCHANGE RATE FOR COASTAL PROTECTION STRUCTURES." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 37 (September 1, 2023): 57.
Full textElDarwich, Hamid S., and Krisna Adi Pawitan, Iman Mansouri, Maria M. Garlock. "HYDROSTATIC STABILITY EXPLORATION ON FLOATING STRUCTURES USING MACHINE LEARNING." Coastal Engineering Proceedings, no. 37 (September 1, 2023): 78.
Full textVictor, Lander, and Peter Troch. "EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE OVERTOPPING BEHAVIOUR OF STEEP SLOPES – TRANSITION BETWEEN MILD SLOPES AND VERTICAL WALLS." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 33 (December 14, 2012): 61.
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