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Müller-Hoissen, Folkert, Jean Marcel Pallo, and Jim Stasheff, eds. Associahedra, Tamari Lattices and Related Structures. Basel: Springer Basel, 2012.
Full textFuentes, Benjamin J. Optical lattices: Structures, atoms, and solitons. Hauppauge, N.Y: Nova Science Publishers, 2012.
Find full textGalvin, Brian Russell. Numerical studies of localized vibrating structures in nonlinear lattices. Monterey, Calif: Naval Postgraduate School, 1991.
Find full textInternational Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures (3rd 1987 Montpellier, France). 3rd International Conference on Modulated Semiconductor Structures, 6-10 July 1987, Montpellier, France. Cedex: Editions de Physique, 1987.
Find full text1956-, Strien Sebastian van, Verduyn Lunel S. M, and Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeling Natuurkunde., eds. Stochastic and spatial structures of dynamical systems: Proceedings of the colloquium, Amsterdam, 26-27 January 1995. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1996.
Find full textC, McGill T. Device Physics of Superlattices and Small Structures. Ft. Belvoir: Defense Technical Information Center, 1987.
Find full textH, Sowa, ed. Cubic structure types described in their space groups with the aid of frameworks. Karlsruhe, [West Germany]: Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik, 1985.
Find full textLeung, Henry Hon Hung. Trellis structure and decoding of lattices. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1994.
Find full textAmerican Society of Civil Engineers., ed. Design of latticed steel transmission structures. Reston, Va: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2000.
Find full textAmerican Society of Civil Engineers. Design of latticed steel transmission structures. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2015.
Find full textZhu, K. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of lattice structures. Brisbane: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, 1992.
Find full textZhu, K. Nonlinear dynamic analysis of lattice structures. Brisbane: Universityof Queensland, Dept. of Civil Engineering, 1990.
Find full textservice), SpringerLink (Online, ed. Cardinal Invariants on Boolean Algebras. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 2010.
Find full textA, Riber K., Halmos Paul, Axler Sheldon Jay, and SpringerLink (Online service), eds. Introduction to Boolean Algebras. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2009.
Find full textCioranescu, D. Homogenization of reticulated structures. New York: Springer, 1999.
Find full textBeckh, Matthias. Hyperbolic structures. Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2014.
Find full textAkademii͡a nauk SSSR. I͡Akutskiĭ nauchnyĭ t͡sentr. Otdel prikladnoĭ matematiki i vychislitelʹnoĭ tekhniki, ed. Matematicheskie metody sinteza mnogosloĭnykh struktur pri vozdeĭstvii voln. I͡Akutsk: I͡Akutskiĭ nauchnyĭ t͡sentr SO AN SSSR, 1990.
Find full textWest, Harry H. Analysis of structures: An integration of classical and modern methods. 2nd ed. New York: Wiley, 1989.
Find full textMitrjushkin, V., and G. Schierholz, eds. Lattice Fermions and Structure of the Vacuum. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2000.
Full textMitrjushkin, V. Lattice Fermions and Structure of the Vacuum. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2000.
Find full textV, Mitrjushkin, Schierholz G, and NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Lattice Fermions and Structure of the Vacuum (1999 : Dubna, Chekhovskiĭ raĭon, Russia), eds. Lattice fermions and structure of the vacuum. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
Find full textV, Mitrjushkin, Schierholz G, and NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Lattice Fermions and Structure of the Vacuum (1999 : Dubna, Chekhovskiĭ raĭon, Russia), eds. Lattice fermions and structure of the vacuum. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
Find full textNicola, Olivetti, and Gabbay Dov M. 1945-, eds. Proof theory for fuzzy logics. [Dordrecht]: Springer, 2009.
Find full textLattices and Ordered Algebraic Structures. London: Springer-Verlag, 2005.
Full textShoji, Satoru, Remo Proietti Zaccaria, and Satoshi Kawata. Holographic laser processing for three-dimensional photonic lattices. Edited by A. V. Narlikar and Y. Y. Fu. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textLadd, M. Crystal Structures: Lattices and Solids in Stereoview. Elsevier Science & Technology, 1999.
Find full textAssociahedra Tamari Lattices And Related Structures Tamari Memorial Festschrift. Birkh User, 2012.
Find full textPallo, Jean Marcel, Folkert Müller-Hoissen, and Jim Stasheff. Associahedra, Tamari Lattices and Related Structures: Tamari Memorial Festschrift. Birkhäuser, 2014.
Find full textGrätzer, George, and Friedrich Wehrung. Lattice Theory : Special Topics and Applications: Volume 2. Birkhauser Verlag, 2016.
Find full textWehrung, Friedrich, and George Gratzer. Lattice Theory : Special Topics and Applications: Volume 2. Birkhäuser Boston, 2016.
Find full textLattice Theory : Special Topics and Applications: Volume 1. Birkhäuser Boston, 2014.
Find full textWave propagation in periodic structures: Electric filters and crystal lattices. 2nd ed. Mineola, N.Y: Dover Publications, 2003.
Find full textDwinger, Philip, Jorge Almeida, and Gabriela Bordalo. Lattices, Semigroups, and Universal Algebra. Springer, 2013.
Find full textAssociahedra, Tamari Lattices and Related Structures: Tamari Memorial Festschrift (Progress in Mathematics Book 299). Birkhäuser, 2012.
Find full textHwang, Ruey-Bing. Periodic Structures: Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2012.
Find full textHwang, Ruey-Bing. Periodic Structures: Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2012.
Find full textHwang, Ruey-Bing. Periodic Structures: Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering. Wiley-IEEE Press, 2012.
Find full textHwang, Ruey-Bing. Periodic Structures: Mode-Matching Approach and Applications in Electromagnetic Engineering. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2012.
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