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Chaudouard, Pierre-Henri, and Gérard Laumon. "SUR LE COMPTAGE DES FIBRÉS DE HITCHIN NILPOTENTS." Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 15, no. 1 (August 7, 2014): 91–164.

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Cet article est une contribution à la fois au calcul du nombre de fibrés de Hitchin sur une courbe projective et à l’explicitation de la partie nilpotente de la formule des traces d’Arthur-Selberg pour une fonction test très simple. Le lien entre les deux questions a été établi dans [Chaudouard, Sur le comptage des fibrés de Hitchin. À paraître aux actes de la conférence en l’honneur de Gérard Laumon]. On décompose cette partie nilpotente en une somme d’intégrales adéliques indexées par les orbites nilpotentes. Pour les orbites de type «régulières par blocs», on explicite complètement ces intégrales en termes de la fonction zêta de la courbe.
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Geymbukh, Nadezhda G. "On the State Structure of the Federal Republic of Germany at the adoption of the Basic Law of 1949." Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Pravo, no. 44 (2022): 30–37.

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The article deals with the issues of state structure of the Federal Republic of Germany discussed in the process of adoption of the Basic Law of 1949. The author examines the constitutional and legal situation within which the Basic Law of the FRG was adopted, analyses in detail the ideas of leading constitutionalists on the issues of state structure that were discussed in the process of drafting the Basic Law of the FRG. Germany's partition was initiated by the West. Recently disclosed archive documents show that Germany's split was predetermined already in the course of the war at the meetings of the "Big Three" - the USSR, the USA and Britain. Then they were joined by France. The accusations that the Soviet Union was responsible for the split of that country are untrue. On the contrary, in the first post-war years, the Soviet government proposed free elections in both parts of Germany, on the condition that the united country would be neutral, that is, would not be part of any military blocs. The West rejected this proposal. The Soviet government has repeatedly stated that Germany must be seen as a single economic and political entity. The position of the Soviet Government is supported by the views of scholars of Soviet state law. The question of German state unity was widely discussed at that time in Soviet periodicals. Soviet scholars L. Bezymensky, B.S. Mankovsky, D. Melnikov, D. Monin, E. Tarle and I. Traynin were in favour of a united German state. On this basis, they concluded that the rejection of the political unity of Germany was directed against the democratic restructuring of the country. A dismemberment of Germany is in the interest neither of the German people, nor of the democratic countries of Europe. Only the re-establishment of a united Germany is in the interest of a lasting peace in Europe, consistent with the historical development of the country and the legitimate aspirations of the German people themselves. There were differences of opinion about the future state structure of Germany. The position of prominent Soviet jurists differed fundamentally from that of Western politicians and jurists. The Western allies were in favour of a federal Germany, while the Soviet scholars were in favour of a unitary form of government. Thus, Germany, divided first into four occupation zones, and then into American and Soviet zones of influence, which not only lost considerable territories, but also completely lost its international standing, ceased to exist as a unified nation state for many years. Two independent states, the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, were created on German territory. There was a de facto split into two states, which found themselves in different military and political blocs. Since that time, all the aspirations of West and East Germans have been directed towards the unification of Germany and the reunification of the German people. The author declares no conflicts of interests.
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Bertran, Pascal, Bernard Francou, and Pierre Pech. "Stratogenèse associée à la dynamique des coulées à front pierreux en milieu alpin, La Mortice, Alpes méridionales, France." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 47, no. 1 (November 23, 2007): 93–100.

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RÉSUMÉ L'étude des dépôts de pente nappant les versants est et nord-ouest de La Mortice (3170 m, Alpes méridionales, France) met en évidence le rôle de la dynamique des coulées de solifluxion à front pierreux dans le développement d'une stratification. Au sein des coulées, la cryoexpulsion et le lavage produisent la différenciation d'un front caillouteux associé à un pavage superficiel et d'un niveau riche en matrice. Ce dernier progresse par cryoreptation et ensevelit le front pierreux au fur et à mesure de sa constitution, pour former ainsi un lit grossier enterré à structure ouverte. La cryoturbation et des transferts de matière hors du système constitué par la coulée (éluviation de la matrice, expulsion et transit des blocs en surface) s'opèrent pendant le dépôt et perturbent la stratogénèse. La comparaison des dépôts provenant des deux versants de La Mortice ainsi que des exemples déjà connus dans les Andes montre que la stratification est d'autant mieux exprimée que le nombre de cycles gel-dégel annuels est important et que la profondeur d'engel est faible.
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Larochelle, Pierre, Dean Louder, and Jean Raveneau. "Description graphique des caractéristiques de l’évolution de la population des municipalités du Québec (1951-1971)." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 19, no. 46 (April 12, 2005): 147–66.

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À partir d'une série de graphiques, les auteurs analysent les caractéristiques globales de l'évolution de la population des 1596 municipalités du Québec en considérant successivement les deux périodes décennales 1951-1961 et 1961-1971, ainsi que la période de 20 ans 1951-1971. Une première série de graphiques illustre la fréquence des pourcentages d'évolution positive ou négative. La seconde série montre les caractéristiques de l'évolution des municipalités en nombre et en population par classe de taille. Le processus de concentration de la population et du nombre de municipalités est ensuite abordé à l'aide de courbes de concentration. Enfin, l'examen des caractéristiques de l'évolution dans les blocs de municipalités d'évolution positive et négative constitue la dernière partie de l'étude. De l'ensemble dé ces analyses il ressort que, au cours des deux périodes décennales 1951-1961 et 1961-1971, on a assisté à une accentuation de la concentration de la population à l'intérieur d'un nombre toujours plus réduit de municipalités de taille moyenne ou supérieure (de 20 000 à 100 000 habitants). À l'opposé, les municipalités en état de décroissance démographique ont augmenté en nombre, mais représentent une proportion de plus en plus faible de la population du Québec. Finalement, ce sont les petites municipalités rurales de moins de 2 000 habitants qui ont connu les pertes les plus sérieuses de population. Cette recherche permet de préciser les modalités du processus d'urbanisation du Québec en rapport avec la structure dimensionnelle des municipalités.
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Kurinna, Liudmyla. "Model of formation of social and cultural competence of social workers to-be in course of professional training." Scientific Visnyk V.O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University. Pedagogical Sciences 66, no. 3 (2019): 133–38.

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The author of the article pays special attention to the problem of formation of social and cultural competence of social workers to-be in course of professional training, the topicality of which is confirmed by corresponding legal and regulatory framework. Moreover, the author also substantiates the choice of method of simulation as one of the most reasonable for its solution. The own definition of the notion “the model of formation of social and cultural competence” was provided in the context of author’s research. It was formulated as follows: “it is the integral system including certain structural components oriented to the professional becoming of social workers to-be in course of their professional training at higher educational establishments”. The attention was also focused on the approaches of other scientists to the matter under research. The author considers the models developed by the scientists O. Kvasnyk and Yu. Riabova, being of interest to author's research. The researcher O. Kvasnyk developed the model of formation of social and cultural competence of the professional of engineering and technical field. The structure of such model includes the following components: theoretic and methodological, organizational and sense bearing, procedural and activity, estimative and efficient. The scientist Yu. Riabova represented the model of training of social workers to-be for the professional activity in multinational environment. The model is structured according to the following blocks: organizational, sense bearing, test and efficient. Each specified block (or component) has own subject matter. The article also represents the description of the model of formation of social and cultural competence of social workers to-be in course of professional training developed by the author. It also provides the characteristic of destination, sense bearing, organizational and efficient blocks identified in the structure of proposed model. Destination block is represented by such components as the purpose, task, principles and approaches. The components and subject content are the constituents of sense bearing block. The organizational block is characterized with the availability of the following components: organizational and pedagogical conditions, stages, forms, methods and means. The criteria, levels and result are identified in the structure of the efficient block.
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Duret, Jean-Louis. "Équivalence élémentaire et isomorphisme des corps de courbe sur un corps algébriquement clos." Journal of Symbolic Logic 57, no. 3 (September 1992): 808–23.

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Cet article fait suite à [D] dont il utilise les résultats.Soit if ℒ langage constitué de deux constantes 0 et 1, et de deux fonctions + et ·; si A est un sous-ensemble d'une structure de ℒ, nous noterons if ℒ (A) le langage obtenu en ajoutant à ℒ if les éléments de A comme constantes.Tous les corps considérés seront commutatifs. Nous appellerons corps de courbe sur un corps k une extension K de k finiment engendrée de degré de transcendance 1 sur k telle que k soit relativement algébriquement clos dans K.Nous appellerons ensemble de coefficients d'une courbe sur un corps k un sous-ensemble A de K tel qu'il existe un système de générateurs de l'idéal de cette courbe dont les coefficient sont des éléments de A.Nous nous proposons d'étudier les conjectures suivantes:1. Conjecture. Si K est un corps de courbe sur un corps algébriquement clos k, il existe un sous-ensemble fini A de k tel que tout corps de courbe sur kélémentairement équivalent à K dans le langage ℒ (A), lui est k-isomorphe.2. Conjecture. Deux corps de courbe sur un corps algébriquement clos K élémentairement équivalents dans le langage ℒ sont isomorphes.Nous démontrerons ces conjectures lorsque le genre est différent de 1, et si le genre est 1, lorsque la caractéristique est nulle et le corps de courbe sans multiplication complexe.Une version plus simple de cet article est parue dans [D′].
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Lamarre, Hélène, and André G. Roy. "Organisation morphologique des blocs et des amas de galets dans les cours d’eau à lit de gravier." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 55, no. 3 (October 15, 2003): 275–87.

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Résumé Dans les cours d’eau à lit de graviers, les blocs et les amas de galets entraînent des changements de rugosité qui jouent un rôle important sur la variabilité spatiale du cisaillement exercé sur le lit, de la structure de l’écoulement et du transport des sédiments. Pourtant, peu de méthodes permettent de décrire l’organisation de ces éléments de rugosité du lit à l’échelle de la section de cours d’eau. Nous présentons deux méthodes d’échantillonnage qui permettent de quantifier l’organisation spatiale des blocs et des amas de galets sur quatre tronçons de rivière : la cartographie ponctuelle des blocs isolés et des amas de galets et la cartographie systématique de la topographie du lit. Les caractéristiques de l’organisation spatiale de ces éléments de rugosité sont quantifiées et comparées à celles de distributions aléatoires. Nous observons d’abord que la concentration des blocs isolés et des amas de galets, la distance qui les sépare et les caractéristiques des alignements composés de plusieurs éléments de rugosité sont semblables dans le cas des cours d’eau de même dimension. Ensuite, certaines caractéristiques de l’organisation spatiale des blocs et des amas de galets ressemblent à celles des distributions aléatoires. Nous proposons en discussion une interprétation dynamique de l’organisation spatiale des éléments de rugosité qui tienne compte de ces observations.
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Webster, Tim, Kevin McGuigan, Nathan Crowell, Kate Collins, and Candace MacDonald. "Remote Predictive Mapping 7. The Use of Topographic–Bathymetric Lidar to Enhance Geological Structural Mapping in Maritime Canada." Geoscience Canada 43, no. 3 (September 30, 2016): 199.

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An airborne topo-bathymetric lidar survey was conducted at Cape John, on the north shore of Nova Scotia, Canada, using the shallow water Leica AHAB Chiroptera II sensor. The survey revealed new bedrock features that were not discovered using previous mapping methods. A thick blanket of glacial till covers the bedrock on land, and outcrops are exposed only along the coastal cliffs and offshore reefs. The seamless landseabed digital elevation model produced from the lidar survey revealed significant bedrock outcrop offshore where ocean currents have removed the glacial till, a significant finding that was hitherto hidden under the sea surface. Several reefs were identified offshore as well as a major fold structure where block faulting occurs along the limbs of the fold. The extension of the Malagash Mine Fault located ~10 km west of Cape John is proposed to explain the local folding and faulting visible in the submerged outcrops. The extension of this fault is partially visible on land, where it is obscured by glacial till, and its presence is supported by the orientation of submerged bedding and lineaments on both the south and north sides of Cape John. This paper demonstrates how near-shore high-resolution topography from bathymetric lidar can be used to enhance and refine geological mapping.RÉSUMÉUn levé lidar topo-bathymétrique été réalisé à Cape John, sur la rive nord de la Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada, en utilisant un capteur Leci AHAB Chiroptera II. Ce levé a permis de repérer des affleurements que les méthodes de cartographie plus anciennes n’avaient pu détecter. Une épaisse couche de till glaciaire recouvre la roche en place sur le continent, et la roche affleure seulement le long des falaises côtières et des récifs côtiers. Le modèle numérique de dénivelé en continu terres et fonds marins obtenu par le levé lidar a révélé l’existence d’affleurement rocheux considérables au large des côtes, là où les courants océaniques ont emporté le till glaciaire, une découverte importante demeurée cachée sous la surface de la mer jusqu’alors. Plusieurs récifs ont été identifiés au large des côtes, ainsi qu’une structure de pli majeure, à l’endroit où se produit un morcellement en blocs le long des flancs du pli. Une extension de la faille de la mine Malagash situé ~ 10 km à l’ouest de Cape John est proposé pour expliquer les plis et les failles locaux visibles dans les affleurements submergés. L’extension de cette faille est partiellement visible sur la terre, voilée par le till, et sa présence est étayée par l’orientation de la stratification et des linéaments submergés tant du côté sud que nord de Cape John. Cet article montre comment la topographie haute résolution du lidar bathymétrique peut être utilisée pour améliorer et affiner la cartographie géologique.
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Vo, Thi, Venkat Venkatasubramanian, Sanat Kumar, Babji Srinivasan, Suchetan Pal, Yugang Zhang, and Oleg Gang. "Stoichiometric control of DNA-grafted colloid self-assembly." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 16 (April 6, 2015): 4982–87.

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There has been considerable interest in understanding the self-assembly of DNA-grafted nanoparticles into different crystal structures, e.g., CsCl, AlB2, and Cr3Si. Although there are important exceptions, a generally accepted view is that the right stoichiometry of the two building block colloids needs to be mixed to form the desired crystal structure. To incisively probe this issue, we combine experiments and theory on a series of DNA-grafted nanoparticles at varying stoichiometries, including noninteger values. We show that stoichiometry can couple with the geometries of the building blocks to tune the resulting equilibrium crystal morphology. As a concrete example, a stoichiometric ratio of 3:1 typically results in the Cr3Si structure. However, AlB2 can form when appropriate building blocks are used so that the AlB2 standard-state free energy is low enough to overcome the entropic preference for Cr3Si. These situations can also lead to an undesirable phase coexistence between crystal polymorphs. Thus, whereas stoichiometry can be a powerful handle for direct control of lattice formation, care must be taken in its design and selection to avoid polymorph coexistence.
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The article presents new content areas in the traditional work program for the course of physics in the preparation of technical specialties in universities. The majority of physical education in the system of technical education and the systemic role of the physics course in the structure of technical training are noted. A number of problems and vulnerabilities in the practice of teaching physics were analyzed. The necessity of preserving the integrity of the logical structure of the physics course in the system of technical education, regardless of the direction of training, is noted. The article substantiates the inclusion of a complex of methodological knowledge in the traditional work program in physics, which forms ideas about the complex nature of the physical picture of the world. The structure of this complex is proposed. It is shown that the structure of the physical picture of the world can be represented in the form of two interrelated blocks: the scientific paradigm and scientific knowledge. The multi-level content of each block is revealed, corresponding to the logic of the development of scientific knowledge. A comparative analysis of the proposed approach to the formation of the course content is carried out. The article develops the structure and defines the content of the methodological educational complex of physical science, proposed for inclusion in the content of the physics course for the specialties of the technical bachelor's degree.
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Postoev, G. P. "The mechanism of block collapse formation upon activizing the deep landslide in terms of dissipative structures." Геоэкология. Инженерная геология. Гидрогеология. Геокриология, no. 4 (September 14, 2019): 30–39.

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The paper considers the collapse mechanism in the back part of a new landslide block upon its separation from the bedrock massif. It is shown that in the course of failure preparation, two blocks participate, i.e., the elements of dissipative structures that appear in the stress field of the bedrock landslide-prone massif. The study reviews the conditions of failure formation, stress distribution (in accordance with the Laplace solutions for axisymmetric thin-walled shells) inside the block and along its boundary surfaces (shells) when the massif limit state forms. The mechanism of block separation (discontinuity of the massif) along the shell and specifics of soil deformation are also analyzed. The equilibrium in the head scarp massif is usually disturbed due to soil discontinuity forming along the earlier virtual circular-cylindrical shell of the first block, adjacent to the slope edge. In this case, the landslide block moves according to the detrusive mechanism. In addition to the ordinary process, the delapsive movement is also possible, with activating massif displacements in the lower part (washing-out, sliding, underworking of the lower part of the slope). This landslide activation favors to more intensely decreasing stresses in the back block shell in the head scarp massif, and consequently, to widening of the separation crack. At that moment, the influence of the subsequent block becomes evident, as displacements take place along the frontal block shell and a failure massif forms between the specified boundaries. The examples of failure-blocks formation when the landslide process activates on the natural slopes and quarry slopes are given.
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Gutkevich, E. V., A. V. Pustovaya, O. V. Shushpanova, L. V. Chelysheva, and N. V. Simashkova. "Clinical and Neuropsychological Features of Subcortical Structures Cerebral Organization in the Development of Autism Spectrum Mental Disorders in Children." Клиническая и специальная психология 11, no. 3 (2022): 120–41.

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The article deals with the peculiarities of the cerebral organization of subcortical structures in children with autism spectrum disorders. The study involved 48 children aged from 3 to 8 years (M=5.75; SD=2.61) having ICD-10 diagnoses F84.0, F84.1, F84.5. All children underwent registration of acoustic evoked brainstem potentials and neuropsychological examination. The relationship of the indicators of acoustic evoked potentials of the brain stem with the functioning of different blocks of the brain was established: the block of cortical tone and the brain energy block (Block I), the block of reception, processing and storage of exteroceptive information (Block II), the block of programming, regulation and control of the course of mental activity (Block III). For children with difficulties in activation and energy components of activity, perception of auditory information by subcortical structures of the brain causes certain difficulties (difficulties in work of the I block of the brain). Children with difficulties in right hemispheric holistic information processing strategy and a high level of its development are characterized by a reduced level of control over the course of thought activity, with difficulties in automating thinking and speech and difficulties in coordinating movements (difficulties in the work of Block II of the brain). The identified features of the cerebral organization of the processes of perception of auditory information and processes of mental activity in children with autism spectrum disorders are manifested in disorders of the course of thought activity, the function of peripheral receptors and conduction pathways to the cortical centers of the auditory analyzer, in a lowered level of control over the auditory analyzer. In connection with these processes there are difficulties with automatization of thinking and speech, coordination of movements in children.
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Borne, Niels. "Structure du groupe de Grothendieck équivariant d’une courbe et modules galoisiens." Bulletin de la Société mathématique de France 130, no. 1 (2002): 101–21.

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Jankowski, R., C. Perrot, D. T. Nguyen, and C. Rumeau. "Structure des masses latérales de l’ethmoïde par empilement courbe des endoturbinaux." Annales françaises d'Oto-rhino-laryngologie et de Pathologie Cervico-faciale 133, no. 5 (November 2016): 293–98.

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Li, Frederick W. B., Rynson W. H. Lau, and Parthiban Dharmendran. "An Adaptive Course Generation Framework." International Journal of Distance Education Technologies 8, no. 3 (July 2010): 47–64.

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Existing adaptive e-learning methods are supported by student (user) profiling for capturing student characteristics, and course structuring for organizing learning materials according to topics and levels of difficulties. Adaptive courses are then generated by extracting materials from the course structure to match the criteria specified in the student profiles. In addition, to handle advanced student characteristics, such as learning styles, course material annotation and programming-based decision rules are typically used. However, these additives demand certain programming skills from an instructor to proceed with course construction; they may also require building multiple course structures to handle practical pedagogical needs. In this paper, the authors propose a framework based on the concept space and the concept filters to support adaptive course generation where comprehensive student characteristics are considered. The concept space is a data structure for modeling student and course characteristics, while the concept filters are modifiers to determine how the course should be delivered. Because of the “building block” nature of the concept nodes and the concept filters, the proposed framework is extensible. More importantly, the authors’ framework does not require instructors to equip with any programming skills when they construct adaptive e-learning courses.
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Furet, Agathe, Stephane Lambert, Pascal Villard, Jean-Philippe Jarrin, and Julien Lorentz. "Réponse sous impact de murs pare-blocs." Revue Française de Géotechnique, no. 163 (2020): 9.

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Cet article présente l’étude du comportement dynamique de murs innovants de protection contre les chutes de blocs constitués de blocs en béton liés entre eux par un assemblage d’armatures. Les différents modes de déformation des murs et l’influence de la géométrie des murs sur leur réponse en déplacement sont étudiés par la réalisation d’impacts sur des murs à échelle 1/4, dans des configurations variées. Un modèle numérique basé sur une approche tridimensionnelle et continue, représentant de manière réaliste les différents constituants de la structure et leurs interactions, est ensuite proposé. Les résultats numériques concernant le déplacement de l’ouvrage sont confrontés aux résultats expérimentaux. Enfin, la dissipation d’énergie au sein de l’ouvrage est abordée, en considérant les différents mécanismes dissipatifs et leur contribution.
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Müller, Janos, and Adam Kerényi. "The Challenges of Fragmentation of the International Financial System - Towards a Brave New World Order?" Financial and Economic Review 23, no. 2 (2024): 131–55.

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The emerging new world order will be subject to a number of strong and unexpected effects, transforming and fragmenting the international financial system. The multilateral world economy has come under the influence of a multipolar power structure, triggering geopolitical tensions, which has led to the creation of economic and financial blocs, and the struggle to strengthen power positions. Financial fragmentation poses risks to international financial and monetary stability. Reducing negative impacts requires international cooperation, but the regulatory activities of international financial institutions are constrained by power blocs. This paper seeks to answer the question of how the fragmented world order affects the international monetary system, flows of capital, monetary policies and financial stability.
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Wang, Xing Zhen, and Jia Ping Yan. "A Method of Spatial Analysis of Fault Structure Based on 3D GIS." Advanced Materials Research 734-737 (August 2013): 13–16.

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3D GIS is a useful modeling tool, which can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of the geological modeling, meet the requirements of modeling in complicated geological area. A typical 3D geological model is composed of one or a plurality of stratum, structure, fault etc. In this paper, we divide geological body into blocks, determinate each levels block boundary, build single block model, couple them up in 3D space. Combining with variation characteristics of 3D geological body, by manual interpretation or second derivative method, we get their distribution characteristics of fault unconfirmed by drilling. Through 3D GIS visualization and space analysis, we can not only be facilitate to manage drilling data and visualize underground geological body, but also analyze fault characteristics from a real angle, confirm their boundary, get ore body distribution characteristics, and provide credible digital model for ore grade analysis.
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NARKIEWICZ, M., M. GRAD, A. GUTERCH, and T. JANIK. "Crustal seismic velocity structure of southern Poland: preserved memory of a pre-Devonian terrane accretion at the East European Platform margin." Geological Magazine 148, no. 2 (June 28, 2010): 191–210.

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AbstractThe updated geological and potential fields data on the East European Platform margin in SE Poland confirm the existence of several regional units differing in Ediacaran to Silurian development: the Upper Silesian Block, Małopolska Block and Łysogóry Block. All the blocks are characterized by a distinct crustal structure seen in Vp velocity models obtained from the seismic refraction data of the CELEBRATION 2000 Programme. The first two units are interpreted as exotic terranes initially derived from Avalonia-type crust and ultimately accreted before the late Early Devonian. The Łysogóry Block is probably a proximal terrane displaced dextrally along the Baltica margin. The sutures between the terranes do not precisely match lateral gradients in Vp models. This is partly explained by a limited resolution of refraction seismic data (20 km wide interpretative window). Most of the difference is related, however, to a post-accretionary tectonism, mainly Variscan transtension–transpression. The latter processes took advantage of lithospheric memory recorded earlier as zones of rheological weakness along the former suture zones. The course of the East European Platform margin (= Teisseyre–Tornquist Zone) corresponds most likely to the Nowe Miasto–Zawichost Fault marking the NE boundary of the proximal Łysogóry Terrane.
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Ibrahem, Rehab Said, and Eman Aish Al brahim. "Impact of Saudi's Membership in Global and Arab Economic Blocs on its Agricultural Foreign Trade." Asian Journal of Economic Modelling 9, no. 4 (December 13, 2021): 230–45.

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In recent years, the world has witnessed many changes in international economic relations, and the global system has crystallized into major economic blocs aimed at strengthening the position of these blocs in the framework of global international trade and economic stability. Accordingly, the research aims to study the impact of the accession of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the membership of some economic blocs on Saudi agricultural foreign trade during the time period (1995-2019). By depend on both descriptive and quantitative statistical analysis. To study the evolution of the value of agricultural exports and imports and the most important factors affecting each of them, used of some indicators of export competitiveness such as a measure of geographical and commodity concentration. Also used the simultaneous equations method to build an econometric model to analyze the structure of agricultural foreign trade and its estimation by Two-Stage least squares (2SLS) method, the paper predicts the future of Saudi agricultural foreign trade. The research relied on secondary data. The results of the study expect that the average per capita share of agricultural exports, imports and agricultural Balance Deficit will reach about 600, 3.600 and 2.900 thousand riyals, respectively, during the year 2026.
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St-Onge, Denis A., and Isabelle McMartin. "La Moraine du Lac Bluenose (Territoires du Nord-Ouest), une moraine à noyau de glace de glacier." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 53, no. 2 (October 2, 2002): 287–95.

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Résumé Au sud du détroit du Dolphin et de l'Union, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest, des crêtes morainiques hautes de 100 m, composées de till à gros blocs marquent l'emplacement d'un front glaciaire à l'est et au nord du lac Bluenose. Les principales crêtes sont soit massives, soit composites avec de petites crêtes secondaires à leur sommet. En amont glaciaire (est) des crêtes, les formes de relief les plus fréquentes sont des collines recouvertes de blocs dont la hauteur atteint 60 m et des monticules entre lesquels se trouvent de nombreux lacs. Un important glissement de terrain au cœur de la moraine expose de la glace riche en sédiments, enfouie sous 3 m de till. Ce diamicton à matrice sabloneuse et riche en blocs exhibe une structure en colonnes et une fissilité prismatique. La glace enfouie qui incorpore des blocs et des cailloux est zonée, ce qui permet de déceler des plis et des déformations plus complexes. Le contact entre la glace enfouie et le diamicton est net, sub-horizontal et discordant. La glace est interprétée comme étant la partie basale d'un glacier enfouie par des sédiments glacigéniques, surtout du till. Dans une zone à écoulement à contre pente de la partie frontale de l'inlandsis du Wisconsinen supérieur des chevauchements ont transporté des sédiments qui ont recouvert la glace morte à la marge du front de glace active. Nous croyons que dans l'éventualité où un réchauffement climatique causerait la fonte de la glace enfouie, laquelle représente un volume important de la Moraine du Lac Bluenose, le relief serait transformé en un paysage bosselé semblable à celui qui existe dans des régions plus méridionales du Canada central.
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Chang, Winston W., Tai-Liang Chen, and Tetsuya Saito. "Formation of symmetric free-trade blocs, optimal tariff structure, and world welfare." Journal of Asian Economics 77 (December 2021): 101373.

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Wilkins, Russell. "L’inégalité sociale face à la mortalité à Montréal, 1975-1977." Articles 9, no. 2 (October 27, 2008): 157–84.

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RÉSUMÉ Nous avons examiné la mortalité par lieu de résidence dans la région de Montréal durant la période 1975-1977. Selon nos résultats, l’écart en espérance de vie entre les quartiers aisés de proche banlieue et les quartiers pauvres du centre, se chiffre à plus de neuf ans (moyenne des deux sexes à la naissance). Par rapport aux cinq grandes zones de résidence que nous avons établies pour fins d’analyse, on remarque que la courbe des espérances de vie suit très fidèlement la courbe des revenus, de scolarité et de professions, tous les trois étant nos meilleurs indices de la classe sociale des résidents. En même temps, on constate une variation géographique de la mortalité en zones concentriques autour du centre, correspondant à la disposition spatiale des classes sociales à Montréal. L’étude examine aussi la mortalité infantile, la surmortalité masculine, les probabilités de survie et l’espérance de vie à 55 ans, de même que les conséquences de l’ensemble de ces disparités sociales de mortalité sur la structure des populations stationnaires.
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Siem, Josefine Brink. "Tragedy without guilt?" Peripeti 17, no. 32 (July 9, 2020): 5–16.

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The 2018 performance The Hospital uses a combination of a tragic narrative structure and grotesque slapstick and splatter to portray a nightmarish version of budget cuts and managerial reforms in the Danish public healthcare system. In this article, I focus on the affective dimensions of its bifurcal dramaturgy, and asks how it relates to the diagnosis of the efficiency dispositive in public management. I argue for an analytical approach that observes the entire performance as a ‘being of sensation’ (Deleuze and Guattari 1994) with its own affective logic, thereby switching analytical orientation from affective spectatorship to affective dramaturgy. I use genre analysis as a way to account for the performance’s way of becoming a body in terms of two interrelated affective dynamics: blocs of sensation and modes of relation. By employing Eric Bentley’s genre criticism as a semantic for describing the Hospital’s blocs and modes, I identify a double affective dramaturgy of tragic guilt and farcical aggression and schadenfreude, where open-ended aggression ultimately becomes the dominant bloc of sensation. Through a comparative gesture to the performance Living Dead, which unifies its narrative and affective elements in a horror aesthetic performing blocs of fear, I show how an affect-sensitive concept of genre can observe the relation between signifying and non-signifying elements as determined by a performance’s specific dramaturgy rather than by any a priori analytical distinctions.
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Chen, Wei, Haipeng Zhang, Zhipeng Tang, and Zhaoyuan Yu. "Assessing the structural connectivity of international trade networks along the “Belt and Road”." PLOS ONE 18, no. 3 (March 8, 2023): e0282596.

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Assessing the trade network connectivity is essential for understanding the trade network structure, optimizing trade development patterns, and improving uneven trade development along the “Belt and Road” (BRI). From the perspective of connectivity, this paper integrates the frontier algorithms in network science and constructs an analytical framework to identify the mesoscale structures, including the community structure, core-periphery structure, and backbone structure embedded in the network, and further explore the structural connectivity of the BRI trade network. The results show that: (1) The BRI trade network represents a trade pattern of “one superpower, many great powers”, with three major trade groups in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Northern Central and Eastern Europe in terms of geographical space. China is the super core of the BRI trade network, and the most considerable trade links are all centred in China. (2) Five distinctive trade blocs have formed in the BRI trade network. Nevertheless, the structure of the trade blocs shows significant geographical proximity, indicating that geographical distance still plays a vital role in the international trade system at the regional scale. (3) The BRI trade network demonstrates a significant core-periphery structure, with apparent trade clustering among the core countries within the trade network. Among them, nine countries led by China constitute the core structure, and the peripheral structure is large, reaching forty-four. (4) The trade links with China constitute the backbone structure of the whole trade network in the BRI region. In addition, the trade links related to energy trade and re-export trade are also crucial components of the BRI backbone structure. Methodologically, the analytical framework proposed for assessing the network structural connectivity has great potential to be widely applied to other disciplines and fields.
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Kaan, Edith. "Investigating Adaptation to And-Coordination in English: An ERP Study." Languages 8, no. 3 (September 2, 2023): 207.

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According to certain approaches to adaptation, readers and listeners quickly adjust their processing of sentences to match properties of recently encountered sentences. The present preregistered study used ERP (event-related brain potentials) to investigate how and when readers change their processing in response to recent exposure to sentences of a particular structure. We presented English speakers (n = 36) with three virtual blocks of English sentences with and-coordination ambiguities. In the first and third block, the ambiguity was always resolved towards a noun phrase (NP-) coordination; in the second block, the structure was always a clausal (S-) coordination. We manipulated the plausibility of the critical noun after the conjunct. N400 and P600 plausibility effects were probed to see to what extent the reader preferred an NP- coordination or expected the sentence to continue differently. Our results suggest that readers change their processing as a function of recent exposure but that they do not immediately adapt to the target structure. Furthermore, we observed substantial individual variation in the type and change in response over the course of the study. The idea that structural adaptation is immediate and a direct reflection of the properties of the recent context therefore needs to be fine-tuned.
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Slevin, Tom. "Block teaching in art and design: Pedagogy and the student experience." Art, Design & Communication in Higher Education 20, no. 2 (October 1, 2021): 163–83.

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This article contextualizes and evaluates the pedagogical efficacy of a ‘block’ curriculum structure at Level 4 of a UK art and design degree course. The year has a distinctive, unique structure compared to its HEI’s central model of three concurrent twenty-credit modules. The article considers the block approach unfolding from the contextual changes at national and institutional levels that provided complex, multiple shifts and challenges. This article evaluates block pedagogy through considering course data, students’ critical reflections of their experience and external examiner comments. The evidence suggests that block pedagogy supports students ‐ of which a significantly higher proportion are from lower-privileged backgrounds ‐ and their outcomes, whilst improving retention, progression and overall satisfaction rates.
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Flemings, Merton C., Klavs F. Jensen, and Andreas Mortensen. "Proposal for a Generic Materials Processing Course." MRS Bulletin 15, no. 8 (August 1990): 35–36.

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In the early 1950s when “materials science” was beginning to take shape in the minds of educators in materials departments, discussions were heated on the subject of how (and whether) intellectually rich courses could be developed with such broad coverage. It was argued by many that materials are too complex and vary too greatly from one another in their properties and in their applications to be treated in a single course. These individuals argued that if “materials” was to be taught, then it would have to be in courses or segments of courses broken down by materials classes-metals, ceramic, polymers, semiconductors.A full generation of faculty has passed through our ranks since those days, and the arguments regarding teaching of at least the beginning materials science subjects are now muted and perhaps moot. Few materials departments begin today with a materials-specific subject (e.g., metallurgy, ceramics) for either their own students or as a service subject for other engineering departments. Most begin with a subject in materials science or materials science and engineering that deals generically with all materials for at least a major portion of the subject. Examples are drawn from individual materials classes, and emphasis may shift to individual materials classes as the subject progresses.The key to development of these subjects, and the intellectual foundation on which they rest, is structure and structure-property relations. We can understand, and teach, how the building blocks of materials (atoms, molecules, grains, amorphous phases, etc.) fit together to build macroscopic structures.
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BIQUARD, OLIVIER. "PROLONGEMENT D’UN FIBRE HOLOMORPHE HERMITIEN A COURBURE Lp SUR UNE COURBE OUVERTE." International Journal of Mathematics 03, no. 04 (August 1992): 441–53.

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Let X be a Riemann surface and S a finite set of marked points on X. If [Formula: see text] is a hermitian holomorphic vector bundle with Lp-curvature for some p>1, we study the asymptotic behaviour of the Chern connection around the marked points; by solving directly a [Formula: see text]-problem in a weighted Sobolev space, we extend the holomorphic structure of [Formula: see text] over S to get a parabolic bundle. We deduce a proof of the classification of these hermitian metrics.
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Tang, Zongyuan, Giorgio Zambito, Maria Caterina Giordano, Yanjun Liu, Francesco Buatier de Mongeot, and Emiliano Descrovi. "Bloch Surface Waves in Resonant Structures." EPJ Web of Conferences 287 (2023): 04036.

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In this work, we make a step forward in the manipulation of light on the surface of one-dimensional photonic crystal through Bloch Surface Waves (BSW) within resonant structures of various types. Linear Fabry-Perot cavities eventually combined with diffraction gratings allow to directly couple BSW from free-space radiation. Design, fabrication and experimental characterization are provided.
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Morokh, E. А., D. S. Shaulina, and E. N. Yudina. "Navigator of block programming environments." Informatics in school, no. 2 (July 17, 2022): 71–82.

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The theme "Algorithmization and programming" is one of the key themes in the school informatics course. The material of this theme is present in the tasks of the Main State Examination and the Unifed State Examination. Most often, its study takes place in grades 8–9 in the programming languages Python, Pascal, C++. However, for successful study, it is very important to lay the foundations and basic concepts of the theme in the lower grades. To do this, you can use block programming, in which the program is not typed manually by the student, but is assembled from pre-prepared blocks, like a puzzle. There are a fairly large number of such block programming environments, and the authors of this article decided to create the so-called Navigator of Block Programming Environments, in which to visually structure the available information. For each environment represented, the Navigator contains brief information about the environment, links to the ofcial website and a number of useful materials for acquaintance and study of this environment. It was decided to include environments in the Navigator that are free and cross-platform. It can be useful for informatics teachers to get acquainted with new block programming environments that can be used as а part of regular and extracurricular activities.
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Chen, Xue Feng, Kang Yang, and Yu Cheng Li. "Numerical Simulation on Wave Force Acting on the Hollow Blocks." Advanced Materials Research 702 (May 2013): 37–43.

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In order to study the wave force acting on the hollow blocks structures locating at the permeable foundation under the regular wave flume, the wave tank is established basing on improved N-S Equations. And the moving boundary’s generating wave and wave absorption of momentum source are adopted in the numerical wave flume. It can also be simulated permeable foundation by porous media module. Then mathematical model can be constructed under the interaction between waves and hollow block when PISO is used to couple velocity and pressure fields. At the same time, the numerically calculated results of the wave force acting on the hollow blocks are compared with the experimental data in agreement. In conclusion, the variation of the wave force with incident wave height and period is obtained through the numerical calculation.
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Fracarolli, Guilherme Silva. "Mapping Online Geographical Indication: Agrifood Products on E-Commerce Shelves of Mercosur and the European Union." Economies 9, no. 2 (May 28, 2021): 84.

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The agrifood products market has never before contained as many niches than it does at this moment in history. The use of geographical indication (GIs) is one of the oldest ways of granting protection for and promoting these goods. Although they date back thousands of years, only since the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement has there been a common understanding in regard to their use. Although the GI system has the same structure globally, each region shows different performance. Therefore, the influence of institutions in this market is still an enigma to be explored. In this work, we sought to compare the performance of Mercosur and the European Union in relation to GI products and categories in this exchange arena by analyzing e-retail supermarkets. To do so, we collected data from 44 online supermarkets from both economic blocs and analyzed the relevant attributes of the products offered. Then, we compared both blocs through the use of graphics and economic sociology tools. We present novel results relating to differences in GI performance, discuss the reasons for such differences and examine the construction of the market. Our results show that the EU had significantly more products than Mercosur and had a wider variety of GI products on e-retail shelves. Moreover, in the EU, the advertised products originated mainly from within the economic bloc, whereas the majority of GI products advertised in Mercosur originated primarily from abroad. This difference indicates to dominance of the EU’ systems, demonstrating that its institutions are effective in terms of trade and commerce development mechanisms. However, in both blocs, a restricted number of categories and registers were found.
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Jelic, Mila, and Olivera Djokic. "Towards coherent structure of mathematics course books: Analysis of course books according to structural blocks of TIMSS research." Inovacije u nastavi 30, no. 1 (2017): 67–81.

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Zyukin, Anatoly, Ildus Gibadullin, Oksana Kovalchuk, Talgat Sagiev, and Lyudmila Shelkova. "Block technology of speed and strength training of technical university students in cross-country athletics." BIO Web of Conferences 26 (2020): 00045.

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This article deals with the problem of speed and power training of Omsk state technical University students in athletics classes during the academic year, taking into account their individual initial level of speed and power motor abilities development. The article describes the preparatory, forming and implementation blocks of the author’s developed block technology for building academic classes in cross-country athletics, shows the focus of classes on the development of specific modules. This study also involves testing the effectiveness of the developed block technology in the course of a pedagogical experiment. The author’s technology provides a two-cycle structure, that is, it covers academic classes of the first and second semesters. Significant differences in the planning of the experimental method classes consist in the development of lagging individual aspects of the student’s training, thereby selectively affecting and concentrating the development of speed-power, power and speed parameters of muscle work in running in separate classes. Moreover, the training tools in the forming and implementing blocks EG1, EG2 and CG do not differ, only the content of exercises changes by applying various pedagogical methods of regulating physical activity (changing the amount of burden, duration of work, rest, intensity, mode, character of muscle contraction). The results of research can be used in the educational process with schoolchildren, students of universities, colleges.
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Brenek, A., V. Vaclavik, Jan Valíček, T. Dvorsky, Jaromír Daxner, Miroslava Bendová, and Vojtěch Šimíček. "The Utilization of Waste Aluminosilicate to Prepare Cement Composite with Thermal Insulating and Drying Effect." Advanced Materials Research 1100 (April 2015): 30–35.

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Increasing energy prices, along with escalating demands for thermal insulation properties of enclosure structures, force the owners of buildings to reduce the operating costs of heating. That is why the question of reducing the energy consumption of buildings, also including the category of historical buildings [10], has been gaining ground. The reduction of energy consumption of these buildings is often accompanied by the requirement to eliminate moisture problems of base structures caused by leaking or broken waterproofing of the bottom part of the object. The subsequent increase of the thermal resistance of the building envelope must be performed by means of special insulation materials allowing the drainage of liquid water from the structure. The paper presents the properties and the influence of the developed materials on the course of built-in moisture in the base structure affected by this phenomenon using Delphin simulation software, based on the measured thermal and technical parameters. The developed material is a composition of pozzolan binder, foaming agent and waste resulting from the production of cellular concrete blocks. According to tests carried out in [1], it is possible to produce concretes with sufficient strengths for rehabilitation boards when you substitute natural aggregates with waste aluminosilicate and, according to [2, 3, 4, 5, 6], you will achieve better rehabilitation and thermal insulation properties by using porous filler. The developed material is intended for the so-called soft rehabilitation, and its function is specifically presented on a structure built from sandstone blocks. This type of structures can be found in north Bohemia and the application of rehabilitation work must be very carefully considered, because quick drying of built-in moisture in masonry, for instance by means of cutting the lower part of the structure and by inserting waterproofing, will cause shape changes of the structure accompanied by the formation of cracks.
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Pfoertner, Saskia, Hocine Oumeraci, Matthias Kudella, and Andreas Kortenhaus. "WAVE LOADS AND STABILITY OF NEW FOUNDATION STRUCTURE FOR OFFSHORE WIND TURBINES MADE OF OCEAN BRICK SYSTEM (OBS)." Coastal Engineering Proceedings 1, no. 32 (January 30, 2011): 66.

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The Ocean Brick System (OBS) is a modular system consisting of hollow concrete precast blocs (10m x 10m x 10m) piled up like cubes and interconnected to create a stiff, light and strong structure which can be used for artificial islands, artificial reefs, elevation of vulnerable low lands, deep water ports, breakwaters and foundation of offshore wind turbines. The paper focuses on the experimental results on the wave loading and the stability of the OBS used as a foundation of the support structure of offshore wind turbines. Diagrams for the prediction of total horizontal forces, vertical forces and overturning moments induced by irregular waves on the OB-structure are derived and verified through additional stability tests and stability analysis.
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Dittrich, Jens, Joris Nix, and Christian Schön. "The next 50 years in database indexing or." Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 15, no. 3 (November 2021): 527–40.

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Index structures are a building block of query processing and computer science in general. Since the dawn of computer technology there have been index structures. And since then, a myriad of index structures are being invented and published each and every year. In this paper we argue that the very idea of "inventing an index" is a misleading concept in the first place. It is the analogue of "inventing a physical query plan". This paper is a paradigm shift in which we propose to drop the idea to handcraft index structures (as done for binary search trees over B-trees to any form of learned index) altogether. We present a new automatic index breeding framework coined Genetic Generic Generation of Index Structures (GENE) . It is based on the observation that almost all index structures are assembled along three principal dimensions: (1) structural building blocks, e.g., a B-tree is assembled from two different structural node types (inner and leaf nodes), (2) a couple of invariants, e.g., for a B-tree all paths have the same length, and (3) decisions on the internal layout of nodes (row or column layout, etc.). We propose a generic indexing framework that can mimic many existing index structures along those dimensions. Based on that framework we propose a generic genetic index generation algorithm that, given a workload and an optimization goal, can automatically assemble and mutate, in other words 'breed' new index structure 'species'. In our experiments we follow multiple goals. We reexamine some good old wisdom from database technology. Given a specific workload, will GENE even breed an index that is equivalent to what our textbooks and papers currently recommend for such a workload? Or can we do even more? Our initial results strongly indicate that generated indexes are the next step in designing index structures.
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Bills, Emily. "Connecting Lines: L.A.'s Telephone History and the Binding of the Region." Southern California Quarterly 91, no. 1 (2009): 27–67.

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From the 1881 incorporation of Los Angeles' first telephone company, telecommunications spread rapidly in the city and its surrounding region. This article details the proliferation of telephony, and its role in the region's rapid growth and in the formation of region-wide economic networks. Conversely, Pomona, 30 miles from Los Angeles, serves as an example of how local telephone systems could also facilitate sub-regional economic blocs. The history of the telephone, this article argues, is essential to understanding the L.A. region's multi-nucleated development and its economic structure.
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Nukhailawi, Abbas Walid Hasan. "The structure of the Central Treaty Organization and its comparison with other military-political blocs." Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations 22, no. 4 (December 15, 2022): 505–9.

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Created in 1955, the military-political bloc in the Near and Middle East, called the Central Treaty Organization (SENTO), had a pronounced pro-Western and anti-Soviet character. This article examines the organizational structure of the bloc, and also compares it with other regional military-political organizations created by Western countries in the 40s and 50s of the XX century.
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Abdul Kadir, Nur Izzah, and Zaidatun Tasir. "Students’ Perceptions and Information-Sharing Patterns in Learning Authoring System Course through Blogging." International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET) 15, no. 19 (October 5, 2020): 187.

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The use of blogs in teaching and learning has emerged as a useful education-al technology resource. Hence, this study’s objective is to investigate the students’ perception of blogs and the blog usage patterns from the educa-tional aspect. Eighteen samples were chosen purposively in this study. The study collected both qualitative and quantitative data. The research instru-ments were questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and students’ blogs. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods, the data collected was an-alysed descriptively and thematically. The results revealed the positive outcomes of students’ perceptions of blog aspects such as writing, reading and making comments. In terms of blog usage patterns, student frequencies in writing and sharing information in blogs were high when they were given tasks or activities that would be evaluated by an instructor. This showed that instructors play an important role in motivating the students to be ac-tively involved in blogs. Therefore, rewards or marks need to be given as an encouragement to the students for them to continuously and actively use blogs for learning.
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Sharpenok, Lyudmila N., Lyudmila I. Lukianova, and Oleg V. Petrov. "Geopetrological model of formation diamond-bearing fluid-explosive breccia structures (urals type)." LITOSFERA, no. 5 (October 28, 2018): 743–57.

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Geopetrological model of diamond-bearing fluid-explosive breccia formations is a well-structured system of the features that are typical of several similar formations in the Cis-Ural and West Ural areas of the Perm Krai. The model reflects a number of basic common factors in these structures’ morphology, their rock composition and the conditions for their formation. Regional and local geological positions featuring diamond-bearing formations as well as the parameters common for their widespread formation areas are characterized. The necessity of mineralogical and geochemical studies of black sand, while prospecting for diamond-bearing targets is highlighted. This will help identify specific mineral associations and geochemical anomalies typical of these widespread formation areas. The description of the geological structure, which the best-studied Efimov deposit, is given in detail. The description of this deposit is used as an example of illustrating the shape of breccia bodies and their polyphase structure, as well as describing their texture and rock structure specifics. Particular attention is paid to the petrographic characteristics of all kinds of fluid-explosive breccias, which to a different extent contain clastic, protomagmatic and newly formed fluidogenic material. The paper gives the characteristics and specifics of mineral grains of various origin, many of which are abundant in gas-liquid inclusions, characterized by block extinction, while quartz possess planar elements. Brought into focus are the differences in the diamond bearing capacity of rocks belonging to different successive evolution phases of fluid breccia formations. The model considered in the paper will make it possible in the course of studies of newly discovered breccia structures with a limited number of parameters to predict their missing features and assessment criteria with respect to possible beneficial mineralization.
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B.K., DZHAMUEV. "Increasing the Monolithic Nature of Masonry Made of Cellular Concrete Blocks by Using Polyurethane Foam Glue as a Masonry Mortar." Stroitel'nye Materialy 786, no. 11 (2020): 4–9.

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This study is a continuation of previously published work [1]. The results of experimental determination of the strength of normal adhesion (under axial tension) in masonry made of autoclave–hardened cellular concrete blocks of compressive strength classes B1,5-B3,5 on cement mortars and polyurethane foam adhesives are presented. The tests were carried out in the laboratory of the Department “Reinforced Concrete and Stone Structures” of the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University). The experiment was carried out on samples-cubes with a size of 150x150x150 mm, which were cut out of cellular concrete blocks, fastened (glued) together using masonry (binding) compositions. In the course of the study, it was found that when using various polyurethane foam glue compositions in masonry made of cellular concrete blocks of compressive strength classes B1,5–B3,5, the resistance to axial stretching over an unbound section (normal adhesion) of the masonry increases by approximately 9–25%. It was also found that the nature of the destruction of samples made on polyurethane foam adhesives (destruction occurs along the body of concrete), indicates the monolithic nature of the masonry. The analysis of the results obtained makes it possible to conclude that the resistance to axial tension along the unbound section of the masonry depends on the strength of the material from which the block is made, and not on the compressive strength of the masonry (binder) mortar used, as indicated in table 11 of SP 15.13330.2012 “Stone and reinforced masonry structures”. This factor must be taken into account when calculating masonry from autoclave-hardened cellular concrete blocks on polyurethane foam compositions.
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Bui, Ngoc Thi-Nhu, and Pratchayapong Yasri. "Optimizing Quality Approaches and Investigating Lecturers' Perception for Course Quality Assurance in Higher Education." European Journal of Educational Management 7, no. 2 (June 15, 2024): 91–108.

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Courses are the fundamental building blocks of educational programs, serving as a tangible representation of student attainment and the desired learning outcomes of the program. Despite their pivotal role in education, however, a standardized framework for the development, implementation, and enhancement of course specifications remains elusive. Given that different programs may employ varying formats with differing levels of detail, it is critical to establish a universal framework that enables instructors to adhere to quality standards at the program level. To this end, leveraging the ASEAN University Network – Quality Assurance (AUN-QA) and Quality Matters Rubric, this study seeks to optimize course quality assurance requirements and assess lecturers' perception of these proposed guidelines. Drawing on document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and importance-level measurement, the findings of this study underscore the significance of eight criteria, comprising a total of 25 quality requirements, in ensuring course quality. These criteria include learning outcomes, structure and content, instructional approaches, learning assessment, learner support, staff, and output. Notably, these criteria align with the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle theory, thereby promoting continuous improvement in education.
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Melnikova, Yulia V., Elena A. Posnaya, Boris A. Bukach, Anna V. Shokhnekh, and Sergey V. Tarasenko. "Defining Key Determinants of the Strategic Economic Security of the Agro-Industrial Complex in Terms of Stabilizing Political Course." E3S Web of Conferences 161 (2020): 01105.

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The key determinants of the strategic economic security of the agro-industrial complex in the conditions of a stabilizing political course on food security ensure the state of the facility in which it is possible to carry out conceptual and functional actions built on goals and principles. The composition and structure of the agro-industrial complex of the state is multicomponent and systemic, it contains many internal connecting blocks and interdependent structures. The uneven development of some agricultural systems occures in the lag of technologies and assortment content. Disruptions in supply and marketing, as well as emergency circumstances cause crop failure, cattle death, which significantly affects the systemic component of economic security. A decrease in food security leads to a decrease in the country’s food security due to the decline in the development of an entire industry.
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Cruz Rondón, Elio Jesús, and Leidy Fernanda Velasco Vera. "Understanding the Role of Teaching Materials in a Beginners’ Level English as a Foreign Language Course: A Case Study." PROFILE Issues in Teachers' Professional Development 18, no. 2 (July 6, 2016): 125.

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<p>Learning a foreign language may be a challenge for most people due to differences in the form and structure between one’s mother tongue and a new one. However, there are some tools that facilitate the teaching and learning of a foreign language, for instance, new applications for digital devices, video blogs, educational platforms, and teaching materials. Therefore, this case study aims at understanding the role of teaching materials among beginners’ level students learning English as a foreign language. After conducting five non-participant classroom observations and nine semi-structured interviews, we found that the way the teacher implemented a pedagogical intervention by integrating the four language skills, promoting interactive learning through the use of online resources, and using the course book led to a global English teaching and learning process.</p>
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Chesnokova, А. A. "A Model of Forming a Dynamic Structure for Establishing the Source of Messages in the Receiver's Memory." Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: IT Management, Computer Science, Computer Engineering. Medical Equipment Engineering 13, no. 3 (January 27, 2024): 122–34.

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The purpose of research is increasing the speed of procedures for determining the data source in the block coupling mode, due to the analysis of the dynamic list structure of messages formed in the receiver's memory as a result of intermediate calculations.Methods. The model of forming a dynamic list structure is based on the hardware implementation of the method of limiting the set of data blocks processed by the receiver. The data package includes a special service word, the contents of which are checked for falling into the range of values formed by the receiver when each data block is received. The described restriction reduces the number of typical comparison operations of service words performed when determining the source of messages, and also reduces the likelihood of errors in determining the data source.Results. Based on the model of the formation of a dynamic tree-like list structure, distributions of a priori probabilities of the number of nodes of a certain level are obtained in case of errors in determining the data source and without them. This allows us to obtain significant a posteriori error probabilities depending on the observed number of nodes of a certain level. The criteria for making a decision on the error of determining the source based on the calculation of the number of nodes before the complete completion of the formation of the tree structure and before the stage of its analysis are formulated. This reduces the computational complexity of the procedure for determining the data source in the block coupling mode and reduces the memory costs for storing intermediate results.Conclusion. In the course of the study, it was revealed that for sequences of messages with a length of more than 20, the detection of more than 8 extraneous branches of the dynamic list structure being formed allows us to state with a 90% probability that the procedure for determining the source ended in an error. The refusal to transmit subsequent sequence messages and to perform processing operations of the tree structure allows to increase the speed of the procedure for determining the source of messages and reduce its computational complexity.
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Yi, Junyi, and Nigel G. Shrive. "Behaviour of hollow concrete masonry walls with one-course bond beams subjected to concentric and eccentric concentrated loading." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 30, no. 1 (February 1, 2003): 181–90.

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Three-dimensional finite element models of unreinforced hollow concrete masonry walls with one-course bond beams subjected to concentrated loading have been analyzed. The walls were modelled with different loading plate sizes, different loading locations along the wall (at the midpoint of the wall, at the end of the wall, and between these points), and different out-of-plane eccentricities (e = 0, t/6, and t/3). The hollow block units, mortar, grout, and bond beam blocks in the walls were modelled separately. Both smeared and discrete cracking methods have been utilized for predicting cracking under load. Geometric and material nonlinearities and damage due to progressive cracking were taken into account in the analyses. The predicted failure modes and ultimate capacities of the walls with the concentric concentrated load applied at the midpoint or at the end of the wall compared very well with the experimental results. When the load was between the midpoint and the end of the wall, the predicted ultimate capacity was between those for the load at the midpoint and at the end. The strength of the walls decreases with increasing out-of-plane eccentricities.Key words: finite element models, hollow masonry, smeared and discrete cracking models, concentrated load, loading locations, out-of-plane eccentricities.
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Alharethi, Thaib, and Moaaz Kabil. "Charting the Sustainable Course: Navigating the Saudi Arabia Medical and Wellness Tourism Roadmap with Business Model Canvas (BMC)." Sustainability 16, no. 9 (May 5, 2024): 3856.

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Medical and wellness tourism has emerged as a pivotal sector with significant economic implications globally, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. This study delves into the landscape of Saudi Arabia’s medical and wellness tourism, recognizing its importance as a key player in the tourism industry. The study aims to elevate this sector to new heights on the global stage by employing the Business Model Canvas (BMC) as a strategic tool. BMC allows for a comprehensive analysis of the medical tourism industry in Saudi Arabia, breaking down key elements across its nine blocks: key partners, key activities, key resources, value propositions, customer segments, channels, customer relationships, cost structure, and revenue streams. The results of this study shed light on the unique selling proposition (USP) as a crucial strategic step for Saudi Arabia to distinguish itself and enhance its position in the international medical tourism arena. By identifying and maximizing the unique aspects within each BMC block, the study presents a roadmap for Saudi Arabia, navigating the challenges and capitalizing on the potential of the medical and wellness tourism sector. This research serves as a guide, emphasizing the strategic importance of a well-defined business model to shape the future of medical and wellness tourism in Saudi Arabia and establish a prominent global presence.
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Alsafi, Bayan. "The regional counter-blocs strategy in the context of the Middle East Second Cold War." International Journal of Scientific Research and Management 9, no. 06 (June 13, 2021): 652–57.

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Iranian Shiite geopolitical theories aimed at forming a transnational ideological project in order to unite the Islamic world and the formation of Iran military and ideological strategically allies in addition to Iran’s nuclear ambitions have shaken the regional alliances system. Adapting to a radical change in regional policy and security requires the use of a counter-bloc strategy with account for questions regarding the structure, formation, motivation, and risk involved with counter-bloc to Iran. For countries with a Sunni ideology, this stage requires reformulating and upgrading their strategy with a regional ally characterized by hostility to Iran and loyalty to USA, in addition to military, nuclear and cyber capabilities and global support to form a counter-bloc. Israel, a historical enemy of the Arab nation became the best option. Turkey’s absence within this structure may impede the success or continuity of the strategy of the counter-Iran bloc.
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