Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Stripe domains'
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Peters, Joost Frederik. "Resonant soft x-ray scattering studies of the magnetic nanostructure of stripe domains." [S.l. : Amsterdam : s.n] ; Universiteit van Amsterdam [Host], 2003. http://dare.uva.nl/document/70348.
Full textAmos, Nissim. "Stripe domains formation and their affect on three-dimensional and perpendicular magnetic recording." FIU Digital Commons, 2006. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/1052.
Full textGarnier, Louis-Charles. "Couches minces en Fe-N élaborées par implantation ionique : propriétés structurales et magnétiques." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SACLV027/document.
Full textThe alpha'-Fe8N1-x and alpha''-Fe16N2 phases have a high potential of application, because of their uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy and their large saturation magnetization. However, the values announced for these magnetic properties remain a subject of discussion. The research conducted during this PhD thesis was initiated in order to clarify this situation. Sample making consisted mainly of nitrogen ion implantation into alpha-Fe thin films, epitaxially grown on ZnSe/GaAs (001). Among others, the effects of target temperature and fluence on the crystal structure of the samples were analyzed by X-ray diffractometry. The presence of a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy was demonstrated in the thin films containing the alpha'-Fe8N1-x and alpha''-Fe16N2 phases. The anisotropy constant was evaluated by vibrating sample magnetometry and ferromagnetic resonance. In this research, weak stripe domains were observed by magnetic force microscopy in some Fe-N thin films. These are particularly straight and edge dislocations are found within their periodic structure. Studies were then carried out to precisely control the reorientation of the stripe domains and the displacement of the magnetic dislocations, using a magnetic field
Grassi, Matías Pablo. "Spin waves in inhomogeneous magnetization distributions." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021STRAE014.
Full textInhomogeneous magnetization distributions may exist because the magnetic parameters are distributed, or because magnetic textures nucleate in homogenous materials. In both cases, the broken symmetries affect the spin-wave excitation and propagation, leading to a number of intriguing phenomena. In this context, we have studied the propagation of spin waves in a bilayer with a saturation magnetization contrast for the Damon-Eshbach configuration. We have found, by means of simulations and experiments (Propagating Spin Wave Spectroscopy and Brillouin Light Scattering), that this system shows a strong frequency non-reciprocity which can be used for the realization of a spin-wave diode. We have also studied the spin-wave dynamics in thin films which exhibit weak magnetic stripe domains. We have shown how these modes can be interpreted as an extension of the Damon-Eshbach spectrum of the saturated state, which adapts to the symmetry breaking. Furthermore, we have identified the two lowest frequency modes to the Goldstone- and Higgs- modes of the stripe texture. These results were confirmed by Brillouin Light Scattering and Ferromagnetic Resonance experiments
Boehm, Benedikt Ezra Nathanael [Verfasser], Christian H. [Akademischer Betreuer] Back, and Jascha [Akademischer Betreuer] Repp. "Magnetic domain walls and domains in thin films, nano stripes and 3D structures / Benedikt Ezra Nathanael Boehm ; Christian H. Back, Jascha Repp." Regensburg : Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1149366540/34.
Full textFan, Yun Tao. "Time domain non linear strip theory for ship motions." Thesis, University of Southampton, 2004. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.416071.
Full textMihai, Loredana Angela. "A class of alternate strip-based domain decomposition methods for elliptic partial differential equations." Thesis, Durham University, 2005. http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/2388/.
Full textLi, Haoran. "Frequency Domain Analysis of Composite Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridges by Finite Strip Method." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/36130.
Full textErselcan, Ilkay Ozer. "A frequency domain strip theory applied to the seakeeping of the Zumwalt-Class destroyer." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/61868.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 87-88).
Seakeeping analysis of the Zumwalt-Class destroyer was carried out in the framework of linear strip theory and potential flow. First, the problem was formulated and solved analytically. Second, a program called Ship Motions Analyzer (SMA) was written in MATLABTM to carry out the seakeeping analysis for regular waves in a discretized frequency range. SMA calculates sectional added mass and damping coefficients first. Then, it calculates excitation forces and moments acting on a ship advancing at constant forward speed with arbitrary heading for sway, heave, roll, pitch and yaw modes of motion. Finally, SMA evaluates Response Amplitude Operators (RAO's) in the same modes of motion. In addition, it also includes a subroutine which evaluates steady drift forces acting on a ship in the plane of undisturbed free surface. The added mass and damping coefficients of a fully submerged heaving circle and a semi-circle in heave and sway were calculated to validate the results of SMA. The results were compared to the results of Vugst [1] and Frank [2]. They match each other exactly. In addition, the magnitudes of heave and pitch excitation force and moment, and RAO's in the same modes of motions were calculated. The results agree with the theory. Finally, added resistance of Mariner type ship was calculated by SMA to compare the results to the ones given by Salvasen [3] and to validate the calculations. These results are also in very good agreement with the available computational and experimental results.
by Ilkay Ozer Erselcan.
S.M.in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Marlantes, Kyle Elias. "A Quadratic, Time-Domain Strip Theory Method for Predicting Global Ship Structure Response in Waves." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2017. http://scholarworks.uno.edu/honors_theses/91.
Full textHaque, Amil. "Modeling of the excited modes in inverted embedded microstrip lines using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique." Thesis, Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/26582.
Full textCommittee Chair: Tentzeris, Emmanouil; Committee Member: Andrew Peterson; Committee Member: Laskar, Joy; Committee Member: Papapolymerou, Ioannis. Part of the SMARTech Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Collection.
Borgo, Ariadne. "Le gisement d’or du Tocantinzinho (province aurifère du Tapajós) relations entre déformation, hydrothermalisme et minéralisation." Thesis, Montpellier, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017MONTT078/document.
Full textThe Tocantinzinho deposit is located on the Tapajós Gold Province and is the largest gold deposit within Province, with 53,9 tons of gold. Its formation begins with a granodioritic magmatism around 2005Ma, followed by a granitic magmatism 10 Ma latter. The Tocantinzinho granite is composed by two main facies, syenogranite (1996±2Ma) and monzogranite (1989±1Ma), and by aplite and pegmatite bodies, suggesting a fluid-rich magmatism at shallow depth. Andesite dikes (1998±8Ma) are intrusive in both rocks. Sharp fragments of those rocks along contacts and minor mingling with granitic magma suggest a multiphase magmatism at distinct timing. The first dikes have intruded within granite when it was crystalizing, thus a minimum age of 1975Ma was estimated. Cooling rates of plutonic rocks vary from 3.6 to 14.7°C/Ma, with an average of 7.5°C/Ma, suggesting vertical exhumation processes were minor. The elongated geometry of granite along with sin-magmatic strike-slip tectonics of andesite corroborate the predominance of horizontal movements. Geochemical analysis show high-K calk-alkaline affinity and niobium anomaly indicator of two possible geotectonic settings for these rocks: Andean-type continental arc or post-collisional one. Considering the genetic relationship between magmatism, strike-slip faults, and low cooling rates, a post-collisional setting is more likely. The geochemical signature, ages and style of tectonism allow us to compare those rocks with the ones from Creporizão Intrusive Suite (1997-1957Ma). Dacite dikes (1992±2Ma) cut across all other rocks, but the temporal relationship among them remains misunderstood, due to the geochemical signature similar to the anorogenic rocks, suggesting it belongs to a distinct and latter magmatic series. Indeed, the dated zircons were probably inherited from host rocks. The mineralized area is restricted to a domain constrained by two major sinistral strike-slip N100°-130E°E faults that comprises the Tocantinzinho granite and sub-volcanic rocks, which were hydrothermally altered, brittle deformed and mineralized during two phases. The first one is characterized by breccias and microfractures infilled with muscovite (1864±5Ma) and pyrite, which contains low gold grades and are restricted to the Tocantinzinho granite. The second phase was controlled by strike-slip and normal tectonics generating tension gashes veins and pull apart breccias infilled with quartz, chlorite, calcite, albite, rutile, pyrite, galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and gold. The gold grade can reach up to 70 ppm in some sulfide-rich veins. These structures are parallel and mainly trends N30-60°E, showing textures and orientated minerals typical of syn-tectonic infilling. Based on petrographical features and argon ages two hypothesis were proposed for the ore genesis: the first one consider a genetic relationship between magmatism and ore fluids for first mineralization stage and the second hypothesis consider a reactivation of pre-existing faults by an extensional tectonism related to the Maloquinha Intrusive Suite magmatism (ca.1880Ma) for this phase. The second mineralization phase is considered as formed as consequence of tectonic reactivation at ca. 1880Ma, in both hypothesis. Both phases in both hypothesis were classified as magmatic-hydrothermal ore mineralization and might be classified as intrusion-related gold systems. However, new field works are important in order to identify and characterize the nature and source of hydrothermal fluids, as well as ore dating and new geochemical and geochronological data of sub-volcanic rocks are imperative to better understand the genesis and evolution of the Tocantinzinho gold deposit. Such results, strongly linked to the fact that the tectonic control seem significant, may help for future exploration and exploitation programs
Oakes, Benjamin. "On long-range and high frequency propagation alongparallel strip conductors in layered media : A simplified yet accurate method using the mode matching technique in the spectral domain." Thesis, KTH, Elektroteknisk teori och konstruktion, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-129538.
Full textBlixtar längs järnvägen strålar bredbandigt brus som kan störa närligande känslig elektronik t.ex.signaleringssystem. Högfrekventa störningar följer ledningar och spår. För elektromagnetisk förenlighet,studeras strålning från ledningstrukterer vid specifika frekvenser, för att bedömma risken förkänsliga system längre bort längs ledningen.Problemet är att konstruera en snabb och nogrann numerisk lösare för att beräkna strömmarnainducerade av en dipolkälla hos en godtycklig antal parallella ledare innuti en lagrad struktur. Idetta projekt används en tvålagrig struktur, varje medium definierad av godtycklig permittivitet ochpermeabilitet. Då strömmarna i ledningarna är kända, kan fälten bestämmas överallt.Metoden är att transformera de circulära ledarna till ekvivalenta strips, vilket skapar ett plantlagrat struktur. Fält som härör en källa i ett lagrat medium kan expanderas som en summa planavågor som utökar sig i avlagringsrikningen. Strömmar på stripen expanderas som Chebyshev polynomoch tillsammans med fält och gränsvärden, kan strömmarna tas fram med modanpassning ispektrala rummet.Utöver detta, har en simplifierad model för strips mycket smalare än våglängen härleds fram,där enbart strömmar i stripens parallella riktning utses vilket vidare förenklar problemet utan attförlora mycket nogrannhet.Olikt de alra flest helvågsmetoderna, använder sig inte spektrala metoden av rumdiskretiseringav ledare. Eftersom ledarna i frågan är oändligt långa är de elektriskt stora som gör att rumdiskretiseringkommer att orsaka för stora beräkningar då det kräver för många diskretiserings punkter,vilket motiverar valet av spektrala metoden.Resultatet är ett linjärt ekvationssystem bestående av integralekvationer för att lösa strömmarnalängs en godtycklig antal smala ledare. Resultat för olika konfigurationer av strips och dipolpositionär redovisade och överensstämmer väl med den kommersiella Method of Moments baserade lösaren4NEC2 med ändligt långa ledare.Sammanfattningsvis, har det tagits fram en enkel, snabb och nogrann metod i Matlab för attlösa strömmarna längs parallella ledande strips.
Oliveira, Sílvio Lacerda de. "Faixas de domínio das rodovias: aspectos socioambientais da destinação/ocupação." Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018. http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8573.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-06-13T10:42:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Sílvio Lacerda de Oliveira - 2018.pdf: 2843635 bytes, checksum: 10cdaad09799e2e22b93daaf020ae3aa (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-13T10:42:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese - Sílvio Lacerda de Oliveira - 2018.pdf: 2843635 bytes, checksum: 10cdaad09799e2e22b93daaf020ae3aa (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-30
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG
Road Ecology is a scientific discipline that studies the effects of transport’s infrastructure such as roads, railways and canals on the ecosystem. Ecological effects including habitat destruction and fragmentation, increased erosion and pollution, and, particularly disturbing, the roadkill, which can be highly impacting populations of low-density species such as endangered species, having the potential to significantly affect biodiversity. Even with a considerable increase in recent studies on the subject, there are large gaps in knowledge about the effects of highways, and especially on how these effects affect animal populations, man, and ways to minimize or mitigate environmental impacts. These gaps are especially worrying in countries such as Brazil, which opted for a road modal and thus, presents an extensive network of highways. Brazil even develops research and publishes on road ecology, being the third country that contributes most to the world scientific production, but there is a predominance of roadkill studies and a low number of studies on mitigation measures, and roadkill studies are lacking standardization in the methodology adopted by the researchers. In this study, the detection rate of animals of different taxonomic classes was analyzed using different tracking speeds, and it was observed that the speed of 5 km.h-1 is the one that best serves the purpose of pointing to the actual trampling rate. Then within road ecology, several problems affect the human being, but traffic accidents are considered a neglected public health problem, especially in developing countries. There is a need to understand the factors contributing to the aggravation of traffic accidents, and as a contribution to this understanding, this study investigated automobile accidents with runway exit with or without collision in the vegetation of the domain strip. It was found that tree collision increases the probability of mortality (3.16 times) and severity of injury in accidents when vehicles left the roadway.
Ecologia de estradas é uma disciplina científica que estuda os efeitos de infraestruturas de transporte como estradas, ferrovias e canais sobre o ecossistema. Efeitos ecológicos que incluem a destruição e fragmentação do habitat, aumento da erosão e poluição, e, particularmente preocupante, o atropelamento animal(AA), que pode ser altamente impactante para populações de espécies que existem em baixas densidades, como as ameaçadas de extinção, tendo potencial para afetar significativamente a biodiversidade. Mesmo com um aumento considerável de estudos recentes sobre o tema, existem grandes lacunas de conhecimento sobre os efeitos das rodovias, e principalmente sobre como esses efeitos afetam as populações animais e o homem. Essas lacunas são especialmente preocupantes nos países como o Brasil, que optou por um modal rodoviário e assim, apresenta uma extensa rede de rodovias. O Brasil até desenvolve pesquisas e publica sobre ecologia de estradas, sendo o terceiro país que mais contribui com a produção científica mundial, mas há uma predominância de estudos sobre AA e baixo número de estudos sobre medidas mitigadoras, e os estudos sobre AA pecam pela falta de padronização na metodologia adotada pelos pesquisadores. Neste estudo é analisado o índice de detecção de animais de diferentes classes taxonômicas utilizando diferentes velocidades de monitoramento, sendo observado que a velocidade de 5 km.h-1 é a que melhor atende o propósito de apontar a real taxa de atropelamento. Ainda dentro de ecologia de estradas, vários problemas afetam o ser humano, mas os acidentes de trânsito são considerados um problema de saúde pública negligenciado, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento. Há necessidade de compreender os fatores que contribuem para agravamento dos acidentes de trânsito, e como contribuição para essa compreensão, este estudo investigou acidentes automobilísticos com saída de pista com ou sem colisão na vegetação da faixa de domínio. Constatou-se que a colisão com árvore aumenta a probabilidade de mortalidade (3,16 vezes) e gravidade da lesão em acidentes em que os veículos saíram da pista nas rodovias.
Spinnler, Florian. "Star-exponential of normal j-groups and adapted Fourier transform." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209089.
Full textAs this work is meant to be as self-contained as possible, the first chapter reproduces many definitions introduced by Bieliavsky & Gayral, in order to obtain the expression of the symplectic symmetric space structure on normal j-groups, and of their unitary irreducible representations. The Weyl-type quantizer associated to this symmetric structure is then computed, thus yielding the Weyl quantization map for which the composition of symbols is precisely the deformed product defined by Bieliavsky-Gayral on normal j-groups. A detailed proof of the structure theorem of normal j-groups is also provided.
The second chapter focuses on the expression and properties of the star-exponential itself, and exhibits a useful tool for the computation, namely the resolution of the identity associated to square integrable unitary irreducible representations of the groups. The result thus obtained satisfies the usual integro-differential equation defining the star-exponential. A criterion for the existence of a tempered pair underlying a given tempered structure on Lie groups is proven; the star-exponential functions are also shown to belong to the multiplier algebra of the Schwartz space associated to the tempered structure. Before that, it is shown that all Schwartz spaces that appear in this work are isomorphic as topological vector spaces.
The modified version of this star-exponential is computed in chapter three, first for elementary normal j-groups and then for normal j-groups. It is then used to define an adapted Fourier transform between the group and the dual of its Lie algebra. This transform generalizes (to all normal j-groups) a Fourier transform that was already studied in the “ax+b” case by Gayral et al. (2008), as well as by Ali et al. (2003) in the context of wavelet transforms.
Doctorat en Sciences
Woodbury, Nathan Scott. "Representation and Reconstruction of Linear, Time-Invariant Networks." BYU ScholarsArchive, 2019. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/7402.
Full textMyers, Jonathan. "Changing the tune : conceptualising the effects of the global financial crisis on stakeholder perceptions of corporate value." Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2299/21101.
Full textKeyder, Emil Ragip. "New Heuristics for Planning with Action Costs." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/7570.
Full textLa plani caci on cl asica es el problema que consiste en hallar una secuencia de acciones que lleven a un agente desde un estado inicial a un objetivo, asum- iendo resultados determin sticos e informaci on completa. La plani caci on \satis cing" busca encontrar una soluci on de bajo coste, sin garant as de op- timalidad. La b usqueda heur stica guiada por heur sticas no admisibles es el enfoque que ha tenido mas exito. Esta tesis presenta varias heur sticas de ese g enero que consideran costes en las acciones, y por lo tanto encuentran soluciones que minimizan el coste, en lugar de la longitud del plan. Adem as, demostramos que el problema de plani caci on con \soft goals", u objetivos opcionales, se puede reducir a un problema de plani caci on clasica con costes en las acciones, escenario en el que heur sticas sensibles a costes, tal como las aqu presentadas, son esenciales.
Chen, Kuan-Ju, and 陳冠如. "Semilinear Elliptic Equations in Infinite Strip Domains and Flask Domains." Thesis, 1999. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/18850637306959071787.
Full text國立清華大學
In this thesis we study the existence and the symmetry of the solutions of the semilinear elliptic equations -Δu+u=g(u) in infinite strip domains and flask domains. In Chapter 1, we prove the existence of the solutions of the semilinear elliptic equations -Δu+u=g(u) in infinite strip domains by the Decomposition Lemma, and then apply the improved“moving plane”method to prove the symmetry of the solutions. In Chapter 2, consider the semilinear elliptic equations -Δu+au=b|u|^{p-2}u in unbounded domainΩ, we prove the following assertions: (1) αI=αM=αΓ=αΓˊ(2) Let Ω0=Ω1∪Ω2 where Ω1∩Ω2 is bounded, andαi=α(Ωi) the index of J in Ωi for i=0,1,2. We assert that J satisfies the (PS) αi -condition if and only if the inequality α0
Chen, Kuo-Chang, and 陳國璋. "Symmetry of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations e Strip Domains." Thesis, 1996. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/63808617116956012078.
Full textChen, Guo-Zhang, and 陳國璋. "Symmetry of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations of Infinite Strip Domains." Thesis, 1996. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/48793723901847570487.
Full text"Spectral domain analysis of circular microstrip antennas on planar and spherical surfaces." Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1990. http://library.cuhk.edu.hk/record=b5886607.
Full textThesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1990.
Bibliography: leaves [124]-[127]
Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1-1
Chapter 2.1 --- Dyadic Green's function formulation of a double-patch system --- p.2-3
Chapter 2.1.1 --- Field components --- p.2-4
Chapter 2.1.2 --- Boundary conditions and dyadic Green's function --- p.2-8
Chapter 2.2 --- Microstrip antenna with an airgap --- p.2-14
Chapter 2.3 --- Microstrip antenna with a superstate --- p.2-16
Chapter 2.4 --- Galerkin's method --- p.2-18
Chapter 2.5 --- Numerical computation --- p.2-25
Chapter 2.6 --- Results and discussions --- p.2-30
Chapter 3.1 --- Fields in spherical coordinates --- p.3-3
Chapter 3.1.1 --- solution of scalar Helmholtz equation in spherical coordinates --- p.3-3
Chapter 3.1.2 --- Vector potentials --- p.3-6
Chapter 3.2 --- Cavity model approach --- p.3-10
Chapter 3.2.1 --- Formulation of radiation patterns --- p.3-11
Chapter 3.2.2 --- Results and discussions --- p.3-23
Chapter 3.3 --- Spectral domain approach --- p.3-39
Chapter 3.3.1 --- General formulation --- p.3-39
Chapter 3.3.2 --- Complex resonant frequency --- p.3-48
Chapter 3.3.3 --- Far field radiation pattern --- p.3-51
Chapter 3.3.4 --- Current distribution --- p.3-52
Chapter 3.3.5 --- Limiting case of thin dielectric --- p.3-58
Chapter 3.3.6 --- Results and discussions --- p.3-63
Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- CONCLUSIONS --- p.4-1
Mirza, Mueed. "Magnetism in Ni80Fe20 and Ni80Fe20/NiO Nano-stripes." 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1993/8454.
Full text"Genetic analysis of leaf and stripe rust resistance in the spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cross RL4452/AC Domain." Thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10388/ETD-2013-06-1072.
Full text"Analysis of microstrip-slotline transitions using the method of finite-difference in time-domain." Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994. http://library.cuhk.edu.hk/record=b5888220.
Full textThesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1994.
Includes bibliographical references (leaf 128).
Dedication --- p.i
Acknowledgements --- p.ii
Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction
Chapter 1.1 --- Outline of Thesis --- p.1
Chapter 1.2 --- Microstrip to Slotline Transition --- p.3
Chapter 1.3 --- Finite Difference as a Numerical Method --- p.4
Chapter Chapter 2 --- The Method of Finite Difference in Time Domain
Chapter 2.1 --- An Introduction and Brief History --- p.1
Chapter 2.2 --- The Methodology of FDTD --- p.11
Chapter 2.3 --- The Yee's Algorithm --- p.13
Chapter 2.4 --- Stability Criterion --- p.19
Chapter 2.5 --- Interfaces Between Media --- p.21
Chapter 2.6 --- Lattice Truncation Condition --- p.24
Chapter 2.7 --- Error Analysis --- p.28
Chapter 2.8 --- Implementation of Programs --- p.33
Chapter 2.9 --- Summary --- p.35
Chapter Chapter 3 --- Absorbing Boundary Conditions
Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.39
Chapter 3.2 --- Mur's ABC --- p.40
Chapter 3.3 --- Liao's ABC --- p.42
Chapter 3.4 --- Dispersive ABC --- p.45
Chapter 3.5 --- Comparison between Mur's ABC & Liao's ABC --- p.47
Chapter 3.6 --- "Comparison among Mur's 1st Order ABC, Liao's ABC & DBC" --- p.51
Chapter 3.7 --- Summary --- p.55
Chapter Chapter 4 --- Microstrip-Slotline Transitions
Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.57
Chapter 4.2 --- Approach --- p.59
Chapter 4.3 --- Single Quarter-Wave Microstrip-Slotline Transitions --- p.67
Chapter 4.4 --- Single Y-Strip-Slotline Transitions --- p.78
Chapter 4.5 --- Shorted-Stub Y-Strip-Slotline Transitions --- p.88
Chapter 4.6 --- Y-Strip-180°-Slotline Transitions --- p.96
Chapter 4.7 --- Y-Strip-Y-Slot Transitions --- p.104
Chapter 4.8 --- Y-Strip-Open-Stub-Y-Slot Transitions --- p.112
Chapter 4.9 --- YY-Transitions --- p.120
Chapter 4.10 --- Summary --- p.127
Chapter Chapter 5 --- Conclusions & Future Development
Chapter 5.1 --- Conclusions --- p.129
Chapter 5.2 --- Future Development --- p.131
Fortran 77 Code of Single Quarter-Wave Microstrip-Slotline Transition --- p.132
Holloway, DS. "A High Froude Number Time Domain Strip Theory Applied to the Seakeeping of Semi-SWATHs." 1998. http://eprints.utas.edu.au/269.
Full textHolloway, Damien Scott. "A high Froude number time domain strip theory applied to the seakeeping of semi-SWATHs /." 1998. http://adt.lib.utas.edu.au/public/adt-TU20060504.153413.
Full textLim, Eugene. "The clash between trade mark law and freedom of speech in cyberspace : does ICANN's URDP strike the right balance?" 2004. http://link.library.utoronto.ca/eir/EIRdetail.cfm?Resources__ID=95111&T=F.
Full textVashghani, Farahani Alireza. "Numerical Modeling of Wave Propagation in Strip Lines with Gyrotropic Magnetic Substrate and Magnetostaic Waves." Thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1807/27607.
Full textLiao, Chang-Chun, and 廖振淳. "Simulation and Kerr microscopy studies on magnetic skyrmion bubble and domain wall structure in micro and nanometer size strips and disks." Thesis, 2017. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/60197642962604669948.
Full textHuang, Zheng Wen, and 黃政文. "A new generalized green''s impedance space-domain integral equation approach and its application to the characterization and design of a new class of dielectric-line-loaed coplanar strips." Thesis, 1994. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/88377884401648515027.
Full textGórny, Wojciech. "Anisotropic least gradient problems." Doctoral thesis, 2020. https://depotuw.ceon.pl/handle/item/3677.
Full textCelem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie, jaki wpływ na istnienie, jednoznaczność i regularność rozwiązań w anizotropowym zagadnieniu najmniejszego gradientu mają geometria obszaru oraz właściwości zadanej anizotropii. W pracy poruszane są trzy różne sytuacje. W pierwszej z nich funkcja φ zadająca anizotropię jest normą. Wówczas pokazujemy istnienie rozwiązań anizotropowego zagadnienia najmniejszego gradientu dla ściśle wypukłych obszarów oraz danych brzegowych ciągłych prawie wszędzie. Szczególnie interesuje nas przypadek, gdy φ nie jest ściśle wypukła; wtedy brak zależności φ od położenia gra szczególną rolę. Drugi przypadek dotyczy sytuacji, gdy φ może zależeć także od położenia, jednak zakładamy wysoką regularność oraz jednostajną wypukłość φ. Wówczas oprócz wyniku analogicznego do poprzedniego możemy także użyć m.in. zasady maksimum dla powierzchni minimalnych do pokazania, że dla ustalonych danych brzegowych rozwiązania niekoniecznie są jednoznaczne, ale wszystkie rozwiązania mają identyczną strukturę poziomic. Wreszcie trzeci przypadek dotyczy sytuacji, gdy dziedzina Ω nie jest obszarem ograniczonym oraz wypukłym. Rozważamy dwie sytuacje: kiedy Ω jest zbiorem ściśle wypukłym, ale nieograniczonym, oraz kiedy Ω ma niespójny brzeg. Dla czytelności wywodu w drugim przypadku ograniczamy większość dyskusji do przypadku, kiedy Ω jest pierścieniem na płaszczyźnie, co umożliwia stosowanie metod pochodzących z zagadnienia optymalnego transportu.