Academic literature on the topic 'Storia delle professioni'
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Journal articles on the topic "Storia delle professioni"
Sofio, Séverine. "Maria Malatesta, Professionisti e Gentiluomini. Storia delle professioni nell’Europa contemporanea." Sociologie du travail 50, no. 2 (June 11, 2008): 268–70.
Full textGalli, Pier Francesco. "Psicoterapia, psicoanalisi e psichiatria nei primi anni 1960. Appunti per una storia." PSICOTERAPIA E SCIENZE UMANE, no. 1 (March 2011): 75–88.
Full textGalli, Pier Francesco. "Psicoterapia e psicoanalisi tra tecnica e ideologia. Appunti per una storia." COSTRUZIONI PSICOANALITICHE, no. 21 (April 2011): 107–42.
Full textBonelli, Caterina. "La scuola “resistente”: pratiche autobiografiche per la valorizzazione delle storie di scuola." Revista Brasileira de Pesquisa (Auto)biográfica 6, no. 19 (December 24, 2021): 992–98.
Full textCardoza, Anthony L. "Professionisti e gentiluomini: Storia delle professioni nell'Europa contemporanea. By Maria Malatesta. Biblioteca Einaudi, volume 223. Turin: Einaudi, 2006. Pp. xvi+399. €25.00." Journal of Modern History 81, no. 3 (September 2009): 655–56.
Full textBarausse, Alberto, and Rossella Andreassi. "Le scritture professionali di Amelia Andreassi: gli ego-documenti di una insegnante italiana del Novecento." Cadernos de História da Educação 20 (September 20, 2021): e048.
Full textPosadzy, Andrzej. "Widzenie Zmartwychwstałego. Interpretacja 1 Kor 15,3b-8." Verbum Vitae 16 (December 14, 2009): 161–81.
Full textPepe, Dunia, and Debora Vitali. "Il patrimonio culturale metafora dell'interdisciplinarità: storie, conoscenze, tecnologie e professioni." EDUCAZIONE SENTIMENTALE, no. 36 (February 2022): 103–19.
Full textPontalti, Corrado. "Essere famiglia tra adolescenza e societŕ." RICERCA PSICOANALITICA, no. 1 (March 2011): 61–77.
Full textPerrotta, Manuela. "Il pre-embrione (non) è uno di noi: breve storia di una innovazione inter-organizzativa tra istituzioni, comunitŕ professionali e tecnologie." SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO, no. 122 (June 2011): 194–205.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Storia delle professioni"
Faitini, Tiziana. "Professione e ordine. Per una storia dell'etica professionale." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Trento, 2014.
Full textTATULLI, NATALIA. "Un utile e stabile occupazione : Le origini della professione di maestra nella Lombardia della Restaurazione." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2012.
Full textThe rise of women as teaching professionals in Restoration Lombardy. In order to satisfy the large number of application requests from girls of the wealthiest classes, the Napoleonic government started, besides the well known Real colleges, a system of boarding school directed by laywomen, inspired by the model of the maisons d’éducation boarding schools which were already popular in France since the last decades of the 18th century. With the return of the Asburgos family in Lombardy ,those institutes increased as well as daily private schools for young girl directed by layteachers. As those private schools became popular pretty fast, the affirmation of the feminine public teaching was very slow. The big amount of women committed in this activity (more than 2200 from 1818 to 1848), the compulsoriness of examinations and to follow a standardized formative iter,shows how the role of the teacher,selected by exams and by a specific formative training, didn't start in Italy with the unification ,but -especially in the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia -was already diffused and recognized both socially and publicly from the first decades of 18th century.
TATULLI, NATALIA. "Un utile e stabile occupazione : Le origini della professione di maestra nella Lombardia della Restaurazione." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2012.
Full textThe rise of women as teaching professionals in Restoration Lombardy. In order to satisfy the large number of application requests from girls of the wealthiest classes, the Napoleonic government started, besides the well known Real colleges, a system of boarding school directed by laywomen, inspired by the model of the maisons d’éducation boarding schools which were already popular in France since the last decades of the 18th century. With the return of the Asburgos family in Lombardy ,those institutes increased as well as daily private schools for young girl directed by layteachers. As those private schools became popular pretty fast, the affirmation of the feminine public teaching was very slow. The big amount of women committed in this activity (more than 2200 from 1818 to 1848), the compulsoriness of examinations and to follow a standardized formative iter,shows how the role of the teacher,selected by exams and by a specific formative training, didn't start in Italy with the unification ,but -especially in the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia -was already diffused and recognized both socially and publicly from the first decades of 18th century.
Ciambelli, Simone <1990>. "I collegia e le relazioni clientelari: studio sul patronato delle associazioni professionali nell'Occidente romano tra I e III sec. d.C." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020.
Full textThe goal of this study is to analyse the phenomenon of the patronage of professional associations in the Roman West between the first and the third centuries AD. In order to do that, I focused the analysis on the epigraphic sources, and I assembled a catalogue of 214 inscriptions. The text, consisting of six chapters, has a tripartite structure. The first part, consisting of the first two chapters, aims to provide all the conceptual and practical coordinates to move within the next analysis. Chapters three and four constitute the second part of the text, where I inspected the specific contexts of Sarmizegetusa, Lugdunum and Ostia. The last section is formed by chapters five and six, where, instead of an analysis on specific contexts, I have focused on aspects that emerge transversely from our documentation.
Full textModena, Giulia. "I forzati della penna. Girolamo Brusoni, un professionista delle lettere nel Seicento italiano." Doctoral thesis, 2015.
Full text«My profession is to write histories and send them for print». The statement, concise and catchy, was pronounced by Girolamo Brusoni during a case prepared by the Riformatori dello Studio di Padova, in 1664. This is the focus: what did it mean to be a "professional of the letters” in the full 17th century, in Italy, and what were the features of writing histories? The singularity of the biographical pattern can illuminate the complex world of those who lived (or survived) through writing in the 17th century. Girolamo Brusoni performed in the theatrum mundi as friar, scholar, translator, academic, novelist, secret informer, historiographer. In the literary corpus, wide and assorted (novels, romances, academic memoires, poems, translations, treatises, reports and histories), he poured biographical fragments and self projections, but above all he captured the inner turmoil of facts and cities, from the Polesine, to Ferrara and Padua, then to Venice and the riviera del Brenta, up to Turin. The world was changing: Brusoni belonged to a generation in identity crisis, marked by plague, upset by wars and involved in political plots, negotiations and power relations, in both national and european perspectives. The “professionals of the letters” struggled to conquer a social status and a recognized position and the variety of social actors guaranteed a continuous process of increase and exchange: all authors, editors, typographers, booksellers, agents and informers offered different competences, daily increasing the editorial market and the commerce of informations. These figures (Brusoni included) have been sometimes confused, carelessly judged and frequently dismissed as “adventurers of the pen” or unreliable “hack writers”, but their condition still deserves to be explored. The research examines several recurring subjects, which followed the social and cultural transformations and persistently reappeared in individual and collective events. The concept of «freedom», for example, was inflected in various forms, from «freedom of the spirit», to «freedom of the pen», up to the “libertinisms” and the claim for liberating naturalistic inclinations. The academic experience, ruled by the practice of conversation and pervaded by the shades of venetian non conformism and libertinism, was absorbed by the novels. Moreover, since the debut, the author showed a strong interest in chronicles and historical narration. The “rhetoric of truth”, regularly performed in the defense of the writing method used for the reports and the histories, appeared over and over again in every book in the “notices to the readers”. The correspondence showed the exhausting negotiations for the representation of power and the dissemination of the public image, besides the problem of honor, reputation and authorial respectability. At the time, the power relations between social actors ruled the literary production, particularly the historical, and affected the writers’ margin of freedom: these dynamics involved the authors, the political power and the public. In a society so conditioned by the stream of news and by the desire to fabricate opinions and to discuss publicly the informations, the rulers needed to manipulate the narrations and the informative materials. In the full 17th century, all these matters played an essential role in the construction of the social identity of individuals, as Girolamo Brusoni, and defined their professional awareness. The “professionals of the letters” observed, listened, read, collected, organized news and informations, kept huge correspondences and, most of all, they wrote a lot, trying to ensure some political protection and to catch the taste of a wide and demanding public.
Perricone, Carmela, and Giuseppe Spadafora. "Professione insegnante : storia della formazione degli insegnanti in Italia dalla legge Casati alla S.S.I.S." Thesis, 2012.
Full textBooks on the topic "Storia delle professioni"
Malatesta, Maria. Professionisti e gentiluomini: Storia delle professioni nell'Europa contemporanea. Torino: Einaudi, 2006.
Find full textVarni, Angelo. Storia delle professioni in Italia tra Ottocento e Novecento. Bologna: Mulino, 2002.
Find full textRoni, Riccardo, ed. Le competenze del politico. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2014.
Full textSalmon, Laura. Teoria della traduzione: Storia, scienza, professione. Milano: Antonio Vallardi, 2003.
Find full textCantoni, Virginio, Gabriele Falciasecca, and Giuseppe Pelosi, eds. Storia delle telecomunicazioni. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2011.
Full textCappa, Sergio. Conspicilla: Storia comparata di sette secoli della professione oftalmica. Busalla (Genova): Grafiche G7, 2004.
Find full textCosmacini, Giorgio. Medici nella storia d'Italia: Per una tipologia della professione medica. Roma: Laterza, 1996.
Find full textHazon, Filippo. Storia della formazione tecnica e professionale in Italia. Roma: Armando, 1991.
Find full text1959-, Vietina Stefano, ed. L'avventura della comunicazione: Storie professionali e pre-visioni. Milano: Lupetti, 2008.
Find full textDonne che cambiano: Carriera, famiglia, qualità della vita : dati e storie vere. Milano, Italy: FrancoAngeli, 2010.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Storia delle professioni"
Vernero, Irene, and Oskar Schindler. "La professione." In Storia della logopedia, 41–51. Milano: Springer Milan, 2012.
Full textDe Cagno, Anna Giulia, Maria Valeria Di Martino, and Tiziana Rossetto. "La storia, l’evoluzione e i principali riferimenti normativi della professione del logopedista nel “Sistema Salute”." In Il Core Competence e il Core Curriculum del logopedista, 1–13. Milano: Springer Milan, 2010.
Full textDe Grassi, Massimo. "1914. Galileo Chini a Venezia." In Storie della Biennale di Venezia. Venice: Edizioni Ca' Foscari, 2019.
Full textPowledge, Tabitha M. "Science Audiences on the Web." In A Field Guide for Science Writers. Oxford University Press, 2005.
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