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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Store shelf'

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Yaqoob, Gulraiz, and Ammar Avais. "Importance of Shelf Space : Is shelf space equally important for the different product categories in grocery store (ICA Alidhem)?" Thesis, Umeå University, Umeå University, Faculty of Social Sciences, 2010.

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The way consumers choose between different categories of grocery items on display at super markets depends on a number of behavior patterns and factors. The aim of this research was to know how consumer makes the selection in between the different product categories and how premier shelf space affects their decision making process. No doubt, there are so many factors, which can influence the consumer’s decision- making process for grocery shopping. In this research we studied the importance of seven factors on the sale of 12 product categories in ICA Alidhem stores.

A social survey was conducted and 96 filled questionnaires were collected from the different people who were living near to the ICA Alidhem store. Spss tool was used to analyze the data.

Likert scale was used to know the importance of these seven factors for the sale of 12 product categories and through our research we came to know that out of these seven factors, shelf space is the least important factor for 9 product categories studied. This result could be helpful for ICA Alidhem store for defining the planogram and for manufacturers of these 12 product categories as well. On the bases of mean value we defined the priority set and the purpose of this priority set is to know the importance of shelf space for these 12 product categories.

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Shams, Poja. "What Does it Take to Get your Attention? : The influence of In-Store and Out-of-Store Factors on Visual Attention and Decision Making for Fast-moving Consumer Goods." Doctoral thesis, Karlstads universitet, Centrum för tjänsteforskning, 2013.

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Decision making for fast-moving consumer goods involves a choice between numerous similar alternatives. Under such demanding circumstances, a decision is made for one product. The decision is dependent on the interaction between the environment and the mind of the consumer, both of which are filled with information that can influence the outcome. The aim of this dissertation is to explore how the mind and the environment guides attention towards considered and chosen products in consumer decision making at the point-of-purchase. Consumers are equipped with several effort reduction strategies to simplify complex decision making. The selection of strategies can be conscious or automatic and driven by information in the environment or the mind of the decision maker. The selected decision strategy reduces the set of options to one alternative in an iterative process of comparisons that are fast and rely on perceptual cues to quickly exclude irrelevant products. This thesis uses eye-tracking to explore this rapid processing that lacks conscious access or control. The purpose is to explore how product packaging and placement (as in-store factors), and recognition, preferences, and choice task (as out-of-store factors) influence the decision-making process through visual attention. The results of the 10 experiments in the five papers that comprise this thesis shed new light on the role of visual attention in the interaction between the environment and the mind, and its influence on the consumer. It is said that consumers choose with their eyes, which means that unseen is unsold. The results of this thesis show that it is just as important to be comprehended as it is to be seen. In split-second decision making, the ability to recognize and comprehend a product can significantly impact preferences. Comprehension stretches beyond perception as consumers infer value from memory structures that influence attention. Hence, the eye truly sees what the mind is prepared to comprehend.
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Левчук, Святослав Богданович. "Інтелектуальна система мерчандайзингу. Детекція та розпізнавання асортименту." Master's thesis, Київ, 2018.

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Магістерська дисертація: 126 с., 47 рис., 30 табл., 2 додатки, 31 джерело. Об'єктом дослідження є методи мерчандайзингу товарів в торгових точках. Предметом дослідження є методи класифікації товарів на полицях в торгових точках. Мета роботи – розробка інтелектуальної системи мерчендайзингу, яка дозволить зменшити використання людського ресурсу та максимально оптимізувати процес мерчендайзингу за рахунок автоматичного моніторингу наявності товару на полицях та розробка системи класифікації товарів як складової частини системи мерчиндайзингу для аналізу товарів на полиці відносно планограм магазину. В роботі розглянуто і проаналізовано сучасні системи мерчандайзингу та іх недоліки, також, розглядаються існуючі методи класифікації. Запропоновано метод класифікації товарів в магазині з спеціально розробленою згортковою нейронною мережею, який побудовано на основі методів з використанням згорткових нейронних мереж, з нелінійними класифікаторами та адаптивним методом оптимізації. Інтелектуальна система мерчандайзингу та система класифікації асортименту реалізовані за допомогою мови програмування Python з використанням СУБД MySql. Результати даної роботи рекомендується використовувати для моніторингу якості викладки товарів на полицях та контролю наповненості полиць у торгових точках.
Master thesis explanatory note: 126 p., 47 fig., 30 tab., 2 appendices, 31 sources. The object of research – intelligent merchandising system. The subject of research – classification methods of goods on shelves in stores. The purpose of the work is to develop an intelligent merchandising system that will reduce the use of human resources and maximize the process of merchandising through automatic monitoring of the availability of goods on shelves and to develop of goods classification system as a part of a merchandising system for the analysis of goods on the shelf in relation to the store planograms. In the work, modern merchandising systems and their shortcomings are considered and analyzed, as well as existing classification methods are considered. Goods classification method with specially developed convolutional neural network, which is constructed on the basis of methods using convolutional neural networks, with nonlinear classifiers and an adaptive optimization method is proposed. Intelligent merchandising system and assortment classification system are implemented using Python programming language with MySql DB. The results of this work are recommended for monitoring the compliance with the planogram and availiability of the goods on shelves in stores.
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Siqueira, Sunni A. "Effect of Small-Scale Continental Shelf Bathymetry on Storm Surge Generation." ScholarWorks@UNO, 2016.

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Idealized bathymetries were subjected to idealized cyclones in order to measure the storm surge response to a range of bathymetry features, under various storm conditions. Ten bathymetries were considered, including eight shoals, one pit, and a featureless reference domain. Six storms (two different sizes/intensities and three different landfall directions) were used as meteorological forcing. The bathymetry features influenced local surge response during pre- and post-peak surge conditions. However, peak surge and surge at the coast were not meaningfully affected by the presence of the bathymetry features considered. The effect of three bathymetry feature parameters on surge response was analyzed (i.e. depth below mean sea level, cross-shore width, and distance from shore). Of these parameters, feature depth below mean sea level was the most influential on surge generation.
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Brodersen, Justin G. "Inner-shelf bottom boundary layer development and sediment suspension during Tropical Storm Isadore on the West Florida Shelf." [Tampa, Fla.] : University of South Florida, 2004.

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Light, Janice Marissa. "The West Shetland Shelf : a recent storm-dominated, biogenic carbonate system." Thesis, Royal Holloway, University of London, 2004.

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The West Shetland Shelf (WSS) is a region of biogenic sedimentation within the North East Atlantic Cold Water Carbonate Province (NEACP) as defined in this thesis. Sediments and benthos collected from four transects across the continental shelf and shelf edge, associated side scan sonar and echosounder records and underwater video recordings, have been analysed and synthesised to identify the WSS sedimentary facies. The calcareous macrofauna whose skeletal remains contribute to the sediments have been identified from sorted subsamples and a spreadsheet of some 260 taxa has been statistically analysed to assist in community and facies recognition. The calcareous macrofauna, the sites of carbonate production on the shelf, and the taphonomic processes which affect the condition and preservability of the sediments, have been identified and assessed. Because most non-tropical carbonate sediments are produced biologically, their character is controlled by the indigenous organisms. In this modern WSS setting, certain taxa and associations of taxa play important roles in the carbonate system and these are identified and classified as sedimentary facies. The shell gravels and calcareous sands are focused around southern Shetland, Foula and Fair Isle as Facies Association A. The Ditrupa sediments of the distal middle and outer shelf form two Facies Associations, B and C respectively, and the highly distinctive shelf edge sediments are Facies 17. Viewed from a faunal perspective three recurring communities have been described as biotas, on the basis of their taxonomic composition which has played a dominant role in WSS facies classification. These facies and biotas are recognised elsewhere in the NEACP. Globally, non-tropical shelf carbonates occur at latitudes> 30°. The WSS setting is compared and contrasted with its southern hemisphere counterparts in south Australia and New Zealand. The findings in this thesis are synthesised with the work of others whose studies have been focused in the study area, in order to define the WSS depositional environments and their controls.
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Majoni, Sandra. "Effects of shelf-life on phytonutrient composition in stored non-alcoholic beer." Menomonie, WI : University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2006.

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Kim, Baeck Oon. "Modeling storm-induced sediment transport on the inner shelf: Effects of bed microstratigraphy." W&M ScholarWorks, 1996.

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Sediment transport during a storm event on the inner continental shelf was detailed through the development of models based on field experiments conducted at Duck, North Carolina in October 1994. A vertical one-dimensional model (1DV model) was developed by coupling the Grant and Madsen (1986) model with bed stratigraphy to consider real seabeds. Sediment was divided into seven size classes and fractional transport was estimated. Mixing depth and total depth from a simplified sediment conservation equation provided the basis for changing bottom sediment, sediment availability for transport, and armoring processes. These processes involve a feedback between hydrodynamics and bed stratigraphy. A horizontal one-dimensional, depth-resolved model (1DH model) was developed to predict inner-shelf morphological changes. Flow and shear stress fields were calculated using a simple wave transformation model combined with the Jenter and Madsen (1989) model. Sediment flux was computed in relation to fractional transport and armoring processes. The sediment conservation equation was numerically solved to yield bed elevation changes associated with individual size classes. Predictions of suspended sediment concentrations from both models were adjusted by the resuspension coefficient &\gamma\sb0&, resulting in &\gamma\sb0& = 0.001 for the 1DV model and &\gamma\sb0& = 0.002 for the IDH model, respectively. The coupling in the 1DV model was critical to predicting suspended sediment concentrations. Hydrodynamic variables, however, were not significantly affected by changing bottom sediment. Predicted suspended sediment concentrations were higher during the waning phase of the storm than during the erosional phase. Modeled bed stratigraphy showed fining upward sequences. Wind-driven processes on the inner shelf were interpreted using the 1DH model. The magnitude and the direction of horizontal sediment flux were explained in terms of wind-driven currents. Waves produced a sigmoidal-shaped vertical concentration distribution, explaining horizontal gradients of suspended sediment concentrations. The steepness of the sediment flux gradient due to the waves was correlated with wave height. Synchronization of currents and waves was necessary for large flux divergence and morphological changes. During downwelling currents, deposition occurred on the shoreface whereas upwelling currents were accompanied by shoreface/inner shelf erosion. The inner shelf thus responded as either the sink of sediment or the source of sediment.
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Tyler, Carla Gutierrez. "Acceptability and Shelf-Life of Fresh and Pasteurized Crab Meat Stored Under Different Environmental Conditions." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2009.

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Crab meat is important to the economy of coastal Virginia. The objectives of this study were to complete a shelf-life study on two different packaging styles of fresh crab meat and to test the inhibition capabilities of Carnobacterium piscicola against the pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes. In a shelf-life study, a 12 ounce food grade polyethylene traditional snap-lid container of fresh crab meat was compared to an 8 ounce SimpleStep® trays with Cryovac⠢ film of equally fresh crab meat sealed with 10,000 cc/m2/24hr oxygen transmission rate (OTR) film. Eleven g samples were used for the microbial shelf-life study conducted at 4oC for 12 days. Aerobic plate counts of crab meat indicated microbial growth from the SimpleStep® trays with Cryovac⠢ film in 10,000 cc/m2/24hr OTR versus the polyethylene snap-lid was not significant (P>0.05). In objective two, 25 g samples of fresh and pasteurized blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) meat were inoculated with 0.1ml of each, C. piscicola and L. monocytogenes. Three different concentrations of the inoculation levels were studied on select days at both 4oC and 10oC. Microbial spoilage was defined as 107 CFU/g. In fresh crab meat, at both 4oC and 10oC, crab meat spoilage occurred at 7 days or less. In the pasteurized crab meat, at 4oC and 10oC, spoilage did not occur prior to 26 days, and studies were terminated at 28 days of storage. The growth of the two organisms in fresh crab meat was found to be significant for the differing concentration levels and sampling days (P<0.05). The growth of the two organisms in pasteurized crab meat was significant for different concentration levels, sampling days and temperature (P<0.05). In both fresh and pasteurized crab meat, regardless of the inoculation ratios, the L. monocytogenes and C.piscicola followed similar growth trends, but L. monocytogenes was higher in the 2:2 CFU/g concentration and lower at the 6:2 CFU/g concentration level. Although C. piscicola did not completely inhibit L. monocytogenes growth at any concentration ratio, some inhibition was observed.
Master of Science
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Düsterhöft, Tobias [Verfasser], Alexander [Akademischer Betreuer] Hübner, and Heinrich [Akademischer Betreuer] Kuhn. "Optimization models for shelf space allocation in retail stores [cumulative dissertation] / Tobias Düsterhöft ; Alexander Hübner, Heinrich Kuhn." Eichstätt-Ingolstadt : Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 2020.

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Choucha, Sam E. "Color and shelf-life studies of fresh beef packaged in various gas atmospheres and stored at refrigerated temperature." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Enriquez-ibarra, Leopoldo Gerardo. "The use of Pulsed Energy (Flashbast) technology in the shelf life extension of selected marine and freshwater fish species stored in ice." Diss., This resource online, 1994.

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Guldahl, Anders Lier. "Styre- og overvåkningssystem for Shell Eco-marathon kjøretøy : Utvikling og test av CAN-bus basert instrumentering og styresystem." Thesis, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, 2010.

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Shell Eco-marathon er en årlig internasjonal bilprototype-konkurranse mellom studentlag fra høyskoler og universiteter. Våren 2010 skal NTNU delta for 3. gang. Denne oppgaven går ut på å spesifisere krav, designe, lage og teste et komplett instrumenteringssystem for eco-marathon-bilen som deltar i konkurransen i 2010. Modulær oppbygning, samt velprøvd kommunikasjon basert på CAN-bus mellom moduler, danner grunnlaget for et stabilt og enkelt rekonfigurerbart system.Flere delkomponenter som ble benyttet i bilen foregående år, fungerte ikke ved overtakelse av bilen høsten 2009. På grunn av problemene med tidligere system, kombinert med ønsket om toveis kommunikasjon med alle moduler i bilen, ble det besluttet at et helt nytt system skulle utarbeides. Bilens instrumenteringssystem består i hovedsak av brenselcelleovervåkning og styring, kommunikasjon med en el-motordrift, brukergrensesnitt for sjåføren, utvendige lys og signalhorn.Brenselcellestyringen består av en galvanisk isolert måleløsning for individuelle cellespenningsmålinger, soneinndelt temperaturovervåkning, måling av hydrogentrykk og styring av hydrogenventiler, samt et sikkerhetssystem med automatisk avstengning ved gasslekkasje.Forskjellige måter å løse problemet med cellespenningsmålinger er undersøkt. Et fleksibelt og kompakt system er designet og implementert som håndterer funksjonene nevnt ovenfor.Utvendige lys på bilen med tilhørende driverkretser er basert på energieffektive og kraftige lysdioder som både har mulighet til å lyse opp veien foran bilen, og justeres ned i lysstyrke for å spare strøm. Alt kan enkelt betjenes via et menysystem på en lcd-skjerm i dashbordet. Et utvidbart og fleksibelt menysystem er implementert for å håndtere innstillinger og informasjon fra bilens systemer.Ettersom systemet er modulbasert, og hver CAN-bus-modul igjen er modulbasert, er det enkelt å rekonfigurere eller endre funksjonaliteten til systemet eller delmoduler. Å hekte på nye moduler for ny funksjonalitet er også veldig enkelt. Systemet kan også benyttes i andre sammenhenger enn bil-instrumentering. Brenselcellemodulen ble for eksempel benyttet på lab hele våren for test og utvikling av styringsalgoritmer for brenselcellestacken. Eksempler på andre bruksområder for deler av systemet kan være hus-automasjon eller styring og overvåkning av andre slags lab-oppstillinger.Selv om konkurranseresultat uteble på grunn av problemer med motorstyringen har elektronikken i styringssystemet stort sett fungert veldig bra under hele prosjektperioden. Det er gjort gode erfaringer med design og bestilling av profesjonelt produserte kretskort, samt innkapsling av elektronikk for å tåle røff håndtering og miljøpåvirkninger. Der problemer har oppstått, spesielt med kretsløsning og de integrerte kretsene benyttet for spenningsmåling på brenselcellestacken, er det nevnt hva som sannsynligvis er skyld i problemene og hva som kan gjøres med det.
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Barker, C. "The stone and the shell : the image of the Arab and Romantic sublime in the poetry of Wordworth and Coleridge." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2006.

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The Green River region of western Kentucky has been a focus of Archaic period research since 1915. Currently, the region is playing an important role in discussions of Archaic hunter-gatherer cultural complexity. Unfortunately, many of the larger Green River sites contain several archaeological components ranging from the Early to Late Archaic periods. Understanding culture change requires that these multiple components somehow be sorted and addressed individually. Detailed re-analyses of Works Progress Administration (WPA) era artifact collections from two archaeological sites in the Green River region – the Baker (15Mu12) and Chiggerville (15Oh1) shell middens – indicate that these sites are relatively isolated Middle and Late Archaic components, respectively. The relatively unmixed character of Baker and Chiggerville makes these sites excellent candidates for evaluating aspects of complexity during the Archaic. After developing a theoretical basis for evaluating the relative complexity of the social organization of the Baker and Chiggerville site inhabitants on the basis of the material record they left behind, I employ detailed analyses of the bone, antler, and stone tools from these two sites to examine six microscalar aspects of complexity – technological organization, subsistence, specialization, leadership, communication networks, and exchange. These microscalar aspects of complexity all can be linked materially to the archaeological record of the Green River region and can be evaluated as proxies for changes in social organization among the hunter-gatherers who inhabited this region during the Middle and Late Archaic periods. Although the Baker assemblage indicated greater complexity in communication networks and certain proxies for leadership and technological organization, most indicators suggest that the Chiggerville site inhabitants were the more complexly organized group and were in the process of developing a tribal-like social formation. This research, therefore, tentatively supports the hypothesis of increasing complexity through time during the Archaic. However, marked differences in the technological strategies utilized by the Baker and Chiggerville site inhabitants indicates these groups may not have been historically related, thereby violating one of the primary assumptions of the project. If this alternative hypothesis is confirmed through additional research, then no conclusions concerning change through time can be derived from this study.
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Adomat, Friederike [Verfasser], Eberhard [Akademischer Betreuer] Gischler, and Wolfgang [Akademischer Betreuer] Oschmann. "Holocene evolution of coastal lagoon environments in Belize, Central America : analysis of stratigraphic patterns, mollusk shell concentrations and storm deposition / Friederike Adomat. Gutachter: Eberhard Gischler ; Wolfgang Oschmann." Frankfurt am Main : Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg, 2016.

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O'neal, Lori L. "What’s in Your Toolbox? Examining Tool Choices at Two Middle and Late Woodland-Period Sites on Florida’s Central Gulf Coast." Scholar Commons, 2016.

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The examination of the tools that prehistoric people crafted for subsistence and related practices offers distinctive insights into how they lived their lives. Most often, researchers study these practices in isolation, by tool type or by material. However, by using a relational perspective, my research explores the tool assemblage as a whole including bone, stone and shell. This allows me to study the changes in tool industries in relation to one another, something that I could not accomplish by studying only one material or tool type. I use this broader approach to tool manufacture and use for the artifact assemblage from Crystal River (8CI1) and Roberts Island (8CI41), two sequential Middle and Late Woodland Period (A.D. 1-1050) archaeological sites on the central Gulf coast of Florida. The results of my research show that people made different choices, both in the type of material they used and the kind of tools they manufactured during the time they lived at these sites as subsistence practices shifted. Evidence of these trends aligns with discrete changes in strata within our excavations. The timing of depositional events and the artifacts found within each suggest people also used the sites differently through time. These trends exemplify the role of crafting tools in the way people maintain connections with their mutable social and physical world.
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Bartolčicová, Alice. "Mateřská škola." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017.

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This thesis describes the design and solution of the object for the education of children of preschool age. It is a newly built kindergarten in the village Želetice, which consists of two classes, each for 20 children. The whole building is divided into several zones - children's departments, communication zone, administrative zone and economic zone.The building is designed as a single-storey brick building and plan corresponds to an L-shaped. Ceiling is made of prestressed panels Spiroll and the roofing is made as single-flat roof.
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Riemer, Nathanael. "Yoav Elstein/Avidov Lipsker/Rella Kushelevsky (Hg.): Enziklopediya shel Enziklopediya shel ha-Sippur ha-yehudi : Sippur okev Sippur ; Kerah B. [Encyclopedia of the Jewish Story : Sippur okev Sippur, Vol. 2. Thema ; A Series of Thematological Studies in the Literature of the Jewish People] / [rezensiert von] Nathanael Riemer." Universität Potsdam, 2011.

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Szabo, Daniel. "Administrativní budova." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta stavební, 2017.

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The aim of the thesis is recently erected administration building situated in Brno, urban area Slatina. he bulidong consits of three storeys and one underground storey. Architectural composition is temperate and rational with regard on functional use of building and considerates demnads of the investor. Building is created mainly for administration purposes.First storey conists form more parts, there is administrative part, space for shops,stores, relax zones,and the part for stores and utility room. Second and third storey is also for administration , relax zones and social background.Undergorund is the space for garage compound, utility rooms, the spare source for heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC)and store.Load-bearing structure is system S1.2 - reinforced concret skeleton system. The foundation construction is developed from foundation pad, foundation strips and foundation slab. The single- shell roof of this buildng is proposed as the flat roof above the first and second storey and as the roof with growing layer and mound of river stones above the third storey. Our aim was to propose the commercial space for offices with variation usage and also the space for shops, work out compact bulding with spacy and functional disposition.We worked out design documentation in accordance to valid legislation, laws,and technical norms. Drawings are made in AutCAD and visualisations in SketchUp program.
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Liang, Chi-Chung, and 梁啟仲. "The selection of purchasing store of open-shelf cosmetics:a study of comparison between hyper market and personal store." Thesis, 2008.

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The purpose of the study is to examine consumers’ behaviors of purchasing open-shelf cosmetics. The study aims to observe any consumer behavior difference between hyper market and personal stores in Metropolitan Taichung area. From consumer behavior model, the study will try to understand consumer behaviors by using demographic data, lifestyle, and store image as independent variables and store selection as dependent variable. The focus of this study is to explore connections between independent and dependent variables. It also involves the evaluations of store image, consumer importance level and satisfaction level. We hope this study will provide a good reference for supplier and store managers. A structured questionnaire survey method is used to investigate consumers’ demography, consumers’ lifestyle, store image importance level and consumers’ satisfaction level data. Total 310 effective samples have been collected. Then use the following methods to verify all hypotheses: t-test, AONVA, chi-square test, variance analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis. The findings are as follow: 1. (1) The importance of store image is considered a significant factor to open-self cosmetic store consumers between hyper market and personal store. (2) The satisfaction level of store image is considered a significant factor to open-self cosmetic consumers between hyper market and personal store. (3) The importance and satisfaction level of store images are considered significant factors to open-self cosmetic consumers. 2. The different life style consumers tend to have different store selections of open-self cosmetics. 3. (1) The gender, age, occupation, disposable income, education background and marriage status are consider significant factors to consumer for store selection. (2) The family disposable income is not considered a significant factor to consumer for store selection. 4. We suggest that the distribution channels, hyper market and personal store, should have their own strategy to implement different market. For example, making right market segmentation, improving store characteristics, increasing consumer satisfaction, raising the quality of service, utilizing quality media and establishing interactive communication with the consumer. Overall goal is to create an excellence shopping environment.
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Hsieh, Neng-Wang, and 謝能旺. "The impact of store image on brand preference and purchase intention- A case of open-shelf cosmetics." Thesis, 2012.

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The store image can be considered as company brand equity for consumers, and further consumers will prefer retailers because of their brand equity. Therefore, consumers will increase consumption in preferred retailers when the consumers have favorable attitudes toward the retailers'' brand. Facing increased competition in cosmeceuticals industry, it is an important issue regarding to how cosmeceuticals chain stores utilize different store image to create differentiation to obtain advantage. Thus, this study used four retailers of cosmeceuticals including Watsons, Poya, Pxmart and Cosmed as research objects to analyze (1) the influence of four retailers'' brand images on consumers'' brand preference; (2) the relationships between demographic variables and consumers'' brand preference; (3) the comparison of different retailers'' brand images effect on consumers'' brand preference. Moreover, this study utilized Person correlation analysis method to analyze the relationships between demographic variables and consumers'' brand preference, and further applied regression analysis method to test the relationships between store image, brand equity, brand preference and purchase intention. Then this study also examined the mediating effect of brand preference between store image, brand equity and purchase intention. According to research results, the factor of merchandise in four retailers for cosmeceuticals is the most important factor to affect consumers'' brand preference, and the location convenience has significant difference rather than store image for consumers'' brand preference. In addition, store image has positive influence on consumers'' brand preference and purchase intention significantly, and then consumers'' brand preference has positive influence on purchase intention significantly, and further the brand preference has significant mediating effect on store image and purchase intention. This study also provides marketing implications based on research results in order to offer managerial suggestions to cosmeceuticals industry.
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Dallaire-Fortier, Coralie. "Une étude technologique des ornements abénakis de la période de contact et de la période historique amérindienne retrouvés sur le site archéologique d’Odanak." Thèse, 2016.

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Le site archéologique qui se trouve dans le secteur historique de la réserve abénakise d’Odanak a été occupé pendant plusieurs siècles. Des fouilles archéologiques ont été menées de 2010 à 2013 sous la direction de Geneviève Treyvaud et Michel Plourde. Elles ont permis de mettre au jour divers témoins archéologiques dont plusieurs sont reliés aux ornements personnels. Ces derniers ont été étudiés afin de déterminer de quelles chaînes opératoires ils sont issus et quelles opérations ont pu se dérouler directement sur le site d’Odanak. Des ornements en pierre, en métal, en verre et en matière organique ont été portés à travers le temps par les Abénakis. Plusieurs techniques ont été utilisées pour les fabriquer et certains artéfacts en portent les traces caractéristiques. Il a été constaté que le site est divisé en trois zones d’activité : une zone d’habitat, une zone artisanale et la palissade. Plusieurs artéfacts semblent avoir été manipulés et transformés dans la zone artisanale tandis qu’ils ont plutôt été entreposés dans la zone d’habitation et abandonnés près de la palissade.
The archaeological site located in the historical part of the Abenaki reserve of Odanak has been occupied for several centuries. From 2010 to 2013, excavations of this site were carried out under the direction of Geneviève Treyvaud and Michel Plourde. The excavations led to the discovery of several features including many artéfacts relating to personal ornaments. These objects were studied to determine which chaîne opératoire led to their presence on the site and which operations were carried out at Odanak. Ornaments crafted from stone, metal, glass and various organic materials were worn by the Abenakis. Several different production techniques were used to craft these ornaments and these techniques left characteristic traces on the objects. Three areas are apparent on the site: a domestic zone, a production zone and a palisade. Several artifacts appear to have been manipulated and transformed in the production zone, stored in the domestic zone, and abandoned near the palisade.
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