Academic literature on the topic 'Stockage des données'
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Journal articles on the topic "Stockage des données"
Hehn, Michel, Gregory Malinowski, and Stéphane Mangin. "Retournement d’aimantation dans un dispositif « Spintronique » par impulsion d’électrons unique ultra-courte." Photoniques, no. 108 (May 2021): 36–39.
Full textRey, J. F. "Stockage des données en endoscopie digestive." Acta Endoscopica 20, S2 (March 1990): 381–83.
Full textJ.-L.P. "Le stockage et la communication des données." Revue Forestière Française, S (1993): 41.
Full textMetay, A., B. Mary, D. Arrouays, J. Labreuche, M. Martin, B. Nicolardot, and J. C. Germon. "Effets des techniques culturales sans labour sur le stockage de carbone dans le sol en contexte climatique tempéré." Canadian Journal of Soil Science 89, no. 5 (November 1, 2009): 623–34.
Full textVIGNAL, A. "Bases de données en biologie." INRAE Productions Animales 13, HS (December 22, 2000): 187–89.
Full textMaillet, Grégoire M., Guillaume Raccasi, Mireille Provansal, François Sabatier, Christelle Antonelli, Claude Vella, and Thomas J. Fleury. "Transferts sédimentaires dans le Bas-Rhône depuis le milieu du 19e siècle : essai de quantification." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 61, no. 1 (March 26, 2009): 39–53.
Full textGaultier, M. "Une base de données en anthropologie adaptée pour l'archéologie préventive. Usages, enjeux et limites au service de l'archéologie du département d'Indre-et-Loire (Sadil)." Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 29, no. 3-4 (March 17, 2017): 159–64.
Full textMbaye, Moussa, Elhadji Faye, Mamoudou Abdoul Toure, and Awa Ba. "Identification des caractéristiques techniques des systèmes de culture et de stockage d’oignon (<i>Allium cepa</i> L.) de la vallée du fleuve Sénégal." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 17, no. 5 (October 29, 2023): 1832–48.
Full textJouini, Khaled, and Geneviève Jomier. "Modèles de stockage orientés interrogation pour bases de données temporelles." Ingénierie des systèmes d'information 15, no. 1 (February 28, 2010): 61–85.
Full textBrun-Trigaud, Guylaine, Clément Chagnaud, Maeva Seffar, and Jordan Drapeau. "Présentation du projet ANR ECLATS." Les atlas linguistiques galloromans à l'heure numérique : projets et enjeux, no. 35 (October 1, 2020): 71–84.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Stockage des données"
Jemel, Mayssa. "Stockage des données locales : sécurité et disponibilité." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENST, 2016.
Full textDue to technological advancements, people are constantly manipulating multiple connected and smart devices in their daily lives. Cross-device data management, therefore, remains the concern of several academic and industrial studies. The proposed frameworks are mainly based on proprietary solutions called private or closed solutions. This strategy has shown its deficiency on security issues, cost, developer support and customization. In recent years, however, the Web has faced a revolution in developing standardized solutions triggered by the significant improvements of HTML5. With this new version, innovative features and APIs are introduced to follow business and user requirements. The main purpose is to provide the web developer with a vendor-neutral language that enables the implementation of competing application with lower cost. These applications are related neither to the used devices nor to the installed software. The main motivation of this PhD thesis is to migrate towards the adoption of standardized solutions to ensure secure and reliable cross-device data management in both the client and server side. There is already a proposed standardized Cloud Digital Safe on the server side storage that follows the AFNOR specification while there is no standardized solution yet on the client-side. This thesis is focused on two main areas : 1) the proposal of a standardized Client Digital Safe where user data are stored locally and 2) the synchronization of these data between the Client and the Cloud Digital Safe and between the different user devices. We contribute in this research area in three ways. First, we propose a Client Digital Safe based on HTML5 Local Storage APIs. We start by strengthening the security of these APIs to be used by our Client Digital Safe. Second, we propose an efficient synchronization protocol called SyncDS with minimum resource consumption that ensures the synchronization of user data between the Client and the Cloud Digital Safe. Finally, we address security concerns, in particular, the access control on data sharing following the Digital Safe requirements
Bouabache, Fatiha. "Stockage fiable des données dans les grilles, application au stockage des images de checkpoint." Paris 11, 2010.
Full textRollback/recovery solutions rely on checkpoint storage reliability (after a failure, if the checkpoint images are not available, the rollback operation fails). The goal of this thesis is to propose a reliable and an efficient checkpoint storage service. By reliable, we mean that whatever the scenario of failures is, as long as it respects the assumptions made by the algorithms, the checkpoint images are still available. And we mean by efficient, minimizing the time required to transfer and to store the checkpoint images. This will minimize the global execution time of the checkpoint waves. To ensure those two points (reliability and efficiency), we propose: 1. A new coordinated checkpoint protocol which tolerates checkpoint server failures and clusters failures, and ensures a checkpoint storage reliability in a grid environment; 2. A distributed storage service structured on three layers architecture: a) The replication layer: to ensure the checkpoint storage reliability, we propose to replicate the images over the network. Ln this direction, we propose two hierarchical replication strategies adapted to the considered architecture and that exploit the locality of checkpoint images in order to minimize inter-cluster communication. B) The scheduling layer: at this level we work on the storage efficiency by reducing the data transfer time. We propose an algorithm based on the uniform random sampling of possible schedules. C) The scheduling engine: at this layer, we develop a tool that implements the scheduling plan calculated in the scheduling layer
Devigne, Julien. "Protocoles de re-chiffrement pour le stockage de données." Caen, 2013.
Full textPrivacy is one of the main issues of our modern day society in which the Internet is omnipotent. In this thesis, we study some technics allowing to realise a privacy-preserving cloud storage. In this way, we focus to protect stored data while allowing their owner to share them with people of his choice. Proxy re-encryption, one of the primitives offered by cryptography, is the solution we decide to consider. First, we give a definition of a proxy re-encryption system unifying all existing conventional models. We also describe usual characteristics that this primitive may present and we provide its security model. Then, we focus more precisely on some specific schemes in order to improve their security. In this meaning, we expose a method which turns a scheme secure against a replayable chosen ciphertext attack into a secure scheme against a chosen ciphertext attack. We study schemes based on the Hash ElGamal encryption too and propose some modifications in order to reach a better security. Finally and in order to obtain the most functional cloud storage, we propose two new models. The first one, that we call combined proxy re-encryption, offers dynamic right access. The second one, that we call selective proxy re-encryption, enables a more fine-grained access right control than the one offered by the conditional proxy re-encryption
Khelil, Amar. "Elaboration d'un système de stockage et exploitation de données pluviométriques." Lyon, INSA, 1985.
Full textThe Lyon District Urban Area (CO. UR. LY. ) may be explained from an hydrological point of view as a 600 km2 area equipped with a sewerage system estimated by 2 000 km of pipes. Due to the complexity of the sewerage network of the area, it must therefore be controlled by an accurate and reliable system of calculation to avoid any negative consequences of its function. The capacity of the present computerising system SERAIL, allows an overall simulation of the functioning of drainage / sewerage system. This model requires an accurate information of the rainfall rate which was not previously available. Therefore a 30 rain gages network (with cassette in sit recording) was set up within the Urban District Area in 1983. This research however introduces the experiment of three steps: 1) to install the network; 2) to build up a data checking and storage system; 3) to analyse the data. The characteristic nature of this work deals with the data analysis system. It allows to extract easily and analyse any rainfall event important to the hydrologist. Two aims were defined: 1) to get a better understanding of the phenomena (punctual representations ); 2) to build up models. In order to achieve the second aim, it was necessary to think about the fitting of the propounded models and their limits which led to the setting up of several other programmes for checking and comparison. For example a complete analysis of a rainfall event is given with comments and conclusion
Jule, Alan. "Etude des codes en graphes pour le stockage de données." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2014.
Full textFor two decades, the numerical revolution has been amplified. The spread of digital solutions associated with the improvement of the quality of these products tends to create a growth of the amount of data stored. The cost per Byte reveals that the evolution of hardware storage solutions cannot follow this expansion. Therefore, data storage solutions need deep improvement. This is feasible by increasing the storage network size and by reducing data duplication in the data center. In this thesis, we introduce a new algorithm that combines sparse graph code construction and node allocation. This algorithm may achieve the highest performance of MDS codes in terms of the ratio R between the number of parity disks and the number of failures that can be simultaneously reconstructed. In addition, encoding and decoding with sparse graph codes helps lower the complexity. By this algorithm, we allow to generalize coding in the data center, in order to reduce the amount of copies of original data. We also study Spatially-Coupled LDPC (SC-LDPC) codes which are known to have optimal asymptotic performance over the binary erasure channel, to anticipate the behavior of these codes decoding for distributed storage applications. It is usually necessary to compromise between different parameters for a distributed storage system. To complete the state of the art, we include two theoretical studies. The first study deals with the computation complexity of data update and we determine whether linear code used for data storage are update efficient or not. In the second study, we examine the impact on the network load when the code parameters are changed. This can be done when the file status changes (from a hot status to a cold status for example) or when the size of the network is modified by adding disks. All these studies, combined with the new algorithm for sparse graph codes, could lead to the construction of new flexible and dynamical networks with low encoding and decoding complexities
Obame, Meye Pierre. "Sûreté de fonctionnement dans le nuage de stockage." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2016.
Full textThe quantity of data in the world is steadily increasing bringing challenges to storage system providers to find ways to handle data efficiently in term of dependability and in a cost-effectively manner. We have been interested in cloud storage which is a growing trend in data storage solution. For instance, the International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that by 2020, nearly 40% of the data in the world will be stored or processed in a cloud. This thesis addressed challenges around data access latency and dependability in cloud storage. We proposed Mistore, a distributed storage system that we designed to ensure data availability, durability, low access latency by leveraging the Digital Subscriber Line (xDSL) infrastructure of an Internet Service Provider (ISP). Mistore uses the available storage resources of a large number of home gateways and Points of Presence for content storage and caching facilities. Mistore also targets data consistency by providing multiple types of consistency criteria on content and a versioning system. We also considered the data security and confidentiality in the context of storage systems applying data deduplication which is becoming one of the most popular data technologies to reduce the storage cost and we design a two-phase data deduplication that is secure against malicious clients while remaining efficient in terms of network bandwidth and storage space savings
Secret, Ghislain. "La maintenance des données dans les systèmes de stockage pair à pair." Amiens, 2009.
Full textPeer to peer systems are designed to share resources on the Internet. The independence of the architecture from a centralized server provides the peer-to-peer networks a very high fault tolerance (no peer is essential to the functioning of the network). This property makes the use of this architecture very suitable for permanent storage of data on a large scale. However, peer to peer systems are characterised by peer’s volatility. Peers connect and disconnect randomly. The challenge is to ensure the continuity of data in a storage media constantly changing. For this, to cope with peer’s volatility, data redundancy schemes coupled with reconstruction mechanism of lost data are introduced. But the reconstructions needed to maintain the continuity of data are not neutral in terms of burden on the system. To investigate factors that impact the higher the data maintenance cost, a model of peer to peer storage system was designed. This model is based on an IDA (Information Dispersal Algorithm) redundancy scheme. Built on this model, a simulator was developed and the system behaviour for the cost of regeneration of the data was analyzed. Two reconstruction strategies are observed. The first mechanism is based on a threshold from the level of data redundancy. It requires constant monitoring of the state data. The second strategy involves a number of reconstructions by a system of quota allocation for a defined period of time. It is less comfortable psychologically because it significantly reduces the control of the data state by abstracting the threshold mechanism. Based on a stochastic analysis of the strategies, keys are provided to define the parameters of the system according to the target level of durability desired
Kiefer, Renaud. "Etude et conception d'un système de stockage et d'adressage photonique de données." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2002.
Full textThe increase in the speed of microprocessors, the evolution of multimedia and of the Internet has created a growing need of data storage solutions. Encouraged by the rapid technological progress over the past decade, this need has grown exponentially. Even if DVD technology satisfies the present data storage demand (about 10 bit/æmø), certain new applications such as 3D imaging and huge data bases need the development of new technology. The objective of this thesis has been to study and conceive a data storage and addressing system based on holographic memories. This kind of memory shows interesting possibilities for massive volume data storage (about 100 bit/æm3). The system allows a rapid access time (ms), on a large angular bandwidth, at any informations stored on the diffractive memory. Analysis of optical memories based on dichromated gelatin has allowed the determination of their domain of use and set the constrains of the addressing system. The originality of the work has been to associate MEMS (integrated micro mirrors) and an acousto-optic cell. We have measured the deformation of the MEMS to evaluate the influence on the reading of the information stored in diffractive memories. Experimental results show the possibility of obtaining an address rate of 100Gbits/s. The reading system limitations are due to the low oscillating frequency of the MEMS and principally to the low acquisition rate of the CCD camera. The use of high speed cameras will allow to increase the readout rate
Barrabe, Patrice. "Acquisition et transmission optique de données." Grenoble 1, 1990.
Full textBarkat, Okba. "Utilisation conjointe des ontologies et du contexte pour la conception des systèmes de stockage de données." Thesis, Chasseneuil-du-Poitou, Ecole nationale supérieure de mécanique et d'aérotechnique, 2017.
Full textWe are witnessing an era when any company is strongly interested in collecting and analyzing data from heterogeneous and varied sources. These sources also have another specificity, namely con- text awareness. Three complementary problems are identified: the resolution of the heterogeneity of the sources, (ii) the construction of a decisional integrating system, and (iii) taking into account the context in this integration. To solve these problems, we are interested in this thesis in the design of contextual applications based on a domain ontology.To do this, we first propose a context model that integrates the main dimensions identified in the literature. Once built, it is linked to the ontology model. This approach increases flexibility in the design of advanced applications. Then, we propose two case studies: (1) the contextualization of semantic data sources where we extend the OntoBD/OntoQL system to take the context into account, and (2) the design of a contextual data warehouse where the context model is projected on the different phases of the life cycle design. To validate our proposal, we present a tool implementing the different phases of the proposed design approach
Books on the topic "Stockage des données"
Farley, Marc. Building storage networks. 2nd ed. New York: Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Find full textPierre-Antoine, Taufour, ed. La Technologie multimédia. 2nd ed. Paris: Hermès, 1994.
Find full textNATO Advanced Study Institute on Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) in Medicine (1990 Evian-les-Bains, France). Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Find full textKimball, Ralph. Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2007.
Find full textKimball, Ralph. The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling (Second Edition). Wiley, 2002.
Find full textKimball, Ralph. Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Definitive Guide to Dimensional Modeling. Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, John, 2013.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Stockage des données"
PUTEAUX, Pauline, and William PUECH. "Insertion de données cachées dans le domaine chiffré." In Sécurité multimédia 2, 233–77. ISTE Group, 2021.
Full textPOUYLLAU, Stéphane. "Nakala : service de publication de données." In Partage et valorisation des données de la recherche, 107–26. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textN’TSOUKPOE, Kokouvi Edem. "Matériaux pour le stockage thermochimique et par sorption." In Stockage de la chaleur et du froid 2, 5–97. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textLAZARO, Ana, and Erwin FRANQUET. "Stockage latent : bases fondamentales et matériaux usuels." In Stockage de la chaleur et du froid 1, 53–75. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Stockage des données"
Guidati, Gianfranco, and Domenico Giardini. Synthèse conjointe «Géothermie» du PNR «Energie». Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), February 2020.
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