Academic literature on the topic 'Stereotipi etnici'

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Journal articles on the topic "Stereotipi etnici"


Briata, Paola. "La "normalitŕ perduta" dei luoghi del "commercio etnico". Governo del territorio tra stereotipi e sperimentazioni." ARCHIVIO DI STUDI URBANI E REGIONALI, no. 101 (February 2012): 32–53.

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Prendendo le mosse dagli esiti di una ricerca sui luoghi del commercio etnico in alcune cittŕ venete, l'articolo propone una riflessione sulle correlazioni tra i modi piů comuni di osservare gli spazi urbani dell'immigrazione e sulle conseguenti forme di intervento, ipotizzando la necessitŕ di un cambio di sguardo su questi luoghi non solo da parte dei policy maker, ma anche dei ricercatori.
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Redaelli, Riccardo. "Premessa: l'Iran fra complessitŕ e costanti storiche." STORIA URBANA, no. 131 (November 2011): 5–9.

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L'Iran viene spesso presentato in Occidente attraverso stereotipi che ne semplificano la storia, la politica, la cultura, ignorando la complessitŕ che ne č, invece, la cifra caratterizzante. L'Iran vive appieno le contraddizioni che derivano dall'essere una nazione ricca di risorse, forte dal punto di vista identitario (nel senso del "moderno statonazione", la cui origine, nel caso iraniano, viene fatta risalire al 1500), con aspirazioni egemoniche dal punto di vista geopolitico, grazie alla sua cruciale posizione geografica, ma isolata dal punto di vista religioso, linguistico ed etnico nelle regioni mediorientale e centro-asiatica. La natura religiosa dello stato iraniano, risultato della rivoluzione del 1979, contribuisce inoltre all'isolamento diplomatico del paese, alimentando un continuo sospetto da parte dei governi vicini. Questi sono gli assi tematici - scoperta dell'"Altro", solitudine strategica e peculiaritŕ culturale - su cui si sviluppano i contributi del presente volume di «Storia Urbana», tessere di un mosaico difficile da percepire - per noi occidentali - nella sua interezza e sofisticata complessitŕ.
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Bralić, Snježana, and Maja Bezić. "LA RAPPRESENTAZIONE MEDIATICA DEL MIGRANTE TRA ACCOGLIENZA E DIFFIDENZA." Folia linguistica et litteraria XI, no. 30 (2020): 301–17.

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Negli ultimi decenni del Novecento le nuove guerre, le pulizie etniche e i disastri ambientali hanno creato un alto numero di migranti e profughi, persone in fuga e in transito che si spostano alla ricerca di migliori condizioni di vita. Dato che l'Europa, e in particolar modo l'Italia, si sentono in pericolo, colpiti dalla sindrome d'invasione per i continui arrivi di immigrati, si sono formati nuovi muri, non solo materiali, ma anche muri e frontiere mentali. Il nuovo clima ha favorito la nascita di parole nuove relative ai movimenti migratori e alla percezione della figura del migrante. Con la crescita del fenomeno, si è diffusa un'epidemia di pregiudizi e stereotipi di fronte alle persone percepite come oggettivamente diverse. I termini e le espressioni, a cui si ricorre per indicare i nuovi arrivati, abbondano di etichette del migrante la cui rappresentazione mediatica risulta per lo più negativa. Da diversi studi che trattano questo argomento si percepisce che il discorso mediatico italiano, centrato sull’emergenza, contribuisce alla stereotipizzazione negativa dello straniero, legata alla criminalità e pericolosità. Secondo Maneri e Dal Lago lo straniero viene percepito come una minaccia alla società italiana ed europea e discriminato innanzitutto dal linguaggio usato per rappresentarlo, mentre la contrapposizione tra Noi e Loro viene rafforzata da generalizzazioni e dall’uso del lessico metaforico. Il corpus che si propone di studiare e analizzare si riferisce agli articoli sul tema delle migrazioni, tratti dai due giornali quotidiani italiani di diffusione nazionale. Si prendono in esame gli articoli pubblicati in due periodi diversi, corrispondenti ai differenti contesti sociopolitici della realtà italiana (settembre 2015 e aprile 2017), e in tal modo si tenta di osservare e studiare la lingua nel suo ruolo da protagonista nella costruzione dell’immagine mediatica dei migranti.
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Janžekovič, Izidor. "Etnični »stereotipi« v zgodnjenovoveški Evropi: ruska in turška narodna noša." Zgodovinski časopis 75, no. 3-4 (December 28, 2021).

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Članek predstavi zgodnjenovoveške etnične »stereotipe« v Evropi. Med številnimi stereotipi so tudi oblačila pogosto dojemali kot tipična za določeno ljudstvo. Glavna značilnost ruske narodne noše je bila dolga brada in kožuh ali krzno, medtem ko je bila turška označena kot »poženščena« in je vključevala turban. Izhodišče članka je razpredelnica ljudstev iz 18. stoletja, t.i. štajerski Völkertafel, ki je tukaj prvič v celoti prevedena v slovenščino. Članek sledi tem stereotipom do 16. stoletja, ko se je povečalo število antropoloških in etnografskih tekstov. Meja med hipotetičnim objektivnim opisom, napako, stereotipom in predsodkom je sicer zelo tanka, pogosto odvisna od opazovalca in perspektive. Avtor pokaže, da so bila ljudstva v vzhodni in jugovzhodni Evropi pogosto združena pod širšo državno oziroma imperialno identiteto znotraj ruskega in otomanskega imperija.
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Săftoiu, Răzvan. "Categoria etnică din perspectivă lingvistică." Diacronia, no. 5 (March 23, 2017).

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În această lucrare, propun analiza din perspectivă lingvistică a construcției unei categorii etnice din România care este denumită prin cel puțin doi termeni: țigan și rom. Conceptul de categorie se referă la membrii unui anumit grup care se diferențiază de alte grupuri printr-un set de elemente specifice recunoscute la nivelul unei comunități mai largi. În interacțiune, indivizii apelează frecvent la categorii și la setul de trăsături pe care îl poartă o anumită categorie, deoarece este mai ușor de operat cu seturi de cunoștințe decît cu referințe pentru fiecare individ în parte. Analiza are la bază o serie de expresii și locuțiuni, proverbe și glume care au circulat (sau încă mai circulă) în spațiul românesc și care au conturat, la nivelul mentalității colective, imaginea unei categorii etnice a cărei denumire (încă) oscilează între doi termeni. Textele au fost grupate în funcție de diverse stereotipuri asociate categoriei etnice avute în vedere, evidențiind conotațiile peiorative ale utilizărilor termenului țigan în raport cu categoria etnică rom, o categorie „goală” de semnificație, care poate fi „umplută” cu elemente ce pot creiona o imagine pozitivă.
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Leta, Matteo. "Alterità scientifica e alterità etnica: la costruzione del personaggio di Albumazar nell’Astrologo di Giovan Battista Della Porta." Quaderni d'italianistica 42, no. 2 (November 28, 2022).

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In questo articolo analizzeremo la cultura, la lingua e le caratteristiche etniche di Albumazar, protagonista della commedia l’Astrologo (1606) di Giovan Battista Della Porta (1535–1615). Questo personaggio rientra nello stereotipo del mago ciarlatano e truffatore, la cui rappresentazione conosce una grande fortuna nel teatro rinascimentale e barocco. Mettendo in scena gli imbrogli di Albumazar, Della Porta non sembra soltanto difendersi dalle accuse e dai sospetti del Sant’Uffizio, ma potrebbe anche mostrare la veridicità delle sue posizioni scientifiche, perché il protagonista dell’Astrologo sembra opporsi alle tesi sostenute dallo scrittore campano in altre opere. In tal senso, Della Porta potrebbe legittimare le proprie teorie alchemiche e fisiognomiche grazie agli errori e alle truffe del protagonista della pièce.
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Kapić, Emina. "Predrasude i etnički stereotipi između učenika osnovnoškolskog uzrasta tri nacije u Bosni i Hercegovini." НАША ШКОЛА 1, no. 2 (June 2, 2020).

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Problem ovog istraživanja odnosi se na utvrđivanje stepena izraženosti razlika u nivou predrasuda i etničkih stereotipa, te nivoa nacionalne i religijske netolerantnosti među učenicima osnovnih škola prema vlastitom i druga dva etnosa u Bosni i Hercegovini. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćen uzorak slučajnog tipa od 300 ispitanika oba pola od petog do devetog rateda osnovne škole, po stotinu ispitanika iz reda svakog od tri etnosa u Bosni i Hercegovini. Korištena su dva mjerna instrumenta SEDIS skaler (skala etničke distance) i skala nacionalne i religijske netolerantnosti. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na nivo razlika u postojanju etničke distance i nacionalne i religijske netolerantnosti među ispitanicima tri etnosa u Bosni i Hercegovini. Postoje mnogi načini borbe i smanivanja predrasuda, ali najefektivniji način je da se djeca počevši od najnižeg uzrasta vaspitavaju bez predrasuda prema drugima kako bi se izbjegla etnička distanca te smanile nacionalne i religijske netolerantnosti.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Stereotipi etnici"


BRUSA, ALESSANDRA. "N400 and ethnic implicit bias. An electrophysiological investigation on stereotype-based mental representations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2022.

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Questo progetto considera il ruolo dei pregiudizi impliciti basati sull'etnia nei processi di comprensione del linguaggio attraverso tre studi. Sono stati condotti due studi utilizzando la tecnica EEG/ERP per rilevare l'attivazione implicita di rappresentazioni stereotipate associate a persone di etnie non caucasiche e la modulazione di tale attivazione attraverso la presentazione di documentari. È stata inoltre condotta una terza indagine online sul ruolo delle variazioni dell’accento parlato nell'evocare aspettative basate su stereotipi e nell'influenzare il modo in cui l'ascoltatore interpreta la conversazione e genera impressioni sull'oratore. Nello Studio 1, sono stati registrati i segnali EEG/ERP di 20 partecipanti italiani caucasici, ignari dello scopo generale dello studio, mentre gli venivano mostrate 285 frasi che potevano violare, rinforzare (es. "la ragazza rom è stata coinvolta in una rapina”) o essere neutrali rispetto ad una serie di stereotipi riguardanti altre etnie (es. asiatici, africani, arabi, rom). Le epoche ERP sono state sincronizzate alla comparsa della parola terminale. I risultati hanno mostrato che le parole che violavano gli stereotipi etnici suscitavano una risposta N400 anteriore maggiore, riflettendo una difficoltà nell'integrare le informazioni incongruenti con gli stereotipi preesistenti. Inoltre, i partecipanti hanno mostrato una correlazione lineare tra l’ampiezza della difference wave della risposta N400 (incongruente - congruente) e i punteggi ottenuti alla scala del pregiudizio. Nello studio 2, la stessa procedura dello studio 1 è stata applicata a 40 partecipanti dopo che erano stati esposti, a seconda del gruppo sperimentale, a un documentario sperimentale o di controllo di 10 minuti. Mentre al gruppo sperimentale è stato presentato un video contenente immagini che ritraevano personaggi di altre etnie coinvolti in attività contro-stereotipiche (ad esempio un neurochirurgo di colore che guida un'équipe chirurgica), al gruppo di controllo è stato mostrato un documentario neutrale su flora e fauna. I segnali EEG sono stati quindi registrati durante l'attività di lettura per esplorare se la precedente esposizione al video sperimentale potesse modulare il rilevamento dell'incongruenza nelle frasi che violavano gli stereotipi, come indicato dalla risposta N400. Infatti, solo il gruppo di controllo ha mostrato una maggiore ampiezza della N400 in risposta a parole incongruenti con stereotipi etnici, esattamente come nello Studio 1. Nel gruppo sperimentale non è stato riscontrato alcun effetto N400. La soluzione inversa swLORETA ha mostrato che il giro temporale inferiore e il giro frontale superiore e medio erano le sorgenti corticali più forti della risposta N400. Nello studio 3 sono stati presentati ai partecipanti dei brevi clip contenenti voci con accenti italiani e appartenenti a gruppi etnici non occidentali (es. cinesi, indiani, latini, arabi). Tali voci pronunciavano un totale di 186 frasi che potevano corrispondere, violare o essere neutrali rispetto a uno stereotipo etnico. I risultati hanno mostrato che gli ascoltatori percepivano come più sorprendenti frasi che violavano uno stereotipo rispetto alle frasi che lo confermavano in base all'accento di chi parlava. Inoltre, i risultati hanno mostrato che le informazioni inferite dall'accento di chi parla potevano influenzare la percezione di competenza e attrattiva sociale del parlante. Nel complesso, gli studi hanno mostrato, per mezzo di metodi elettrofisiologici e comportamentali, la rapidità con cui supposizioni basate su stereotipi venivano evocate implicitamente e prese in considerazione durante la comprensione del linguaggio e che l'esposizione a informazioni contro-stereotipiche era in grado attenuare tali pregiudizi sociali. Studi futuri dovrebbero esplorare ulteriormente le basi neurali di questo effetto ed estendere l’indagine ad una gamma più ampia di gruppi etnici e sociali.
Stereotypes represent a peculiar type of social knowledge that often provides a frame to interpret and form expectations about other people and regulate social interactions. The current work represents an investigation of the implicit neural processes and mechanisms underlying stereotype-based mental representations. The project considered racial implicit bias processes during language comprehension through three studies. Two studies have been conducted using EEG/ERPs to detect the activation of implicit stereotypical representations associated to non-Caucasian people and the modulation of such activation through the previous presentation of two types of documentaries. A third online investigation was conducted on the role of speech accent variations in evoking stereotype-based expectancies, influencing the listener’s way of interpreting the conversation, and forming impressions on the speaker. In Study 1, EEG/ERPs signals were recorded while 20 Italian Caucasian participants, unaware of the overall study’s purpose, were presented with 285 sentences that could either violate, reinforce (e.g., “the Roma girl was involved in a robbery”) or be neutral with regard to stereotypes concerning other-race people (e.g. Asians, Africans, Arabic, Roma). ERPs were time-locked to the terminal words and the results showed that words violating ethnic stereotypes elicited a greater anterior N400 response, reflecting a difficulty in integrating the information incongruent with pre-existing stereotypical knowledge. Moreover, the participant’s individual amplitude values of the N400-Difference Wave (Incongruent – Congruent), showed a direct correlation with the individual racism scores obtained at the Subtle and Blatant Prejudice Scale. In Study 2, the same procedure of study 1 was applied to 40 participants after they had been exposed to either an experimental or a control 10 minutes’ video documentary. While the experimental group was presented with a video containing images that pictured other-race characters involved in counter-stereotypical activities (e.g. a black neurosurgeon leading a surgery team), the control group viewed a neutral documentary about flora and fauna. EEG signals were then recorded during the sentence reading task to explore whether the previous exposure to the experimental video could modulate the detection of incongruence in the sentences violating stereotypes, as marked by the N400 response. Indeed, only the control group showed a greater N400 response to words incongruent with ethnic stereotypes, exactly as in Study 1. No N400 effect was found for the experimental group. The swLORETA inverse solution, performed on the prejudice dependent N400 showed that regions involved in semantic memory and social cognition, such as the Inferior Temporal and the Superior and Middle Frontal Gyri, were the strongest intra-cortical sources. Study 3 presented to participants short clips containing voices with standard (Italian) and non-standard accents (e.g. Chinese, Indian, Latins, Arabic). Such voices spoke a total of 186 sentences that, similarly to previous studies, could either match, violate, or be neutral to a racial stereotype. Results showed that listeners perceived as more surprising sentences that violated a stereotype compared to sentences that confirmed a stereotype, according to the accent of the speaker. Moreover, results showed that accent-based information could influence the perceived competence and social attractiveness of the speaker. Overall, the studies showed by means of electrophysiological and behavioral methods how rapidly stereotype-based associations were implicitly evoked and considered during language comprehension and that exposure to media that defied stereotypes could attenuate social bias. Future studies should further investigate the neural and temporal underpinnings of this modulatory effect and extend the investigation to a wider range of social and racial groups.
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Wallensteen, Hanna. "Utomeuropeiskt adopterades upplevelser av stereotypa föreställningar i utbildningssammanhang." Thesis, Stockholms universitet, Psykologiska institutionen, 2017.

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Utomeuropeiskt adopterades studieresultat skiljer sig enligt tidigare studier åt mellan adopterade med olika geografiskt ursprung. Studier har även visat att personer med rasifierade utseenden kan möta stereotypa föreställningar och rasism i utbildningssammanhang. Hur sådana situationer gestaltat sig och hanterats av adopterade med olika studieförmåga är däremot mindre känt. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att, med utgångspunkt i socialpsykologiska teorier om samspel mellan sociala identiteter, stereotyper och studieprestationer, söka fördjupad kunskap om hur adopterade med god studieförmåga har upplevt och hanterat stereotypa föreställningar i utbildningssammanhang. Totalt tio intervjuer med utomeuropeiskt adopterade kvinnor och transpersoner med akademisk examen undersöktes med tematisk analys. Fyra typer av strategier och deras effekter beskrevs; undvikande, accepterande, omorienterande och konfronterande. Dessutom beskrevs avsaknad av strategier och brist på stöd och resurser från omgivningen. Adopterade från Korea hade oftare mött positiva stereotypa föreställningar om sin teoretiska kompetens medan övriga adopterade hade mött negativa stereotypa föreställningar om sin förmåga. Resultatet talar för att inte enbart individuella egenskaper och förhållanden före adoptionen, utan även psykologiska och sociala aspekter i den adopterades nya kontext, kan ha betydelse för adopterades prestationer i utbildningssammanhang. Studien gav uppslag till möjliga interventioner.
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Granström, Erica, and Hanna Ekelund. "Vi och dem! Vi mot dem? : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av mörkhyades representation i bilderböcker utgivna under åren 2006-2015." Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för medier och journalistik (MJ), 2016.

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In recent years, discussions about ethnic diversity and representation has become an increasingly frequent debate. The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which people of dark skin were represented in picture books. We also wanted to study whether the representation of people with dark skin has increased over the past ten years (2006- 2015). Through a quantitative content analysis we collected the study’s empirical material from 259 picture books. The study shows, among other things, that people of dark skin gets very little space in children ́s books and when they appear it is often as characters of less importance.
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Boman, Kalle. "White trash : En diskursanalys av SVTs Mia och Klara- karaktär Tabita Karlsson som stereotyp White trash och representant för föreställningar om etnisk svensk underklass." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Sociologiska institutionen, 2012.

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Mia och Klara- karaktären Tabita Karlsson är den ideala White trash-stereotypen. Hon är en deltidisarbetslös ensamstående mamma med tre barn med tre olika män. Hon är sexuellt promiskuös, röker och dricker alkohol i tid och otid, pratar dialekt och bor på landet. Ovårdad och odisciplinerad, sedeslös, vulgär och agerar helt utan tanke på vad som anses passande av den rådande medelklassnormen. Med Tabita Karlsson som material presenteras de diskurser vilka utgör White trash-stereotypen med hjälp av diskursanalys enligt Laclau och Mouffe. För att bredda sammanhangen gjordes en kontextualisering av diskursanalysen i uppsatsen där debatter, fenomen och aktörer vilka använder White trash- begreppet och fyller det med mening, analyserats.                       Norbert Elias och John L Scotsons analys av en ojämn maktfördelning mellan etablerade och outsiders användes för att presentera relationen mellan den grupp etablerade som använder ordet White trash och den grupp outsiders vilka föreställs vara White trash. Genom en klassanalys argumenteras det i uppsatsen för att de etablerade har en gemensam kultur vilken strakt präglas av medelklassnormer.                       Med Mary Douglas teori om rituell orenhet analyseras White trash som en social funktion där etiketten smuts appliceras på de fenomen vilka inte passar in i den förväntade ordningen. Den föreställda underklassen med White trash-stereotypen som representant ses i det ljuset som brott mot medelklassnormen och den goda samhällsandan. Dessa normbrottsliga handlingar stigmatiserar brottslingen som vitt skräp, White trash.                       En bakgrund till uppsatsen var att öka förståelsen och innebörden av White trash-stereotypen i Sverige eftersom det inledande visade sig finnas väldigt få vetenskapliga publikationer på ämnet.
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Smajlagic, Mineta. ""Men där kommer en liten skitig lastbil med flaket fullt av lådor. Det är Mehmet som kör" : En kvalitativ textanalytisk undersökning om hur den etniska mångfalden skildras i nio bilderböcker från 2010." Thesis, Södertörns högskola, Lärarutbildningen, 2011.

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In Sweden exist a Swedish institute for children’s book which is a national information center. They have an annual "Book tasting" where they present statistics and trends from the latest publications of literature for youth and children. In their “book tasting’’ from 2010 a number of picture books had, as they say, children who descend from non-Swedish culture (Swedish institute for children’s book, 2010).  The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the ethnical diversity describes in these picture books from 2010. To understand how the ethnical diversity describes in these books I had two questions which helped me in my research. The questions were: Do these picture books have some features which are ethnic stereotype? Do the ethnical diversity in the picture books describes as multi-cultural or intercultural condition? The thesis is based upon a qualitative text analysis and from this main group did I choose discourse analytical approach to analyze my picture books. My working model is inspired by associate professor Pil Dahlerup and professor Maria Nikolajeva. In the theoretical framework do I assume from PhD student Hassan Sharif (2008) who separate the term multi-cultural from the intercultural term. He says that the multi-cultural term can sees as descriptive, which means that the multi-cultural term work as a description of the society’s condition while the intercultural term sees like a process where all cultures in the society gives space to interact and cooperate with each other on equal terms. My first conclusion is that several of the picture books describe ethnical diversity stereotyped. An example is the stereotype of the dark man as black and with black curly hair. Another example is the stereotype of people with darker skin color as happy and affective. One picture book didn’t have stereotype persons or characteristics. My second conclusion is that only one picture book did describe the ethnical diversity as an intercultural condition. The other picture books describe the ethnical diversity as a descriptive multi-cultural condition.
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Matysová, Kamila. "Metody interkulturního tréninku." Doctoral thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

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Goal. The goal of the following study is it to propose educational measures in readiness for the methods of intercultural training at the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics Prague based on revealed cultural attitudes of the students studying International Trade to chosen ethnic, national, racial and religious groups (also called categories). In particular, the goal is it to detect explicit and implicit attitudes and related prejudice, stereotypes and experienced emotions of the students studying International Trade (IT) at the University of Economics Prague to/against 17 (respectively 20) chosen categories; to evaluate its magnitude for business practice and economy; and to propose appropriate measures for intercultural training. Sample and conditions. 167 students of International Trade from The University of Economics Prague took part in the first study. For measuring magnitude of the determinants of explicit attitudes 166 members of common population were questioned. Another 293 students were questioned in the first study and altogether 460 students took part in the second study. There were used the Bogardus social distance scale as a measuring psychological technique for explicit attitudes and prejudice, the syllogisms aptitude tests as a measuring tool for implicit attitudes and prejudice and the open questionnaire for stereotypes. Hypotheses. The following hypothesis was settled in the first study: Attitudes of the IT students have specific features, on the one hand, they differ from the attitudes and prejudice of common population and on the other hand, they have relation to the status of the perceived national, ethnic, racial and religious groups. There were tested 24 zero, working hypotheses. The first 17 working hypotheses are related to the relationship between the memberships in the two observed populations and the expressed explicit attitudes and prejudice. The next 6 hypotheses are connected to the attitudes of the students to occidental nationalities, to the Ukrainians, Russians, the Mongols and Moldovans, to the Slovaks and Czechs, Arabians and Muslims. The last working hypothesis is related to the relationship between explicit and implicit attitudes to and prejudice against Roma minority and Muslims. The following hypothesis was settled in the second study: Stereotypes of the observed population refer to the real existing intercultural differences, experienced emotions and projected cultural complexes. There was tested a working hypothesis related to the dependence between prejudice and stereotypes. Statistical analysis. The data were analyzed by the chi-square test and the strength of the relationship was measured by Cramér V. Furthermore agglomerative clustering by nearest neighbor method was applied and the results were presented as a horizontal dendrogram. Results. The results of the first study are well fitting the settled hypothesis. International Trade Students have relatively less prejudice comparing to the common population, it is influenced by their age as well as by their academic degree. There were identified several clusters of categories, that show similar attitudes. The students have positive, but not identical attitudes to all occidental categories, the same attitudes to the Ukrainians and Russians, Arabians and Muslims. The most favored national group are the Slovaks and the most prejudiced ethnic group is the Roma minority. There is dependence between explicit and implicit attitudes. The results of the second study are well fitting the settled hypothesis. Stereotypes of the observed population refer to the real existing intercultural differences as well as to experienced emotions and projected cultural complexes. The dependence between explicit stereotypes and explicit prejudice is caused by positively connoted attributes. Proposed educational measures for intercultural training are discussed in the study illustrated with examples of optional course 2OP321 Effective communication in English. Limits. Bogardus social distance scale is mostly focused on the behavioral component of the explicit attitudes, which does not necessarily mean an equivalent behavioral action.
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Žarkovič, Jasmína. "Komunikace Haliny Pawlowské s hosty v televizním pořadu "Banánové rybičky" - jazykové a etnické stereotypy." Master's thesis, 2006.

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ln my graduation thesis I tried to show the typical Czech characteristic features on the sample of an unique Czech TV-show "Bananafish". I used the linguistics and nonlinguistics facilities. The Iinguistics facilities concentrate on the communication strategies of the moderator and her guests. The nonlinguistics facilities are interconnected with sociology, psychology and intercultural studies with special regard to the linguistics aspects. The two parts of the analysis cannot be used separately, the resume can take its current shape only if these are applied concurrently. The result ofmy analysis is partly in token of opinions and partly in the stereotypes which I tried to prove on the real situation and also in the show.
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Morávek, Jan. "Hodnocení technik vytváření postojů k etnickým minoritám ve výchově." Master's thesis, 2004.

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Vejvodová, Iva. "Vyobrazení rasových a etnických stereotypů v amerických kreslených filmech." Master's thesis, 2013.

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This thesis deals with the depiction of racial and ethnic stereotypes in American animated cartoons particularly from the first half of the twentieth century. It studies the relationship between animation and American culture and examines how animation reflects and shapes American identity in terms of race and how it critiques and promotes American values and attitudes regarding race and ethnicity in particular. Considering the historical, political, legal and cultural background of the contemporary eras of American animation, the thesis analyses the portrayal of racial and ethnic features in animated cartoons from the 1920s to the 1960s. Such stereotypes represent, in my opinion, significant aspects of societal and cultural changes in American society of the examined eras of animation. The beginnings of the entertainment industry affected the booming era of animation by implementing commonly recognised literary stereotypes of the African-Americans into animated cartoons. This thesis strives to study the development of animated features of the racial stereotypes throughout the contemporary eras. It provides a brief systematic overview of the main eras that have significantly highlighted the start of animation as markers of race and ethnicity. Simultaneously, it discusses the problematic...
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Rambousková, Hana. "Vliv nízkých očekávání na vzdělání českých Romů a australských Aboridžinců." Master's thesis, 2016.

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The topic of this diploma thesis is education of two ethnic minorities living in different majority societies and in different parts of the world - Czech Roma population and Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The author presents relevant sociological critical theories of education and outlines the history of the examined minorities and the development of the approach of the majority society towards these minorities. She focuses on the consequences of discrimination of minorities in the area of education. She identifies similarities between the life conditions of the examined minorities, as well as certain differences arising from different social conditions. One of the common features of both minorities is a low standard of education, which has a negative impact on all spheres of their life (for example, employment, housing conditions, health, and life expectancy). Two case studies presented by the author suggest that the low level of education of minority population is a consequence of wrong education policies in the countries under examination. The main cause of the failure of Roma children in Czech schools and of the children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australian schools is not their incapability but rather the low expectations of their teachers, who put on...
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Books on the topic "Stereotipi etnici"


Marcella, Delle Donne, ed. Relazioni etniche, stereotipi e pregiudizi: Fenomeno immigratorio ed esclusione sociale. Roma, Italia: EdUP, 1998.

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M, Singelis Theodore, ed. Teaching about culture, ethnicity & diversity: Exercises and planned activities. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 1998.

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About face: Performing race in fashion and theater. New York: Routledge, 1997.

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Singelis, Theodore M. Teaching about Culture, Ethnicity, and Diversity: Exercises and Planned Activities. SAGE Publications, Incorporated, 2012.

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Singelis, Theodore M. Teaching about Culture, Ethnicity, and Diversity. SAGE Publications, Incorporated, 1997.

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Conference papers on the topic "Stereotipi etnici"


Priana, Ronny, Siti Karlinah, Dian Sjuchro, and Dadang Hidyat. "Culture Stereotype in Etnic Humor: An Analysis of Sunda Humors in “Canghegar” Program on Rama FM Bandung." In Proceedings of the International Conference of Democratisation in Southeast Asia (ICDeSA 2019). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2019.

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