Academic literature on the topic 'Statuts de la langue kurde'
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Journal articles on the topic "Statuts de la langue kurde"
Hakem, Halkawt. "La longue marche de la langue kurde en Irak." Maghreb - Machrek 222, no. 4 (2014): 11.
Full textMarcou, Jean. "Les Kurdes, entre les mutations du tournant du millénaire et les tourments du Moyen-Orient contemporain." Confluences Méditerranée N° 127, no. 4 (January 11, 2024): 105–18.
Full textBar-Acher, Moché. "Fonctions et activités de l'Académie de la langue hébraïque dans l'orientation et le développement de la langue hébraïque." Terminologie hébraïque 43, no. 1 (October 2, 2002): 10–18.
Full textSilvestri, Elena. "Choix de langues et rôles discursifs dans une conversation familiale italo-canadienne ["Alene nu Stɛ]m :a fa la fjɛ]r”]." Plurilinguismes 1, no. 1 (1988): 75–90.
Full textScalbert-Yücel, Clémence. "Les langues des Kurdes de Turquie : la nécessité de repenser l'expression "langue kurde?" Langage et société 117, no. 3 (2006): 117.
Full textHamez, Marie-Pascale. "Prescriptions institutionnelles et enseignement de l’écriture aux élèves nouvellement arrivés en France." III – Usages du pouvoir, usages militants : mêmes moyens, différents combats, no. 1 (April 11, 2011): 0.
Full textAchour Kallel, Myriam. "Écrire sur Facebook, ou les sentiers de la reconnaissance." Anthropologie et Sociétés 40, no. 1 (May 18, 2016): 85–102.
Full textMILED, Mohamed. "Le français dans le monde arabophone : quels statuts, quels contacts avec la langue arabe ?" Langue française 167, no. 3 (2010): 159.
Full textRobineau, Anne. "Inégalités et minorisation des identités chez les femmes artistes dans la francophonie canadienne." Nouvelles perspectives en sciences sociales 8, no. 2 (June 18, 2013): 145–74.
Full textDIDOUH MEZIANI, Asma. "Politique linguistique familiale en Algérie." Linguistique du développement, Volume 1, Numéro 6 (December 22, 2022): 365–76.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Statuts de la langue kurde"
Aydogan, Ibrahim. "Temps, subordination et concordance des temps dans le roman kurde : étude descriptive sur le systeme verbal et la subordination temporelle en kurde." Rouen, 2006.
Full textFattāḥ, Ismāʿil Qamandār. "Dialectes kurdes du sud : étude linguistique du dialecte kirmânshâhifaylî (Kalhorî, Kirmânshâh, Khânaqînî, Bayray-Shîrwânî, Malikshây-Arkowâzi)." Paris 7, 1988.
Full textThe kirmanshahi-fayli dialect, one of the greatest southern kurdish dialects, is spoken mostly in the kirmanshah and ilam provinces of Iran and along the iranian border from Khanaqin to Badra in Irak. Until now this dialect was not well known by iranologists and essentially perceived as isolated and separated fragments. Here it is resituated and given proper limits within the complicated frame of southern kurdish dialects. We offer a study of its phonetical and phonological, morphological, syntaxical and lexical aspects, always taking into account its linguistic variations. These are organised into five variation groups which have been derived from our study of a dozen cities and regions. Other kurdological questions, namely the confusion among the orientalists about this wide region, particularly concerning the lak, lor and guran dialects, along with the question of the writing and unification of the kurdish language, are
Bassols, Codina Sergio. "La phrase relative en kurde central : étude syntaxique." Paris 3, 1995.
Full textThis work offers a synchronic study of the relative claus in central kurdish or sorani, principal dialect in iraq and iran. This study, excepting one collection of popular tales from the erbil's district (iraqi kurdistan), is based on a corpus of written texts, which come from the literary language, as it is actually used by the kurds in iraq and iran. The divergences between the various speechs which come from central kurdish have been studied using particular forms which appear in the different texts of the corpus. Nevertheless, we didn't find relevant differencies for the relative clause in these different texts. In the analysis of the relative, the syntaxic aspect has been largely priviligied. But, the semantic aspect was not neglected, particulary when it was morpho-syntaxically pertinent. The study includes six principal parts : 1) general considerations about the relative clause; 2) the antecedent : nature and determination of the antecedent, the demonstrative as antecedent; 3) structure of the relative clause: place of the relative clause, particles, pronouns of resumption, structure of indefinite relative clauses; 4) kinds of relative clauses: descriptive and restrictive clauses; circumstantial relative clauses; 5) complex relative clauses : coordinate relative clauses, subordinate relative clauses , clauses subordinated to relative clauses; 6) the use of tenses and modes. A comparison with northern kurdish or kurman dji is sketched out in the conclusions
Smaïly-Hajjar, Wajiha. "Le français et l'anglais langues étrangères au Liban : analyse de leurs statuts actuels." Nancy 2, 1996.
Full textThis study analyses changes which have been produced during the last twenty years, concerning the situation of the two principal foreign languages, french and english in Lebanon. First, I present the social context, the history of these two languages, which explain demographic and religions composition of the population, the economic context, scholar situation and historical events, which contributed in rooting the two languages in the country. Second, demographic, institutional and psychosocial status analysis of english language demonstrates the sensible progress of this language since the beginning of the civil war (1975). Finaly, juridical, demographic, institutional and psychosocial status study of french language shows that it still the first foreign language in Lebanon. Consequently, it seems that this country is on the way towards a trilingual situation arab-french-english in state of bilingual arabe-french which had been characterizing it until the beginning of the war
Scalbert-Yücel, Clémence. "Conflit linguistique et champ littéraire kurde en Turquie." Paris 4, 2005.
Full textThe Kurdish field of literature which uses a dominated language is questioned here inside the frame of the territorialized language conflict in Turkey. This conflict places front to front two nationalisms with contradictory views regarding identities and territories. So first we question the Turkish State language policies concerning the Kurdish language and the territory to which it refers. Face to face to those policies, there stand the Kurdish politic movements whose one of the functions is to define a national identity and its possible link with the language. In that frame, the Kurdish literary products are questioned, as well as their organization by the actors, inside a national identity in permanent re-production. Therefore we examine in which way, inside the conflict, a Kurdish literary field, with its plural territories, will emerge and get autonomous; and which are the literary and non-literary objectives aimed at by that field
Poitevin, Christine. "Contribution à une définition du domaine des industries de la langue : l'élucidation des statuts juridiques." Paris 8, 1993.
Full textThe automatic processing of the natural language spoken by humans has gradually become a field of industrial implementation. The concept of language industries indicates a set of activities aiming and having the natural language spoken or written by humans handled, interpreted or engendered by machines. These activities spread from research to trade going through the industrial development of products. But the necessary investements to the achievement of products in the field of language industries cannot be granted in a judicial environment that would not bring a satisfactory level of security. Therefore, law ought to provide a relevant response to the need of companies to be protected and should fulfil its regulating role. The products created by the language industries are unsubstantial goods and can benefit from the protection of copyright. These products are also complex computer creations that are made up of two distinct parts: a software part and a dictionary part. Each of its components is liable to be protected by a different right (the law of marche 17th 1957 for the dictionary part and the law of july 3rd 1985 for the software part). The response to the problem of the judicial status can only be brought after wondering if the products of the field language industries considered as a whole can be qualified as software
Hafez, Stéphane-Ahmed. "Statuts, emplois, fonctions, rôles et représentations du français au Liban." Montpellier 3, 2004.
Full textFor the past two decades, English has been gaining ground in Lebanon, like everywhere else in the world. As for the french language, which was traditionally considered to be a language of culture, it now enjoys popularity in religious communities otherwise indifferent to it. Unfortunately, the privileges of French language in Lebanon is weabened by an inadequate traditional teaching. So, at the end of 12 years of school in a French system, many students find difficulty in their oral and written expression. The media in creating an increasingly non-french environment, complicates things. However three is a lot steake: the task remains to transform Frensh into a language utility. Based on R. Chaudenson's gride analysis of the francophone situations, this research is trying to show the specifity of the Francophonie, to pose the problem of the teaching of frensh as a second languange in Lebanon, tasking into account the sociolinguistc realities of the country
Besbas, Fatima Zohra. "Réalités, situations, rôles, statuts des langues arabe et française en Algérie : étude phonétique et syntaxique." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2017.
Full textThe algerian context is composed of several languages in contact, of which the interactions varie according to the geographical locations, sociocultural and socio-economic observed. Their coexistence/their competition create sophisticated and particular situations of teaching and learning. Their precises studies are necessary so that the algerian school takes advantage of the richness of the plurilingualism, because currently the plurilingualism is the rule and the monolingualism is the exception. However, it should be noted that neither modern standard arabic nor french constitute the mother tongue of any algerian speaker even if one finds these two languages in multiple and varied fields such as the media, the administration, the economy, sciences… nevertheless a conflict exists and continues : it is a matter of the daily speeches, the local and regional idioms which dominate in this country with their influence on the process of teaching and learning these two languages
Akin, Salih. "Désignation du peuple, du territoire et de la langue kurdes dans le discours scientifique et politique turc." Rouen, 1995.
Full textThe plan to negate the kurdish reality emerged in Turkey in 1920. It has been an all-encompassing political undertaking involving many elements. The analysis of its linguistic aspects, limited to the designation in Turkish scientific and political discourse, of the people who populate the Kurdish territory and of the Kurdish language, demonstrates the confusion and discursive problems which have accompanied the ban on using the word stem Kurd. Examination of the main reference strategies used in 66 Turkish scientific publications, in the questions raised in a didactic work and in the discourse of Turkish political party leaders when referring to Kurdish refugees from Iraq reveals: 1) avoidance of the taboo terms - Kurds - and - Kurdistan -, and their replacement with geographical descriptions. 2) use of the word stem Kurd exclusively to designate the Kurdish language and people. 3) use of the metalinguistic and redefinition processes intended to change the meaning of this word stem
Geffroy, Cyril. "Paradoxes et silences : étude des statuts de l'écriture chez Albert Cossery." Thesis, Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2015.
Full textTo wonder about the writing status of Albert Cossery’s literary work and understand the connection between the words and the silence leads to three directions (autobiography, time, space) which come down to the same conclusion: it is as essential to write as it is to stop writing. The dandy Cossery turns his life into an art and transcends the world. Therefore, his eight main novels bring to light a universal deception, followed by an active resistance to face it and finally a passive resistance driving to freedom. It is an individual revolution that will help oneself to relocate within the world. This path to inner peace and literary silence is an outline. From a linguistic point of view (literary movement, genre and stylistic), Cossery’s writing includes deliberate errors that make it aesthetic. Its ending is here again outside literature. His intention is not only to build a literary work but to keep silent and live it the way it is perceived. In the end, three approaches of the writing have been presented and three similar and paradoxal conclusions have been found out: writing claims the end of its own writing. The overall theme of this thesis shapes it into a spiral. The silence that follows the writing enables the happiness of living
Books on the topic "Statuts de la langue kurde"
Bedirhan, Kâmuran. Le kurde sans peine: Cours pratiques de la langue kurde. Paris: Institut kurde de Paris, 1989.
Find full textSociété du parler français au Canada. Statuts: Adoptés le 22 mars 1906. Québec: La Société, 1995.
Find full textBedirhan, Kamuran. Le kurde sans peine: Cours pratiques de la langue kurde. Institut kurde de Paris, 1990.
Find full textJoseph Romain Louis de Kerckhove. Statuts de l'ordre Chapitral d'ancienne Noblesse des Quatre Empereurs d'allemagne Langue Germanique Ou Primitive... Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Statuts de la langue kurde"
Chnane-Davin, Fatima, Phemelo Kewagamang, Moises Mabunda, Ousseynou Thiam, and Lahoucine Ait Sagh. "Chapitre 15 : La recherche pour repenser les politiques linguistiques. Orientations, enjeux et défis de l’enseignement du français dans les pays francophones, anglophones, arabophones et lusophones." In Re-penser les politiques linguistiques en Afrique à l’ère de la mondialisation, 367–405. Observatoire européen du plurilinguisme, 2023.
Full textKennedy, Hugh. "The Emergence of New Polities in the Breakup of the Abbasid Caliphate." In Empires and Communities in the Post-Roman and Islamic World, C. 400-1000 CE, 14–27. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textHolmes, Amy Austin. "Statelet of Survivors." In Statelet of Survivors, 1–9. Oxford University PressNew York, 2024.
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