Journal articles on the topic 'Statistica bivariata'
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Sinčić, Marko, Sanja Bernat Gazibara, Martin Krkač, and Snježana Mihalić Arbanas. "Landslide susceptibility assessment of the City of Karlovac using the bivariate statistical analysis." Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik 38, no. 2 (2022): 149–70.
Full textFiori, Simone. "Neural Systems with Numerically Matched Input-Output Statistic: Isotonic Bivariate Statistical Modeling." Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2007 (2007): 1–23.
Full textChen, Zhenmin, and Tieyong Hu. "Statistical Test for Bivariate Uniformity." Advances in Statistics 2014 (October 19, 2014): 1–6.
Full textde Bairros, Thiago, Pedro Pereira, Rausley de Souza, and Michel Yacoub. "Bivariate Complex $\alpha$-$\mu$ Statistics." IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 71, no. 3 (March 2022): 3276–80.
Full textSari, Meylita, Sutikno, and Purhadi. "Parameter estimation and hypothesis testing of geographically and temporally weighted bivariate Poisson inverse Gaussian regression model." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 880, no. 1 (October 1, 2021): 012045.
Full textAbusev, R. A., and N. V. Kolegova. "On quadratic errors of statistical estimators of distributions of sufficient statistics of bivariate exponential distributions." Journal of Mathematical Sciences 126, no. 1 (March 2005): 1017–23.
Full textPurhadi, Purhadi, and M. Fathurahman. "A Logit Model for Bivariate Binary Responses." Symmetry 13, no. 2 (February 16, 2021): 326.
Full textPackard, Gary C., Geoffrey F. Birchard, and Thomas J. Boardman. "Fitting statistical models in bivariate allometry." Biological Reviews 86, no. 3 (October 5, 2010): 549–63.
Full textBarakat, H. M. "On Moments of Bivariate Order Statistics." Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 51, no. 2 (June 1999): 351–58.
Full textFalk, Michael, and Florian Wisheckel. "Asymptotic independence of bivariate order statistics." Statistics & Probability Letters 125 (June 2017): 91–98.
Full textBoland, Philip J., Myles Hollander, Kumar Joag-Dev, and Subhash Kochar. "Bivariate Dependence Properties of Order Statistics." Journal of Multivariate Analysis 56, no. 1 (January 1996): 75–89.
Full textKota, V. K. B., and V. Potbhare. "Bivariate distributions in statistical spectroscopy studies." Zeitschrift f�r Physik A Atoms and Nuclei 322, no. 1 (March 1985): 129–36.
Full textWang, Suojin. "Saddlepoint approximations for bivariate distributions." Journal of Applied Probability 27, no. 3 (September 1990): 586–97.
Full textReyad, Hesham, and Soha Othman. "Exploring Some Statistical Properties of the Concomitants of Upper Record Statistics for Bivariate Pseudo-Rayleigh Distribution." Asian Research Journal of Mathematics 7, no. 4 (December 13, 2017): 1–8.
Full textHamedani, G. G., and Hans Volkmer. "Weak convergence of bivariate sequence to bivariate normal." Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 46, no. 3 (March 3, 2016): 1337–41.
Full textLi, D., N. H. Chan, and L. Peng. "EMPIRICAL LIKELIHOOD TEST FOR CAUSALITY OF BIVARIATE AR(1) PROCESSES." Econometric Theory 30, no. 2 (October 10, 2013): 357–71.
Full textNusrat, Sabrina, Muhammad Jawaherul Alam, Carlos Scheidegger, and Stephen Kobourov. "Cartogram Visualization for Bivariate Geo-Statistical Data." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 24, no. 10 (October 1, 2018): 2675–88.
Full textMaxwell, Scott E., and Harold D. Delaney. "Bivariate median splits and spurious statistical significance." Psychological Bulletin 113, no. 1 (1993): 181–90.
Full textPourmousa, Reza, and Ahad Jamalizadeh. "On Bivariate Order Statistics from Elliptical Distributions." Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 43, no. 10-12 (April 23, 2014): 2183–98.
Full textSu, C. C., L. Cormack, and A. Bovik. "Bivariate Statistics and Correlations in Natural Images." Journal of Vision 14, no. 10 (August 22, 2014): 651.
Full textJaafari, Abolfazl, Davood Mafi-Gholami, Binh Thai Pham, and Dieu Tien Bui. "Wildfire Probability Mapping: Bivariate vs. Multivariate Statistics." Remote Sensing 11, no. 6 (March 13, 2019): 618.
Full textGenest, Christian, and Louis-Paul Rivest. "Statistical Inference Procedures for Bivariate Archimedean Copulas." Journal of the American Statistical Association 88, no. 423 (September 1993): 1034–43.
Full textRatnaparkhi, Makarand V., Subrahmaniam Kocherlakota, and Kathleen Kocherlakota. "Bivariate Discrete Distribution." Journal of the American Statistical Association 89, no. 425 (March 1994): 363.
Full textWalhin, J. F. "Bivariate Hofmann distributions." Journal of Applied Statistics 30, no. 9 (November 2003): 1033–46.
Full textZhao, Jin, Humaira Faqiri, Zubair Ahmad, Walid Emam, M. Yusuf, and A. M. Sharawy. "The Lomax-Claim Model: Bivariate Extension and Applications to Financial Data." Complexity 2021 (May 4, 2021): 1–17.
Full textPapageorgiou, H. "Bivariate short distributions." Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 15, no. 3 (January 1986): 893–905.
Full textZheng, Yanting, Jingping Yang, and Jianhua Z. Huang. "Approximation of bivariate copulas by patched bivariate Fréchet copulas." Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 48, no. 2 (March 2011): 246–56.
Full textChiavone, Flávia Barreto Tavares, Claúdia Cristiane Filgueira Martins Rodrigues, Larissa De Lima Ferreira, Pétala Tuani Candido de Oliveira Salvador, Manaces Dos Santos Bezerril, and Viviane Euzebia Pereira Santos. "Clima Organizacional em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva: percepções da equipe de enfermagem." Enfermería Global 20, no. 2 (April 1, 2021): 390–425.
Full textHan, Ruijian, Kani Chen, and Chunxi Tan. "Bivariate gamma model." Journal of Multivariate Analysis 180 (November 2020): 104666.
Full textWalhin, Jean François. "Bivariate ZIP Models." Biometrical Journal 43, no. 2 (May 2001): 147–60.<147::aid-bimj147>;2-5.
Full textEREM, Ayşegül. "An exceedance model based on bivariate order statistics." Communications Faculty Of Science University of Ankara Series A1Mathematics and Statistics 70, no. 2 (December 31, 2021): 785–95.
Full textOmbao, Hernando C., Jonathan A. Raz, Rainer von Sachs, and Beth A. Malow. "Automatic Statistical Analysis of Bivariate Nonstationary Time Series." Journal of the American Statistical Association 96, no. 454 (June 2001): 543–60.
Full textMendes, Jos Ricardo, and Michel Daoud Yacoub. "A General Bivariate Ricean Model and Its Statistics." IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 56, no. 2 (March 2007): 404–15.
Full textFilzmoser, Peter, Karel Hron, and Clemens Reimann. "The bivariate statistical analysis of environmental (compositional) data." Science of The Total Environment 408, no. 19 (September 1, 2010): 4230–38.
Full textLechner, Richard, Markus Passenbrunner, and Joscha Prochno. "Estimating Averages of Order Statistics of Bivariate Functions." Journal of Theoretical Probability 30, no. 4 (July 9, 2016): 1445–70.
Full textFrei, Oleksandr, Olav Smeland, Dominic Holland, Alexey Shadrin, Wesley Thompson, Ole Andreassen, and Anders Dale. "BIVARIATE GAUSSIAN MIXTURE MODEL FOR GWAS SUMMARY STATISTICS." European Neuropsychopharmacology 29 (2019): S898—S899.
Full textDehling, Herold, and Murad S. Taqqu. "Bivariate symmetric statistics of long-range dependent observations." Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 28, no. 2 (June 1991): 153–65.
Full textYe, Cinan. "Statistical inference procedure for a bivariate exponential distribution." Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 10, no. 1 (January 1994): 75–89.
Full textKhan, et al., M. J. S. "Order Statistics from Bivariate Log-Exponentiated Kumarswamy Distribution." International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Statistics 4, no. 1 (May 1, 2017): 1–12.
Full textErem, Aysegul. "Bivariate two sample test based on exceedance statistics." Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation 49, no. 9 (January 24, 2019): 2389–401.
Full textBantan, Rashad A. R., Shakaiba Shafiq, M. H. Tahir, Ahmed Elhassanein, Farrukh Jamal, Waleed Almutiry, and Mohammed Elgarhy. "Statistical Analysis of COVID-19 Data: Using A New Univariate and Bivariate Statistical Model." Journal of Function Spaces 2022 (June 23, 2022): 1–26.
Full textChen, Zhenmin. "Pyramidal Distribution: An Alternative Distribution for Bivariate Uniformity Test Power Comparison." International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 26, no. 02 (March 25, 2019): 1950007.
Full textLi, Johnson Ching-Hong, and Rory M. Waisman. "Probability of bivariate superiority: A non-parametric common-language statistic for detecting bivariate relationships." Behavior Research Methods 51, no. 1 (August 10, 2018): 258–79.
Full textGaidai, Oleg, Yu Cao, Yihan Xing, and Junlei Wang. "Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Response Statistics." Micromachines 14, no. 2 (January 20, 2023): 271.
Full textNadarajah, Saralees, and Samuel Kotz. "Some bivariate beta distributions." Statistics 39, no. 5 (October 2005): 457–66.
Full textRistić, Miroslav M. "Stationary bivariate minification processes." Statistics & Probability Letters 76, no. 5 (March 2006): 439–45.
Full textWalker, Stephen, and Pietro Muliere. "A bivariate Dirichlet process." Statistics & Probability Letters 64, no. 1 (August 2003): 1–7.
Full textBalakrishnan, N., A. Stepanov, and V. B. Nevzorov. "North-east bivariate records." Metrika 83, no. 8 (February 3, 2020): 961–76.
Full textModarres, Reza. "Tests of Bivariate Exchangeability." International Statistical Review 76, no. 2 (August 2008): 203–13.
Full textMaydeu-Olivares, Alberto, Carlos García-Forero, David Gallardo-Pujol, and Jordi Renom. "Testing Categorized Bivariate Normality With Two-Stage Polychoric Correlation Estimates." Methodology 5, no. 4 (January 2009): 131–36.
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