Academic literature on the topic 'Staphylocoques – Vecteurs de maladies – Lutte contre'
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Journal articles on the topic "Staphylocoques – Vecteurs de maladies – Lutte contre"
Simard, Frédéric. "La lutte contre les vecteurs : quel avenir ?" Biologie Aujourd'hui 212, no. 3-4 (2018): 137–45.
Full textSchwartz, Maxime, and François Rodhain. "Les nouvelles maladies infectieuses : Comment y faire face ?" Questions de santé publique, no. 3 (November 2008): 1–4.
Full textBawin, T., F. Seye, S. Boukraa, J. Y. Zimmer, F. Delvigne, and F. Francis. "La lutte contre les moustiques (Diptera: Culicidae): diversité des approches et application du contrôle biologique." Canadian Entomologist 147, no. 4 (October 29, 2014): 476–500.
Full textEhizibolo, D. O., E. C. Nwokike, Y. Wungak, and C. A. Meseko. "Detection of African horse sickness virus antibodies by ELISA in sera collected from unvaccinated horses in Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 67, no. 2 (January 1, 2015): 73.
Full textChaix, Basile, and Rémy Slama. "Changement climatique et santé : défis et opportunités pour la santé publique." Questions de santé publique, no. 45 (February 2023): 1–8.
Full textYolidje, Issoufou, Djibo Alfa Keita, Idrissa Moussa, Abdoulaye Toumane, Sahabi Bakasso, Karim Saley, Tilman Much, Jean-Luc Pirat, and Jean Maurille Ouamba. "Enquête ethnobotanique sur les plantes utilisées traditionnellement au Niger dans la lutte contre les moustiques vecteurs des maladies parasitaires." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, no. 2 (May 12, 2020): 570–79.
Full textThiery, Isabelle, Christian Back, Philippe Barbazan, and Gilbert Sinègre. "Applications de Bacillus thuringiensis et de B sphaericus dans la démoustication et la lutte contre les vecteurs de maladies tropicales." Annales de l'Institut Pasteur / Actualités 7, no. 4 (January 1996): 247–60.
Full textDufour, Barbara, Ariane Payne, Yannick Grimaud, and Eric Cardinale. "La biosécurité en élevage de bovins : biosécurité et bio-prévention." Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire élevages & santé 10, no. 40 (2018): 25–33.
Full textAuguste-Denise, Boyé Mambé, Boumi Demin Marcos, Kouadio N’Gonian Serge, Acka Franck Borel, Kouadio Yatty Justin, and Niaba Pierre Valérie. "Inventaire Et Identification Des Dégâts Des Insectes Infestant Les Plants De Manioc (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) À Deux Et Huit Mois Après Plantation Et Essai De Lutte Biologique Dans La Localité De Daloa (Côte d’Ivoire)." European Scientific Journal, ESJ 18, no. 14 (April 30, 2022): 180.
Full textSilva, Agnaldo Plácido da, Eloá Jessica Mendes dos Santos Plácido, and Walber Breno de Souza Moraes. "Les impacts du moustique transgénique sur l’homme et l’environnement." Revista Científica Multidisciplinar Núcleo do Conhecimento, November 15, 2020, 158–76.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Staphylocoques – Vecteurs de maladies – Lutte contre"
Lapras, Benjamine. "Rationalisation de la purification, de la formulation et du conditionnement de suspensions thérapeutiques de bactériophages anti-Staphylococcus à usage humain." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon 1, 2024.
Full textDownstream processing of various phage lysates, containing bacteriophages (phages; specific and selective bacterial viruses) and impurities, requires a universal purification process and formulation to facilitate access to phage therapy. This work aims to rationalise the purification, formulation and packaging of various therapeutic phages while preserving or increasing their stability. First, the theory of the structure and physicochemical properties of phages and phage lysate impurities is reviewed, along with the thermodynamics of suspensions’ stability. Subsequently, the purification process is rationalised according to a selection guide of process unit operations. The resulting process - comprising frontal filtration, tangential filtration and centrifuged ultrafiltration - monitored for particle size and concentration by interferometric light microscopy, swiftly provides highly concentrated (>10^8 PFU/mL) pharmaceutical-grade suspensions of phages (myovirus and podovirus) targeting Staphylococcus aureus, without toxic adjuvants. These suspensions are formulated in a phosphate-buffered saline solution containing a surfactant above its critical micellar concentration, thereby minimising aggregation and adsorption, and preserving phage stability in type I glass vials (>14 days when shaken; >1 year at 5 °C, predicted >7 years). This manuscript offers a theory-based methodology addressing phage therapy pharmaco-technical challenges related to the purification and stabilisation of various phages. Moreover, it introduces two innovative technologies (interferometric light microscopy and PREDISTAB semi-predictive method) that enhance the speed and security of phage development
Pelat, Thibaut. "Obtention et ingénierie d'anticorps recombinants thérapeutiques et/ou prophylactiques dirigés contre les agents du risque biologique provoqué." Montpellier 2, 2009.
Full textRecombinant antibodies isolated from non-human primates represent very promising medical countermeasures against bioweapons. The advantages and methodological aspects of this approach have been described. An scFv, neutralizing the lethal toxin of Bacillus anthracis (2LF: KD= 1. 02 nM) and directed against the “lethal factor” subunit was isolated from a phage-displayed immune library, and characterised. Another scFv, 43RCA, neutralizing ricin, was obtained with the same methodology and tested (in particular: KD= 40 pM). This approach may also be used beyond bioweapons, as an scFv directed toward Aspergillus fumigatus was also isolated (MS130i-IIIC3: KD= 0,96 nM). On-line sequence analysis with IMGT tools allowed to show the high degree of similarity between these scFvs and their human counterparts. Antibody fragments were engineered, including an in vitro affinity maturation (KD initial = 3. 4 nM; KD final = 0. 18 nM). Utilizing IMGT standardisation and on-line tools, a “germline humanization” - utilizing FR derived from IgM, encountered by every Human, as opposed to IgG FR - was realized in order to ensure an optimal tolerance for one of our scFvs. A primatized IgG was tested in vivo and showed therapeutic and prophylactic capacities
Bourgouin, Catherine. "Les Toxines de Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis et de Bacillus sphaericus leur utilisation en lutte biologique contre les vecteurs de maladies tropicales /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1988.
Full textGbedjissi, Louis Ghélus. "Relations mollusques - diptères sciomyzidae, implications dans la lutte contre les distomatoses au Bénin." Avignon, 2003.
Full textSeven Sepedon and 1 Sepedonella are found in Benin. Population levels fluctuate following permanent or temporary states of aquatic habitats, rainfall and human activities. Complete life cycles are gave for 6 species. Larval predation is tested with various snails, Biomphalaria pfeifferi, Lymnaea natalensis, Bulinus forskalii, known to their implication as intermediate-host of animal or human distosomiasis. Sepedon knutsoni and Sepedonella nana attack and consume only on aquatic oligochaeta Aulophorus furcatus. This annelidophagous behavior is probably derived from the habitual malacophagous known for all Sciomyzidae larvae. Sepedon ruficeps larvae are both malacophagous and annelidophagous. S. Umbrosa larvae are parasitoid of the terrestrial gastropoda Subulina octona which is attacking by forcing its mouth. S. Trichrooscelis larval are parasitoi͏̈d of Succinea campestris, occasionnaly eat Lymnaea natalensis. With a higth predation by their instar larvae, S. Ruficeps is a very good species in a tentative to reduce the snails levels implicated in the distosomiasis. But, the larval predation to depend on size and snail behavior
Mille, Bruno. "La rhynchosporiose de l'orge à Rhynchosporium secalis (Oud. ) DAVIS : élaboration de nouvelles stratégies de lutte, importance relative des différentes sources d'inoculum." Paris 11, 1989.
Full textNew cultural practices against barley scald disease were proposed and some epidemiological characteristics of the fungal pathogen Rhynchosporium secalis (Oud. ) Davis, especially importance of seeds, assessed both directly showing its presence and indirectly by field trials. The first analysis method, a "classical" one, associated barley seeds disinfection with ethanol, sodium hypochlorite and bactericidal and fungicidal solution, before placing them on the elective ("barley") and selective medium (terramycine + iprodione + procymidone + 2,4 D). But the experiments were not adequatly successful. The second method, immunofluorescence, allowed routine analysis of seeds samples. Moreover, a higher specificity of immunsera was obtained by complex immunization procedures including different antigenic forms. The chemical treatments of seeds and sprayings of fungicides on the soil that were tested allowed estimation of the comparative importance of "seeds" and "soil" inoculum. They also demonstrated that such applications can be useful as cultural techniques. Lastly, varietal mixtures can be used as a strategy to limit disease spreading in the crop
Sierocki, Pierre. "Synthèse de nouveaux analogues C-nucléoside quaternarisés en position anomérique comme agents antiviraux potentiels." Thesis, Nantes, 2019.
Full textAs witnessed by recent Ebola, Chikungunya or Influenza (H1N1) breakthroughs, emerging an re-emerging viruses are still responsible for major health crisis. Efficient and safe antiviral therapies are thus highly needed. Over the past decades, nucleoside analogs have lead the fight against manyof those pathogens, including: HIV, HCV or HSV. Recently, C-nucleoside analogs bearing a quaternary anomericposition have emerged as promising antiviral drugs against these «new» viruses.There are still very few ways to access to such motif in the literature. In the course of this PhD thesis, collaborating with Janssen laboratories, we have developped new strategies to reach these originals scaffolds, relying on C-nucleosides chemistry. Notably, we have synthesized a familly ofanalogs, having a 1,2,3-triazole and a cyano group attheanomeric position, exploiting “Click” chemistry and metallo-catalyzed C-Ccouplings
PONCET, SANDRINE. "Etude et amelioration des proprietes biopesticides de bacteries entomopathogenes, utilisees comme moyen de lutte contre les dipteres vecteurs de maladies tropicales." Paris 7, 1994.
Full textGuillet, Pierre. "La lutte contre les vecteurs de l'onchocercose en Afrique de l'Ouest : étude de la résistance et recherche de nouveaux larvicides." Paris 11, 1985.
Full textRomaña, Christine. "Recherches sur les potentialités des hyphomycètes entomopathogènes (fungi imperfecti) dans la lutte microbiologique contre les triatominae (heteroptera)." Montpellier 1, 1992.
Full textDe, Garine-Wichatitsky Michel de. "Ecologie des interactions hôtes/vecteurs : analyse du système tiques/ongulés sauvages et domestiques en zone tropicale." Montpellier 2, 1999.
Full textBooks on the topic "Staphylocoques – Vecteurs de maladies – Lutte contre"
Institute), Workshop on Research and Training Needs in the Field of Integrated Vector-Borne Disease Control in Riceland Agroecosystems of Developing Countries (1987 International Rice Research. Vector-borne disease control in humans through rice agroecosystem management: Proceedings of the Workshop on Research and Training Needs in the Field of Integrated Vector-Borne Disease Control in Riceland Agroecosystems of Developing Countries, 9-14 March 1987. [Manila]: International Rice Research Institute in collaboration with the WHO/FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Environmental Management for Vector Control, 1988.
Find full textLa lutte contre les moustiques nuisants et vecteurs de maladies: L'évaluation de nouveaux insecticides utilisables contre les moustiques en Afrique tropicale. Paris: Ed. Karthala, 1998.
Find full textMaramorosch, Karl, and Kerry F. Harris. Pathogens, Vectors, and Plant Diseases: Approaches to Control. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2013.
Find full textGangstad, E. O. Weed Control Methods for Public Health Applications. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textGangstad, E. O. Weed Control Methods for Public Health Applications. Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.
Find full textHall, Marcus, and Dan Tamïr. Mosquitopia: The Place of Pests in a Healthy World. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
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