Academic literature on the topic 'Standardité'

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Journal articles on the topic "Standardité"


Allamuça, Esma. "Politika gjuhësore në përcaktimin e standardit të shqipes në Kongresin e Drejtshkrimit, 1972, sipas Janet Byron dhe Arshi Pipës." Revista Albanon 2, no. 3 (October 18, 2021): 25–33.

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Përcaktimi i standardit të një gjuhe, nuk është një akt i menjëhershëm, por është po ashtu një proces, që në kohë e vende të ndryshme, ka patur veçori të ndryshme. Sa i takon gjuhës shqipe, Kongresi i Drejtshkrimit, më 1972, i dha zgjidhje përfundimtare procesit të standardizimit duke realizuar po ashtu dhe produktet apo materialet kodifikuese, përgjatë dhjetëvjeçarit 1970-1980. Në punimin tonë do të përpiqemi të vendosim në dukje pikat e përbashkëta të argumenteve që sjellin autorët J. Byron dhe A. Pipa, në monografitë e tyre, sa i takon debatit të ndikimit politik në përcaktimin e standardit të gjuhës shqipe. Përballë tyre, si kundërargument, vendoset mendimi i gjuhëtarit A. Kostallari. Përzgjedhja e një varieteti, që do të jetë bazë për standardin, nuk përbën ndonjë rast unik për shqipen, pasi kjo ka ndodhur dhe me gjuhët e tjera të botës ku është përzgjedhur një e folme e caktuar. Megjithatë, me të drejtë, sikurse bëjnë dhe këta studiues, mund të lindë debati, pse pikërisht njëri dialekt e jo tjetri edhe pse gjuhëtarët e viteve 70-80 këmbëngulin në idenë se standardi është përftuar nga bashkëveprimi i të dy dialekteve të shqipes.
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Allmuça, Esma. "Politika gjuhësore në përcaktimin e standardit të shqipes në Kongresin e Drejtshkrimit, 1972, sipas Janet Byron dhe Arshi Pipës." Revista Albanon 3, no. 3 (May 21, 2020): 25–33.

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Përcaktimi i standardit të një gjuhe, nuk është një akt i menjëhershëm, por është po ashtu një proces, që në kohë e vende të ndryshme, ka patur veçori të ndryshme. Sa i takon gjuhës shqipe, Kongresi i Drejtshkrimit, më 1972, i dha zgjidhje përfundimtare procesit të standardizimit duke realizuar po ashtu dhe produktet apo materialet kodifikuese, përgjatë dhjetëvjeçarit 1970-1980. Në punimin tonë do të përpiqemi të vendosim në dukje pikat e përbashkëta të argumenteve që sjellin autorët J. Byron dhe A. Pipa, në monografitë e tyre, sa i takon debatit të ndikimit politik në përcaktimin e standardit të gjuhës shqipe. Përballë tyre, si kundërargument, vendoset mendimi i gjuhëtarit A. Kostallari. Përzgjedhja e një varieteti, që do të jetë bazë për standardin, nuk përbën ndonjë rast unik për shqipen, pasi kjo ka ndodhur dhe me gjuhët e tjera të botës ku është përzgjedhur një e folme e caktuar. Megjithatë, me të drejtë, sikurse bëjnë dhe këta studiues, mund të lindë debati, pse pikërisht njëri dialekt e jo tjetri edhe pse gjuhëtarët e viteve 70-80 këmbëngulin në idenë se standardi është përftuar nga bashkëveprimi i të dy dialekteve të shqipes.
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Burnier, Isabelle, Diane Bouchard-Lamothe, and Zaki Khouani. "Patient simulé et patient standardisé : peut-on en finir avec le terme SPs ?" Pédagogie Médicale 20, no. 3 (August 2019): 147–49.

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Contexte : Les patients simulés et standardisés participent à l’éducation des professionnels de la santé depuis plus de 50 ans. Pourtant, la terminologie utilisée dans ce domaine reste encore sujette à confusion. Exégèse : Une mise en contexte historique permet de comprendre la variabilité des termes au fil du temps. Un aperçu narratif de l’évolution des définitions met en évidence l’origine de la confusion. Conclusion : À l’inverse des écrits de l’Amérique du Nord, la littérature internationale apparaît en faveur d’une distinction entre patient simulé et patient standardisé.
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Dietrich, Christoph, Michalakis Averkiou, Michael Nielsen, Richard Barr, Peter Burns, Fabrizio Calliada, Vito Cantisani, et al. "How to perform Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS)." Ultrasound International Open 04, no. 01 (January 2018): E2—E15.

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Abstract“How to perform contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS)” provides general advice on the use of ultrasound contrast agents (UCAs) for clinical decision-making and reviews technical parameters for optimal CEUS performance. CEUS techniques vary between centers, therefore, experts from EFSUMB, WFUMB and from the CEUS LI-RADS working group created a discussion forum to standardize the CEUS examination technique according to published evidence and best personal experience. The goal is to standardise the use and administration of UCAs to facilitate correct diagnoses and ultimately to improve the management and outcomes of patients.
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Standaert, Olivier. "L'atypie standardisée." Revue Communication & professionnalisation, no. 8 (October 21, 2019): 37–63.

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Le présent article étudie l’hybridation des trajectoires d’insertion professionnelle parmi les nouveaux journalistes de Belgique francophone. Evoluant dans un marché où le volume d’emplois salariés diminue constamment, la majorité des journalistes débutants doivent assurer eux-mêmes la continuité de leur trajectoire durant des périodes tendant à s’allonger. Eu égard aux définitions classiques de l’insertion professionnelle, le marché étudié laisse apparaître des transitions marquées par des formes d’emploi atypiques peu claires en termes de débouchés. Ceci influe sur le degré de mobilité dans et en dehors du marché, sur la flexibilité, l’incertitude et l’individualisation des trajectoires professionnelles débutantes. L’impact de ces situations sur les temporalités subjectives de l’insertion est étudié à partir des nouvelles formes identitaires créées par cette déstandardisation des carrières. Partiellement éloignées des idéaux d’avant-carrière et des valeurs traditionnelles ayant réussi à faire du journalisme une profession plus ou moins bien positionnée dans le champ social, ces formes identitaires reconfigurent la vision de son propre avenir en le fixant souvent sur un horizon de (très) court terme. Cette difficulté à envisager harmonieusement sa trajectoire future, en conformité aux attentes initiales, reconfigure les liens spécifiques que les jeunes journalistes nouent avec un métier dans lequel ils souhaitaient initialement s’installer durablement.
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Vlašić, Dubravka. "OVERVIEW OF ACCOUNTING METHODS OF LEASING COVERAGE." Tourism and hospitality management 11, no. 1 (May 2005): 101–19.

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Lizing se javlja kao oblik financiranja kojim davatelj lizinga prenosi na korisnika lizinga pravo na korištenje određene imovine u određenom vremenskom razdoblju. Računovodstveno obuhvaćanje lizinga, od vrlo mnogo vrsta lizinga koje postoje u praksi koristi podjelu na financijski i operativni lizing, Njihove karakteristike definirane su prvenstveno nacionalnim zakonima, općim postavkama civilnog i trgovačkog prava, međunarodnim standardima od kojih su u Europskim zemljama prihvaćeni Međunarodni računovodstveni standardi MRS (International Accounting Standards - IAS), a u SAD USGAAP (United States - Generally Accepted Accounting Principles). Različita klasifikacija lizinga koja proizlazi iz ovih propisa ima utjecaj na temeljne financijske izvještaje.
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Misieng, Jecky. "The Bidayuh Krokong Dialect: To Standardize or not Standardize." Education and Linguistics Research 3, no. 1 (January 10, 2017): 15.

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The intricacies of language require all language scientists to be thorough and methodical in doing their analyses. This need is even more critical for the Bidayuh languages when there is a lot of on-going effort to preserve the language by various groups both from 21the people as well those from outside. Standardization and the teaching of the language in schools are among the top suggestions being explored. One of the disadvantages of standardizing a language is the danger of making the many different varieties to die out among the speakers. A closer look at one Jagoi sub-dialect commonly referred to as the Krokong dialect in comparison to other sub-dialects and dialects from other clusters illustrate some of the differences in pronunciation that can be found which highlights the need to help preserve if not all but most of the major varieties.
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Gavrić, Stevo. "Standardi revizije." Oditor - casopis za Menadzment, finansije i pravo, no. 12 (2015): 16–23.

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Barton, Andrew. "Let's standardise practice." British Journal of Nursing 28, no. 8 (April 25, 2019): S3.

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Berndt, Christopher C. "Standardize and deliver." Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 5, no. 1 (March 1996): 2–3.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Standardité"


Ceillier, Gaël. "Filtrations à temps discret." Grenoble, 2010.

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Le caractère standard ou non standard est un invariant important dans la théorie des filtrations à temps discret négatif. Le but principal de cette thèse est de determiner si certaines filtrations sont standard ou non. Nous nous intéressons tout d'abord aux filtrations des processus des mots découpés, introduits et étudiés par Smorodinsky et par Laurent. Nous montrons que la condition suffisante de non standardité donnée par Laurent est aussi une condition nécessaire. Il en découle un critère simple de standardité, qui nous permet de donner un exemple de filtration non standard qui devient standard dès que le temps est accéléré par l'omission d'un nombre infini d'instants. Nous étudions ensuite les filtrations naturelles de processus stationnaires à valeurs dans un ensemble fini. Récemment Bressaud et al. \ ont donné une condition nécessaire pour que la filtration naturelle d'un tel processus (Xk)k soit standard quand le cardinal de l'espace d'états vaut 2. Leur condition utilise les lois conditionnelles p(⋅|x) de X0 sachant tout le passé (Xk)k≤−1=x et contrôle l'influence du passé lointain sur l'évolution présente du processus. Elle utilise les écarts maximaux entre p(⋅|x) et p(⋅|y) pour des suites infinies x et y qui coïncident sur leurs n derniers termes. Nous donnons une condition suffisante de standardité faisant intervenir les écarts moyens entre ces lois conditionnelles plutôt que les écarts maximaux
Standardness is an important invariant in the theory of filtrations indexed by negative integer times. The main purpose of this thesis is to determine whether some filtrations are standard or not. We first focus on the filtrations of split-word processes, introduced and studied by Smorodinsky and by Laurent. We prove that Laurent's sufficient condition for non standardness is also necessary. This yields a practical criterion of standardness. In turn, this criterion enables us to exhibit non standard filtrations which become standard when time is accelerated by omitting infinitely many instants of time. Secondly, we study the natural filtrations of stationary processes on finite state-spaces. Recently Bressaud et al. \ provided a sufficient condition for the natural filtration of such a process (Xk)k to be standard when the state-space has size 2. Their condition involves the conditional laws p(⋅|x) of X0 conditionally on (Xk)k≤−1=x and controls the influence of the remote past of the process on its present X0. Bressaud and al. \ measure the maximal strength of this influence. We provide sufficient conditions for standardness based on some average gaps between these conditional laws, instead of the maximal gaps
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Kykkänen, J. (Janne). "Lääketieteen tekniikan standardit tuotantoprosessissa." Bachelor's thesis, University of Oulu, 2019.

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Tiivistelmä. Työssä tutkitaan lääketieteen tekniikan standardien vaikutusta tuotantoprosesseihin, ja luodaan kuvaa siitä, miten alan tuotteista tehdään kustannustehokkaita aina tuotekehityksestä tuotantoon. Tutkimus tehdään kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja haastatteluna. Työssä käy ilmi, että näiden laitteiden suunnittelua ja tuotantoa ohjaa voimakkaasti riskienhallinta-aspekti, ja että standardit sanelevat hyvin pitkälle sen, mitä tuote käytännössä tekee. Työssä selviää, että tuotantotalouden näkökulma tuotteiden suunnittelussa on hyvin ratkaiseva osa onnistunutta tuotetta, ja että varsinkin uusissa yrityksissä on usein hyvin vähän ammattitaitoa toteuttaa uusi innovaatio kustannustehokkaasti. Pienissä yrityksissä ongelmakohdiksi nousi erityisesti sirpaleinen tilaus-toimitusketju ja tuotekehityksessä aikaisessa vaiheessa tehdyt ratkaisut, jotka sitovat tuotetta liikaa jatkokehityksen kannalta. Alan poikkeuksellisen suuren standardimäärän vuoksi yrityksen tietopääoma ja sen tehokas hyödyntäminen on myös erityisen tärkeää. Esimerkiksi kliinisiin kokeisiin ja markkinointiluvan saamiseen suhtaudutaan usein ylioptimistisesti ja projektien aikataulut venyvät. Lääkinnälliset laitteet sisältävät todella monipuolisen kirjon erilaisia tuotteita, ja siksi yleispätevien menestystekijöiden nimeäminen on hankalaa. Kuitenkin kustannustehokkaita tuotteita usein yhdistää tuotteen modulaarinen suunnittelu, alusta asti tuotettavuuden huomioiminen suunnittelussa, sopivien yhteistyökumppanien löytäminen jo varhaisessa vaiheessa ja tehokas laatujohtaminen.Medical technology standards and manufacturing process. Abstract. This thesis studies the effects of medical technology standards in manufacturing processes. The main focus is in finding a cost-efficient way to develop products from the early stages of product development to maintaining a manufacturing process. The study is carried out as a literature review, and it includes an interview. The thesis claims that the development and production of the products is heavily influenced by risk management, and that medical device standards control the product design. It is found out that the industrial efficiency aspect of the products is a crucial part in making a successful product in this line of work. It is also said that in newer and smaller companies, this aspect is often neglected because lack of knowledge. The fragmented supply chain management is especially problematic and in product development phase the designers often makes decisions that lock the product too much to a certain design. The exceptionally large number of standards and regulations make experience and knowledge an important factor when it comes to success. For instance, companies are often over optimistic about completing clinical experiments and getting a marketing permit, and it causes projects to prolong and exceed their resources. Medical devices include a vast range of different kinds of products, and that is why it is really hard to come up with universal factors in successful products. However, cost efficient products have often in common that they have modular design, the manufacturability has been noted right from the beginning, the production partners are suitable and that the quality management is excellent right from the beginning.
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Grebe, Andy. "Standardize Your IP Traffic with TMOIP." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2009.

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ITC/USA 2009 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Fifth Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2009 / Riviera Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
With the emergence of higher bandwidth Ethernet networks on ranges, many ranges are converting their data transport from ATM(Asynchronous Transfer Mode) networks to Ethernet networks. Both networks have their respective advantages and disadvantages, however one reoccurring issue is product interoperability. The RCC (Range Commanders Council) TTG (Telecommunications and Timing Group) created the Telemetry over IP (TMoIP 218-07) solution with input from various ranges and vendors to solve this issue. This specification allows ranges to use different vendors together for Telemetry over Ethernet, based on specific needs at each site. This paper targets those who are thinking about converting from ATM to Ethernet networks.
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Stich, Dominique. "Francoprovençal : proposition d'une orthographe supra-dialectale standardisée." Paris 5, 2001.

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Le francoprovençal, langue méconnue et sans représentation historico-culturelle, souffre de nombreux handicaps : une dénomination ambigue͏̈, sa localisation sur trois pays (France, Suisse, Italie), sa non-reconnaissance parmi les langues régionales, et surtout sa forte dialectlisation avec plusieurs transcriptions, dont les plus récentes, phonétiques, accentuent encore sa caractéristique de "patois" éclatés. Ici est donc proposée une orthographe supra-dialectale standardisée, dénommée ORB (orthographe de référence B, amélioration de l'ORA proposée dans un ouvrage précédent "Parlons francoprovençal", l'Harmattan, 1998). A travers une présentation de la langue, de son diasystème phonologique dynamique, de sa place au sein des langues romanes, des graphies utilisées à ce jour, mais aussi de sa toponymie, sa grammaire, son lexique et sa littérature, un survol général est facilité par le recours permanent au standardgraphémique. Une nomenclature des mots de base d'environ 10 000 vocables, complétée par une grammaire et un recueil commenté d'une cinquantaine de textes littéraires choisis dans l'ensemble du domaine, devraient permettre de connaître plus facilement et plus largement cette langue, dont la spécificité n'a été dégagée qu'en 1873, et dont l'existence même a été longtemps contestée. Non seulement les chercheurs pourront, à travers cette introduction à la langue, passer à des recherches plus poussées sur tel ou tel point dans tel ou tel parler, mais le grand public également pourra accéder de plain-pied à une langue méconnue et une littérature presque oubliée, et qui jusqu'ici nécessitait systématiquement une traduction française
Francoprovençal is an unrecognised and historically and culturally undocumented language variety which has been handicapped in various ways : its name is ambiguous ; it is spoken in three different countries (France, Switzerland and Italy) ; it is not recognised as one of the regional languages and, above all, it breaks down into a number of dialects. These often have different spelling systems and, the most recent, being phonetics-based, serves further to accentuate how this variety fragments into patois. Here, then, we are to propose a standard supra-dialectal spelling system which we will call ORB (reference B orthography, an improved version of ORA which I proposed in my book "Parlons francoprovençal", l'Harmattan 1998). In giving a general overview of this language variety, it dynamic phonematic diasystem, its place among the Romance languages and writing systems used to date, as well as its toponymy, grammar, vocabulary and literature, it has been useful to have systematic recourse to the graphemic standard. (. . . )
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Tricot, Marie. "Validation d'un questionnaire semi-standardisé pour le diagnostic de l'épilepsie." Montpellier 1, 1995.

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Jutteau-Huchet, Aurore. "La schizophrénie chez l'enfant et l'adolescent : intérêts d'un instrument d'évaluation standardisé." Bordeaux 2, 2000.

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Mas, Denis. "Intérêt et reproductibilité d'un protocole standardisé dans la mesure de l'intervalle QKd." Bordeaux 2, 1997.

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Wallgren, Lisette. "The complex service field-Is it possible to standardize?" Thesis, Kristianstad University College, Department of Business Administration, 2008.

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The field of complex services contains several actors. First it is the complex service companies that supply a professional service supplier. The professional service provider acts in many cases as a consultant. Secondly, the professional service provider works together with the client to reach a more efficient marketing. That marketing is then directed towards the customer. The customer is the client’s client and the end result.

The purpose with this dissertation is to investigate if it is possible to standardize the working procedure in order to make it as efficient as possible. We choose to investigate this based on interviews with two firms: Marklyss, a domestically operating firm, and GFK, an internationally operating firm. Our limitation is due to the ability to find participating firms.

Based on the interviews, we analysed the collected information through different theories such as 7K and standardization versus adaptation model. This was done to find similarities and differences between the companies. We found that there were some similarities that could be used to create a standardized platform for the working procedure. Also we found some differences that could be investigated further if there is any possibility to find out why and if it is possible to transform it into a similarity.

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Marcoux-Voiselle, Mélissa. "Développement de modèles standardisés pour l'étude des aérosols viraux." Thesis, Université Laval, 2014.

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La dispersion des virus dans l'air est un phénomène encore mal compris. La transmission par contact direct avec une personne infectée ou indirecte via des surfaces contaminées a été largement documentée, mais la littérature sur les aérosols viraux reste pauvre. L’aérosolisation de virus pathogènes requérant d’importantes mesures de biosécurité, des modèles de virus non pathogènes constitueraient des outils précieux dans l’étude des aérosols viraux. Ce projet vise le développement de modèles standardisés pour l’étude des aérosols viraux. Ainsi, des phages ont été testés comme modèles de virus eucaryotes. Pour évaluer leur résistance aux stress environnementaux et aux différents temps d’exposition, ces phages ont été aérosolisés dans une chambre rotative où ils ont été exposés à diverses conditions environnementales (humidité relative [HR], température, UV) et temps. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que les phages choisis pourraient être de bons modèles pour l’étude du comportement des virus dans l’air.
The spread of virus in the air is a poorly understood phenomenon. Transmission by direct contact with an infected person or by indirect contact via contaminated surfaces has been widely documented, but the literature on viral aerosols remains poor. Because the aerosolization of pathogenic viruses requiring significant biosecurity measures, the availability of non-pathogenic viral models would be a valuable tool in the study of viral aerosols. The aim of this project is to develop standardized models for the study of viral aerosols. Consequently, phages were tested as models for eukaryotic viruses. To evaluate their resistance to environmental stresses and to different exposure times, these phages were aerosolized in a rotating chamber where they were exposed to various environmental conditions (relative humidity [RH], temperature, UV) and time. The results suggest that the selected phages could be good models for studying the behavior of the virus in the air.
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Lapierre, Jimmy. "Amélioration de codecs audio standardisés avec maintien de l'interopérabilité." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2016.

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Résumé : L’audio numérique s’est déployé de façon phénoménale au cours des dernières décennies, notamment grâce à l’établissement de standards internationaux. En revanche, l’imposition de normes introduit forcément une certaine rigidité qui peut constituer un frein à l’amélioration des technologies déjà déployées et pousser vers une multiplication de nouveaux standards. Cette thèse établit que les codecs existants peuvent être davantage valorisés en améliorant leur qualité ou leur débit, même à l’intérieur du cadre rigide posé par les standards établis. Trois volets sont étudiés, soit le rehaussement à l’encodeur, au décodeur et au niveau du train binaire. Dans tous les cas, la compatibilité est préservée avec les éléments existants. Ainsi, il est démontré que le signal audio peut être amélioré au décodeur sans transmettre de nouvelles informations, qu’un encodeur peut produire un signal amélioré sans ajout au décodeur et qu’un train binaire peut être mieux optimisé pour une nouvelle application. En particulier, cette thèse démontre que même un standard déployé depuis plusieurs décennies comme le G.711 a le potentiel d’être significativement amélioré à postériori, servant même de cœur à un nouveau standard de codage par couches qui devait préserver cette compatibilité. Ensuite, les travaux menés mettent en lumière que la qualité subjective et même objective d’un décodeur AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) peut être améliorée sans l’ajout d’information supplémentaire de la part de l’encodeur. Ces résultats ouvrent la voie à davantage de recherches sur les traitements qui exploitent une connaissance des limites des modèles de codage employés. Enfin, cette thèse établit que le train binaire à débit fixe de l’AMR WB+ (Extended Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband) peut être compressé davantage pour le cas des applications à débit variable. Cela démontre qu’il est profitable d’adapter un codec au contexte dans lequel il est employé.
Abstract : Digital audio applications have grown exponentially during the last decades, in good part because of the establishment of international standards. However, imposing such norms necessarily introduces hurdles that can impede the improvement of technologies that have already been deployed, potentially leading to a proliferation of new standards. This thesis shows that existent coders can be better exploited by improving their quality or their bitrate, even within the rigid constraints posed by established standards. Three aspects are studied, being the enhancement of the encoder, the decoder and the bit stream. In every case, the compatibility with the other elements of the existent coder is maintained. Thus, it is shown that the audio signal can be improved at the decoder without transmitting new information, that an encoder can produce an improved signal without modifying its decoder, and that a bit stream can be optimized for a new application. In particular, this thesis shows that even a standard like G.711, which has been deployed for decades, has the potential to be significantly improved after the fact. This contribution has even served as the core for a new standard embedded coder that had to maintain that compatibility. It is also shown that the subjective and objective audio quality of the AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) decoder can be improved, without adding any extra information from the encoder, by better exploiting the knowledge of the coder model’s limitations. Finally, it is shown that the fixed rate bit stream of the AMR-WB+ (Extended Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband) can be compressed more efficiently when considering a variable bit rate scenario, showing the need to adapt a coder to its use case.
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Books on the topic "Standardité"


Petrović, Aleksandar. Međunarodni standardi rada. Niš: Pravni fakultet, Centar za publikacije, 2009.

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Nikolovski, Janko V. Evropski mediumski standardi. Skopje: MI-AN, 2005.

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Nikolovski, Janko. Evropski mediumski standardi. Skopje: MI-AN, 2005.

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Nikolovski, Janko V. Evropski mediumski standardi. Skopje: MI-AN, 2005.

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Gatignon, Hubert. To standardize or not to standardize: Marketing mix effectiveness in Europe. Cambridge, Mass: Marketing Science Institute, 1995.

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Gatignon, Hubert. To standardize or not to standardize: Marketing mix effectiveness in Europe. Cambridge, Mass: Marketing Science Institute, 1995.

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Vehbiu, Ardian. Fraktalet e shqipes: Rrëgjimi i gjeometrive të standardit. [Tiranë]: Çabej, 2007.

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Vehbiu, Ardian. Fraktalet e shqipes: Rrëgjimi i gjeometrive të standardit. [Tiranë]: Çabej, 2007.

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Soleva, Evdokija. Standardot ISO, 14001 i negovata primena. Skopje: Mazuk, 2001.

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Dragan, Jovašević, ed. Pritvor u Jugoslaviji i međunarodni standardi. Beograd: Centar za antiratnu akciju, 2001.

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Book chapters on the topic "Standardité"


Weik, Martin H. "standardize." In Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 1650. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Rainfray, Muriel. "Évaluation gérontologique standardisée." In Les cancers digestifs du sujet âgé, 33–48. Paris: Springer Paris, 2010.

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Somme, D. "Évaluation gériatrique standardisée." In Références en réanimation. Collection de la SRLF, 29–41. Paris: Springer Paris, 2012.

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Demaurex, F., and N. Vu. "Patients simulés/standardisés." In La simulation en santé De la théorie à la pratique, 51–62. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.

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Behringer, D., D. P. Berger, H. Bertz, W. D. Digel, M. Engelhardt, J. Finke, H. Henß, M. Lübbert, R. Mertelsmann, and C. Waller. "Protocoles de traitement standardisés." In Précis d’hématologie et d’oncologie, 843–1009. Paris: Springer Paris, 2011.

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Demaurex, F., and N. Vu. "Séance de simulation avec patient standardisé." In La simulation en santé De la théorie à la pratique, 303–12. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.

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Hegbrant, Jörgen, Giorgio Gentile, and Giovanni F. M. Strippoli. "The Quest to Standardize Hemodialysis Care." In Hemodialysis, 39–49. Basel: KARGER, 2011.

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Bercaw, Ronald G., Kurt A. Knoth, and Susan T. Snedaker. "Optimizing Your Legacy System—Standardize by Specialty." In The Lean Electronic Health Record, 221–28. Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2018.: Productivity Press, 2017.

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Narander, Kumar, and Saxena Swati. "A Semantic Framework to Standardize Cloud Adoption Process." In Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 179–86. New Delhi: Springer India, 2016.

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Sanz Vicente, Lara, and Joaquín García Palacios. "Proposals to standardize remote sensing terminology in Spanish." In Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 195–210. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2010.

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Conference papers on the topic "Standardité"


Reinholtz, William K. "Timeline Exchange - Elements to Standardize." In SpaceOps 2014 Conference. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2014.

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Al-Yazeedi, Zeyana, Yousuf Al-Zaabi, Mahmood Al-Oraimi, Wafa Al-Kiyumi, Ashwaq Al-Rawahi, Kifah Al-Tobi, and Ali Al-Gheithy. "Standardize/Simplify Water Flood Pattern Reviews." In SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference. Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2019.

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Alan VanNahmen. "Proposal to Standardize Head to Combine Interface." In 2005 Tampa, FL July 17-20, 2005. St. Joseph, MI: American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2005.

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Vrtodušić Hrgović, Ana-Marija. "STANDARDI KVALITETE I ODRŽIVOSTI U UGOSTITELJSTVU." In Hotelska kuća 2022. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 2022.

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Globalna konkurencija i sve zahtjevniji kupci nameću potrebu za praćenjem trendova u svim aspektima poslovanja pri čemu fokus na kvalitetu i održivost predstavlja jedan od važnijih preduvjeta za uspješno i dugoročno pozicioniranje na međunarodnom tržištu. U tom kontekstu značajnu ulogu imaju međunarodni standardi sustava upravljanja kvalitetom (ISO 9001), okolišem (14001) i energijom (50001) te je u skladu s tim cilj ovog istraživanja analizirati postojeće stanje u pogledu primjene ovih sustava upravljanja u svijetu, Europskoj uniji te u Republici Hrvatskoj na razini cjelokupnog gospodarstva i posebno za ugostiteljstvo te ukazati na njihov značaj i ulogu u poslovanju što ujedno predstavlja svrhu ovog istraživanja. Provedena analiza pokazuje da se i dalje najviše primjenjuje standard ISO 9001 premda je u 2020. zabilježen pad u odnosu na 2013. godinu. Iako se u manjoj mjeri primjenjuju u odnosu na standard ISO 9001, kod standarda ISO 14001 i 50001 u promatranom je razdoblju zabilježen trend porasta. Analiza pokazuje da je u djelatnosti ugostiteljstva primjena ovih standarda u usporedbi sa svijetom i Europskom unijom još uvijek nedovoljna što zahtijeva poduzimanje mjera za poticanje njihove primjene. S obzirom na trend primjene integriranih sustava upravljanja temeljem dostupnih podataka za 2020. godinu analizirana je i povezanost između primjene standarda ISO 9001 i standarda 14001 na razini Europe. Dodatno kako bi se analizirali učinci primjene ovih standarda provedena je analiza dosadašnjih istraživanja u pogledu rezultata primjene sustava upravljanja kvalitetom, okolišem i energijom i njihove integracije s posebnim naglaskom na ugostiteljstvo budući da se radi o još uvijek nedovoljno istraženoj temi posebno u djelatnosti ugostiteljstva. Provedene analize i dobiveni rezultati predstavljat će osnovu za buduća istraživanja, unapređenje poslovne prakse te bržu i širu primjenu ovih međunarodnih standarda.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles

Scott-Emuakpor, Onome E., Tommy George, Casey M. Holycross, Joseph A. Beck, and Charles J. Cross. "Regression Study to Standardize Piezoelectric Axial Fatigue Testing." In 56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2015.

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Hopp, Jerry. "Modernize, then Standardize Legacy Power Conversion ATE Architectures." In 2022 IEEE AUTOTESTCON. IEEE, 2022.

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Gasparovsky, Dionyz, and Jana Raditschová. "Home Lighting: A Challenge to Improve and Standardise." In 21st International Conference LIGHT SVĚTLO 2015. Brno: Fakulta elektrotechniky a komunikacnich technologii VUT v Brne, 2015.

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Baets, Roel G. "Silicon Photonics Platforms: to standardize or to diversify?" In Frontiers in Optics. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2016.

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Althaus, K., S. Bosher, S. Weit, S. Kluge, and T. Bakchoul. "A Laboratory Approach to Standardize Luminoaggregometry for Sample Shipment." In 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis Research. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2019.

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Alrashed, Tarfah. "Systems to Democratize and Standardize Access to Web APIs." In UIST '21: The 34th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2021.

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Reports on the topic "Standardité"


Burns, Dominic, and John Hopkinson. Leapfrog Technology to Standardize Equipment and System Installations. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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Burns, Dominic, and John Hopkinson. The National Shipbuilding Research Program. Leapfrog Technology to Standardize Equipment and System Installation. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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Burns, Dominic, and John Hopkinson. Leapfrog Technology to Standardize Equipment and Systems Installations. Section 1. Literature Search and Benchmarking. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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Burns, Dominic, and John Hopkinson. Leapfrog Technology to Standardize Equipment and System Installations. Section Number 6 - Manufacturing and Installation Techniques. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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Burns, Dominic, and John Hopkinson. Leapfrog Technology to Standardize Equipment and Systems Installations. Section No. 1 - Literature Search and Benchmarking. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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Burns, Dominic, and John Hopkinson. Leapfrog Technology to Standardize Equipment and System Installations. Section 7. Engineering Analysis and Develop Standards. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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Burns, Dominic, and John Hopkinson. Leapfrog Technology to Standardize Equipment and System Installation. Section 8. Product Modeling Criteria and Demonstration. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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Burns, Dominic, and John Hopkinson. Leapfrog Technology to Standardize Equipment and System Installation, Section 9 and 10 - Review and Approval Process. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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Burns, Dominic, and John Hopkinson. Leapfrog Technology to Standardize Equipment and System Installations. Section Number 2 - Equipment, System Installation, and Technical Criteria. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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Burns, Dominic, and John Hopkinson. Leapfrog Technology to Standardize Equipment and System Installation. Section 3. Design Criteria and Attributes for Reducing Cost. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1999.

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