Academic literature on the topic 'Stabilité des systèmes hybrides'
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Journal articles on the topic "Stabilité des systèmes hybrides"
Bourdais, Romain, Laurent Hetel, Jamal Daafouz, and wilfrid Perruquetti. "Stabilité et stabilisation d'une classe de systèmes dynamiques hybrides." Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 41, no. 7-8 (December 30, 2007): 819–53.
Full textDeau, Thierry. "Produire et stocker l’électricité pour décarboner les systèmes insulaires." Annales des Mines - Réalités industrielles Août 2023, no. 3 (August 4, 2023): 47–50.
Full text-Quénec'Hdu, Yves. "Systèmes dynamiques hybrides : introduction." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 05 (1998): 70.
Full text-Guéguen, Hervé. "Automatismes : les systèmes hybrides." Revue de l'Electricité et de l'Electronique -, no. 08 (2003): 63.
Full textGapaillard, Muriel. "Représentations continues de systèmes hybrides." Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 41, no. 7-8 (December 30, 2007): 913–40.
Full textLin-Shi, Xuefang, Jean-Marie Rétif, Xavier Brun, Florent Morel, Mohamed Smaoui, and Claire Valentin. "Commande des systèmes hybrides rapides. Applications aux systèmes mécatroniques." Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 41, no. 7-8 (December 30, 2007): 963–90.
Full textTaleb, Marwa, Edouard Leclercq, and Dimitri Lefebvre. "Commande prédictive des systèmes dynamiques hybrides." Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 50, no. 1-2 (April 28, 2017): 49–74.
Full textIung, C., and P. Riedinger. "Commande optimale des systèmes dynamiques hybrides." J3eA 2 (2003): 003.
Full textLe Gall, Tristan, Bertrand Jeannet, and Hervé Marchand. "Contrôle de systèmes symboliques, discrets ou hybrides." Techniques et sciences informatiques 25, no. 3 (March 1, 2006): 289–315.
Full textGuéguen, Hervé, and Janan Zaytoon. "Vérification des systèmes hybrides. Etat de l'art." Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés 38, no. 1-2 (February 2004): 145–75.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Stabilité des systèmes hybrides"
Rubio, Espino Elsa. "Sur la stabilité des systèmes hybrides et la stabilisation par commutation." Toulouse, INSA, 2005.
Full textIn this thesis we develop three algorithms for the analysis of the stability of hybrid systems. Our proposal is based on concepts of Lyapunov functions. We propose a structure for the representation of a hybrid system. This structure is composed of a continuous block represented by a Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model and a discrete block that corresponds to a supervisor modelled by coloured Petri nets. We perform simulations for different kinds of configurations among the subsystems in order to compare and verify the effectiveness of the algorithms proposed. To implement the actions necessary to stabilize this type of system, we propose to carry out a fuzzy switching action among the different dynamics of the subsystems. This work of thesis is divided into three parts: modelling, analysis and supervision
Cosson, Marjorie. "Stabilité du réseau électrique de distribution. Analyse du point de vue automatique d'un système complexe." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016.
Full textTo maintain the voltage within specified limits, local control laws of distributed generators (DGs) reactive power (Q) with respect to their voltage (U) have been considered. This work studies the impact of Q(U) control laws on distribution feeders’voltage stability. An empirical study confirms the risk of voltage instability and highlights its dependence on control law parameters. To help distribution grid operators to choose these parameters, three methods assessing stability are formulated.First, a formal method based on discrete abstraction and bisimulation calculation is developed. The proposed approach yields precise results but with a high computational load. Then, to overcome this issue, an analytical criterion adapting Q(U) control laws response time with respect to grid parameters is formulated. Finally, a general criterion, valid in any cases, is established in order to be included in the grid codes. To conclude this work, extension to more complex cases is discussed
Chombart, Anne. "Commande supervisée de systèmes hybrides." Grenoble INPG, 1997.
Full textBen, Rejeb Jihene. "Analyse de stabilité et synchronisation des systèmes singulièrement perturbés." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017.
Full textThis PhD thesis is dedicated to the study of stability and control design for singularly perturbed systems. In the first part, we introduce and analyze a general class of singularly perturbed linear hybrid systems, in which the slow or fast nature of the variables is mode-dependent. Our stability analysis is based on classical results of Lyapunov’s theory for singularly perturbed systems. A second part of this work presents the design of a decentralized control strategy that allows singularly perturbed multi-agent systems to achieve synchronization with global performance guarantees. To avoid the use of centralized information related to the interconnection network structure, the problem is solved by rewriting the synchronization problem in terms of stabilization of a singularly perturbed uncertain linear system
Ben, Salah Jaâfar. "Analyse et commande des systèmes non linéaires complexes : application aux systèmes dynamiques à commutation." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2009.
Full textAl, Khatib Mohammad. "Analyse de stabilité, ordonnancement, et synthèse des systèmes cyber-physiques." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.
Full textThis is a study conducted on cyber-physical systems on three main aspects: stability verification, scheduling, and parameter synthesis. Embedded control systems (ECS) acting under timing contracts are the considered class of cyber-physical systems in the thesis. ECS refers to integrations of a computing device with the physical system. As for timing contracts they are time constraints on the instants where some events happen such as sampling, actuation, and computation. These contracts are used to model issues that arise in modern embedded control systems: uncertain sampling to actuation delays, uncertain sampling periods, and interaction of several physical systems with shared computational resources (CPUs). Now given an ECS and a timing contract we reformulate the system into an impulsive one and verifies stability of the system, under all possible bounded uncertainties given by the contract, using safe convex approximation techniques and new generalized results for the problem on a class of systems modeled in the framework of difference inclusions. Second given a set of controllers implemented on a common computational platform (CPUs), each of which is subject to a timing contract, and best and worst case execution times on each CPU, we synthesize a dynamic scheduling policy, which guarantees that each timing contract is satisfied and that each of the shared CPUs are allocated to at most one embedded controller at any time. The approach is based on a timed game formulation that allows us to write the scheduling problem as a timed safety game. Then using the tool UPPAAL-TIGA, a solution to the safety game provides a suitable scheduling policy. In addition, we provide a novel necessary and sufficient condition for schedulability of the control tasks based on a simplified timed game automaton. Last, we solve a parameter synthesis problem which consists of synthesizing an under-approximation of the set of timing contracts that guarantee at the same time the schedulability and stability of the embedded controllers. The synthesis is based on a re-parameterization of the timing contract to make them monotonic, and then on a repeatedly sampling of the parameter space until reaching a predefined precision of approximation
Mariano, Simone. "Contributions to the modeling, the analysis and the control of networked hybrid dynamical systems." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2023.
Full textFrom smart grids and social and biological networks to fleets of drones, networked systems pervade our daily life. In each one of these systems, we can identify some recurring basic features: elementary dynamical units, called agents, locally mutually interact via a graph topology using local information, and give rise to a globally coherent and collective behavior. In numerous instances, networked systems exhibit continuous-time dynamics that are subject to sudden, instantaneous changes that may naturally arise or may be enforced by design. In both scenarios, it is effective to model the overall system as a so-called networked hybrid dynamical system.The objective of this thesis revolves around demonstrating the strengths of hybrid theoretical tools to model and control in a distributed way important classes of networked systems. We first show how hybrid techniques can be used to model the evolution of opinions in a social network where the interactions between individuals depend on both their past and current opinions. This is a reasonable assumption when every individual knows the identity of the other members of the network. We thus present a model of opinion dynamics where each agent has active or inactive pairwise interactions depending on auxiliary state variables filtering the instantaneous opinions, thereby taking their past values into account. When an interaction is (de)activated, a jump occurs, leading to a networked hybrid dynamical model. The stability properties of this hybrid networked system are then analyzed and we establish that the opinions of the agents converge to local agreements/clusters as time grows. In the second case study, we demonstrate how hybrid techniques can be used to overcome fundamental limitations of continuous-time coupling to synchronize a network of oscillators. In particular, we envision the engineering scenario where the goal is to design the coupling rules for heterogeneous oscillators to globally and uniformly synchronize to a common phase. Each oscillator has its own time-varying natural frequency taking values in a compact set. This problem is historically addressed in the literature by resorting to the well-known Kuramoto model whose original formulation comes from biological and physical networks. However, the Kuramoto model exhibits major shortcomings for engineering applications, namely the lack of uniform synchronization and phase-locking outside the synchronization set. To overcome these challenges, the oscillators are designed to be interconnected via a tree-like leaderless network by a class of hybrid coupling rules. The proposed couplings can recover locally the behavior of Kuramoto oscillators while ensuring the uniform global practical or asymptotic stability of the synchronization set, which is impossible with Kuramoto models. We further show that the synchronization set can be made uniformly globally prescribed finite-time stable by selecting the coupling function to be discontinuous at the origin. Novel mathematical tools on non-pathological functions and set-valued Lie derivatives are developed to carry out the stability analysis.It appears that this last set of mathematical tools has broader applicability than the considered hybrid network of oscillators. We thus finally exploit these tools to analyze the stability properties of Lur'e systems with piecewise continuous nonlinearities. We first extend a result from the literature by establishing the global asymptotic stability of the origin under more general sector conditions. We then present criteria under which Lur'e systems with piecewise continuous nonlinearities enjoy output and state finite-time stability properties. Moreover, we provide algebraic proofs of the results, which represents a novelty by itself. We show the relevance of the tools provided, by studying the stability properties of two engineering systems of known interest: cellular neural networks and mechanical systems affected by friction
Quemard, Céline. "Analyse et optimisation d'une classe de systèmes dynamiques hybrides à commutations autonomes." Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2007.
Full textHachemi, Fouad El. "Analyse de stabilité des systèmes à commutations singulièrement perturbés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2012.
Full textMany phenomena we encounter can be described by hybrid models, namely, consisting of one continuous dynamic and one discret dynamic at the same time. Moreover, these dynamics often evolves in different time scales. In this thesis, we deal with the stability analysis of singularly perturbed switched systems in continuous time. When we consider switchings, the "classical" approach (decoupling fast and slow dynamics) allowing to analyse stability of singularly perturbed systems doesn't hold anymore. Considering second order singularly perturbed switched systems woth two modes, we completely characterize de stability behavior of such systems when the perturbation parameter goes to zero. Then, we study the discretization of singularly perturbed switched systems. In particular, we focus on methods allowing to preserve stability and common quadratic Lyapunov functions
Ben, Rejeb Jihene. "Analyse de stabilité et synchronisation des systèmes singulièrement perturbés." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2017.
Full textThis PhD thesis is dedicated to the study of stability and control design for singularly perturbed systems. In the first part, we introduce and analyze a general class of singularly perturbed linear hybrid systems, in which the slow or fast nature of the variables is mode-dependent. Our stability analysis is based on classical results of Lyapunov’s theory for singularly perturbed systems. A second part of this work presents the design of a decentralized control strategy that allows singularly perturbed multi-agent systems to achieve synchronization with global performance guarantees. To avoid the use of centralized information related to the interconnection network structure, the problem is solved by rewriting the synchronization problem in terms of stabilization of a singularly perturbed uncertain linear system
Books on the topic "Stabilité des systèmes hybrides"
Vi͡a︡cheslavovich, Kalashnikov Vladimir, Zolotarev V. M, Matematicheskiĭ institut im. V.A. Steklova., Vsesoi͡u︡znyĭ nauchno-issledovatelʹskiĭ institut sistemnykh issledovaniĭ., and Vsesoi͡u︡znyĭ seminar po problemam nepreryvnosti i ustoĭchivosti stokhasticheskikh modeleĭ (11th : 1987 : Sukhumi, Georgian S.S.R.), eds. Stability problems for stochastic models: Proceedings of the 11th International Seminar held in Sukhumi (Abkhazian Autonomous Republic) USSR, Sept. 25-Oct. 1, 1987. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Find full textFrance) International Conference on Automation of Mixed Processes (3rd 1998 Reims. Les systèmes dynamiques hybrides: Actes de la 3ème Conférence internationale sur l'automatisation des processus mixtes, ADPM'98, Reims, France, 19-20 mars 1998. Edited by Zaytoon J, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, and Société des électriciens et des électroniciens. Reims, France: Presses universitaires de Reims, 1998.
Find full textInstitution of Engineering and Technology and Knovel (Firm), eds. Propulsion systems for hybrid vehicles. 2nd ed. Stevenage: Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2010.
Find full text1960-, Sun Ron, and Alexandre Frederic, eds. Connectionist-symbolic integration: From unified to hybrid approaches. Mahwah, N.J: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997.
Find full textA, Martyni︠u︡k A., ed. Stability and stabilization of nonlinear systems with random structure. London: Taylor & Francis, 2002.
Find full textMatveev, Alexy S. Qualitative theory of hybrid dynamical systems. Boston: Birkhäuser, 2000.
Find full textHybrid Energy Systems for Offshore Applications. Elsevier Science & Technology Books, 2021.
Find full textDincer, Ibrahim, Valerio Cozzani, and Anna Crivellari. Hybrid Energy Systems for Offshore Applications. Elsevier, 2021.
Find full textShah, Yatish T. Hybrid Power: Generation, Storage, and Grids. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Stabilité des systèmes hybrides"
VOSSIER, Alexis, and Joya ZEITOUNY. "Systèmes hybrides PV-CSP." In Le solaire à concentration, 285–309. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full text"7 Stabilité des trajectoires." In Des équations différentielles aux systèmes dynamiques I, 213–38. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"7 Stabilité des trajectoires." In Des équations différentielles aux systèmes dynamiques I, 213–38. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textNifenecker, Hervé. "6. Les systèmes hybrides de production d'énergie." In Les déchets nucléaires, 123–54. EDP Sciences, 1997.
Full textNifenecker, Hervé. "6. Les systèmes hybrides de production d'énergie." In Les déchets nucléaires, 123–54. EDP Sciences, 1997.
Full textRABTA, Boualem, Ouiza LEKADIR, and Djamil AÏSSANI. "Stabilité forte des systèmes et réseaux de files d’attente : synthèse et perspectives." In Théorie des files d’attente 1, 299–336. ISTE Group, 2021.
Full textMOROZOV, Evsey, and Bart STEYAERT. "Une méthode d’analyse de stabilité des systèmes de files d’attente régénératifs." In Théorie des files d’attente 2, 253–84. ISTE Group, 2021.
Full textLemieux, Vincent. "Stabilité, changement et instabilité dans les systèmes de partis." In Canada’s Century: Governance in a Maturing Society, 238–56. McGill-Queen's University Press, 1995.
Full textLandau, Jean-Pierre. "II. Stabilité et efficacité des systèmes financiers, complémentarités et contradictions." In Peut-on apprivoiser l'argent aujourd'hui ?, 397–402. Hermann, 2016.
Full textSensevy, Gérard, Jean-Noël Blocher, Catherine Goujon, and Dominique Forest. "Chapitre 7. Films d’étude et systèmes hypermédias : le cas des systèmes hybrides texte-image-son (SHTIS)." In Enquêter dans les métiers de l’humain, 648–63. Éditions Raison et Passions, 2022.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Stabilité des systèmes hybrides"
Broy, P., C. Berenguer, and H. Chraibi. "Fiabilité dynamique : estimation de la sûreté de systèmes dynamiques hybrides complexes dans le domaine hydraulique." In Congrès Lambda Mu 19 de Maîtrise des Risques et Sûreté de Fonctionnement, Dijon, 21-23 Octobre 2014. IMdR, 2015.
Full textBrun, Jean-Louis. "Réussir les transitions en s’inspirant de pratiques traditionnelles, un paradoxe ? Entre idéalisation et pragmatisme, la fluctuation." In Actes du congrès de l’Association Française de Sémiotique. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2024.
Full textDegorce, T. "Le défaut osseux antérieur : un défi esthétique et chirurgical." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Stabilité des systèmes hybrides"
Deyal, Zubin, Laura Giles Álvarez, Nerlyne Jean-Baptiste, Giulia Lotti, Alejandra Mejía, Shawn Michael Proctor, and Juan Carlos Vargas-Moreno. Aliments destinés à l'exportation: une analyse du potentiel d'exportation agricole d'Haïti dans le département du Nord-Ouest. Inter-American Development Bank, October 2024.
Full textNaffi, Nadia, Ann-Louise Davidson, and Didier Paquelin. Perturbation dans et par les bureaux de soutien à l’enseignement pendant la pandémie COVID-19: Innover pour l'avenir de l'enseignement supérieur. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, September 2020.
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