Academic literature on the topic 'STAAD MODEL'

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Journal articles on the topic "STAAD MODEL"


Et. al., A. Sharma,. "Analysis Of Steel-Rcc Composite Deck Bridge." Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) 12, no. 4 (April 11, 2021): 212–20.

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: In the literature, provisions for analysis and design of steel-RCC composite deck type truss and cable-stayed bridges do not exist. A composite deck type truss bridge model is analyzed using STAAD Pro V8i software and a model with the same dimensions is tested in the laboratory. The experimental test results are used to validate the STAAD analysis results. Bottom chord strain and mid-span deflection of the composite bridge model as found from the STAAD analysis and the laboratory experiment closely tally with each other. This validates the standard STAAD analysis results. However, in the top chord member, due to shrinkage cracks in the deck slab concrete, the experimentally recorded strain is higher by about 100% than the STAAD analysis result. Shear force in studs is considerably large near supports and joints as compared to the midsection. Therefore, the design of shear studs may be carried out based on the shear forces in the studs found from the STAAD analysis. Thus it is recommended that STAAD or any other standard finite element analysis software can be used for analysis and design of the composite bridges.
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Shaikh, Mr Shoaibaktar Yunus. "Comparative Analysis and Study the Behavior of Transmission Line Tower with using Eccentric and Concentric Bracing System with using STAAD Pro Software." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 9, no. VI (June 10, 2021): 451–58.

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The principle objective of this project is to “Model, Analysis and Study the behavior of transmission line tower with Concentric and Eccentric type of bracing system by using STAAD Pro software”. The Model methods used in STAAD Pro analysis are limit state Design conforming to Indian Standard Code of Practice. STAAD Pro features a state-of-the-art user interface, visualization tools, powerful analysis and design engines with advanced finite element and dynamic analysis capabilities from model generation, analysis and design to visualization and result verification, STAAD Pro is the professional’s choice. Our Final work was the “Comparative Analysis and study the behavior of transmission line tower with Concentric and Eccentric type of bracing system” under various load combinations. Using Indian equal angle section, wind zone II and seismic zone III. And considering the plane terrain
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Srivastav, Shubham, and Deepak Kumar. "A Research Paper on Residential G+2 Story Building." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 11, no. 5 (May 31, 2023): 4701–4.

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Abstract: The principle objective of this project is to analyse and design a multi-storied building {G + 2(3-dimensional frame)} using STAAD Pro. The design involves load calculations manually and analysing the whole structure by STAAD Pro. The design methods used in STAAD-Pro analysis are Limit State Design conforming to Indian Standard Code of Practice. STAAD. Pro features a state-ofthe-art user interface, visualization tools, powerful analysis and design engines with advanced finite element and dynamic analysis capabilities. From model generation, analysis and design to visualization and result verification, STAAD. Pro is the professional’s choice. Initially we started with the analysis of simple 2-dimensional frames and manually checked the accuracy of the software with our results.
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Shah, Manthan I., Vishal B. Patel, and Snehal V. Mevada. "Comparative Study of Conventional Frame and Diagonally Intersecting Metal with Geometric Irregularities." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 10, no. 4 (April 30, 2022): 578–80.

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Abstract: Compare the performance of Diagrid structural system and chevron braced frame by using Staad pro software. To analyses the stability of structure in seismic zone according to comparison between bending moment diagram, shear force variation. The STAAD-PRO software is used to develop 3D rendering model and to carry out the analysis. The lateral load such as earthquake to be applied on the buildings are based on the Indian standards. The study is performed for seismic zone –IV (Delhi) as per IS 1893:2002 (Earthquake load). Keyword: Diagrid Structure, Conventional Frame, Tall Buildings, Lateral loads, Staad Pro
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Kurniawan, S,Pd MT, Achendri M., Taufiq Rocman, and Johanes Asdhi Poerwanto. "PERENCANAAN GELAGAR BENTANG 30 METER JALAN LAYANG (FLYOVER) PADA PERSIMPANGAN GADANG KOTA MALANG." PROKONS Jurusan Teknik Sipil 13, no. 2 (January 16, 2020): 102.

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The purpose of this thesis is to complements the feasibility study of flyover building which is otherwise feasible. The feasibility will be continued to flyover structure plan. The flyover located in the Intersection of Gadang Highway Malang City is planned to have a total length of 290 meters and a width of 8 meters with a bridge division of 20 meters and 30 meters.The method used to plan is LRFD (Load Resistance Factors Design) and loading based on SNI 2016. For statics analysis STAAD Pro v8i program is used. In the 30-meter span bridge girder modeling in the STAAD Pro V8i program there are 2 ways of modeling that is by using a beam model and using a plate model. By making comparisons between the two methods.The results are obtained: The girder with beam model uses 4D22 in compressive reinforcement, 14D25 in flexural reinforcement, 10D13 in side reinforcement and Ø10-200 in shear reinforcement. The girder with plate model uses 5D25 in compressive reinforcement, 16D29 in flexural reinforcement, 8D19 in side reinforcement and Ø10-200 in shear reinforcement.
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Grover, Rakesh, and Bhavesh Kumar Daharwal. "Study of Seismic Effect on High Rise Building in Two Different Position of Shear Wall using Staad Pro." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 11, no. 4 (April 30, 2023): 4168–74.

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Abstract: India at present is fast growing economy & Population growth will increase demands of land to construct high rise structure are more advantage to provide they demands in construction industry. The present study reports the effect of earthquake on high rise building to comparison of two different seismic zone with different position of shear wall using STAAD Pro. V8i SS5 to work out effective ideal location of shear walls. G+9 high rise building in zone III & zone V is considered for the present study. Analysis of the building is conferred with some preliminary investigations, analyzed by varied position of shear wall by considering three models as model 1 without shear wall, model 2 shear wall at corner with different position, model 3 shear wall in corner position. Maximum shear wall deflections are calculated and analyzed for all considered model. M30 grade of concrete is used with Fe415 steel is used for the present study. The seismic analysis performed is Equivalent Static Method as per IS 1893-2002 using the well-known analysis and design software STAAD PRO. V8i SS5 . Seismic performance of the building has been investigated based on parameters such as, Base Shear, Storey Displacements & Storey Drift along X direction & along Z direction of the structure
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Choubisa, Jitendra. "Structural Behavior of Steel Structures on the Basis of Computer Simulation Software." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 11, no. 2 (February 28, 2023): 1284–92.

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Abstract: Creating a world class infrastructure that stands aesthetic and performs well structurally is not that easy. As an engineer one must have to keep in mind the applications and structural needs of a building. Talking of structures, RCC structures are quite common to work out with and on the other hand steel structures gives good weight per unit length. Steel structures are also easy to construct and helps in reducing project time. In this paper we have discussed about how structurally a model behaves in regards to its comparison among two computer simulating software viz., etabs and staad pro. Staad pro is there for long in the field of simulation and etabs is easy to workout with the interactive design and functions. We have compared here mainly three types of structures made entirely of steel sections. A Howe roof truss, a Howe bridge truss and a transmission tower. All of them were modeled in both etabs and staad pro and the results were matched. Both the software showed quite same base reaction, bending moment and shear forces. But Etabs shows slightly less bending moment, shear forces & Base reaction with more precision in the respective members as compared to StaadPro. And on the other hand etabs also shows which members is stressed or utilized fully upto its strength, by which one can use an optimized way of designing a structures.
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Miklašēvičs, Z. "The Lasting Calculation Optimization for Wood Poles in Power Lines Designing." Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference 1 (June 26, 2006): 171.

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Power lines in company „Latvenergo” are designed by program STAAD-111. Information involved in program contains data about the length of wood poles, wood poles strength rate, space between wood poles, the region of wind where the designed power line is intended to be exploited, the division of wood poles in the investigation stages where the data about strength parametrs are needed, the type of wires, the wood pole density, the wood pole module of flexibility . Following parameters are calculated: the support connection reactions, shear resistance, twist moment, bending tension and combined tension. After the analyses of results the assumptive load is applied on wood poles in three- dimension plane is determined. For power lines design optimization there are offered: ? the calculation data based on experimentally obtained wood strength parametrs; ? the statistical appreciation and strength parameters estimation model which is based on technological process distribution into control points; ? the calculation algorithm for the project programm STAAD-111 based on experimentally obtained wood strength parametrs.
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Balaji, G. C., S. S. Vivek, P. A. Edwin Fernando, B. Karthikeyan, P. Jaishankar, and V. Rathinakumar. "Structural Optimization of RC Columns in a Multi-storeyed Building by Tree-Columns Subjected to Lateral Loads." E3S Web of Conferences 405 (2023): 03001.

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It has become the agenda to use the bottom storey as the parking area in the multi-storey buildings and it has been quite a disturbance caused by RCC columns occupying more while projecting down to the ground. To get rid of this disturbance and for the aesthetic appearance, the number of columns in the bottom storey has to be reduced so that number of the footing will also get reduced. To achieve this, the five-storey RCC framed structure of plan area 30m X 33m which is assumed to be situated in Chennai with each storey height of 4m is modelled in STAAD Pro software in the way that the loads from the four columns present in the ends of each room will be transferring to the single-column placed in the centre of each room at the bottom storey. Then the necessary loads such as Gravity loads, Seismic loads, Wind loads, and software-generated automatic load combinations were applied to the generated model and the analysis was carried out. Similarly, the conventional model of the same plan was also analyzed by STAAD Pro software with the same set of load cases, and a comparative study of structural parameters such as bending moment, shear force, and deflection was done. Finally, both the models were designed as per IS code and Cost analysis between the two models was carried out.
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Pandey, S., and B. Bijoy. "Performance of Different Bracing Patterns for Moderately Tall Steel Buildings Subjected to Lateral Load." Proceedings of the 12th Structural Engineering Convention, SEC 2022: Themes 1-2 1, no. 1 (December 19, 2022): 1517–22.

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In the present work, a model of moderately tall steel building G+20 storied, has been developed and then analysed for lateral load using design software STAAD Pro. Performance of different types of bracing systems are checked under gravity load and wind load. Various results such as bending moment, shear force, lateral deflections, storey drift, axial load on columns are extracted from this analysis and studied meticulously. In few cases of brace pattern effect of providing eccentricity are also studied to suggest optimum positioning of these bracing systems.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "STAAD MODEL"


Huijsman, Robbert. "Model van voorzieningen voor ouderen." Zeist : Maastricht : Kerckebosch ; University Library, Maastricht University [Host], 1990.

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Proefschrift Maastricht.
Onderzoek uitgevoerd in opdracht van de (voormalige) Stuurgroep Onderzoek Ouderwordende Mens (SOOM) en het Ministerie van Welzijn, Volksgezondheid en Cultuur. Lit. op.: p. 293-305. - Met samenvatting in het Engels.
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Novy, Andreas. "Sozialräumliche Polarisierung. Raum, Macht und Staat." Institut für Wirtschaftsgeographie, Abt. Stadt- und Regionalentwicklung, WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2003.

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Qin, Yanguo. "Ingrowth models and juvenile mixedwood stand dynamics." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Bengtsson, Mikael. "A Control-Oriented 0D Model of a Turbocharger Gas Stand Including Heat Transfer." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Fordonssystem, 2015.

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A turbocharger’s performance is measured in a gas stand in order to provide information of the components characteristics. The measurement procedure is a very time consuming process and it is thus desired to make it more time-efficient. To allow for development of an enhanced control strategy used during the measurements, a 0D model of a gas stand is developed. The physical gas stand components are modeled and validated against measurements, all showing a reasonable result. Turbocharger heat transfers are investigated and modeled using a lumped capacitance approach. The heat transfer models shows approximative results when comparing with measurements which is explained by the lack of temperature measurement made on the bearing housing. When the complete gas stand model is validated against measurements, an improvement of the measurement procedure is examined. By adding an idealized heat source with the possibility to heat the compressor housing, it is possible to reduce the time it takes to reach an equilibrium when switching between two steady state operating points.
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Wrede, Matthias. "Fiskalische Externalitäten im föderativen Staat /." Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2001.

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Bowling, Ernest H. "A stand level multi-species growth model for Appalachian hardwoods." Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985.

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Hurst, Jennifer Megan. "Stand dynamics of mixed-Nothofagus forest." Thesis, University of Canterbury. School of Forestry, 2014.

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Sustainable management of mixed-species forests for timber is underpinned by research on forest stand dynamics and quantification of tree recruitment, growth and mortality rates. Different performance among species across light gradients theoretically prevents more shade-tolerant species from excluding shade-intolerant species, driving succession and allowing species coexistence. This research investigates stand dynamics and performance trade-offs for co-occurring tree species: Nothofagus fusca (red beech) and Nothofagus menziesii (silver beech), which together dominate extensive areas of New Zealand’s indigenous forest. Using permanent plot data, measurements of permanently tagged individuals are used to quantify recruitment, growth and mortality rates for each species, across size classes and life-history stages (i.e. seedlings, trees). First, seedling growth and mortality is examined in relation to microhabitats (e.g., light, substrate type) and contrasted with patterns of seedling abundance. Second, spatially explicit permanent plot data are used to examine tree growth in relation to competition, local disturbance and tree size over a 23-year period. Third, the influence of competition and disturbance on tree mortality and spatial patterns of tree mortality are examined. Fourth, a simulation model for tree population dynamics is parameterised for mixed-Nothofagus forest and used to evaluate long term consequences of disturbances (e.g. alternate harvesting regimes) on structure and composition. Small-scale disturbance favoured each species at different life stages and for different measures of performance (i.e. recruitment, growth or mortality). N. fusca seedlings and trees grew fast in high light microhabitats, such as those created by small-scale disturbances, but adult N. fusca mortality was elevated near sites of recent disturbance. By contrast, N. menziesii trees grew faster near sites of recent disturbance, which may help this species persist. Consequently, simulation results showed that small-scale disturbance frequency was a major determinant of forest composition and structure, determining whether N. fusca or N. menziesii is dominant. The simulation model could be developed further and used to inform the sustainable management of mixed-Nothofagus forests.
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Heinze, Jason A. "Effects of Low-Input Vegetation Management on Pine-Hardwood Mixed Stands in the Northern Piedmont." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 1999.

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In an attempt to provide low-cost, low-input alternatives for regenerating pine-hardwood mixtures, this study examined several mechanisms that influence the growth of pine-hardwood stands. The Regeneration Alternatives Study is an ongoing experiment that was designed to gain biological and economical information concerning the growth and yield of loblolly pine and mixed hardwood species. Low-cost herbicide applications (stump treatment, basal stem spray, release, and soil spot release) were used to control competing vegetation during the study. The four even-aged regeneration treatments applied to loblolly pine and mixed hardwood stands of this study had a significant effect on their growth. Loblolly pine growth increased and mixed hardwood growth decreased as the intensity of herbicide treatment increased for all age classes. In general, loblolly pine was more productive with more intense treatment applications on poorer sites following a growing season harvest. Hardwood species were more productive with less intense treatment applications on higher-quality sites following a dormant season harvest for all age classes. Loblolly pine planting following clearfelling, coupled with a herbicide stump and release treatment (treatment 4), resulted in the highest yields of loblolly pine, the greatest economic returns, and the greatest level of site utilization. However, treatment 4 also resulted in the lowest yield of mixed hardwoods and the lowest level of species richness. Loblolly pine planting following clearfelling, with (treatment 3) and without (treatment 2) a hardwood stump treatment application, resulted in a more even distribution of pines and hardwoods, depending on the treatment. Treatment 3 favored loblolly pine growth, especially following a growing season harvest on poor sites. Treatment 2 favored mixed hardwood growth, especially following a dormant season harvest on good sites. There were no differences between methods of release (basal spray or soil spot herbicide application). Economically, treatments 2 and 3 did not realize a profit on returns. Pine yields, dbh, and basal area were all significantly greater following a summer season harvest as opposed to pine growth following a winter harvest with the same chemical treatments. The pine growth data indicated that less intense chemical treatments following a summer harvest can achieve the same or greater growth results than more intense chemical treatments following a winter harvest. The results of this study indicate a significant biological and economic tradeoff, depending on the level of hardwood control applied and the time of harvesting.
Master of Science
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Adetomokun, Idowu Jacob. "Exploring semiotic remediation in performances of stand-up comedians in post- apartheid South Africa and post-colonial Nigeria." University of the Western Cape, 2018.

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Philosophiae Doctor - PhD
This research has been conducted by focusing on the trajectories of semiotic ensembles from various contexts that stand-up comedians exploited for aesthetic and communicative purposes. I apply the social semiotic theory of multimodality (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2001, 2006), and the notions of semiotic remediation (Bolter and Grusin, 1996, 2000) and resemiotization (Iedema, 2003) to selected audiovisual recordings performances of Trevor Noah and Loyiso Gola from South Africa; and Atunyota Akporobomeriere (Ali Baba) and Bright Okpocha (Basket Mouth) from Nigeria. I explore the trajectories of semiotic resources that the comedians used across modes, contexts and practices. I also trace the translation and interpretation of socio-cultural and political materials by South African and Nigerian stand-up comedians’ performances. The idea is also to examine the extent to which the socio-cultural and political contexts of both countries have differential effects on the choices in the semiotic resources used in the reconstruction of meanings, including cross socio-cultural taboos. The study reveals that combinations of various semiotic materials ranging from political, sociocultural, religious and personal lifestyles are remediated (repurposed) for comic and aesthetic effects. This involves translating and re-interpreting the semiotic resources across contexts and practices. In this regard, the study showed how the artists rework verbal language, images, socio-political discourses and other semiotic material for new meanings. It also reveals that although the choices of materials are similar, there is a tendency of localizing semiotic resources to particular localities and audiences, so that each artist’s performance comes out as unique to the person. The study concludes that language alone is not at the core of communication as other semiotic modes (in addition to languages) are integrated interweaving resources to make meaning. The direction of the modes or resources is multidimensional. All the spoken texts, all the non-linguistic modes: gestures, stance, movements, running on stage, postures, mimicking and others, perform vital roles to recontextualize meanings in stand-up comedy performance. Therefore, the study opens up new perspectives on social semiotic approaches to multimodality, as well as on language social semiotic and to theory and media studies. The contribution also answers the call to expand the understanding and research on the theory of ‘multimodality’ and the various concepts such as semiotic remediation and resemiotization associated with it.
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Raghavendra, Aarthi. "Performance Evaluation of Analytical Queries on a Stand-alone and Sharded Document Store." University of Cincinnati / OhioLINK, 2015.

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Books on the topic "STAAD MODEL"


Mäkelä, Annikki, and Harry T. Valentine. Models of Tree and Stand Dynamics. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Colbert, J. J. Description of the stand-damage model: Part of the gypsy moth life system model. Radnor, PA: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1995.

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A, Sheehan Katharine, and Northeastern Forest Experiment Station (Radnor, Pa.), eds. Description of the stand-damage model: Part of the gypsy moth life system model. Radnor, PA (5 Radnor Corp Ctr, Suite 200, Radnor 19087-4585): U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1995.

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Colbert, J. J. Description of the stand-damage model: Part of the gypsy moth life system model. Radnor, PA: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1995.

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A, Sheehan Katharine, and Northeastern Forest Experiment Station (Radnor, Pa.), eds. Description of the stand-damage model: Part of the gypsy moth life system model. Radnor, PA (5 Radnor Corp Ctr, Suite 200, Radnor 19087-4585): U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1995.

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Colbert, J. J. Description of the stand-damage model: Part of the gypsy moth life system model. Radnor, PA: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1995.

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A, Sheehan Katharine, and Northeastern Forest Experiment Station (Radnor, Pa.), eds. Description of the stand-damage model: Part of the gypsy moth life system model. Radnor, PA (5 Radnor Corp Ctr, Suite 200, Radnor 19087-4585): U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1995.

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Colbert, J. J. How to use the stand-damage model: Version 2.0. Newton Square, PA: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, 2001.

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Colbert, J. J. How to use the stand-damage model: Version 2.0. Newton Square, PA: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, 2001.

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Racin, George. Guide to the stand-damage model interface management system. Morgantown, W. Va: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, 1995.

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Book chapters on the topic "STAAD MODEL"


Summer, Helmut. "Stand der Technik." In Modell zur Berechnung verzweigter Antriebsstrukturen, 12–18. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1986.

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Weik, Martin H. "stand-alone modem." In Computer Science and Communications Dictionary, 1648–49. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Bird, Alex, Pat Conaty, Anita Mangan, Mick McKeown, Cilla Ross, and Simon Taylor. "Together we will stand." In The Preston Model and Community Wealth Building, 93–110. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Topnik, Christian, Eva Wilhelm, Tiziana Margaria, and Bernhard Steffen. "jMosel: A Stand-Alone Tool and jABC Plugin for M2L(Str)." In Model Checking Software, 293–98. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.

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Liu, Yuan, Xi Wang, Lintao Xian, and Zhongwen Guo. "STAD: Stack Trace Based Automatic Software Misconfiguration Diagnosis via Value Dependency Graph." In Model Checking Software, 135–52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Klemm, David. "Stand der Technik." In Ein reduziertes Modell zur Simulation des transienten thermischen Verhaltens einer Fahrzeugkabine, 9–15. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019.

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Mäkelä, Annikki, and Harry T. Valentine. "Descriptive Models." In Models of Tree and Stand Dynamics, 21–46. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Leopold, Norbert. "Stand der Technik." In Ein Planungsverfahren zur Kapazitätsabstimmung für Modell-Mix-Montagelinien am Beispiel einer Automobil-Endmontage, 59–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.

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Meyer, Thomas. "Das Modell berufsständischer Repräsentation in der politischen Philosophie Heinrich Herrfahrdts." In Stand und Klasse, 241–54. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1997.

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Laubscher, Hans-Peter. "Problemstellung und Stand des Wissens." In Ein objektorientiertes Modell zur Abbildung von Produktionsverbünden in Planungssystemen, 24–35. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.

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Conference papers on the topic "STAAD MODEL"


T., Shibin. "Study of Earthquake Loading On the Analysis of Cable Bridge Structure Using Staad Pro." In The International Conference on scientific innovations in Science, Technology, and Management. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Engineering and Management, 2023.

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To overcome the obstacles like crossing of river, Dam, Heavy Traffic flow in the way of journey Bridges were the part of our day-today life. Construction of such kinds of Bridges were being much challenging. Construction of bridge works are making the life complicated. Much efficient and quick construction of bridges are very important. Cable stayed bridges are visualized for their less construction time, Higher Efficiency. In the construction aspect cable stayed bridges have less supporting points to the ground when compared with traditional Bridges. By thus it is having higher sensitivity to natural calamities like Seismic activity like Earthquakes. Because of supporting long length by pylons the response of these kind of structures should be analyzed for safe construction and better serviceability. The complicated analysis procedure makes the structure safer. The complicated analysis can be simplified by the software’s like Staad Pro. In the software we can create earthquakes in various intensities and the real-time response can be found out. This paper describes more about the cable bridges and their response for the Seismic activity. The analysis procedure is done in Staad Pro and the response of a model cable stayed bridge is figured out for gaining the safety standards for safer construction of Cable Stayed Bridge.
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Antaal, Bikramjit S., and Yogeshwar Hari. "Design and Analysis of an Ash Collector Hopper." In ASME 2008 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. ASMEDC, 2008.

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This paper addresses the design and analysis of a hopper for ash collection in a Boiler Plant. The hopper collects the ash blown from the boiler soot blowers. The objective is to establish the design load. The design load is decided on the basis of the two cases. Case 1 Hopper full of ash Case 2 Hopper full of water. Based on the two cases the maximum pressure is considered as the design load. Also the hopper has a static head of gas pressure. The combinations of these are considered as design pressure. A typical hopper is taken. The thickness of the plate is decided. Then a procedure is developed to size the spacing and size of the stiffeners. The stiffeners used are Wide Flange I-beams. The hopper is modeled using STAAD III Finite Element Software. Two models are considered. First with one side of hopper. Second, complete model of the hopper. The stresses obtained are compared with the design values. The design of the hopper with analytical means is verified with Finite Element modeling of the two models considered.
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Kavitha, Perumalsamy, and Ranganathan Sundaravadivelu. "Soil Structure Interaction Analysis of a Berthing Structure Under Lateral Loading-By Numerical Approach." In ASME 2017 36th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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In coastal and offshore structures, the predominant forces leading to lateral movements are mainly due to waves, currents, winds, berthing forces, mooring forces and lateral earth pressure due to unstable slope as a result of dredging or siltation etc. Due to relative movement between the piles and the soil, the load transfer to pile is a complex soil interaction problem. It is a two way problem and should be solved by structure-soil model with appropriate load displacement characteristics of both the structure and the soil. Pile-soil interaction analysis is carried out by numerical methods based on iterative techniques of equilibrium of forces and moments, based on relative stiffness of pile-soil system. Conventionally API guidelines and Vesic equation are used to analyze the laterally loaded piles. The study of laterally loaded pile in active soil wedge requires a proper assessment of soil structure interaction phenomenon involving the interaction between pile surface and the surrounding soil. The instability of soil wedge can occur due to self-weight, surcharge load, dredging, siltation and earthquake force. The soil structure interaction problem of piles located in active soil wedge has rarely been approached. Laterally loaded piles are analyzed by methods derived from the classical beam on elastic foundation mode in which the soil support is approximated by a series of independent elastic spring. The soil spring constants estimated from API guidelines and Vesic equations are not suitable for piles located in active soil wedge. Hence in this paper, a numerical study is carried out for a berthing structure in dense sand using PLAXIS 3D and STAAD Pro, in order to study the behaviour of piles in active soil wedge.
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Zhao, Huyue, and F. Ehmann Kornel. "Single- and Multi-Stand Chatter Models in Tandem Rolling Mills." In ASME 2008 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference collocated with the 3rd JSME/ASME International Conference on Materials and Processing. ASMEDC, 2008.

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Many different modes of chatter and their possible causes have been identified after years of research, yet no clear and definite theory of their mechanics has been established. One of the most important reasons for this can be attributed to the fact that only oversimplified models with a single input and a single output were historically used to formulate chatter in rolling. Such a situation has hindered a complete analysis of the underlying mechanisms. In this paper, a state-space representation of single- and multi-stand chatter models will be proposed in a rigorous and comprehensive mathematical form for stability analysis of the various chatter mechanisms. First, a dynamic model of the rolling process that utilizes homogeneous deformation theory will be established that includes the material strain-hardening and work roll flattening effects. By coupling this dynamic rolling process model with a structural model for mill stands, a single-stand chatter model in a state-space representation will be proposed. Based on the single-stand chatter model, a multi-stand chatter model will be formulated by incorporating the inter-stand tension variations and the time delay effect of the strip transportation. A simulation program will also be presented for the study of the dynamic rolling process in the time domain and for verifying the results from stability analysis.
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Gallina, Alberto, Dawid Knapik, Krzysztof Kolek, Maciej Rosol, Andrzej Tutaj, and Pawel Zagorski. "Design of an ADCS test stand for nanosatellites." In 2022 26th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR). IEEE, 2022.

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Park, Dohyun, Yongbin Lee, and Dong-Hoon Choi. "Ensemble of Meta-Models Based on Local Error Measure Using Cross-Validation." In ASME 2009 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2009.

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Many meta-models have been developed to approximate true responses. These meta-models are often used for optimization instead of computer simulations which require high computational cost. However, designers do not know which meta-model is the best one in advance because the accuracy of each meta-model becomes different from problem to problem. To address this difficulty, research on the ensemble of meta-models that combines stand-alone meta-models has recently been pursued with the expectation of improving the prediction accuracy. In this study, we propose a selection method of weight factors for the ensemble of meta-models based on v-nearest neighbors’ cross-validation error (CV). The four stand-alone meta-models we employed in this study are polynomial regression, Kriging, radial basis function, and support vector regression. Each method is applied to five 1-D mathematical examples and ten 2-D mathematical examples. The prediction accuracy of each stand-alone meta-model and the existing ensemble of meta-models is compared. Ensemble of meta-models shows higher accuracy than the worst stand-alone model among the four stand-alone meta-models at all test examples (30 cases). In addition, the ensemble of meta-models shows the highest accuracy for the 5 test cases. Although it has lower accuracy than the best stand-alone meta-model, it has almost same RMSE values (less than 1.1) as the best standalone model in 16 out of 30 test cases. From the results, we can conclude that proposed method is effective and robust.
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Mazurek, G. "Availability model of stand-alone photovoltaic system." In Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments 2017, edited by Ryszard S. Romaniuk and Maciej Linczuk. SPIE, 2017.

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Ariunbold, Gombojav O., Michael M. Kash, Hebin Li, Vladimir Sautenkov, Yuri V. Rostovtsev, George R. Welch, and Marlan O. Scully. "A model experiment for Stand-Off Sensing." In Frontiers in Optics. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2008.

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Wojtulewicz, Andrzej, Patryk Chaber, and Maciej Lawrynczuk. "Multiple-input multiple-output laboratory stand for process control education." In 2016 21st International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR). IEEE, 2016.

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Halide, Halmar. "Seasonal ENSO forecasting: Where does a simple model stand amongst other operational ENSO models?" In THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THEORETICAL AND APPLIED PHYSICS (THE 6th ICTAP). Author(s), 2017.

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Reports on the topic "STAAD MODEL"


Racin, George, and J. J. Colbert. Stand-Damage Model with Java (Version 3.0). Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, 2004.

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Hamilton, David A. Implications of random variation in the Stand Prognosis Model. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, 1991.

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Racin, George, and J. J. Colbert. Guide to the Stand-Damage Model interface management system. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experimental Station, 1995.

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Racin, George, and J. J. Colbert. Guide to the Stand-Damage Model interface management system. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experimental Station, 1995.

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Colbert, J. J., and Katharine A. Sheehan. Description of the Stand-Damage Model: part of the Gypsy Moth Life System Model. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experimental Station, 1995.

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Colbert, J. J., and Katharine A. Sheehan. Description of the Stand-Damage Model: part of the Gypsy Moth Life System Model. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experimental Station, 1995.

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Hamilton, David A. Uses and abuses of multipliers in the stand prognosis model. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, 1994.

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Colbert, J. J., and George Racin. How to use the Stand-Damage Model: Version 2.0. (Computer program). Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station, 2001.

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Colbert, J. J., and George Racin. User's guide to the stand-damage model: a component of the gypsy moth life system model. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experimental Station, 1995.

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Colbert, J. J., and George Racin. User's guide to the stand-damage model: a component of the gypsy moth life system model. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experimental Station, 1995.

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