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Eterović, Igor. "Between sport and bioethics." Synthesis philosophica 34, no. 2 (December 20, 2019): 267–84.

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Planinarstvo obuhvaća velik broj aktivnosti, postajući krovni pojam za skup aktivnosti na otvorenom. Iako kategorizirano kao sport, planinarstvo se uvriježenoj definiciji sporta opire, a pogotovo glavnoj struji shvaćanja sporta kao natjecateljske aktivnosti. S druge strane, etička pitanja o sportu ne pokrivaju većinu planinarskih praksi, što za sobom povlači potrebu za širom normativnom perspektivom – bioetičkom analizom. Argumentira se da takav pristup može zasnovati mogućnost razumijevanja planinarstva kao posebne vrste sporta i razlučiti njegova posebna svojstva korištenjem bioetičke analize. Pokazuje se da je planinarstvo jedinstven sport, ali i da planinarstvo udjeljuje i promiče autentičnu filozofiju sporta, oprimjerujući odista bioetički pogled na svijet. Planinar je vođen jedinstvenim skupom sržnih vrijednosti sabranih pod nešto što bismo mogli i trebali zvati filozofijom planinarstva.
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Zaksaitė, Salomėja. "Nusikalstamas elgesys sporto srityje." Teisė 74 (January 1, 2010): 136–52.

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Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas nusikalstamas elgesys sporto srityje ir jo latentiškumo priežastys. Tiriama sporto samprata ir analizuojamas sporto ir nusikalstamo elgesio ryšys. Būdingiausi pažeidimai sporto srityje yra susiję su dopingu, smurtu ir korupcija – šios veikos ir analizuojamos darbe. Atitinkama analizė yra reikšminga, siekiant atskleisti nusikalstamo elgesio sporto srityje reiškinį bei aiškinantis, kokia turėtų būti šio reiškinio prevencija. In this article criminal behaviour at sport field and the reasons of its latency are analyzed. The con­cept of sport and its link with criminal behavior are laid out. The most typical crimes at sport field are cheating, violence and corruption – thus said crimes are researched in this work. Corresponding analysis is significant in order to unfold criminal behaviour in sports and to ascertain what kind of prevention of said behaviour should be applicable.>
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Верітов, О. І. "ФОРМУВАННЯ МАРКЕТИНГОВИХ КОМПЕТЕНЦІЙ БАКАЛАВРІВ ІЗ ФІЗИЧНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ І СПОРТУ." Теорія та методика навчання та виховання, no. 49 (2020): 29–42.

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Blank, S. (2009). Building a Company with Customer Data – Why Metrics Are Not Enough. Retrieved from: page/2/. Blank, S. (2017). Don‟t let process distract you from finding the strategy. Retrieved from: page/3/. Blank, S. (2020). Rising out of the Crisis: Where to Find New Markets and Customers. Retrieved from: Kilkist zareiestrovanykh bezrobitnykh ta kilkist vakansii u 2019 rotsi (za danymy derzhavnoi sluzhby zainiatosti). (2019). [The number of registered unemployed and the number of vacancies in 2019 (according to the state employment service)]. URL: (in Ukrainian). Osvitno-profesiina prohrama «Fizychna kultura i sport. Trenerska diialnist z vydu sportu pershoho rivnia vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnistiu 017 Fizychna kultura i sport. (2019). [Educational and professional program "Physical Culture and Sports. Coaching activities in the sport of the first level of higher education in the specialty 017 Physical culture and sports]. Berdiansk: Berdianskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyi universytet. 16 p. URL: (in Ukrainian). Osvitno-profesiina prohrama «Fizychna kultura i sport» pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity. (2019). [Educational and professional program "Physical Culture and Sports" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education]. Kherson: Khersonskyi derzhavnyi universytet. 22 p. URL: 20017%20FIZYChNA%20KULJTURA%20I%20SPORT%20 BAKALAVR%20(1).pdf?id=8e8ede49-e4aa-4104-956d-7538f5830f66. (in Ukrainian). Osvitno-profesiina prohrama «Fizychna kultura i sport» pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity. (2019). [Educational and professional program "Physical Culture and Sports" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education]. Ternopil: Ternopilskyi natsionalnyi pedahohichnyi universytet imeni Volodymyra Hnatiuka. 19 p. URL: ta%20litsenzuvannia/osvitni_prohramy/bakalavr/fizvyh/017_Fizychna_kultura_i_sport_bak alavr_2019.pdf. (in Ukrainian). Osvitno-profesiina prohrama «Trenerska diialnist v obranomu vydi sportu» pershoho rivnia vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnistiu 017 Fizychna kultura i sport. (2017). [Educational and professional program "Coaching in the chosen sport" of the first level of higher education in the specialty 017 Physical Culture and Sports]. Kharkiv: Kharkivska derzhavna akademiia fizychnoi kultury. 12 p. URL: 2019/04/017- Fizychna-kuljtura-i-sport-1.pdf. (in Ukrainian). Osvitno-profesiina prohrama pidhotovky bakalavra pershoho rivnia vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnistiu 017 Fizychna kultura i sport. (2017). [Educational and professional bachelor's program of the first level of higher education in the specialty 017 Physical culture and sports]. Mykolaiv: Mykolaivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni V. O. Sukhomlynskoho. 14 p. URL: (in Ukrainian). Potapiuk, I. P. (2011). Osoblyvosti zastosuvannia kompleksu marketynhu na pidpryiemstvakh sfery fizychnoi kultury i sportu. [Features of application of a marketing complex at the enterprises of sphere of physical culture and sports]. Ekonomichnyj chasopys-XXI – Economic JournalXXI. № 11-12. URL: (in Ukrainian). Razumovskyi, S. O. (2013). Marketynh fizychnoi kultury yak element sotsialnoi sfery suspilstva (sotsialno-filosofskyi analiz). [Marketing of physical culture as an element of the social sphere of society (socio-philosophical analysis)]. Slobozhanskyi naukovo-sportyvnyi visnyk – Slobozhansky scientific and sports bulletin. № 2. P. 199-203. (in Ukrainian). Samodai, V. (2013). Aktualni pytannia shchodo vprovadzhennia marketynhu u sferu fizychnoi kultury i sportu. [Current issues regarding the introduction of marketing in the field of physical culture and sports]. Moloda sportyvna nauka Ukrainy – Young sports science of Ukraine. T. 4. P. 158-165. (in Ukrainian). Standart vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy. Stupin vyshchoi osvity bakalavr. Haluz znan 01 osvita/pedahohika. Specialnist 017 Fizychna kultura i sport. (2019). [Standard of higher education in Ukraine. Bachelor's degree. Field of knowledge 01 education / pedagogy. Specialty 017 Physical culture and sports]. Kyiv: Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy. 12 p. URL: 04/25/017-fizichna-kultura-i-sport-bakalavr.pdf. (in Ukrainian). Tanklevska, N. S. & Vybranskyi, V. V. (2019). Osnovy marketynhu v sportyvnii sferi. [Fundamentals of marketing in sports]. Socialno-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrainy – Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. Vypusk 6 (140). P. 20-25. (in Ukrainian). Tyshchenko, T. B. (2010). Osoblyvosti formuvannia hotovnosti maibutnikh fakhivtsiv fizychnoho vykhovannia ta sportu do marketynhovoi diialnosti. [Features of formation of readiness of future specialists of physical education and sports for marketing activity]. Naukovyi chasopys [Natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni M. P. Drahomanova]. Seriia 15: Naukovo-pedahohichni problemy fizychnoi kultury (fizychna kultura i sport): zb. nauk. pr. – Scientific journal [National Pedagogical University named after MP Drahomanov]. Series 15: Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports). № 3. P. 307-310. (in Ukrainian).
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Alfejeva, Jeļena. "Sporta jēdziens un tā attiecināšana uz prāta spēlēm." SOCRATES. Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes elektroniskais juridisko zinātnisko rakstu žurnāls / SOCRATES. Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Law Electronic Scientific Journal of Law 2, no. 11 (2018): 81–89.

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Tiesību doktore Jeļena Alfejeva skata jaunu tēmu – sporta jēdziena izpratni un tā attiecināšanu uz prāta spēlēm. Autore secina, ka sports ir visu veidu individuālas vai organizētas aktivitātes fiziskās un garīgās veselības saglabāšanai un uzlabošanai un saistīts ar panākumu gūšanu sporta sacensībās. J. Alfejeva uzsver, ka minētā jēdziena izpratne nav viennozīmīga. Doctor of law Jeļena Alfejeva addresses a new topic – understanding the definition of “sport” and its extension to mind games. The author concludes that sport can be understood as diverse individual and group activities with the aim to maintain and improve one’s physical and mental health, and it also aims to gain success in sport competitions. J. Alfejeva stresses that the term is rather ambiguous.
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Đurđević, Nenad. "Autonomy in sport - compulsoriness of international sport committees sport rules at a national level." Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu 55, no. 2 (April 19, 2018): 289–306.

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Establishing rules lies at the heart of sport. Furthermore, it can be said that legal order allows only such sporting activity that is carried out according to defined rules. This is mostly followed by foundation of associations and organisations dedicated to particular sport. Acknowledging sport by the public authorities as a space suitable for autonomous arrangement of sports organisations gives special importance to sports rules. However, in order to have autonomy of sports organisations complementary to the role of public authority in the area of sport, it must be grounded in the principles of democracy, solidarity and good management in sport keeping sport independent of any political or economic manipulation including excessive commercialisation. Since contemporary sport is dominantly based on pyramidal structure or federal system based upon recognised sports associations (federations) organised at national and international level by the principle „one sport – one association“, it is quite understandable that sports rules adopted by sports association ranked at international level on the top of the pyramid have monopolistic position as a support for autonomous functioning of whole system of particular sport, as well as considerable limiting factor in making autonomous decisions at lower levels of sports organising. Sports associations use sports rules often followed by serious sanctions to preserve their dominant status. In his paper, the author considers legal nature and legal enforceability of international sports rules at national level for sports organisations, public authorities, as well as judiciary. The author particularly points out to the problem of so-called dynamic addressing to sports rules of international sports associations through statutory provisions of national and lower sports associations and the position of German case-law on impossibility of such way to provide legal obligatoriness of international sports rules at the national level.
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Ponkin, Igor, and Alena Redkina. "Importance of Public Administration in Sports." SOCRATES. Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes elektroniskais juridisko zinātnisko rakstu žurnāls / SOCRATES. Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Law Electronic Scientific Journal of Law 1, no. 7 (2017): 104–14.

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Assuredly, quite a new legal sub branch is developing in Latvia – sport law. I. Ponkin and A. Redkina in their article speak about this new legal sub branch, its role and meaning of public administration in sport. Jāatzīst, ka Latvijā attīstās pilnīgi jauna tiesību apakšnozare – sporta tiesības. I. Ponkins un A. Redkina izdevumā ietvertajā rakstā atspoguļo publiskās pārvaldes nozīmi un lomu sportā.
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Polat, Ercan, Serkan Hazar, and Yağmur Eker. "Comparing sport participation motivation of sport high school students and sport center members in terms of some variablesSpor lisesi öğrencileri ve spor merkezi üyelerinin spora katılım motivasyonlarının bazı değişkenler açısından karşılaştırılması." Journal of Human Sciences 15, no. 4 (January 5, 2019): 2579.

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The aim of the study is to compare the sport motives of individuals participating sport in two different groups. 300 volunteers are the participants of the study. Along with the personal information form, Sport Participation Motivation Scale which was developed by Gill et al., (1983) validity and reliability of which was checked for Turkish population by Oyar et al., (2001) and were used. As a result of the analysis, it was found that sport participation motives do not vary according to gender. In addition it was revealed that students of sport high school are more motivated than members of sport centers. Among students of sport high school, certificated sportspeople are more motivated compared to non-certificated sportspeople, individuals doing team and individual sports are more motivated than non-competitive sportspeople and younger students are more motivated than older ones. Among the members of sport center no difference and relation were found between the ages of the sportspeople and their status of owning certificate or not. Furthermore, sport center members doing team and individual sports were seen to be more motivated than non-competitive sportspeople in terms of the dimensions, namely friends, achievement/ status and physical fitness/energy consumption.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetFarklı iki grupta spora katılım gösteren bireylerin spor yapma güdülerinin karşılaştırılması bu araştırmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma grubu 300 gönüllü katılımcıdan oluşmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak kişisel bilgi formu ile birlikte, Gill ve ark., (1983) tarafından geliştirilen Türk popülâsyonu için Oyar ve ark., (2001) tarafından geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan Spora Katılım Güdüsü Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda cinsiyete göre spora katılım güdülerinin farklılaşmadığı belirlenmiştir. Genel olarak spor lisesi öğrencilerinin spor merkezi üyelerinden daha fazla güdülendiği belirlenmiştir. Spor lisesi öğrencilerinden; lisanslı sporcuların lisanslı olmayan sporculara göre, takım ve bireysel sporlarla uğraşanların aktif sporcu olmayanlara göre ve daha genç yaşta olan öğrencilerin diğerlerine göre daha fazla güdülendikleri belirlenmiştir. Spor merkezi üyeleri arasında ise; farklı yaş grupları ve lisanslı sporcular ile lisanslı olmayan sporcular arasında ilişki ve farklılıklar bulunmamıştır. Bununla birlikte spor merkezi üyeleri arasında, takım ve bireysel sporlarla uğraşanların aktif spor yapmayanlara göre özellikle arkadaş, başarı/statü ve fiziksel uygunluk/enerji harcama boyutlarında daha fazla güdülendikleri ortaya konulmuştur.
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Brnabić, Ratko. "E-sport i pitanje pravnog ustroja e-klubova." Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu 58, no. 1 (February 9, 2021): 163–83.

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U posljednjih nekoliko godina fenomen elektroničkog sporta (e-sporta ili esporta) dobiva sve veći značaj. Pojam e-sport označava natjecanja koja se održavaju na platformi računalnih ili video igara. Platforma za natjecanje je računalna ili videoigra (program), a ne klasično sportsko borilište. Žanr igara, koje služe kao sportsko borilište, u pravilu uključuje strateške igre u stvarnom vremenu, pucačke igre iz prvog lica i sportske simulacije. Uz svladavanje tehnike računalne igre, igrači za uspjeh u natjecanju moraju imati različite motoričke (koordinacija pokreta, brzina reakcije) i kognitivne sposobnosti (prostorna orijentacija, pregled igre, razumijevanje igre, taktička orijentacija, koncentracija, predviđanje i kreativno razmišljanje). E-sport natjecanja postaju sve privlačnija igračima i klubovima (tzv. klanovima) zbog sve izdašnijih nagradnih fondova. Broj igrača, tzv. gamera u stalnom je porastu. Finala tih natjecanja održavaju se u dvoranama pred tisućama gledatelja. Tu je po svemu riječ o ozbiljnom gospodarskom pothvatu koji diljem svijeta svojim nositeljima donosi znatne prihode. E-sport je na Azijskim sportskim igrama 2017. godine predstavljen sportskoj javnosti koja prati „klasične“ sportove, a Međunarodni olimpijski odbor razmatra mogućnost kako taj oblik natjecanja ustanoviti kao olimpijski sport, te se pomno prati aktivnosti e-sport zajednice. Povodom takvog stava najviših sportskih institucija već se neko vrijeme raspravlja o mogućnosti priznanja e-sporta kao sporta. Posebice se raspravlja o pravnim pretpostavkama koje neko natjecanje i njegovi dionici moraju ispuniti kako bi krovna udruga, koja ih objedinjuje, stekla članstvo u nacionalnom olimpijskom savezu. Nije jednostavno dati jednoznačan odgovor na pitanje je li e-sport uopće sport, jer je tu riječ o ljudskoj natjecateljskoj aktivnosti koja pokazuje mnogo lica: pravno, ekonomsko, antropološko, sociološko. Ovim radom nastoji se dati doprinos razumijevanju pravne strukture e-sporta, uzimajući u obzir i pravnu arhitektoniku e-sporta i njegov regulatorni kontekst, te ukazati na neka pravna pitanja iz motrišta nositelja natjecateljske dimenzije tog kompleksnog gospodarskog pothvata. Razmatraju se razlozi za priznanje e-sporta kao sporta, te se upućuje na pravne učinke tog priznanja. Nadalje, daje se prikaz mogućih rješenja za uređenje pravnog statusa natjecateljskih ekipa u e-sportu. Raspravlja se o mogućnosti ustroja e-sport-klubova u obliku sportskih udruga ili sportskih društava kapitala. Pored toga, upućuje se na rizike, prednosti i nedostatke koje nosi izbor pravnog oblika te se daju preporuke za praksu.
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Dretar, Tomislav. "Heda Festini – sport i kritika neoliberalizma." Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine 50, no. 2 (100) (December 11, 2024): 823–32.

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Heda Festini pisala je o sportu u članku »Slobodno vrijeme i rekreativni šport« i ustanovila je krizu suvremenog sporta. Svoju analizu utemeljila je u konceptu slobodnog vremena Vladimira Jankovića te konceptima »elitizma« i »olimpizma«. Festini pokazuje kako je sport dio šire društvene krize koja ugrožava kulturu općenito, a utemeljena je u globalnim političkim tendencijama. Problematizirajući odnos politike i sporta, Festini se poziva na svoju analizu Deweyjeva »socijalnog« liberalizma. Svrha ovog rada ogleda se u povezivanju misli Hede Festini o Deweyjevom »socijalnom« liberalizmu i njene kritike sporta. Time će se nastojati zaokružiti njena kritika neoliberalnih politika, koje su povezane s krizom kulture i sporta.
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Škerbić, Matija Mato. "Internal Values of Sport and Bio-Technologized Sport." Philosophies 5, no. 4 (October 3, 2020): 26.

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The aim of the paper is confronting internal or intrinsic values of sport detected by different sport-philosophers, such as W. J. Morgan, J. S. Russell, R. L. Simon, N. Dixon, S. Kretchmar, to today’s bio-technologized sports in order to find the ethical guidance for (non)acceptance of new bio-technologies in sport. Thus, in the first part, I will produce an overview of the internal values of sport in the sports-philosophical literature. In the second part, I will provide my understanding of ‘bio-technologized sports’, leaning mostly on W. J. Morgan’s and S. Loland’s previous work in this regard. In the third part, I will show that the key internal value of sport is ‘excellence’ and that the perfectionist account of sport dominates high-level professional competitive sports. However, I will show that ‘excellence’ is prone to different interpretations and understandings which (could) have different implications for the ‘bio-technologized sport’. Finally, I will propose going back to Aristotle and his account of eudaimonia to build principles for the regulation of (non)acceptance of bio-technology in sport.
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Yoon, SangJin. "Promotion and Framework Act on Sport in South Korea and Japan : A Comparative Study." Korean Journal of Sport Science 35, no. 1 (March 31, 2024): 93–121.

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PURPOSE This study aimed to explore the enactment and background of Korean and Japanese sports laws, comparatively analyze the major sports-related laws of both countries, namely Korean National Sports Promotion Act, Japanese Sport Promotion Act, and the Framework Act on Sport of both countries, and derive implications for the Korean Framework Act on Sport, sports-related laws, and sports policy.METHODS Research related to sports law were collected through academic databases and major search portals in both countries and analyzed.RESULTS First, as reviewed in previous studies, the Korean National Sports Promotion Act at the time of its enactment imitated the Japanese Sport Promotion Act in almost all articles. Second, Japanese Basic Act on sport, which was a complete revision of Japanese Sport Promotion Act, further expanded the concept of “sports,” and specified nonexistent “sports rights,” “sport nation,” and “sport as a universally shared human culture,” was evaluated as having quasi-constitutional character. Third, the Framework Act on Sport of both countries specified similar sports policies and concepts in many individual articles. The Korea’s Framework Act on Sport independently included articles for superordinate law, spread of sports values into environmental and political fields, inter-Korean exchange and cooperation in sports, sports donation culture, and so on . Japan’s Basic Act on Sport independently specified preamble, sports integrityrelated articles, articles for prompt and appropriate resolution of sports disputes, and for promoting anti-doping activities, and so on.CONCLUSIONS This study offers suggestions for clarifying the legal concepts of “sports” and “physical education,” resolving contradictions in the articles of the Korean Sports-related Act, establishing an independent sports policy implementation organization, establishing the legal system of the Korean Sports-related Act, and supporting the “life career” from the time of active athletes.
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Claeys, Urbain. "Evolution of the Concept of Sport and the Participation/Nonparticipation Phenomenon." Sociology of Sport Journal 2, no. 3 (September 1985): 233–39.

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This paper deals with the evolution of the concept of sport and the changing sport participation patterns in Europe. The concept of sport has evolved under the influence of the “Sports for All” philosophy. The entire Sports for All campaign has helped open up the definition of sport. Its borders have been shifted, both for participants and scientists. There are now more sports than ever, and more physical activities are considered sports. Sport participation is a result of a complex set of factors: facilities and organizations, patterns of sport socialization, personal motivations, and also the current changes taking place in society. In this discussion, special attention is paid to the relationship between sport socialization and sport participation patterns.
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Gašović, Milan, Djurdjica Vukajlovic, Nikola Ćurčić, and Miroslav Zivkovic. "SPORT OFFER– CORE PART OF THE SPORT ORGANIZATION’S MARKETING PROGRAM." Facta Universitatis, Series: Physical Education and Sport 16, no. 1 (July 24, 2018): 167.

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The sports offer (product), as a central part of the sports organizations, i.e. clubs or athletes - individuals, as a marketing program, can be considered through five of its levels, depending on the hierarchy of value for interested parties (visitors, media, advertisers, sponsors, sports agents, and the like.). These five levels are: sport experience, sport events, sports scores, the image of sports organizations and sport individuals (sportsman) and sports brand. The sports offer must be of high quality in order to attract interested parties, and increasing the popularity of the sports offer is done through numerous marketing activities.
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Zaksaitė, Salomėja. "Sukčiavimo sporto srityje samprata ir kriminalizavimo ypatybės." Teisė 79 (January 1, 2011): 157–71.

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Straipsnyje analizuojama sukčiavimo sporto srityje samprata ir jo raiška baudžiamuosiuose įstatymuose. Priimto konsensuso dėl sukčiavimo sporto srityje apibrėžimo nėra, tačiau įmanoma nustatyti pagrindines sukčiavimo sporto srityje savybes ir pateikti šio reiškinio apibrėžimą kelių teisinių paradigmų kontekste. Taip pat pristatoma sukčiavimo baudžiamojoje teisėje samprata ir tiriami vienos iš pavojingiausių sukčiavimo sporto srityje formų – manipuliacijų sporto rezultatais – kriminalizavimo aspektai. Nustatoma, kad baudžiamosios teisės kategorijos – apgaulė, žala, veikos baigtinumo momentas – turėtų būti interpretuojamos atsižvelgiant į sukčiavimo sporto srityje kontekstą ir modus operandi. Atitinkamo tyrimo rėmuose tampa aiškesnis sporto ir baudžiamosios teisės santykis. The article describes the concept of cheating in sports and its criminalization peculiarities. There is no a coherent single definition of said concept, therefore several legal paradigs are presented in order to indicate the basic features of cheating in sport and set the determination. Also, the concept of criminal fraud is covered and problematic aspects of criminalization of one of the most dangerous form of cheating in sport – match fixing – are explored. It is ascertained that criminal law categories – deception, damage and crime consumnation moment, shall be interpreted considering the context and modus operandi of cheating in sports. In the context of such analysis the relation between sports law and criminal law becomes clearer.
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Herold, David M., Tim Breitbarth, Nico Schulenkorf, and Sebastian Kummer. "Sport logistics research: reviewing and line marking of a new field." International Journal of Logistics Management 31, no. 2 (October 2, 2019): 357–79.

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Purpose Although logistics management is a crucial part of local and global sports events, there is no research-driven characterization of “sports logistics management”. The purpose of this paper is to conceptualize a framework that allows for a more structured recognition of logistics in sports, in general, and sport event management, in particular. In addition, we conduct a systematic literature review of sports logistics management and locate opportunities for future research both for sports management and logistics management scholars. Design/methodology/approach Guided by Durach et al.’s (2017) systematic literature review approach, we identify key attributes and characteristics of sports logistics management. These are based on studies featuring at least partial aspects of logistics management in sports and sport events, and that were published between 2000 and mid-2019. Findings The study reveals that sports logistics management – meaning logistics activities in sports and sport event management – is a heavily under-researched area that provides an abundance of scientific opportunities. Based on the three sport event types of local/regional sport events, major sport events and mega sport events, the authors propose four sports logistics management pillars that are central to the proposed Sport Logistics Framework: venue logistics management, sports equipment logistics management, athletes logistics management, and fan and spectators logistics management. Practical implications By providing a conceptual framework for sports logistics, the authors progress towards informing the sport sector on relevant strategic and operational levels of logistics management and set the stage for empirical studies that are likely to advance sport logistics planning and management. Originality/value This is the first study that builds on a systematic review of literature specifically focused on the logistics aspect in sports and sport event management. It provides a conceptual framework of sports logistics management and offers an agenda of future research opportunities.
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Armstrong, Ketra L. "An Examination of the Social Psychology of Blacks’ Consumption of Sport." Journal of Sport Management 16, no. 4 (October 2002): 267–88.

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Black consumers' general sport attendance is relatively poor; however, their attendance at historically Black college/university (HBCU) sport events is noteworthy. The purpose of this study was to examine how factors such as general perception of sport, psychosocial involvement with HBCU sports, and intensity of ethnic identification influenced Black consumers' (n = 278) attendance at HBCU sports and their general/non-HBCU sport consumption patterns. Descriptive statistics revealed that the respondents attended HBCU sports more frequently than they did any other type of sport events and were also avid consumers of televised sports. Multivariate multiple regression analyses revealed that intensity of ethnic identification and psychosocial involvement with HBCU sports significantly influenced HBCU sports attendance frequency. Moreover, psychosocial involvement with HBCU sports exerted a profound and positive influence on general sport consumption. This study offered an examination of the social psychology that may under gird Blacks' consumption of sport.
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Zhu, Yuan. "Contemporary Developments in Sport Pedagogy and Their Implications for Sport Management Education." Studies in Sports Science and Physical Education 1, no. 2 (September 2023): 32–48.

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This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the contemporary developments in sport pedagogy and their implications for sport management education. Sport pedagogy, as a field of study, focuses on the various teaching and learning strategies employed in sports education. It encompasses principles and approaches that aim to optimize the learning experience, enhance skill development, and create a positive and inclusive learning environment within sports settings. This paper explores the intersection of sport pedagogy and sport management education, highlighting key trends and advancements in sport pedagogy and their relevance to preparing future sport managers. The paper discusses the integration of technology in sport management education, the incorporation of experiential learning, and the promotion of inclusion and diversity in sport management programs. By embracing these contemporary developments, sport management education can enhance the learning experience, prepare students for the dynamic sports industry, and foster inclusive and culturally sensitive practices. The paper concludes by emphasizing the importance of integrating contemporary sport pedagogy in sport management education and outlining potential benefits for students, educators, and the sports industry. Furthermore, it identifies future directions for research and practice in this area, highlighting the need for ongoing evaluation, innovation, and adaptation to meet the evolving needs of the sports industry and its stakeholders.
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Jaroszewski, Julian. "Sport szkolny w Kaliszu do 1939 roku." Polonia Maior Orientalis 10 (November 15, 2023): 163–82.

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Artykuł poświęcony jest działalności sportowej młodzieży szkolnej w m. Kaliszu do 1939 roku. Ruch sportowy młodzieży szkolnej m. Kalisza rozpoczął się w II dekadzie XX wieku. Miał charakter spontaniczny, ograniczony do meczów piłkarskich „dzikich drużyn”. Formalnego kształtu przybrał po 1921 roku, tj. powołaniu uczniowskich kół sportowych, następnie Przystani Wioślarskiej Młodzieży Szkolnej (1929 rok) i Międzyszkolnego Klubu Sportowego (1932 rok). Najpopularniejszymi dyscyplinami sportowymi w środowisku młodzieży była piłka nożna, boks, lekkoatletyka oraz wioślarstwo. Najwyższy poziom sportowy demonstrowali uczniowie Gimnazjum Państwowego im. Adama Asnyka i Gimnazjum Państwowego im. Tadeusza Kościuszki. Największym sukcesem sportowym było wywalczenie przez pięściarzy Międzyszkolnego Klubu Sportowego tytułów drużynowego mistrza m. Kalisza w boksie w latach 1932 i 1933. Corocznie młodzież szkolna uczestniczyła w mistrzostwach szkół średnich i świętach wychowania fizycznego i przysposobienia wojskowego. Główny ruch sportowy skoncentrowany był w środowisku męskiej młodzieży szkół gimnazjalnych. Sport wśród dziewcząt oraz uczniów szkół powszechnych był opóźniony. Niekorzystny wpływ na rozwój sportu szkolnego miało zarządzenie władz oświatowych izolujące sport szkolny od klubów i stowarzyszeń sportowych. School Sports in the City of Kalisz up to 1939: The article reviews sports activities of school youth in the city of Kalisz up to 1939. The sports movement of school youth in the city of Kalisz began in the second decade of the 20th century. It was spontaneous, limited to football matches played by unofficial teams. It was formalized after 1921,that is, after instituting students sports associations, then after forming the School Youth Boathouse (1929) and Interschool Sports Center (1932). The most popular sport disciplines among young people were football, boxing, athletics and rowing. The highest sport level was demonstrated by students of Adam Asnyk State Gymnasium and Tadeusz Kościuszko State Gymnasium. The greatest sporting success was winning the boxing team championships by boxers of Interschool Sports Center in 1932 and 1933. Every year school youth participated in high school championships and Physical Education and Basic Military Training events. The main sports movement was concentrated among male youth of junior high schools. Sport among girls and primary schoolchildren was delayed. The development of school sports activities was adversely affected by the directive issued by education authorities which isolated school sports from sports clubs and associations.
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Sport participation is frequently considered as protective factor against substance misuse (SUM) in adolescence, but there is an evident lack of empirical studies which examined this problem taking into account various facets of sport participation (sport factors). This study aimed to evaluate possible associations between various sport factors and SUM in older adolescents from Croatia. The sample comprised 788 adolescents (16-to 18 years of age, 45% females). Variables included sport factors (participation in individual and team sports, competitive achievement in sports, and experience in sports), and SUM data (cigarette smoking, harmful alcohol drinking (HD), and simultaneous HD and smoking [multiple-SUM]). Boys were more involved in sports, and were more likely to be engaged in HD and MSUM than girls. Logistic regressions provided no evidence about significant association between sport factors, and smoking and HD. Sport factors were significantly associated to multiple-SUM, with lower likelihood of MSUM in adolescents who achieved better sport success (OR: 0.57, 95%CI: 0.40-0.78), who were involved in individual sports (OR: 0.71, 95%CI: 0.50-0.91), and team sports (OR: 0.80, 95%CI: 0.56-0.99). Sport factors may be observed as being protective against multiple-SUM, which is explained by characteristics of the sport participation in youth (i.e. orientation toward success, age-bonding, adult supervision).
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Hahn, Dustin A., and R. Glenn Cummins. "Differentiating Objective Sport Knowledge Versus Subjective Sport Fanship via a Test of Exemplification in Sport Media." Communication & Sport 6, no. 3 (March 3, 2017): 331–48.

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Recognizing the need for a more nuanced measure of sport fanship, this study utilizes an experiment to better understand the construct of sport fanship, comparing a common sport fanship measure and an adapted, objective measure of sport knowledge. This experiment also extends exemplification theory into the novel context of sports media by examining how one individual difference—domain-specific knowledge and interest in the subject—influences perceptions formed through a common message type, a sports highlight reel. Exemplification effects in the form of exaggerated football plays did indeed alter perceptions of the athlete despite concrete sport statistics depicting the athlete modestly. Interestingly, while the two concepts were positively correlated, they did not act uniformly. High knowledge sports fans were less swayed by exaggerated sports highlight exemplars when compared to their low knowledge counterparts while high and low fans categorized by self-identified interest did not affect the perceptions of the on-screen athlete. Thus, this study contributes to current research by expanding exemplification theory and furthering the multidimensional operational understanding of sport fanship. Additional findings and future research directions are discussed.
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Ishøi, Lasse, Kristian Thorborg, Otto Kraemer, and Per Hölmich. "Return to Sport and Performance After Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement in 18- to 30-Year-Old Athletes: A Cross-sectional Cohort Study of 189 Athletes." American Journal of Sports Medicine 46, no. 11 (August 1, 2018): 2578–87.

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Background: A recent systematic review found that 87% of athletes return to sport after hip surgery for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome. However, the proportion of athletes returning to preinjury sport at their preinjury level of sport is less clear. Purpose: The main purpose of this study was to determine the rate of athletes returning to preinjury sport at preinjury level including their associated sports performance after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement syndrome. Furthermore, self-reported hip and groin function was investigated. Study Design: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3. Methods: Eligible subjects were identified in the Danish Hip Arthroscopy Registry. A self-reported return to sport questionnaire was used to collect data after hip arthroscopy. If athletes reported they were engaged in preinjury sport at their preinjury level, the associated sports performance and participation were assessed as either (1) optimal sports performance including full sports participation; (2) impaired sports performance, but full sports participation; or (3) impaired sports performance including restricted sports participation. Self-reported hip and groin function was assessed for all athletes by use of the Copenhagen Hip and Groin Outcome Score. Results: The study included 189 athletes (mean ± SD age at follow-up, 26.9 ± 3.4 years) at a mean ± SD follow-up of 33.1 ± 16.3 months after surgery. At follow-up, 108 athletes (57.1%) were playing preinjury sport at preinjury level, whereas the remaining 81 athletes (42.9%) failed to return to preinjury sport at preinjury level. Of the 108 athletes engaged in their preinjury sport at preinjury level at follow-up, 32 athletes (29.6%) reported optimal sports performance including full sports participation, corresponding to 16.9% of the study sample. Better self-reported hip and groin function was observed in athletes who were engaged in preinjury sport at preinjury level compared with athletes who were not. Conclusion: Fifty-seven percent of athletes returned to preinjury sport at their preinjury level. This is considerably lower than a previously reported return to sport rate of 87% and may reflect that the present study used a clear and strict definition of return to sport. Of note, only one-third of athletes who returned to preinjury sport at preinjury level reported their sports performance to be optimal, corresponding to 16.9% of the study sample. Better self-reported hip and groin function was observed in athletes who were playing preinjury sport at preinjury level compared with athletes who were not.
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Driukov, Oleksandr, and Volodymyr Driukov. "State regulation of elite sport functioning in China at the current stage of sport development (foreign experience)." Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports), no. 1(145) (January 19, 2022): 44–46.

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The article addresses the essence and peculiarities of state regulation of elite sport functioning in China. The elite sport in China holds pride of place in social life – politics, economics, international relations. It is shown that all activities in the field of sport, including the elite sport, are regulated by the Law «On Sports of the People's Republic of China». In China, state regulation plays a significant role in elite sport functioning and development, one of the main instruments of which is the state budget. The highest governing body for sports development in China is the General Administration in Sports Affairs, which is headed by the President of the NOC of China. At the state level, a set of measures aimed at effective elite sport functioning and development is being developed and implemented. It should be noted that centralized management with strict administration of sports development in China has made sport too regulated and unattractive in market conditions. Therefore, in 2014 the government formulated a plan to accelerate the development of the sports industry, stimulate sports engagement, increase the social significance of sport called “Measures to accelerate the development of the sports industry and promote sports engagement”. The program takes into account the implementation of a new state innovation strategy for elite sport development, which envisages investment in infrastructure, human resources, and research services in this area. According to this plan, the tax for large corporations that finance sport is reduced from 25 to 15%, whereas for the most active sponsors of sports – up to 3%. This plan has greatly contributed to the expansion of commercialization and professionalization of Chinese sport, attracting sponsors, especially for such sports events as football and basketball. The conducted study has revealed that the Chinese government is making serious efforts for the successful and dynamic development of elite sport in the country. State regulation in this field of sport is characterized, above all, by the presence of special legislation, a system of state bodies with powers, a mechanism of regulation and control. One of the most peculiar features of the modern Chinese system of elite sport is the transition from an extensive model of development to an innovative one.
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Cerqueira, Matheus, Diogo Monteiro, Bruno Travassos, and Sergio Machado. "E-Sports: a legitimate sport?" Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte 20, no. 2 (April 13, 2020): I—II.

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Woźniak, Wojciech. "Sport w dyskursie. Dyskurs sportu." Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 11, no. 2 (May 31, 2015): 6–14.

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Wprowadzenie do tomu „Sport w dyskursie. Dyskurs sportu” składa się z dwóch części. Pierwsza poświęcona jest krótkiemu omówieniu współczesnej pozycji socjologii sportu w Polsce i za granicą, eksponuje żywotność i wielowymiarowość problematyki dotyczącej sportu w debacie naukowej toczonej w naukach społecznych. Druga koncentruje się na omówieniu tematycznego zakresu tomu, który odzwierciedla wielowątkowość naukowej refleksji dotyczącej sportu we współczesnym dyskursie.
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DeMont, Richard, and Joan M. Matthews White. "Sports Medicine and Disability Sport." Athletic Therapy Today 9, no. 1 (January 2004): 46–47.

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Hagiu, Bogdan-Alexandru, and Cristina-Mihaela Ghiciuc. "Sports Genomics and Sport Doping." ATHENS JOURNAL OF SPORTS 7, no. 3 (August 28, 2020): 163–72.

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Beşikçi, Tolga, Kıvanç Dinler, and Erkan Hasan Atalmış. "Examination of the relationship between volunteering motivation for sports activities and attitudes towards sports of students in an elite university." Journal of Human Sciences 20, no. 4 (October 21, 2023): 567–83.

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Aim: The focus of this study was to analyze the motivation for volunteering, attitudes towards sports, and the relationship between these two factors among university students participating in a 3X3 basketball tournament. Method: This study was designed with a correlational survey model by adopting a quantitative approach. The sample of the study consisted of students from a university ranked in the top 5 in Turkey. "Sports event voluntary motivation scale" and "University students' attitudes towards sports scale" were used as measurement tools. Statistical analysis methods such as independent sample t-test, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), Mann Whitney-U test, Kruskal Wallis test and Pearson Correlation analysis were applied. Findings: According to the results of the study, the general dimension and psychosocial dimension of university students' sport attitudes differ in favor of female students in terms of "gender" variable. A significant, positive and moderate relationship was determined between students' motivation for voluntary participation and their attitudes towards sports. Conclusion: These results show that there is a significant relationship between university students' motivation to participate in sport activities and their attitudes towards sport and only gender can play a determinant role on sport attitude. (Extended English summary is at the end of this document) Özet Amaç: Bu araştırmanın odak noktası, 3X3 basketbol turnuvasına katılan üniversite öğrencilerinin gönüllülük motivasyonları, spora yönelik tutumları ve bu iki faktör arasındaki ilişkiyi analiz etmektir. Yöntem: Bu araştırma, nicel bir yaklaşımı benimseyerek ilişkisel tarama modeli ile tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini Türkiye’de ilk 5’te yer alan bir üniversitedeki öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Ölçüm aracı olarak “spor etkinlikleri gönüllü motivasyon ölçeği” ve “üniversite öğrencilerinin spora yönelik tutumları ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada bağımsız örneklem t-testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA), Mann Whitney-U testi, Kruskal Wallis testi ve Pearson Korelasyon analizi gibi istatistiksel analiz yöntemleri uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, üniversite öğrencilerinin spor tutumları genel boyutu ve psikososyal boyutu, "cinsiyet" değişkeni açısından kadın öğrencilerin lehine farklılık göstermektedir. Öğrencilerin gönüllü katılım motivasyonu ile spora yönelik tutumları arasında anlamlı, pozitif ve orta düzeyde bir ilişki belirlenmiştir. Sonuç: Bu sonuçlar, üniversite öğrencilerinin spor etkinliklerine katılım motivasyonu ile spora olan tutumları arasında analamlı bir ilişki olduğu ve sadece cinsiyetin spor tutumu üzerinde belirleyici bir rol oynayabileceğini göstermektedir.
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Garban, Cleven, Lhidie Joy Reillo, and Jet Clayton Longakit. "Exploring The Role of Nature of Sports in Lifestyle and Sports Engagement of Student-Athletes." Sports Medicine Curiosity Journal 2, no. 2 (December 5, 2023): 52–60.

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This study aims to explore the moderating effect of the nature of sport on the relationship between lifestyle and sports engagement for different types of sports and how it affects each student-athlete. A sample comprised of 408 consisting of 29.9% individual sports (n=122), 18.87% dual sports (n=77), and 51.23% (n=209) student-athletes answered a packet of questionnaires assessing lifestyle and sport engagement. The results showed that overall lifestyle is a significant predictor of sports engagement, as students who demonstrate good exercise habits, engage in regular exercise, and maintain good nutrition are more likely to engage in sports. Interestingly, the type of sport did not significantly affect sports engagement. These findings provide empirical evidence that the type of sport does not moderate the relationship between lifestyle and sports engagement, which suggests that student-athletes can participate in any sport of their choice, whether it is an individual or dual sport or a team sport, to support them in achieving their maximum potential. However, there may be other factors that moderate the relationship between student-athletes' lifestyles and sports engagement that require further investigation.
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Rahadian, Adi, Amung Ma’mun, Berliana Berliana, and Nuryadi Nuryadi. "Asian Games Success 2018 : Policy Elite Athlete Development and Development Indonesia." Jurnal Maenpo : Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi 11, no. 1 (June 20, 2021): 1.

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The success of elite sports in Indonesia plays an important role in building and constructing national identity. Along its development, the success of sport is pictured as symbol of national resurrection and sport winner as national icon. Status and power of sports Indonesia among other countries is measured by the country’s success of having achievement in international sport events. Elit sport development are implemented through sport introduction stage, monitoring, fostering, also developing talent and improving achievement (UU SKN No. 3 Tahun 2005). The system of elite sport development in Indonesia which is oriented to: a) build elite’s facility; b) support for athletes; c) provide training and sport science; and d) centered competition opportunity (Pelatnas) in the preparation of international competition. This study explores the sports achievements of Indonesia with the aims of maximizing the policy of elite sport development in Indonesia. The achievements of elite sports are the pride of the country, including obtaining diplomatic recognition, ideological competition and a belief that the success of sports in international level gives benefit for socio-politic in the nation, starting from feeling pleased, optimistic and giving impact economically, especially in relation to organizing elite sports competitions.Keyword: achievement, elite athlete, Indonesia, national identity, sport development
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Komínková, Linda, and Tomáš Perič. "THE ISSUE OF SPORT SPECIALIZATION AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPORT EXPERTISE." Studia sportiva 13, no. 2 (January 27, 2020): 84–92.

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There are two different ways how to achieve sport expertise. First is called „early sport specialization“ and second is called „early sport sampling“. Although, early sport specialization is associated with negative physical, psychological and social development consequencies, researches claim that early specialized approach to sports training is necessary to achieve elite sport performance because of 10.000 hour rule and the theory of deliberate practice. On the other hand, experts who defend early sampling approach argue that sampling various sports during childhood and later start with special training is the basis for specialization in adolescence and adulthood and that athlete can benefit from such a transfer across sports. The aim of this review is to discuss early sport specialization and early sport sampling approach in term of expertise development in sport. Results suggest that despite a relatively high number of research in this area, it is still not clear which approach is more effective for attaining sport expertise. Conclusions of studies that examined the validity of the theory of deliberate practice and 10.000 hour rule in different sports are inconsistent. In addition, studies that dealt with early sampling approach examined mainly team sports and were conducted with retrospective design in which athletes do not have to recall their experiences or that the recall of experiences can be biased. Moreover, very few studies report early specialization of their athletes. Therefore, longitudinal studies are needed to reveal which approach is more effective to achieve expertise in sport.
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Messner, Michael A., and Michela Musto. "Where Are the Kids?" Sociology of Sport Journal 31, no. 1 (March 2014): 102–22.

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Huge numbers of children participate in sports. However, kids and sports are rarely seen, much less systematically studied by sport sociologists. Our survey of the past decade of three major sport sociology journals illustrates a dearth of scholarly research on children and sport. While noting the few exceptions, we observe that sport studies scholars have placed a disproportionate amount of emphasis on studying sport media, and elite amateur, college, and professional athletes and sport organizations, while largely conceding the terrain of children’s sports to journalists and to a handful of scholars whose work is not grounded in sport sociology. We probe this paradox, speculating why sport scholars focus so little on such a large and important object of study in sport studies. We end by outlining a handful of important scholarly questions for sport scholars, focusing especially on key questions in the burgeoning sociological and interdisciplinary fields of children and youth, bodies and health, and intersectional analyses of social inequality.
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Tydykova, Nadezhda, and Ekaterina Kovalenko. "On the Definitions Used in Sports Law." Legal Linguistics, no. 21 (32) (October 1, 2021): 20–25.

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The article concentrates on the study of the basic concepts used in the text of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ «On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation». The definitions of the concepts «sport» and «physical culture» are analyzed. The authors have concluded that the legal definition of sport is consistent with the broad understanding of this phenomenon in science. It has been proved that the legislator uses the constitutive features of sport and physical culture in a contradictory way when giving other definitions. This problem has been revealed during the study of the concepts: «school sport», «student sport», «corporate sport», the content of which combines both features of sport and features of physical culture. The authors also propose to distinguish between the physical education for physically impaired people and persons with disabilities, aimed at rehabilitation and sports activities of the same categories, aimed at achieving purely sports results by developing appropriate definitions and fixing them in the text of the studied law. Attention is drawn to the impossibility of determining the ratio of such concepts as «corporate sport» and «sport at the place of work», «sport at the place of residence and recreation» and «mass sport» for reasons caused by defects in legislative technology. Such categories as «professional sports», «sports of the highest achievements» and «mass sports» are discriminated. The position is expressed that the absence of the term «amateur sport» in the studied law has objective reasons and is not a disadvantage. In conclusion, the authors state that it is necessary to elaborate the concepts under study and their terminological improvement. Such a measure will allow not only to improve the text of the studied law from the standpoint of legislative technique, but also to clearly formulate the subject of sports law.
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Sergeev, A. A. "Entrepreneurship Role in the System of State Sport in Russia." Vestnik of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 17, no. 4 (July 23, 2020): 129–42.

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The current state policy of Russia orients to the support of entrepreneurial activity and involvement of the population into regular physical training and playing sports. Integration of entrepreneurship in the system of state sports can provide a higher level of practical use of available market tools in budget sport organizations. Collaboration of state sport organizations and entrepreneurs in the field of sports could promote sustainable development of sport economy, raise efficiency of sport goods sales and services and intensify the search for practical combinations aimed at gaining profits in the process of everyday sport activity. State sport in Russia needs mechanisms of developing private entrepreneurial initiative. The author gives recommendations for upgrading organizational mechanisms of interaction between the state sector and private business structures and their realization can raise sport economy to a new level. Improving the level of entrepreneurial culture in the sports field in line with the growth in economic and sport results in state sport organizations is relevant to the acute goals identified in the Federal projects ‘Entrepreneurship Popularization’ and ‘Sport is a Norm of Life’, which are included in the national projects ‘Small and Medium Business and Support of Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative’ and ‘Demography’.
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Zhao, Bin. "Analysis on the Differences of Body Composition and Maximal Oxygen Uptake between Sports and Non-Sports Male Students." Advanced Materials Research 934 (May 2014): 38–43.

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Purpose: In order to further study the physical differences between sports major and non-sport major male students, and better carry out individualized physical education. Methods: Body composition analyzer and power cycling were used to test body composition and maximal oxygen uptake for sports major and non-sport major male students. Data were analyzed by SPSS 17.0, and compared among the groups by t test. Results: The results showed that the percentage of body fat of sports majors was 10.57 ± 3.07 %, non-sport major male students’ body fat percentage was 17.66 ± 6.28 % (P<0.05), and sports majors male students’ protein content was 13.25 ± 0.64 kg, non-sport major students’ protein content was 10.98 ± 1.15 kg (P<0.05). Sports majors students’ body fluid content and maximal oxygen uptake was significantly higher than non-sport major male students (P<0.05). in addition, other indexes of body composition, sports major students were better than that of non-sport major students, but they showed no significant differences. Conclusion: This study showed that long term training engaged in sports majors students’ protein content, and body fluid content aspects were significantly higher than that of non-sport major male students and aerobic capacity was significantly better than the non-sport major students.
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Storey, Eileen P., Stephen R. Master, Naomi J. Brown, Danielle M. Magrini, Chris B. Renjilian, Christian D. Turner, Brian T. Vernau, et al. "Sport Specialization and Exposure in a Tertiary Concussion Program." Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 10, no. 5_suppl2 (May 1, 2022): 2325967121S0053.

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Background: Sport specialization is an important area of focus within pediatric sports medicine with studies relating specialization to the rising incidence of sport-related injuries. The relationship between sport specialization and concussion remains unexplored. Hypothesis/Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of sport specialization and its relationship to concussion in athletes seen in a tertiary concussion program. Methods: Athletes completed a sport specialization questionnaire as part of a comprehensive intake questionnaire and were classified into low, moderate, or high specialization groups using a previously published 3-point scale. Categories were derived from their responses to 3 binary questions: 1) Have you quit other sports to focus on 1 sport? 2) Do you train >8 months out of the year in 1 sport? 3) Do you consider your primary sport more important than other sports? Results: Of the 1,098 athletes, ages 8-19 years, who completed the questionnaire, 572 (52%) were female, 718 (65.5%) had a sports-related concussion (SRC) and 439 (40%) had a prior history of concussion. The cohort was categorized into low (n=568, 51.7%), moderate (n=339, 30.9%), or high (n=191, 17.4%) sport specialization groups. Athletes reported their primary sport was more important than other sports (702, 64%) and training >8 months out of the year in 1 sport (594, 54%) more commonly than quitting other sports to focus on 1 sport (270, 25%). Sport specialization differed by primary sport (Figure 1), but did not significantly differ when primary sport was grouped by level of contact (p=0.47). Sport specialization did not significantly differ by sex, race, or ethnicity, but significantly differed by insurance (p=0.014) and age (p=0.0001), with greater specialization among those with private insurance and adolescents, respectively. Moderately or highly specialized athletes were significantly more likely than less specialized athletes to present with a SRC compared to a non-SRC (p<0.0001) and to report prior history of concussion (p=0.005). After controlling for demographic and sport participation factors, only endorsement of training more than 8 months out of the year in one sport was significantly associated with SRC (p=0.001) and prior concussion (p=0.007). Conclusion: Sport specialization is prevalent among youth athletes with concussion. Training >8 months out of the year in a single sport is associated with SRC and prior history of concussion. Further research is warranted to evaluate how exposure among specialized athletes relates to concussion.
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Gavurova, Beata, and Vaclav Friedrich. "Assessment of selected areas of sport in EU countries." Economics & Sociology 17, no. 4 (December 2024): 176–96.

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Sport is an important sector of economic activity and is closely linked to other areas of the service sector (culture, education, tourism, recreation and leisure time). The aim of the study is evaluation of selected areas of sport in the EU countries with focus on economic matters of sport and areas associated with the development of sports services. This study makes use of multivariate methods (factor analysis and cluster analysis). The results of the factor analysis, based on the assessed factors in sports focused on economic matters in sport and development of sports services have shown that, with exceptions, the EU countries vary in their sport policies. The most notable differences in terms of the evaluated areas of sport have been found in Performing Physical Activities and Employment in Sport. The findings on the evaluated areas of sports, received by use of cluster analysis, the K-means method, show that despite marked differences in sport policies, partial similarities can be found between certain groups of countries and mutual ties to identical sport policy systems. The findings may be beneficial not only to creators of sport policies in the individual EU countries but also to other actors in the sport industry and services in both the public and the private sectors.
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Naumenko, Yuri. "Sport as a social phenomenon." SHS Web of Conferences 55 (2018): 02023.

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The purpose of the paper is to develop a theoretical and methodological justification for the pedagogy of sport as an independent direction in the scientific study of general pedagogy. Methods include the analysis of the socio-cultural phenomenon of “sport (sport activity)” using the conceptual provisions of social philosophy, the sociology of labor and the socio-cultural concept of health formative education (Yu. V.Naumenko). Results. The socio-cultural difference of close (but not related) phenomena of “physical culture” and “sport (sports activity)” is substantiated in the paper. A new socio-cultural interpretation of the concepts of “sport (sports activity)”, “sports competitions” and “sports training” as manifestations of the universal human culture is proposed. The content of humanistic, creative and value-regulating functions of sports (sports activity) as a part of the universal culture is revealed. The author describes the person-oriented and the resource-pragmatic attitudes to sport (sports activity) and their manifestation in practice (in particular, in relation to children’s sports). It is proved that the socio-cultural phenomenon of “sport (sports activity)” is a manifestation of labor (professional) activity in the social and humanitarian sphere, which is both a subject to the general laws of labor activity and possesses specific features. The object and subject of studying the pedagogy of sports (sports activity) as an independent direction of general pedagogy are formulated. The research problem and theoretical and practical tasks of sports pedagogy (sports activity) are specified.
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Blanco-García, Cecilia, Jorge Acebes-Sánchez, Gabriel Rodriguez-Romo, and Daniel Mon-López. "Resilience in Sports: Sport Type, Gender, Age and Sport Level Differences." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18, no. 15 (August 3, 2021): 8196.

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There seems to be a broad consensus that there is a positive correlation between resilience and sport performance. However, different studies show divergent results on the role played by certain variables in this relationship. This study aimed to analyze the possible relationships between resilience levels and the practiced sport according to gender, age, and competitive level of the athletes in 1047 competitive athletes from five different sports (handball, basketball, volleyball, athletics, and judo). Resilience was assessed with the Spanish version of the Brief Resilience Scale (BRS). Results of independent samples t-tests or analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed no significant differences on the level of resilience according to the practiced sport or the competitive level. However, the analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that they were related to the gender and age of the athletes, being higher in males than in females, and there was a positive correlation with age. These results seem to suggest the convenience of using differentiated strategies, according to gender and age, when working on all those protective factors that could allow the athlete to perform better when facing adversity in the competitive environment.
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Jayanthi, Neeru A., Eric G. Post, Torrance C. Laury, and Peter D. Fabricant. "Health Consequences of Youth Sport Specialization." Journal of Athletic Training 54, no. 10 (October 1, 2019): 1040–49.

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Sport specialization is a training method now commonly used by young athletes who hope to achieve elite-level success. This may be defined as (1) choosing a main sport, (2) quitting all other sports to focus on 1 sport, and (3) year-round training (greater than 8 months per year). A number of sports medicine organizations have published recommendations based on the limited evidence available on this topic. The objective of this article was to perform a narrative review of the currently available evidence and sports medicine organizational recommendations regarding sport specialization and its effects on health to guide athletic trainers and sports medicine providers. To accomplish this goal, we conducted a narrative review of articles and position statements on sport specialization published from 1990 through 2018. Injury, overuse injury, serious overuse injury, and lower extremity injury were likely associated with higher degrees of sport specialization in various populations. Sports medicine organizations in general recommended against sport specialization in young athletes and instead promoted multisport participation for physical and psychological benefits. Few long-term data suggest that sport specialization has negative health-related quality-of-life consequences. Higher degrees of sport specialization likely pose risks of overuse injury; however, the age of specialization at which this risk occurs is not known. Because different populations and sports activities may put children at risk for certain injuries, future researchers should monitor large populations with sport-specific prospective active surveillance.
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Arnold, Amanda, Ryan Zarzycki, and Mathew Failla. "DOES GEOGRAPHICAL REGION IMPACT PARENTS’ PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS YOUTH SPORT SPECIALIZATION?" Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 9, no. 7_suppl3 (July 1, 2021): 2325967121S0009.

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Background: Two billion U.S. healthcare dollars are spent on youth sports injuries each year. This staggering figure is projected to increase as athletes are sustaining more sport-related injuries and are specializing in a single sport at younger ages than ever before. Sport specialization is a modifiable injury risk factor unique to youth athlete populations. Parents are a group of key stakeholders whose knowledge and beliefs likely impact youth sport participation, however a paucity of research exists in this area. Purpose: To assess the differences in perceptions of parents on youth sport participation and specialization based on geographical region. Methods: Parents of children, ages 8-18 years, who participate in organized sports were surveyed for this study. Electronic surveys with a total of 40 questions were circulated via team/organization mailing lists and social media. Geographic regions were described as either South or North based on divisions from the U.S. Census Bureau. Sport specialization was defined as an athlete meeting >2 of the following 3 criteria: participates in one sport to the exclusion of other sports, participates in sport-specific lessons, participates on >2 teams in a single sport. Descriptive statistics and chi-square analyses were used to compare perceptions of parents with specialized and non-specialized athletes across different geographical regions. Results: Three-hundred and seventy-one responses were collected (South=204, North=167). Parents from the South reported a higher number of specialized athletes as compared to parents from the North (54% vs 38%; P=0.003). Regardless of geographical region, most parents did not think specialization had a positive impact on a youth athlete’s development ( P=0.307) or their future in that sport ( P=0.086) (Figures 1 & 2). Parents from the South did select ‘Potential to earn a college scholarship’ as a motivator for youth sport specialization more often when compared to parents from the North (30% vs 17%; P=0.002). Conclusion: Regional differences exist in the percentage of specialized youth athletes participating in organized sport. Parental knowledge of the risks and benefits of youth sport specialization does not appear to drive these observed differences. Earning a college scholarship was selected more frequently as a reason for specialization in the South, indicating that societal or socioeconomic factors may be present. Further research is needed to determine the underlying factors driving youth sport specialization in the U.S. Figures: [Figure: see text][Figure: see text] References: Bell DR PE, Trigsted SM, Hetzel S, McGuine TA and Brooks MA. Prevalence of Sport Specialization in High School Athletics: A 1-Year Observational Study. Am J Sports Med. 2016;44(6):1469-1474. Bell DR, Post EG, Trigsted SM, Schaefer DA, McGuine TA, Brooks MA. Parents’ Awareness and Perceptions of Sport Specialization and Injury Prevention Recommendations. Clin J Sport Med. 2018. Brooks MA, Post EG, Trigsted SM, et al. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs of Youth Club Athletes Toward Sport Specialization and Sport Participation. Orthop J Sports Med. 2018;6(5). Gregory S. How Kids’ Sports became a $15 Billion Industry. TIME. 2017;190(9). Jayanthi NA, LaBella CR, Fischer D, Pasulka J, Dugas LR. Sports-specialized intensive training and the risk of injury in young athletes: a clinical case-control study. Am J Sports Med. 2015;43(4):794-801. LaPrade RF, Agel J, Baker J, et al. AOSSM Early Sport Specialization Consensus Statement. Orthop J Sports Med. 2016;4(4). Malina RM. Early sport specialization: roots, effectiveness, risks. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2010;9(6):364-371. McGuine TA, Post EG, Hetzel SJ, Brooks MA, Trigsted S, Bell DR. A Prospective Study on the Effect of Sport Specialization on Lower Extremity Injury Rates in High School Athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2017;45(12): 2706-2712. Myer GD, Jayanthi N, Difiori JP, et al. Sport Specialization, Part I: Does Early Sports Specialization Increase Negative Outcomes and Reduce the Opportunity for Success in Young Athletes? Sports Health.2015;7(5):437-442. Pasulka J, Jayanthi N, McCann A, Dugas LR, LaBella C. Specialization patterns across various youth sports and relationship to injury risk. Phys Sportsmed. 2017;45(3):344-352. Post EG, Trigsted SM, Riekena JW, et al. The Association of Sport Specialization and Training Volume With Injury History in Youth Athletes. Am J Sports Med. 2017;45(6):1405-1412. U.S. Census Bureau. Census Bureau Regions and Divisions with State FIPS Codes. . Accessed June 26, 2020.
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Chernook, Mariia A. "Newsworthy Events in the Sports Media: Discursive Practices of Choice (on Sports.Ru)." Izvestia Ural Federal University Journal Series 1. Issues in Education, Science and Culture 29, no. 4 (2023): 30–39.

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The study was carried out within the framework of mass media discourse analysis. The paper presents the results of the analysis of the headlines of the sports media published in July 21, 2023. The author sets the task to describe the discursive practices of choosing newsworthy events for specialized sports media. The relevance of the work is due to the transformation of sports media in the conditions of changing modern media landscape. As a result of the analysis, following thematic preferences for choosing newsworthy events were discovered: “sport is a result”, “sport is business”, “sport is politics”, “sport is show business”, “sport is the life of a celebrity”, “sport is something rude”. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the leading discursive practices of choosing a newsworthy event for is urgency and relevance of current sports events and opinions, as well as events attract the attention of the audience and stand on the crossroad of sports and business, sports and business.
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Ridlo, Azi Fais, Tatang Iskandar, and Ilyas Alzamora. "COACHING CLINIC CABANG OLAHRAGA PETANQUE." DEVOSI 2, no. 1 (June 30, 2021): 6–9.

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Petanque, is a sport (sports) originating from France. In Indonesia, petanque is a new sport. The purpose of this study was to introduce pentaque sports to SD/MI sports teachers in the District of Rawamerta. The method used in this community service is socialization and coaching regarding the sport of pentanque. The result of this activity is an understanding of the petanque sport for SD/MI sports teachers throughout the District of Rawamerta so that they can carry out guidance and practice well.
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Kania, Dominik. "Sport a storytelling. Dlaczego marki sięgają po wątki sportowe?" Zeszyty Prasoznawcze 64, no. 1 (245) (March 1, 2021): 63–78.

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Wiele marek wykorzystuje w swoich kampaniach storytellingowych tematykę sportową. Nie zawsze jest ona związana z działalnością brandu lub jego ofertą. Mimo to sport wydaje się atrakcyjnym wątkiem, na podstawie którego firmy komunikują się z otoczeniem. Celem niniejszej pracy jest wyjaśnienie tej popularności sportowych tematów w storytellingu marek. Posłuży do tego analiza relacji branży sportowej i szeroko pojętego biznesu, a także udziału sportu w zachodzących procesach społecznych. Przez ukazanie wpływu, jaki rywalizacja sportowa wywiera na przeciętną jednostkę, zostaną wytłumaczone pobudki marek budujących swoje opowieści wokół zdarzeń lub postaci związanych ze sportem. Refleksji dotyczącej przyczyn popularności wątków sportowych w komunikacji brandów posłużyła analiza dotychczasowego stanu badań, szukająca wyjaśnienia związków pomiędzy sportem a życiem społeczeństwa, a także obserwacja studium przypadku Procter&Gamble – podmiotu, który wokół sportu zbudował swoją platformę komunikacyjną. Materiałem badawczym były więc nie tylko tezy naukowe szukające pomostu między sportem a filozofią, socjologią, psychologią czy biznesem, ale również praktyczne działania marki. Wyniki obserwacji nasuwają wnioski tłumaczące znaczenie sportu i aktywności fizycznej dla społeczeństw i ich jednostek, wskazują procesy przyczyniające się do popularyzacji tematyki w działaniach storytellingowych oraz klarownie podkreślają korzyści płynące z dialogu marek z odbiorcami, opartym na sportowych akcentach. Ponadto potwierdzają i uzasadniają tezę, że skuteczny storytelling implementujący w swoje treści sport wcale nie musi pochodzić od brandu bezpośrednio związanego z branżą sportową. Sport in storytelling. Why do brands adopt sport into narratives? Many brands adopt sports into their storytelling campaigns. This trend can be noticed even if a brand’s operations or its products are not related to sport. Nevertheless, it seems to be an attractive platform to communicate with the audience and present specific values. The purpose of this paper is to explain the popularity of sport themes in brand’s storytelling. To unveil this notion, the relationship between sport industry, global business and the influence of sport on social processes is analysed. By examining the impact of sport rivalry on an individual, brands’ motives and the phenomenon of building stories based on sport events or athletes’ lives are explained. This study seeks to describe mechanisms that are used by brands, which strive to mark their presence in people’s lives through storytelling. The methodological approach taken in this paper is a mixed methodology based on critical analysis of existing studies in philosophy, economy, sociology, psychology, and examination of Procter&Gamble’s communication case study. The first part investigates the theoretical reasons for adopting sport into narratives to influence society and individuals. The next section proceeds to an example of the brand which based its storytelling communication on sport event and themes. The results of this study show multidimensional motives and benefits of adopting sport into storytelling. These are connected to different areas of human life and remain critical for brands’ strategies. This examination also confirms high popularity of sport motives in communication of brands that do not belong directly to sport industry and whose offer is not associated with sport at all.
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Admin, Admin, and Jasenka Kranjčević. "The relation between sport and tourism at the beginning of tourism development – the case of Croatia." European Journal of Tourism Research 16 (July 1, 2017): 19–31.

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This paper aims at contributing to the discussion whether functional relationships existed between tourism and sport in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea in the late 19th and early 20th century as they do today and whether they were interconnected. After the introduction, the paper describes tourism opportunities of the time and draws conclusions based on the research on built sports architecture, sports disciplines, sports associations and sports events that were linked to tourism. In addition to contributing to the knowledge of the history of functional relationships between sport and tourism, the paper raises the question of how much the relationship between tourism and sport has changed in the last hundred years. The research contributes to a better knowledge of sport tourism history, sport tourism heritage and sport as a tourist attraction.
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Pazzaglia, Costanza, Luca Padua, Claudia Stancanelli, Augusto Fusco, Claudia Loreti, Letizia Castelli, Isabella Imbimbo, et al. "Role of Sport Activity on Quality of Life in Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A Patients." Journal of Clinical Medicine 11, no. 23 (November 28, 2022): 7032.

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The present study aims to investigate the benefits induced by physical activity/practiced sport in Charcot-Marie-Tooth 1A (CMT1A). Patients were divided into sport and no-sport groups according to their sports performance habit. Thirty-one patients were enrolled, of which 14 practiced sports and 17 did not. Clinical assessments were administered to evaluate disability, self-esteem, depression, quality of life, and pain. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in terms of gender in the no-sport group compared to the sport group (p = 0.04). Regarding the quality of life, physical function (p = 0.001), general health (p = 0.03), social function (p = 0.04), and mental health (p = 0.006) showed better patterns in the sport group than no-sport group. Moreover, neuropathic pain was reduced in the sport group according to the Neuropathic Pain Symptom Inventory (p = 0.001) and ID-PAIN (p = 0.03). The other administered questionnaires showed no significant differences. Our study confirms that CMT1A patients, who practice sports, with a similar severity of disability, may have a better physical quality of life while suffering less neuropathic pain than their peers who do not practice sports. Results recommend the prescription of sport in CMT1A patients.
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Hidayat, Rezha Arzhan, and Muhamad Ichsan Sabillah. "REVIEW OF THE POSITION OF E-SPORT AS A SPORT IN INDONESIA." MAJORA: Majalah Ilmiah Olahraga 27, no. 2 (September 20, 2022): 46–52.

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E- sport at this time is again growing very rapidly. Just like any other sporting branch, esports is also organized sports with special training. This research aims to recognize the role of E- Sport as one of the branches of exercise by analyzing articles and books that have existed, this research uses a qualitative descriptive research approach. The results of this research prove that e-sport is a branch of sports because it has factors such as the value of justice, the value of certainty, the value of expediency. The recognition of e-sport as a branch of sports leads to many problems in residents whether e-sport is categorized as a type of exercise. Sourced from inference, e-sport can be categorized as sporting achievements, therefore e-sport is chosen as a sport that has 4 lower factors, namely, competitive factors, sportsmanship factors, achievement factors, and motor factors.
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Lyseiko, K., Y. Yatsiv, and M. Pityn. "Indicators of implementation standards of the candidate for master of sport and the first rank by athletes in game sports of ivano-frankivsk region during 2018-2021." Scientific Journal of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Series 15. Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports), no. 6(151) (June 29, 2022): 86–91.

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One of the results of the work of subjects of physical culture and sport in the athletes’ preparation is the criterion of evaluation for implementation of certain ranks requirements. According to the section of sports ranks at three levels: mass ranks, reserve, sports ranks, it is necessary to plan the analysis of the state of work on them. This can be done within individual regions. Purpose: to establish indicators of implementation standards of the candidate for Master of Sport and the first rank by athletes in game sports in the Ivano- Frankivsk region during 2018-2021. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature, analysis of documentary materials, methods of mathematical statistics. The content of the orders "On the assignment of sports ranks" of the Sport Department of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration for the period 2018-2021 (in total 31 documents) was studied. Results. Reserve sports are mostly characterized by sport ranks of the candidate for Master of Sport and the first rank. During 2018−2021, there is a significant variability in the number of athletes in game sports who met the requirements of sports ranks of the candidate for Master of Sport and the first rank. Higher values are inherent for 2018 and 2020 (126 and 169 people) and much less for 2019 and 2021 (43 and 59 people). The shares of representatives of game sports had significant differences over the years and ranged from 27.92 to 52.65% of the total number of those who met the requirements of sport ranks of the candidate for Master of Sport and the first rank. In the structure of game sports athletes who met the requirements of the sport ranks of the candidate for Master of Sport and the first rank during 2018-2021, the largest share is occupied by football (44%). The second position is occupied by rugby representatives (17%). Then a group of sports with approximately the same contribution of 9-10% (basketball, table tennis, volleyball, futsal). Conclusions. According to the indicators of the requirements for the awarding of sport ranks of the candidate for Master of Sport and the first rank in Ivano-Frankivsk region revealed the existence of a prominent leader among the sports – football and a certain core, which includes five other sports (basketball, table tennis, volleyball, futsal, rugby).
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Cason, Dan, Minkyo Lee, Jaedeock Lee, In-Sung Yeo, and Edward J. Arner. "The Impact of Legalization of Sports Gambling: How Motivation, Fandom, and Gender Influence Sport-Related Consumption." International Journal of Sport Communication 13, no. 4 (December 1, 2020): 643–54.

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This study examined how the legalization of sports wagering, in association with several factors (i.e., gender, motivations, and fandom), has impacted gambling behavior, interests in sport, and sport-related consumption (e.g., media, ticket sales) using a sample of active gamblers above the age of 21 (N = 58). The findings showed that economic motivation significantly predicted gambling behavior, interests in sports, and sport-related consumption, while fandom did not. People who are motivated by money are more likely to wager on sport and consume sport. However, being a sport fan or not does not impact those variables. Based on the results of the current study, it could be suggested that, since sports wagering was recently legalized, sport organizations should move quickly to attract new and potential market segments (e.g., gamblers).
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Grunberg, Neil E., James D. Doorley, and Erin S. Barry. "Sport Psychology: Principles and Practices for Sports Medicine Physicians." Current Sports Medicine Reports 23, no. 5 (May 2024): 192–98.

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Abstract Sport psychology is the scientific study and application of psychological principles to enhance performance and well-being in sport, exercise, and physical activity. It has numerous applications to sports medicine, as psychological factors are associated with sport injury risk, recovery, successful return to play, and overall health. This article addresses how sport psychology is important to sports medicine and what applied sport psychologists do. We discuss several psychological principles and practices relevant to individual performance and well-being, including goal setting, communication, arousal and performance, imagery/mental rehearsal, attention management, managing psychological distress, and behavioral health. We also discuss principles and practices of sport psychology relevant to team performance, including stages of team development, goal setting, communication, arousal and performance, and behavioral health. Sport psychology and applied sport psychology practitioners can be valued assets to sports medicine teams in supporting individual and team performance and injury recovery.
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Bates, Samantha, and Stacy Kratz. "Integration, Creation, and Growth: A Path Forward for Sport Social Work Education." Sport Social Work Journal 1, no. 1 (February 1, 2022): 115–35.

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Sports fans and the public alike have seen athletes and sport organizations spark conversations focused on equity, mental health, and human rights. Social workers also are professionals that engage in advocacy to destigmatize mental health and to address complex social issues. To align advocacy efforts at the intersection of social work and sport, a small coalition of social workers and interdisciplinary partners convened to create the Alliance for Social Workers in Sports (ASWIS) in 2015. The ASWIS is leading the way in preparing social workers for practice in sport by offering the first Sport Social Work Certificate Program (SSW Certificate). Despite the development of the SSW Certificate, the demand, need, and interest in the sport social work specialization is growing. The purpose of this article is to outline a path forward for sport social work education by discussing strategies to (a) integrate sports into existing coursework; (b) create sport social work courses and field placements; and (c) develop specialization tracks that grow the sport social work workforce and platform for advancing social change through sport. Improving access to education and training can strengthen the specialization of sport social work, and will ultimately benefit athletes, teams, communities, and sport organizations.
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