Academic literature on the topic 'Sport'

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Journal articles on the topic "Sport"


Eterović, Igor. "Between sport and bioethics." Synthesis philosophica 34, no. 2 (December 20, 2019): 267–84.

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Planinarstvo obuhvaća velik broj aktivnosti, postajući krovni pojam za skup aktivnosti na otvorenom. Iako kategorizirano kao sport, planinarstvo se uvriježenoj definiciji sporta opire, a pogotovo glavnoj struji shvaćanja sporta kao natjecateljske aktivnosti. S druge strane, etička pitanja o sportu ne pokrivaju većinu planinarskih praksi, što za sobom povlači potrebu za širom normativnom perspektivom – bioetičkom analizom. Argumentira se da takav pristup može zasnovati mogućnost razumijevanja planinarstva kao posebne vrste sporta i razlučiti njegova posebna svojstva korištenjem bioetičke analize. Pokazuje se da je planinarstvo jedinstven sport, ali i da planinarstvo udjeljuje i promiče autentičnu filozofiju sporta, oprimjerujući odista bioetički pogled na svijet. Planinar je vođen jedinstvenim skupom sržnih vrijednosti sabranih pod nešto što bismo mogli i trebali zvati filozofijom planinarstva.
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Zaksaitė, Salomėja. "Nusikalstamas elgesys sporto srityje." Teisė 74 (January 1, 2010): 136–52.

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Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas nusikalstamas elgesys sporto srityje ir jo latentiškumo priežastys. Tiriama sporto samprata ir analizuojamas sporto ir nusikalstamo elgesio ryšys. Būdingiausi pažeidimai sporto srityje yra susiję su dopingu, smurtu ir korupcija – šios veikos ir analizuojamos darbe. Atitinkama analizė yra reikšminga, siekiant atskleisti nusikalstamo elgesio sporto srityje reiškinį bei aiškinantis, kokia turėtų būti šio reiškinio prevencija. In this article criminal behaviour at sport field and the reasons of its latency are analyzed. The con­cept of sport and its link with criminal behavior are laid out. The most typical crimes at sport field are cheating, violence and corruption – thus said crimes are researched in this work. Corresponding analysis is significant in order to unfold criminal behaviour in sports and to ascertain what kind of prevention of said behaviour should be applicable.>
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Верітов, О. І. "ФОРМУВАННЯ МАРКЕТИНГОВИХ КОМПЕТЕНЦІЙ БАКАЛАВРІВ ІЗ ФІЗИЧНОЇ КУЛЬТУРИ І СПОРТУ." Теорія та методика навчання та виховання, no. 49 (2020): 29–42.

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Blank, S. (2009). Building a Company with Customer Data – Why Metrics Are Not Enough. Retrieved from: page/2/. Blank, S. (2017). Don‟t let process distract you from finding the strategy. Retrieved from: page/3/. Blank, S. (2020). Rising out of the Crisis: Where to Find New Markets and Customers. Retrieved from: Kilkist zareiestrovanykh bezrobitnykh ta kilkist vakansii u 2019 rotsi (za danymy derzhavnoi sluzhby zainiatosti). (2019). [The number of registered unemployed and the number of vacancies in 2019 (according to the state employment service)]. URL: (in Ukrainian). Osvitno-profesiina prohrama «Fizychna kultura i sport. Trenerska diialnist z vydu sportu pershoho rivnia vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnistiu 017 Fizychna kultura i sport. (2019). [Educational and professional program "Physical Culture and Sports. Coaching activities in the sport of the first level of higher education in the specialty 017 Physical culture and sports]. Berdiansk: Berdianskyi derzhavnyi pedahohichnyi universytet. 16 p. URL: (in Ukrainian). Osvitno-profesiina prohrama «Fizychna kultura i sport» pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity. (2019). [Educational and professional program "Physical Culture and Sports" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education]. Kherson: Khersonskyi derzhavnyi universytet. 22 p. URL: 20017%20FIZYChNA%20KULJTURA%20I%20SPORT%20 BAKALAVR%20(1).pdf?id=8e8ede49-e4aa-4104-956d-7538f5830f66. (in Ukrainian). Osvitno-profesiina prohrama «Fizychna kultura i sport» pershoho (bakalavrskoho) rivnia vyshchoi osvity. (2019). [Educational and professional program "Physical Culture and Sports" of the first (bachelor's) level of higher education]. Ternopil: Ternopilskyi natsionalnyi pedahohichnyi universytet imeni Volodymyra Hnatiuka. 19 p. URL: ta%20litsenzuvannia/osvitni_prohramy/bakalavr/fizvyh/017_Fizychna_kultura_i_sport_bak alavr_2019.pdf. (in Ukrainian). Osvitno-profesiina prohrama «Trenerska diialnist v obranomu vydi sportu» pershoho rivnia vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnistiu 017 Fizychna kultura i sport. (2017). [Educational and professional program "Coaching in the chosen sport" of the first level of higher education in the specialty 017 Physical Culture and Sports]. Kharkiv: Kharkivska derzhavna akademiia fizychnoi kultury. 12 p. URL: 2019/04/017- Fizychna-kuljtura-i-sport-1.pdf. (in Ukrainian). Osvitno-profesiina prohrama pidhotovky bakalavra pershoho rivnia vyshchoi osvity za spetsialnistiu 017 Fizychna kultura i sport. (2017). [Educational and professional bachelor's program of the first level of higher education in the specialty 017 Physical culture and sports]. Mykolaiv: Mykolaivskyi natsionalnyi universytet imeni V. O. Sukhomlynskoho. 14 p. URL: (in Ukrainian). Potapiuk, I. P. (2011). Osoblyvosti zastosuvannia kompleksu marketynhu na pidpryiemstvakh sfery fizychnoi kultury i sportu. [Features of application of a marketing complex at the enterprises of sphere of physical culture and sports]. Ekonomichnyj chasopys-XXI – Economic JournalXXI. № 11-12. URL: (in Ukrainian). Razumovskyi, S. O. (2013). Marketynh fizychnoi kultury yak element sotsialnoi sfery suspilstva (sotsialno-filosofskyi analiz). [Marketing of physical culture as an element of the social sphere of society (socio-philosophical analysis)]. Slobozhanskyi naukovo-sportyvnyi visnyk – Slobozhansky scientific and sports bulletin. № 2. P. 199-203. (in Ukrainian). Samodai, V. (2013). Aktualni pytannia shchodo vprovadzhennia marketynhu u sferu fizychnoi kultury i sportu. [Current issues regarding the introduction of marketing in the field of physical culture and sports]. Moloda sportyvna nauka Ukrainy – Young sports science of Ukraine. T. 4. P. 158-165. (in Ukrainian). Standart vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy. Stupin vyshchoi osvity bakalavr. Haluz znan 01 osvita/pedahohika. Specialnist 017 Fizychna kultura i sport. (2019). [Standard of higher education in Ukraine. Bachelor's degree. Field of knowledge 01 education / pedagogy. Specialty 017 Physical culture and sports]. Kyiv: Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy. 12 p. URL: 04/25/017-fizichna-kultura-i-sport-bakalavr.pdf. (in Ukrainian). Tanklevska, N. S. & Vybranskyi, V. V. (2019). Osnovy marketynhu v sportyvnii sferi. [Fundamentals of marketing in sports]. Socialno-ekonomichni problemy suchasnoho periodu Ukrainy – Socio-economic problems of the modern period of Ukraine. Vypusk 6 (140). P. 20-25. (in Ukrainian). Tyshchenko, T. B. (2010). Osoblyvosti formuvannia hotovnosti maibutnikh fakhivtsiv fizychnoho vykhovannia ta sportu do marketynhovoi diialnosti. [Features of formation of readiness of future specialists of physical education and sports for marketing activity]. Naukovyi chasopys [Natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni M. P. Drahomanova]. Seriia 15: Naukovo-pedahohichni problemy fizychnoi kultury (fizychna kultura i sport): zb. nauk. pr. – Scientific journal [National Pedagogical University named after MP Drahomanov]. Series 15: Scientific and pedagogical problems of physical culture (physical culture and sports). № 3. P. 307-310. (in Ukrainian).
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Alfejeva, Jeļena. "Sporta jēdziens un tā attiecināšana uz prāta spēlēm." SOCRATES. Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes elektroniskais juridisko zinātnisko rakstu žurnāls / SOCRATES. Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Law Electronic Scientific Journal of Law 2, no. 11 (2018): 81–89.

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Tiesību doktore Jeļena Alfejeva skata jaunu tēmu – sporta jēdziena izpratni un tā attiecināšanu uz prāta spēlēm. Autore secina, ka sports ir visu veidu individuālas vai organizētas aktivitātes fiziskās un garīgās veselības saglabāšanai un uzlabošanai un saistīts ar panākumu gūšanu sporta sacensībās. J. Alfejeva uzsver, ka minētā jēdziena izpratne nav viennozīmīga. Doctor of law Jeļena Alfejeva addresses a new topic – understanding the definition of “sport” and its extension to mind games. The author concludes that sport can be understood as diverse individual and group activities with the aim to maintain and improve one’s physical and mental health, and it also aims to gain success in sport competitions. J. Alfejeva stresses that the term is rather ambiguous.
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Đurđević, Nenad. "Autonomy in sport - compulsoriness of international sport committees sport rules at a national level." Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu 55, no. 2 (April 19, 2018): 289–306.

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Establishing rules lies at the heart of sport. Furthermore, it can be said that legal order allows only such sporting activity that is carried out according to defined rules. This is mostly followed by foundation of associations and organisations dedicated to particular sport. Acknowledging sport by the public authorities as a space suitable for autonomous arrangement of sports organisations gives special importance to sports rules. However, in order to have autonomy of sports organisations complementary to the role of public authority in the area of sport, it must be grounded in the principles of democracy, solidarity and good management in sport keeping sport independent of any political or economic manipulation including excessive commercialisation. Since contemporary sport is dominantly based on pyramidal structure or federal system based upon recognised sports associations (federations) organised at national and international level by the principle „one sport – one association“, it is quite understandable that sports rules adopted by sports association ranked at international level on the top of the pyramid have monopolistic position as a support for autonomous functioning of whole system of particular sport, as well as considerable limiting factor in making autonomous decisions at lower levels of sports organising. Sports associations use sports rules often followed by serious sanctions to preserve their dominant status. In his paper, the author considers legal nature and legal enforceability of international sports rules at national level for sports organisations, public authorities, as well as judiciary. The author particularly points out to the problem of so-called dynamic addressing to sports rules of international sports associations through statutory provisions of national and lower sports associations and the position of German case-law on impossibility of such way to provide legal obligatoriness of international sports rules at the national level.
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Ponkin, Igor, and Alena Redkina. "Importance of Public Administration in Sports." SOCRATES. Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Juridiskās fakultātes elektroniskais juridisko zinātnisko rakstu žurnāls / SOCRATES. Rīga Stradiņš University Faculty of Law Electronic Scientific Journal of Law 1, no. 7 (2017): 104–14.

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Assuredly, quite a new legal sub branch is developing in Latvia – sport law. I. Ponkin and A. Redkina in their article speak about this new legal sub branch, its role and meaning of public administration in sport. Jāatzīst, ka Latvijā attīstās pilnīgi jauna tiesību apakšnozare – sporta tiesības. I. Ponkins un A. Redkina izdevumā ietvertajā rakstā atspoguļo publiskās pārvaldes nozīmi un lomu sportā.
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Polat, Ercan, Serkan Hazar, and Yağmur Eker. "Comparing sport participation motivation of sport high school students and sport center members in terms of some variablesSpor lisesi öğrencileri ve spor merkezi üyelerinin spora katılım motivasyonlarının bazı değişkenler açısından karşılaştırılması." Journal of Human Sciences 15, no. 4 (January 5, 2019): 2579.

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The aim of the study is to compare the sport motives of individuals participating sport in two different groups. 300 volunteers are the participants of the study. Along with the personal information form, Sport Participation Motivation Scale which was developed by Gill et al., (1983) validity and reliability of which was checked for Turkish population by Oyar et al., (2001) and were used. As a result of the analysis, it was found that sport participation motives do not vary according to gender. In addition it was revealed that students of sport high school are more motivated than members of sport centers. Among students of sport high school, certificated sportspeople are more motivated compared to non-certificated sportspeople, individuals doing team and individual sports are more motivated than non-competitive sportspeople and younger students are more motivated than older ones. Among the members of sport center no difference and relation were found between the ages of the sportspeople and their status of owning certificate or not. Furthermore, sport center members doing team and individual sports were seen to be more motivated than non-competitive sportspeople in terms of the dimensions, namely friends, achievement/ status and physical fitness/energy consumption.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file. ÖzetFarklı iki grupta spora katılım gösteren bireylerin spor yapma güdülerinin karşılaştırılması bu araştırmanın amacını oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma grubu 300 gönüllü katılımcıdan oluşmuştur. Veri toplama aracı olarak kişisel bilgi formu ile birlikte, Gill ve ark., (1983) tarafından geliştirilen Türk popülâsyonu için Oyar ve ark., (2001) tarafından geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması yapılan Spora Katılım Güdüsü Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda cinsiyete göre spora katılım güdülerinin farklılaşmadığı belirlenmiştir. Genel olarak spor lisesi öğrencilerinin spor merkezi üyelerinden daha fazla güdülendiği belirlenmiştir. Spor lisesi öğrencilerinden; lisanslı sporcuların lisanslı olmayan sporculara göre, takım ve bireysel sporlarla uğraşanların aktif sporcu olmayanlara göre ve daha genç yaşta olan öğrencilerin diğerlerine göre daha fazla güdülendikleri belirlenmiştir. Spor merkezi üyeleri arasında ise; farklı yaş grupları ve lisanslı sporcular ile lisanslı olmayan sporcular arasında ilişki ve farklılıklar bulunmamıştır. Bununla birlikte spor merkezi üyeleri arasında, takım ve bireysel sporlarla uğraşanların aktif spor yapmayanlara göre özellikle arkadaş, başarı/statü ve fiziksel uygunluk/enerji harcama boyutlarında daha fazla güdülendikleri ortaya konulmuştur.
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Brnabić, Ratko. "E-sport i pitanje pravnog ustroja e-klubova." Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu 58, no. 1 (February 9, 2021): 163–83.

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U posljednjih nekoliko godina fenomen elektroničkog sporta (e-sporta ili esporta) dobiva sve veći značaj. Pojam e-sport označava natjecanja koja se održavaju na platformi računalnih ili video igara. Platforma za natjecanje je računalna ili videoigra (program), a ne klasično sportsko borilište. Žanr igara, koje služe kao sportsko borilište, u pravilu uključuje strateške igre u stvarnom vremenu, pucačke igre iz prvog lica i sportske simulacije. Uz svladavanje tehnike računalne igre, igrači za uspjeh u natjecanju moraju imati različite motoričke (koordinacija pokreta, brzina reakcije) i kognitivne sposobnosti (prostorna orijentacija, pregled igre, razumijevanje igre, taktička orijentacija, koncentracija, predviđanje i kreativno razmišljanje). E-sport natjecanja postaju sve privlačnija igračima i klubovima (tzv. klanovima) zbog sve izdašnijih nagradnih fondova. Broj igrača, tzv. gamera u stalnom je porastu. Finala tih natjecanja održavaju se u dvoranama pred tisućama gledatelja. Tu je po svemu riječ o ozbiljnom gospodarskom pothvatu koji diljem svijeta svojim nositeljima donosi znatne prihode. E-sport je na Azijskim sportskim igrama 2017. godine predstavljen sportskoj javnosti koja prati „klasične“ sportove, a Međunarodni olimpijski odbor razmatra mogućnost kako taj oblik natjecanja ustanoviti kao olimpijski sport, te se pomno prati aktivnosti e-sport zajednice. Povodom takvog stava najviših sportskih institucija već se neko vrijeme raspravlja o mogućnosti priznanja e-sporta kao sporta. Posebice se raspravlja o pravnim pretpostavkama koje neko natjecanje i njegovi dionici moraju ispuniti kako bi krovna udruga, koja ih objedinjuje, stekla članstvo u nacionalnom olimpijskom savezu. Nije jednostavno dati jednoznačan odgovor na pitanje je li e-sport uopće sport, jer je tu riječ o ljudskoj natjecateljskoj aktivnosti koja pokazuje mnogo lica: pravno, ekonomsko, antropološko, sociološko. Ovim radom nastoji se dati doprinos razumijevanju pravne strukture e-sporta, uzimajući u obzir i pravnu arhitektoniku e-sporta i njegov regulatorni kontekst, te ukazati na neka pravna pitanja iz motrišta nositelja natjecateljske dimenzije tog kompleksnog gospodarskog pothvata. Razmatraju se razlozi za priznanje e-sporta kao sporta, te se upućuje na pravne učinke tog priznanja. Nadalje, daje se prikaz mogućih rješenja za uređenje pravnog statusa natjecateljskih ekipa u e-sportu. Raspravlja se o mogućnosti ustroja e-sport-klubova u obliku sportskih udruga ili sportskih društava kapitala. Pored toga, upućuje se na rizike, prednosti i nedostatke koje nosi izbor pravnog oblika te se daju preporuke za praksu.
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Dretar, Tomislav. "Heda Festini – sport i kritika neoliberalizma." Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine 50, no. 2 (100) (December 11, 2024): 823–32.

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Heda Festini pisala je o sportu u članku »Slobodno vrijeme i rekreativni šport« i ustanovila je krizu suvremenog sporta. Svoju analizu utemeljila je u konceptu slobodnog vremena Vladimira Jankovića te konceptima »elitizma« i »olimpizma«. Festini pokazuje kako je sport dio šire društvene krize koja ugrožava kulturu općenito, a utemeljena je u globalnim političkim tendencijama. Problematizirajući odnos politike i sporta, Festini se poziva na svoju analizu Deweyjeva »socijalnog« liberalizma. Svrha ovog rada ogleda se u povezivanju misli Hede Festini o Deweyjevom »socijalnom« liberalizmu i njene kritike sporta. Time će se nastojati zaokružiti njena kritika neoliberalnih politika, koje su povezane s krizom kulture i sporta.
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Škerbić, Matija Mato. "Internal Values of Sport and Bio-Technologized Sport." Philosophies 5, no. 4 (October 3, 2020): 26.

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The aim of the paper is confronting internal or intrinsic values of sport detected by different sport-philosophers, such as W. J. Morgan, J. S. Russell, R. L. Simon, N. Dixon, S. Kretchmar, to today’s bio-technologized sports in order to find the ethical guidance for (non)acceptance of new bio-technologies in sport. Thus, in the first part, I will produce an overview of the internal values of sport in the sports-philosophical literature. In the second part, I will provide my understanding of ‘bio-technologized sports’, leaning mostly on W. J. Morgan’s and S. Loland’s previous work in this regard. In the third part, I will show that the key internal value of sport is ‘excellence’ and that the perfectionist account of sport dominates high-level professional competitive sports. However, I will show that ‘excellence’ is prone to different interpretations and understandings which (could) have different implications for the ‘bio-technologized sport’. Finally, I will propose going back to Aristotle and his account of eudaimonia to build principles for the regulation of (non)acceptance of bio-technology in sport.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Sport"



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O planejamento e a gestão de atividades esportivas é uma área promissora e pouco explorada para aplicações de Pesquisa Operacional. Os problemas nesta área são em geral de formulação simples e alcançam grande difusão nos meios de comunicação. Embora sua formulação seja simples, em geral estes problemas são difíceis de serem resolvidos em termos computacionais. Os resultados de muitos trabalhos acadêmicos nesta área têm sido aceitos como soluções para problemas reais e várias soluções vem sendo implementadas na prática. Esta tese tem como objetivo principal estudar dois tipos de problemas que surgem na área de esportes: a programação de tabelas e os problemas da classificação. A programação de tabelas para competições esportivas é uma tarefa difícil, na qual diversas técnicas de otimização combinatória têm sido aplicadas. Nesta tese, formula-se o Problema do Torneio com Viagens Espelhado como um problema de otimização em grafos. O problema é resolvido utilizando- se algoritmos aproximados. Apresentam-se duas heurísticas para este problema. A primeira é muito rápida e serve para fornecer soluções iniciais para a segunda, que é capaz de obter soluções de boa qualidade em tempos razoáveis. São deduzidos limites duais para um tipo particular de instâncias. Estes limites permitem provar a otimalidade das soluções obtidas heuristicamente para instâncias muito maiores do que as maiores instâncias resolvidas na literatura. Por ultimo, é apresentado um modelo de programação linear inteira para o problema, ao qual são acrescentadas desigualdades válidas. Os problemas da classificação visam obter condições, necessárias e suficientes, para a classificação de uma determinada equipe para as finais de um campeonato em relação ao número de pontos a ser obtido. São apresentados modelos de programação linear inteira que permitem resolver estes problemas no contexto do Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol.
Sports management is a very attractive and not very explored area for applications of Operations Research. Problems in this area use to have simple formulations and reach a big coveragge by the media. Although their formulations are simple, in general these problems are difficult to be solved in computational terms. The results of many academic works in this area have been accepted as solutions for real problems and some solutions are being implemented. This thesis has the main objective of studying two types of problems that appear in the sports area: the fixture creation and the qualification problems. Fixture creation (also known as sport scheduling) for sport competitions is a difficult task, in which several combinatorial optimization techniques has been applied. In this thesis, the Mirrored Traveling Tournament Problem is formulated as a graph optmization problem. The problem is solved using approximation algorithms. Two heuristics are introduced for this problem. The first one is very fast and is used to supply initial solutions for the second one which is able to obtain high quality solutions in reasonable computation times. Dual limits are deduced for a particular type of instances. These limits allow to prove the optimality of the heuristically abtained solutions for instances that are much bigger than those soved in the literature. Finally, an integer programming model is introduced in wich valid inequalities are added. The qualification problems aim to obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the playoffs qualification of a given team in terms of the number of points to be obtained. Integer programming models are introduced which allow solving these problems in the context of the Brazilian Football Championship.
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Toomer, Richard. "National Sport Policy in a Developing Country: The Case of Jamaica’s Elite Sport Development in Selected Sports." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2019.

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The purpose of this thesis was to explore the development of elite sport through national sport policy within a developing country, Jamaica. Taking a qualitative approach, the thesis drew on the SPLISS framework (De Bosscher et al., 2006, 2015) to understand government influence in the development of elite sport, through policy, and to investigate other contributing factors for elite sporting success. A logic model illustrated the input-throughput-output pillars of the SPLISS framework, and aided in the interpretation of both a theoretical and rival proposition (Yin, 2018). This thesis purpose, accomplished in part by exploring the most successful elite sport in Jamaica, athletics (track and field), incorporated three interconnected studies on that developing country’s national sport system, a sport system that produced its first Olympic success in 1948, forty-six years before the introduction of national sport policy. Three interconnected studies allowed for findings that highlighted the roots of Jamaica’s sport development, beginning with the introduction of a school and community sport system by the former colonial British government, and retained and expanded by the Jamaican government from 1962. The findings also highlighted that the school and community sport systems facilitated a local approach to the development and training for athletics. It included factors outside of the influence of government, such as the impact of coaches and role models that assisted in creating a fraternity in the sport through tradition, culture and passion, and established an environment for elite sport. This environment involved a collaboration between educational institutions and the professional local club system, and represents the critical elements in the success of athletics, indicating that the influence of government policies for sport development was not impacting international sporting success up to 2017. The interconnected studies also provided support for gaps identified in the SPLISS framework and the literature on elite sport policy. For SPLISS, the findings provided evidence in understanding what happens when input factors are processed (the ‘black box’) leading to outputs, and national outcomes. For the literature, the thesis found that an historical context is important in understanding the coalescing of micro-, macro-, and meso-level factors for elite sporting success.
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Heckemeyer, Karolin. "Sport." Universität Leipzig, 2019.

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Sport ist ein komplexes und binnendifferenziertes Feld. Trotz der Ausdifferenzierung ist den verschiedenen Sportbereichen gemein, dass in diesen das Erbringen körperlicher Leistungen im Zentrum des Interesses steht. Die Körper- und Leistungsideale, die beim Sport zum Tragen kommen, sind eng verknüpft mit Annahmen über Geschlecht. Im Sport dominiert und reproduziert sich die Vorstellung einer eindeutigen Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und einer damit einhergehenden natürlichen (Leistungs-)Differenz.
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Bončová, Milada. "Organizácia športových aktivít na vybraných zahraničných univerzitách." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2015.

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The aim of the thesis is to identify and compare the organization of sports activities of academic clubs at selected universities. The goal of the thesis is to find out how students perceive the importance of university sports and how is the historical development of university sports reflected in its current form. The objective is fulfilled via qualitative research method enabled by explorative nature of research. The individual data from various sources collected by method of questioning, interviewing and study of documents were concentrated and subsequently evaluated. The thesis concludes that the organization of academic sports clubs is different in several examined criteria. Another conclusion is that students have positive attitude towards sport at universities and perceive it as an importance for them and for every university. The organization of academic sports clubs is bonded to traditions acquired through the historical development, but the importance is not as significant as in the past.
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Willis, Owen. "Sport and development, the significance of Mathare Youth Sports Association." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999.

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Hui, Tsz-chung Joseph, and 許子聰. "Urban [Sport]-scape: park and sports complex at North Point." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 2002.

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Ramchandani, Girish Mohan. "Economic, sport development and elite performance consequences of sports events." Thesis, Sheffield Hallam University, 2014.

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The hosting of major sports events is commonly assumed to generate positive outcomes and impacts for different beneficiaries, which often is the premise for public investment in them. Set against a backdrop of increased competition for elite sporting success and the desire to host events globally in recent years, the author's published research investigates some of these consequences. One aspect of the research critically analyses the consequences generated by event attendees for non-attendees in economic impact terms. It also addresses the issue of attendance measurement, which is of particular relevance to event economic impact analysis, in the context of events that are free-to-view. Furthermore, the research evaluates non-monetary consequences for event attendees from the perspective of spectators and competitors. In terms of spectators, it focuses on potential sport development effects (attitudinal changes towards sport participation) arising from event attendance. For competitors, it concentrates on elite performance issues including the home advantage phenomenon. The research was quantitatively driven and utilised a combination of primary data collection via surveys (for the economic impact and sport development aspects) and secondary data analysis (for the elite performance aspect). This paper identifies the main gaps in knowledge that are addressed by the research and teases out the contribution of the published works to contemporary academic thinking and industry practice. In doing so, it reveals the capacity of sports events to deliver monetary and non-monetary outcomes and impacts, technical issues and practical challenges associated with their assessment, and the nature of relationships between the work themes. The practical implications of the research programme for event organisers, national governing bodies and public funding agencies are discussed and general direction for future research is proposed.
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Hui, Tsz-chung Joseph. "Urban [Sport]-scape : park and sports complex at North Point /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 2002.

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Troudi, Manoubi. "Le sport : organisation et enjeux financiers." Thesis, Paris 5, 2013.

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Cuellar, Clara R. "Significance and Delivery of Sport in Belize: Perceptions of Selected Experts." Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2002.

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Thesis (Ph. D.)--Ohio State University, 2002.
Title from first page of PDF file. Document formatted into pages; contains xii, 147 p. Includes abstract and vita. Advisor: Packianathan Chelladuria, Dept. of Education. Includes bibliographical references (p. 101-106).
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Books on the topic "Sport"


M, Nazirova, ed. Sport, sport, sport. Toshkent: Ŭzbekiston LKSM Markaziĭ Kom-ti "Ësh gvardii͡a︡" nashriëti, 1988.

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publishing, Milet. Sports =: Sport : English-Russian. England: Milet Publ., 2012.

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Zhili͡aev, A. Sport? Sport! Moskva: "Sov. Rossii͡a", 1986.

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Zhilyaev, A. Sport? Sport. Moskva: Sov. Rossiya, 1986.

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Leisure Studies Association (Great Britain), ed. Sport for sport: Theoretical and practical insights into sports development. Eastbourne: Leisure Studies Association, 2012.

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T'Seyen, Jos. Sport in de kunst: Le sport dans l'art = Sports in art = Sport in der Kunst. Berchem: SPORTA VZW, 1986.

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Keyssner, Jens. Sport integriert: Integriert Sport. Schwäbisch Gmünd: Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd, 2007.

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Jenkins, Jerry B. Good sport, bad sport. Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Pub., 1985.

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Versnel, Gottlieb Julianne, ed. Shooting sports survey: Conservation and sport. Bellevue, Wash: Merril Press, 2008.

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Anita, White, ed. The politics of sports development: Development of sport or development through sport? New York, NY: Routledge, 2002.

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Book chapters on the topic "Sport"


Matsumoto, David, Jun Konno, and Hyoung Zoo Ha. "Sport Psychology in Combat Sports." In Combat Sports Medicine, 41–53. London: Springer London, 2008.

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Birrell, Susan. "Sport and Sport Studies." In A Handbook of Leisure Studies, 335–53. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.

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Varmus, Michal, Milan Kubina, and Roman Adámik. "Sport and Sport Environment." In Contributions to Management Science, 35–86. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Schmitz, Friederike. "Sport." In Handbuch Tierethik, 269–72. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2018.

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Williams, Michael. "Sport." In Society Today, 199–204. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1986.

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Hartmann, Petra. "Sport." In Inflammatory Bowel Disease Nursing Manual, 363–68. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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De Sanctis, Fausto Martin. "Sport." In Football, Gambling, and Money Laundering, 7–28. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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van Dick, Rolf, and Louisa Fink. "Sport." In Führungsstile: Prominenten und Persönlichkeiten über die Schulter geschaut, 87–108. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2018.

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Yamane, David. "Sport." In Handbooks of Sociology and Social Research, 67–87. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Längle, Gerhard. "Sport." In Psychiatrische Rehabilitation, 791–97. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004.

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Conference papers on the topic "Sport"


Jamnik, Matej. "The European model of sport also through the prism of university sport." In Antropološki i teoantropološki pogled na fizičke aktivnosti (11), 170–73. Univerzitet u Prištini-Kosovska Mitrovica - Fakultet za sport i fizičko vaspitanje u Leposaviću, Leposavić, 2025.

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At the end of 2021, at a meeting of the Council of the European Union, the Ministers for Sport of the European Union adopted a resolution on the European model of sport. The key dilemma of the European model of sport is to what extent to enable such professionalization that it does not become just a pure economic activity. Among the main features identified in the resolution are a pyramid structure, organized sport structured at the national level and with one federation for the sports disciplin, solidarity with lower sports levels and the promotion of open competitions. Regarding the impact of the European model of sport on university sport, we can point out two key conclusions in the context of the European Union council meeting: the Ministers of Sport adopted a decision on the promotion of lifelong physical activity (special emphasis is placed on sports education), the Ministers for Sport also discussed the dual professional paths of athletes (dual careers of athletes - during and after the end of the sports career).
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Cojocaru, Vladlen, and Andrei Nastas. "Protecția copiilor în sport." In Congresul Ştiinţific Internaţional "Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate". State University of Physical Education and Sport, Republic of Moldova, 2022.

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Relevance of article is caused by transnational character of sport as factor of influence on the interstate relations, and also objective need of complex legal regulation of sports of children taking into account the national and international legal doctrine and practice. Besidesneed of integration of international legal norms and rules in legal system of the states is emphasized. At the present stage, despite relevance, one international act of human rights contains the situation formulatinghuman right on sports activities or accessto sport. However the sport can be considered as an essential component of the right to education and the right to culture. The author investigates the rights of children for sports development, for games and leisure as systems of the norms forming the modern sports relations and offers the industry concept of the international treaty in the sphere of the sports law based on a new theoretic-conceptual framework about human right for harmonious development.
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Gősi, Zsuzsanna, and Norbert Ákos Zsembery. "Sport-Oriented Corporate Responsibility." In 29th International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management. University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Economics in Subotica, 2024.

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Corporate social responsibility is becoming increasingly important in the way companies communicate and operate. One way of doing this through sport-focused actions. In the case of large companies operating in Hungary, we examined the issue through document analysis. For each company, w compared the actions oriented towards own employes, recreational sports and competitive sports. The results show that organizations can make use of the positive benefits of sport. In their operations, sport is present both in the business sponsorship area and in the area of charity.
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Dağlı Ekmekçi, Yeter Aytül, and Ayşe İrmiş. "Entrepreneurship and Sport." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2013.

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Underlined the contributions of entrepreneurship to countries’ economies and development in today's researches, sports entrepreneurship studies referred to in recent times. With this study, emphasized that the sports industry is an economically emerging sector in our developing country and in addition to this economic size many opportunities have been aimed at creating new emphasis. In our country, we have a young population and have the structure of an open society for development and innovation, thus the sports industry is growing rapidly in our country compared with the world. That sports industry is associated with many of the other sectors is a key element to improve the variety of activities. Sports entrepreneurship studies have increased in recent years in the world. However, in our country, this area hosts many opportunities for sports entrepreneurship, almost no work have been encountered, has made it necessary to carry out this study. That sport is managed as professional, it requires the study of sports entrepreneurship. Sports entrepreneurship has needed studied. This study is a first step of building the relations between sport and entrepreneurship at Turkish literature.
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Kirilova, Ivelina, Stefka Djobova, Yoanna Dochevska, Velichka Aleksandrova, and Ivaylo Zdravkov. "EXTENT OF INCLUSION IN ERASMUS+ SPORT PROJECTS." In INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONGRESS “APPLIED SPORTS SCIENCES”. Scientific Publishing House NSA Press, 2022.

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ABSTRACT Since the 1960s, the Council of Europe has developed recommendations and resolutions ensuring full participation of persons with disabilities into social and sport life. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are the elements that shape sports in the last decade. The right of people with disabilities to participate in recreational or sporting activities on equal terms as other populations through an inclusive approach is emphasized in the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In 2021’s Briefing of the European Parliament is stated that there is a lack of centralized data collection on the participation of people with disabilities in sports at the European Union level. The Erasmus+ Sport program provides funding for sports actions, including the development of inclusive policies aiming to remove barriers and improve the participation of people with disabilities in sports. This study aims to explore the extent of inclusion of persons with disabilities in sports among the Erasmus+ Sport projects co-funded until 2020. Using a secondary research method, we analyzed data extracted from Annual reports, Compendiums, and other official European and stakeholder publications, the European Commission Erasmus+ Project Results Platform. As a result, 515 sport-related projects were identified. Applying secondary selection criteria related to disabilities and sports led to 41 projects focusing on inclusion. Development of inclusive sport policy and supporting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in sports is a long-standing demand, and a great amount of expectations are linked with Erasmus+ Sport. Despite being a funding mechanism, the Program provides an opportunity for the implementation of priorities identified in the Work Plan for Sport. Participation in projects provides opportunities for sports organizations to implement the latest European policies aligned with different aspects regarding the rights of persons with disabilities associated with sports.
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Pyshkina, Elizaveta Sergeevna. "HUMAN IMPACT OF SPORT." In Russian science: actual researches and developments. Samara State University of Economics, 2020.

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This article describes the impact of sport on a person, his mental and physical condition. statistics on the involvement of citizens of the Russian Federation in sports were analyzed, indicators of a person that are affected by sports were identified
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Budevici-Puiu, Liliana, and Ruslan Berzoi. "Dimensiunea normativă a violenței manifestată în competițiile sportive." In Congresul Ştiinţific Internaţional "Sport. Olimpism. Sănătate". State University of Physical Education and Sport, Republic of Moldova, 2022.

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The article addresses the issue of regulating the manifestations of violence in sports at the international level, being proved the need to adopt the specialized legislation in the Republic of Moldova for the successful resolution of the contravention / criminal cases committed on this occasion. At present, sport fulfills a variety of functions, extremely useful from a social point of view, being largely focused on the competition between the participants. It should also be noted that each type of competition is based on aggression to some extent, which is especially noticeable in those sporting events where there is a direct confrontation of rivals (for example, football, judo, boxing, free wrestling, rugby etc.). Sport is the only form of activity in which violence is allowed "in a civilized way" in the contemporary world. Therefore, in order to understand the violence involved in sports, we must not only refer to the forms of interpersonal aggression on the sports field, but also to the mentality involved in the particular form that organized sport in contemporary society. Conflicts arise in all areas of social life, and many of them can turn into aggressive behaviors. The presence of aggression in these cases is confirmed by numerous rules that try to limit it to a minimum. However, sports are dominated by athletes whose aggressive behaviors are stimulated by the use of doping substances in sports competitions in order to obtain favorable and advantageous results. In this context, sports, athletes can generate certain concrete situations of manifestation of an inappropriate ethics reflected by: doping; pressure on the expected sports result; marketing - sport becomes a commodity; hooliganism manifested by fans and spectators of sports competitions; corruption and manipulation in sports; depersonalization of the athlete, which in fact becomes a commodity; politicization - sport becomes an instrument of political struggle; deviation from the principles of "fair play" in favor of pragmatism; racism; unethical behavior of sports champions, especially professionals; negative effects on the health of the performance athlete, even from an early age; frequent abuse of anabolic steroids among athletes, etc.
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The purpose of this study is to explore the improvement of the quality of public sports services in rural areas of China's Zhuang Ethnic Groups, as well as to cultivate multiple governance actors to enhance the quality and sustainability of public sports services, and to propose corresponding improvement measures. The study found that there are deficiencies in the quality of public sports services in rural areas of China, especially in the economically underdeveloped Zhuang Ethnic Groups. Therefore, this study examines how to improve the quality of public sports services and enhance their quality and sustainability by fostering multiple governance actors, using rural public sports services in the Zhuang Ethnic Groups of China as an example. The study shows that competence, public service delivery and service design have significant effects on the quality of public sport services. Competence positively affects public service delivery and public sport service quality, public service delivery positively affects public sport service quality, while service design also significantly affects public sport service quality. This study provides a theoretical framework and methodology for the improvement of public sport service quality. It enriches the theoretical system of public sport service quality improvement by revealing the effects of competence, public service delivery and service design on public sport service quality. It also provides government departments with specific strategies and measures to improve the quality of public sports services, which helps to enhance the quality and sustainability of public sports services.
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Xu, Bin. "Sports Environment and Sunny Sport Activities in School." In 2nd International Conference on Civil, Materials and Environmental Sciences. Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2015.

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Colibaba, Anca cristina, Florin Murariu, Stefan Colibaba, Irina Gheorghiu, and Ovidiu Ursa. "PROMOTING LESS POPULAR SPORTS IN SCHOOLS THROUGH THE NOT ONLY FAIR PLAY ONLINE TOOLKIT." In eLSE 2016. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2016.

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The article is a study of the online toolkit addressing teachers of physical education which was developed within the project Not only fair play (557089 EPP1-2014-IT-SPO-SCP) co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, Sport - Collaborative Partnership. The project aims to promote the enhancement of sport and physical activities offer of European schools both within the curricular activities and through extracurricular initiatives in order to confute the need to necessary choose between studying and doing sport. And through the project sport and physical activity became a fundamental educational tool to provide students with self confidence, socialisation opportunities, mutual understanding among different cultures and valorise the role that the universal language of sport can play in order to achieve social inclusion, equal opportunities and tolerance. The online toolkit benefits from the outcomes, knowledge and experience gained from previous European projects related to the topic. It is based on research on physical education activities, less popular sports and games and sports preferences of the students from the partners' countries. The online toolkit addresses teachers from mainstream, special needs and inclusive schools. The main chapters develop topics such as: the role of sports in education and life; the balance between sports and study; methods of motivating students only interested in sport to improve their school performances. The toolkit also provides teachers with materials on how to: integrate sport and healthy lifestyle approaches into the students' educational pathways; promote an ethical approach to sport; and use sports as a means to acquire transversal skills and as a means of social inclusion. The toolkit provides teachers with counseling and training on how to use sports in school and extracurricular contexts.
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Reports on the topic "Sport"


Secretariat, Comm. National Policy on Sport and Recreation for Lesotho 2021-2031: One nation united through sport and recreation. Commonwealth Secretariat, July 2022.

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The National Policy on Sport and Recreation has been developed to contribute to the inclusive, holistic growth and development of the sports and recreation sector. The Policy provides an operational framework to all stakeholders to effectively implement programmes designed to maximise the role of sport and recreation to advance the economic and social development priorities of Lesotho, African Union Agenda 2063 and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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Machado, Rui Menezes, Hugo Sarmento, Miguel Valeiro, Gabriel Torres Tobio, Daniel Duarte, and Pedro Teques. School Sport, conceptual and operational realities: A Systematic Review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, October 2021.

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Review question / Objective: What is the concept of School Sport in different countries and how they operationalize it? Condition being studied: The School Sports in several countries, are a crucial element of the educational system and assumes an increseally importance for the physical activity and health programs. In this pandemic period, the physical activity and the wellbeing of children and young adults have come to the center of a large discussion. The school sports, in this context, are assumed as player in consideration, but as countries discuss it, are noted different understandings of the school sports concept in each country as well different approaches and applications of it.
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Hall, Tammy. Determinants of elite athletes' commitment to sport : examination of the sport commitment model in the professional sport domain. Portland State University Library, January 2000.

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Lin, Shu Hwa. Reflective Light Sport Suit. Ames (Iowa): Iowa State University. Library, January 2019.

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Jaynes, Tracy. Lesbianism in sport from the perspective of the female team sport college athlete and the female team sport recreational player. Portland State University Library, January 2000.

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Reyes, Lucía, Luis Miguel García López, María José Camacho-Miñano, and Kimberly Linda Oliver. Participatory approaches to empower girls and young women in physical education and sports contexts: a systematic review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, October 2021.

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Review question / Objective: The purpose of this work is to systematically review the existing scientific literature on the use of participatory research approaches for the empowerment of girls and young women in physical education and sport contexts. Condition being studied: The empowerment of girls and young women in sports-physical activity contexts by means of participatory approaches. Information sources: To carry out this systematic review, a bibliographic search was carried out in eight electronic databases (Academic Search Ultimate, ERIC, MedLine, PsycInfo, Scopus, Sociology Source Ultimate, Sport-Discus and Web of Science) between the months of April and May 2021.
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Bueno, João, Heloiana Faro, Seth Lenetsky, Aleksandro Gonçalves, Stefane Dias, André Ribeiro, Bruno Victor Corrêa Silva, et al. Exploratory systematic review of Mixed Martial Arts: an overview of performance of importance factors with over 20,000 athletes. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, April 2022.

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Review question / Objective: The objective of the present study was to analyze the findings of the scientific literature related to MMA through an exploratory systematic review on the subject and to present the state of the art of the sport from a multifactorial perspective. Condition being studied: Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a full contact combat sport characterized by its high degree of freedom in offensive and defensive approaches resulting in the inclusion of techniques and tactics from multiple combat sport styles. MMA has gained legitimacy and uniformity of rule sets after a tumultuous and unregulated introduction in North America as well as it is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are still no methodical, comprehensive, transparent, and replicable studies that have summarized the overall perspective of MMA athletes, resulting in an integrated analysis for a better scientific understanding and more efficient practical applications.
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Busutil, Nicholas, Marcus Dunn, John Hale, Alexandra Roberts, and Kane Middleton. Effect of modular sports flooring on static and dynamic friction of common sport shoes. Purdue University, 2022.

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Zhang, Junlong, Nasnoor Juzaily Mohd Nasiruddin, Mohd Ashraff Mohd Anuar, Wensheng Xiao, Xiaorong Bai, Lixia Bao, and Gege Yao. The Effect of the Sport Education Model on Sports Ability: A critical systematic review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, June 2023.

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Zhang, Junlong, Nasnoor Juzaily Mohd Nasiruddin, Mohd Ashraff Mohd Anuar, Wensheng Xiao, Xiaorong Bai, Lixia Bao, and Gege Yao. The Effect of the Sport Education Model on student’s Sports knowledge development: A critical systematic review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, July 2023.

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